tv The Five FOX News June 11, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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expected. breaking tonight a stunning development on this primary election night if you were just joining us one of the most powerful republicans in washington has just lost his congressional bid to a tea party collateraler w challenger who no one expected to win. >> the news breaking a short time ago house majority lead eric cantor has been defeated by dave brat a little known and little funded political novice. his opponent accused him of hurricane his back.
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bret baier, anchor of special report. our fox news bret hume. i want to start on that with you bret baier, because the way the democrats are looking at this is there goes those crazy republicans again, infighting, civil war, don't know who they are, continue putting these crazy tea party candidates. all we've heard about, dave brat he's not a crazy candidate he's an academic who didn't like cantor's stance on immigration but the way it will be painted by the left they went with the extremist. >> sure. the releases are flowing out from the democrats and that's to be expected. they see this as a major scalp because they can say that this is the rise of the tea party. laura makes an interesting point
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about the issue of immigration period, one that we've been talking about and that this is a fervent, really important issue especially for conservatives across the board and if laura is on the phone i would love to ask her. when i was talking about low turn out and reign, clearly this is a small primary as compared to a big turn out for a general election. it doesn't diminish the fact that the passion on this issue is significant. you say that immigration reform, laura, is something that is a win for conservatives if it is pushed back, if they don't move it forward. so all of the republicans on the hill who are concerned about 2016 and the demographic shift you think that they are lost, full of it. >> yeah. the last two presidential elections we know they nominated individuals who were very murky on immigration at best and in
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the case of john mccain wanted to go full board on immigration full pathway to citizenship. the idea that somehow the establishment of the republican party has a track record of success to run on, already fiscal management, foreign policy, trade or immigration i think is laughable. and in this particular race, bret, look i was down there, okay. i spent one day there but i've been talking about this race for the last, i don't know, nine weeks on my show, on my radio show. the experts across town and in new york told me basically you're out of your gourd, you're insane. from talking to the people there and talking with many friends of mine on the ground who are not political people you know what they say? they say we're sick of this washington scene. we're sick of these people. they say one thing and they do another. eric cantor says he's against
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amnesty one moment, the next moment it's about the dream act we have to help this kids. this narrative playing out in southwest texas with thousands upon thousands of people, adults and unaccompanied minors are streaming across the border, it strikes a lot of people out there, the whole situation is out of control. and the so-called smart establishment people are either not commenting on it, or they are just not equipped to deal with it or don't want to deal with it. >> let me follow you up on that, laura, how big of a factor do you think it was? what i hear you saying it's not just illegal immigration it's hypocrisy, reversal, say and do anything to stay in office. on the subject of illegal immigration, about what's happening right now along our southern boarder with the influx. in a year we get about 6,500
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illegal immigrant children coming in to this country. this year, the u.s. border patrol -- the u.s. officials are saying we're on track for 90,000, from 6,500 to 90,000 this year. they say it could go as high as 140,000 to 150,000 this year with another 150,000 next year. how big of a role did it play? >> it played a significant role. it's hard to judge it. megyn, your show last night, that segment you did, the lead off on your show we talked about it today on the radio it was one of the most powerful segments i've seen on television. really in the last year. it was that -- i think it was that eye-opening so many people watching. it's not being covered. we have three military bases now being used as minney refuut mins children. we never had this in our
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country. people say this is a big tea party victory. so people understand this the national tea party network, tea party patriots, freedom works, i don't believe any of these organizations did anything for dave brat. dave brat couldn't get the head of the tea party patriots, the largest tea party organization in the country he couldn't get her on the phone, much to my consternation. the tea party groups, the national tea party groups were not helping at all. little pockets in virginia but no national presence except for, you know, people like ann coulter or glenn beck and myself. really there has been no -- people have been laughing about this primary and i'll say to everybody watching, don't discount the frustration and the irritation and the fury of the american people when year after
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year their lives aren't getting any better. that's the untold story here. the american people are sitting by seeing their wealth deteriorate, their prospects go under, their future dismal, and meanwhile politicians either throw up their hands or outright lie to them about the situation. that's what's undergirding us. >> what about it, bret, that this was driven in large part by an anti-establishment, we're sick of it attitude among constituents? >> who are you asking? >> you. >> oh. well, i suppose in a broad sense you could say that but there aren't any exit polls so we don't have that as a route to determine exactly what was on people's minds. i'm bound to say, megyn there's something slightly odd about this whole conversation that we're having and it's this. it's as if there are elements in
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the republican party and eric cantor was among them who were in favor of amnesty. that is a word you hear flung aword by opponents. amnesty has a meaning. it means pardon. basically means an unconditional pardon. there's not a single immigration reform measure that's been advanced by anybody, certainly not any republicans that involves an unconditional pardon for anybody. now, there are rigorous steps, some bills more rigorous than others that would have to be gone through by these immigrants to achieve a path to citizenship and so forth. but anything that -- amnesty is an epithet. it's very effective and certainly was effective against mr. cantor and it is not at all clear to me that any immigration measure he would have ever signed on to would have entailed amnesty. i didn't think that was the
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case. but that is where we are on this issue. it's a very emotional, explosive issue and the people who feel the way they feel about it are powerful. this is not something the country is unanimous. the country favors immigration reform broadly speaking. nobody is for amnesty and nobody says they are. >> of course, i think that term is not being used in the way it's phrased in the dictionary by people like laura. but i'll let her respond in a minute. however, i want to get this on camera first. we just got erjake cantor's remarks. we'll let the viewers decide for themselves. the now defeated house majority le leader, eric cantor. [ applause ] >> to all of you, so many of you who not only today spent endless hours in the heat with your undying loyalty and effort, i want to thank you for that as
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well. and i tell you, absolutely. [ applause ] not only the hundreds of volunteers here it's also my team, both my team that have served the constituents of the seventh district both here in the district office have continued to serve the seventh district constituency in washington and culpeper but my political team. they have put in so much extraordinary work to try to win this campaign but have done so for the last decade or more. so i want to thank them and -- [ applause ] now serving as the seventh district congressman and then having the privilege to be majority leader has been one of the highest honors of my life. and, you know, what i set out to
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do and what the agenda that i have always said we're about is we want to create a virginia and an america that works for everybody. and we need to focus our efforts, as conservatives, as republicans, on putting forth our conservative solutions so that they can help solve the problems for so many working middle class families that may not have the opportunity that we have. we can also put our solutions to work for the most vulnerable. i spent a lot of time on charter schools and education opportunity to make sure that everyone in america can have access to that american dream, starting with the quality education. you know, we talked about, you know, research, a lot in my office and in our campaign and in congress. i'm really proud of the gabrielle and miller kids first
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research act. [ applause ] because what it says as conservatives is that we don't believe you ought to spend taxpayer dollars on political conventions. that, in fact, it's probably better to help cure disease because not only do you save lives and help people you can ultimately solve the federal deficit problem by bringing down health care costs. [ applause ] so these are the kinds of things that i know we'll continue to work on. you know, i know there's a lot of long faces here tonight. and it's disappointing, sure. but i believe in this country, i believe there's opportunity around the next corner for all of us. so i look forward to continuing to fight with all of you for the things that we believe in, for the conservative cause because
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those solutions of ours are the answer to the problems that so many people are facing today. thank you all very, very much. [ applause ] >> and there you have it. bret baier, what did you make of it? >> it sounds like it's a concession, a defeat. it does not sound in his voice like he's continuing on in any write in campaign even though that's possible by law. it doesn't sound like that. megyn, i want to bring our viewers up to date. the associated press declared u.s. senator lindsey graham has defeated his six opponents and reached the threshold so he avoid a runoff in south carolina spoup have two very different places, two very different stories. if there was a candidate who possibly could be vulnerable to a tea party challenge it was lindsey graham and he effectively saw that challenge early on, spent a lot of money and held it off. tonight he goes on and wins and
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does not have a runoff which is a big deal. he is a supporter of immigration reform. his name son the legislation. so in that state, south carolina, which arguably immigration plays as a huge issue, a co-sponsor of the bill is going on and avoiding a runoff against that challenge. yet in virginia the house majority leader, the first house majority leader ever to lose in a primary has gone down primarily on the issue of immigration reform. >> it's really remarkable. laura ingram let me get back to you on this. as bret points out different results in different places. i know you wanted to respond to bret's remarks about how this is not amnesty that eric cantor was back being but that's how it's been painted by his opponents and, you know, that's how it's going to continue to pop up in the news. the democrats, however, i want to get to this with you as well are celebrating eric cantor's
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loss tonight saying, and putting out a statement saying for those who have fallen into the trap of believing the gop has suppressed the tea party tonight that theory is put to rest. could there be a clearer rejection of the establish pept from the republican base than this defeat. the tea party is alive and well now goes by the name gop. these are not compliments on his part. >> who is shocked about that. if dave brat had lost, they would be putting out a press release that says we're one step closer to immigration reform because eric cantor is much more moderate he wants to do the dream act, so none of that surprises me. the democrats will couch it anyway they can to their benefit. that's not a big surprise. what i think we also have to remember here is that look lindsey graham of south carolina getting to that race, he never really had a serious challenger. he's one of the best retail
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politicians that i know and i know him personally. i disagree with him on this issue and a lot of issues regarding foreign policy, but he's an effective politician. eric cantor when you went door-to-door for eric cantor people were telling me nine out of ten doors that were republican doors people didn't have a high opinion of enic cantor. nothing personal about eric cantor. he's a really nice guy. he came in as a raging conservative in 2001 and people had a lot of hopes for exic cantor but you can't go to the people claiming that you're going tough on immigration enforcement when last year you were touring the country with one of the primary movers of immigration reform on capitol hill. so, people weren't buying this idea that there was some tension. people saw right through that. look in the end they are different states, different considerations, different politicians, but in this race,
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with a house majority leader poised to sit down and work with ryan and boehner and democrats on the issue of immigration reform, bret doesn't like the word amnesty it's shorthand for basically keeping people in the country who are here illegally. the technical definition is irrelevant opinion that's where we are. it's extremely significant. it doesn't mean the issue is over. but i do believe if republicans continue to go down this road where people who have violated our laws and are living here are going to continue to get benefits that regular working class people are not getting, i think that's going to be a really hard sell to folks and i don't think the split in the republican party is going to be made up with new latino voters or new black voters or new asian voters. in fact, i think somebody who runs on immigration reform or amnesty or whatever you want to
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call it in 2016 would probably do worse than mitt romney did in 2012. i know a lot of people disagree with me but that's my view and i think this race in the end goes down as one of the most significant repudiations of establishment immigration reform that certainly i've seen in my20 years of doing politics. >> that is one thing that is agreed upon across the board doesn't matter left, right, in between, everybody agrees this is a major upset. most political reporters had all gone home thinking this was -- look we had to drag in -- look what the cat dragged in. the cat did well. look at these guys. >> we're waiting. >> we're very exciting. >> we did so well. >> megyn, i was here. >> you guys don't get any credit. we'll talk about something else. listen, you guys stand by
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because a lot more going on with this and i'm very grateful to my very smart and very gentlemanly panel. you couldn't ask for a better group. again, dave brat is the happiest man in virginia. he defeated eric cantor in the primary for the house of representatives state held by eric cantor in virginia's seventh district. we're awaiting a statement by dave brat. we were told earlier he decline to make one until he really believed it was true. he least of all probably expected to win this thing. as i mentioned earlier the finances alone were stunning. cantor spent about $5 million. dave brat spent just over $100,000. we're talking about the house majority leader. dave brat now believes it because he's getting ready to make remarks. we'll take a quick commercial break and be right back on a busy night
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breaking tonight a stunning development on this primary election night. one of the most powerful republicans in washington has just lost his congressional bid to a tea party challenger. the news breaking a short time before we came to air, the house majority leader, eric cantor has been defeated by somebody whose name you probably have never heard prior to tonight, dave brat, an economics professor. we're awaiting for professor brat to speak after winning this primary and we got team fox coverage with bret baier, anchor of special report. and bret hume. now we're getting some reaction in as we get the dnc weighing.
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we saw how far out of the mainstream eric cantor. they are running to the far right with tea party striking fear into the heart of every republican on the ballot. you get the flavor. you're taking it seriously. bret, i can sense you're fear. i can see it by the big smile on your face. >> megyn, that's what you connect them to say. that's silly. >> their response in getting democrats elected to congress. >> their job is to portray the republicans as outside the mainstream, outside practically almost outside of the country. let me make a point about the level of support. we're looking for ways how to figure out how this guy did this. he had no money, noticing. >> gafd and goliath. >> the tea party organizations didn't support him. who did? laura did.
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look there are parts of this country where if laura ingrahm and ann coulter and mark levin are on the radio supporting you that's worth a lot. in fact, if somebody said would you rather have, you know, freedom works behind you or have any of those three radio talk show hosts in there plugging for you day-by-day i know what my choice is. we know something about how this happened. those three people in the right place with the right constituency, those people hold real power. >> the power of talk radio, bret. >> exactly. >> power of talk radio. it's also, you know, we've been focusing exclusively on immigration, immigration reform, dave brat using that against eric cantor. he used other issues like spending and was hitting eric cantor on spending and how congress is out of control. a key tea party issue. now, it's also anti-establishment.
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the house majority leader is essentially establishment. >> long time. >> so if anybody is scared tonight i think it would be thad cochran in mississippi who now is probably facing a much more energized tea party who looks at this race in taking down the house majority leader and will come out in droves for mcdaniel, his opponent. cochran was already on the ropes, forced to go to a runoff in mississippi. i think this also infuses this energy into the tea party that perhaps it hadn't seen because of all the losses it had taken so far in the primary season. >> what we're told now so the viewers know, so he, mr. brat is going to face off with another person no one has ever heard of jack tremmel who is a professor at the same school. these two college professors are now going to vie against each
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other for this seat that no one of thought either one had a shot at whatsoever. >> it was my alma mater's rival when i was in school. randolph macon college. they would rename it, they gave bret an honorary degree they would rename it four. >> they will have to rename it for dave brat because he's the one that achieved more than in coming out of that school. >> this will change the dynamic in washington pretty dramatically. eric cantor sound conciliatory, sounded resigned, sounded like he was ready to face facts. this will change the dynamic in washington very much. what it will likely do is cause president obama to deliver more quickly on his threat for executive action on immigration. >> with all these kids on the border in pen? >> oh, yeah. i would think this will expedite
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this because this is the death knell, this is the end of the discussion about what's going to happen on any kind of immigration, anything in this congress. it's a dead letter. it's not coming back because eric cantor's defeat has sealed that. the president has been threatening this all along which if the republicans didn't give what he wanted he would carry through on executive action. >> let me ask you this and i want to get ann coulter back on. does eric cantor have some sort of an obligation, ethical, moral obligation to step down as majority leader now that he's a lame duck, basically? >> no. he has an obligation to do -- >> what will happen to the republican party if he doesn't? >> he has an obligation to do what his conference wants him to do. they will meet. speaker boehner will weigh in. cantor is prepared to do what
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people want him to do at this point, you have a loss like this, you don't have a lot of clout so up for his fellow members to decide what they want. >> that out is important. going into the mid-term elections. fundraise. >> huge. as house majority leader you're trying to heard the cats on key votes. you're not the whip, you're not counting votes but you have to influence people. the fact that you lose your primary and you essentially don't even have your district backing you up, that is going to be tough to influence republicans who are going to be skittish on these big votes that will be facing congress. i wouldn't be surprised, actually, if he does step down and that would be a way for him to rehabilitate himself in the party and possibly save a race yet to come for eric cantor. >> so it's not exactly kevin spacey. he was the whip. anyway. close enough. all right. listen, i'll stand you guys by and get to an in a about it. take a quick commercial break.
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brat. we're waiting to hear from mr. brat and his victory speech. this is a man who is an economics professor. he ran on his new insights on the budget and on ripping on eric cantor's stance on immigration. he talked about how he had rural values that he tested against the intellectual elite while at princeton. product of the rural midwest he says. and talked about how he was somebody who was an outsider who the voters in virginia could count on to be true to his word and to use his economic expertise for good and for limited government. he has now defeated eric cantor in a seismic shift in american politics, certainly in gop politics. this was mr. brat on the campaign trail last month. >> one thing i want my voters to know about me that i always tell the truth. if i make a mistake i make a mistake. i went to princeton seminary.
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i'm being type cast from being a liberal to being an extreme tea party member. the truth is i'm a free market guy that's dedicated to this country and constitution and 10th amendment. i want to scale down washington, d.c. and bring power back down to the states. i think it's much easier to have access to your state delegates and senators and they should hear from the people up here everybody is insulated. i tell the truth and i will be the voice of the people an accessible and that's what i want people to know about dave brat. >> he seems like a nice guy and a happy guy tonight. joining us now conservative commentator ann coulter. can you speak to that anti-establishment feeling which we heard so much about back when we had the mid-terms of 2010 and sweeping victory by the republicans and less about as the past few years have unfolded and yet along comes to dave brat. >> well i'm against the pure anti-establishment thing as you may recall i was a big supporter of mitch mcconnell.
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he voted against the marco rubio amnesty bill. i laid out principles for when it's worth challenging a republican incumbent and in 2010 it wasn't republican incumbents it was democrats. that was a race against obamacare. i think it's always worth challenging a republican incumbent if he's for amnesty and if we have a good candidate who can win the district. there were two things i wanted to say, bret baier half an hour ago was responding to my point that it really doesn't matter that there were only 3,000 people voting in this primary. polls show the same thing. amnesty is a winner for republicans and will only help in 2016 and i would use romney as an example. that was the reason i supported romney, he was very good on immigration and i would note that in an amaze iing response,
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got 23% of the young male vote. that's historic. why is that? mitt romney was very strong on protecting american jobs from immigrants both legal and illegal. i would also say that the last time republicans won a statewide election in california, when was that? with proposition 187. that was the proposition that said illegal aliens cannot get welfare and so on. do i think that's a winning issue. one other point on bret hume's point none of these proposals are amnesty because amnesty must be unconditional that's not true. ronald reagan's amnesty in 1986 was not unconditional, very much like the amnesty being talked about today where you have to jump through hoops and, you know, you have to learn to speak english and takes civics tests and ronald reagan called it amnesty. look it up in black's law dictionary.
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that's an example of an amnesty. the reason people support amnesty don't want to call it amnesty is because it's unpopular. like the way people don't want to be called liberal, the pro abortion ladies don't want us to call it pro abortion and illegal aliens -- >> let me ask you this, ann, because the latest polling shows 68%, i think it's 67% favor a pathway to citizenship. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that. >> 18% say send back home. go ahead. >> that was going to be one of my examples in how we know amnesty is so widely unpopular. all of these polls, i've not seen how fox news phrased it but i have seen how abc, nbc and "new york times" phrased it in the past the polls are fraudulent because the question is do you want to deport them or do you want a pathway to
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citizenship? well no one is suggesting rounding up 11 million illegal aliens and deporting them, putting them on buses and so forth. the question should be do you think illegal aliens should go home or should they be able to become citizens. do we want more illegal immigration or less. legal even. you ask the question like that every single time, less immigration wins, please go home. >> stand by, ann, because mark is standing by a former chief speech writer to george w. bush. mark, we're getting some reaction in that i want to bring our viewers up to speed on. this from debbie wasserman-schultz. it settles the debate once for all. the tea party has taken control of the republican party. period. she said when eric cantor can't alternative republican nomination it's clear gop has
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redefined far right. your thoughts. >> well, i wouldn't phrase it the way that debbie wasserman-schultz does but i think the tea party is alive and kicking. this was the theme of this election was the death of the tea party and revenge of the establishment. the thinking in washington the tea party got out of their system in 2010 and 2012 but then we had the government shutdown fiasco and so now the adults were going come back in and be in charge. it's not working out that way. i disagree that this is all about immigration reform. immigration was an issue in this election but it hasn't been the driving issue in all of these races and it's not just this race with dave brat. you got chris mcdaniel who just stunned thad cochran in mississippi and will go ahead and win that runoff. you got ben sasse in nebraska who was a strong tea party
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candidate. you have a series of tea party endorsed candidates that are going on winning elections. it will be fascinating to see now what the effect of this race is now in some of the upcoming races. pat reportson kansas has a challenger named dr. milton wolf who has been endorsed by tea party groups. there are other races coming up. >> now we're likely to see president obama with his pen and his phone and using it very quickly because he's going to project that nothing is going to get done with the republican party on immigration reform. where that ball had some momentum before it was slowed a little over the past week given what we've seen happening along our southern border which has been stunning for the viewers watching it. again to update numbers. last we're we had 6,500 illegal children cross that border. this year our own administration
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officials project it will be around 90,000 perhaps as high as 140,000, 150,000. we showed viewers the pictures that were obtained showing some of these incredible photos of the children who are being housed by our government right now. there's no space for them. that's the landscape. what do you think? >> i think he's right. obama is going to seize on this in toward pull out the pen and phone and say there's no chance this is going to go through congress. he's probably right. let's remember lindsey graham just won a pretty decisive race and one of the co-sponsors of immigration reform. there's not a uniform message from this race. this was a single race in a congressional district which is a very small slice of america with a few thousand voters. it wasn't the only issue. there are a lot of other races where there's an insurgency happening.
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the tea party knowledginsurgenc0 is alive and well. it's spending, obamacare and these other issues. they are sick of being talked down toby establishment in washington and when they have a chance to take out establishment candidates they are willing to do it. you'll see this coming up in other races as well. they will be energized. some of these candidates dismissed as long shots will get a boost in the arm from this election and you'll see, louisiana you got congressman cassidy who is being challenged by a tea party candidate. we can see that happening. lot of other races where this will play out. >> we're continuing to await our first statement from dave brat in the wake of his big win tonight. he's coming to the microphone shortly. earlier he didn't want to go up until it was confirmed that, in fact, he had won and now fox news has called this race for dave brat as has the associated press and many other news
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organizations. it began this night with warnings that everyone assumed was the case that eric cantor would easily defeat this challenger post officely challenger. then it got tighter and tighter and then the stunned exclamatory emails have come in. the tea party happens to feel differently tonight and you heard from laura ingrahm and ann coulter who feel very differently about this win. we continue to await dave brat and
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news tonight, house majority lead eric cantor losing to tea party candidate dave brat. we're waiting to hear from mr. brat and his victory speech. he made some remarks out in the mid. nowhere and they are driving the tapes back to the tv studios. he began with a bible quote that he said he reads every day for inspiration. prays the grassroots movement that helped hip win the primary, thanks for everything. it's not about dave brat winning it's about returning this country to its principles. dana perino co-host of the five and former white house press secretary. dana, your thoughts? >> it's shocking in a way. i do think in the last several weeks, about four weeks you have seen some increased activity by the cantor team to start to realize we might not have this in the bag and, unfortunately, for them it was too late.
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interesting will be to read despite spending a lot more money than brat, and having, you know, apparently the entire republican party pulling for him except for the people that were actually in the district who were going to vote and they were overlooked but they were heard and loud and clear and i thought eric cantor's speech was quite gracious. i'm interested in what happens next for eric cantor. the best thing for him to do if he's smart is step down as leader. that's the best way to rehabilitate himself. assuming he still wants to be in politics. it's the best way to help the house republicans to reset quickly for november and the next congress. >> here we are, mid-june, we got the mid-terms coming up early november. you think he should step down with such a short time? >> i think he should step down as leader but not resign his seat because when you're in that
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position majority leader position, the rnc, in my opinion the congressional committee can't afford to have eric cantor filling a fundraising and surrogate seat. and they need some sense on how to finish the summer, getting through the lame duck and starting the next congress. they need a new leader quickly. otherwise it will be a brutal couple of weeks on him in particular and then in the press which will weaken the entire republican ticket. >> anybody come to mine as a possible successor? >> there are some choices you would say oh, that would make sense. who is next in line? i think what the voters are saying this is a throw the bums out election. nobody is safe. >> in virginia anyway. lindsey graham won. not that he's a bum. >> that's true. also if you look at the
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mississippi race will be interesting to watch. you have to look at somebody like mitch mcconnell. ann coulter earlier on your program talked about. he defeated the tea party challenger but took him seriously from the beginning. so i think the picture is still murky. however, i think the republicans now have a decision, should they choose somebody a little different out of the box? maybe like a kathy mcmorris rogers of washington state to be the new majority leader. >> what a statement that would be especially given the democratic message about the so-called gop war on women. dana thank you for being here. thank you, lady. >> bye-bye. >> we'll be right back with final thoughts of our panel, awaiting the actual remarks of dave brat on camera. in a few minutes you'll have a
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lot of long faces here tonight, and it's disappointing, sure. but i believe in this country. i believe there's opportunity around the next corner for all of us. so i look forward to continuing to fight with all of you for the things that we believe in, for the conservative cause because those solutions of ours are the answer to the problems that so many people are facing today. thank you all very, very much. >> long faces among eric cantor supporters but not those who supported his challenger tea party backed dave brat but didn't get that much support from the tea party. an economics professor at randall macon college. these are the men with fortitude who stood the entire hour to comment on eric cantor and chuck schumer just weighed in on this. he says that cantor's defeat
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does not change the fundamental fact that republicans will become a minority party if they don't address our broken immigration system. brit, we heard what ann had to say. did you take a beating. we heard what ann had to say about those polls that show the vast majority of americans apartment pathway to citizenship. chuck schumer sees it differently. what do you say? >> what i would say, conventional wisdom in washington is that republicans have to come across on immigration reform in order to have a chance in the 2016 presidential election. i'm personally favoring immigration reform but i don't buy the argument that the republicans fortunes are dependent on presidential election on going forward on that. the latino report is important as it's becoming and more so all the time still less than 10 puerto rico of the electorate and still be in this upcoming cycle. now if the republicans were able to improve their fortunes by a
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point or two among them that would be, you know, that would be a fraction of 10%. that number still dwarfed by other groups in this country and, of course, republicans didn't do a very good job of turning out the white vote in 2012 and i think that principally is what cost romney the election. i happen to be in favor of immigration reform but it's not a political necessity for republicans and i don't think that they should settle for a bad immigration bill. so, that's my thought about that. whether, you know, the word amnesty is properly used, i have my views about that. i expressed them. i stand by them. but those are my overall views on the issue. >> chris, brit did take a beating. ann and laura very aunt happy with him. listen, i want to give the viewers brat's reaction. this is a miracle from god. i'll give the last 30 seconds of the show, chris. >> politics is awesome because
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unexpected things happen. eric cantor deserves credit no matter what anybody thinks about his immigration policy. he, young guns action network thought about big national issues, ideas way forward for conservatives. better take care of the folks at home, do right by them and do what they want. dave brat ran as quote eric cantor's term limit and eric cantor got term limited tonight. >> you guys did great tonight. thank you for being with me for the full hour. we'll do tonight's show tomorrow. we'll just deliver it tomorrow evening. i'll leave that with the ers. the grassroots are in revolt and marching and >> it is wednesday june 11th a stunning shake-up in the house. majority lederer rick cantor losing the primary to dave brat. what does it mean for the power
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of the hill? we have team coverage. >> are we getting hillary clinton's whole story? >> clinton's shocking advice for congressional investigators looking for answer. >> they say america runs on duncan. but not for long. the major change that could make you run to a competitor. "fox & friends first" starts right now.
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♪>> summertime temperatures out there this morning. ir watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday morning. >> i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. >> it may be the most stunning congressional loss in history. eric cantor losing to dave brat. >> did any one see this coming? >> no one saw it coming a the all. it is described as a political earth earthqua earthquake. eric cantor is the second most powerful house. he was possibly going to be the lead speaker of the house. in his victory beach brat says he values republican principles. >> we believe in god who gave us this
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