tv Red Eye FOX News June 11, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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media has been so wrong in their analysis. i guess that is why we're here, i'll see you back here tomorrow night. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" how bad dis he not want to be in seth rogen's movie? and does the vice president think anna hendrick is an alien from another galaxy that should be locked up and studied? >> it is long pastime and it can be done. i'm serious. >> and fennelly has the war betweens -- finally has the war between ups and fed ex gone too far? reports that the world's most vicious turkey has been hired to take out delivery men. none of these stories
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tonight. >> now let's welcome our guests. she spends all of her time covering college students. i do too, but i'm the only one on a flyer. i am here with campus reporter katherine timph. the p is sigh lept. she is back from vacation and by vacation i mean sobriety. it is joanne nosuchunsky. the p is never sigh lept. silent. and tv's andy levy. you may have seen her on o'reilly and now you will hear her talk, mary katherine hamm, three names. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> humor is like the sound of a dog whistle, greg. it goes mostly undetected and people cover their ears. >> wow. they went from over. >>ed to unemployed. a video from south dakota republicans shows mill 11
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yell's ecstasy followed by their disillusion meant and difficulty finding work in 2014. the song by christina aguillera is as modlin as the opposite of not modlin. watch. >> is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible? >> ♪ and i will stumble and fall ♪ ♪ i'm still learning to love ♪ ♪ just starting to crawl ♪ say something ♪ i'm giving up on you
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♪ anywhere i would have followed you ♪ >> millenial disappointment and they have let him down too as this video shows. >> spokesman describes the president as extremely frustrated and disappointed by -- >> younger people. >> ♪ say something i'm giving up on you ♪ >> i know that people are angry, and i sympathize with that. >> ♪ i'll be the one if you want me to ♪ >> nobody ever did that for me when i was in school. ♪ anywhere i would have followed you ♪ >> it is disgraceful and i will not tolerate it, period. ♪ say something i'm giving up on you ♪
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>> i want them punished. >> katherine, it seems that both sides are equally disillusioned. do you think the video by the young republicans captured the mood of the disillusion manhattan of that -- disillusion meant of that generation? >> people were excited about obama thinking it would be like a huge party like jay-z party and confetti and caterers. you have to be a basketball player to get invited to that party. this is supposed to be what a break up looks like? i didn't see the normal break up stuff. nobody was crying in public or calling their mom and saying this is because you did this he broke up with me. binge eating or binge drinking, none of the normal break up activities. >> or going into a pair dash a dash into a closet with a pair of scissors and cutting up the t-shirts and then throwing it out the window. >> it took me awhile to figure it out. >> there was to stalking.
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>> no hang ups. >> no rage of -- rageful behavior. >> there is the native american littering commercial. i think that's what they were going for. >> i thought it, woulded. i believe you deserve to be crushed if you feel that strongly about a politician. that's the lesson they should learn. perhaps they will learn to do things for themselves instead of out sourcing and problem solving. >> does that speak to anybody new? >> i think they can be applauded for not having picked a song that was cool four years ago. when it is republicans you hope for the best, and i think this was actually well executed. >> i was gone for two days. >> jan, would you say the video was good, bad or pineapple? >> pineapple would be an excellent chaser for that
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disgusting shot that that -- no. here is the thing with milleniels and who let who down, we never promised anything that wasn't delivered. if this is like a relationship, he is that guy that used "we" a lot and promised lots of things, vacations even. and he disinterest -- didn't deliver. and then we feel like a fool for having believed it. i think the whole break up metaphor kind of works. >> it seems like you have had some kind of intimate experience with this. >> with obama, no. >> just in general though is it something that happens a lot? >> you know, i don't want to get into it. >> thoughts on this? what is the real story? what is the real story? >> the real story is how well those people aged. they started out and then six years later didn't look a day older. >> obama was good for their aging process. >> i will be honest. i was prepared for this to
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totally suck and it didn't. i don't think it will change anyone's mind. i don't think anyone will watch it and say that's true. i shouldn't support obama. this is a huge victory considering how republican and conservative videos turn out. the fact that this didn't suck and was pretty good is amazing. >> it is also good to see these folks emulate those on the left. the left have been doing this for years. finally peek are -- people are figuring it out. >> i can handle my next break up with class. >> i don't think that is ever going to happen. >> do you have posters of your boyfriend on your wall? >> no, i just -- [no audio].
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>> after middle school girls face huge pressure to play softball instead of the far tougher baseball. anyway, schools claim the game isy qifl lept to baseball -- equivalent to baseball and thus equal to funds for boys and girls. but it is a different sport, quote, with different pitching, underhand, and different equipment, including a larger ball. what if we admitted that softball and baseball are not separate, but equal, button tierl different sports. there is no rational basis that girls can't throw over hand and run 90 feet between bases or handle a hard ball. there is no reason. sexism would be to prevent them. another group is clamoring to play hard ball.
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>> stupid robots. mcat, it is called softball for a reason. it is called hard ball for a reason. is this just the way the sportel biological make up of man and woman? and shouldn't we rejoice in it? that's a hypothetical question. >> i hate to say the "new york times" is not totally insane. the headline is dumb. when i played lacrosse i used to dislike the fact that women's lacrosse is different from men's lacrosse. >> in america it is called the cross. >> the cross. on this -- the problem is if you are going to argue that softball is soft, you have -- someone has to tell the women who play softball that. i am not going to be the one delivering that message. >> they are tough cookies. i would never play them. they could throw that ball hard. >> who likes tough cookies though? soft cookies. they are so much better. >> tough cookies.
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i meant metaphor rickly. those are real honest to god athletes. i would not mess with them at all. >> many of them love that sport. i would not be delivering that message. >> what about you, katherine? ajspalding said it was too strenuous for women kind. >> i i am glad someone brought this up. i played t-ball and i repeatedly hit the tee instead of the ball everyone thought i was incompetent but i was protesting against this injustice of fighting the patriarcky that was going to force me to play softball. i am glad someone wrote a million words about this important issue. >> the writer notes that both men and women swim and ski and snowboard and run marathons and sprint. they both play tennis and
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basketball so shouldn't men and women play the same baseball-type sport? >> i don't see why not. have a men's team and a woman's team. >> women prefer softball, wouldn't they? >> but some people may want to continue to play softball. i don't understand who is getting all up in arms. >> this is a huge problem. >> it is a serious problem. >> it sounds like it is important to look to the 1989 documentary "a league of their own" to figure out where we go from here. >> as long as i can continue to eat cheese frys and drink beer during a game, i don't care who is playing. >> can you throw over hand? >> in fourth grade i got third place in the girls softball throw. we were throwing over hand and it confused me. >> can you throw over hand? >> is the writer sexist by saying softball is a lesser version than baseball? >> qloing -- i don't think she was saying softball was lesser. she was saying it is
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different, but should be considered separate, but equal. >> the modern sensibility it could be considered -- >> i don't know. if girls want to play baseball instead of softball, let them play baseball. have both and see if there is enough people. >> you can't have both. that's the way it works. >> today's modern woman can have it all. [no audio].
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>> andy, i'm guessing it is. he is accused of sending improper texts while he was the responsible gas passer including one operation where he sent 45 expolice -- explicit messages. they will be improperly accessed photos of patients for sexual gratification. i am against that. and once sent a selfie of himself wearing scrubs with his genitals exposed. we have a tape of him soliciting women on-line. >> it is basically porn for him. he can't tell the difference
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and it is easier. rather than go out and find a bird, just watch it on the old bird porn. it is affecting all animals. m cat, what is wrong with people and animals? >> it sounds likesexting is the lest of his problems. there is one point of engaging at the hospital. and there is another document at grey's anatomy that shows it is not an issue and that charge can be dropped and we will move on from that one. >> sex in the hospital is okay if everybody is beautiful. that's the rule. it is true and alive. it is conscious. you are co parent. >> i go with the and-or. >> apparently nothing bad happened during the surgeries. maybe he is just so awesome in his job that he can sext during it. >> i thought it was a lot. i think the ratio would make me cry going by that. who are these women who are
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sexting somebody? he is cutting up a body and that is the only creepy thing. sex on bus, but everyone else. >> not if it is under the gas. i guess it is the anesthesiology who goes like this. that is very important. if you do that wrong you will kill people. if this guy gets his license back and becomes a doctor again will you marry him? technically he is a doctor. >> anesthesiologists make a ton of money. that would help me out a little bit. the thing about it though the phones, the bacteria on them, you are taking that into a sterile, surgical room. that is my biggest problem. the sexting, texting, whatever. it is the gross phone jie. that's a good point. i doubt he is washing that with alcohol. nobody does. i see what they -- every guy brings their phone to the bathroom which makes it a magnet for human feces.
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that's the name of my memoir. a andy, defend your hero. >> he probably shouldn't be texting, period, whether it is sexting or not and pleasuring yourself probably should be frowned upon. but he did prescribe oxycontin without going through the process of being evaluated. i think you have to say he did more good than bad. >> you have to look at the big picture. i think larger picture, kind of a hero. >> what if we do an evaluation for oxycodone? don't they just say no? >> one of the texts he sent during surgeon we was "i'm hella busy with c sections." that's a text. >> you never know. he could have been selling beer at a local baseball park.
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>> he was also a racist. ps, also he was a racist. >> and other stuff. >> i missed that part. >> there is just thrown in there. that's pretty much all there was. >> he said hella busy. >> the other point i want to make generally is we are in a revolution. it is the technological revolution. >> they are scary. >> they really are. the industrial revolution you had all of the machinery where people were losing their arms and they went flying off. people would have horrific injuries and now it is the same a -- same thing. you operate this machinery and it is every bit as dangerous as say these giant farm machineries. you don't know how you are using it. the cell phone is basically a
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thresher for reputation. >> how would you sext? >> she can dictate to her. >> the person is unconscious. >> maybe he was doing hands free sexting. >> we don't know how he got caught, but clearly somebody turned him in. >> my mother is getting a c section right now. which hospital are you at? >> and he is a racist. >> enough. coming up, the apocalypse. i know when, but you will have to send me a dollar to find out. you know the address. why is everyone upset with a newly crowned miss usa? well it happens to all of my ex's. stop calling me.
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she took him to bed so to canada she fled. the mother from florida sentenced to 30 years in prison after having 6 with a 16-year-old has been granted uh asylum in a place called canada. in 2010 denise harvey fled from u.s. to canada alongside her son to avoid the impending jail time for sleeping with her son's friend. the 30-year sentence was, quote, cruel and unusual punishment. after going back and forth on what to do, canadian authorities decided to uh lo you her to stay. noting -- allowing her to stay. noting where in canada the legal age of consent is 16. good to know. i believe we have the steamy love affair caught on tape.
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>> that wasn't it. should they be granted asylum and what does it mean for other teachers who have consensual sex? >> i worry about canadians. it will go down to 15 since 16 is not a challenge. and touching she moved there with her family, her husband and son. what son would not be mad at their mom? talk about embarrassing your kid. >> mom picked up your buddy. >> mom, really, again? >> we have to move from town to town you. >> the kid is not going to make any friends or he will make a lot of friends. this is where i understand he
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should have gotten asylum. did i miss something? did i read this too fast? it is obviously -- i don't know. i find that heavy. >> i think canada is the natural place to go. canada is the party bro of the country. we have crack head mayors. wind cor, the entire city -- windsor, the entire city is built on people who go there to drink legally. i know i did there at 19. 30 years or go to canada and get a high five. >> i think there has to be an in between there. >> those are the only two countries. >> you know, so canada is harboring one of our fugitives. >> should we go in and trade for it? >> in our deal for gitmo send a couple on up there. i do have sort of a question.
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if it was a male perpetrator and a 16-year-old woman would they be okay with that as well? >> what you are talking about is it is the reversal that nobody likes to admit is true. every time it does you say, no, it is the same. but it is not. 16-year-old boys are different. they just are. i don't know a 16-year-old boy -- let me just end that sentence. i don't know a 16-year-old boy -- >> i know a lot of 16-year-old boys and what they tell me is -- >> complete is so i don't have to. >> you are talking about the 16-year-old boys. >> i am saying hype thet particular clear. hypothetically. should she be extradited back to the u.s.? >> i am torn on this. i do think 30 years for having 6 with a 6-year-old boy. there is no evidence the sex wasn't consensual which i think makes a difference.
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a majority of states have an age of concept of -- consent of 16. 30 years in prison because you are in the wrong state seems excessive. i am strongly in favor of going to war with canada and this is a good excuse. >> i love canada, but i will say this. consensual sex with a 16-year-old boy is a high standard. 16-year-old boys, you know -- when they are 16 and they are boys, not that i know. >> i understand legally the age has to be the same for boys and girls, but you can't argue there is not a difference. >> the thing is if you argue there is a difference you are violating the modern gender of politics. there is supposed to be no difference. >> when i was a 16-year-old boy -- >> thank you. >> i learned how to control myself. >> and you look great by the way. >> didn't she meet him at a baseball game?
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>> really? >> we need more softball. >> and she is at the softball game where she belongs. >> this is a disturbing story. the 30-year thing bugs the heck out of me. >> there are people who murder people. there is a guy in new york who got out after -- it was like 10 years after killing somebody. people get out after three years. >> if they were younger i can understand it. 13-year-old andifference 16-year-old. >> it is just because -- i mean, we are so consumed by being politically correct even in our laws that we blind ourselves to common sense that this is a bad, unhealthy relationship. but it is not a 30-year crime. if she didn't have a prior record i'm sure they would have let her out before then. >> did she have a prior record? >> i don't think so. >> again, operating on 45% of
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the story. that's "red eye." >> we expect you to read up on these pieces. write to us and tell us that we are lazy. it is so true. coming up, your favorite toys from the 80s and the 90s. mine was a doll i made out of a des lizard and a catch up bottom. ketchup bottle. >> tonight's sponsor is thumbnail mirrors. can't get enough of seeing your own face 1234* hate how? hate how you look in regular mirrors? these tiny reflections are too small to showcase your real flaws and perfect for keeping your ego in tact. tiny coats sold separately.
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that would be a reason it could be swept under the rug. i think more awareness is very important so women can learn how to protect themselves. myself as a fourth degree black belt i learned from a young age that you need to be confident and be able to defend yourself. i think that's something we should start to implement for a lot of women. >> critics on twitter felt -- i love that. critics on twitter. there is like three people. that's how we make stories. we find three angry people. critics on twitter felt her message was wrong and that instead we should only teach men that it is bad to rape. said one lady, women shouldn't need to learn to protect themselves against rape. miss nevada, educate and respect yourself as a woman, # rape culture. yes because she is learning a skill. a community manager? do they have a local pool? i get the college sexual
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assault problem can't be solved in 30 seconds, but still i i icky to pretend self-defense is the answer. # miss usa. this is absolute bullying. it is a cute woman who has a great point. they are directing it at her, but i want to go to our women's issues expert first. andy, what did you make of her comments and the response on twitter? >> as a patriot i support miss usa. if you don't, you are not a patriot. >> so she will be the winner of the week? >> yes. as a feminist i support miss usa. nobody is saying the root problem of sexual assault is anybody but the assaulters. nobody is saying that. nobody says the onus is on the women to self-defend themselves. sexual assault is a problem and the blame is on the assaulters, but teaching women
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to defend themselves against it while at the same time trying to eradicate it is a smart thing to do. how is it not a smart thing to do? >> i will tell you why, because they couldn't tweet about it if it was smart. they look at this and they go -- and then they go men are the problem it is not us protecting ourselves. any feminist s who have said learning how to beat the crap out of somebody is empower meant. >> part of the mission is to say we can only act collectively. stop acting out and pro actively protecting yourself. that doesn't help the collective. it does help the collective. why are we punch shaming? if you want to punch a dude, punch a dude and do it well. >> i believe women should not only learn self-defense, but learn to handle a gun. men are less likely to attack women who are armed, i think. >> definitely.
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we need to teach men to not rape. what does it look like? here is the class. if you are going to rape someone, don't. don't do it. people already know. >> it implies we are not teaching teaching it already. >> it is actually an credited blee instulting -- an incredibly insulting point that all men have to be told this. >> no, no, no. there are bad men and bad mothers and bad people. >> are you saying not all men? >> if you told bad men not to -- not to rape, they are still going to do it. >> there are unfortunately -- there are dudes that don't seem to understand that if a girl is passed out, you can't have sex with her. >> name names. >> there are guys that stupid that they need to be taught that which is unbelievable, but true. >> this woman even checks awareness.
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before she goes to self-defense why can't this be a sufficient answer? >> this was an almost perfect pageant answer. i don't even know what i was going to say. >> let me remind everyone here you were once ms. new york. so you claim because we have no evidence. >> in that time you have to make your answer make sense for everyone while also putting your own sort of interests and background into it. because she used to live in shelters with her mom. the only thing she should have said is a victim of sexual abuse. >> the phrase rape culture is offensive. if you are a rape victim you are raped by a culture.
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it takes blame away from the actual rapists who are the horrible people. >> it is also part of a culture, culture. >> they add it to everything. it makes the person seem more educated than you are. you can complain -- you can defend her and i can say, well you don't understand rape culture, katherine. you should take more gender studies classes. >> and this woman is not a sociology professor. >> she is giving an answer at a pageant. give her a break. >> she is on media week. so she will be on lots of news talking about this. she can formulate the perfect answer that makes everyone happy. >> but here is another point we did not discuss. what is a fourth degree black belt? i am so confused. it depends on where you go and get your black belt, right? some guy will give it to you right away, right?
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>> there are real ones and not real ones. that's another thing. have a real black belt. i bought one out here in the village and apparently i couldn't beat up anybody. sad but true. i have to take a break, but don't think of leaving me now. the book "not cool" is number one -- no where or on it was up to number five, but now it is somewhere, who knows? an autographed copy get at g and wouldn't you want to look at this again? there they are.
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>> what were the best playthings from the 80s and/or 90s? that's the subject of tonight's "red eye" ... bay 201 -- "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye" debate center. welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate. tonight's "red eye" debate, we are coming from bayside california. go tigers. as a reminder, please refrain from flash photography.
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earth, a website so they claim, released a list of the 11 most popular toys from the 1980s and the 1990s. making the list, i have never even seen that before. apparently it is a glow worm. and then there are these things which go by the name transformers. i believe they were movies before they were toys. nintendo duck hunt, don't say that fast. you could get arrested. l.a. lice, it is some kind -- l.a. lights, some kind of shoe. and these are pogo balls taken from pogos. roller skates. who uses these anymore unless they are sad and homeless? slinkies, colorful and cute. these are the teenage mutant ninja turtles and oddly, the walk man. and who can forget head lice? they kept me company. we here at "red eye" put together a list of our own. take a gander, began gear
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them to myself, greg. first of all, can we all agree the slinky, was is and always will be a garbage toy? it does nothing. it does absolutely nothing. it is pointless. how is the walk man a toy? >> it was like a revolutionary thing for music. >> the sneakers weren't a toy. >> i don't get that either. >> i think it had something to do with the age-group of adolescents. >> the three women on this panel are too young to remember these toys. we are too old. >> can i applaud the narcissism of my generation for thinking roller skates and slinkies are toys of the 80s? >> roller skateys, maybe they came back for a brief period of time, didn't they? >> i i guess. >> there was a show with girls in roller skates. i can't remember what it was called. >> "boogy nights"?
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>> yes. it was a show with that fella who died. a charming man. >> any favorites off the list? >> i didn't really play with toys. i liked to run around and bark and pretend i was dog and eat food off the floor. >> you were one of those weirdo kids. >> or think of other lies that i could tell to kids. >> it is free and it is great. i told them i had another room in my house where i could turn into a dog. >> a girl from my class ate about 6th grade. >> she would walk around on the floor. it is not just you. that means she is like you now. she must be great. >> who knows? maybe she has a lot of dogs. >> i always wanted a play-doh fun factory. they are amazing. i asked for one all the time
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and i assumed twhre expensive. i went to the wal-mart three years ago and it was like $6.50. >> that was a lot of money back then. >> when you get to be my age, the bathroom becomes your play-doh fun factory. >> you're welcome. >> toothpaste. you squeeze the toothpaste out and brush your teeth. joanne, are you old enough to have played with these toys? >> i am a child of the early 90s. i was born in the late 80s, but i didn't play with stuff i couldn't choke on until later. pogs were big. and does anyone remember the rubber hand puppets from pizza hut? >> if i knew before the segment that i am the subject matter expert i would have really -- i was a child of the 80s. >> you have a kid now. are the toys okay now? >> eh. she doesn't play with anything yet.
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i deprive her. >> it sounds like a -- pogs sounds like a slur. >> they were circles. i think you could play with them, but no one knew what to do. >> my favorite toy was the dirt clod. the dirt clod was free and somebody came through the park and you threw it at their head. >> if you learned to lie it could have been anything. >> look at this lump of gold. >> that's how you become popular in the first grade. >> and how you get a therapist. >> the best toy, greg, is your imagine mages. >> that's true. >> and a bag of broken glass. >> coming up, he reveals his new item. if you have video of your animal doing something, fox"red eye." female announcer: get on board for better sleep.
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it is twice as yum. it is a burrito and a committees saudi yaw. quesadilla. it became a permanent menu item. >> how can you say quesadilla and not a quesarito. it is a burrito jammed with rice, chipotle sauce and beef, chicken or steak. i bought two and smeared the gooey stuff on my chest. around the horn, new product. >> this is disgusting. this is why we need to bring back fat shaming. people need to respect themselves a little bit. i go to taco bell and i see somebody order this i will hug them or hit them in the face depending on what kind of love they will respond to. they need to respect their bodies. this is disgusting. >> andy, it is beautiful. >> if you are eating atta co bell you are not -- at taco
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bell, you are not thinking clearly anyway. this is taco bell. it is american mexican food. you get cheese, meat, lettuce, tomato and sauce and put it in a doughy shell. what difference does it make? jay it is seven ingredients and four applications and taco bell will come up with something brilliant. right? >> i am buying stock in this company. it is always something new and great. what happened to that little dog? >> what happened to the little dog? >> what do you think? 650 calories and 30 grams of fat. >> this is what i have an issue with. reduced fat sour cream. have to make sure it is reduced fat sour cream. americans will look at it and say it is healthy because it is reduced fat sour cream. >> are you one of those weird people? >> i enjoy it. it honors your body like a temple to have the queserilla. >> how often can you eat an
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invention? >> why not make it into a pizza with a fry crust a la mode and eat ourselves to death? >> are you a nutrition freak? >> yeah. >> i saw you once on a show get really animated about food. >> really? >> maybe it wasn't you. >> i get animated sometimes. >> i think it is beautiful. it shows the incredible ingenuity of these great minds at taco bell. >> they are killing us. >> andy levy, no p, joanne and mary, katherine hamm, that does it for me. i'm greg gutfeld and i shall see you tomorrow. one
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expected. breaking tonight a stunning development on this primary election night if you were just joining us one of the most powerful republicans in washington has just lost his congressional bid to a tea party collateraler w challenger who no one expected to win. >> the news breaking a short time ago house majority lead eric cantor has been defeated by dave brat a little known and little funded political novice. his opponent accused him of hu
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