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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 16, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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horse and was running. >> we don't know why he was doing that. he wasn't hurt. >> he was arrested, banned from the track for life. >> just wanted to take part. >> have a great day everyone. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning everyone. it's monday, the 16th of june, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. another major city in iraq falls at the hands of jihad. so where is the president and how will the white house respond? we are live in washington with the very latest. >> he's on vacation. it's not just kids crossing our borders. gang members now part of the surge flooding into the united states. the agents trying to keep it safe running out of options. we've got a firsthand account that is going to be unbelievable.
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>> america's mourning the death of radio legend casey kasem this morning. we're honoring his life and looking at the next chapter in the battle over his estate. on a lighter note, mornings are better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> welcome aboard, folks. live from studio e. it's the monday show after father's day. >> did you guys enjoy it? happy bleated to both of you. >> thank you very much. i saw you talking to your dad yesterday on the television set. >> that was a lot of fun. he got to open his gift live on the air which was cool. >> did you give him cash again? >> no. i thought the daughter was supposed to ask the dad for cash. >> that is not how it works in our house. thanks for joining us on this monday morning. we have got a lot of news. >> we're going to get to that fox news alert. photos showing the mass
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execution of thousands of iraqi soldiers. this as yet another major city falls to the islamic terrorists. peter doocy live in washington. >> reporter: good morning, anna. things in iraq got so bad so fast that now the obama administration is apparently thinking about reaching out to iran for assistance in stopping the militant group isis according to to a "wall street journal" report suggesting talks could begin as soon as today. it comes as isis has taken another town in iraq. this time, the population 200,000 near the syria border. the american intel community is alarmed at the rapid rise of isis and is warning of a possible attack on the united states homeland if they aren't stopped soon. >> the staging area for the next 9/11 if we don't do something about it. the people holding ground in iraq also hold ground in
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syria. economic instability will affect gas prices in our economic recovery. >> 100 troops aimed to iraq to help relocate embassy personnel in baghdad. they have beefed up security at the embassy as 1,700 security forces are shown being slaughtered by isis hit the west. >> i think our intelligence failed us miserably for not being aware at the threat we faced and how this could unfold as quickly as it has. >> many of the iraqi soldiers being killed by isis in the photos on-line are wearing civilian clothes, some with military fatigues underneath suggesting they may have tried to knee and were murdered -- tried to flee and were murdered any way. >> thank you very much. so where is the president of the united states as iraq is burning? the president is on vacation. he's taking a four-day father's day vacation. yesterday he played golf at
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the porcupine creek estate owned by the oracle founder by the name of larry ellison. the timing is awful. dana preknow works at fox. she says sometimes when all the brown stuff is hitting the rotation blades, a vacation is not the best thing to go on. >> here you have a situation where we have seen to have lost telefar and might be losing another city there. or i should say the iraqis are losing it. now i understand the grand ayatollah is saying listen to me, you've got to stand up and fight, shia. they are beginning to show up and the army is beginning to actually man up and they are looking to now engage, protect baghdad and maybe get on the offensive. when you talk about the president of the united states, he says we will only act if the iraqi government shows a willingness to reconcile with all groups. now i'm going on vacation. what kind of attitude or decision making leadership
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is that? we're going to now wait for the iraqis to reconcile with other groups overnight? you mean the group, the same leader that you watched for two and a half years do the same thing over and over again, put a warrant out for the arrest for his vice president because he's sunni? could you have acted when fallujah fell in january when you said we have an issue here and being stunned when seven iraqi cities fall to a brutal group whose leader we actually had in prison that should be in gitmo or dead right now? >> this inaction, what does it mean for the american people? yes, we may have pulled out our forces, but there are still thousands of americans who are still there. this group is so violent, so gruesome. some of the videos and pictures we can't even show you how bloody it is. they're going town to town
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literally beheading innocent people, putting them in ditches bound by their hands, facing down and executing them. what kind of economic impacts could this have? we heard lindsey graham allude to this just a bit. although production of oil of iraq is mostly in the southern part of the country, it creates instability around the world about oil. >> absolutely. >> the iranians are the ones who have been killing our people for the last eight and a half years. they have had tkpraoups out there actually going out to assassinate our guys. now we're saying why don't you help us out because all you care about, iranians, are the shia. we have nothing against the sunni or the shia. we want these people to live in peace. that is not the same view the iranians have. >> it is infuriating to watch jihadis triumph while
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the president of the united states is on vacation. he's out in california. in california they have had a terrible problem with illegals over the last two weeks or so. it's become a national story where you see this humanitarian wave of people crammed into small areas because apparently the federal government is not ready for so many of them. but now, as we know, apparently, according to members of the border patrol, in addition to children who are getting a free pass for the most part, oftentimes what they're doing is winding up having to process members of known mexican gangs, in particular, there's the young man with the tattoos for ms-13, and that is a problem. because the way the law is right now, if somebody who is a child asks to come across, for the most part they give them a pass. >> the vice president of the national border patrol council on the rio grande valley says i've heard
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people come in and say you're going to let me go like you let my mother and sister go. you're going to let me go and the government is going to take care of us. what you're seeing along the border is border patrol agents, they're changing diapers, they're glorified baby sitter, so who's watching the border? their hands are tied because even if someone is a known criminal in mexico or central america, because they are not a criminal in the united states, let's bring them in. >> the biggest joke on all the sunday shows they're debating on if we should have amnesty. the only immigration conversation we should be having is why are these people coming here at this number? it's not like we don't like children. we have our own children. it's not like we want to treat them poorly but the holiday inns are sold out. we're not prepared to give
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them free education, reunit e them with their parents who probably shouldn't be here to begin with. >> this administration created this. the president of the united states has made it very clear they're not going to enforce the sovereignty of the united states with the borders. for the most part it's come on down, we've got free stuff. that's what's going on down there. a lot of members of gangs coming on in. part of unintended consequence. >> nine minutes after the hour on monday morning and heather nauert has a look at headlines. >> great to see you. hope you guys had a good father's day. i've got news from overseas. overnight, brand-new video out of kenya where at least 40 people are dead in a terror attack. the gunmen were believed to be part of the al qaeda-linked group a shabaab. terrorists set two hotels on fire as guests were inside watching the world cup games.
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al-shabab has vowed to carry out terror attacks to avenge the kenyan mitt -- kenyan military presence. >> keep your feet on the tkpwroupb and -- on the ground. >> the american top 40 host died from complications from dementia. kasem was at the center of the ugly family war but despite that he's being remembered as an icon. no word on funeral arrangements but a memorial service will be held on saturday. kasem was 82 years old. >> a boy scout, his father and 70-year-old grandfather were stranded in an kwro*z canyon overnight and -- in an arizona canyon overnight and were rescued as the sun came up on father's day. they were hiking for a few days when the grandfather
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began suffering chest pains. his son and grandson stayed by his side until help arrived. that finally happened at daybreak. >> it was nice to be able to reunite a young man that wasn't sure he was going to be able to spend the day with his father and also see the son and what he did to keep his father as healthy as he could over that period of time. >> that grandfather was airlifted to the hospital and is now recovering. the party is still going on in san antonio as the spurs winning the nba championship. >> the final seconds, san antonio is back on top once again. >> the spurs winning their fifth nba title taking out the miami heat in five games. kawhi leonard taking home the m.v.p. trophy. tim duncan becomes the second player to win a championship in three
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decades. a lot of sports on tv over the weekend. my husband was watching golf. >> how great was it to see tim duncan's kids overcome with emotion. usually you see the kids tapped in to what the dad's going through. they couldn't believe what they witnessed. >> missed that one. see you later. >> thank you, heather. it's a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this monday. coming up her emotional testimony showed the real side of the i.r.s. tea party targeting scandal. >> i'm a born-free american woman, wife, mother and citizen. and i'm telling my government that you have forgotten your place. >> so what does she think about the disappearance of lois lerner's e-mail? that's right. they all vanished. was it really a computer crash? she's going to join us live. >> something to smile about. the new technique that's taking all the pain out of going to see the dentist.
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>> welcome back. a major bombshell in the i.r.s. targeting scandal. lois lerner conveniently losing critical e-mail evidence. but according to i.r.s. rules, workers must keep a paper trail. she says her computer trash. >> she should have a hard copy. is this another attempt to escape justice? our guest is president of a local tea party. good morning. this has been under investigation for about a year now and this big bomb was dropped on friday late in the afternoon when not many people were paying attention to headlines because of father's day weekend. >> this is a light. this is an outright lie.
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government agencies go to great lengths to ensure they have redundancy in their backup systems. e-mails do not get lost. they're stored on servers. this is unacceptable and it's unbelievable. >> we don't have e-mails from her from 2009 to 2011 and her computer crashed. the good news is the n.s.a. was monitoring all the e-mails so i'm sure they'll be able to pick up on that if she was actually speaking to someone and taking the fifth, we'd be able to get to the bottom of it. how does this make you feel? >> i'm out raged. what this teals me is that that, what this tells me is those e-mails were so incriminating and they went so high up the chain that they had to invent this narrative that the dog ate my hard drive and i'm not buying it. >> becky, i want to get your thoughts on this because even if the computer did crash, she should have a hard paper copy of this. this is what the manual
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says, chapter 10, section 3, if you receive e-mails messages during the course of your daily work you are responsible for ensuring you manage them properly. the treasury department's current e-mail policy requires e-mails and attachments to meet the definition of a federal record to be part of files by printing them and filing them with related paper records. so what do you make of this? it's not as if she's in violation, she could be fired. she's already retired. she is collecting a nice pension. what should happen? >> there's four things that need to happen. first of all, congress needs to man up and use the power that's been given to them to stop these abuses and to bring justice in this scandal and all the other scandals that are taking place from this administration. we need to have a special prosecutor assigned to this trial. we need to have lois -- >> it's not going to happen. >> but that is what needs to happen. we need to have lois her
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tpher's pension and all -- lois lerner's pension revoked. and our civil suit for law and justice against the i.r.s. needs to go forward without delay. >> where is that right now, your civil suit? >> it is in the works, and it's in the slow process but it's not been dismissed. it needs to go forward. >> the good news is the president said there's not a smidgen of corruption. >> this is a huge problem, and if the american people and if congress sits by and lets this happen, you know, i'm tired of seeing my country turning into a lawless banana republic and people need to stand up against it. >> i would love to see democrats be outraged too because this affects everybody. thanks so much for joining us. i'm sorry you're going through this, becky. becky garrison.
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>> our next guest voted for nearly every democratic candidate since 1964 but says government has gotten too big and he's got a plan to reform it next. >> this was not the morning job this guy was hoping for. >> that is as far as you're going. stop! stop right now! stop! >> i don't think he speaks english. >> where is the bear whisperer when you need him? it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin.
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>> hope you're doing well. 23 minutes after the hour and quick headlines. another obamacare disaster of the eight million people who signed up for health care, two million of them gave information that doesn't match up with
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government records. now the obama administration is contacting enrollees which could lead to people having to repay some or all of their subsidies. a pain-free trip to the dentist? a london college creating a new treatment that would do away with the drill and fillings. how does it work? a tiny electric current is shot into the mouth allowing it to accelerate the natural movement of calcium and other minerals to repair the tooth decay. all right, steve. >> thank you, anna. the federal government is massive and it's getting bigger every year. this year the feds will spend about $3.6 trillion, more than double what it spent two decades ago. no matter how much they spend, problems continue and americans are tired of it. 60% of americans say they don't trust the lawmakers in washington. so why does the federal government continue to perform so poorly? let's talk to peter shuck, professor emeritus at yale
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university and author of "why government fails so often." good morning to you, peter. okay, so why does government fail so often? >> there are a lot of reasons. their incentives create the wrong incentives for people to do things. the v.a., for example. the idea to raise the numbers rather than to serve people well and on time. sometimes programs are designed to fail. the farm subsidies program, for example, everybody knows the money is going to the wrong people but they have very strong interests in washington that are well protected. sometimes the programs are, they create moral hazard. the student loan programs are a perfect example. delinquency rates are extremely high. it is obvious the people receiving these loans often have no assets and very poor earning future, but the government wants to get
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that money out. >> and they keep doing it. you say there have been some successes. you like the g.i. bill. you like the interstate highway system when we started building the big roads that connected us together. you liked welfare reform. but there are so many things going on right now where it is kind of like we're throwing good money after bad. >> yes. the expansion of money continues at pace. this is true in republican administrations as well as democrat administrations. the problems i identify in the book and the reasons i give for some concern really are not specific to democratic or republican administrations. it happens systematically throughout. the important thing is to understand why it happens over and over and over again regardless of who is in charge. >> one of the things we've seen over the last couple of years is the explosion of the number of people who are on the snap program or food stamps, right now close to 15 million americans receive food stamps. that's almost one in seven.
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and that costs the federal government $76 billion. >> i think the food stamps is a necessary program but it could be drawn better and work incentives could be strengthened. fraud can be reduced. basically the american people want to be sure that poor people aren't starving on the streets and children in particular. the same is true of social security. it has lots of problems, but the public is convinced that we don't want old people having to struggle to retain a dignified life. there are programs that we have to have that are redistributed but they can be designed better to reduce fraud and other consequences. >> let's hope the people in washington, d.c. are listening to you. the book is called "why governments fail so often." peter schuck, thank you. new details from inside gitmo. how the prisoners found out
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about the prisoner swap with bergdahl and the reaction. more americans are back at work, but only part time. are we seeing the end of full-time jobs? stu varney. you're next. come in. first happy birthday to master champ phil mickelson. he is 44 today. ♪ ♪ ♪ woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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♪ ♪ >> you can barely see it, but i'm barbecuing yesterday for father's day with gate sauce from kansas city, the world's greatest barbecue sauce. not all the kids were home but sally was home and she brought me a dairy queen ice cream cake which i had yesterday morning for breakfast. it was fantastic. >> it's father's day. i'm doing what i want. there's my dad, wally could -- wally. we both love to cut a rug. >> where's that from? >> my brother's wedding. he got married in april. we married him off to a beautiful girl, kindergarten teacher. >> i didn't do any pictures. i had a great father's day, trust me.
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i had a sketch artist, but i guess he got a flat tire. >> they're doing a big court case, your sketch artist. >> i will tell you what happened on friday. do you want to know what happened on friday? >> okay. pre-father's day. >> my whole family's out. so i'm hanging out at my house. >> wait a minute. >> out at some type of party. >> they're not at home. >> some type of parties the girls go to. >> you don't mean unconscience? >> not unconscience. i go i'm going to finish house of cards. i got a call from one of my soccer coaches. he said do you want a beer? i said if you're paying. we go out and we're there for an hour and a half -- i'd say about an hour. all of a sudden we get this call from my son. he says, dad, the tree in front of the house, it's on fire. i go now? i go where are you?
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he goes we're on the lawn across the street with the dog. i figure i should go home. we go home as quick as we can. it turns out in the third period of the ranger game, which is where we want to watch, a huge branch comes down, knocks this wire down. all goes to the ground. the branch goes on fire. the ground goes on fire. and all of a sudden, next thing you know, the whole neighborhood, the same blocks that were knocked out by sandy all out. in the third period of the ranger game with one minute left to regulation. guess what i did earlier in the day? i hooked up a generator. after waiting a year. and it kicks on. so technically i knocked out my whole neighborhood's power. the fire department -- >> did you cause the fire? >> the fire department wouldn't touch it because it was too close to electric. so my friend went to laying down cones at soccer practice to laying down
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cones on the whole block. >> what caused the tree to catch on fire? was there a big storm? >> big storm. >> you left that part out. >> big storm on friday. >> your neighborhood was on friday and you were getting drunk? >> i just had a couple of beers. the bottom line is the rangers in overtime, you had everybody on transistor radios like it was 1974 trying to find out what was going on with the ranger game in my neighborhood. but i have no father's day pictures. >> good story to tell. some other stories making headlines. >> good morning. what a story that was, brian. a good one. >> it all happened. >> i've got news to bring you from overseas and some important news. the chaos taking place in iraq, the u.s. is sending nearly 100 marines and soldiers in order to secure the u.s. embassy in
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baghdad. this follows that partial evacuation order by the state department that took place over the weekend and this comes as isis militants captured another city in iraq, this tyke -- this time taking the city of telefar. we'll keep you posted. >> attorneys from gitmo confirm those gitmo detainees knew all about the five prisoners being swapped for bowe bergdahl by watching it right here on fox, and that's not all the television they're watching. listen to this. >> they get satellite tv. they get newspapers. they get to watch fox and espn. they get to watch the soccer games that are going on right now. >> isn't that sweet? the 149 remaining prisoners have access to all the tv they want. they are also taking life skills classes, learning about gardening and also doing yoga. >> a black bear giving a
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couple of joggers a workout that they were not expecting. take a look at this. >> back. stay. that's it. as far as you're going. stop! >> there were two joggers. they cut their run short after the bear started tagging along after them. they grabbed big rocks for self-defense but they didn't use them. eventually the bear got bored, climbed up a tree and t men said they sprinted the rest of the way back to their car. those are your headlines at this hour. >> that bear would have climbed up the tree except it was on fire. >> it's all brian's fault. see you later, guys. >> after the -- out to the streets of new york city, we go to maria molina where it is a beautiful day. >> temperatures are going to be very pleasant across the northeast but other areas this are going to be climbing, especially like texas and oklahoma and the
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great lakes and in the carolinas. so many of you are starting to feel like summer, into the 90's. that trend will continue as we head into tuesday. by tuesday, raleigh, north carolina, 94 degrees for your high. by wednesday the high there could be 97 degrees. factor in the humidity and it will feel hotter than that. across the midwest, the plains and the four corners region are going to be seeing hot temperatures continuing. there is a risk today for severe storms in parts of iowa, minnesota and wisconsin. hail, damaging winds and tornadoes possible. farther west across the rockies we have an elevated fire danger in place. we have gusty winds and low humidity levels expected. red flag warnings are in effect. let's head back inside. >> maria, thank you. so much for recovery. more americans are now working in one of the labor markets fastest-growing categories of steady work. but we're talking about part-time employees. >> according to a recent
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study, the overall number of independent workers is more than 40 million. is this the new normal? the host of varney and company, stuart varney, joins us now. good morning. >> yes, this is the new normal. insecure, part-time, temporary jobs. 40 million of them. that's an extraordinary number. there's a huge growth in the number of people who are hired for a project when the project is done, they leave. huge number of extra contract workers. no benefits. fired at will. temporary workers; a lot of those people, three million are working in these temp agencies. when they get a job as a temporary, it doesn't go permanent. part-time workers vast expansion because of the obamacare. it is the insecure new job market. we got the same number of jobs back as we had in 2007 but they're different jobs. they're not as good as they were. >> that's too bad because people used to look to the united states as the place
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where the good jobs where. now you're describing permanent freelancers, no benefits, no security. >> you've got aging baby boomers, because of the crash of 2008 they have to keep on working, adults staying in their full-time reasonably well paying jobs. the new jobs are for young people and they are not making in terms of delivering wages and permanent employment and benefits. >> i sense a lot of businesses say i want to be optimistic but i can't be optimistic because the reality is i cannot have these employees on my books. >> we've had five years of looking toward higher growth in the future. it has not happened. we've also got obamacare which is putting huge extra costs on employers so they're unwilling to employ new people at high wages. it's a rotten situation. it's the new normal. there's uncertainty in the economy. there's obamacare. it's just not working. this is not the labor market that your dad used to know.
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>> stuart, if people are intrigued and want to hear more from you, where do they go? >> i spout on ad nauseam at 11 a.m. eastern time. spouting from varney and company. >> they turn off the spout at 1 p.m. this afternoon. >> i don't know about that. >> stuart, thank you very much. coming up, fox news kicked out of a v.a. hospital. up next, meet the outraged vet who was trying to get fair and balanced news while whaeugt for care, and guess -- while waiting for care and guess what happened. >> meet the girl who just realized she looks exactly like "frozen's" elsa. she is here live. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there.
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instead of people who lie on the internet. captain: here's a review, it's worse in person.
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at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in
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>> 15 minutes before the top of the hour. here on fox news we've been keeping america up to date on the scandals surrounding our nation's hospital. it turns out one can't take the heat. this waiting room at the fresno v.a. hospital actually had fox news channel removed from its television. it wasn't an option. the entire facility reportedly banned the channel. joining us to tell us more is the veteran who helped local fox station there, bob mackloughlin.
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how did you become aware of this? >> i got a call that said a vet told him maintenance workers were working on the tv and he asked what they were doing. they said we were told to block fox news. eric asked me to go to the hospital and verify it which i did. >> did you say do me a favor in the waiting room? can you put it on fox news channel? >> i did. there was a sign on the tv not to change the channel. an employee walked by and i told him there was a story coming on fox that i would like to see and would he mind changing the channel. he said no problem. that would be 17. he reached up and it flipped past 17 two or three times. he said i don't know what's going on. i guess we don't have fox anymore. >> all of a sudden you don't have fox anymore. the technicians say the same exact thing. it turns out even though they won't admit to it, they say it was something -- there was just a mistake -- this was something intentionally
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done? >> well, yes. wh mr. rosales interviewed the lady at the hospital, she said somebody in the pharmacy made the decision and she was unaware of it. he said you're tax funded. i don't believe you can do that. she said you're absolutely correct. >> let's get her side of the story. let's listen to the v.a. spokesperson. >> we've had civil incidents -- several incidents where veterans were arguing over the different news stations. block news was blocked from one of the our waiting areas. it was a misunderstanding. we've had a lot of veterans, diverse personalities, a lot of veterans complaining about one news station or another. the intent was to be fair and take all the news stations off. >> all the news stations are off and it was a misunderstanding. now they're just going to have v.a. programming? >> brian, i have to tell
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you when i was there the waiting room was about three-quarters full. my voice carries. it was quiet in the waiting room. when i asked this gentleman to change the station, there was no comment made whatsoever when i said change to fox. it just seems to me the v.a. seems to be out of their way sometimes to put more effort out at resolving problems. personally i think if they would put somebody in the lobby, an information person to brag about what they're doing to turn over the problems fox news brought out, it would resolve the problem. >> you said if they banned cnn, you would feel the same way. just be fair. that's all you're saying. >> thank you. have a good morning. >> thanks so much for your service, vietnam veteran. flag day is supposed to be about the stars and stripes, so why did democrats tweet this girl
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out? one florida girl just realized she looks exactly like elsa and it runs in the family. her sister has princess traits two. meet them both. turn it up. i can't get enough of this song. ♪ ♪ ♪
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good morning. it's monday morning, 52 minutes after the hour. we all know her name and famous song. ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ you'll never see me cry >> it took one florida girl to notice the similarities between her big sister and america's favorite princess. the photo went viral and now these two sisters dressed up as elsa and her sister a north carolina a cheering up kids in a hospital and now she join us now. good morning. both of two in costume. thank you for joining us. >> of course. >> tell us how this all happened. you're at the mall and you see this picture of elsa and what happens? >> my best friend, brittany, she is like, you should definitely take a picture in front of this. you know, i didn't feel like i looked good that day, so i kept
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saying no, no, no. so she said, just take the picture. so i did. i posted it on instagram just for fun. i planned on deleting it later just to see people's reactions. but then the next day it went viral. i had no idea it was happening. >> how long ago was this and how much has your account grown? >> i posted it 12 weeks ago and it has gone -- >> the first time she had 150 k and now it's 320,000. >> what's this been like for you to watch your sister become this new disney superstar almost and now get in on the action? >> it's amazing. like it's just undescribable. it was a picture and now we're all the way here in new york. it's crazy. i don't know. >> anna, what are some of the things you've done? tell us some of the stories of going to the hospital. >> we have a hospital planned in two weeks. we are visiting very precious young girl in texas and she is
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battling cancer right now and she loves anna and elsa, so we're delighted to go visit her. we go to schools and we did -- we've only done a handful of parties, though. charity work. >> let's hear it. are you willing to do it for sinus could you sing "let it go"? >> of course. ♪ threat go ♪ let it go ♪ can't hold it back anymore ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ turn away and smell the -- ♪ you even got the eyebrows down. have you heard from disney about this at all? what do you want to do with the rest of your life? >> we actually haven't heard anything from disney. >> not a peep? >> not a peep. >> you want to do show business? >> yep. i am into acting and singing, very much so. i've been performing publicly since second grade. so i'm really glad people can see that i love singing.
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>> you're fearless and inspiring. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> 55 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox & friends," another iraqi city taken by islamic extremists and now we're going to ask iran for help? is dealing with our enemy really the best leadership tactic. donald trump joins us live next. and this dad really knows how to multi task. the father's day catch you have to see to believe. ♪ ♪ good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? good morning. it's monday, 16th of june, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. the u.s. evacuates its embassy as another major city in iraq falls to the hands of jihadis. where is the president and how will the white house respond? live from washington with the latest. >> and a brewing battle in the windy city between these two. rahm emanuel and donald trump. donald trump is here live. he usually is outspoken. flag day is supposed to be about the stars and stripes. so why did democrats tweet this
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flag on flag day? that's not the american flag. oops. mondays are better with friends. >> this is james lipton, you're watching "fox & friends," the most, well, projidus show. >> he would know. >> we're glad you have us on and not like at the v.a. hospital. >> it's amazing, you couldn't get fox news on. get that antenna. >> we told that you story. meanwhile, let's get right to the news because it is very important. chaos is everywhere. u.s. sends 100 troops, yeah, 100, to secure the embassy in baghdad after the state department orders a partial evacuation. some to the south and some get out. this as the isis militants take another city and move closer and closer to baghdad.
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peter doocy is live in washington with what is quickly become an all-out civil war. >> reporter: brian, there is a terrorist twitter account with photos today showing hundreds, maybe 1700 members of the iraqi security forces being executed. many are in civilian clothes. some with their military fatigues underneath suggesting they tried to flee isis and were slaughtered anyway. isis took another city overnight. this took national afar, 200,000 population. here in washington, lawmakers are watching this isis surge and worrying about possible attacks on the american homeland. >> iraq and syria combined are going to be the staging area for the next 9-11 if we don't do something about it. the people holding ground in iraq also hold ground in syria. economic instability is that comes from a collapsed iraq will affect gas prices in our economic recovery. >> reporter: the pentagon sent 100 troops into baghdad to
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assist some embassy personnel with a temporary relocation. they've also beefed up security at the embassy. the focus is on protecting american interests in iraq in the immediate future. looking back, though, bad intel is being blamed now for having decision makers playing catch-up. >> my first thing they recommended the president is get your intelligence group back on track making sure that we have the intel that we need for whatever options we have that are going to be accurate. >> reporter: things in accurate got so bad so fast that the obama administration is now apparently thinking about reaching out to iran for assistance in stopping the militant group. that's according to a "wall street journal" report suggesting tops could be gained in vienna. >> let's dial in donald trump. he joins us every monday in the 7:00 o'clock hour. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> while iran is burning, or
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rather iraq is burning, our president is on vacation in palm springs area at the porcupine club. >> there are times you can't do it because you have to do other things. we spent $2 trillion and it's now more than that and thousands of lives and we have a mess and we shouldn't have been there. you will know that three years ago on your show, four years, i would always say, we should never be in iraq. >> you did. >> because i said as soon as we leave, it's going to blow apart and i don't know how many other people were saying that, but i was saying it and i was saying it strongly and that's exactly what happened. so we've wasted trillions of dollars. we could have rebuilt our country, which is a mess. and it just is blowing apart. now we're going to iran for assistance. the other thing i've said over the years is that iran is going to take over iraq. now they'll do that. they walk in.
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>> i think it would be a huge mistake to go to iran, especially with american blood on their hands over the last eight years. here is mitt romney yesterday. >> bad things happen as a result of inaction. i thought we should have signed a status of forces agreement consistent with president bush said a long time ago, that we should have an ongoing presence, not a massive military presence, but ten or 20,000 troops to provide the training and the intelligence resources that iraq would need to keep things like this from hang. what you see from this administration, whether from hillary clinton with the reset button to russia, which by the way, i think should have been called the repeat button. this administration from secretary clinton to president obama, has repeatedly underestimated the threats that are faced by america. >> and donald, what do you make of this? we need to focus on what's happening today. yes, it would have been nice to have a residual force so iraq could grow a better government and protect itself. looking back isn't going to help us at the moment. we need to decide what's going to make america and the world
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most safe. what would president trump do? >> don't forget that the president and the people in iraq threw us out. they didn't want us there, so they didn't want anybody there and threw us out. now they're asking us to come back. their days are numbered. they're going to be taken over. i don't know if you see these large forces that we trained give up as soon as the shot is fired to much smaller forces. now the smaller forces are becoming large to take in the billions of dollars of weapons we've given them and it is a total mess. we should not go back. the problem with going back is the day we leave, somebody else is going to take over. it's a group of people that i don't know, maybe they got used to saddam hussein. but this is a real mess for this country. we should have never been there in the first place. it's very sad to see what's happening. >> they didn't kick us out, though, donald. when they realized we were going to leave, they said that's not
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going to do it, so we're going to move on. >> now to go back to iran, which has been our worst enemy, if you think about it, although russia is looking pretty good lately, too. we have many enemies. we have so many enemies. this is the reason we should be building up our own forces. we should be building up our arms forces, because we're not even -- they don't even think about us. this group going in, they're not even thinking about the united states right now. they have no respect for the united states and they have no respect for our president. they do whatever they want and that's the way it is. >> speaking of enemies, mr. trump, it looks as if you and the mayor of the windy city of chicago could be enemies right now given the fact that he does not like the fact that just like you do here in new york city, you put your name on your buildings. you've done that in chicago and some just don't like that. mr. trump? >> i will tell you, the building is magnificent. the name on the building looks
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incredible. people love it. people are tweeting. in fact, i did a big segment on the today show the other day. they did a poll, 56% of the people love it. and we love it. i will tell you, it is so popular. now, the mayor did come out, but now what he's going to do -- i have all my permits, we have everything to prove, it's done. i see the scaffold on your picture there. it's now completed. really looks beautiful. and it was the very specific thing. all the permits are done, everything is completed, and it's really calmed down. but it was quite a -- i think it was number one on trending last week. we're talking about wars with iraq and with iran and this was number one on trending. >> donald, do you believe that if rahm emanuel, if you weren't such -- someone who had the courage to critique the president and rahm emanuel
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wasn't his chief of staff that he would be taking you on like this? >> i don't know. a lot of people have asked if i were a democrat would that have happened because the sign is getting tremendous reviews and it's beautiful. you have to see the quality of it when you're there and at night it looks incredible. so i don't know. i really can't answer that. but what he is doing is they've just announced that they're going to pass legislation that you can't do this anymore, meaning other people can't do it. that's just fine with me. >> all right. there you go. >> donald trump, who's got his name on a big building in chicago and his name all over this town,oins us on monday. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> he wins again. >> yeah. he got all the paperwork. he was following the law. >> we need to switch gears and hand it over to heather. >> good morning. hope you're off to a great day. we've got news from overseas. overnight, brand-new video out of kenya where at least 40 people are now dead following a terrorist attack there. gunmen believed to be part of an
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al-qaeda houston linked group al-shabab taking on two hotels. terrorists setting them on fire as gas sat inside watching the world cup matches on television. militants also shooting up a nearby bank at a police station. al-shabab vowed to carry out attacks against the kenyan military in somalia. at home, hollywood is mourning the death of casey kasem. >> keep your feet on the ground. and keep reaching for the stars. >> the american top 40 host died from complications related to dementia. in his final months, he was at the center of that ugly family war between his children and current wife. despite that bitter battle, he's being remembered for that iconic career that spanned 60 years. no word on funeral arrangements. he was 82 years old. what a life he lived. new rules to keep drowsy truck drivers off the road. that's what senator chuck
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schumer is proposing after that deadly crash that left tracy morgan critically injured. it would require electronic time sheets and also log-in devices. listen to this. >> with the black box in the cab of the truck, we'll know if the truck driver more than 11 hours a day if he or she took a half hour off as they're supposed to in that 11 hours. and if they drove more than 70 hours a week. >> schumer is push to go have those black boxes manhunted within the next two months. morgan is recovering. did you hear about this over the weekend? talk about a real flag day fail. the democratic national committee celebrating flag day by tweeting out this photo. it's a child holding a flag. the message said, happy flag day. but there was just one problem. that ain't no american flag right there. no. the dnc hasn't clarified what it
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was. twitter let them have it. one tweet reads, this isn't our flag. it's not just any old flag day. and one person asking this question, do you even have an actual american flag at dnc headquarters? those are your headlines. i was just looking. that picture is still posted and a lot of comments still coming in. >> they're doubling down. >> yeah. we'll see you later. still ahead, why didn't the obama administration see the fall of iraq coming? our next guest was a navy seal and on the ground when we left. he called then and has a plan to fix it now. and a flight attendant bans a little girl from going to the bathroom before takeoff, causing a nightmare for the family. wait until you hear how they are saying sorry. ♪ ♪
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when you can look forward? fox news alert. the united states evacuating its embassy in baghdad and sending troops to secure the building. just 100. this as an slam insist militant group continues their push toward the capitol of iraq after taking another major city yesterday. new pictures show shows gunmen holding innocent civilians at gun point and some say they are army, but some others say they are civilians. according to one navy seal who served there, we shouldn't act surprised. he wrote this two years ago, quote, there was no progress and when america left that dump, al-qaeda or local militants began taking it back. the government will eventually be overthrown and those not on board with radical islam ideology will be killed.
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carl higby wrote that and he joins me now. did you expect a group to take this many cities this quick? >> i honestly didn't know what was going to happen. i do know that the country was eventually going to fall completely and everybody who was there serving saw it. it's just the people that were making decisions in washington, didn't see it. that's why they pull us out of there maybe too early. >> how do you explain the success of the surge? >> what it was is we had enough people there to make them scatter like cockroaches like when you turn the lights on. then they all came back in as soon as we left. as soon as that power void was gone, it was backfilled by the very people we tried so hard to get out. >> if we kept 10,000 troops there, would this be happening? >> probably not. they are definitely afraid of us, definitely afraid of fighting us face-to-face. that's why they did the ied's and guerrilla warfare, shooting us from schools and things like that. but when we left, there was nobody there strong enough to hold them out. >> you got a problem with our philosophy, don't you? >> absolutely. >> what's the problem? >> the problem is that we have -- we're unwilling to fight
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a war on our terms the way it needs to be fought. if we fought iraq like world war ii, we probably wouldn't be facing this problem now and the senior military officials under the obama administration especially needs to realize that. if we're going to fight a war, we need to fight it on our terms, not theirs. >> you're saying if you see your enemy, you kill your enemy? >> absolutely. >> and don't make apologies? >> no. unfortunately, war collateral damage does happen. we try to mitigate it to such great lengths, it hindered our own troops. >> this guy who put this isis group together, we had him in prison in 2005. >> yep. >> do your plan and the plan i would sign up for, he would be dead in 2005? but instead we let him out in 2009. do you know what he said as he's army to a colonel, he said, i'll see you guys in new york. >> that's the actual fact here. they're going to come back and fight us and if he comes to new york, i'll be waiting. >> they are going to -- do you believe that people say let iraq handle iraq's problems. are they thinking narrowly?
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>> here is the thing, it's not our job to fix their nation, but the problem is, we have a lot invested in that. we have trillions of dollars. american lives. if we don't do something as far as either support them with air strikes or something, it's going to completely fall back to their hands. >> you stared at them in the eye. what should america know about what you saw? >> they're not willing to negotiate. they don't want our ideology. they don't have the capacity to reason like we do in a western democracy. and they will fall to the biggest gun which right now is al-qaeda. >> thank you very much. his book is called "battle on the homefront." the battle of power in washington is up for grabs. so how can republicans take back the hill if they choose? three candidates from the most compelling races right here to break down their game plans. the school said no, but he refused to listen. how a teen-ager is standing up for his faith and causing quite
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a stir. ♪ ♪ sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen
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here is your news by the numbers. first 100%. starbucks will reimburse full tuition course for any employee taking courts on line. to boost the education of all its employees. next, 25 years. that's how long it's been since field of dreams hit theaters for the big anniversary. kevin costner returning to the famous iowa baseball diamond tossing the ball with his sons and other families. 60 million. that's how much "22 jump street" earned this opening tweaked at the box office, making it the
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number one movie in america: steve, over to you. >> thank you very much. midterm elections heating up all across the country. according to the latest fox news polls, voters prefer republicans over democrats 43 to 39%. but as the saying goes, all politics are local. so how are the local races shaping up from the ground? we're joinedded by three congressional candidates, evan jenkins, richard tesay and carlos cabell la. evan, let's start with you, not that long ago, you were a democrat. >> that's right. >> and you switched parties. how come? >> president obama and the democratic agenda is wrong for west virginia. it's wrong for me and what i believe and it's wrong for this country. so the party went in the wrong direction and we need to put conservative leadership in washington to fight for west virginia. >> richard, in massachusetts, you came really close to winning the seat last time around.
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there are no republicans representing massachusetts in the house or the senate. you would like to be the first. >> i'd like to be the first nome in massachusetts, but new england. i think a lot of people in my area want a choice. 58% of my constituents, future constituents are independents and they want to see the national -- the situation with obamacare and the economy jump started. so i think offering a them a choice is really important. >> carlos, you would represent the southern most district in the great state of florida, including south miami and the florida keys as well. it's a swing district. given the recent poll, it looks like of the independents who generally figure out a lot of presidential elections, they are currently favoring the republicans. >> everyone is frustrated with the government we have today. there are a loft young families who people can't find work. you have a lot of immigrant families arriving in our area. they don't see the opportunities that this country used to offer
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before. so even though it's a divided district politically, i think people are brought together by the same themes and same concerns, how are we going to move forward and how are we going to fix this obama economy, which is leaving so many people behind? >> sure. and evan, it's the obama environment that is toxic to a lot of people in west virginia because of his so-called war on coal. >> and that war is very real. obama has basically spilled into coal mining as we know it. coal is a use for energy. we're here in times square, it attracts people because of the lights. you take away coal, you're going to turn the lights out on america. we've got to stop the war on coal. >> a lot of people who are buying electric cars think oh, this is so good for the environment. the electricity comes from coal to run the car. >> absolutely. >> richard, what is the number one concern of the people of what would be your district in
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massachusetts? >> same as national, the fact that the economy is morbid. it isn't creating the type of jobs people need to raise a family. and around the country, a lot of part-time jobs, but not the type of middle class jobs that are needed. then in massachusetts we have obamacare and we had a system -- >> wait a minute, it was based on massachusetts care. >> we had a system that was working. 98% of the people were insured and obamacare came in, superseded everything we were doing on the state level and really set us back. it's a good example of why the states should have a little more discretion as far as putting together their own health care plans rather than a one size fits all plan from washington. >> carlos, the concerns of floridians? >> look, what i've seen in this race is a lot of young voters are starting to wake up. they're realizing that today's government is being paid for with our generation's credit card and with $18 trillion in debt, social security and medicare scheduled to go bankrupt, a lot of young people are starting to ask, what's going to be left for us in this
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country? we hear washington politicians all the time say they're worried about their children and grandchildren. well, in many case, they're talking about me and my little girls, so that's why i decided to get off my seat and get into this race and i'm seeing a lot of young people waking up and getting involved. it's pretty exciting. >> we should point out that we invited all of your opponents, democratic opponent. nobody called us back. all right. evan from west virginia. also richard from massachusetts. and carlos from florida. gentlemen, thank you very much. >> great to be here. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. straight ahead, a flight attendant bans a little girl from going to the bathroom before takeoff. you know what? it caused a nightmare for the family. wait until you hear how the airline is now saying they're sorry. then four cops at the u.s. open pull over a golf cart driver and put him in handcuffs. what's the problem, officer? that's straight ahead.
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20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. we caught the baseball. walking up out of the walkway with a baby in his hand. nice snack. i'll go sit down now. >> one handed.
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amazing. that's your shot of the morning. father's day in the ballpark, what could be better? grabbing a homerun ball with your son in your arms of the talk about an incredible catch with a little bit of luck, this happened in the san francisco giants game as they took on the colorado rockies. >> i wonder if mom had confidence he was going to watch that in his hand? >> the guy looks like he does it every day. >> yeah, i got to go down to the walkway and catch a ball. >> i love the fact he did it just above the yahoo sign. >> great. yahoo would sign him up. thank you for joining us on this father's day postgame show. we've got busy morning. heather nauert joins us now with headlines from all around the world. >> good morning. we're following a lot of stories from overseas this morning. this one coming out of israel. the hunt is intensifying this morning for the terrorists who were responsible for kidnapping three teen-agers in israel, including one american. the israeli military has arrested nearly 80 palestinians in the search, including members of hamas.
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this happening as secretary of state john kerry agrees that there are, quote, many indications that point to hamas' involvement. that group has praised the kidnapping of the american to folly frankle, the boy you see in the middle of the screen. and two of his friends, which stopped short of taking responsibility. the teens were abducted while looking for a ride in the west bank. we'll keep watching that story. it has happened once again. caught on camera, a pennsylvania man is punched in the face as part of that so-called knockout game. the victim says he was sitting on a trolley stop in philadelphia when six teen-agers attacked him out of the blue. he wasn't seriously hurt thankfully. so far one person has been arrested after posting it on facebook, more arrests are expected. this was a nightmare flight back here at home. a three-year-old little girl has an accident after she's not allowed to use the bathroom on a jetblue plane. now that airline is apologizing
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to that little girl's mother. here is what happened. the plane was headed from new york to boston and that's when jennifer, the mother, says they were still on the tarmac and the flight attendant wouldn't let her get up with her daughter to use the bathroom. even worse, the crew wouldn't give her any towels to clean up that mess. a couple days later, she finally gets an apology. >> she said, i'm a mom, too. i totally understand what you were going through. i'm so sorry this happened to you. it just felt so good to hear those words from someone at that company. >> the airline also reimbursing her tickets and offering a her $5,000 to the charity of her choice. what a nightmare. a salutatorian banished from his speech, turning away tel aviv his drafts because he spoke about god. that didn't stop the high school senior. listen.
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>> coming before you today, i presented three drafts of my speech. all of them denied on the account of my entire to share my personal thoughts, inspiration to you on my christian faith. no man or woman has ever truly succeeded on the account of living for others and not standing on what they knew in their heart was right or good. >> there were a few murmurs from folks in the crowd and then he went on to quote the bible and say that he knew what he was doing was, quote, right and good. those are your headlines. we'll see you back here in a little bit. what can they do to him? he just graduated. >> right. see you later. maybe fine him for, i don't know -- >> freedom of speech? >> yeah. that's killer. >> maria molina out and about in new york city. what's the weather looking like there? >> good morning. hello. the weather looks amazing here across the northeast. we're looking at very pleasant temperatures and a lot of sunshine. there will be some moisture over the next several days moving in.
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that will start to spread the threat for some showers and storms and temperatures are also going to continue on the rise across the northeast. today it's already hot. take a look at parts of kansas city, parts of texas. dallas at 93 degrees. 97 in del rio. those hot temperatures will stay in place across the center of the country and parts of the southeast as we head into tuesday and wednesday. look at wednesday. raleigh, north carolina, 97 degrees. that's the actual temperature that's forecast that day without factoring the humidity. we have the risk for severe storms across parts of minnesota, wisconsin, iowa, eastern nebraska. we do have the potential today for possible tornadoes. there is a red flag warning in effect across many states out west, across the rockies, we have gusty winds and low humidity out here. so there is an elevated fire danger in place. now let's head over to brian. >> thanks a lot. let me tell you what's going on in sports. the party is still going on in san antonio.
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the spurs stunned the heat in five games. >> the final seconds, san antonio is back on top once again. >> wow. talk about a rematch that went their way. the spurs earning their fifth title in five. final score, 104-87. leonard had the task of covering lebron james. he was awesome. he takes the mvp trophy because he did so well. he added 22 points and ten rebounds in the final game. this gives the reinforcement to the word that teams matter. not necessarily super stars. big man tim duncan, 38 now getting some extra love on father's day. his kids become overwhelmed with emotion as they know how much their dad wanted their championship last year, but gets it this year. he's the second player ever to win a championship in three decades. let's talk hockey because the season is over with time to celebrate in los angeles. this one for the stanley cup champs. l.a. kings are marking their second stanley cup in three years with a parade through
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downtown los angeles. that is a shot after they beat the rangers in double overtime. they'll end with a fan rally at the staples center. the u.s. open getting unexpected police action. we though about the big win. what about the big loss? the man driving an nbc analyst golf cart actually hit and ran over the foot of a highway patrol officer. the officer was trying to stop the cart when he took off. the officer chased him down after the grabbing the back of lineberry's back before he came to a stop. turns out the driver was drunk and he has a fine and facing several charges. coming up on radio later, senator lindsey graham will define why he thinks we're good with teaming up with iran. ed henry and james rosen will be on kilmeade and friends. >> very good. 21 minutes before the top of the hour on this busy monday. coming up, the violence in iraq.
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no surprise to americans who served. so why is the administration acting so surprised? where did this come from? peter johnson, jr. breaking down why this crisis is a serious threat to our security right here at home. and it's the scene of this historic watergate conversation. >> you build from the outer edges and you go step by step. if you shoot too high and miss -- >> the garage where that took place going away? and time for today's trivia question. born on this date in 1938, this author has written mystery novels u pen name lauren kelly. who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. >> kelly lauren? ♪ ♪ spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names.
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quick headlines now. patriotism under fire. a man fined $200 for fly ago betsy ross flag outside his colorado home. the homeowner's association says historical flags aren't allowed. only american flags with 50 stars and 13 stripes can be flown. stay tuned. and the parking garage where the f.b.i. official known as deep throat met with reporters to expose president nixon's corruption is being demolished. and going up in its place? affordable housing and a commercial building.
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how historic. steve, pete? >> i just parked there two weeks ago. meanwhile, quarter before the top of the hour. fox news alerted. united states evacuating its embassy in baghdad. this as islamic militant groups continue their push toward the capitol of iraq, baghdad. new pictures show those gunmen holding innocent civilians at gun point. if the white house and hillary clinton seem caught offguard. >> i could not have predicted, however, the extent to which isis could be effective in seizing cities in iraq and trying to erase boundaries to create an islamic state. >> how did everybody miss this? let's get the facts. peter johnson, jr. joins us now. >> our viewers need the facts. so we said let's do the who, what, when, where and how. who? it's the islamic state of iraq and syria called isis. originally an al-qaeda splintser group based in eastern seer
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gentleman and northern iraq, it's sunni group led by a man who has a ph.d. in islamic studies. they have up to 8,000 fighters and they're considered now the richest terrorist organization in the world valued at $2 billion, including $5 million they looted throughout iraq. >> we had him captured and they let him go. >> gone. the what? what is established cal fate or islamic state based on sunni islam? control an area. institute sharia law across the region. they've already enacted some laws in regions of iraq, including amputations for robbery and the edict that women must stay indoors. horrible pictures. they claim they've executed 1700 iraqi soldiers. executed and also executed civilians. they posted stuff on twitter to
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terrorize the country. >> tell us about the when. >> they've been organizing for the past decade. they organized 1,000 attacks in iraq in 2012 and 13. they seized the first syrian city in march of 2013 and took control of fallujah in january of this year. >> i love the fact that you have laid that out because they've been moving for a couple of years, yet we missed it. >> they're moving toward baghdad right now. let's look and see where they have taken a stranglehold in iraq. it's quite, quite impressive. mosul, tikrit. ramadi. now toward baghdad. twitter reports they were putting out they were attack the baghdad airport. >> i saw that as well. finally, why iraq? >> it's so important to all americans. approximately 3,000 u.s. citizens remain in iraq.
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contractors and employeeses and our embassy, which is the largest american embassy in the world. isis control of iraq could lead to the creation of a real jihaddist state. it could also lead to higher oil prices and global market stability. they produce about 4% of united states oil, the second largest opec producer. the fifthage lest oil producer in the world. right now the president is evaluating air strikes. he said there will be no ground troops sent to iraq. the president of iraq awaits our assistance. there has not been a decision by the white house what is going to happen, although at least four u.s. destroyers and aircraft carriers have been moved into the persian gulf, perhaps to provide air support and evacuation support for the 3,000 americans who may be in peril today as we move our ambassador and our officials around iraq to evade this powerful, brutal group called isis. >> thank you so much.
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sometimes we just start telling the story and think everybody is up to speed. that has laid it out perfectly. >> sad story. >> indeed. it's 11 minutes before the top of the hour. straight ahead, team usa hitting the field for the first time in the world cup. can we win? former team member kobe jones here live as you can see outside in our fake lawn. first on this date in history back in 1903, the ford motor company was founded in detroit. in 1960, alfred hitchcock's "psycho" movie premiered in new york city and made people afraid to take a shower. and in 1992, mariah carey had the number one song in america with "i'll be there." ♪ ♪ what can your fidelity greenline do for you? just take a closer look.
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born on this day in 1938, this author has written mystery novels under the pen name lauren kelly. and the winner is -- ray from athens, georgia knew it was joyce carol oates. congratulations. and get a copy of the secret six. look who is to my immediate right. this is colby jones. no one has had more appearances than this guy. already in the soccer all of fame, even though you just turned 43 years old. >> 44. >> 44 today. congratulations. no one has played these games more than you. you know what the u.s. team is going through. first off, your thoughts about what our guys were thinking about as they get set to take
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the field for the first time today against ghana. >> there will be a lot of nervous nervousness, but the young guys have to look up to the older players. they will have to settle them down. and just let them know they have to try to feel like this is like any other game at least leading up to the match. >> it will be grueling for them, right? they have to log 11,500 miles and face some of the three toughest teams. >> yeah, it's considered the group of death. very difficult. the reason is because the u.s. is in it. they have made it a very difficult group because the u.s. used to be a team that everyone thought they could walk over. not anymore. >> in the mls, 22 players who play in your league, major league soccer, ten are on the u.s. national team. so we'll be rewell represented. yesterday one of the finest players in the world, 5'7", mess had a chance to score and he did
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it. >> arregentine in a didn't have very good game, but he does his typical moves. a little touch and you can't stop him.good game, but he does typical moves. a little touch and you can't stop him. his speed and ability says it all. >> soccer is not as popular here as it is around the rest of the world. the world cup is an opportunity for everybody to get on board. >> and i think the growth of the league here has been tremendous over the last few years. one thing that a lot of people don't know, just for youth right now, it's the most popular sport. i don't care what anybody says, it's becoming more and more popular and people are watching. >> you got 20,000 people packing a stadium in kansas city to watch the team. and bars will be packed, as well. so far the team that you think that has looked the best early on is -- >> netherlands. i mean they put a shellacking on spain 5-1. they really dominated. >> defending world champions.
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>> yeah. it was hard to see defending world champion team go down. >> happy birthday. thanks for joining us. >> a pleasure. >> tell was is coming up next hour. still ahead, fox news banned from a federal facility, a v.a. hospital? yep. meet the vet denied his fair and balanced news while waiting for his mandated care. and it's not just kids cross our borders. gang members now part of the surge. the agents trying to keep us safe running out of options. we have a first hand account as we roll on live from new york city. [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years
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that doesn't even make any geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. . good morning. it's monday the 16th of june. we begin with a fox news alert. the u.s. sending in dozens of marines to evacuate and secure our embassy in iraq as another city falls. where is the president and how will the white house respond? bret baier here with the latest developments. >> and breaking news this morning on one of the world's most famous racecar drivers. the big developments on michael schumacher straight ahead. and fox news banned by the v.a.. hear from the vet who was denied his fair and balanced news white
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wailing for care. and mornings are better with friends. watch this. >> live in the news cross roads of the world, this is fox and friends. and welcome aboard, folks live from studio e in midtown manhattan. you fknow what it is, 8:00 mondy morning, it's bret baier time. good morning. >> good morning. >> update us on iraq. we know a third city has fallen, they are evacuating certain personnel and we have seen images like this where it hoobs like t looks like badd guys are slaughtering thousands. >> yeah, tel afar fell this morning. meantime the u.s. is increasing the security presence at the baghdad embassy, about 100 more marines. they are considering more evacuations. there is now a fourth u.s. naval vessel in the gulf, including george h.w. bush aircraft
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carrier. one of those ships, the uss mesa verde has 500 marines on board who would be able to evacuate u.s. personnel. the real question is if the u.s. steps up the represence with ai strikes. that would have to take some ground coordination. the question is how good the iraqis are at being able to defend even the capital city of baghdad. >> there has been a lot of criticism of the president and taking this four day holiday for father's day golfing and then doing fnd raiundraising and his inaction. it seems like maybe there should have been some planning done ahead of time. what do you say? >> there are a lot of lawmakers who are bringing that up, bringing this trip up, bringing the fundraisers up. the bottom line is that what to do about iraq is pretty complicated because once the u.s. gets involved in some way
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shape or form militarily and the president has drawn the line that no boots on the ground will be there, you have a different animal. the other thing is that iran is now actively inside baghdad. and essentially their special operations forces is now working with the iraqis. so it is a very three dimensional chess complicated deal. >> but the complications to say the least, we'll start talking and coordinating with the iranians possibly, senator lindsay graham one of the people calling for this. >> i think there is the frustration is that there are not a lot of options and that is a scary prospect. you essentially, brian, have iraq breaking up in to three parts. of sunni part, kurdish part, and
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shia part. >> absolutely. and this as the president golfs. let's talk a little bit about this. it looked to a lot like one of those typical friday afternoon before a long weekend document, we discovered on friday that lois lerner's e-mails i think for a couple of years right up to 2011, the ones that the republicans would like to see, whether or not they were targeting conservative groups and tea party groups, poof, they're all missing. >> this is really tough to stomach up on capitol hill. and i can tell you that the push back we're likely see at the beginning of the week will be really intense. you have e-mails from 2009 to 2011, a keep part of this investigation, they have been asking for these for a year. and just this week, just friday, finding out that they have somehow disappeared because of a
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computer glitch. nobody is buying it up on capitol hill. the doj has said you back up things all the time. the government has redundancy in these commuter syst computer sy. there will be a lot of questions about these disappearing e-mails and how they're just finding out about this problem now. >> what are the chances of elijah cummings showing equal outrage as darrell issa for this unacceptable turn of events? >> well, we'll see. he should because this question came up a year ago. and there was no issue. there was no problem. and it was all in the process. and they were going to get everything forward. and remember it was the not exciting scandal that the administration said there is nothing here. now you have really a lot of e-mails between lois lerner and other departments, including the white house. >> well, these supposed to have a hard copy of it, too.
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that came out over the weekend. >> is there any chance they could have edward snowden hack into the nsa computers to get those things? >> you joke, but there are lawmakers up on capitol hill saying the nsa should give us t metadata on lois lerner. paul krugman has an interesting take on the president's last year, a great year, because of health care and climate change. i'm a little stunned by this. but he says the truth that these days much of the commentary you see on the obama administration emif a sigphasizes the negative. you should judge them on their achievement and policy substance. mr. obama is having a seriously good year. all with due respect, that's paul krugman, a unique perspective. >> it is. and it also may be fairly lonely perspective even on capitol hill. democrats will tell you that
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it's not been a super year. they're trying to make the best out of all the things, for example health care and hitting the numbers. and climate change, the fact that the president is engaged and is firing up the base with some of those things with the epa regulations, et cetera. but overall, i don't think you'll find too many democrats especially democrats from red states who look at this year and say this was a blockbuster. >> if it's such a banner year, why are theyi running in the opposite direction. >> hillary clinton was at cos o costco. are you getting ready for her and your big time share interview? >> it should be interesting. a half an hour with the former secretary of state. and she's been doing a lot of interviews, so a lot to follow up on. >> a lot of video and a lot to read about. >> that's right. >> we'll watch. thank you. and now over to heather with a look at what else is making headlines. >> we're following a story overseas, a group of tourists all watching the world cup oig
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attacked by terrorists. this happened in kenya. we have brand new developments. this happened at a coastal resort and we have now learned that the gun men specifically targeted christians. murdering those who couldn't answer questions about islam. 48 people are now dead and the terrorists are believed to be part of the al qaeda linked group al shabaab. they sent two hotels on fire and shot up a nearby bank and police station. that happening in kenya. breaking overnight, michael schumacher is now out of a coma and out of the hospital. the racing superstar had been in a medically induced coma since suffering head injuries. he's left the french hospital to continue rehab away from the public eye. schumacher is the most successful driver in formula one history. and hollywood is mourning the death of casey kasem.
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>> keep reaching for the stars. >> the american top 40 host died from complications related to dementia. he's being remembered for his iconic career that spanned 60 year. in his final months, he was the center of the ugly family war between his children and his current wife. no word yet on funeral arrangements. he was 82 years old. we're keeping you up-to-date on the scandal at our veterans hospitals. but it turns out that one of them, seems that they can't at that time heat. there was awaiti waiting room a fresno v.a. hospital and that waiting room had fox news removed from its television. bob, a veteran, says that this is a sign of the times at the v.a.. listen to this. >> it just seems to me the v.a. seems to go out of their way sometimes to put more effort out of burying problems and resolving problems.
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>> the v.a. claims it has banned all news stations so that people wouldn't argue over which one to watch. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. a lot to talk about that story. all a misunderstanding. >> of course. exactly ten minutes after the top of the hour. it's not just kids crossing our borders. now gang members are part of the surge, as well. the agents trained to keep us safe are running out of options. we have a firsthand account of some frustration down south coming up. and one florida girl just realized she looks exactly like princess elsa. and that's not all they have in common. ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't sit idle wondering how we're going to build a better truck.
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america's borders not only overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrant children, now there is word gang members are also slipping through the cracks. the problem is so serious, our next guest has plans to fight back. he's the arizona attorney general, tom horn. good morning and thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> we found out that the border patrol agents are acting as glorified baby-sitters and now we're hearing they aren't allowed to discriminate on who comes through. where is the problem with all of this, where is the law? >> well, the law is that people come across illegally should be septemb sent back to the country of origin, but the federal government says it they're minors, they can stay here. and of course the word has
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gotten around and we're looking at something like 90,000 minors comi coming across because the federal government will let them stay. and a minor includes anyone up to age 18. so you have 16 and 17-year-olds who can be gang members and they're entitled to stay because they're minors. which is contrary to the law passed by congress, but the administration's policy and also because the highway patrol is so diverted now by the overwhelming number of minors coming, adult gang members can sneak across. >> you wonder who is watching the bore did ders when they're to take care of all the children. and when we say you call them illegals, it sounds so impersonal and when you say we're dumping them from other states in arizona that sounds awful when they're just simply searching for a better life. but the problem is that our government cannot handle -- we can't pay for their health care and schooling. we have our own kids to take care of. so what are you doing to try to
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reverse things? >> we have two separate problems. one is the kids kept in a warehouse there and i'm trying to work out with the federal government to visit to be sure that they're properly treated. because regardless of how you feel about immigration, when you have kids, you have to treat them humanely. the second problem is the adults who have been flown from texas to arizona and then sent to a bus stop and left at the bus stop with instructions to show up in 15 days, but of course why would they. so you have the federal government acting as essentially the job that the coyotes have, taking people from the border and taking them to the inland part of the country. so i sent a letter to the federal government demanding that they cease and desist transporting illegals from texas to arizona because it's really contrary to law. they're supposed to protect and guard our border and that includes detaining people, sending them back, but it doesn't include transportingad f
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origin to the state of arizona. and then another law, if this was done by a private party, it would be a criminal offense. because both of those statutes i think what the federal government is doing is illegal and i've sent them a demand to cease and desist. >> thank you so much. let us know how your efforts go. it sounds like something out of the jetson, but would fantasy soon an really city? hover cars out on the highway. and eric cantor's loss shocks the political world. and karl rove is here with the other races you need to watch.
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quick headlines now. a pain free trip to the dentist? a london college creating a new treatment that would do away with the drill and fillings. how it works, a tiny electric current is shot into the tooth allowing to accelerate the natural movement of calcium and other minerals to repair tooth decay. and could toyota be getting ideas from the jetsons and cars that fly. the auto giant floated the idea of creating a real car called a hover car, company engineers say it wouldn't fly high like the cars in the jetsons, but would rather just a little bit off the road. help with potholes. why fix them. see?
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meanwhile hbo's game of thrones ended its fourth season. and if you've ever seen the show, you know how easy it is to get hooked. so what are fans supposed to do with an entire year before the next series premiere? turns out there might be another place to see heads roll. ♪
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>> yes, the game of seats. and you know what, we've already gotten our first surprise. house majority leader eric cantor get aed in his home primary. who is next? we turn to karl rove. >> good morning, sir. >> there "game of thrones" to maybe game of throw out the bums because there does seem to be some time some anti-washington septemb sentiment. we have some races you had like to highlight in the senate. let's start in north carolina with kay hagan. you feel she is vulnerable. she's a democrat. could lose to the republican. >> well, this is a seat that's gone back and forth a lot. in the real clear politics average of polls, her republican opponent who is far less
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well-known, i think there are 120 members of the north carolina house, so he's not well-known, he leads her in the real clear politics averaging polls. i think she'll be a tough candidate to beat, but thom tillis is off it a strong start. >> let's go to arkansas and talk about mark pryor. he's got an uphill battle because his party's standard bearer, barack obama, is very up popular in arkansas this year. >> yeah. that's right. and very bad state. he's got a terrific republican opponent, but don't underestimate pryor. i know tom cotton is not underestimating him. he's from an old line of family, position of them as the lannisters of arkansas. his father was governor and senator. he's doing everything he can to try to get distance between him and president obama who he
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assumed supported 90% of the time. this will be a fight right up to the final moment. tom cotton is a terrific candidate and well respected war hero, harvard law gradua, terric wife. did you ever see the movie true grit? keeps talking about the lawyer from yale county. well, he's from yale county, arkansas. >> what are the odds of that. and also let's go north to alaska, mark begich. president obama just won 41% of the vote there in 2012. real good chance this guy retires? >> no, he's running and running hard. spending a lot of money. this will be the most expensive per capita race in the country. more race has already been spent per capita in alaska than any
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other state. begich will fight hard to hold on. cross roads, the group i'm associated with, strongly supporting dan sullivan who is the front runner in the republican sweepstakes there. he's a marine major. terrific human being. and in the polls, again while he's not anywhere near well-known as begich, he's been a senator and former mayor of anchorage, he's dead even at 43.# 2. so i think at the end of the day, republicans win this one. but again don't underestimate how difficult it will be. and final stop on the tour of vulnerable democrats, mary landrieu in louisiana. she has been trying to portray herself as somebody very popular in washington, d.c. politics, so that's been her big selling point. although if she's so powerful, it's amazing she can't get harry reid to vote on keystone.
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>> yeah, she can't deliver. and that's become a vulnerability for her. and in the real clear politics average, bill cassidy, republican congressman, three points ahead of her in the real clear politics average. however, in is game of thrones, so nothing is simple or easy. this race is likely to be decided not in november, but december. because in louisiana, all the candidates run in one race. i think there are four or five candidates. filing deadline i don't think is closed yet. somebody has to get 50% in november. if they don't, and no one whether, they will, a runoff. but in the head to head match-up, he's ahead of her already. i think this is one the republicans will take. but it is going to be like a "game of thrones" with a lot of twists and turns and a lot of back stabbing and betrayal. incidentally, who are you in the "game of thrones"? i'm thinking because of your devil liishly good looks, i thi
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you're jamie. >> ofolks who don't follow it won't get your joke. >> most people think i'm the bald guy keeper of secrets, but i'm really secretly john snow. >> of course you are. >> exactly. >> karl rove joining us on this monday with a review of coming attractions. thank you very much for joining us today from austin. >> you bet. 28 after the hour. what john kerry just said about a possible u.s. drone strike coming up. plus, behind this camera, a jogger, not the morning run he was hoping for. wait until you see what happened next. shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. the blisters and the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space with the rash
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to move to change radio frequencies. i would just stop and literally freeze up. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. when my doctor told me that shingles came from the chickenpox virus i was very surprised. for two weeks i sat up in bed because i couldn't lay down. i had the scabs all throughout the side of my head and into the upper neck region. i didn't want to do anything except go to sleep and have the pain be over. as a pilot that meant i was grounded.
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-yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today. your shot of the morning. a man hops a fence and runs on to the cratrack during a horse e in england. jockeys had to avoid running over him. at they start for the home stretch, he wasn't hurt, but he was arrested. and banned for life from the track. my guess is he would not pass an alcohol test.
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>> wouldn't it be ironic if his name was ed. >> that would be great. i feel bad for the people who bet on him to win. looks lying he ca like he came . >> meanwhile, 27 minutes before the top of the hour, we have breaking developments from iraq. heather has that. >> that's right, this coming in just a couple minutes ago. fox news alert. john kerry just announcing that the united states may use drone strikes to stop the terror group isis from advancing this iraq. that group has already taken several cities and is advancing on baghdad. this as the u.s. sends additional forces to help our embassy evacuate americans. if that should be necessary. we'll keep you posted. attorneys now confirming that gitmo detainees did know all about those five prisoners being swapped for bowe bergdahl and they learned it by watching it right here on fox and that is
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not all they're watching on tv. listen to this. >> they get satellite tv, they get newspapers, they get to watch fox. and espn. they get to watch the soccer games that are going on right now. >> the 149 remaining prisoners all have access to television and they're taking life classes, life skills classes doing gardening and learning about yoga. a black bear giving a couple joggers a workout they weren't quite expecting. take a look at this. >> back, back. stay. that's it. as far as you're going. stop. >> like that bear will listen to him. stop, stay. like it's a dog. all right. well, there were two joggers out for a run. this happened in canada. that run they obviously had to cut it short. the bear started tagging along.
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they grabbed rocks for self-defense, but they didn't use them. eventually the bear did gets a little bored and starts climbing up this tree. the guys say they sprinted the rest of the way back to their car. how about that. what a story. >> jogging with a >> and one florida girl realized she looks exactly like brian's favorite movie, frozen, like elsa. >> let it go. >> she realized she looks just like the princess elsa. she joined us earlier on the show to talk about it. here it is. ♪ let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore, let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door ♪ >> and she sounded great, too. well, anna and her sister are headed to texas next to visit with a young girl who has cancer. and those are your headlines at this hour.
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what an uplifting thing it will be for that little girl to meet them. >> absolutely. and that was her prom dress that she just be dazzled. >> and her name is anna and her sister lexie was dressing up as anna from the movie. so it was a little confusingc i. >> maybe disney will bring her in. meanwhile we've brought her into do the weather. maria molina outside our world headquarters where it is the most beautiful day of the year. >> we have sunshine, polileasan humidity levels. but other areas are a little bit on the hot side. like in kansas city, highs making it into the 90s, 90s widespread across texas. and the hot temperatures across the center of the country will continue and by tomorrow, they will be expanded eastward. so tomorrow in new york city, you'll be at 87 degrees. mid-90s in parts of north car
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car carolina. and upper 90s on wednesday. 97 for forecast high on wednesday in raleigh. we do have a risk today for severe storms parts of wisconsin, minnesota, iowa and eastern parts of south dakota and nebraska. and farther west, we have warm temperatures out here, gusty wind and low humidity across parts of the rockies and four corners region, so an elevated fire danger. we have red flag warnings in effect. let's head back inside. in sports, party is raging in texas. san antonio to be specific. why? the spurs beat the heat for the title. >> san antonio is back on top once again. >> after losing in seven, they win in five. spurs take game fire by a final score of 104-87. leonard was awesome. taking home the mvp after
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scoring 22 points, so rebounds and stopping lebron james. tim duncan getting some extra love on father's day. his two kids overcome with emotion. he's become just the second player ever to win a championship in three decades. and finally team usa getting set to kick off the world cup. they will take on ghana at 5:30. this is a must win for the u.s. especially because straight ahead is portugal and then they play germany. ghana has beaten the u.s., eliminated them last two times. it's a win they just have to have or else anna and steve will not get any sleep. and prince george and the duchess of cambridge spent father's day watching prince william and his uncle go ahead to head in a polo match. little prince even taking a crack at swinging a polo mallet.
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>> and prince george is now walking. >> really? >> yeah. pictures to prove it. >> wow. >> hey, could you show that picture? is it video? >> no, it's a twitter. >> if that happens, we'll break out of a commercial. >> prince george walked yesterday. >> why didn't you call me? >> because your tree was on fire. >> that's right. did i tell you that story? >> yes, you did. straight ahead, a battle is brewing in chicago between these two, rahm emanuel on the right of the screen and donald trump on the left. what is the beef? we'll tell you all about it. and more hidden cash clues expected today. where will the free money show up this time. and you want some had prince.
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5:41 am
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padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. some headlines for you. donald trump versus the mayor of chicago. they are battling over this sign on trump's about an pl.
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>> thousand, the mayor did come out and now what he's going it do, we have all my permits, everything to prove it's done, it's up. the scaffolding is down. >> and although mayor put a law th that bans signs like these, did he have all the ordinances to put it up. and five lucky people in chicago could have more cash. there should be clues and hide five more envelopes with money inside. 20 envelopes containing $1500 were given away yesterday. jackpot. >> yeah, we talked for the guy on friday i think it was. so he was very encouraged. will you know the rules if you don't make your car payments you risk getting toweded by the repo man? just hope it's not the folks from lizard lick towing and
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recovery. >> right. a reality show coming out and the good folks are countryier than a baked bean sandwich and they deal with those madder than pigs at pork roasts. that's what we found out as we hit the road to lizard lick, north carolina. >> welcome to lizard lick, north carolina. home to one of the toughest repo companies in the biz. ron shirley is president of lizard lick towing and recovery, but don't let the hair and tattoos fool you. he's a family man and an ordained minister. >> i've lived a rough lifestyle, in and out of jails. i came across a good little baptist girl, and she steered me in a really good direction. >> amy shirley, as a former
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world champion power lifter, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty. >> almost like a boxer. she knows when to throw a punch and when to back up. >> you pitch your leg like this, and you go down on the floor. you take this arm and put it in the middle of the throat. >> ron and shirley started lizard lick towing in 1998. the business gets a heads up from creditors when debtors fail to make their payments and then the lizard strikes. >> just because you're in a bad situation don't mean you're a bad person. but some of these people when you take something from them, even though they haven't finished paying for it, they feel like it's theirs. when you're dealing with somebody who is losing it -- >> how do you come up with this stuff? >> i'm not perfect, but i try not to cuss.
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if you got me mad, i think something i'm madder than. >> let's play a game then. i want to fight you. what do you say? >> you couldn't pull yourself down and melt yourself on me. >> man, it is so hot right now. >> hotter than four legged -- >> gosh, i'm so mad at you. are you so stupid. >> with always self-defense, i think i'm ready. >> time it on do some repoing of my own. they will be running away like jack rabbits on moonshine. >> get in there, girl. >> even learned how to shut the car. you can catch the whole crew on mondays at 10:00 on trutv. >> and lizard lick is the location? >> yeah. >> so no actual lizard licking. >> well, they all call it lizard lick. so morekrcross roads there.
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>> sound goods. before the president jetted off on his golf trip this weekend, he vowed no boots on the ground in iraq, but what should he have said? michael goodwin has the answer. the speech he should have given next. but first let's check in with martha for a look at what is coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. happy monday. lots to get to today. president bush warned that we would neglect iraq at our own peril. now we know that the isis leader told reservists he would, quote, see them in new york. general jack keen on what lies ahead now and the political battle over who dropped the ball. and pete rose with our own bill helper. we'll s hemmer. ing seven billion transactions flowing. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem.
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secretary of state john kerry just announcing the u.s. may use drone strikes to stop the terror group isis in iraq. the group has taken several major cities, holding innocent civilians at gun point and on which blowing off their heads. as they get closer to baghdad, some say within 30 miles. the united states has already begun to evacuate its embassy as president obama ponders what to do next, his critics complaint he can't help but wonder is this his biggest foreign policy mistake to date.complaint can't help but wonder is this his biggest foreign policy mistake to date. friday he addressed the situation in a press conference before noon and your column focuses on what he did say and what he should have said. >> as you said, is this the latest in a long list of flubs.
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and how did we get here. syria, it was a very big part of that. he was going to deliver a message and he backed away from that, the read lid line. so six years now of this president apologizing for america when it came to iraq, clearly couldn't get out fast enough, the same with afghanistan. and look what has happened how. so even he has to that what is happening there is it our national interests, but there are no good choices left because of the way he handled the previous 5 1/2 years. >> and there were clues. this didn't happen overnight. when fallujah falls in 2014 in january, that's a clue. when they put a warrant out for the arrest of the vice president, that is a clue. and now the reconciliation between the factions. >> and to say that that will
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happen now in the midst of thissed a tack is sthis ed a t attack is silly. and this idea we'll contemplate, we may do this, we may do that, iran is doing it on the ground. if this government survives in iraq, it will be more because of iran than the united states. and so we will have in effect handed iraq to iran by sitting there and watching this collapse. >> so you're saying we don't have many good options especially when the president cam beening on ending the war this iraq and how peaceful it was and what he can this weekend was as stoupd sounding to me. he give as xlepsmecommencement and goes golfing. >> he's boasted repeatedly about ending the war. time for nation building at home. we can all accept the idea in theory. in reality, but are bee prematu pulling out of iraq, not
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obtaining a base or two there, we have set the stage for this blood bath. there is no other way to put it. mass executions and the idea that somehow we were so eager to get out, we didn't see this coming? we had no intelligence for the last three years? it's hard to believe. and i think the record complete record eventually will show that we knew what was happening but the president chose not to get revolved in iraq because that is not on his agenda. >> well, is his agenda losing baghdad, who will he play? >> we know who he will blame, it won't be his responsibility, but this is his responsibility. >> michael goodwin, thanks so much. more fox and friends coming your way. listen to the music as we can out. t... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you.
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beneful healthy smile food and snacks. (coffee be♪ng poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. we showed you our father's day pictures. now here are some of yours. master hibbert giving a big kiss to his daughter as he returns. >> what a way to come home. >> and we put them on our facebook page. on tomorrow's show, jay leno's producer reveals the stories
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behind the crescenes at the tont show. >> and lawyura ingram will joins live. >> let's make it a day, everybody.


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