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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 19, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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genie tweeted as usual they have gone too far. all of a sudden it bothers a few american indians. barney says i am part native american and i look at it as a name that pays tribute to a proud heritage and a positive, not a negative. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. >> good morning. it is thursday, june 19, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. sunni militants flying their black flags over iraq's largest oil refinery claiming it has fallen to insurgents this morning. this as exxon pulls out its people. we are live with all those breaking details. >> can hardly wait to see how much gas is going to cost today. meanwhile this morning, the lost lois lerner e-mail apparently gone forever. somebody apparently destroyed the hard drive. what exactly is going on in
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washington? we're going to talk about that and the other scandal surrounding the administration. >> they lost the e-mails and the hard drive. such a coincidence. honey, i lost my pants. why are we showing this picture from my wedding day. >> is that your wedding? >> it is. >> that the honeymoon? >> there is a story behind that because it is throwback thursday and i can't throw that picture away. you want to stick around because mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends," the number-one morning cable news show in america. >> you know, we are in the midst of june, and june is traditionally the wedding month, so our throwback thursday is your wedding pictures. send them to us at if you are wearing pants like i am or if you are not wearing pants like brian is, send them our way. >> we'll understand where the short suit really came from. >> right. >> not a short suit. it became one real fast.
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>> in the meantime it's about a minute after the top of the hour. new developments out of iraq. for that we turn to heather nauert. >> we've got new information from overseas. terrorists are now flying their black flag over iraq's biggest oil refinery there. iraq is now asking the u.s. for air support. but the president wants to wait. he met with congressional leaders in the oval office yesterday and he made it clear that when he does make a decision, he will not need approval from congress. but time could be running out. take a look at this picture. you see shiite women there showing they're willing to fight jihaddists to protect the capital of baghdad. we'll keep you posted. new coming in overnight, benghazi suspect khrats -- khattalah spilling secrets to u.s. investigators. he is on his way to new york and is giving interrogators a bit of a history lesson about the
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group al shah -- sharia. >> warehouses in the united states packed with children who cross the border illegally. in the midst of that crisis the department of health and human services says it started to release hundreds of children into the custody of their parents in the united states even if those adults are here illegally. an official telling the daily mail that the primary focus is clearing space in the facilities. in the meantime the feds are shipping illegals to massachusetts but the governor there has no idea. >> i have a question about the story of the illegal immigrants. did you hear about that? >> i've been hearing about it. >> do you know anything about that? >> i don't. >> and you would; right? you are in a position where you would know if that was going on? >> i don't know anything about it. >> can you imagine? the governor of his own state and he doesn't know anything about that. over the past week, ice
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confirming six planes packed with illegals landed there. >> a blind dog sees his family for the first time. take a look. >> sweet. that is duffy, an eight-year-old irish terrier. he started losing his sight to diabetes a few months back and now he can see again thanks to that surgery. those are your headlines. >> it is. and the tail tells the tale how happy that dog is there. >> the tail does not lie. >> that is a philosophy we always hold to. the tail does not lie. >> we're looking at what could possibly be a big lie according to many. >> a tall tale. >> a tall tale if they can ever find anything. we had hopes, as many
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officials did in washington, that they would be able to recover the lost e-mails from 2009 to 2011 of lois lerner, i.r.s. official here. but what they learned yesterday was apparently the hard drive was recycled or thrown away. even the i.t. department in charge of getting all the computers and files and restoring them for security purposes cannot seem to locate them. >> if the tea party was indeed targeted by the i.r.s. to keep them from playing a role in the election, they would probably be looking at e-mails and communication between 2010 and 2012. but the precursor to that might be 2009 to 2011. if they could just see those e-mails we could exonerate lois lerner because she is not talking because she took the fifth. the problem is even if you've got the best i.t. department in the world, if someone threw out the hard drives according to orrin hatch and caused the e-mails to disappear, how can you get to the bottom of this? how can we exonerate lois lerner if we don't know
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what she was doing? >> how can you assume guilt or innocence if you cannot get to the bottom of the information? >> apparently her computer pooped out and so she called the i.t.d. and they hauled it off and they recycled it and it is gone. there is a backup; right? apparently until the last year the standard operation in the government would be there would be a tape backup for six months. the six months is gone. i've listened to experts on this. okay, her computer crashed, but the server who handles all the e-mail, they didn't throw that away. you would think that would be somewhere they could access. besides that, i wonder if the computer crashed and i can't find my e-mails were audited. that is a good excuse for them. would it be a good excuse for us? >> we don't know about their hard e-mails, but for six others, theirs
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disappeared. if anybody is insulted by the fact that this is what they're handing us as an excuse, i don't think you're paying attention. >> congressman issa subpoenaed this information including the hard drive, and this is what he had to say yesterday regarding the editing regarding the certain tossing of information. he said, quote, old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves; official records, like the e-mails of prominent officials, don't just disappear without a trace unless that was the intention. >> exactly. it's curious. we've been following the story. some other members of the mainstream media started to pick it up. but if you're watching a news source and they're not talking about this bona fide scandal, you've got to ask yourself why would that be. there are plenty of scandals to go around, you've got the d.o.j. and the i.r.s. scandal. drip, drip, drip, finally
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it has taken a gigantic toll on the president's job approval rating. the "wall street journal" teamed up with nbc, for years they have been doing these polls and right now only 41% approve of the president's job performance. a majority disapprove. the next poll is even scarier. do you think the president can lead the country and get the job done? a majority, 54% of you, say he cannot lead and cannot get the job done. only 42% say he can lead and get the job done. >> marco rubio was on sean hannity last night to give his perspective on this because people are wondering what we're going to do next in iraq, how we're going to be handling the pullout of afghanistan. what about the president still not making a decision on a way forward while doing six fund-raisers and playing golf. senator marco rubio. >> i saw a commentator today say these polls, they reflect that the obama presidency is over and i agree with that. i think it is in general and obviously he still has
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responsibility that i hope he'll live up to. but whether it is foreign policy or the issue on the border or the v.a. or the i.r.s. losing its e-mails or benghazi before that, it seems like every day now, every other day there is a new crisis, almost like we're overwhelmed by the number of conflicts arising as a result of incompetence and in some instances design of this administration. >> according to nbc and the "wall street journal," right now president obama rates below president george bush at the same place in their administration. to the question that a majority feel that he cannot lead and cannot get the job done, while it was an nbc poll, "nbc nightly news" did not report it. >> that number was post-katrina number, chronic state of crisis as just indicated by marco rubio there. >> referring to chuck todd of nbc who said basically his presidency is over. >> he confirmed that.
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we hope that the efforts still being made to preserve what's left of our freedom here, one thing ticking a lot of people off, we heard about a congressional hearing that took place regarding the bowe bergdahl swap for five terrorists. chuck todd got in there and said why are you allowing these people to disregard the platoon mates, disparage their comments about service there and why don't you count that? why don't you go to our own congress before you go to qatar and ask their permission and let them know the trade is going to take place? why disregard those who serve this nation? take a listen. >> finally i want to say something to the anonymous sources in the present administration disparaging the service of the platoon. show yourself, speak in your own name, have the courage of your convictions. if you don't, shut up and stand back and thank these
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men for their service. >> they had a hearing to find out why this swap would actually work with five taliban higher ups, four-star generals in that ridiculous government for one bowe bergdahl. they wanted to find out what was behind that. tom cotton, who is a veteran, who wants to be the next veteran from arkansas, is referring to these anonymous sources from the white house start saying don't listen to the specialists and sargts commenting on -- and sergeants commenting on bowe bergdahl because the whole platoon was a messant shouldn't be commenting on bowe bergdahl's service and the fact that he deserted. what you saw is a specialist who had to interrupt the democratic congressman who kept going to an army psychologist to get bowe bergdahl's perspective on the matter and why he would leave the place instead of asking him who was next to him and could tell him exactly what he was thinking before he left the base. >> let's go to the person who can identify and
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understand what happened because they were there. but it just didn't happen. >> the guy who slept in the next bunk over. tom cotton taking a shot after those anonymous white house sources who i'm sure after hearing cotton would say, dude, that was so two weeks ago. >> the government consulting that gentleman, tommy vetor. >> you thought that is who i was speaking about? i was speaking anonymously. >> i didn't know who it was. >> i still it has something to do with the white house. a dozen minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, the president closer to making a decision on iraq now eyeing special forces to go in but would we be setting them up for failure? a retired special forces officer here next. >> do you know what caused the syrian civil war? al gore does. blame global warming. >> are you serious? >> getting hot in here. ♪ ♪
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this morning iraq is imploding with terrorist militants flying their black flag over a city where iraq has its oil refinery. yesterday president obama huddled with top congressional leaders to discuss ramping up u.s. involvement. he is said to be leaning towards sending u.s. special forces in to the country. but without any real plan, are we setting them up for failure? are we again risking their lives for no apparent reason? joining us is a retired special forces officer, brad taylor with significant experience in iraq. first off, colonel, your reaction to possibly having -- to possibly having 100 to 250 special forces going back into
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iraq. >> there's not a lot the force can do. they can do terminal guidance, provide infusion to help the iraqi army. the biggest thing they can do is mentor the iraqi army at a strategic level to prevent them from doing blundering actions. at the end of the day it's going to be a political solution. isis did not take over all of that terrain in iraq. they did it because the sunnis feel marriage tphalzed and -- march margin -- marginalized. >> how would it have been different if you guys stuck around with a force of between 5,000 and 10,000. >> people are missing the point. while we are there maliki was reaching out to the sunnis. we left, he quit that. while we were there he was
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paying the tribes like he agreed to. we left, he quit there. while we were there we built the army from the ground up and based it on merit. we left, he fired those people. he started putting in people with cronyism, things like that. the military in the middle east is a level of power. we exceeded that influence. it is much bigger than doing kinetic activities. >> it is unbelievable, colonel, because they look at you guys and maybe justifiably as supermen. let the special forces go in there and fix it. but if they asked your opinion before you left, you would still be there. are you resentful at all? are your guys resentful at all that they are now tagging you to possibly go back? >> it's not so much resent. i'd say it is missed opportunity. people are saying, see, i told you so. the military itself, the special forces community, they'll go back in a heartbeat. >> finally, what is your reaction to the fact that they're traoeufg -- driving
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our tanks, our humvees, using our ammo and our guns because the army you guys trained turned and ran? >> the army is only good as the leadership. the leadership they have now is maliki. like i said before, we built it on a meritocracy, you put the best guy in. we had inclusion, sunnis, other people. when you remove that leadership and put in cronyism, guys that are not capable, it is not the army we trained. it is a different army. >> keep this up and the next thing we'll see in two years is the taliban driving our stuff if we don't learn from this. thanks so much for your service. thanks for joining us today. 19 minutes after the hour. 14,000 up in the air when the unthinkable happens. the parachute rips. the quick-thinking move that saves this parachuters life. >> dr. oz goes to capitol
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hill and gets called a liar. what responsibility do doctors have to make sure they are giving accurate information? information? our own dr. segal is here. good job!
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good morning america. here's some headlines for you. today house republicans vote for a new majority leader. majority whip kevin mccarthy appears likely to win over the idaho congressman to succeed eric cantor. candidates include the chief deputy whip of
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illinois, a louisiana congressman and marilyn stutzman in *ep -- of indiana. al gore is blaming global warming for the mess in syria. >> dr. oz is being called out by congress for claims he made on his show for so-called magic weight loss pills. >> there isn't a magic pill. >> i say those things on my show all the time. >> why would you say something is a miracle in a bottle? >> my job, i feel, on the show is to be a cheerleader for the audience. when they don't think they have hope and can make it happen, i look everywhere including alternative healing traditions for any evidence that might be supportive to them. >> what responsibility do doctors have to make sure that they're giving accurate information out?
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dr. marc siegel is in the house, with the fox news medical a team, and he joins us with more on this. good morning to you, doctor. why do you think dr. oz got called out by chairman mccasskill? >> doctors on tv have more responsibility than maybe anyone else on tv. we have the obligation to give the right medical information. that means staying within our area of expertise. when you start talking about things like diet agents, diet supplements, it is very problematic because none of these things are proven. i deal with overweight patients all the time. they want a magic pill. there is no magic pill. where he got into the weeds is by saying this is a magic pill, this is something that will help you lose a lot of weight when there is not a lot of science on this. plus the risk for heart diseases. even if it does increase your metabolic weight, how do i know it doesn't cause
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you problems. >> we reached out to dr. oz and he had this statement after the hearing. quote, i am accountable for my role in the proliferation of these scams and i recognize my enthusiastic language has made the problem worse at times. to not have the conversation about supplements at all, however, would be a disservice to the viewer. the author reached out to him and his team actually added a note here. it says since making the segments that could be stolen for use in these ads, they are happily being displayed by these companies, by unethical marketing groups, they say. they actually went there, according to them, to be part of a solution. >> i agree with his comment that we have to talk about supplements. they're a big-ticket item for people. but what are we saying? one of the things he may have fallen victim to here is the enthusiasm of wanting to help people. we've had dr. oz on the show here. he's incredibly articulate on certain topics. i've met him, been on tv
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with him. he has a great reputation as a vascular surgeon, used to be head of the department at columbia. but maybe he got carried away here. that is not to say he doesn't at other times get it right. >> is a doctor on television responsible for a spaeurbt -- patient like a doctor in the office? they are a tv doctor. that is a different responsibility, isn't it? >> great question. at a time when patients are having less access to their doctors, i think we have even more responsibility. the gift he has that i'm also trying to have is get the information out in a way that people can understand. but be careful. these are not your patients. and someone could hear something, go out and try it and maybe even be harmed by it. we have to be very careful what we say to america's patients. >> great message. dr. marc siegel, always good to have you here. up next, a high school accused of blocking websites like the vatican. but a website for planned parenthood, that was wide
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open. that story coming up head. honey, i lost my pants. why are we showing this picture of brian kilmeade from his wedding day? i'll tell you why. it is throwback thursday. we have more questions for you, kilmeade. but first, very happy birthday to paula abdul. she is 52 years old today. ♪ ♪ nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?"
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♪ ♪ >> it is an ice cream cone. it is throwback thursday, our wedding edition. we're asking all of you to send in your wedding photos. this is me and my husband tim on our wedding day. we did not have cake. we shared ice cream. >> you were the dairy queen. i got married to kathy. she used to work down in washington. she worked for george michael on the sports machine. before that she worked where your husband works. she was the first woman at espn to have her own show back in the day. >> what a gal. >> kansas city, the hottest day of the year. here now, brian kilmeade not wearing pants. >> the year was 1993. it was time to walk to the
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reception after getting married. and i along with my wedding party had tear-away pants. >> you had break-aways. >> there was nothing more exciting to me than when the knicks were introduced at madison square garden so i wanted to bring some of that drama to our wedding. they said you're not going to do that. she had so much on her mind. >> you took advantage of her prewedding bridal state. .i said, dawn, i need a wedding shot for thursday and she chose that. later, we went back and put our pants back on. >> you're an innovator when it comes to that routine. so many people do it the wrong way apparently. >> if you have a wedding photo, we want to see it. >> with your pants on. we don't want to see anybody with no pants on.
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>> no break-aways. >> she knew then she married a giants fan because i was wearing giants boxers. >> she loves you just the way you are because she chose that photo. heather, we need to see your wedding photos. >> got it coming up. i've got news to bring you and it's serious news. tragedy hitting the real housewives of new jersey. theresa's father-in-law died suddenly of a heart attack. the 63-year-old was in her garden when he collapsed. this tragic news adding to the family's troubles. theresa and her husband joe have been awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to fraud charges in march. his split second decision made the difference between life and death. take a look at this skydiveer who captured the moment his har chute failed and -- his parachute failed and it sent him to the ground in a violent spin.
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look at this. he was 14,000 feet in the air. a tear in the parachute and his line for the parachute got tangled. he was able to cut the lines and force the cord for the reserve chute. this happened in australia. rather than go home, what does this guy home? he jumps two more times. can you imagine that? here at home, a high school student in connecticut standing up for free speech. the student was doing research in a library when he noticed the n.r.a.'s website, the vatican website were blocked from the school computer but the website for the state democratic party and also planned parenthood not blocked. the student brought it to the school board's attention this week. the district says it will investigate. what do you think of that? >> talk about the magic touch, the magician on "america's got talent"
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going viral. look at this. >> that's amazing! ♪ ♪ >> because i am ghetto. >> very cool. he is a retired marine. the video has gotten more than five million views in a week. how about that. he actually served in combat operations, he says in iraq as a marine. he's not retired. he is just no longer in the marine corps. >> when he came out howie mandel thanked him for his service and then did the most incredible magic act i've seen. >> we've got to bring him on the show. >> i will say this. my unofficial -- i'm not an expert on it but i never saw judges and hosts get along better than "america's got talent."
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they seem to really like each other. >> although we get along with judge napolitano very well, and he's next. >> very good point. >> meanwhile out to the streets of new york city right behind us, maria molina is standing. maria, yesterday was a crazy day weather-wise. what about today? >> we're expecting more storms today but i want to first show you this video out of south dakota. over the past few days we've seen tornadoes touching down in nebraska. then in saugd -- in south dakota we're looking at video yet again. a tornado touched down, did damage in several areas before lifting back up. the storms are expected yet again today across the dakotas, minnesota, parts of oklahoma. and there is a secondary area we're watching for the possibility of severe weather, that is the mid-atlantic states could be looking at large hail, damaging winds and isolating -- isolated
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damage. the temperatures still hot in the southeast and plains, into the 90's. steve, elisabeth, brian, yesterday we set records across the new york city area with airports reporting temperatures into the 90's. i think we got to the upper 80's in central park. let's head over to you. >> from central park to broadway to the big screen, "jersey boys" is hitting theaters tomorrow as a movie. >> just listen. >> one, two, three, four. ♪ sherri baby >> let's hit the eight track. >> what for? >> this movie much more than a toe-tapping do-wop because the man behind the camera is award winning director clint eastwood.
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>> that's right. michael tammero talked to him. >> when you think musically, you just think clint eastwood. he saw the musical, he loved it. the idea for bringing this to the big screen had been going around for a years but stalled at warner brothers. he went to the studio and said we have to do it. he did something that doesn't really happen when they take a musical to the big screen. he kept some of the original cast members. it's kind of another american success story. we sat down and asked him what was it about this show that he loved so much that he wanted to make it into a musical and about keeping some of the original members. >> there's something hidden about the music. in other words, there's great hits there but they never got quite the recognition as, say, the beatles or rolling stones or something like that. it was kind of the great hits were hidden in these four guys. so it was fun doing a story
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on them. >> i heard you kept a lot of original actors from the play instead of going to bigger names like a lot of musicals do. >> that to me was the spirit of the thing. these guys, some of them had done as many as 1,200 performances. that's experience that you can't put a price on. and they lived with it that much, i figured they could live with it one more time. >> i saw it last week. it was fantastic. i'm not a big musical fan but this kind of place out with a biopic with the music in context. >> a couple of months ago you sat down with his son scott eastwood. did you guys talk about him? >> i asked what's the best fatherly advice he gave his son before he went moo the business? >> -- before he went into the business. >> you're going to be in for a ride. you're going to get a lot of disappointments so you have to believe in yourself
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and just keep going. i guess he does. any way, he's doing pretty well at a younger age than i did. i remember when i was his age, i wasn't doing half that well. >> he's doing very well. he just finished a hit movie in london called "fury" and it comes out later this year. >> he actually didn't use his last name when he started? >> michael tammero, if you say that is your real last name? >> it is. >> thanks, michael. coming up straight ahead, the u.s. patent office canceling the redskins trademark because some people might find the name offensive? is that really the government's job all of a sudden? >> judge napolitano is going to answer that question coming up next. question coming up next. >> i thought he would.te to seve rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira.
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it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. the redskins felt a legal blow that could soon force the team to take on a new team. maybe. the u.s. pat at no time and trademark office stripping the team of their trademark registration saying the redskins name is, quote, disparaging to native americans. what does this mean for the future of the redskins? let's talk to fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> i am really unhappy when the government tries to arbitrate tastes and when government bureaucrats say this word is, maybe offensive to a group of
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people so we're going to move federal protection. here's what this means. we all know who the redskins are. they're a great football team. they have been a great football team, one of the nfl older teams. they have had this name for 75 years. this is the second time people who have nothing to do with the team, who don't like the name challenge the name. by challenging it, that means they want to remove federal protection for the trademark. federal protection for the trademark means nobody else can use the name in a similar vein. no other team could call itself the redskins. so after this decision, the washington redskins are still the washington redskins but somebody else could call themselves the redskins, even though according to the trademark, this word redskins is so patently offensive to a large group of people that they're going to remove federal protection. it doesn't make sense. >> here's a quote from the trademark trial and appeal board. no trademark shall be refused registration on account of its nature unless it may disparage
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persons living or dead, institutions or national spwols or bring them -- symbols or bring them into contempt or disrepute. >> if this is so offensive, how is it it has lasted with federal protection for 75 years? >> great point. >> we know the answer to that question, and the answer is a political answer. >> that's what i was about to ask you. the president of the united states of america, the democratic leader in the united states senate, senator harry reid, don't like this word redskins, and they have been waging a public and private campaign against it. and every time one of them speaks out about it, their appointees on the trademark board get a message. >> it's just like the i.r.s. where you've got all these democrats saying you guys have got to crack down on the tea party, and next thing you know, the people at the i.r.s. are going we should crack down on the tea party. everyone is talking about the redskins and people in the patent office go we've got to do something about
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the redskins. >> when the government established something called administrative agencies, it's not the courts, not the congress, what is it? the i.r.s. they were supposed to be neutral and filled with experts. they weren't supposed to be people to respond to the political whims of whoever is in the white house especially when we talk about taste or opinion. that is what we're talking about today. there are three appeals possible and the redskins will fight it. in the meantime they're still the redskins. i'm a die-hard giants fans. tass little awkward -- it is a little awkward to defend the redskins but i'm defending their rights. >> i think it is curious that democrats think they can pick team mascots. the judge will be sticking around. you're going to be weighing in what we should do about iraq in about ten minutes. the judge has curious and interesting things to say about that. already paying enough at the pump? get ready to dig deeper. a gas tax could be headed
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your way. >> how would you feel if you were trapped in a fire and a woman came to your rescue? better get used to it. anna kooiman has the story coming up. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too.
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how would you feel if you were trapped inside a burning building and it was a woman who came to your rescue? be honest. >> well, new york city's fire department is looking to recruit more women, but are they up to the challenge? >> anna kooiman found out. don't ask me how i know. some say she's here. >> i'm right here to tell you. it's controversial, especially at its surface because for the most part, women aren't as strong as men and people wonder if women can cut it. but the women you're about to see are extraordinary.
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>> down! down! go! >> some say fighting fire is a man's job. but don't tell that to this group. >> climb that mountain! climb that mountain! >> united women firefighters are preparing women for the force by offering training courses free of charge twice a week. >> fire fighting is one of the last frontiers. we have a very bad gender disparity, but that doesn't mean it can't change. >> gender equality among firefighters in new york is ten times less than the national average. of the 10,500 firefighters, 40 are female. supporters of this program say that's a cry for recruit. critics say women have no place at all. if my house is burning down, and i don't want a woman coming to get me. >> the proof is in the pudding. these women can drag anybody out
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of a fire. >> an equivalent man doesn't have to work as hard. >> reporter: this is a former marine. >> i was in a situation where they were training me for life or death and that's the same expectation i hold these two. marines is a position of honor. to be a firefighter in new york is a position of honor. >> they're getting yelled at and screamed at for two hours twice a week and coming back for more. >> reporter: for this woman, becoming a firefighter isn't just a job. it's way of honoring her father who gave his life in the 9-11 attacks. >> i used to go to the fire house, sit in the lot and always dream of being a firefighter. women can do just about anything that guys can do. we've proven it. we have to push a little bit harder physically, but that makes us even stronger. >> reporter: to become a graduate, the qualifications for men and women are the same. run a mile and a half in 30
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minutes. >> the chin has to go over the bar. >> reporter: still don't support seeing females on the force? >> that's fine of the i want you to second guess us because i want to overcome any objections you have. my ladies can do it. i guarantee you. >> this month's four women were among the 286 graduates boosting the number of female firefighters to the highest level they had in 32 years. maybe programs like this are helping. the test, they're identical for everybody and the other part that you have to do is wear a 75-pound vest that weights you down. and climb 14 sets of stairs for going up the high-rise. >> anybody who can carry me out is fine. >> i think the bigger problem is that you don't have to retake the test every year, every five years. so that's the bigger problem. people get out of shape and then that -- to me, that's the bigger issue than the women.
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>> great piece. >> thank you very much. >> dares rescue, by the way. >> you do every day. coming up, how would you like this? 500 bucks to spend on whatever you want. >> okay. >> that's about 300 bucks. find out how to do that coming up. and he may be close to 80, but don't mess with this army vet. >> i got a gun. i said, you're not killing me to get my money. >> wait until you hear how he fought off an armed robber with his bare hands. >> these would women just robbed me blind [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close.
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3:58 am
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good morning. it's thursday, june 19, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. sunni militants raising their black flags over iraq's largest oil refinery, claiming its fallen o insurgents this morning. now iraq wants help, but the president wants to wait. we are live in washington with the breaking developments. an update on lois lerner's lost e-mail. i have bad news if you wanted to read them, they are gone forever because someone destroyed the hard drive. what is going on at the irs? and would you like this?
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$500 to spend on whatever you want? the judge wants it. >> he wants it back. we took it from him. >> all you need to do is collect it. it's something that's already in your house. you know why? because with all this money, i can buy some friends and mornings are always better with friends. >> this is duane johnson and you're watching "fox & friends." >> thank you. i gave him $20. >> right. i wish his career would take off. he's really struggling. let's talk about the irs because we're looking to get audited. >> we sure are. the time frame of all this is interesting. we have lois lerner with the irs and -- >> charged with targeting conservatives. >> which is why the timing of these e-mail social security so important. look into these e-mails that were external, some were outside
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of the office as it relates to conservatives being targeted prior to an election season. this should matter for everybody, whether you're conservative or not because if your politics are being used and held against you by the federal government in one of their departments, you would just want to know. so they're looking for these e-mails. but guess what? you're not going to find them because the hard drive was destroyed, or recycled or thrown out. >> you had darrell issa on the program and he was talking about how he was going to subpoena her hard drives or thumb drives, any back up drives they might have had. now we're learning apparently onhatch was in the hall and he told a reporter, oh, yeah, we've been looking into it and apparently they recycle it. her hard drive crapped out. the computer guys came in and recycled it. that's standard operation. >> just for those two years? >> 24,000 e-mails? bad news. the good news is the laptop she had after that and her new hard
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drive are in the possession of the current inspector general for the department of the irs. so maybe, just maybe there might be something there. but the stuff we really need and the e-mail regarding six other people at the irs who may have been targeting conservatives, gone. >> i watched a round table on another channel and they're even saying this does not pass the competency test. nobody should be able to take -- walk away from what the irs is saying about what they've been doing and the investigation that's ongoing and say, i buy their side of the story, because if you tonight want a republican president coming in next and saying, i want to target all liberal groups, you don't want any independent, i think this has got to be stopped right now and people have to be forced, like the president said he would, to give out all information. now he's already concluded as you know on super bowl sunday that not a smidgen of corruption. does anyone believe that now,
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especially when six other higher ups had magically their e-mail crash? >> maybe when he said there is not a smidgen of corruption, maybe he meant all the evidence is gone. >> yeah. >> because it is. >> oh, we don't have that, because lois lerner, she took the fifth. so we don't have any information. we now can't find the specific e-mails in the time frame we really want to deal with as all americans deserve the right information and the truth, can't get it. the technical department there who -- criminal investigator, specialized in rebuilding hard drives say they can't find it. >> all right. five minutes after the top of the hour. we have a fox news alert. terrorist militants are flying their blagg flag over iraq's biggest oil refinery. iraq is now asking the u.s. for air support, but the president wants to wait.
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>> elizabeth prann has the latest. >> reporter: we know president obama met with congressional leaders this week and while he said he doesn't need their permission to move forward, he will update lawmakers of any possible involvement. the administration says it's not ruling out anything at this point. >> any time you say, as the president has on many occasions, that he's not ruling out and never does the use of military force in a circumstance like this, that's not ruling in or saying there is a certain use of military force. >> reporter: this as military officials say the iraqi government requested air support encountering sunni rebels, but it may not be as easy as it looks. the pentagon's top leaders warn there are heavy risks that come with launching a bombing campaign, especially since target for now cannot be clear. there is an effort to gather more intelligence so the u.s. is flying an f-18 surveillance
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mission. this could be more of a show of intimidation than anything else. but some on the hill say the future is unpredictable and criticize the president and his handling of foreign policy. >> this president's foreign policy is making the world a much more dangerous place and we're far more likely to get attacked after barak obama became president than before. >> reporter: so how is the u.s. reaction sitting with voters? according to a new poll, 57% of voters disapprove of the president's handling of foreign policy which means only 37% approve. elisabeth, steve, brian, back to you. >> yesterday at this time we told you the president would meet with top congressional leaders to talk about the plan. effectively what he told the people surrounding him there in the oval room was i actually don't need your opinion because i still have the authorization on the table from the last iraq war, so i don't need you. i just called you in for a photo op. >> how unbelievable is it that
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you call mitch mcconnell, harry reid, nancy pelosi and john boehner in and say, i just want to tell you that i haven't made a decision yet. i have no plan to debate, but i don't need you should i have a plan. meanwhile, if you actually want to get a plan and get something done, you do it on friday, you don't golf and go to five fund-raiser, number one. number two, you have a military man or woman in there and talk about a few different strategies going forward. you don't have congressional leaders just to be told to their face that they don't matter, when to george bush it mattered in 2002 and 2003. now all of a sudden in 2014, the president said i'm going to put it up to congress and bomb in syria is telling you i don't need you after i call you for an important meeting. this is an abdication of any leadership. >> some say perhaps he didn't want to be direct when it came to iraq, didn't want to be directly involved. take this, for example, joe biden, the vice president, the one dealing directly with maliki now. he's going there, actually
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having the discussions, trying to figure out what to -- how we're going to move forward, are we going to air strike. >> are we going to move maliki out? >> that was suggested by hillary clinton when she was interviewed here on the channel. steven hayes and dick cheney says the president here is trying to get involved as a monday morning quarterback and it's not working. it's too little and too late. >> the problem now is we've got a president of the united states who wants to make demands of maliki and others in iraq and the iraqi leaders who are saying, why would we listen to you? you weren't a reliable partner before. what makes us believe that you'll be a reliable partner going forward? >> that's a whole pattern of behavior over the last six years that has refused to recognize that there is a war on terror, that we've got to move very aggressively to be able to deal with that, and this administration is repeatedly demonstrated that they don't believe it. >> all right. meanwhile, we called in judge andrew napolitano. he's got an interesting op ed in the pages of the washington
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times today. you say don't go back to iraq. >> on one of those -- i'm one of those people who was in favor of the iraq war, in favor of iraq and accepted president bush's argument. but the effect of what we have done in iraq is totally to destabilize it. as horrible as -- >> we haven't helped them at all. >> as horrible as saddam hussein was, they had a stable government. now iraq returned it to the ancient rivalryies between shia, kurd and sunnies. i never agreed with joe biden in my life. when each those ancient groups had their own area and territory and they weren't fighting each
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other -- >> the ottoman empire? >> it sounds weird to call it that, but that's the time period it was tasteful because they all had their area and since it's been iraq, it's never been peaceful because those three can't live together. >> so it's not in the national interest of the united states of america, you write today, to go back? >> to go back into another war. i don't know what the president is going to do. the president and the american foreign policy have destabilized iraq as i've argued. but we have lost so many people. we have lost so much money. we've borrowed so much money that we haven't paid back. the american public will not tolerate another war. >> it's hard to argue that right now iraq is stable. >> you can't say it's stable. >> to say it was stable prior is not accurate either. >> under saddam hussein who was a horrible person. he was a horrible dictator. the place was stable. it was our buffer against iran and we needed that buffer.
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and in the iraq-iran war, we needed saddam hussein. now iran and maliki are on the same side. could you imagine how in congress it would be if we fight with iran to protect iraq? >> if we wheeled you out in 2009 after the surge and we looked around and as joe biden would later say in 2011, it's a very stable iraq, which was as a representative of government right now for the first time in modern history, that you would have had a different story? >> i might have, yes. i might have. i've acknowledged my own views have changed and candidly, my view of the constitution and that area. >> but our actions allowed what took place between 11 and 14 to leave a destabilized place. >> i think we destabilized it when we invaded it. you know tommy frank is a good friend of mine as he is yours and he might have different views today. i think we destabilized it when we invaded.
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>> what if iraq happens to be the means to our own national security and that's the reason why? a lot of questions. brilliant piece. >> i think lindsey graham makes a very tan at that liesing argument, that iraq in the hands of the wrong people could have a long-term effect against us. but i also think we need to know these wars are never going to end until each of these ancient rivals have their own land. >> read all about it. washington, and thank you very much. >> thank you. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. heather has more news. >> this involves one of the big terror suspects. new information coming in overnight that abu khattala spilling secrets to american investigators as he makes his way to the united states. right now he's still on board the uss new york and they are taking their time getting here so they can interview him before he lawyers up. he's giving interrogators a bit of a history lesson about the terror group ansar al-shariah. they hope he'll be able to i.d. other terrorists before they have to read him his miranda rights. a few hours from now, house
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republicans will vote for a new majority leader to replace eric cantor. majority whip kevin mccarthy appears likely to win over the idaho congressman, raul labrador. if he does, there will be an immediate vote for majority whip. candidate -- armed robber was no match for a 79-year-old army veteran, marvin leal. pumping gas in florida when a robber went for his wallet. listen to this. >> he kept trying to get the wallet, which is right here. and this is where he used his left hand and showed me the big gun of the i said you're going to have to kill me to get my money. he said give it up, old man. give it up, old man. >> that suspect hasn't been found just yet. those are your headlines. love that guy. >> thank you very much. trains carrying crude oil going off the rails and up in
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flames. believe it or not, charles gasparino says there is something the white house can do to stop it, but we shouldn't get our hopes too high. >> that's right. washington found a way to close one of its gaping money. a new tax on gas.ring >> finally. at!
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4:16 am
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more and more you see actions like these on the news. trains carrying crude oil flying off the rails and exploding into balls of fire and the oil that doesn't burn could end up in our water supply. >> accidents involving trains transporting crude oil have cost the federal government more than $10 million this year alone. so why is the administration ignoring the one simple solution to all of this? put it into the keystone pipeline. joining us is fox news and "fox business" network senior correspondent, charlie gasparino. good morning to you. >> occupational hazards stuff like this happens all the time.
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but it is kind of odd that the president would block the keystone pipeline, which is pretty much of an efficient way to deliver fuel to the united states and go for this effort. we should point out warren buffet, one of his good friends, i believe owns a rail -- >> a bunch of trains. so he's getting rich. >> maybe there is a political angle here. my guess is that president obama will continue to block keystone pipeline. i think it's like certain things on the left, you can't be for. this pipeline thing for the left of the democratic party is like -- >> except the unions like the jobs. >> well, when it comes down to -- what's interesting about liberals, when it comes to work people or when the environmentalist, they pick the environmentalists every time for some reason 'cause that's where their cash comes from. there is a lot of money from those environmental groups. unions give money, too. but labor unions are smaller part of the democratic party equation. getting smaller all the time. it's mostly public service
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unions. >> within the context, i would hope the administration and officials there would take a look, right? with the actions that we've seen, this one here noted and what's going on in iraq, what better time is there than to open up -- get this keystone going. >> think about the ukraine. russia now is threatening and not just threatening, they're cutting off some oil supplies to the united states. the president doesn't understand simple economics. i've heard him say, if we produce more oil here, they'll just get used up someplace else. guess what? the fact that it gets used up someplace else, that's extra supply. the price goes down. >> no kidding. >> al gore yesterday said the president finally on the same page of global warming. i predict the xl pipeline will never get built. >> it probably won't. not under president obama's watch. i think people understand that fracking, the pipeline, stuff
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like that, creates jobs. it's good for the economy and one thing this economy needs is jobs. we have a very low job creation rate. >> absolutely. charlie gasparino from fox business, thank you. >> thank you. take a look at this, terrifying moments caught on dash cam. >> oh, boy. >> what sent this taxi spiraling out of control? >> how would you like this? $500 to spend on whatever you want? all you need to do is stay tuned and that money could be in your hands. good morning to you, andrea. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can.
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time for news by the numbers on this nurse. first, 12 pennies. that's how much gas prices would go up if a new proposed federal gas tax goes through. great. it's pitched as a we to pay for our highway programs. next, $15. that's seattle's new minimum wage that's now sparking a lawsuit from franchises claiming the wage hike will put them out of business. 15 bucks. and 30 minutes. that's how long facebook was down early this morning causing a bit of chaos on line. one person even tweeted, quote, people were roaming the streets with photos of themselves screaming at people. do you like this? do you? do you? they went cold facebook. a new report says consumers are wasting up to $4 billion a year drying their clothes with inefficient machines. is there anything you can do for big energy wasters like these
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besides replacing them? the answer is yes. here with some simple fixes to save you hundreds, consumer saving expert, andrea. >> good morning. >> you come bearing great news for us. >> yes. >> despite the fact that these big machines and things we're using help us, they also cost us a lot of money. you're going to tell us how to save. washers and dryers. >> according to the natural resource defense council, inefficient dryers use the same amount of energy as inefficient refrigerator, dishwasher and clothes washer combined. so making a few smaller tweaks can help you save on the cost of powering that inefficient electric drier if you have one at home. >> what can we do? >> make sure that the lint screen is clean. if it's clogged, your drier will work harder using more energy. dry one load right after the other. it will reduce the warm-up and drying time. when washing your clothes, use cold water when possible and line dry, especially during the warmer months. you can line dry your clothes and save from 30 to $40 a year.
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>> you are about to save us up to $180 a year in air conditioning? >> yes. this is the biggest energy consumer and consumers especially during the summer months are spending $400 to power their air conditioning units from june to august. so you want to save big by using a programmable thermostat. you can find these anywhere at home depot. they start for as little as $22. honeywell is $50. the nest is a learning system that learns your living patterns and wi-fi enabled, so you can control it with your smart phone. that's $250. you can get that at home depot or best buy and i found a 20% off coupon at best buy to help you save. then there is the think eco which is for a wall unit air conditioning and that's wi-fi enabled, so you can control your wall unit. >> up to $180 a year. water heater? >> yes, you can save a lot of money, american households are
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spending 400 to $600 a year for their water heaters. manufacturers of water heaters set it at 140 degrees fahrenheit. most households only require it to be 120 degrees. if by lowering it for every ten degrees save 12 to $30, so lowering it by 20 degrees helps you save $60 a year. >> you can also get the pressure adjusted. >> exactly. >> lighting. you can save $70 a year? >> yes. lighting is the smallest portion of your electricity bill. but it's also the simplest fix. so what i recommend doing is swapping out light bulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent. swapping out five will help save $70 a year. you can find them for your night lights, outdoor flood lights and regular ceiling lights. >> wow. five bulbs, 70 bucks. >> cable box, you can save $63? >> yes. they're growing to be one of the biggest energy consumers in your households. 224 million boxes across the
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u.s. use $3 billion in energy. so you can save big by powering down that cable box. the problem with most people is that they don't want to wait for that rebooting time or they want to record their special programs. i recommend set up an inexpensive lamp timer so it turns off when you're not watching the television set. >> turn it on for "fox & friends." >> exactly. or to record your favorite shows and save up to $63 per box per year. >> if you listen to what she just brought you, you can save almost $600 a year. >> those are simple, simple tweaks at home. >> easy fixes right in the home. thank you. >> thank you. imagine this happening at 10,000 feet. what exactly punched a hole in the wing of this plane? oh, my. then imagine one teacher's surprise when the entire class ace their test with time to spare. the trick they're using to get every answer correct.
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(together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪
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yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ now they're part of our 2 for $25 guest favorites!r one olive garden dishes. get your all-time favorites like creamy chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks and dessert. 2 for $25 guest favorites at olive garden. ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily.
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can i do something for you? >> just a drink. a martini, shaken, not stirred. >> you know, right there, that was a vodka martini.
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before that, most were made of gin. because it's national martini day, let's talk to bret, ambassador of elite by stoli. >> thanks for having me. >> happy martini day. >> is this like christmas for you? >> i didn't get any cards in the mail, but i got asked to be on fox and i was excited. >> we're going to make something up today. >> the first martini we're going to do -- and i'll need help from you guys -- called the flame of love. it was made at a restaurant in hollywood called chasen. the bartender had a very famous customer. >> was that vermouth. >> no, dean martin. >> no. we put in pinot sherry from spain. if you could take your glass. what we're going to do is season the glass. we're going to roll it around. here, elisabeth, you can do it. then dump it over your shoulder. >> throw it over your shoulder?
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>> or on the floor. wherever. >> sorry. >> we got time. >> now, the way the drink got its name, mr. martin would come in, they were the rage in the '70s. the bartender would flame some orange oil over the top of the drink. okay? the next thing we're going to do -- >> where do you buy flammable oranges? >> any supermarket. >> anything in a martini, does that make it dirty? >> no. we're going to get to that. now we're going to add this. this is the highest rated white spirit in the world. effortlessly drinkable. i think it's really going to work. >> let's start pouring before we run out of time. >> let's give it a little stir. the other martini we have is dirty martini. that's made with olive juice and
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a little vermouth. >> that's what makes it dirty? >> it makes it dirty and the olive juice is what really makes it dirty. >> you know we're doing a morning show. we can't drink. >> we would do it for the show if it will make you feel better. >> this is the bond martini, like we referenced in the teaser. this is just elite by stoli. >> we can't drink! we can cheer. >> this is national martini day. thank you so much. cheers. >> cheers to all of you. >> brian, give that to a 12-year-old. >> here you go. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. from national martini day to national headlines, here is heather nauert. >> do you guys not know anything about martinis? the dirty martini is the best. we have got news now. see that giant hole in the
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plane's wing? this hole was caused by a whole bunch of birds in the sky. that damage forcing the captain of the southwest flight to return to tampa after the takeoff. it's rare to have a plane turn around after a bird strike, but the damage was so severe. when an entire class aces a test, a teacher has a reason to be suspicious. 30 michigan high school juniors scored 100 on their final exam. how did they do it? two students admitting they snapped a photo of the answer key and texted it out. every student has to retake that test, all of them are now facing disciplinary action. people who drug and drive may feel the long arm of the law. a cop in canada just invented a weed breathalyzer. until now, officers could only identify high drivers by using saliva samples. this could detect if someone smoked pot in the past few hours. no word if it's coming to the united states. a terrifying close call caught on camera and look what
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happens when this taxi suddenly starts to accelerate all on its own. oh, my gosh. can you imagine that? this happening in south korea. the driver weaving in and out of traffic with terrified passengers screaming in the back of his car. then it came to a crashing end when the car finally slammed into a tree. the accelerator was stuck somehow. how frightening. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria. hey there. >> hey, good morning. we saw more extreme weather across parts of the midwest yesterday. it's been several days now that we've been seeing these tornadoes touching down across states like nebraska and yesterday in south dakota. take a look at the screen. you can see that tornado and also something called multiple have ortices. spinners within the twister continuing to rotate and unfortunately, we do have reports of damage and also of at
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least one person hurt here across parts of south dakota. there is a risk for more severe storms today across the center of the country and also in parts of the mid-atlantic. we are looking at that risk for more large hail, more damaging winds and possibly tornadoes today. so have a way to get those warnings. there is a flash flooding concern across parts of the midwest, as much as six inches of rain forecast. hot temperatures as well expected in the plains and the southeast. now let's head back inside over to brian. it's a moment you're always going to remember. i know the pitcher well, clayton kershaw, threw a no hitter, through eight innings. the rockies considered one of the top hitting teams in the league. not last night. career high 15 k's. the dodgers beat the rockies 8-0. kershaw is probably still partying. soccer, a world cup must win match for the defending world champion spain against chile.
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they'll win, right? no. the reigning champs go down. 2-0. chile would go on to hold off spain and believe me, people will be fired and the whole nation is really upset. a shocking scene in the world cup. before the game started, fans busting their way into the press room because the game was sold out. eventually forced them out, the wall collapsed and the people had to go elsewhere. a loft passion with that sport. u.s. plays on sunday. and that's a quick look at what's happening in the world of world sports. >> on this national martini day. >> yes. where everyone, wherever you are, have a martini. >> shouldn't you have carded that guy you gave the martini to? >> that would have been good. i believe he's in his 40s though. coming up straight ahead, we finally have a suspect for the
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benghazi attacks in custody, but is the obama administration giving him a free pass as he gets a slow cruise to america? peter johnson, jr. live. then a photographer gets a little too close for comfort to a massive bear. but guess what? the bear brought his bear friends. ♪ ♪ ♪
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liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? welcome back. we have quick bear news. way too close for comfort. a bear strolling up to alaska camp site and taking a load off before heading back to the woods. that's when the camper turned with his camera to see this. he was completely surrounded by bears. and on a different camp site in alaska, there was this. >> if you like studying bears yesterday. >> mine were white. >> this must be stopped. a black bear and his cubs stealing the campers' people. carrying the lunch boxes into the woods before digging into their pb and j's. that's not fair, i say. steve? >> thank you. this morning the lone suspect arrested so far for the benghazi
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terrorist attacks breaks his silence. he's reportedly giving interrogators on a ship a history lesson on al-shariah as they continue their slow ride back to the united states. slow because once he arrives on our shores, he'll likely lawyer up and be mir ran laized things to president obama who promised terror suspects like this guy, the civilian treatment. >> we're actually bastardizing the law of war, setting a bad precedent and this is a horrible idea. you're gathering intelligence to win a war. obama is fighting a crime. >> so could the united states be about to hand him a get out of jail free card? let's talk to fox news -- >> shear a guy that belongs on a carnival cruise gitmo edition. so what we've done here with this obama administration is make believe that we're going to be fair, we're going to show the world how american justice works, but at the same time, as the senator says, use this
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bastardized, contorted, twisted, unamerican version of justice. they're going to give this guy the miranda warning. i'm not the aclu, but they and others will be on this case. they're going to give him a week after they've interrogated him on the ship. and they're proud to say, we're doing this on international waters. so there is no issue in terms of america and the constitution is on our side. this is bad for two reasons. you can't fight the war on terror in a courtroom. number one. number two, we're going to send a message to the world that we are the most weak-kneed people in the world, that we're going to treat this somehow if it's a larceny or assault instead of an act of war, instead of an act of enemy combatant, a belligerent. so miranda rights are gone. eric holder and the president say, oh, there is a public safety exception. that only applies when someone has a bomb, they're holding someone hostage, you're trying to find out what's going on,
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there is some incipient plot you're trying to stop. so they're going to go to the federal courts and say yeah, we're going to interrogate him, but he does have american rights. so we're going to say to the world, we're going to put this guy in a kangaroo court and then maybe not convict him when we show these videos at the time of trial. secretary of state clinton and susan rice. will he call these people as witnesses and watch this. >> it began spontaneously in benghazi sparked by this hateful video. this is a spontaneous reaction to a video. >> we've seen rage and violence directed at american embassies over an awful internet video. >> so all he would have to do is wheel in a tv to show the jurors hey, look, this was not terror. it was a video from a guy in california. >> our officials may be called to testify in this case. we should catch this guy. we've done that. we should can him at gitmo and
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we should try to convict him. if we want to show that the rule of law works and that american power works, that's what we'll do. we face losing this case and having this guy walk the streets of the world using our own laws against us, which the president and eric holder have held up as oh, this is what we're going to do. we're doing it wrong. we're doing it big time and we're subjecting americans to a lot of risk. wrong, wrong, wrong. carnival cruise to gitmo today. good-bye. >> peter johnson, jr., making it easy to understand. >> it is pretty simple. >> it is, but we're doing it the wrong way. >> i think so. >> thanks, peter. straight ahead, what if john stossel was replaced by a robot? it would save money. >> i will take your job, john. i'm smarter than you. and i never take a bathroom break. >> does technology put all of our careers at risk? it's man versus robot next. there is the robot right there. >> amazon ceo unveiled the
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company's first ever phone, a smart phone which they're calling the fire phone. what's notable about the fire phone is the screen is 3d. there are four infrared cameras on the front of the phone that track your head movements and the phone adjusts to make it appear as if the images are three dimensional. which is funny because if the government announced they would do this, we would be upset. kno but when a web site does it, wea say, can i get it in gold a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep.
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i will take your job, john. i'm smarter than you. and i never take a bathroom break. >> what if john stossel were a robot? could it do his job just as good as the real life flesh and blood john stossel?
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>> well, it is the topic of his show tonight and the real john stossel or, are you a robot, joins us right now to discuss. >> you'll never know. >> so is technology good or bad for business for americans? >> it's been wonderful so far. there are some who say, the industrial revolution replaced our muscles. this is replacing our brains, that will replace us. we won't have jobs. the president said airport kiosks take away jobs. 90% of americans used to work on farms. now it's 1%. all those other people found jobs and we still had 4% unemployment. secretaries and phone operators have been replaced. >> right now rumba is vacuuming my living room. >> we've been doing stories about how different car makers are working on cars that drive themselves. soon, may be fewer accidents because we don't have to drive.
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a gizmo like that will do the job. >> it's hard to get your brain around that. three states legalized it. then the feds say no, you can't sell them. but look, 30,000 people are killed mostly because of us stupid drivers making mistakes. so this apparently is better. still needs more tests, but maybe by next year. >> what about designer babies? >> this is one that's coming and makes people very uncomfortable. it's illegal to monkey with the genes now. but if your neighbor may go to some other place to do it illegally. if your neighbor's kid is going to get the smart, beautiful, intelligent gene, are you not going to do it? you don't want your kid to fall behind. >> so the kid is not scoring on the game on the weekend. >> what happens when government gets in there, gets their hand in technology, the result is what? >> government has the power to use force and they can kill this stuff off and they do delay it. i think the silicon valley
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blossomed because it was far from washington and the bureaucrats didn't know what was going on and we got all this innovation. they'll try to kill a lot of it, like driverless cars. >> you know what? the irs could use some technology because apparently they're using about 1985 technology with lois lerner -- >> all these governor agencies do. they can't order new equipment because the rules are this thick. that's why that's good this goes on outside government. >> do you promise to talk about this on your show? >> i do. all kinds of versions at 9:00 o'clock. >> starring john stossel as john stossel. >> the man promises. not the robot. coming up straight ahead, a high school accused of blocking web sites like the vatican. but the web site for planned parenthood is wide open. that story at the top of the hour. and jessica alba revealing a whole lot in her new movie. but there is a lot you don't know about her, like she's got brains for business. the business woman herself, jessica alba, here live. >> she's dressed for success. ♪
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good morning. it's thursday, june 19, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert for you now. sunni militants raising their black flags over iraq's largest oil refinery, claiming it's
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fallen o insurgents this morning . now iraq wants our help. secretary of state john kerry just spoke. we are live in washington with the breaking developments there. and an update on lois lerner's lost e-mail. not only are they gone, the hard drive gone, too. what's going on in washington? we're going to talk about that. thousands are dead. the entire country in ruins. this morning new insight from al gore on what really caused the war in syria. not your fault, assad. it's just global warming. no one can farm anymore. mornings are better with friends. i promise. >> hi, this is jessica alba. you're watching "fox & friends". ♪
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♪ >> nothing really to do with jessica alba -- >> that picture is of. >> right. she looks very flexible. >> i didn't recognize her. she's a business mom. >> she is. >> a lot of business in that brain of hers. we're going to talk to her in a little bit. >> that's right. coming up in just a couple of minutes. but in the meantime on this extremely busy thursday, i was looking here, heather nauert tweeted out, love you guys, us. but you're not making my #dirtymartini. we just did a salute to martinis. >> but none of you knew what was in a dirty martini. it's all the olive juice. that's what makes it the best. >> i didn't know that. >> we didn't know. >> because we come from a long line of beer drinkers. >> i think heather nauert on her resume has bartenderess.
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>> i can see her growing up in the era of dallas with jr, having scotch at noon. >> after the show, you need it, right? >> why don't you tell us how you make them. >> okay. i will. i've got news now to bring you and serious news coming in from overseas. new information coming in overnight about the benghazi suspect abu khattala. he's spilling secrets to american investigators as he makes his way to the united states. he's on board right now the uss new york and they are actually taking their time getting here so they can interview him. that is before he lawyers up once he hits the united states. he's apparently giving investigators a bit of a history lesson about the terror group ansar al-shariah. brand-new video coming in from a historic day in spain. take a look. just moments ago, philip vi was officially sworn in as spain's
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new king. the new king has 2,000 guests to entertain at a royal reception. beautiful day there. and no citizenship, no problem. we have just learned that department of health and human services is releasing some children who crossed the border illegally to their parents here in the united states. no questions asked. they're not asking their parents if they're here legally. saying their primary focus is clearing space in those facilities. some children were dropped off in massachusetts. the governor of that state, a friend of the president, had no idea that this was happening. listen to this exchange. >> i have a question about the story about the illegal immigrants. did you hear about that? >> i'm just hearing about it. >> do you know anything about that? >> i don't. >> and you would, right? you were in a position where you would know if that's going on? >> i don't know anything about it. >> you would think, right? at least six planes filled with illegals landed in the boston area. what is to blame for the unrest in syria?
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global warming, of course. that's according to al gore. he says hysteria is the bull's eye of climate change and that's causing drought and forcing people in rural areas to crowd the cities and apparently that is sparking the unrest. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. >> i think there is a counterpoint to that. i'm not sure. >> yeah. probably. >> see you later. >> all right. we've been talking about the irs scandal ever since lois lerner planted a questioner in an audience and had her answer a question where she apologized because the inspector general for the irs was about to say we shouldn't have done it, but we had targeted conservatives and tea party members. at that time there was great outrage of the president of the united states. all we needed was her e-mail that showed there was political retribution going on. fast forward to today and now we
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know that we can't get all of her e-mail, the irs says, because her computer crashed. we told you about that. but apparently yesterday darrell issa was on the program talking to you about how they were going to subpoena the hard drive and computer. as it turns out, they called the i.t. guy. hey, it's broken and the i.t. guy said okay. took it, and recycled it. so it's gone, according to the irs. >> these e-mails as you mentioned, the timing of when they took place between 2009 and 2011 is key because it was the spring of 2010 where the conservatives were targeted and they are looking to link them to possible connections outside of the irs to maybe the white house. but they can't find this chunk of e-mails specifically. criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives say they just -- they're not able to find it right now. american people deserve the truth. >> yeah. and no one is buying it and
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people are outraged by it. here is what darrell issa said because he's chairman of the oversight committee. they're still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. official records like the e-mails of prominent officials don't just disappear without a trace unless that was the intention. orrin hatch says they have been thrown away. so where does that leave us? don't worry, she has underlings that i'm certain they have e-mails. oh, their computers crashed, too. and they're gone. what i do think they could do is have a guess of who she was e-mailing to, for example, if lois lerner e-mailed steve doocy, steve, your computer didn't crash. so we'd have to have a logical pathway to find out who she might have been talking to and then go get the recipient and hope their thing didn't crash and no one threw out their hard drive. >> i think goes through a big server and the big server is probably somewhere at the irs where they could go back and look at stuff. for right now, that's the story. they say yeah, back until 2013,
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we used to keep things on a tape, but only kept it for six months. and now we're conveniently a year past that or more. so they say it's gone. but i bet somebody's got -- >> something to think about and even throughout your day and just be looking to the sky and take this in, how bad must those e-mails be if you're going to give these ridiculous excuses for them to disappear and take all the ridicule that is coming your way? what could possibly be in those 24,000 e-mails? >> the fact that they're not revealing them, probably says more at this point to the american people who don't want their own political beliefs to be used against them prior to an election season. >> but there is no gun to smoke. >> this is clearly real washington scandal and if your news channel is not talking about it, you got to ask yourself why. 7 minutes after the top of the hour. fox news alert. terrorist militants fly their black flag over iraq's biggest oil refinery. we hoped it wouldn't happen, but
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it has. iraq asking the united states for support. is the president any closer to a decision? doug mckelway live at the white house. douglas? >> reporter: yeah. we're getting mixed reports about yesterday's meeting here at the white house where the president briefed congressional leaders about what the latest situation is in iraq. mitch mcconnell came away from that meeting indicating that the president seemed to indicate to them that he does not need congressional authority for whatever action he might take in iraq. mr. obama's thought to be leaning away from air strikes, at least at this point. but is considering sending as many as 100 special forces not only to protect the u.s. embassy in baghdad, but potentially guide u.s. munitions should they be exercised. fox news has also confirmed that the u.s. navy is indeed flying f-18 surveillance missions over iraq. it's important to mention here that f-18s are not surveillance airplanes. they are attack and fighter aircraft. the fact that they're being used over iraq right now sends a very
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clear, visible and loud message to the isis insurgents we are watching very, very closely what they do. the u.s. has also been under lots of speculation that our country is willing to work with iran to try to quell this isis ininsurgency in iraq, but just this morning, john kerry shot that down. listen up. >> what i said is we are interested in communicating with iran to make clear that the iranians know what we're thinking and we know what they're thinking and that there is a sharing of information so people aren't making mistakes. >> reporter: there is also a growing movement afoot that the obama administration and -- this is a movement both domestically and abroad -- that the obama administration should publicly withdraw its support for the al-maliki government. according to a report in the "wall street journal" this morning, al-maliki is increasingly seen as unwilling or unable to work with the sunni minority in his country. that outlook also shared by some
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key middle east allies, including the united arab emirates and saudi arabia. the journal also says that the countries in the middle east are pushing for the u.s. to withdraw its support from maliki in exchange for their support in quelling this isis insurgency. so a lot of factors at work now. we'll be watching it all day from the white house. back to you in new york. >> thank you very much for the very latest. if there is a black flag flying over that refinery, i would imagine that the price of oil is going to be moving around today. >> right. it would be so great to be able to debate a president's policy circumstances full days after this -- six full days after the northern part of the iraq falls. >> speaking of policy, there is a policy -- many times back we've seen policy numbers not looking great for the administration. but right now this is getting a little bit more personal. asking specifically about the approval rating here of barak obama and our president. when asked if you approve of the
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job that the president is doing, the disapproval here, 53%. this is an nbc "wall street journal" poll here. startling 41% approval rating. that's low. >> here is another question that nbc, "wall street journal" asked: do you think the president can lead the president and go the job done? a majority of americans say he can not lead the country, cannot get the job done. only 42% say that barak obama can lead the country and get the job done. that is too bad. also in this poll, they take a look at where president obama is in relationship to his two terms and george bush. president obama now rating lower than george bush did. and that was during the bush years after katrina. >> on foreign policy, 37% approve. i got to wonder where those 37% live, what planet, with the president's foreign policy is. you look what's happening in iraq, afghanistan, you're crane,
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ridiculous negotiations with iran and you wonder where people feel he gets a pat on the back. marco rubio was woken up by sean hannity and asked this question. here is what he said. >> i saw a commentator today say these polls what they reflected was the obama presidency is over and i agree with that. i think it is in general and obviously he has responsibility that i hope he'll live up to. but whether it's foreign policy or issue on the border or v.a. or irs losing its e-mails or benghazi before that, it seems like every day now, every other day there is a new crisis, almost like we're overwhelmed by the number of crises and conflicts that are arising as a result of the imcompetence and in some instances, the design of this administration. >> you look at you've got the v.a. scandal, irs scandal, nsa, doj. >> bergdahl swap. >> the fact that things are going so hay wire there. it's interesting, these results were from a "wall street journal" nbc poll talking about how the president is at his lowest levels ever. yet the nbc nightly news didn't
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have time in their half hour to report that. >> didn't want to bring it to you out there. what's interesting, we're in a chronic state of crisis as rubio just said. it's hard to keep track of it all. but thankfully we will continue to bring you all of those updates. coming up, here is another one. the number one reason couples are getting divorced. you know it. it's money. make sure it does not happen to you. bob massi offering a up free legal advice. you're going to want to take him up on that next. and baby cakes, i lost my pants. i pulled them off. why do we keep showing this picture of my wedding day? it's throwback thursday and my wedding day. it made sense at the time. >> send us your pictures. >> that's all i can tell you. the lowest price book any flight or hotel
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marriage can be even more of a challenge when finances get in the way. when divorce strike, it gets uglier. when it comes to legal stuff, especially in the second marriage, how can you protect yourself? joining us right now, a guy who knows, bob massi. bob, let's get to it. you get so many e-mails. here is one that up to do bring forward. a spouse comes into an inheritance after years, but mom and dad made it perfectly clear that their own children are the only ones involved. what are the effect of the inheritance when the couple is married? >> in most states, brian, community property states in particular, but i think even states noncommunity property, inheritance is separate property. it's personal to that person himself. the children, whom they decide. now, if you take that inheritance after mom or dad has positived and you take let's say it's $100,000, that's personal to you. that's separate property
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inheritance. and you take that money, brian, and you put it, for example, in a joint account in a community account, in a husband and wife account, that basically transmutes that, or change it to both parties have ownership. if you want to keep it separate, keep it separate. don't commingle it. >> all right. so if someone in your family dies, you stick it in a savings account, you should be all right should you get divorced? n in most states, yes, sir. question two, credit cards, what's the difference between a cosigner and an authorized user when you are married? >> this is very tricky. whether you're married or not, the bottom line is this: if you and i have cosigned on a card, then both of us are responsible for that debt. but let's say, brian, that i allow you or anyone as an authorized user of my card and say listen, you could use that card. you could buy things with it. you are not legally responsible because i'm the one that signed the contract. i'm giving you the right to use
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it. but in some states when there is marriages involved, i've seen courts basically still make the person responsible that used it for the debt because maybe they bought things for the marriage. but as it relates to the credit card company, lot of people do it for kids who are going to college. they want to help them build their credit so the parents put their name on it as an authorized user. they're not legally responsible for that debt if it's not paid. but cosigners, both of us are responsible. >> last one, a second marriage, are prenuppials used more and are they legal? >> they're legal in almost every state in the country. they are used more because a lot of people had bad experiences. the most important thing, prenuptial agreements, both parties should have a lawyer and also there has to be a total disclosure of liabilities and assets that you bring into the business business. in this case, the marriage, because many times second marriages are treated like a business. they want to protect what they
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have because of the experience of the first divorce. they want to go forward, but reduce to writing. in most states, they're no long arrest violation of public policy. they are enforceable contracts. >> bob massi, thanks so much. >> thanks. send us your marriage photos, 'cause we'll put them up. coming up, have you heard about this? it's now okay to kill a bald eagle, if you're in the green energy business. the details after the break. plus, you've seen her in the movies and on television. but there is a lot you do not know about jessica alba, like one thing, she will never do for a movie role. jessica alba and her business acuemen coming your way. okespern passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought...
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welcome back. quick headlines out of washington for you. in a few hours, house republicans vote for a new majority leader. kevin mccarthy appears likely to win an election over idaho congressman raul labrador to succeed eric cantor. and the white house' legal trouble to give wind farms a pass to kill bald eagles. a lawsuit is being filed. the nation's highest honor will be given to a marine who jumped on a grenade to save his best friend. thank you for your service. 24 minutes after the hour. from super hero to comedian, jessica alba is used to take on a lot of different roles in her life.
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the latest gig in the upcoming sin city has her taking on the part of an exotic dancer. >> that's right. in real life, she also has a role of businesswoman and mom and her most important role, mommy. so how does she do it all when so many hollywood moms say it isn't possible. jessica alba joins us to discuss. good morning. how do you do it all? i know you took a long flight here. you've got your honest company, movies, films and kids. what's the secret? >> i have no idea. please tell me. i'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything. i always feel like something is compromised. but as long as my kids are happy and healthy, then everything else -- >> it starts there. >> that's the core. and then everything else sort of figures itself out. >> from what i read, you're a woman principle because even though your new role is of an exotic dancer -- >> i'm reprising a role i did almost ten years ago.
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>> but you've got standards, which is refreshing for some people in hollywood. you're not going to take off all your clothes? >> i'm not going to say never will in my life. but right now and so far, it hasn't been necessary. frankly, like it would be awkward at like christmas or -- >> hi grandma. >> i don't know. i'm old school. >> that's great. >> i mean, you know, totally. >> you were told as a kid, i understand, you're not -- even as a youngster that you should not live your life depending on a man's income. you should have, before you get married -- >> mom was very into, yeah, like, you come together as a family unit and you both provide for the family and you both parent. and it's not just one or the other. >> your husband is part of the team. doesn't he have a desk right there in your office next to you? >> no, no. he's not part -- he's a producer. and he has a company. he's an entrepreneur.
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he does his own thing completely. but he introduced me to my partner, brian lee. he guided me through starting a company and all of that. yeah. >> which by the way, has grown tremendously. you are doing really well with it. but it began because of your experience, being sick when you were little. >> yeah. i was very sick when i was little. i was in the hospital a lot and i had a lot of allergies and trouble with asthma and different types of things like that. and so i had an allergic reaction to the number one baby laundry detergent when i was pregnant with my first daughter. and i did research and found out that there are lots of untested toxic chemicals in baby products. and household cleaning products. >> it should be the first thing they test. >> isn't that crazy? there is no law where they have to test chemicals for safety before they put them in products. >> what did you do? >> i got to create a company that's honest and transparent and doesn't have these questionable chemicals in them.
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but still is effective, beautifully designed, and affordable, like why does it have to be so expensive that has eco friendsly products. >> so the stuff you put your name on is very important because you checked it out. so which is very interesting because we've got some smoothies right here and they involve eco coconut water. >> yes. today i am bringing you my daughter's favorite smoothie. >> this is your daughter's recipe? >> she likes to help me in the kitchen. and so it's -- i don't know if you know this, but there is a chocolate coconut water. >> wait, zeoc makes a chocolate one? >> it's like almond butter, chocolate coconut water. >> this is delicious. >> today is also national martini day. >> this would be a really dirty martini. >> i think this is like you have to add bailey's or something.
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>> have your daughter work on that. >> this is honor's recipe? >> no, my daughter is not allowed. >> just an idea. >> oh, my. how do we find out more about this, the honest company and all this stuff? >> well, i'm here for zeco coconut water and the thing about zico and this whole campaign i'm part of, it's about making little tiny changes to live a healthier life. so it's incorporating more zico into your life, but you don't always have to run a marathon. you can just do little things, like take a walk and eat more fresh produce and take little sips to have a healthier life. >> we hit a wall about 8:30 every morning, so if you could drop by with smoothies, we appreciate it. >> on monday we'll go, where is jessica? i'm tired. >> thank you very much. >> i'll leave you guys a case of
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coconut water. >> you are kind. thanks. coming up on this thursday, a high school accused of blocking web sites like the vatican, but the web site for planned parenthood, wide open. the story coming up. u.s. patent office canceling the redskins logo. judge napolitano says not just the redskins should be worried. ♪ ♪
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with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery
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until you know those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. ♪ ♪ >> bill immediately is our theme music for this throwback thursday, wedding edition. lot of people getting married in june. we asked you for your pictures. >> even mark and karen got married in june. they met working at dairy queen. married 40 years ago. >> dq will bring you together. another writes, we were only 18 here in this photo and 19 years old. we got engaged after four months of dating. and then married only five
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months later, we have been blessed with three daughters and seven grandchildren. 44 years in august. we would do it all over again. how fun. "fox & friends" director mark down in the control room and his wife, courtney, they've been married for 17 years and have four children. >> good eye contact, mark. >> he is the director. >> you know this one here. >> look at this. >> my husband, scott, a long time ago. you look so young in all these pictures. we were married in lennox, massachusetts, western massachusetts years ago. >> look at how happy you look. >> your wedding looks crowded. >> it's a selfy, brian. >> it's called the first dance. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> brian doesn't remember that because instead of first dance,
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he had no pants. >> right. that's true. everyone remembers different things. >> he sure did. no pants kilmeade. >> i got some news to bring you now. the redskins saying that the fight is not over. they were dealt a legal blow that could soon force the team to take on a new name. the owner of the team says he still will not change it. u.s. patent and trademark office stripping the team of their trademark registration, saying the redskins' name is, quote, disparaging to native americans. but what exactly does this mean? fox news' senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano, joined us earlier to explain the ruling. listen to this. >> by challenging it, that means they want to remove federal protection for the trademark. federal protection for the trademark means nobody else can use the name in a similar vein. no other team could call itself the redskins. >> the redskins said they will appeal that decision. napolitano expects the team will
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win and dan snyder says no way, we're not changing the name. fox news alert now. we're just getting word that egypt's ousted president, hosni mubarak, took a bit of a nasty spill, breaking his leg. he's 86 and slipped in the bathroom at the cairo military hospital and that's where he's serving a three-year prison sentence for corruption. he fractured the upper part of his thigh bone. apparently so bad that he will need surgery. then listen to this story coming from back here at home. a high school student in connecticut standing up for free speech. the student was doing research when he noticed that the nra's web site, the state gop's web site, and even the vatican's web site were blocked from the computers at that school. but the web sites for the state democratic party and also planned parenthood, not blocked. the student brought it to the school board's attention. the district now promises to investigate. talk about a magic touch. a magician on the show "america's got talent" is going viral now.
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he performs bar magic. >> that's amazing! >> 'cause i am ghetto. >> he does magic and makes drinks at the same time. how cool is that? he served as a marine in iraq and his video has gotten more than 5 million views this week. that is huge. those are your headlines. >> i have been a bar magician for years. i have made drinks disappear -- >> you broke your amateur status by being a pro on this show. >> with some side effects. >> you're on a roll today. >> she's outside. >> she sure is. maria molina, you're not disappearing. >> no.
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hello, everybody. we want to talk about severe weather that's forecast yet again across the center of the country. we have had several days now across states like nebraska, parts of south dakota. we've seen tornadoes come down and unfortunately do some damage. that risk is in place again today. across mid-atlantic, we could see showers and storms fire up, especially during the afternoon and evening hours. that's where we could see some severe weather there. flash flooding, another concern. as much as four to six inches of rain forecast across portions of the midwest over the next few days with the same storm system that will be producing that risk for severe weather. temperature wise, it's going to be a hot one yet again across the southeast and the plains. take a look at these highs. in the 90s in raleigh, atlanta, widespread across texas. factor in some humidity and it will feel hotter than that. but not in the northeast, new york city, the high forecast to reach 78 degrees. let's head over to brian. >> thanks. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. let's talk baseball. he's calling it a moment he will never forget. los angeles pitcher clayton
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kershaw throw ago no hitter, almost a perfect game last night. the rocks considered one of the top teams in the league. no easy task. he struck out 15 to help the dodgers beat the rocks of colorado 8-0. happening today, 11-year-old lucy lee makes her sodain buy. she's in sixth grade. she'll go head to head with the best female golfers on the monster pinehurst number 2 in north carolina. the youngest player ever to qualify for the u.s. open and has a very good reason to miss school. world cup match you must see because spain had to win against chile. they're the defending world champs. chile doesn't care. they score. that was their second goal of the game. 2-0 going into half time. they would knock spain out. they would take the loss. they go home. new world champs. no one celebrate not celebratinn spain. i'll be debating this with bob beckel who thinks sock service a
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terrible sport and america doesn't care. >> you know who care about soccer, people who love you and maria, you found some people who are from lincoln, montana and they want to meet brian? >> that's right. they want to meet brian. tell us your name. >> shane. >> so you want to meet brian? >> yeah, yeah. i've always watched him on "fox & friends." great personality. >> brian, look, you got some love out here. so you're from month month. when did -- montana. when did you come into town? >> we flew into pennsylvania two days ago and i always wanted to come to new york, grew up montana, not a whole lot of this going on there. we thought we'd come here and check it out. >> why brian out of all the fox personalities? >> he always seems to be the funniest. no offense to the other two. but he's got a sense of humor. >> he's pretty witty. >> yeah. >> okay. so he is headed out here. what are you thinking of saying to brian when you meet him? >> i hope he gives me a big hug. that's number one. shakes my hand. i'm not sure yet actually. i didn't think this would work.
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>> maria, have him turn around. >> here comes brian. >> this is the first time they're meeting. >> he wants a big hug. >> i would like to give you a photo of me. >> give him a hug. >> nice to meet you, brian. >> not a handshake. a hug. >> and you can hug maria. that's more fun. >> hugs all around! >> come on over here. >> brian kilmeade, take your new friend down to wendy's for breakfast. >> why not? >> come on over here. coming up on crazy thursday -- >> i need a hug. better.
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>> coming up, gas prices are already sky high. now there is talk of a gas tax, nicole petallides joins us live from the new york stock exchange with the details. good morning. ♪ ♪
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getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor.
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now to what's trending. sky diver capturing a nightmare moment. his parachute fails, sending him toward the ground. terrifying fall. the lines of his parachute got tangled. he managed it cut the lines and pull the cord for the reserve chute just seconds before impact and a raging bull turning the tables on amateur fighters that broke out of a ring and charged right into the crowd. you see that there. ten people total were hurt. be careful there. meanwhile, fox news alert, the labor department releasing the brand-new weekly jobless numbers moments ago. nicole petallides live from the floor of the new york stock exchange. what's the magic number? >> good morning. the magic number of the week is
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312,000 claims for the latest week. so still above 300,000. you'd love to get it down below that level. the good news is that it is slightly better than the estimates, what the economists were saying. they thought 314,000. and the prior week was revised upwards. you want it revised lower. not upwards. so just slightly higher for the prior week. so the big picture here is that we heard our fed yesterday just talking about the economy, while we have improved, there is still concerns about the unemployment rate being elevated, too high. so we'll continue to focus on jobs here. back to you guys. >> one more question for you. we're hearing about a new gas tax proposal. it's already up based on events in iraq. >> i know. you have $50 in your wallet and you fill up and it's gone. but it's true. gas, which is currently the taxes are 18.4 cents for gas, diesel is 24.4 cents. but they have not been raised,
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these taxes, federal and state taxes have not been raised since 1993. so senator chris murphy from connecticut, democrat from connecticut, and also bob corker, republican from tennessee, they have proposed now to raise the gas tax by 12 cents over the next couple of years. so it will be phased in. they're going to try and keep some other tax breaks in effect in order to compensate. so i know it's been a long time, since 1993, but at the same time, if you're a trucker or shipper or airline, you're doing business, that's going to add up. >> if they're going to jack up the gas tax, lower the income tax or something. >> right, compensate. >> exactly. nicole petallides, thank you very much. brand-new data showing 50,000 children are now in this country illegally. so what are we supposed to do with them? you are about to hear from a woman who came to the united states from cuba legally. first let's check in with a fellow who comes to us from ohio. bill hemmer, with a preview of
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what happens. >> what a raise. great show this morning. that was touching with brian outside. >> it really got you. >> made me feel good inside. breaking news on russia and ukraine. moscow is back at it. first it was also the lost e-mail, now the hard drive. why did the irs throw them away? developing news on iraq. will the president order air strikes? that's the debate you'll hear. what the state of texas is doing that the federal government would not. big morning in the middle of a big week of news and martha and i will see you in ten minutes. top of the hour
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we've all seen the heart breaking pictures. thousands of immigrant kids pouring across our southern border illegally packed into the
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warehouses and bases. is this really the best idea our government could come up with? how to those who came to the united states, how do they feel about it? judy pino immigrated from cuba when she was five years old, part of the boat lift and she joins us live from washington, d.c good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> you did this the legal way. all these people now are streaming across our southern border because for one reason or another, there seems to be a great big come on in sign down in mexico. >> that's right. and when i came in, we knew exactly what was going to be on the other side of the ocean in my case. we knew that the united states was going to welcome us with open arms. we knew i wouldn't have to live in the shadows. i knew i would have every opportunity to thrive and achieve my dreams. we did. our family worked very, very hard. june 10 of 1980, everything changed for me. 125,000 other cuban refugees who
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were seeking freedom. that is not the case with these children. it's certainly not the '80s anymore. we have a lot of concerns in terms of national security. these people don't know what they're going to get when they cross the border. >> sure. >> that is a big concern. >> we're look at some of the images. you came over when you were about the same size as some of these kids. you were five years old. what do you think about those kids? obviously in their hearts they hope to have the same kind of life you do, but it's uncertain at this point because they're in the country illegally. >> look, you really can't blame the kids. it's about the system. it's about the perception that has been -- >> what about the president? >> that's right. it's about the perception that the president of the united states has created where he can, with a flip of a pen, he can change the rule of law at any point in time, circumvent congress and he is not executing federal law. and so when you have that perception, you create a crisis. and that is what this president does over and over again. and it is unfair to these
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children because they have an uncertain future ahead of them and it's unfair to the americans that live in these border states. they're not prepared for this type of burden. >> and unfortunately, it looks like the flow across our southern border is just getting more and more by the passing day. judy pino, we thank you very much for joining us live today. >> thank you. >> thank you. four minutes before the top of the hour. we'll be back with more in two minutes. for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite...
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5:59 am
getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor.
6:00 am
brian, glad to see you after all the hugs on the street. >> i'm back. boys 2 men tomorrow and a band band -- bill: the emails from the top official in the irs scandal likely lost forever as the agency says her hard drive has been quote recycled. that means it's been thrown away. do you pick the blue garbage can or green one for that? martha: first they said a computer glitch wiped out more than two years of lois lerner's emails. particularly the ones congress was looking for. now


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