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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 18, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm andrea tantaros, along with bob beckle, eric boling, dana perino, and tom la shew. >> big news from the white house, president obama announces ahmed abu khatallah has been captured inside libya by u.s. forces. this comes 641 days after the president vowed to bring the killers to justice. >> make no mistake, we will work with the libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people. >> this guy may have been hiding in plain sight. remember, he's done interviews with fox news, "the new york
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times," and reuters. he's one of the original ring attack. he's now in custody and en route to the united states aboard a navy ship. you also remember he was drinking a strawberry frappe during an interview with the "new york times." the timing sure is interesting. 641 days sin the president made that commitment in the rose garden to bring him to justice. we've heard him do interviews with numerous oults, one of the things he said is i'm here, no one has come to ask me so much as a question. why now? >> it could be a coincidence. it probably is coincidence that there are other things that are happening that the administration has a full plate. it's interesting to me that it was characterized today as really good news for the white house and when you have caught a terrorist two years to the day,
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all the other things that are going on, if benghazi is your best news story, you probably have more serious problems than you are willing to admit. i am curious about a couple of things. of course, i'm glad they got him. i understand he's been inter row investigated, and i hope whatever intelligence he could provide that we are going to use to the fullest extent. i'm very curious to bring him to the united states. i look forward to hearing about that decision and why he was not sent to gitmo, as the president said, if i am to believe that the president called it a terrorist attack from the beginning, terrorists are not criminals. they are enemy combat ants on the cloebl war on terror. that means you go to gitmo. not to the utilizes. -- united states. >> we're thrilled that he's finally captured. why did it take so long? as dana mentioned the number of
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republican senators said he should have been brought to gitmo. there have been 494 successful court trials between september 11th, '01 and december 31st, and they have a big jurisdiction to get them in federal court. it's a good thing. do you agree that he should have been brought here or would you rather him at gitmo? i would rather have him brought here and convicted and rotting in prison than doing yoga and watching the world cup in gitmo? >> i think i would like him at gitmo. i think -- at least for me, the most important thing is the intelligence that we might be able to get from him. not necessarily punishing him so much as to finding what's the next attack, what's the plans, where's the cells, who is involved. it's interesting they are calling this a criminal capture because they want to try him criminally. they want to bring him back to the united states mainland and try him criminally rather than a
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terror capture, and they would have brought him to gitmo. i am happy, instead of flying him back, they put him on a slow ship and they are bringing him back, questioning him while he's on the ship. i think that's a great idea. they can according to jennifer griffin they can continue to question him, get what they can get out of him and my ran dies him. he's going to end up in court. he's going to get a defense court. one of the things from the defense lawyer, wait a minute, president obama, haven't you called this a protest? haven't you called this a deadly protest? so i think he will probably be able to make a case that he will never see the death penalty if he comes back to the united states. >> what do you think, bob? two schools of thought here on how we handle him. both parties have different opinions, but it's evenly split even in republican circles. he could brought to gitmo or in
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a prison cell or federal court to be prosecuted. >> it took them 5,000 days to get al capone before he was finally locked up. outside of that, i have nothing to say on benghazi. >> i thought you would break your silence on benghazi since we have big news today. >> you said the timing of the capture is interesting, do you mean to suggest there was a political angle to this? maybe there was. >> i'm just posing the question. >> you think the president is not capable of that? isn't this what benghazi is about? i mean no surprise. a lot of my friends are left wing and i live in new york city, and i get together -- >> it's more surprising you have friends. >> well -- >> kiddings. >> they are not actual people. little dolls i set up by the breakfast table. you and your right wing friends get a shot up about benghazi.
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it's not the fact that it was attacked, preventible or unpreventible. it's about the fact that they tried to cover it up during an election. the terrorist attack happened and obama tried to turn it to his political advantage by playing cool. it wasn't really a terrorist attack. so i wouldn't put it by them, timing this capture. the guy was obviously easy to capture. he was there for the picking. they said let's way and capture him when the going gets tough, right? >> well, there is a possibility, andrea, that the special committee that representative tray gowdy is heading up he has shut down the communications on it. there have been no leaks out of that committee, it could be that they had some information they were going presenting to the administration they decided now is the time to make a move. it was one fbi agent who wrote the criminal complaint. when they bring him back here, they still have to go to a grand
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jury, that's one of reasons that protect act is supported. they get all of those rights and drag the situation out for years. >> i talked to a former bush prosecutor, he has a great piece on it he couldn't be charged in a military court. federal court is a far wider jurisdiction. he said the success rate is federal court is great. they are likely interrogating him now. >> once he hits u.s. mainland veled have to stop interrogating him and he would lawyer up. >> they actually traditionally have been and in past i know they have put other terrorists on the slow boat and they have interrogated them for weeks and even months. sohey are probably able to garner a lot --
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>> they take the long way around. >> yeah. let's move on. iraq on friday, president obama had this. >> we'll be monitoring the situation in iraq very carefully over the next several days. we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq, but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq security forces, and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. >> still no word on his plans, but we do know how he feels about usa soccer. >> go team usa! show the world what we're made of. >> he's also played golf, held fund-raisers, announced plans on gay rights and today he's coming to new york city for some very expensive fund-raisers. he will be rubbing elbows with anna wintour and stephen
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spielberg. >> is there anyone in his camp that can tap him on the shoulder and say this doesn't look -- enough, stop, okay? >> it couldn't be biden because he's over in brazil for the world cup. there's a very -- let's call this simple answer to iraq and as a parent, as a newborn libertarian, former oil driller and trader, the advice for president obama would be this, use drill bits and drones. drone the heck out of them. go ahead. go crazy with that. don't put any more boots on the ground. drill until you are blue in the face. open all the federal lands, and off shore. continue to frack. we're about 60% self sufficient in oil, the rest could come from canada, mexico and we don't ever have to talk to those you know what's anymore and i think that would be your answer. i know, israel is important.
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continue to back israel, support them with military and funding whatever way you need to. >> bob, how would you advise the president? as you see iraq slipping away, the news reports continue to say the president hasn't made a decision, the clock is ticking. they said he had intelligence reports that iraq was falling months ago. what would you advise him to do? >> well, i would advise him first of all to not pay attention to your arguments. what you ought to do -- i get it when you say him about not raising money, going to the golf course, he ought to sit in his room reading iraqi intelligence reports. this is an election year. he's going to raise money. there's noing thing -- nothing wrong watching soccer. >> many people has said is the president just detached, that he doesn't care? is that he saw this coming and understands that this is what
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they want to build, caliphate, let's let it happen. brit hume makes this argument. he says the president is overwhelmed. >> i believe that he is basically caught off guard by all these things because i think this is an administration that we're coming to find out is one of almost unimaginable incompetence and in many respects disengagement. i think he's overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do and he's surprised about that. >> doesn't know what to do? overwhelmed? >> i don't want to disagree with brit hume because he's smarter than me. i'm the president knows exactly what he's doing. this is the way he operates with foreign policy and which crises happens, he ends up look cool, he goes off and golf and everything is fine. i think the plan all along was disengage with iraq, goes fine, take credit for it and if it goes south, blame bush.
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>> the reality is what he should have talked to maliki months ago when he refused to do what he said he was going to do. >> do you think it's some truth to that? going around and apologizing for what the united states has done, you hear the terrorists saying we took action on 9/11 pause of u.s. policy. the president has apologized for u.s. poll -- policies. >> right now if i were at the white house, i would think they should be in triage mode because it's not just on the foreign policy side of things, which is bad enough. it's disarray begets disarray, it's also the fact that the v.a. scandal continues and there doesn't seem to be any actual concrete solutions being put forward by the administration. the other thing is this growing scandal that we're going to talk about in a little bit about the
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irs. right now, i've got to prioritize their crises and deal with reality or else the president will not be able to finish his last two years strong. >> maybe anna wintour has some advice for him this evening. islamic militants on the war path in iraq. some christians are paying the price. anything that can be helped directly ahead on "the five."
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over the past decade, iraq's christian community has been decimated with nearly half fleeing the country in light of
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sunni violence. >> just outside the militants' control and vulnerable to attack is a christian town. they are defended by 600 christian militia men. >> if the militants come here to this town what will they do? >> i don't know he said but maybe they will do what they have done in other places and kill us. >> general jack kean says american interests are at stake. help build a greater intelligent actor turkt. offer u.s. special forces, and air sport from the u.s. that would have to be coordinated. let's talk about the christians. we've talked a lot on this show,
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mostly led by bob. christians around the world deserve protection. we can't protect anybody. do you think the christians in iraq and maybe also in kenya and other places are just on their own? >> unfortunately, at this point because of the way the terrorists have progressed it are, and that is incredibly sad because there was an opportunity to protect them and to save them. but have been a number of things this administration has done wrong, and if you look at how they have handled other instances of christians being persecuted around the world, they haven't spoken very much about it, so while jack kean makes some very good suggestions, i would not question the general on what he thinks should happen in iraq, i'm very skeptical about any kind of boots on the ground. i think this thing has gotten way out of control. i don't think we can be the world's police officer as sad as this issue is, and it's incredibly unfortunate but there has been no appetite from this administration to protect christians around the globe,
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forget christians, dana. all the good work that we've had, american boots on the ground who have died for what? to turn this country over for gain of al qaeda? even worse worse army? >> president obama announced they are going there to protect people in the embassy. the terrorists don't want territory. they want to change the way of life. so they are targeting in particular christians, other innocent people. do you see a way, because i know we disagree on this, but do you see a way to contain terrorists in that area where it wouldn't spillover innocent people outside of that borders? >> look what we heard over the last two days or so. the terrorists who killed 50 people in kenya because they didn't answer the proper
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questions about islam. i mean, it becomes -- use the analogy yesterday, the cockroaches, they will find another place to hang out. i think it's very difficult to say on the basis of i had yoling, we need to fix this find another yemen, pakistan, they will find other places to making their base for fighting for allah. i agree with jack kean. he's a man you don't mess with when you are in a traditional war. we're beyond a traditional war. our appetite has dramatically subsided. the new face of war is technology and drones and keep the boots off the ground and in places that we don't really need to be. >> okay. tom, let me ask you about moderate -- if there is a moderate muslim voice out there, do you think that now would be the time for them to speak up?
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>> we've been waiting for some time, right? i think the solution, why don'te are christians over there. my church is half full on sunday. we could use some of them. let's bring them into this country. >> that's not unprecedented. religious persecution has resulted -- >> there is a lot of immigration, illegal and legal in this country, i think we could make room for some of these christians. i can't believe they still live in that part of the country. if i were islamic, i wouldn't live in that part of the world. >> these people were there before there were muslims. they are not about to leave their homes. between two administrations, we've spent hundreds of millions of dollars in training the iraqi security forces. we were told they could defend us. they could defend christians and muslims and what happened, they cut and run, which means the training wasn't very good or these guys are very bad soldiers. >> or we left too early.
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>> we take responsibilities for muslims and take care this. obviously they weren't trained well. >> remember the scene in west side story, he was the dorky guy making them dance in the circle, when the music stopped, they all grabbed each other and ran. america is like the dorky guy in west side story. they are not going to follow his direction. nothing we can do is going to work. >> we're dealing with a is situation where they are recruiting massive amounts of muslims, training them in syria. we can't keep up. >> why did we spend hundreds of millions dollars training them. why are we assured that these guys can stand up and fight. >> you can teach a man to fight, but you cannot teach a man not to run -- >> if you leave too early, you
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break their confidence. >> come on. >> one of biggest problems they are literally fleeing and leaving all these u.s. assets behind, the tanks, the guns, the more tars, missiles and this isis group is picking them up and using them against -- it's just crazy. i mean at some point -- >> if we had 20,000 more troops, you think it wouldn't have done anything. the irs says it doesn't have the emails of lois lerner, they knew that. new details on "the five".
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. friday, we learn the irs lost two years of lois lerner's emails that just so happen to be over the very same period
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conservative groups are being targeted. the administration's excuse according to josh earnest, hey, you ever hear of a computer crash? i think he forgot dude. tech expert david kennedy is skeptical. >> in today's society, it's extremely unlikely for those data losses to occur. you are talking about a major period from 2009 to 2011 where all of this is happening. that's a really big deal if they don't have any documentation on how they tried to recover the information there. >> remember in march when john costinen said this. are you going to provide all of lois lerner's email. >> yes, we will do that. >> not so fast. fox learned earlier today the irs knew it didn't have all the emails connected to lois lerner as far back as february. their latest spin is an insult
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to the public's intelligence. >> it's insulting to my intelligence. it really makes me angry. the reason there's questions about that because there haven't answered question. until thit's hard to presume anything other than a cover up. >> it's laughable think they we believe with this. >> when he says with all due respect, he's trying to be polite and dignified, the administration's response actually didn't serve the american people respect. this is also another reason why i always suggest, you don't prepare for today's briefing, you prepare for next weeks briefing or the ones going to happen in the future. somebody didn't tell the white house that they didn't have the emails and then they allowed the irs commissioner, the president hand picked political appointee
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and commit perjury in front of the committee, if he didn't know that they didn't have the emails, the then the incompetence -- >> you are being nice? >> why am i being nice? >> incompetence? come on, incompetence or outright, flat-out lying, we have those emails, you can't see them because they are too damning. we're going to pretend we lost them. >> they are comfort playing the incompetence guard. i could never stanled up at a podium and say oopsy-daisy, sorry computer glitch. it actually blows the mind. but it's clearly intentional deceit and i'm not going to be nice. this is the worst administration in the history of the united states of america and they are completely comfortable looking like a bunch of bunning link idiots, they don't look like
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idiots anymore, they look like liars because they are. >> i couldn't agree with you more, oopsy-dace daisy. the best thing for them to have said if these emails are said, we have backups of all this stuff and we will get it to you. we're told by our i.t. professional that it's there to get on the various servers we'll get them all to you. as opposed to saying we don't have them. >> let's what the public says you know you probably didn't, next time you file your 2014 taxes, you know what, all receipts are on my hard drive, sorry, guys. i lost them. >> i lose receipts all the time. but it's email, right? don't we know what email is? it's not sitting on your computer. you might have a copy of it, but email is on servers. i'm not a tech wizard but i know email sits somewhere in cyber space. also, when you email, you email to someone else. why not open up her address book and say you lost your email how about giving me the emails of
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all these people, everyone on their list, take their emails zp see what she sent to them. it seems very easy to me. >> there's no accountability. they can lie. they can be held in contempt. when you have ron foreigne saying i'm insulted. collectively it was okay not to cover this scandal when we're in a bubble. now we look like we've been played. >> where does the media come down on this? >> all of them have given the benefit of the doubt. remember when president obama said it was a phony scandal and there wasn't a smidgen of evidence of corruption, they all said okay and they walked away from it. >> has any major newspaper come out and said we don't believe them? >> remember, there is a way for newspapers to support the administration, that is not to cover it at all, which is what happened over the weekend in "the new york times." >> and the major news, the broadcast networks, it was
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briefly talked about. meanwhile, when you think about this, bob, this is a joke. we lost two years worth of emails from lois lerner and six other individuals -- this is -- i just -- i'm just shocked at the arrogance. these things creep up on taliban 5, illegals storming the border, lost emails, how stupid are they? >> remember the excuse where wait a minute we actually went after liberal groups just as much as we went after conservative groups. get your story straight. did you go after conservative groups or did you not? was it a mistake or intentional? they didn't even lie very well. >> if they wanted to be the most transparent administration in history, here's an idea, why don't they do a tech challenge and you could ask these i.t. professionals who have come forward and done a lot of record interviews and say you guys are so smart, you want to figure this out, we'll give you 30
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days. >> you know the guy who fixed the website. i bet you can fix those. >> remember the 18-minute gap in the nixon tapes. >> 20 years later, oj simpson emphasis brnco -- bronco chase. we'll remember the events that kicked off the trial of the century. we'll at the you where we were back@pp@paúq÷wxwxwxwvñ÷÷x
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20 years ago today, oj simpson made his ie coppic get away along several california freeways in the backseat of his friend's al cowling's bronco. it all went down during the nba finals between the knicks and
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the rockets. remember this. >> it is our professional obligation to cover the ballgame tonight. we will do that in an appropriate fashion. we're, of course, mindful of the oj simpson situation. we will aprice you of any new developments. before we talk about basketball, let's return to tom brokaw. >> bob, we are witnessing tonight a modern tragedy and drama being played out live on television. >> the young boy with a microphone was bob costas and who can forget simpson's phone call with tom lang. >> there's a lot of people who love you. don't throw it all away. don't throw it all away. >> i can't take this. >> yes, you can, yes, you can. you got your whole family out there. they love you, man. don't throw this away. don't do this. they love you. don't do it, oj.
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it's going to work itself out. >> it's going to work itself out. i guess, it did work itself out, didn't it, eventually. can you believe that was 20 years ago? >> no, i can't believe it's 20 years ago, but that was such an iconic time. i don't remember exactly where i was at the time. >> you don't, everybody does. >> i remember being glued to watching the bronco and watching the people, it was really stunning to me, everyone thought oj had killed nicole at that point, remember because -- remember this was after the murders. >> what do you mean, i still thought? >> no, my point was this, there were people in his fans, clapping, go oj, holding signs up. because most of america feel he killed nicole and ron goledman. >> just looking at that tape, it was how obvious he did kill her. he had a goatee and a bag of
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money and a gun to his head. dana, where were you? >> i was waiting tables at governor's park tavern in denver, colorado. >> were there tvs in the park? >> i worked a double and i made a mint that night. >> because they kopt leave. >> everybody stayed and they were kind to their waitresses. >> i was in a bar, i was supposed to do a show on 42nd street. we all stopped. we all watched the tv. andrea, you were just a baby then? >> oh, yes, just a wee tiek. i was in high school and i remember being upset is preempted the regular programming. i began to think about what this trial gave us, and you could argue that that car chase and the oj simpson trial gave us the kardashians. the father of the kardashian family was one of oj counsels.
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allegedly he could have helped him with his crime and now we have the kardashians. so thank you, oj. >> it's not just the kardashians. the bronco chase and then the trial, that was kind of beginning of reality tv. >> that was part of it. but not only did he kill his wife, he killed the rest of us by getting kim kardashian in the mix. that woman drives me crazy. i remember being at a bar. i sat and closed the bar and watched cnn. i watched it the whole way. i remember saying to myself this is going to be a big, big story. in retrospect. it was easy to say that now. but back then, it was not clear it was going to be a big story. >> remember they follow him all the way back to rockingham. he stayed in the bronco for an hour and a half. everybody is waiting is he going to blow himself away. >> to think he became a
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acquittal. >> people loved oj simpson. >> don't forget what happened prior to that. that whole l.a. riot thing was going on, the police department with the black community so a lot of people say by the timing of it and moving that trial into l.a. was a part of the reason why he got acquitted. >> was i the only one who put down good money on the david hasselhoff pay purview special. david hasselhoff was singing pay purview. no one watched it. >> i look at you differently now, tom. >> he's big in germany too. a lot of americans are fired up after team usa's big win over ghana last night. bob is not one of them. he will explain why when we come back.
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>> you know i'm not a big soccer fan, but i am happy for the team usa for beating ghana yesterday, but some people can't handle any criticism of soccer. they are incredibly insecure. guys like brian kilmeade on fox and friends. >> i'll tell you on 33 street in mant take that bob and soccer haters. this place was packed. >> brian, everyone was speaking spanish. >> oh, bob, you get away with murder. >> speaking ghanaess. >> i was going to go nice. western supposed to -- we
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weren't supposed to win. i was going to nice with soccer. hey, brian, "the five" watch baseball, football, hockey and basketball. >> i like soccer. i loved watched that last night. we cheered so loud. >> you did? >> yes, of course. >> get out of here. where is ghana? >> are you kidding me? on the west coast of africa. was that a quiz? >> yeah. >> who are you charlie gibson? >> no. >> i like soccer when my daughters play it. i'll go to a girls soccer game. it's great, but i see enough soccer when the girls play. i don't need to see it. the thing about it is i would like to enjoy soccer. i like to watch sports, but they are too into it. the fans are lunaticks. >> it's good, clean fun. >> it is. i sit and watch golf, you know. >> you like this stuff. >> cup of coffee, watch golf.
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>> what would you rather prefer? would you rather sitting in a tense match where nobody says a word? i agree with dana, and kilmeade, i like seeing soccer. i like anywhere you can drink during the day without judgment and i like anything that unites this country which it did, bob. it wasn't the spanish speakers hugging each other yesterday. >> we spent an hour watching grass grow after one goal. come on! >> it's like the adrenalin. they are going to score. >> what -- do you know why kilmeade likes it so much? >> so far the only fivers who like soccer are the ladies. >> if there are women running arp the field in little shorts, i know how bob feels.
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>> that observation speaks volumes. >> we'll leave it there and let the viewers decide. >> we should let our viewers decide. soccer thumbs up, thumbs down. >> the little i know about the viewers, thumbs down. >> kilmeade, you let your feminine side comes out, it's very nice. you are a wu. ss -- watch football.
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time now for one more thing. tom. >> i sung in a barbershop quartet with jimmy fallon. he's turned brian williams into a musical artist.
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♪ >> that was kathy lee, wasn't it? >> at the end there. >> i love every word to that song. >> that takes a lot of editing. it's a piece of software. it's a news-gathering software. >> can you do it with bob? >> it's pain staking work. it's put together by human hands. >> dana. >> well, i wasn't the only one watching the last night. tim homestead has a great dog watching the game. love, love, love the enthusiasm.
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he was so excited watching that game. >> that's exactly what you need to know about soccer right there. i love it. >> he's watching grass grow. that's why he's so excited. >> eric bolling and your new hair cut. >> can we put up this chart. this is the meat, is poultry, fish, and egs chart. the bad news is that it's an all time high when they first started recording 38 now it's 258. that combined with the gasoline prices is expected to break all time record eyes this summer, $3.68 a gallon now. >> isn't the fourth recovery -- anniversary of the recovery. >> we've been following the story of sarah murn ahand who
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hlinged challenge the federal government because she was not allowed to get a lung transplant. she's now breathing on her own. >> make sure that you tune into the five on thursday -- on sun i was able to co-host the special olympics opening ceremony, the national game in new jersey. i was the co-host for the parade of athletes on thursday's edition "the five" you will see an inside look at the special olympics where i get to follow very inspiring athlete and tell you why i'm so personally passionate about the cause. >> it was so cool. i mean, it was just so neat to see. 9,000 athletes fill a stadium and they are just so inspiring. they will warm your heart. all of them have a unique story. >> by the way, somebody sent me a tweet saying if you are going to die, can i come to your
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funeral? no, i'm not going to die yet. >> you are going to die. we're all going to die. >> do you have like a frog in your throat? >> yeah. it's called soccer. that or golf. >> you probably are staying up late and cheering and don't want to admit it. >> i don't want to miss that. >> another big game coming up. >> virgin hot toddies. >> you do not want to miss another episode of "the five." don't forget to set your dvrs. don't change that >> it is wednesday june 18th, a fox news alert. an arrest in the benghazi terror attack that killed four americans. the suspect spent nearly two years living in plain sight.
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so what took so long to capture him? >> hillary clinton doubling down on claims the attack was motivated a video. >> there is no doubt terrorists were involved. maybe others were also motivated the video. >> the tough questions and answers you have to hear in a fox news exclusive. >> are you trying to slim down for summer? you may want to repack your bunch? the five foods to curb your appetite. "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> a little bit of construction
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in the studios this morning. american flag you can see. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday morning. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. we appreciate you beginning your day with us. we begin with a fox news alert wap toured and coming to america captured. >> we have the breaking details this morning. >> good morning. he will be tried in u.s. court. until nent gone officials say he's being held in an undisclosed location. they are interrogating him before he faces charges here on u.s. soil. >> the united states is taking him to a secure location outside of libya. he will stand


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