tv Hannity FOX News June 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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the bells and whistles. i said a week ago it wouldn't happen. also, a behind the scenes look at getting ready for the show. thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. see you tomorrow night at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. chaos around the globe. tonight, we'll be bringing you breaking news right here on "hannity" all night. but first, extremists are gaining ground in iraq. the sunni militant group knowns a isis continue their takeover of major iraqi cities as they make their way closer to the capital city of baghdad. the u.s. is ramping up its presence in the region. moving four navy vessels into the persian gulf providing additional options for the administration if they decide to intervene. although they said they would not put boots on the ground. earlier today, the a.p. obtained disturbing video which allegedly shows isis militants taunting iraqi soldiers right before the assassinate them. we bring in foreign affairs
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editor at sky news sam kylie, on the ground tonight in baghdad, which by the way, they'll be heading their way towards baghdad. sam, not the safest place to be. >> reporter: it's to so horrify the shia population. they want sectarian carnage. the intent clearly is to get one side to attack the other so that then the country can start fracturing along the sectarian lines, leaving isis with their claiming to be their islamic caliphate which they wish to establish in the north of the country. that's been unsuccessful so far. the former members of the awakening movement was the sunni militias in fallujah and ramadi in particular who joined the central government and the united states and british forces to combat al qaeda in iraq as it then was. they are now volunteering their services once again to the
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central government, albeit in return for some concessions, particularly from the government of nouri al malaki, which they perceive to be too strongly biased towards the shia. the developments internationally with the possibility of tehran and washington cooperating over the future of iraq has somewhat reassured locals that the international community is going to do something. but they're also aware that such talk is also a sign of desperation of the international community, really struggling for how to deal with what has become an incredibly rapid response by isis and a strongly atrocious videos and stills. and the kurds are the only winners in this, they have invested kircut, which they always laid claim to, the central of the northern oil industry. they've invested that with
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peshmerga fighters and they written deaden gauged in some heavy combat. very unlikely in the long-term they'll give up kirkuk. so a further fracturing of iraq into the sectarian substates. >> sam, thank you. a senior u.s. official tells fox news that 1,000 u.s. personnel are set to be moved from the u.s. embassy in baghdad. some will be going to jordan, others will be sent to other u.s. consulates. this news comes as the administration weighs military options in iraq, and secretary kerry says the u.s. is having open discussions with tehran regarding this deteriorating situation. fox' own jennifer griffin is standing by in washington tonight. she has the latest details. jennifer? >> reporter: sean, fox news learned of a new development tonight. syrian warplanes struck two separate isis convoys just inside iraq, using i'm told iranian intelligence according to well-placed u.s. officials. the incident occurred on saturday. it's the first time syrian
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warplanes have crossed into iraq since the sunni onslaught began a week ago. this as the iraqi city of tal afar fell to isis fighters at dawn today. secretary of state john kerry indicated the u.s. might soon deploy armed drones and begin carrying out its own air strikes. u.s. officials say armed drones could begin flying two to three sorties a day. such drones only carry two to four missiles at a time. >> they may well be one of the options that are important to be able to stem the tide and stop the movement if people are moving around in open convoys and trucks and terrorizing people. >> unfortunately it's not a high volume weapon. it's not something that you can repeatedly use to stop major forces. i'm not sure there is much we can do.
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i know the national security team is looking at various options, but truthfully this is more of a political problem than a military problem. >> reporter: three ships have been ordered closer to iraq. they will join another marine transport ship equipped with ospreys should the u.s. military require airlift. tonight, sunni fighters appear to have shot down an iraqi army helicopter, killing both pilots. u.s. intelligence now believes the insurgents have likely acquired stinger missiles capable of bringing down aircraft. sean? >> very chaotic. jennifer, thank you. in the wake of the controversial bergdahl prisoner swap, we're learning more about the detainees at gitmo and what they knew about the five taliban leaders that were exchanged for bowe bergdahl. fox's own catherine herridge has the details. >> reporter: sean, the five 9/11 suspects are accused of murdereding nearly 3,000 americans from their high security camp here at guantanamo bay.
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they're still in the loop in the sergeant bergdahl and taliban fiverd coing to their lawyers. >> they're definitely aware of the swap. i can't say that -- i have only spoken to one, but he does not have any hopes anyone is going to swap him for anyone else. >> reporter: the five former taliban commanders lived in camp six where most of them are held. in exchange for good behavior, they get privileges, including language classes, yoga, a course called life skills, which teaches them how to write a resume if they ever get out. this week a spokesman for the detention camp told fox news the camp six detainees learned about the swap in realtime because they get unsensored access to satellite tv and magazines and newspapers. >> they knew it was going on. they found out by watching fox and other broadcasts when everybody else did, including myself. so when that happened, they're informed. the mood is pretty much normal. it's normal opses.
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>> reporter: while the commander would not confirm reports that they were transferred after the rest of the detainees were moved to their cells for, quote, a hurricane drill, he did explain that that $749,000 soccer field is getting a workout. >> plans are under way to set up a agriculture, a gardening area for them to hak horticulture glasses. they still play soccer and they also watch soccer on tv. so right now during the world cup, that's pretty big. >> reporter: those who run the camp say some of the programs are a good use of time, because when the detainees are busy, they're less hassle for the guard force, sean. >> yoga, resume writing, 100 cable channels, soccer, and farming. catherine, thank you. back here at home, the crisis at our southern border appears to be getting worse by the day. the surge of illegal immigrants, especially children coming to the u.s. from central america, is now overwhelming border patrol agents. fema and the u.s. military are
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now being asked to help. fox's own john roberts is on the ground tonight in mission, texas. he has all the details. john? >> reporter: sean, good evening to you, from the u.s.-mexico border. the big question here for the white house is, how do you stop people who are trying to get caught? because that is the case. a case in point this morning, as we were making our way down to the rio grand, as we crossed over, we saw a couple of women who had crossed the river earlier in the day. they were from guatemala. one had a young child. they were instructed by the coyote to walk up to the levy and wait for the border patrol to pick you up. at the sacred heart catholic charities near the bus stop where so many people are leaving from, dozens of people had been coming through. most of them women with children or pregnant women or women both pregnant and have children. we talked to people to a person they say the reason they came here to the united states was to escape poverty and growing gang violence in their countries. there's some thought they may have been coached to saying
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that, but even so, you can't help but feel for the young children that they have in tow with them and the thousands of unaccompanied children who have made the journey by themselves. this issue first came to national outrage when the office of democratic congressman released these pictures of overcrowding in a border patrol facility, detention center, many of these unaccompanied children. it became a national embarrassment. the congressman faults the obama administration saying the white house was warned but was still caught flatfooted. >> we've got to do a better job because we have protocols with mexico, what we can do expedited returns. we don't have the same thing with guatemala and other countries and they're going to keep coming over here and they're going to overwhelm us. >> reporter: truth be told, the system is already well passed overwhelmed and there's nothing they can do to stop it, despite the president's assertions the border is more secure. case in point, just down river
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from where we are at the park, all day long over the weekend jet skiers from the park on the mexican side were running mexican nationals across the river for 100 bucks a head, dropping them off on the american side, even while the border patrol and local constables were keeping watch. there is nothing, sean, to stop anybody from coming across. so all they do is get in an inflatable boat, touch ground on the american side, wait for the border patrol. they're processed, bought a bus ticket to wherever in the united states they might have relatives and given a notice to appear before a judge. many of them likely will just disappear. sean? >> unbelievable report. john, thank you. so how exactly is the administration responding to the border crisis as well as the chaos around the globe? ed henry is standing by tonight on this busy newsnight at the white house with all the details. ed? >> reporter: bottom line is, top white house officials say
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they're concerned about all of these kids, some of them unaccompanied, showing up at the u.s.-mexico border. they say their most important issue is making sure that these kids have health and safety. they're dealing with it in the short term, as a humanitarian crisis. but it's clear the administration does not have a plan just yet to deal with this crisis long-term. as for the crisis in iraq, top officials here say the president is still mulling various military options, ranging from u.s. air strikes to potentially sending a small number of u.s. special forces to baghdad to try to tamp down the violence. one option secretary of state john kerry talked about today was a potential alliance between the u.s. and iran. that sent alarm bells around the world about the potential of a military alliance that we could see u.s. air strikes coupled with iranian ground troops, not u.s. ground troops, on the ground in iraq. the pentagon, the state department quickly clarified that secretary kerry was not talking about a military
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alliance, just talking about potential diplomatic talks between the u.s. and iran to pressure the iraqi government to reform. as for president obama, he faced some correriticism over the wee from republicans for being in palm spring for father's day weekend. they stress inside the white house the president was getting updates from his national security adviser about the crisis in iraq and as soon as he returned back to the white house tonight, the president convened his national security team to go over those military options. very urgent situation right now. >> ed at the white house tonight. coming up, our top story tonight. extremists continue to take more and more iraqi cities, killing anyone that stands in their way. they're literally beheading their way to baghdad. our commander in chief decided it was an appropriate time to go hit the golf course this weekend. and bob beckel is here to explain, see this videotape, why no one in the administration seems to know anything until the press brings it to light.
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we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in ir we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq, but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq security forces and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. >> that was president obama last week discussing the growing violence and chaos in iraq. the major cities and towns located on that map right now have now fallen under the control of isis, that's as insurgents continue to swarm in iraq. one would think president obama
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would be meeting with advisers night and day. but not your president. he jetted off to the west coast for a round of golf, after giving a speech at the university of california irvine grat yags graduation ceremony saturday where he spoke on the pressing image of climate change. here with reaction is former navy s.e.a.l. carl higby. he served two tours in iraq. good to see you. i want to give people some perspective. these are the iraqi cities that isis has control over. if we look, it's really surrounding the whole area. where are we looking at with baghdad, as they now behead their way to baghdad? >> baghdad is actually the same distance east of fallujah as ramadi is to the west. the thing with baghdad is there are so many resources. we built buildings, we rebuilt any infrastructure we destroyed during the takeover from saddam. it's unfortunate, but they are going to take that back. i don't think there's a way to defend it. we spent a lot of time talk
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thath group isis. we have video tonight. there was a report over the weekend, a mass slaughter took place. we have new video leading up to that slaughter. we're going to see all of these people that were lined up literally, then all gunned down in brutal fashion. we keep hearing, and it seems to be a talking point that somehow isis is more brutal than, you know, al qaeda. why am i having a hard time believing that, considering they're both brutal terrorist groups that have no respect for human life? >> i think they're both terrible groups. when we pulled out of iraq, there was nothing left but a power void and the biggest gun is going to reign supreme. >> this is prior to the assassinations of these guys. then we have pictures where they're lined up and just assassinated, one by one. >> this is what happens when you pull out prematurity. especially when you announce a pullout date. the president dropped the ball on this. should we have sent troops over there this whole time and left them there? i don't know.
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but we committed to fight a war on iraq's terms that were not in the interest of american soldiers. >> let's go back to the original map and the video here. the map of iraq and ask this question -- why have they been able to gape so much ground so quickly? in other words, as they -- if we can go back to that map, they've been able to surround baghdad. look at how much territory they've taken. also, the kurds in the north, they're going to break off on their own at this point? >> right. this is something that our leaders, our senior military and government leaders don't understand. these people are not loyal to anything but what supports themselves. that's what we don't reason with. that's part of the reason we're losing right now. we see this as, okay, we had forces that we trained, that we put a lot of effort into. why are they being -- are they falling? half of the forces we trained are taking the weapons we gave them and using it to take back iraq in a terrorist fashion. >> thanks so much for being with
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us. appreciate it. joining us now with reaction to what the u.s. should do, fox news military analyst general jack keen. general, let me predict what george w. bush said in 2007, with pinpoint accuracy, this is what he said would happen and is now happening. watch. >> begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous, for iraq, for the region, and for the united states. it would mean surrendering the future of iraq to al qaeda. it would mean we would be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. it would mean we allow the
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terrorists to establish a safe haven in iraq to replace the one they lost in afghanistan. it would increase the probability that american troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that's even more dangerous. >> mitt romney predicted the same thing in 2007. a lot of people saw this coming except the administration. your reaction? >> well, listen, when we made the critical decision to pull out in 2011 with all of our forces, that became a death nell to the future. the second thing we did is we pulled away from the geopolitical support with malaki in guiding him. the reason we left troops in germany, italy, japan, and south korea after conflict was for influence and to guide the government in the right direction. we had the same intent here. so those two things happened. we pulled away militarily and lost leverage and we also stopped guiding malaki. the obama administration, through its ambassadors, disengauged from malaki, and you see the results. >> let me ask you about iran sending 2,000 revolutionary guards in to fight against the sunni group isis.
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with them sending their group in, and john kerry leaving open the door that we might be in a situation to align with iran to battle isis, there's something very wrong with this situation considering their commitment towards supporting terror in the region, don't you think? >> that's an understatement. the fact of the matter is, we do not need iranian help to help the iraqis. the iranians are going to help the iraqis as they have been for a number of years and will continue to do because it's in their national interest. but here's why we should not coordinate with iran for the help with iraq. number one is, they are our strategic adversary in the middle east. they have totally different strategic objectives than what we have in terms of stability and security. second, syria, which iran is propping up, they have aided in
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the killing of 160,000 syrians and deplacing 9 million syrians, as well. and third, this is the one that bothers me the most quite frankly, is the iranians, since 1980 when they declared the islamic state of iran, have been systematically killing americans for 30 plus years. marine barracks, u.s. embassies lebanon and kuwait. in 1982, for ten years, they began the hostage taking campaign that had nothing to do with the tehran hostages. over 90 of them, most of them were in fact americans, and then in iraq, sean, they trained shia militia who systematically killed us for close to three to four years. we should have nothing to do with the iranians. >> well said. appreciate you being with us. coming up, why does every situation take the administration by surprise? you don't want to miss this videotape. when we come back, bob beckel will try to defend the indefensible. and then newly unearthed tapes
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from hillary clinton from the 1980s, defending a man allegedly accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. and sheriff arpaio is next. he's weighing in on the crisis in arizona, texas, as more and more chin try and come into our country. all they want to do is give them lawyers. that and more as "hannity" continues. that and more as "hannity" continues. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you,
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welcome back welcome back to "hannity." scandal after scandal continues to rock the obama white house. and every time one surfaces all you hear are excuses from the administration. and the escalating violence in iraq by islamic militants proves our commander in chief is asleep at the wheel. but unfortunately this is the latest example that they learn more from the news that they do from their own administration. watch this. >> we took the fight to al qaeda, dismantling their leadership, putting them on the path to defeat. let me take the irs situation first. i first learned about it from the same news reports that most people learned about this. >> there is no question that we did not anticipate the scale of the problems with the website. >> nobody is madder than me about the fact that the website isn't working as well as it should.
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>> i heard about fast and furious for the first time over the last few weeks. >> what is the biggest geopolitical threat facing america and you said russia. not al qaeda, you said russia. the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. >> here with reaction is bob beckel. bob, why do they learn everything in the media? is there anything that they -- >> it's amazing to me that some of the stuff is learned -- i would have thought, for example, this latest situation in iraq, which by the way, we should never have been in in the first place and i predicted this was going happen five years ago. that said, why they didn't put agents with all the sunnis and shiites and know this was going to happen is beyond me. so i don't know. >> but why -- how is it possible that they learn everything through the media? >> i don't think they learn everything from the media. >> every big scandal they learned through the media. >> you call them scandals, i call them mistakes. >> mistakes, is that what that is? a mistake? >> yeah.
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the irs thing is -- lois lerner -- what happened was, i thought once you deleted e-mails they were gone, i didn't know because i read the paper today all my stuff is out there somewhere. i'm in trouble, man. >> i've seen your -- i know what's in there. >> that's my point. >> listen, you know what? but in your case you get away with it because you're a liberal. so you acknowledge that they're lying? >> i would saying they're edging to the edge of the truth in some cases, but not anymore than any other administration. look, got us into a war, the bush administration got us involved in a war. you never want to talk about it. they got us in a war on a phoney premise about weapons of mass destruction and a lot of people died. >> there's videos of kurds in the north that were victims of saddam hussein's use of chemical and biological weapons. so he did have them, didn't he? and he did use them. here's the question, if we're going to fight a war, don't you have to finish the battle before you leave? >> it's been going on for 2,000 years.
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>> we had the battle of iraq won, and we left too early because this president didn't want to be there. now he's doing the same thing. the good war he wanted to fight in afghanistan, now he's leaving there. >> they put malaki in office and he got elected saying he would improve the government. he did not. that's why the sunnis have risen up. >> and john kerry's suggestion that we should have an alliance with iran is a good idea? >> no, i don't think you're going get anything out of it. it's a waste of time. but president obama inherited a war that should have never happened. >> okay. you can say that over and over again but the reality is he took it and look what happened. it's destroyed. his reset with russia and putin is a disaster. give me one national security issue that you think he's been successful on. >> i think a number of things with homeland security --
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>> no, no, national security. tell me. >> that's what homeland security is about, national security. i think what he's done with the nato allies, a lot of things have worked out all right. >> name one thing that you can point to where the world is better off because of the obama doctrine. >> homeland security, advances in homeland security, yeah. >> advances in homeland security? >> and the number of people exported from the border back home. >> that's a joke, right? >> they take out the maximum every year. >> we've got more people now flooding into this country. wait till you see the next segment. >> i'm sure. but i'm telling you is, they sent out like 500,000 last year. >> this is sort of like the question the state department couldn't answer about hillary. one specific thing you can point to where he has been successfus. is the economy doing better? >> so much better. he brought us back from the verge of a depression. you never give him credit for that. he saved general motors. he got -- >> you would vote for him again, wouldn't you? >> sure, of course, i would. against who, these republicans? that's about the weakest bench since little league.
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>> take care of your allergies. >> i will. >> feel better. all right. that's all the time we have with mr. beckel. when we come back, wait till you see this video that continues to spiral out of control. we'll check in with sheriff joe arpaio. he will weigh in on that. and the mess the white house has gotten us into, plus two years of lois lerner e-mails have vanished. that's what the irs claims happened. also, hillary clinton actually defending and helping get off on a technicality a guy that raped a 12-year-old girl..
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welcome backing to "hannity." the humanitarian and national security crisis at our nation's border is getting worse by the hour. droves of unaccompanied children are arriving each and every day, many bussed over to crowded facilities where they face horrible living conditions. now the brave men and women dealing with this mess are allegedly being told if they dare to speak out about the situation, they will be disciplined or possibly even charged with a crime. here with reaction, maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio. joe, i know that would never stop you from speaking out, but we had a report earlier in the show, john roberts is down at the border. all weekend long, people are paid $100 to get on waverunners or boats to go across the border. they put their foot on american territory and we just take them to phoenix or tucson or some other facility.
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what are we doing here? why don't just send them back across the water? >> put them in an airplane, $400, send them back to where they came from, it's cheaper, more humane. the border patrol are too busy changing diapers and not going after illegal immigrants and done peddlers. i think the president knew this was going to happen, so it's going to help him on his executive orders, if congress doesn't take this mission up. but it might backfire because of the inhumane situations. the media finally got with it. i was on your station ten days ago talking about this, so i'm glad that now it's gone into the media, and the government officials are talking about it. >> but what i'm trying to understand here, if i were to take a truckload of illegal
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immigrants and bring them to tucson or phoenix or maricopa county, what would happen if i got caught? i assume i would be arrested, mug shots, the whole bit, right? >> well, i wouldn't bet on it, because there's a lot of court decisions, especially after me in the department of justice trying to put cuffs on me. so i lost some of my authority, but we're still working it. no, i don't think it's going to happen. >> but my point is, the government is dropping illegal immigrants off, and now eric holder is talking about giving them attorneys and doctors and the american taxpayer paying for health issues. apparently there's staff and other health issues that are serious in these facilities, right? >> you're right, that's a legal situation. i know our arizona attorney general is thinking of suing the government. but it's more than just a legal problem. it's a political problem that's occurring on immigration. you know that, sean. it's been going on for quite a while. but i think they don't understand, the white house, that they opened up a can of worms on this. we'll see how it settles. this is a great country.
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you're trying to tell me we can't keep people from coming into our country if you had the desire to do it? i don't buy it. there's something wrong. >> what's the latest in your battle with the white house? >> well, they're still after me. the doj, they still battles me. i'm the elected sheriff and i'm going to keep doing what the constitution says i can do. >> are you still giving out baloney sandwiches there? >> took all the meat away. it's now vegetarian. >> vegetarian, is that cheaper? >> yeah, 8500 people i had. >> i watched you walk through your jail. you're like a rock star, even though you treat prisoners the way prisoners should be treated. it's pretty amazing. >> maybe i'll get half the vote, that's okay. >> all right. appreciate it. coming up, the irs claims it lost two years worth of lois lerner's e-mails. really?
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welcome back to welcome back to "hannity." "the washington free beacon" has unearthed some audiotapes of hillary clinton from the 1980s, which she's discussing her role in a case defending a man and of raping a 12-year-old girl. on the tape, she seems to suggest that she knew the man was guilty the whole time but managed to use a legal technicality to allow him to plea to a lesser charge. listen. >> here to respond, rick unger,
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>> here to respond, rick unger, fox news legal analyst, peter n johnson jr., and david limbaugh. good to see you. everybody is entitled to a defense. we'll start there. but i had him take a polygraph test, which he passed and destroyed my faith in polygraphs. she goes on to say she got him off for time served, which was two months, for raping a 12-year-old girl. if a republican did that, david limbaugh, would that not be a war on women, a vicious attack, a media onslaught? i think it would be. >> that's the point. there would be a double standard.
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as a lawyer, i find it difficult to attack hillary for representing someone she was appointed to represent and not -- >> she said she did it as a favor. >> that's what i was going to get to. one article said she agreed to be the court appointed attorney. now, i never had that choice. when i was appointed to represent a murderer, i didn't want to do it but i had to do it. she said -- the article suggested she had a choice. if she had a choice -- >> i heard the recording. she said the prosecutor called me a few years ago and had a guy accused of rape. he wanted a woman lawyer. would i do it as a favor for him? >> that suggests that she isn't as zealous in advocating for women's rights as she would have us believe. also, the casual laughter on the tapes that we hear suggest that she doesn't take this kind of thing seriously. i think we ought to note the double standard that liberals hold conservatives to when they
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talk about the fabricated war on women. >> peter, everybody is entitled to a defense. you're one of the best lawyers in new york. i could not in good conscience, if i was an attorney, take on a client that i knew raped a 12-year-old girl and laugh, oh, i had him take a polygraph and he passed which destroyed my faith in polygraphs. now on tape. this is going to examined carefully but i also suspect that the liberal community will use this to bolster her, that somehow she's a defender of the constitutional rights. >> time served for a child rapist? >> no, no. she points out that there was a gap in the evidence and that she
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took advantage of it and she got an expert in new york to turn the day -- >> but she didn't switch it on the prosecutor. i agree with you, sean, but she is admitting she knew he was guilty and used a technicality to get him off. >> she has a belief. but in my mind, if i believe that that person is guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl, i'm out. i'm out. >> you would take the case. >> yes, i would. >> i would step out of it, noo. once you're in the case, you're in the case. >> she chose to take it. >> but she did not necessarily know where it was at the time she took it. look. let's be realistic about it. >> that's not true. >> it was after the polygraph that she commented that she didn't necessarily believe it. >> you have an obligation to step out of a criminal case if you know, know -- >> know and believe, very different. >> i agree. i agree with that. >> knowing and believing are two
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different things. >> you can't let him testify if you know he's going to lie. >> i agree with what david said in the main, she was doing her job as a lawyer. i got to tell you, this is not going to be significant for liberals or conservatives. it was, what, 1980? come on, guys. almost 40 years ago. >> she was doing her job. >> she was running a law clinic at the time as a student. >> on the polygraph comment she basically revealed she thought he was guilty and laughed about it, she will never believe polygraphs again. >> in this day and age of computers, lois lerner suggesting that every lois lerner e-mail is just missing from the point and time that matters. do you believe that? >> i believe that the missing 18 minutes of the nixon tape was nixon reading poems to his wife. sk i don't believe it. >> of course you don't. if you look at, for example, peter, 18 1/2-minute gap and you look at article ii of the article of impeachment against
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nixon, he endeavored to obtain from the irs a violation of constitutional rights, confidential information? >> inference here, we don't have proof on it yet but the inference here is that there's been monkey business in terms of these e-mails. and now congress is saying to the white house and to the executive branch, give me all the e-mails that you received from lois lerner. he's telling the other way. >> on the one hand people oh. >> snowden, that might be a good idea. >> one of the representatives is going to the nsa for it. be careful. no inference as of yet that -- >> people only say the white house has their hands off. what is the white house doing? proactively to discover what happened? what is eric holder doing? they say he'll appoint a special counsel or some forensic expert. i believe it when i see it. >> i agree with you. >> why did they wait a year to disclose these things? >> a year ago, you're right. >> mccarthy his great book talks about chief executives being held responsibility for
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their undling, supposed posubbod nant nates. barack obama is never held accountable for anything. >> i agree with what you just said. look, why -- when this announcement came out why wasn't there somebody to say, we get e-mails. e-mails reside in more than just a computer. >> reredundancy. >> the department right now is going through all the servers trying to recreate the e-mails or find them again. they didn't. >> i think they will find them. >> they exist. >> they exist. >> i agree with you. coming up, more "hannity" right after the break. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior,
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friends" 5:00 to 9:00. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. this is a fox news alert. american made stinger missiles now potentially in the hands of sunni insurgents who are stopping at nothing to take over iraq. extreme militants now seizing control of major cities at the violence escalades. the unfolding situation putting people on edge. conner? >> well, greta, insurgents in iraq continue to make dangerous gains. at the pentagon telling fox news tonight that the insurgents likely have their hands on american made stingle missiles and most likely got them while overrunning iraqi bases. the past few days. and despite some resistance from the iraqi
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