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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  June 8, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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hit or miss, send it to us. be sure to follow us on twitter at i'm paul gigot. hope to see you here next week. new claims of torture at the hands of the taliban by former prisoner of war bowe bergdahl. hello, everyone. welcome to america's news head quarters. i'm arthel neville. officials have no way of verifying bowe's story as he was part of the swap for five commanders from guantanamo bay. meanwhile, secretary john kerry has words of warning for the inmates. our national correspondent is live in washington.
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steve, how is the administration dealing with this drum beat of accusations that bergdahl, the transfer is dangerous to american security? >> well, arthel, they claim it's not true. in fact, the secretary of state calls it boloney. they will be monitored in doha, qatar and won't be able to leave for a year. if they do, they risk their lives. doing nothing to release bergdahl's would be unconscionable. >> at the hands of those who torture him, and we would consciously choose to do that? that's the other side of the equation. i don't think anybody would think that's the appropriate thing to do. >> kerry says the five taliban will be watched closely and that the u.s. is not the only nation doing the monitoring.
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>> steve, as you know, some lawmakers are still speaking out against the deal. what are they saying today? >> that there's no way to guarantee that the taliban won't attack americans once again. as bergdahl continues to be evaluated at the u.s. medical facility in germany, one prominent republican appears to be conflicted over his release. >> you have the obligation to do whatever we can to bring any of our captured servicemen and women back, but the question is, at what cost? whether it would put the lives of other american men and women who are serving in danger, and remind you clearly that this would. >> and republicans aren't the only ones worried about the freedom for those taliban prisoners. senator dianne fine zieinstein worried because she doesn't know exactly how the u.s. plans to monitor the taliban. >> steve, thank you so much. we want to remind our viewers
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that coming up david rutger from the washington examiner will weigh in on this. and tomorrow the inspector general for the v.a. hospital will weigh in and talk about the efforts to falsify records of care. toby cosgrove withdrew his name for the running as he is the president and ceo of the cleveland clinic and decorated veteran. and just weeks after the collapse of mideast peace talks, pope francis is weighing into the centuries-old conflict bringing together the israeli and palestinian presidents for a prayer summit at the vatican. the unusual ceremony taking
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place in the shadows of st. peters basilica incorporating jewish, christian and muslim prayers. vatican officials insisted that the pontiff has no political agenda other than to rekindle a desire for peace between the two sides. egypt's former army chief taking the oath of office as the new president. the inauguration of the president coming less than a year after he helped out the country's first freely elected president, mohommad morsi, but he faces ongoing problems in a broken economy. in his speech today, he stressed the importance of developing freedom away from chaos but did not mention human rights or democracy. and now we have an update for you on a tragic murder case we first told you about two years ago. a new report showing that utah father josh powell pictured here
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was not only under investigation for the disappearance of his wife but also for child pornography starting at least 17 months before he killed his two young sons along with himself in a massive house fire. the story is picked up live now from los angeles. domenick? >> reporter: we have fascinating developments here. believe it or not, during the fbi's investigation into the disappearance of susan powell, that child pornography was found on the computer of josh powell, her husband. let's remind you in this case that dates back to 2009. we can show you some pictures of powell and the family there. he was a person of interest in the investigation into her disappearance. he actually set light to his home together with his two sons, ages 5 and 7 in the photo there. all three of them died in that fire. both kids had actually been dropped off by social services. and the attorney for the parents
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are saying had it been known that the fbi had discovered the child pornography images on josh powell's computer, then the authorities never would have handed the kids to him. and brenna, the attorney for susan powell's parents, talked to fox news a short while ago and expressed utter disbrief at the latest revelation. >> why there was never any information about this to other agenci agencies, to us, to the public is beyond me. why they've never said anything about this and it basically only came out through a public records question is disheartening, to say the least. >> well, josh powell had lost custody of the kids after powell's own father was arrested for possession of child pornography. now, fbi documents relating to the search to susan show that powell had apparently had child pornography on his own machine.
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no reason why he hadn't been arrested in connection with the charges. a lot of questions now remaining unanswered. had the fbi made that information public would those two little boys, the powell sons, be alive today? and, of course, the mystery regar regards to susan powell. we may never know what happened to her. >> thank you, domenick. and we have a fox news alert right now. officials in pakistan saying gunmen have attacked a terminal at karachi's international airport there. we have little details. say at least four security officers have been wounded. but that's all we have for you now. we are staying on top of this story and will bring you developments as they occur. meanwhile, actor and comedian tracy morgan remains in critical condition today. one day after being involved in a deadly six-vehicle crash on the new jersey turnpike.
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police there charging a walmart truck driver with death by auto in that accident. morgan was on his way back from a show in delaware when police say the truck hit his limo bus. now the limo flipped over killing morgan's close friend and mentor. comedian james mcnair known as jimmy mac. two others riding in the limo are in critical condition. politics when we come back. hillary clinton weighing in on her potential bid for the white house in 2016. up next, when she expects to announce her decision on whether or not she'll run. plus, the growing backlash over the release of five high-ranking taliban commanders to secure the return of american prisoner of war. what some top lawmakers are now saying about that exchange. that's straight ahead. >> that's certainly an opportunity for a career network to get them prepared for what's next. i don't think you'll see any operational activity right now
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by them. they are smart enough to know better. but it allows them to prepare for what's next. and that's going to be join the fight against what americans are left in afghanistan. avo: waves don't care what age you are. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way.
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until 8:00 p.m. that's mountain time. the threats include a few tornadoes possible, scattered large hail and isolated very large hail events there expected. so they are under a tornado watch until 8:00 p.m. their time, which means another six hours. pretty pictures, but a long night lies ahead. meanwhile, to politics. will hillary clinton run for president in 2016 or won't she? in an interview with "abc news" that ran today, the former secretary of state said she will make the decision when it feels right to her. but her deliberations could stretch into next year. >> people can do whatever they choose to do on whatever timetable they decide. i will be on the way to making a decision by the end of the year, yes. >> many polls show hillary clinton is the leading democratic presidential contender in 2016. meanwhile, growing backlash over the release of five dangerous taliban commanders for
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sergeant bowe bergdahl's exchange that sparked a political firestorm in congress on both sides of the aisle. listen to senator dianne feinstein as she makes the rounds today. >> to give them back strategists is something we aught to take a very good look at and be sure we get something that's meaningful in exchange. now, freeing one united states serviceman held in custody is something of value, no question about it, whether this could have been done in another way, we were never given an opportunity to comment. >> i think the president was just justifiably proud of this. and he wanted to say it to everybody. >> we're bring in david drucker, hi, david. >> hey, good to see you, arthel. >> do you take senator feinstein's comments at face
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value? i want to ask, is there some level of political protection to be read between the lines? >> well, senator feinstein has a history of being pretty plain spoken and forthright. when she has issues with her own party, with president obama, she's been pretty open in saying so. so i definitely take her comments at face value. i think the issue here is the administration oversold, i think, bergdahl's situation. and i think they undersold the danger of releasing the taliban five. and had they just been forthright about bergdahl's situation and the risk posed by the people they released, i think it's possible this would have gone down differently. it clearly would have gone down differently in congress if at least some senior leaders had been notified in advance, even if they were asked to keep quiet. and i think that the administration, while justifiably concerned about leaks, if you're telling many members of congress, the senior
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leadership can be trusted. they have proven that over time. and there was no reason why they couldn't be notified in advance and just said, look, i know you may not like this, but you'll have to sort of shut up and take it while we complete this deal. >> here we did a week and a day after the president and the bergdahls appeared in the rose garden there. and there seemed to be a consensus in congress regarding whether the deal should have been made and how it was handled. that seemed to be the theme that's going forward. and as you said, it's happening across party lines. >> that's correct. and i think if you look at this, let's look at how the administration has presented it. they've said that you always do anything possible in order to bring home a prisoner of war. well, of course you want to do anything you can to bring home a prisoner of war, but would we empty gitmo? let's say we have a real high value prisoner, such as osama bin ladin that we would not have released. would we exchange him? we probably wouldn't do those things. and it probably would be bet for
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the administration talked about the difficulty and the choices instead of trying to make this so clear-cut. and that goes to susan rice's comments about honor and distinction about how this gentleman served. had they just said his record was spotty but we don't leave anyone behind and that's ultimately how we decided to go in this case, i think the american people and even many members of congress who felt like they were supposed to be notified would have at least felt like the administration was being honest about the dilemma here and they would have appreciated the dilemma. instead, you're getting this kind of backlash because people -- a lot of what people are hearing doesn't make common sense to them. >> and so as we move forward, david, i wanted to ask you, do you think congress will stay in lockstep as they try to push the administration and plan to enforce the details in the agreement made for the swap? >> i think what you're going to see from congress is pressing the administration on the fact that the president decided to skirt the law and not notify
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congress 30 days in advance. now, there is a legitimate separation of powers battle here between the executive and the legislative, but the president sort of never really acknowledged that. and i think congress, especially in the sixth year of his presidency, when congress is going to be a lot less hesitant to oppose an administration's action this case don't like, they will keep pressing on this point most of all, but particularly the danger that the taliban five poses. when you say, look, it doesn't affect national security to release them, i think that is something that many members of congress just simply aren't going to believe. >> yeah, a lot of questions to be answered. david drucker, appreciate your time this afternoon. >> thank you. and a fox news alert on that deadly shooting we just reported in karachi. officials in pakistan saying gunmen have killed at least five people in the attack on a vip terminal in the airport. the international airport there. reports that the pakistani
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military is calling in with details. we are not sure yet, but when we have more, we'll let you know. we do know that there is footage being aired there of some of the pakistani television stations of what appears to be a major fire at the airport. so again at this point, five people have been killed in the shooting at karachi airport in pakistan. we'll give you details when we come back. helps reduce the risk of heart disse. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it.
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holding steady at 6.3% bringing in now brenda butner senior business correspondent and anchor of "bulls and bears." >> good to see you. >> i want to start here, tell us where the jobs are, which fields are hiring and why are we seeing more of these so-called quality jobs. >> that is the most important thing about this report. overtime past year, 40% of the jobs add have been in low sectors, food services retail and that was born out in last month's report as well. we are not seeing manufacturing, construction, government jobs which are generally more high paying contribute much to the economy. >> so that's what people want to know. we want some higher paying jobs and when will we start seeing those jobs. when do you think the employers will begin to feel more comfortable about hiring. >> that's a very good question,
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because small business owners are the engine of job growth. and they have a lot of things -- they have a lot of head winds. they have obama care. they are concerned about that. it is encouraging them basically to hire part-time workers, which, you know, they are not going to get good wages for that. then we have epa regulations which may be going into effect soon. there's a general sense, lack of confidence, so much uncertainty. are taxes going to come up. it's easier to stay put and say i'm going to work the people i've got and not expand. >> people who have money, disposable income. they are not spending it. not sure they can hold onto it. >> the last report we saw wages basically stayed the same. that means it's not keeping up with the pace of inflation. that means what you're making you can buy less.
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that's a very, very bad trend. >> that's a bad trend because we have so many people who are underemployed. i wonder when we'll begin to see some of those income levels getting back to where they were. >> a great question. the underemployed sector, that's the one i look at. i don't look at 6.3%. i look at people who are part time and would rather be full time or just discouraged dropping out of the labor force. that unemployment rate is 12.2%, which is quite high. it has come down but it's still quite high. >> i want to go back to as our final part of the discussion, we were talking about why some of the employers still so reluctant to hire. you gave a laundry list of what's in front of them. so is that kind of a bad news for the short-term future? >> the problem is that the recovery has been so long. yes, we have basically made back the jobs that were lost during the recession but it's taken six years.
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that is double the amount of time it took to get the jobs back after the internet bubble burst. so the economy is barely growing. in fact, it contracted last quarter. so employers are not getting the demand. when they don't get the demand, they can't hire. >> brenda butner, you always have all the answers and good perspective. >> i try. thanks so much. >> getting down to business with butner is what i like to say. thanks. i want to remind viewers you can catch brenda on "bulls & bears" every saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. it's chock full of information. that is it for us. i'm arthel nfl. "a healthy you & carol alt" is right here. keep it on the news channel for all the latest headlines. have a good afternoon. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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1:00 pm
welcome to "a healthy you." i'm carol alt. it's been said adding just one interesting habit to your daily routinean welcome to "a healthy you." i'm carol alt. it's been said adding just one interesting habit to your daily routine can improve your overall health, a lot. do you want to know what it is? swishing oil in your mouth. that's right. this habit is called oil pulling. and it's known to improve oral health as well as to clear out toxins from the body. sounds too good to be true, right? maybe not. dr. bruce fife will be joining me in a bit to tell me all about it.


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