tv Media Buzz FOX News June 15, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> happy father's day. that does it for us. thank you for watching on the fox news channel. >> on the "buzz beater," the political pundits blow a big one insisting that eric cantor to breeze to victory in the virginia primary dismissing that the tea party novice david brat could knock him off. then the results came in. stunning. >> a stunning defeat. >> everyone is shocked. >> one of the most power will republicans on capitol hill goes down. >> we are going do cover a shocking development in american politics. >> a stunning upset. >> how did the political
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journalists get it so wrong? >> we have an all-star line up brit hume and laura ingraham. hillary clinton blitzes the airways and she is pressed on benghazi, her health and her wealth. >> is there anything you personally should have been doing to make it safer in bennett gaza? >> i wonder if people are looking for a sentence that begins from you. "i should have...." >> i certainly would give anything on earth if this had not happened. >> you have said repeatedly that you take responsibility. >> does that include testifying before congress? >> somewhere surprised you didn't really, after all that you read and wrote in the back, you did not talk about your concussion in 2012. >> were the interviewers tough enough on the democratic frontrunner?
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>> iraq, back on our television screens after years of fatigue. are journalists asking the right questions? and the o.j. chase, 20 years ago this week. did that pump the -- push the era into sensationalism? this is "media buzz." on tuesday morning, the "washington post" said immediate ly, that david brat would lose. they called it a shocking and stunning upset. we looked for those talking about primary in advance but we didn't find much, just a couple of brief mentions on msnbc. >> brat tells the national review "you are going to run a primary campaign against cantor
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because he voted for the budget deal with murray and ryan and repealing the affordable care act he hasn't moved the ball down the field at all." >> on primary day, it was clear virtually no one saw the cantor collapse coming. >> other races to watch in virginia, house majority leader cantor facing a long shot tea party challenger, an economics professor, dave brat. >> what do we know of dave brat? >> great question. we don't know much. >> no one bothered to cough the guy. how did political journalists blow this so badly. we have a former usa executive and editor at large at hot hair and columnist for "usa today", dear -- did it an embarrassment
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for the press? >> yes, no one bothered to do shoe leather reporting and talk to the voters and see what they had to say. msnbc had a few mentions. cnn nothing, fox, nothing, "new york times", nothing. my favorite is "politico" writing that brat has its -- little chance of upsetting. "cantor who will almost certainly become the next speaker of the house." >> you know, it is not that we should be able to predict every race with certainty but most of the reporters had gone home and it wasn't on the radar. >> i. take blame, and there is a tendency for the tea party to see it black and white, the early primary season convinced everyone it was dead, the tea party is dead or resurgent and ruining the public, with no middle down.
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now, maybe we can google the candidates and find the middle ground. >> is this partly because the reporters take the cue from the political establishment who didn't see it coming and there were no media polls and we love the polls to tell us who is in trouble? >> usually, a poll will show you or if a poll did it you would hear something, something would be bubbling up and someone else in the district would be saying something is off, so they would tell the reporters that and maybe they were and they were dismissing it. mary katherine hit on it, in was a media narrative which i never bought. i pushed back against it i was treated like i was crazy, that the tea party is dead. it never made sense because the two people who get the movie attention right now in the republican party are t.d. cruz and -- ted and rand paul. >> we are not treating you like you are crazy this morning.
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>> it is a story line that the republicans liked and what they pushed. they wanted the tea party to be dead and they wanted the establishment to be alive. >> mention talking to voters and a "new york times" knocked on the doors and there was antipathy toward the candidate but this was after. the idea of going out door knocking in a race, is that just out of vogue? >> you cannot only blame reporters there is a corporate --. >> try me. >> blame whoever you want. there is a corporate responsibility here. a lost travel budgets have been cut. the newspaper industry, the magazine industry, isn't as vibrant as it used to be and everyone is dealing with declines. when you cut those budgets you will see something like you say with trayvon martin in florida, the young man who was killed and we didn't even know about that for about a week because the local paper closed the bureau. >> and orlando had only a few paragraphs. >> we have laura ingraham behind
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you and she and a couple of others trumpeted dave brat on the radio and this is hailed as a talk radio victory. >> let me assist you blaming reporters that virginia 7 is sector 75 miles from here so they did not need a ton of budget to get down there. when it comes to the national media reporting it is a very diffuse movement and sometimes there are great candidates and sometimes wild card candidates that don't work. this is key. it is tough to know who will come out swinging and win. there is not a lot of action put into trying to figure that out with the tea party, a lot of dismissing. >> morning after the primary, dave brat talked by phone with msnbc and said he would not agree there should be a minimum wage and could not answer about arming the rebels to certificatia but since then, no more interviews. if the media covered the race,
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would the media scrutiny make it more difficult because he did not have to answer the questions. >> thank you is true by i can cut him slack. sometimes we expect people to know more than they might know until they are actually in office. >> college professor who was running a shoestring camera with a 23-year-old campaign manager. >> everyone said she was good looking. >> is that what they are saying? >> that you for elevating the level of this story. >> he is good looking. it was reported he is good looking. >> plenty have come in with great years. he can still have a great career ever continue know doesn't know if he wants to arm the syrian rebels. >> there is danger there is an overreaction and now the pundits are overinterpretsing in what could be that cantor grew out of town. eight was wonderful to watch in addition to the "shocking" and
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"stunning" and the "shocking" and "the stunning" we had the teacher is going to dominate the lesses. or saying that compromise is dead in washington. it has been dead for a long-term. but everyone was trying to make this bigger than it was. >> and message on immigration is dead. is little bit of hyper ventilation? >> that is probably going to be the case. there is a last googling going on on a lot of primary candidates but the media in washington, they want a quick if simple answer and the tea party does not give that to them. they might continue misread this. >> take another minute to explain why that is a problem? most journalists can't figure out the tea party movement which is not, after all, not an organized political party with nominations. it is a movement. >> a little bit of hyper ventilation could help. there will be in shoe legislate
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spent on these guys and there will be time spent asking questions and figuring out certain races that maybe were not going to be at issue before but, yes, there was legal perfect storm and we need to watch out for that. i don't think the major is capable of understanding the tea party. i forget which "new york times" reporter wrote a book about the tea party which is good and "new york times" is not a friend of the tea party and everything she wrote about the tea party does not comport with the story line we constantly get. >> like what? >> the elites can not relate and they want temperature to be bigot whose hate president obama and are drive were by their racist hatred. >> journalists want this? why? >> well, i can't say what motivates them in terms of their wants but say that is the help result. >> and chris matthews of all people urged his colleagues this
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week on msnbc to say, look, stop condescend this is a real movement. fur going to understand them you have to understand them and stop flagging them. >> that is a good thing that came out of this, because the reporters were not there and were not covering it on the ground you will see a lot more reporters heading to the directs where races have this going on. >> if do you not find sweeping implications it is 36,000 voters voting for a district in virginia that is hard to sustain. >> send us a tweet on what you think of our coverage. >> ahead, laura ingraham on using her radio show to knock off eric cantor, but, first, hillary clinton launches the campaign -- excuse me, her book tour. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies.
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they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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it wasn't quite a campaign kickoff but r mor tan a >> more than a book tour when hillary clinton sat down with diane sawyer the first chance to examine the democratic frontrunner for 2016. >> monica lewinsky is back in the news. did you call her a narcissistic loony tune? >> i will not comment on what i did or did not say. >> it is reported you made $5 million making speeches and the president made $100 million? >> well, if you have no reason to remember but we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt, we had in money when we got there and we drug eled to put together the resources for mortgages for
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houses, for chelsea's education. >> do you think americans are going to understand five times the median income in the country for one speech? >> some on the right predicted the liberal media would rollover and they asked about benghazi and finances and how would you evaluate the media? >> i applaud it. i would like to see more. here is the thing. the questions were, you could anticipate they will. they were things she should have had good answers f she had better answers -- and there is plenty of blueprint eight bout answering questions about your wealth or benghazi i if she had a solid answer she would not be pushed. >> were the media right to pounce on her over the dead broke answer? was it a serious misstep? >> i thought it was serious misstep. it shows her to be out of touch.
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and that was the big thing everyone said about romney. it is a problem. >> a woman pedals an $8 million book and made $1 million a speech and she is say she had a bleak future. >> dead broke implies you are sleeping on a friend's sofa not that you are getting a loan from a friend to buy $1.2 million home and the reason you are getting the loan is because you are getting to the place you will be raking in multimillions. it showed her to be out of touch >> diane sawyer, how does she go? >> as mary katherine said, very good. she pressed her. she did not let her go and came back. >> she neverred seemed like a
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prosecutor or badgering of the witness. >> what she does, she lulled her into this sense of complacency which is when the dead broke comment came out. it seemed like you are talking to a woman of your own age which is exactly the best zinger, where hillary clinton said, well, isn't it great to on our age. >> what got the most attention late in the week was hillary clinton's interview with national public radio's terry gross and she was pressed on change his position from the 1990's about same-sex marriage, she was opposed and now in favor. take a listen. >> thank you is one where you changed your mind. >> i have to say, i think you are very persistent but you are playing with my words and playing with what is such --. >> just trying to clarify. >> i don't think you are trying to clarify. you are trying to say that i
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used to be opposed and now i am in favor and i did it for political reasons. >> was that as testy as it sounded? >> defensive. part of the issue is the stylistic difference between her and the reporters. both terry and diane are composed. let me ask about this, very calm. and this is something we talked about in the past, her contentious relationship with the media. she clearly is not giving calm and friendly answers. she could have prepared for it. >> it was out of line. >> absolutely. >> i have never seen someone of her stature treated that way. >> the way show was not dropped -- she asked the question over and over and over. i have always supported gay marriage, i cannot remember when i didn't. i cut her slack consider she and the rest of the country didn't. why is she being raked over the coals like this. >> name another who has been
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raked over the coombs on that. >> you go back to 2008 and president obama was given a free pass, terry gross should be commended, and she is from npr. >> you are not getting my point, if you are doing it, do i wish they did it to everyone in yes. absolutely. but they don't. why was she doing it to hillary clinton? >> the clinton camp has a point, yes, they did not do it to rebound and i don't blame them, and you have to anticipate the media environment as if you are a republican candidate. be ready. >> why did hillary clinton used to not support game when no one supported gay marriage the grow up. >> she has to learn not to be so defensive. if she could have given them a softer answer, terry gross would have moved on. >> i changed my mind. >> eight was npr which is fault hostile territory.
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>> thanks. did laura ingraham step outside her role in endorsing eric cantor's opponent and how brit hume would handle hillary clinton next week on fox. upgrade to the philips norelco shaver series 8000 for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50.
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the national media ignored cantor's battle but a couple of reporters were on the case. >> laura ingraham was at a rally for dave brat. he is take on one of the most powerful republicans in congres. >> if my voice helps anyone to look at this it is positive. >> i sat with her. >> welcome, laura. >> david brat got almost no
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national media coverage and you put hill on the radio and you became the champion against cantor. why? >> i saw something in him that was hopeful, truthful, a lot of courage, bold thinking. he dared to take on the giant. he was the only credible challenger out there to cantor and i thought, look, you can take down the giant and cantor is a giant in immigration reform and the house majority leader and you could really change the shape of the debate in american politics and i thought, look, we are losing our country, our country is in a lot of trouble so if you can send a message to the establishment you will not keep doing way are doing. >> you have been a conservative talk show host and everyone knows where you stand but you go to richmond and speak with a rally does that make you into a political activist? >> i am a concerned american and a commentator and i never paint myself as one who is objective. i have been there since i worked
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for president reagan and i was editor of the dartmouth view. our country is at a tipping point and a culturally and spire wail -- spiritually, and this needs to come from the disaffected people. >> coverage was suggested you were driving this primarily? >> i gave him more of a platform. the national and local media did mostly a poor job of covering the race. >> that generous, there was so little attention that it could be a competitor's race. did that make your voice louder the that is why i went down. the press is asleep at the wheel or purposely not covering the story. they like pro am middle east and if cantor is re-elected it would be a signal they could move on
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immigration reform the he is kinder and more gentle. he does not measure up and he did not measure up. if he did, he would have been re-elected. on medicare part (d) and he is known as the guy who wants to do the dream act and amnesty. that didn't sit well. >> have other candidates asked for your help? >> lot. a lot. i am taking it under as -- advisement. there are a lot of people running. every race is different. understand this: when we see the establishment in both parties fail the working class people year after year with the standard of living going like this or going like this . ought democrats are being take
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on? >> both sides are culpable. it is abominable what though is done. i want to give someone a voice who had a powerful and uplifting message. >> are you now leading a crusade against the beltway republican establishment. >> for the renewal of america. it is slipping away. in this studio, in beautiful washington, dc, the elite are not affected like the rest of the country. most americans --. >> conservative to take on a substantial part of the republican party. >> i have not been popular in this town since i became critical of the bush establishment in the final few years of the bush administration. i like the bushes as people and i like speaker boehner, i think he is wonderful. i like paul ryan.
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he is a great guy. they are hurting themselves and their out state wednesday. i am just one personned and will be involved as much as i can. >> good to see you. >> ahead, cnn is running a documentary on george bush 41 that funding that rosss a line. but, first, brit hume on covering the chaos in iraq after years of journalistic war fatigue. orld in reverse, orld in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back. but it's okay, it's just a new kind of adventure. and really, who wants to look backwards when you can look forward?
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tributes pouring in for radio legend casey kasem passing away today in washington state. he was suffering from advanced parkinson's disease. it is a sad day for radio listeners around the world. he was 82. >> in iraq, another city reportedly has fallen into the hands ofback wrack spinoff group near the syrian border. the united states forces took that same city from al-qaeda militants in 2005. as the fighting rages on our military is ramping up security for our embassy in baghdad. there literally thousands of americans in the capital city, moving them is a huge task. there are also reports that terrorists are posting graphic photos showing the execution of captured iraqi photos.
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this story is change by the hour. watch more at 7:00 eastern. >> in iraq, the terrorists are seizing major cities and marching to baghdad, the country if chaos. and now to examine how the media is framing the story is brit hume. why did the coverage of the iraq war all but vanish even with american troops there. what happened? >> one reason, this is a war that was going to be george bush's war. it was thought to have been concluded. even though we were in the process of withdrawing, there wasn't a lot of violence on the ground. >> weren't journalists tired of it? >> and this was no sense this place was about to disintegrate. when the troops come home and there is no real news to report
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news organizations who are looking at budgets are going to not keep bureaus open where this is no war. it looked to be about over. there are a few exceptions particularly writers from the "new yorker," have kept on the story but not many. the decisions with made and all hell was breaking loose if other parts of the middle east and iraq it seemed to be relatively quiet. so the news is doubly shocking because it was almost completely vanished from the radar and the pundits are degenerating to the same old argument, this is public's part. no, it is obama's fault for not cutting a bigger deep. are you getting a sense of deja vu? >> yes, but, look, it is a broader and deeper question
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having to do with america's role in the world. we have had the interventions and some have gone badly including vietnam. in the view of most, iraq, although it appears to have been concluded we successfully by the time president bush last office, can be viewed in the after mat not least because the president acted as it were, as a failure. not worth a candle. then you have the series of erruptions in different places around world and particularly in the middle east and decisions are made not to send american forces, not to get too deeply involved and once that decision is made, of course, have a coverage decision. how to cover the civil war in syria? very difficult. extremely dangerous. there is no host government there that will make sure the immediatia are taken care of or a place to report from. very difficult, very tough. of course, what we have is the spread of the syria conflict into iraq, spillover effect, and
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now we are all looking at it and thinking the middle east is on fire. hillary clinton we talked about early irwill be on fox news tuesday and if you were interviewing is it more difficult the third or four earth or fifth or sixth, in a sequence? >> i would try to get someone else if i was asked, interviews are difficult anyway because the interviewee is in charge and if they want to play and be forthcoming and be interesting that can happen. what if you interrupt? what if you press? >> the problem is you have a person of standing and hillary clinton is the former secretary of state and perhaps the leading figure in the democratic party, former first lady, is entitled properly to a measure of respect. which gets you into the problem you have. such people tend to fill buster when it is in their interest and
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interrupting has to be done very carefully and very politely. hard to do. >> what happened if it is done excessively? >> you, the interviewer, become the story, and you become the most conspicuous thing in the interview and --. >> why be rude? why cut her off? >> don't want that there are times you must do it or try and no one does this better than chris wallace. that is on his show and his setting and he is clearly the host and the ringmaster, and when you sit down in a hotel room with hillary clinton or a studio somewhere, it is not the same. is very difficult. >> our clock is winding down but the final question, there will be a half hour live with the former secretary of state so the clockwork against new that situation? >> half hour is not bad. they also have, sometimes it is better not to be first because you know the answers and you can thing of questions formulated to try to get beyond the talking
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points so it is a disadvantage you are not first but an advantage in terms of strategizing for the interview. >> you know what the soundbites are. thank you, brit hume. >> we will tell you who is the most trusted name in news but after the break, how did saturation coverage of o.j. 20 years ago transform today's media in o.j. 20 years ago transform today's media? [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you,
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it was a moment that riveted the country, o.j. simpson suspected in the murder of his wife and her friend. joining us for the "z" block is television and media critic for "the baltimore sun." that moment televising the trial day after day, what impact did that have on the profession? >> the main thing it did, put the elements of court tv, reality tv were all there. people acted like this show invented it. no, it didn't invent it. you had "the real world" on mtv before this happened. this was so successful, it changed the way programmers looked at it. we don't have to have a war to keep people riveted 24 hours. >> nor did it turn out you had
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to have a famous defendant like o.j. we could make people famous, jodi arias, nataliee holloway, casey anthony. >> it taught us that shows can be about larger issues. you don't have to have celebrities. o.j. himself, really it was about a racial drama, 200 years of racial history going on. we couldn't understand that normal people could represent larger things in the american psych. that's what made it smart. i also think we got much smarter about race. >> let me turn to a column you wrote about a two-hour documentary cnn is airing tonight on the life of george h.w. bush. that's take a look at an excerpt. >> i george herbert walker bush do solemnly swear.
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>> he took his responsibilities to help his fellow man seriously. he's a man of enormous love. >> you ripped cnn's decision to run this. why? >> i do. first of all, let me say, there's much to respect about the 41st president of the united states. >> he jumped out of an airplane at the age of 90. >> but this is not what a news channel should be showing. this is george washington, i cannot tell a lie. there's nothing balanced about a real human being. this is a pure celebration. >> it's because of the funding. >> and it's funded. thank you. you beat me to the punch. it's funded by the bush library, howie, which is outrageous that a news channel is showing something fund by the library for bush and calling it a documentary. that's the outrageous thing. cnn, their chicagoland documentary did the same thing, the thing with rahm emanuel, it bee ba
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debases of notion of a documentary. >> you have a former bush white house speech write as the producer. george bush approved the project, approved all the interviews. >> think of it! >> you asked cnn for a response. >> they were like what's your problem? you know, that was it. you're being weird. what's the problem with this thing? when we wrote about it, a lot of other people had a problem. i'm glad we did. it shows how far we've gone down the road. howie, this is everybody's history, our history. his history once he becomes a national figure is our history. you don't let them rewrite it that way. >> cnn has certainly been up front about disclosing the funding. >> that's true. politico paying part-time correspondent chelsea clinton $600,000. your thoughts? >> did i not say nbc news was journalistically bankrupt when i they hired her?
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she made about $100,000 a report. probably more than that. i think it's outrageous. it sends an outrageous message to the hard-working journalist at a place like nbc news. i could not understand why they did this. she was terrible. you know what the president of nbc news has said at the time, it's like she's been preparing her whole life preparing for this job. >> don't hold back next time. coming up, an nbc anchor goes to the hospital and pretends he's having a baby. yes, it's kind of weird. and a female reporter deals with an obscene bystander. our video verdict is straight our video verdict is straight ahead. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home...
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pags time now for our video verdict. the "today" she's savannah guthrie is pregnant and the "today" show loves to appeal to the moms out there. >> rather than bring on a baby expert, willie geist was drafted to go to the hospital, well, for a very unusual segment. >> well, i just happen to know someone who is about to be a dad, my husband mike. >> so for educational purposes i will be the mother in this scenario. >> grab a leg, dad, since she will be screaming at you and just yes her to dead. >> yes, yes, doing great, honey. >> always want to support the baby's neck and easier if you lift the bottom than the top. at this point the baby will be peeing on you. >> isn't he or she beautiful? >> so beautiful. looks a lot like you. >> can i just unsee that with him in the stirrups. that was just so disgusting. >> wait a minute. you didn't find this segment
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educational. >> oh, come on. i want to get my parenting advice from willie geist? seriously? >> dad on this father's day. >> so also hocking a book so there's a reason for this segment. >> creepy for this segment. >> creepy. >> "today" show trying to play up savannah guthrie who is an expecting mom and trying to appeal to the female audience. >> i give it a 3. >> it was funny. i'll give you a 6. no thank you. >> for local tv reporters doing live shots on the treat is a very routine exercise except when it's not. >> as one reporter found when she was reporting on a gay pride celebration in los angeles. >> they have only had a couple of arrests related to people who were drinking a little bit too much. >> live in west palm beach. >> hi, sorry. back to you guys. >> okay. anything like that ever happen to you? >> no, no, no, absolutely not.
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but you never know what's going to happen on a live shot. i remember standing on i-95 and the cars are whizzing behind me and i'm thinking my gosh, i could get killed right now. they are like a foot away from me. >> so you always have to be prepared for somebody breaking into your scene there. not like he was trying to pick her up. >> and i love that she didn't know what to do. all i have to do is get out of here as soon as possible. like she kept turning. >> maintained her composure but should have kneed the guy in the groin. >> the weather channel guy did that. >> i'll give her an 8. >> i'll give her a 7. >> still to come, america's tweets and america's most trusted news anchors include jon stewart? >> i woik lo say happy father's day to my father in wadell, arizona. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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off the tea party and were buying all the public polls. >> all you u.s. media drink from the same fountain and don't cover news anymore. rather just chase ratings. >> like 20 years ago when they chase that had bronco. it does not change. >> would have been good ratings if anybody knew cantor was in trouble but since nobody covered the race. >> nobody knew. >> finally good news for jon stewart and bad news for msnbc. in a new survey by the left-leaning brookings institution and the public religion research institution, 25% say fox news is the most trusted name in news. by the way, fox leads not just amongst conservatives but among independents as well. 23% picked broadcast news, 17% cnn and 12% public tv. 8% picked "the daily show" and trailing jon stewart 5% say the most trusted is msnbc. >> okay. >> bad for msnbc, great for fox, right, but i think that they have a point. jon stewart has to set up the news in order to snark about it so you do learn something. >> i think it goes beyond that.
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it's interesting that "the daily show" rated relatively high, 8% of the people and that is it seems to me that people like the fact that he cuts through the spin and the bs and they like to laugh. >> it's very funny. >> you learn while laughing and i think that's something that is usually missing. i want to say happy father's day to my day, warren ashburn, in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, love you very much. >> happy father's day to warren. >> still want to talk about jon stewart. nobody gave us a wrap. that's it for this edition of "media buzz." i'm howard kurtz. back here next sunday morning at 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. >> this is major andre brown from kabul, afghanistan. pops, i want to say happy father's day. i love you.
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hope you're taking >> happy father, i love you, hope you are taking take of yourself from california. i am chris wallace, president obama considers military options in iraq as al-qaeda led firefighters take over cities and set their sight on baghdad. we will not send us troops into combat but i asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options. >> three years after troops left iraq, we will discuss how to stop the islamic jihadist with house intelligence committee chair mike rogers. plus, was the obama white house caught flatfooted? >> it is not like we haven't seen the problem coming. what is the president doing? taking a nap. >> our panel
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