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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 12, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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eric: and we'll see you back here in one hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> a fox news alert, i'm harris faulkner. we are awaiting a white house briefing right now on a new crisis unfolding in iraq. al-qaeda-inspired terrorists in just the last 48-96 hours have captured two key cities and are now moving op, vowing to march on baghdad. last reports, they're only about 70 miles out. iraq's prime minister is asking for help from the united nations, and he has been reportedly asking for air support there the united states. we should tell you a high level group of senators just wrapped up an armed services committee meeting x some on the record thousand with some tough talk for the -- now with some tough talk for the white house. plus, concern is growing that
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the country's government won't be able to stop the insurgents as well. people are searching for safety. some neighboring countries are turning them away at this point, areas turning them away, and we are following this developing situation. we'll bring you much more in just a few minutes as it happens. ♪ ♪ >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kimberly guilfoyle, and here today, harris faulkner, kirsten powers and today's hashtag one lucky guy, he's the executive producer of "imus in the morning", bernard mcgurk is in the house. >> hey, ladies! >> ooh, i like it. i'm a little off kilter because i've got world cup fever, and i predict the brazilians are going to get waxed, i mean whacked -- [laughter] i just can't wait. i'm just so thrilled about it. so forgive me if i seem
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distracted. >> prepared for us, right? you're battle tested. >> oh, absolutely. i'm ready to go, ladies. let's do it. >> i'm just curious to know what imus would say. >> basically, what he normally tells me, just shut up. >> oh, okay. you'll fit right in. >> a group of four women, that's probably going to have to happen on the show. >> take a couple breaths, get a couple syllables out because we're very generous and kind. >> you're very nice ladies. >> new fallout in the taliban swap that freed army sergeant bowe bergdahl that could be a big drag on the obama presidency. a new poll showing the president's popularity hitting a new low, only 44 percent of americans have a favorable approval rating of mr. obama. 52% unfavorable as the administration is taking heat from lawmakers furious at the white house for keeping them in the dark about a prisoner exchange that could send five taliban commanders back to the battlefield. with that frustration on full display in congress when defense
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secretary chuck hagel admitted the administration could have done a better job of giving lawmakers a heads up. >> i do not understand why no effort was made whatsoever to pick up the phone and to call a committee chairman either on the house or the senate side. to me, it seems like a reperioduation and really a slap in the face to this institution, this equal branch of government. >> we felt the fleeting opportunity to get this done required an absolute minimum and people who knew. i've also said that if we had an opportunity to come back around again, we didn't handle some of this right. so i get that. >> and all this as new questions are being raised about just what the white house knew about bergdahl before president obama signed off on the deal. new reports that a journal and a facebook page belonging to bergdahl reveal a soldier probably dealing with mental
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instability. tremendous fallout over this story. you wonder if the president was fully informed and aware of the optics of this, that he would receive this kind of unfavorability rating. >> right. >> that you would have soldiers from the battlefield coming forward in earnest, courageous to tell exactly what happened and what they knew at the time. really the american people questioning the president's motives and really why would he put national security -- >> at risk. >> -- interests at risk for this individual? >> well, first of all, secretary hague and the president are to blame about this. the if they knew about his facebook postings and his problems with his psychological issues, then to put our men in harm's way and to have total disregard for congress, it's so upsetting. and that's why his approval ratings are so low. but, you know, we -- everyone is laughing at our country right now. we look so weak in all of this. who's calling the shots? we had their dream team. we had five of the most dangerous terrorists in the
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world, if not the five most dangerous, and they're calling the shots? they're telling us hey, an hour before we pick up bergdahl they tell us where to meet them in that valley. and they're telling us what to do, when to do it. we should have that power. >> in charge of all the terms and operating from the backseat, you know? the taliban's at the wheel, the americans are in the backseat, now we're in the truk because it -- trunk because it seems like the administration was clueless or didn't care. what's the answer there? is. >> well, first of all, in these situations, people who are holding somebody hostage tend to have the power in prisoner swap situations. that tends to be how it works. the question is whether or not these are the people the administration should have been -- and i think there's a lot of questions about that. whether he was mentally unstable, i don't know that that means you don't rescue him. >> oh, i'm not saying you don't rescue him. i'm saying there's got to be a better way than letting go of five of these terrorists. >> yeah. that's a new twist on the story,
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definitely. but the bigger issue is not consulting congress, the absolute cluelessness of the administration. and if you listen to hagel, he's basically saying we don't trust dianne feinstein. she's going to go tell people about this? what are they saying? we can't call congress and tell them what's going on because, what? they're going to walk around telling people? that's ridiculous. >> good point. >> she's on the intel committee. i mean, it's her job to keep secrets. >> by the way, took postings aside -- facebook postings aside, the guy was discharged from the coast guard for psychological reasons. he tried to join the french foreign legion. he didn't know if he wanted to be a ballet dancer or a soldier. hillary clinton could be forgiven if she used words, but the president to say the truck driver who hit tracy morgan's limo mishandled the truck. this is an utter disaster, that they didn't see this reaction coming. they were blindsided by the obvious. the celebration in the white house, susan rice, honor and
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distinction that he served with and also smearing the soldiers with the swift boat stuff. i mean, it's just mind-boggling, jaw-dropping how incompetent this was, the merits of the trade aside. >> they have a real ease with going ahead and smearing american soldiers that have served honorably, that didn't walk off the job or have such disdain for america. and instead they said, oh, what do they know, he was ostracized from his room. it's such a backwards reversal. and internationally is this the message we want to send as americans, harris in. >> part of what i've been questioning too, and you bring up this messaging idea, where do we go next in this story, you know? i'm not seeing the white house take leadership on this, kirsten, quite frankly. they know that they are now in a storm over this story. >> except the war veteran, chuck hagel. that's the best thing they could do. they did that yesterday, and that's -- >> well, and they also tried to
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pretend that the president hadn't signed off on it, sort of implying it was just chuck hagel which hagel addressed yesterday. the thing that strikes me about this is this is the kind of behavior you expect from an administration that's six months in. >> you're so right. >> we're trying to find our way around. how can they still be acting like this? >> hagel's the commander in chief, don't you think he should be making the -- >> vietnam vets, so that's their only out. >> right. well, that didn't help so much. >> just a few moments ago i said that there's news breaking on this situation with iraq today, so we want to go back to the story we told you about at the top of the hour where chaos is growing on the ground two and a half years after our troops left that country. now the prime minister is asking the united states to come back at least in the form of air power, if not nor. he reportedly wants our help as al-qaeda-inspired militants -- coming them out of syria, by the way -- are taking over key cities and vowing to march on
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baghdad next. now many are asking what america left behind when president obama declared the war was over. here's senator john mccain. >> this contradicts everything that the president of the united states said in the 2012 campaign be, that he was ending wars. this is one of the gravest threats to our nation's national security since the end of the cold war. >> all right. this news is breaking so fast and furious, you going to see me on a laptop and two phones. johan thin, west virginia senator -- joe manchin said moments ago, the president needs to address the american people about our options here. no boots on the ground, but air power. this could be the next 9/11 in the making. kimberly? >> you sense the urgency in his message and also senator john mccain. was this all for naught? you've got to finish the job there, and you have to make the commitment because it does matter to america. you want to dial the time back to 9/11 and make us vulnerable again? do what needs to be done otherwise what the the loss of
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life? everything we can accomplished and moved forward for nothing if this is going to happen on our watch? the president needs to stand up, show some leadership, some executive decision making here. i think airstrikes are the right answer before it's too late. get in, don't equivocate because too much time will be lost. >> all right. a couple of chilling details about this. are we looking at something that's more historic than maybe we thought even yesterday? tikrit, the hometown of saddam hussein -- >> yes. >> -- has been taken. >> absolutely. listen, i couldn't disagree more with my friend kimberly over here. we should not get involved, and it doesn't matter. obama got out in 2012, he should have gotten out. we have to go back to the beginning of the war and some of these people who are blaming obama now for getting out as to why we got into the war. this was always going to be the outcome, it was going to be chaos this iraq. we should have left the brutal dictator. it's a choice between iranian-friendly shiites or al-qaeda-sympathizing sunnis or not so religious dictators like
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saddam hussein, hosni mubarak, moammar gadhafi and even bashar assad. >> these people could not have existed under saddam hussein. >> exactly right. >> and the army broke up after hussein died. >> he didn't tolerate the existence of these people in his country, so without us removing saddam hussein, these people don't exist there. >> right. >> i agree with you completely, this idea now we're saying we've lost all this blood and treasure which we have, and which is horrible because we never should have gone in in the first place, that now we should get involved again. and to what end? >> the people that we were going to help in syria with, these are the people that are now taking over iraq. so it's all confused. >> let's take a pause there, because i think that's worth saying. one thing that iowans lee was bringing up is you don't have the military in place that you had under saddam hussein. some 400,000 that i'm talking about that were his army are now sympathizing and arming themselves to get ready to join this group of insurgents that are coming from i mentioned
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syria and other areas. >> but are we really surprised there's tribal warfare in iraq? >> right. >> no. that's not the point. but now you're -- >> parking lots of ramadi. -- parts of ramadi, these are cities that the american people know. >> and i agree with kimberly, we have to help because we can't stand for a country to be taken over by -- >> but look, we're being stuck in a perpetual war. we had a leave under the cover of rear guard action when we marched out into kuwait. these people are ingrates, they hate us. we don't want to be there forever, repeat the mistakes of the it's and have -- >> we can run them out of iraq into another country, but they don't ever disappear, has anybody noticed that? they just move from country to country. >> it's not that simple. >> is there a lesson to learn as we look at afghanistan? >> absolutely. >> of course it is. >> no, we should have left a long time ago. >> right. no nation building, get out. monitor there the air if possible. >> we never should have gone in, and we should have left a long time ago. >> airstrikes to help secure and
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stabilize the situation before there's a tipping point and it goes too far. not everybody over there hates us. there are plenty of seem who are very grateful -- >> there's no american flags in baghdad, no american flags in fallujah, nothing. no people saying, good-bye, thank you, americans, as we marched out. we had a rear guard action to make sure nobody hit us. it was an ignominious commit, and we have no business being there. >> no doubt when jay carney steps to the mics this afternoon, he'll be asked about this. another thing we know for sure is that the united nations, the security council is going the take this up. france is saying air power is needed. they're obviously going to look to the united states because we have the best pilots in the world. so whether or not we get involved -- breaking news this hour. >> kudos to president obama for backtracking on getting involved in this syrian thing, by the way. >> really? >> he was going to hit the -- >> bernie, you're surprising me today. >> yes, i am. on this, for sure, because it's a disgrace what happened -- >> he said i could call him
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bernie. now i definitely will. we'll come back to this if it breaks and makes news this hour. meanwhile, hillary clinton's popularity is taking a fall. she's got a new book out. that's not good timing. the slide in her numbers that could cause heart burn to hur backerrings. plus, god at one of america's premier universities. what happened here? that story is stirring up controversy. stay close. ♪ ♪ okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™.
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switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." we've told you about a graduation season where conservative speakers have gotten the heave ho after protests, but god getting the boot? that's what happened at mit's commencement, this after one student -- one -- complained in the school paper and at the ceremony. the university chaplain addressing the controversy right at the get go. >> some of you are awe ware that this -- aware that this portion of the commencement program had a bit of conversation started here on campus this year. as is often the case when thoughtful people talk about important matters, everyone benefited. >> but instead of his usual prayer to the quote, god of
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abraham, jesus and mohamed," he left out the "amen" in his invocation harris, what do you think, appropriate? >> i think i'm probably going to get myself under some fire -- >> yea. >> but we've had a lot of things happen on college campuses. god forbid -- hmm -- something should happen and you wouldn't be able to pray on that campus. i don't mean to take it so basically, but it's true. our young people, if someone wants to invoke some prayer or something over them, i'm not sure in a country where it's all over our money we can just extract it from everywhere. >> well, i don't know about bernard, but i know ainsley, you know, kirsten, myself, all very religious and christians. what are your thoughts on this? >> well, to piggyback on what harris was saying, no one can tell us you can't pray. they can sit in that graduation ceremony and still be praying for their loved one, and that's
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the beauty of being a christian or having faith, because no one can get between you and, you know, the heavenly father. but pew the pew research center said 78.4% of americans are christians. if that's the case, that's the majority. it always gets me that, like, one person protests, you know? take a vote if they want to do that. i don't think one person should change it for the 78%. >> stifling the free speech, stifling your religion, your faith. it is, it's unsettling to think about that. i moon, and why do people -- i mean, why to people have to be so selfish? live and let live. >> no, i mean, i actually became a christian later in life, so for much of my life i was an atheist or agnostic. i never was bothered by people praying. it's just interesting to me, it's so strange that it would bother me. it's a cultural thing. it's something we do in our country, and this wasn't an exclusively christian prayer, it doesn't sound like. so i think that the idea that a person or, i guess, they ask you
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to do a survey, and a lot of the kids said they didn't like it, but a lot of the kids do like it, and a lot of the parents do like it -- >> maybe they're afraid. >> i guess the real question is, and i guess we need somebody who's an atheist, what's so fencive about this in -- offensive about this? >> just ignore the prayer while it's occurring. yes, indeed. it is a private institution, but i would guess that at mit most of those, like, big bang theory kind of nerdy types -- [laughter] i would say that they are probably mostly religious, and they would opt, they would want to pray. and bloomberg warned these campuses not to shove this type of mentality down people's throats because it backfires. so i think they should heed his warning. i mean, live and let live. let the religious people say a prayer at a beautiful ceremony like that and be done with it. what's the harm? >> interesting though, you first mentioned that it was private.
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it's expensive to go there, so i wonder if there are any parents out there who are shelling out their cash who might want to speak up. >> or praying to make more money so they can afford that school. on another note, singer adam levine so sorry for being a bad boyfriend in the past that he wants to apologize, get this, to all of his ex-girlfriends. [laughter] "the singer tells us weekly the serial dater allows him to go into marriage with a clean slate. that's his fiancee there, she's a supermodel with victoria's secret, living famously -- yeah, look closely, bernard. levine broke up with his last supermodel girlfriend, telling her he was engaged through a text message. >> wow. >> good luck to this fiancee. >> stay classy, san diego. >> date any more of these beautiful women -- >> speaking of beautiful women, k.g. over there, i've gone out with you a time or two, your engagement period would have to be extremely long if you had to
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apologize for all the broken hearts -- >> oh! [laughter] >> she can't help it, these guys love her. there are so many broken hearts out there, guys she doesn't even know, they want to marry her. check out my twitter page. knox i tell people i'm anchoring with you today, the twitter page is tell her she's hot. >> it's a little joke after hours. i like the idea. i think he's trying to say i want to be a grown up. okay, i've had more than a few supermodels in my lifetime. it's sweet if it's because of a testament for his love for his fiancee and he really wants to be legitimate. cautiously optimistic, shall i say. sometimes it's hard to get supermodels out of your system -- [laughter] >> harris, i'm sure you've never had a broken heart, because i'm sure you've done the dumping in the past. >> oh, no, i have. >> would you ever go back to them and say, i'm sorry? >> you know what? i have. >> you have?
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tell us the story. >> it was somebody that i was going to have to work with after. >> oh. >> and so i opened -- i know, right? >> was it you, bernie? [laughter] >> i wish. >> oh, my goodness. you're sweet. no, i went back, i sat down, and i said, look, it was a growth period. hopefully some character bidding for both of us -- building for both of us. let's move on. he asked me out after that, though, and that was a little uncomfortable. [laughter] but i gave it my best try, and it ended peacefully. >> no wonder you broke up with him. >> i know, get a spine. >> kirsten? >> it occurred to me one day like, wow, maybe i have some apologizing to do. like, i actually did not behave that well with a lot of people that i dated -- >> really? i find that hard to believe. >> oh, yeah. no -- >> this was back in her '80s days. >> kimberly can't -- no, i mean, i really -- but, you know what? the reason i didn't do that was i thought it was a little too self-involved. it was going back into someone else's life and disrupting their life. they were dating people, maybe
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even married, and i thought would you want an ex-girlfriend to be coming back, doing that? that's what i think about with him. it's all about him. do you really want to hear i'm calling you because i want to have a great life with my be new wife? >> right. no, no, move on. bernie? >> no, listen, first of all, i can't believe what i'm hearing from you ladies -- >> really. >> you think you though a girl. [laughter] listen, do this privately, first of all. these girls, they don't want to hear from you unless you're sending them a check. [laughter] >> amen. >> i don't know, he is pretty cute. >> i don't know, he is pretty cute. >> he writes these songs like i won't go home without you or i'm at a pay phone crying my eyes out. those are stalker songs, man. [laughter] get over it. move on. you don't own the person, she doesn't own you, move on, forget about it. >> he wants to tattoo her name on his heart. i think that's stupid. [laughter] >> without a doubt. >> that would be a bad idea. >> if it doesn't work out, her
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name is still blasterred there. -- plastered there. >> you've got to go on and find another woman with the same name. >> her name i couldn't pronounce, i took it off the prompter. [laughter] all right. well, we now have some clarity that claims hillary clinton recently made about being dead broke when she and the former president left the white house. what financial documents show about how true that really was. ♪ ♪ care what age you are. take it on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day women's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares.
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." american's opinion of former secretary of state hillary clinton is the lowest it has been since 2008. new numbers coming in as clinton goes on a media blitz for her new memoir. a poll finding 54% of americans view her favorably. that is down slightly from february and a huge drop from may 2012 when her favorability was at 66%. of course that was before the attack in benghazi that killed four americans. so, bernard what do you make of this? do you think, do you think this drop is because of benghazi and that it is going to follow her if she runs for president? >> well, certainly the what difference does it make outburst played over and over again, should be, and that definitely hurts her. i would add this, the more she speaks the more sort of unlikeable she becomes. like when she was talking to diane sawyer the other night, she sort of snapped at diane sawyer over the benghazi thing
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when sawyer pressed her on what should have done. then they basically said to diane sawyer asked about age, you're older than i am, which was a cheap shot. anybody notice that? >> i noticed. >> nasty. >> all of those things, and virtually we were on food stamps on living in a trailer when we left to the white house, goes back to the cattle futures deception. it is kind of, i don't know, it is her. i kind of respected her but then the benghazi thing happened. >> that is interesting. yeah, because i think, one thing that i heard somebody say that, oh, i think doug schoen might have said this, she is little bit out of practice. >> he said that on fox reports sunday night. >> that is nice way to put it. >> that is what is going on she is a little rusty not being out? >> asked bit on fox reports, on sunday night. she came across needing me back working in the white house with them because she seemed rusty.
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her message is a little rusty. i said, doug what was the message exactly? i don't really want to be here was the message i got. i got that during the diane sawyer. maybe that is not fair. we non-verbal read each other. i'm watching kimberly and ainsley and you're watching me and we tip off the communication and as humans. non-verbally she doesn't look couple for thible. >> she is not at her best game. she didn't seem like prepared ready for prime time. you don't insult someone like diane sawyer. diane sawyer is doing the job. if you play it right you come out looking good. she didn't ingratiate herself. she offensive to the american people and other gaffe, that keptotes during this time. subpoena. >> a lot of problems for her, best thing i agree with bernie, zip it. don't do so many interviews. >> lying to the families on the tarmac of the people, bodies,
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families of the dead guys came back from benghazi saying it was video, that was ultimate political act. she voted for the iraq war for political expediency. worse than george bush and company believed in it even though misguided. she vote the for it for political expediency. that is horrible. >> that is the last word on that. a case that stunned the nation. o.j., 20 years later. witnesses the jury never heard from. plus we all want our kids to eat healthy but in a contest sponsored by michelle obama, one of the big ingredients left out of most of the recipes. it got a lot of folks shaking their heads. ♪ ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪
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♪ >> part of her initiative to get
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kids to make healthy choices first lady michelle obama and white house are announcing winners of the healthy lunchtime challenge. among the 54 winning recipes submitted by children, very few of them had meat in them. and they sound like these winners, the veggie spaghetti. i give my kids that. overthe rainbow veggie pancakes. i don't think my kids would eat that. rockin', meatless sunday special. that sound like a diner. what you don't like tofu. kimberly, you have a seven-year-old. is he eating that. >> that killed my appetite. what is that tofu? >> they're probably healthy. that is the thing. >> my little boy, he eats healthier than i do, be honest. every day he has vegetables, broccoli, string beans, asparagus. salmon, clams. >> organic cheese and meat. >> from company little green gourmet lunches. i eat something a little different in private. i like what she is trying to do.
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as we know predecessors have tried to do that to get our children to eat healthier and have some better, tastier choices. i'm fortesty. how about that? >> tasty. >> you like that, bernie. >> do i as do, not as i say. >> news changes everything. this is where we started at this hour. we want to go to president obama, we know just held a bilateral meeting with the australian prime minister tony bab bottom in the oval office. it was supposed to be behind closed doors. in fact it was. there were questions asked after that meeting. they were expected to ask about the situation in iraq. let's catch you up quickly because a couple of things are happening simultaneously. the united nations security council will look what kind of help countries can give iraq of the was the president asked about it? you bet. let's go to that now. >> one question. >> are you considering drone strikes or any further action to stop insurgents in iraq. >> well, this is an area we've been watching with a lot of
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concern, not just over the last couple of days but over the last several months and we've been in closecuttation with the iraqi government. you know, over the last year we have been providing them additional assistance to try to address the problems that they have in anbar, in the northwestern portions of the country and iraqi and syrian border. that include some cases military equipment, that includes intelligence assistance. it include a whole host of issues but what we've seen in the last couple of days indicates degree to which iraq's going to need more help. it is going to need more help from us and it will need more help from the international community. so my team is working around the clock to identify how we can provide the most effective assistance to that. i don't real out anything because we do have a stake in
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making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foothold in either iraq or syria for that matter. part of the challenge, and i've said this directly to prime minister maliki and vice president biden has said this in his very frequent interactions with the iraqi government is that the politics of shia and sunni inside of iraq as well as the kurds is either going to be a help in dealing with this jihadist situation or it is going to be a hindrance and frankly over the last several years we have not seen the kind of trust and cooperation develop between moderate sunni and shia leaders inside of iraq and that accounts in part for some of the weakness
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of the state and that then, carries over into their military capacity. so, i think it is fair to say that in our consultations with the iraqis, there will be some short-term, immediate things that need to be done militarily, and our national security team is looking at all the options but this should be also a wake-up call for the iraqi government. there has to be a political component to this so that sunni and shia who care about building a functioning state that can bring about security and prosperity to all people inside of iraq come together and work diligently against these extremists. that is going to require concessions on the part of both shia and sunni that we haven't
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seen seen so far. last point i'll make, this, what happened over the last couple of days i think underscores the importance of the point that i made at my west point speech. the need for us to have a more robust regional approach to partnering and training, partner countries throughout the middle east and north africa. we're not going to be able to be everywhere all the time. but what we can do is to make sure that we are consistently helping to finance, train, and advise, military forces with partner countries, including iraq, that have the capacity to maintain their own security and that is a long and laborious process but it is one that we need to get started.
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that's part of what the counselter terrorism partnership fund that i am going to be calling for congress to help finance is all about, giving us the capacity to extend our reach without sending u.s. troops to play whac-a-mole wherever there ends up being a problem in a particular country. that will be more effective. it will be more legitimate in the eyes of people in the region as well as the international community but it is going to take time for us to build it in the short term. we have to deal with what clearly is a emergency situation in iraq. >> if i may take one question. >> just on the point you made of americans -- [inaudible] where is the line drawn? >> i gave a very long speech about all this. i probably would refer to you
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that as potatoesed to repeating it. but the basic principle obviously is that we, like all nations are prepared to take military action whenever our national security is threatened. where the issues have to do with the broader international order, humanitarian concerns, concerns around the rights to navigation, concerns around you know, our ability to deal with instability or fragile states or failed states and consequences for populations there and refugee flows, those sorts of international issues wherever we can our preference should to be partner with other countries. we're going to be more effective if we can work with other nations and that's -- well, that is part of where australia is so important to us.
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there are a handful of countries in the world that we always know we can count on, not just because they share our values but we know we can count on them because they have real capacity. australia is one of those countries. we share foundational values about liberal democracies and human rights and a world view governed by international law and norms and aussies know how to fight. i like having them in a foxhole if we're in trouble. so i can't think of a better partner. part of our task now in a world where it is less likely that any particular nation attacks us or our treaty allies directly but rather more typically that you have disorder, asymmetric threats, terrorist organizations, all of which can be extraordinarily disruptive and damaging but the traditional
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types of war that so often we've been equipped to fight, it becomes that much more important for us to start building new partners who aren't going to be as capable as australians right away. aren't going to be as capable as our own troops and that will take some time and take some resources but we need to start now. we've learned some lessons over the last decade and we need to start applying them. all right? thank you, everybody. >> all right. so we have just watched this wrap up. this is an oval office meeting that the president was having with the prime minister of australia. and you saw tony abbott sitting there. clearly what was the big topic in the room had to be iraq today. so much news is breaking. we want to go around the horn real quickly. two things came out of that. the president says he wants to take immediate but short-term reaction in iraq. your reaction. >> i like language. i thought he handed it pretty well. you need to come out strongly. i like to see action and
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communication earlier. he was pressed, john mccain, joe manchin coming out saying we need to act. we need to do some strikes, sorry, bernie, the president is even agreeing with us now. >> maybe he is finally learning to be transparent. >> the perception of him he is so weak after all these scandals, tapped off with the bergdahl trade he will try to overcompensate by flexing our military muscle. we should not get involved. sunnis and shiites we'll never get them together. we should have learned our lesson. stay the hell out. let the chips fall where they may. we'll deal with it. >> go to you, ainsley. overnight we learned that insurgents knocked over the bank in mosul and took $425 million. they're running through the streets with our tanks. your thoughts. >> mosul, baghdad now being threatened. i don't know that we can ignore this and not get involved. throw something down, airstrikes. no men on the ground. no feet on the ground to get back involved. we have to do something.
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it has been a month. they have been pleading for our help and we have done nothing. >> you get involved in mission creep, i'm sorry. >> kirsten. >> look, i like to know what it is going to accomplish. that is the one thing i didn't really hear laid out. the president needs to explain what it will accomplish. >> prevent extremists from taking over. >> we don't know that. we've been bombing, bombing, bombing, for the last eight years and this is still happening. so i think we need to clearer, you know objective. >> we have iranian-friendly government in iraq right now anyway. why should we help them? they hate us. sorry. >> obviously breaking this hour. we promised you, we have, we'll continue to update you as things happen. very latest is what the united states will do with regard to what is happening in iraq. moving on now, more reaction to house majority leader eric cantor's stunning loss in the primary. washington power players are jockeying for position. a live report. ♪
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three developing stories we are watching this hour. americans giving new opinions on obama care and strategies of democrats and republicans. the gop is set to decide who takes eric cantor's post. and brazil hosting soccer's biggest event. the world cup starts hours from now. and celebrations coming with major challenges. we are there, live. after capturing key cities. islamic terrorist are setting sites on


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