tv Cashin In FOX News June 14, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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customers. >> do you like hertz? >> there's accounting irregularities that causes delay in their last quarter earnings release. >> thank you for watching. david asman will be back next week. keep it right here for eric bolling and cashin' in. >> i'm very optimistic about iraq. it's going to be one of the great achievements of this administration. >> achievements for obama or al qaeda? terror groups make their way toward baghdad. what will cost america more? if we get involved or if we don't? >> plus their dream is becoming our costly nightmare. illegals are flying in and d.c. wants 2 billion more to deal with it. they enter the u.s. illegally but instead of blaming them perhaps we should be blaming the president for this surge. and then, remember when bill clinton made your head spin with quotes like this. >> it depends upon what the
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meaning of the word is. >> well, hilary is redefining what broke means. >> we came out of the white house not only broke but in debt. >> the problem is the clintons raked in more than $12 million the year they left the oval office. cashin' in is starting right now. >> hey, everyone, i'm eric bolling. welcome to cashin' in. welcome everybody. the latest on the terrorist marching through iraq. first, a crisis of epic proportions on the southern beard, a wave of illegal immigrants, many of them children crossing into the u.s. the potential cost just to deal with them without fixing the problem, more than $2 billion. so who is to blame for all of this border chaos? here's what senator ted cruz told megan kelly. >> this is the human humanitarian crisis and it's the direct result of president obama's lawlessness and
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unwillingness to enforce the law. >> so is senator cruz right? >> yeah, he is. if you look at the newspapers in honduras they're telling people if your child goes across the border they'll get amnesty. that president obama will not deport them and neither will his administration and the question is why are we opening our home and our wallet at a time when we don't even have money to take care of ourselves? i understand that the president wants to help illegals, he wants to help these dreamers; but what about the dream of the young american citizens in this country who are suffering and who are living in poverty? why not spend those $2 billion on border security. on creating a fence that actually secures our country rather than spending $2 billion on something that is a consequence of not having a secure border. >> what do you say? do you agree with ted cruz that the real problem is president obama's policy? >> of course it is, eric. i mean, listen, the man has violated the lawk constantly an
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violated the constitution. he is giving amnesty to illegals who have relatives in the uf.s. amnesty to illegals giving guardianship to people. it's already illegal. you can't violate the constitution if you're doing something legally. he's doing it illegally. congress has no guts for it. they don't do anything about it and they should stand up and be counted instead of running for the exit every time they bring this up. >> now, juan, before you jump in here, i want you to listen to a border agent that has quite a bit of experience on the border telling us exactly what the problem is. listen. >> the word spreading rapidly. it is unchecked and that it's pretty much a free pass of the way the system is set up at this time. >> so juan, they're literally in guatemala, in honduras, they're telling the people, send your kids to america.
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you won't get sent back. bad idea or good idea? >> that's been the idea. you talk about cuban refugees. these children are refugees from war and from political instability and spreads to their lives. so if you're the father eric of that kind of child on this father's day weekend you would be looking out for your child too and america's policy as this land of immigrants has always been we will welcome -- >> but you're putting these kids at risk. >> illegal. >> this is nothing illegal. they're refugees. >> well they're declared to be illegal. our own government calls them illegal. >> the failure of immigration is that the republicans won't do anything about immigration policy. george w. bush had a -- >> let's stay on this issue. jonathan, your thoughts on what's going on on the southern
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border. >> i don't think we should disparage people wanting to breathe free. this say country of immigrants. alexander hamilton, we should be delighted that people want to come here and work. >> legal, jonathan. legal. >> wayne, let me just say, the right talks about legal immigration the way left to left talks about regulated businesses. the left said we love businesses but we want it regulated. we love immigration but we just want it legal. that means controlled by government. >> jonathan, that's the law. i don't care. >> guys, guys, hang on. >> go ahead wayne and then michelle. >> i said if you don't like the law, change the law. but as long as the law is there, they're illegal and they shouldn't be here. >> go ahead michelle. >> jonathan you're not in favor of tons of government spending but this is leading to tons of government spending.
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now these people are coming here and who has to take care of them? the government has to take care of them. >> why. >> why what? >> why does the government have to take care of them? >> because they're kids coming here. and it's president obama, it's president obama encouraging people to send their children on this very dangerous trip across the border. >> no, that's not true. >> you you don't think that's a problem? >> can i respond? they didn't come steal the 2 billion. it was given to them by government. that's where our beef should be. you don't want to deport the gm. >> hold on. may i jump in here jonathan? i don't want to pick on jonathan. let me go to juan. so we're supposed to -- the taxpayers watching right now are supposed to pick up the tab for the health care and transportation and food stamps. >> eric, you're missing my point. these people are refugees.
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they're not illegal immigrants like somebody crossing the border to get on food stamps. these are childrens that are refugees from war. this is what we have done over the history of our wonderful country. >> then we should let in the entire middle east. >> i'll let wayne respond to this. homeland security secretary, listen. >> hhs acts in the best interest of the child which very often means reuniting that child with a parent. that's what the law requires. >> wayne, quickly, that's what the law requires. >> send the parent to where the child is. if the child is illegal, the parent is not illegal. let the parent go where the child is. nobody says it's stopping them from doing that either. >> we'll leave it right there but you can continue the conversation right now on twitter.
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#cashinin. on twitter, 20 weeks in a row. we had 10,000 tweets making cashin' in one of the most talked about topics on all of social media. coming up, we go from illegals flooding our border to the mass exodus in iraq. terrorists sweeping across the country. we'll debate the cost of getting involved again versus the cost of doing nothing. stick around. i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last. i try not to worry, but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop? because everyone has retirement questions. ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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>> the president says we won the war on terror, well, he's dead wrong. radical islamists are heading through iraq with great force. so get involved or not? jonathan the war there cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of american lives, what should we do now? >> stay out, eric. look at the middle east. it's a cest pool. it's islamic no matter where you
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look. i don't think we should risk one american life that's no in service of the enemy. not mettling in tribal warfare that does no one here any good. >> wayne, do you agree with jonathan. >> well, in a way, i do. i love jonathan's energy about this. he is right in the following sense, it is not in our selfish best interest to be involved there. you have shiites on one side and sunis, they've been killing each other for 2,000 years, let them do that. if we're going to maintain the balance of power in the middle east using israel as the lever, that's what we should do. stay out of their conflicts. >> president obama managed to lose a war we've already done. he says he has committed possibly to certain types of military action. no boots on the ground. what should he do. >> i love that you said obama lost this war. that's hilarious. but anyway, we already give
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helicopters, we give missiles, we have given fighter jets. we have trained the military but the guy that's responsible is the president who has allowed his military to absolutely fall apart and that's why they're getting crushed. it's not our problem. the only problem we have, the only stake we have in this is making sure that terrorists don't come out of that region and that's the reason we have to do that. >> have to go to michelle because we don't have a lot of time. michelle, we spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives and we say forget them. >> i'm going to be a war hock right now and say we have to do something. if we don't this can spread to other regions. it can spread to jordan. during 9/11 before this happened, they had just a small plot of land to train and plan the attacks on 9/11. if we don't do anything about this, they're going to have a larger region to do something terrible. i think the president needs to fire who ever is advising him. get general petreais on the
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line. >> it's a bunch o people fighting each other and juan is right. >> at one point, john mccain who is in favor of going back in and finishing the job in his words, he had also said let's back the rebels in syria. there's a big problem here though. the rebels in syria are some of the same people fighting right now in iraq. marching their way through iraq. it's isis and soc. we can't tell who is a good-bye and who is a bad guy. jonathan that would go to your point, is that right? >> mccain wants to finish the job. we haven't started the job. we haven't fought a real job against jihad or afghanistan or iraq. it's been self-sacrificial from the start. spread freedom. bring democracy to the middle east. that's why it's in the chaos it is today. a soldier's job is to destroy the enemy. but our soldiers have been strung from the beginning. that's why the middle east is in
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such a threat. >> do we let the entire region fall to these terrorists? >> no but our efforts michelle have not destroyed the terrorists. we fought an unreal war. we held off from attacking the enemy, iran and saudi arabia particularly because we don want to upset the middle east. so we should fight a real war. >> we ran out of time again. another heated topic. coming up in our round 3 segment, hilary is dead broke, eric cantor loves steak houses and give detroit away for free to save it? we'll explain. [ girl ] my dad, he makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ he can print amazing things, right from his computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] he makes trains that are friends with trees. [ train whistle blows ] my dad works at ge. ♪
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hello everybody, iraq, a country on the brink, thousands of young iraqi men answering the call to fight. making an advance across that nation. does washington have the will or the power to stop it? at the top of the hour we'll get reaction. plus we'll also hear from a mom whose family paid the ultimate price in the iraq war. the internal revenue service lost two years of e-mails from the figure at the center of the irs scandal. investigators are fuming while they wonder computer crash or convenient excuse. we'll have a live report. >> plus, the 911 calls from the people in phoenix attacked in their church. one killed and one badly injured. we'll have more on this and the rest of today's headlines coming up right here on amhq.
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stay with us. get ready to rumble. it's the new segment round 3. three topics. three times around the horn. first up, hilary clinton painting a fuzzy picture of her struggles in the white house. take a listen. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. >> broke. dead broke, but in debt.. dead broke, but >> broke, oh, really? what if i told you the clintons made $12 million. we should all be so broke. >> i want to go broke! i want to go broke! she did benghazi, white water, all these things so she could talk about these scandals and make a lot of money. i want scandals. make me broke. >> michelle, you broke like that? >> i wish. i think most americans would give up their job in a heart beat to be broke like the clintons. hillary and bill, they are the greatest sales men on the
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planet. they pretend to be every day people, that they are in touch with everyone. at the end of the week, they're rich elitistelitists. >> defend the broke comment. >> the book's out and i think she's had quite a week of attention. i think actually, the biggest threat is coming from the left, questioning why she didn't support gay rights earlier. so i think you're going to get a lot of attacks. hillary clinton, rush limbaugh is all over here, but right now, no other candidate, republican or democrat, comes close. >> it's just one out. >> we got a question first and hillary just talked about how the islamists pose no threat to the united states. she has zero credibility with me. >> round two. republican, eric cantor's food bill is a bigger shocker than his loss this week, a new report showing the majority leader spent more at steak houses than his opponent did on his entire campaign.
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dave brett who beat -- >> he sure does, it's not only a steak house bill, which was unbelievable, more than that, but you know what? he raises so much money from wall street and now, a lot of that is going to shrink up. >> well, i mean, just goes to show why we don't need campaign finance reform, eric. to your point. the person who spends the most money on the campaign doesn't always win. this last cantor race is the best example, the one people might not remember is that of president obama, was far outspent by other candidates. not only won that race. >> michelle, you've been to a few steak houses in d.c. pretty expensive, aren't they? >> they are. this is what happens when you have a politician who's more interested in lining his pockets, eating nice steaks on k street than actually listening to his constituents and
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hopefully, this is a lesson to everyone in washington that if they do that and if they don't listen to their constituents, they're going to be booted just like cantor was u. >> wayne? >> i think that's all of those statements are absolutely right and more importantly, he doesn't pay attention to his own business. he didn't know what he was doing and didn't play attention to his candidate, who was eating his lunch all the time. what this tells you, also, is that organization is very important. forget the money. if you've got the organization. >> we got to go to round three. destitute, di lap tated. how about this fix? give the land away for free like the u.s. did in homestead act. michelle, could this work? >> actually, i think this is a good idea, however, i think you need to do more than just that because you wouldn't give away all of the land to everyone. people still won't come because there's still corruption, high crime. i think this coupled with senator paul's economic freedom
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zones, i think could be a good thing that could help detroit. >> john, i think you recommended this the first time you did that detroit special a few months ago. >> absolutely. what destroyed detroit? wasn't the evil bankers, the koch brothers, it have the evil policies. make detroit a real economic free zone. you could see major corporations not so dissimilar to what happens in singapore or bermuda, set up shop there. the abandoned properties belong to nobody. the best thing detroit could want for is for the villages to set up shop and bring thousands of people. >> detroit, there are a lot of other cities in the u.s. that could use some help. >> well, i think the idea they proposed specifically is not good. i think the one that jonathan is talking about is very good if you make it an economic free zone, but if you don't have a selfish reason to be this
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detro detroit, then none of it's going to work. it would have to be selfishly economic to be there. >> ten seconds. >> i think the rich are coming. you watch the japanese, they're buying property in new york, one final thought, michelle never has to pay for dinner at those steak houses. >> that's true. we're going to have to leave it there. thanks for joining us this week. coming up, bergdahl now back in the u.s. we know where he is, but what about those guys? shocking new comments from our secretary of defense that could have you feeling less safe this weekend. be ber. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ paying ourselves to do what we love? are the largest targets in the world,
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this last year, so i'm looking at those kind of stocks. >> energy mlps have been hot for r a long time. how about you, john? >> they've been super hot. they were cold, but now, are coming back. shipping stocks, a lot of them are showing great strength, so i like and on nabulus maritime. it's a greek shipping company. as costs rise, this will follow it along. >> are you concerned about the rising cost of energy what's going on in iraq? >> i'm short bonds, so i'm anticipating highest interest rates. from base metals across the board. >> see you again next week. that's it for the cost of freedom block. before we go, the obama administration released five deadly terrorists back into the wild. will they kill again? only time will tell. let's hope the administration did its homework. >> have we made other trades with taliban? >> with the taliban, i don't
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know. i don't think so. i don't think so. >> based on secretary of defense chuck hagel's testimony this week, i just don't know. have a great weekend, everybody. i'll see on on "the five." >> hundreds of young iraqi men are lining up to fight against al-qaeda inspired terrorists after seizing two other cities this week. tensions are running high as iraq remains under siege and is spiralling into chaos. will the u.s. step in? the u.s. says not so fast. >> any action we may take to provide assistance to iraqi security forces has to be a sincere effort by iraq's leaders. we can't do it for them.
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