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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 19, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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brian, glad to see you after all the hugs on the street. >> i'm back. boys 2 men tomorrow and a band band -- bill: the emails from the top official in the irs scandal likely lost forever as the agency says her hard drive has been quote recycled. that means it's been thrown away. do you pick the blue garbage can or green one for that? martha: first they said a computer glitch wiped out more than two years of lois lerner's emails. particularly the ones congress was looking for. now they say don't look at the
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hard drive, the hard drives are gone. that's not sitting well with the house chair darrell issa. he says officials emails don't appear without a trace unless that was the intention. bill: the white house saying somewhere x we got nothing for you. >> we did a search for the emails for lois lerner during this period. we found see row emails. sorry to disappoint. bill: byron, good morning. start us off. you said this will cause a huge explosion in your words in washington. how so? >> it has already started. republicans were completely blind side. as late as yesterday moaning they were subpoenaing from the irs the hard drives. necessity assumed they existed and they wanted to examine them. now we have word they have been
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destroyed and physically thrown away. the chairmen of the two committees involved are absolutely furious about this. what the latest is, the ways and means committee sent a letter to the irs. they want to find out everybody involved in the i.t. department of the irs. who might have been involved in the search for these emails, the treatment of those hard drives. everything. you are going to see congress reach down into the i.t. department of the irs to find out what happened here. bill: you wonder how deep that black hole is. is there an allegation someone broke the law? >> there certainly is suspicious about it. there is something called the federal records act passed in 1950. it's been updated many times since then. it directs all federal agencies to keep their correspondence, internal documents, that kind of
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stuff. darrell issa note their federal warehouses with miles of shelves with paper record being kept, are they telling congress they couldn't keep those emails. they will do an examination to see if there was a violation of the federal record act. >> if you destroy a hard drive you can go back to the server. so it's not clear in the end if it's lost for good. an irs spokesman said we believe the standard irs protocol was followed for the disposal of a hard drive. they are sent to a recycler as part of a regular process. i'll bet if the irs wanted to see your files you wouldn't want to say you recycled them. >> there should be a master backup tape with all this
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information. the irs says that, too, was recycled, they say they don't have that. bill: questions that might be answered or might not. the head of the irs before a hearing in the house. martha: the battle heats up for iraq's oil field. an all important resource. the militant forces have surrounded iraq's main oil refinery. those are the reports and they have raised the black flag of isis over those refineries. we are getting a different story from the iraqi security forces. they say they are til in control of that oil refinery that supplies the country with about a quarter of their oil. on the u.s. side we have the navy releasing this video of the military operations on the
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george h.w. bush. this happened a couple days ago and we just got these pictures coming in from the tear craft carrier today. conor powell is live with the latest on this crisis. what's going on with these oil refineries. >> reporter: heavy fighting breaking out and continuing at the baiji oil field north of baghdad near tikrit. it's not clear who controls this facility. the government says they have control but witnesses say insurgents seem to be in control of at least some of this refinery. they set up checkpoints in and out of the area. the black flags of the insurgents hang from parts of the refinery. this oil field is crucial to
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iraq providing a quarter of the country's domestic capacity. the ongoing fighting forcing some oil companies like exxon and bp to pull out their foreign oil workers. iraq's leaders is trying to present an image that the government is regrouping and gaining control. that clearly isn't happening on the ground. we are seeing the iraqi military is reengage. they at least seem to be putting up some type of fight. bill: he was talking about a large refinery in the town of baiji, north tikrit, north of baghdad 100 miles or so. there are four refineries. in kirkuk and in basrah. weep marked the oil field in orange. a lot of oil field outside of the current conflict for the moment now in iraq. but a lot more in the kurdish
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zone around mosul and baiji where a lot of the fighting is taking place the last 10 days or so. but this area controlled by isis stretches from the eastern border in iran north of baghdad, not yet in baghdad, something we are watching to see whether that develops. whether that happens. whether maliki's government or military fights back. it stretches into western syria and the town of aleppo. isis the islamic state of iraq and syria. that's where the attention of the world has been focused on. there were questions whether the president would order airstrikes. connor * says it's domestic production that goes to gasoline
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and pipe lines. martha: the proprietary nature of that oil goes back centuries in terms of who feels they have ownership of those fields. that battle continues this morning. there is a major push for president obama to support the ouster of nouri al-maliki, the leader of iraq. according to the "wall street journal" there are more lawmakers saying the real problem in iraq is the prime minister who appears unable to stop the rights of this al qaeda-founded-linged group. does the iraqi prime minister have any strong supporters left in washington? >> >> reporter: no one is saying maliki must stay. the closest they can he has to real support are those who point out that a democratic election put them in power. but most call kts are for maliki
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to step aside. >> it seems to me that maliki has to be convinced that it is in the greater interests of his country to retire. and to -- for this newly elected government to put together a new government. >> reporter: prominent republicans agree maliki isn't make things better in iraq. but senator john mccain doesn't believe the iraqi leader is only one to blame. reporter: the administration is trying to blame iraq's failures on its leaders. but the administration cannot escape its own responsibility for the current disaster. >> reporter: the maliki government is mostly shiite. up s. officials tell the wall treat journal they want the new government to include more sunniss and kurds. malala yousufzai we clearly lost
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our influence after the status of forces agreement was not established. now we have issues of what kind of military strikes if any we may implement. the white house met with leaders of congress. what's the coordination like between those two side? >> reporter: not much according to the senator mitch mcconnell the house anier to the leader. he says the president pressed us on the situation in iraq. indicd authority from us for steps he might take and indicated he would keep us post. according to the top senate democrat harry reid he said he's not considering anything that even requires congressional approval in the first place. bill: later this morning, leading in the republicans will take to the floor of the senate and address what they call the
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administration's flawed and failing foreign policy. we'll bring that live to you when it happens. martha: we are getting reports russia has resumed its military buildup near ukraine. the nato secretary-general con first it's a regrettable step backward. a nato step backward nato estimates that 40,000 russian forces were deployed at the ukrainian border but as of last month many of those soldiers had pulled back. you can only wonder if vladimir putin sees the distraction in iraq and wonders if it's time to step it up in ukraine. bill: you can slap the map of the world up there and there is trouble just about of where that we look.
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another tornado ripping through a small town in the heartland of the country. that is not what you want to see coming toward your home in the afternoon. damaging homes. people running for cough. we are live on the ground on the aftermath. martha: some devastating polls have come out for president obama and and his administration. it has raised a phrase that is being heard from the media to the halls of congress. is the obama administration basically over? bill: the white house under fire for bringing a suspected benghazi leader to the u.s. instead of did mow. why critics say it d instead of gitmo. >> they have been putting them on ships for a temporary interrogation.
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♪ [ bottle ] ensure®. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. ♪ switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness... ...from the stevia leaf. martha: the recovery mission of a plane that died in a 1952 crash in alaska after all these years have been recovered and being sent moment to their families. that's nearly one-third of the service members who died on that day when the plane crashed into a mountain outside of anchor
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and. and i -- anchorage. the wreckage was spotted just two years ago. bill: new developments on this plan to bring a suspected ring leader of the deadly benghazi attack to justice. this man on screen on board a ship headed to the u.s. laind i graham says it's just plain wrong. >> this is one of the most ill conceived limits. instead of a slow boat to new york he ought to be on a fast plane to gitmo. taking him to new york on a ship and when he docks you read him his rights. i don't want him to hear "you have the right to remain silent" anytime soon. i want him to talk. bill: good morning.
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you got a problem with him coming to washington, d.c.? >> what surprises me is we are affording miranda rights to jihadists. we need to have a military tribunal. i agree with lindsey graham he needs to be on a fast plane to guantanamo. we need to get information from him before we take him to trial. bill: he could be on that boat for weeks. he could be on that boat for months. you have got to think they are ringing good information out of them, do you not? >> you are quite hopeful. it would be nice if i could have confidence in this administration. but tear rich has increased by 58% since 2010. we have done nothing to
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eradicate it. i don't think we have the capability to go after this the way we should strategically. bill: the president campaigned against these so-called black sites in eastern europe where some detainees were taken first. but this is a black site at sea. >> if that were the case it would be extraordinary. the administration claimed al qaeda was on the run. but the 58% increase since 2010, i would say we have to admit we still have a war on terror. we haven't heard the white house use those word since they got into office. it still exists and it's apparent by what we see in iraq today. bill: come back to senator graham. he says the president is fighting crime while he's trying to fight a war. what do you think of that? >> i agree with senator graham
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and i agree to senator mccain. we would be able to have an interrogation. i think people are naive when they want to get rid of guantanamo. we need to get as much intelligence out of them as possible to save american lives. bill: he wants to close it down. he's the president. he has two years and four or five months to do that. report report it's obvious that's his strategic plan. the guy who planned the shoe bombing attack was a former guantanamo detainee. one of the terrorists behind the benghazi attack was a former guantanamo detineee. we are naive if we think terrorism is going to go away. it increased and isis is evidence of that. bill: on isis as a veteran.
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how do you feel about the gains you see them making in iraq and potentially afghanistan later. do you get a sense we are going to lose in both countries ultimately? >> it's devastating. i have a veteran on twitter to tweeted out, i did not lose my arm in baghdad to watch it fall, mr. president. isis is not about a sunni-shiia war. it's a jihadist group that we do not want to become an international attack group. the leader of this organization is basically like usama bin laden on steroids. he has threatened the u.s. in 2012 and said i'll see you no in new york. martha: texas is sending in the cavalry. the move the governor made to try to secure his border.
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bill: a town wiped out by devastating tornadoes. >> it was loud. we were hearing glass crashing. we were hearing things hitting the house. bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone...
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bill: spain's king phillipe sworn in as the country's leader after his father abdicated the throne. attorneys for dzhokhar tsarnaev say he cannot get a fair trial in boston and should be tried in d.c. it doesn't look like june in which. they thought they would be get something sun and they didn't
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even pack warm clothing. martha: more wild weather in the midwest. a massive funnel cloud hitting a town in south dakota. we have been seeing these all week. that's the latest video from the heartland. a twister that passed through the central part of that state that damaged homes and businesses. as the tornado sirens rang out people rushed to cover. >> what he huddled together and prayed to get through this and we did. god was on our side through this and we'll get through this because everything else is just material. and my family is alive. that's all that matters. martha: such inspiration from the people who have been through these horrific situations.
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mike tobin is on the ground. what are you seeing? >> reporter: the south edge of town is where the tornado first made contact moving north through the town. you can see the first business it hit. the springs auto dealership. it had metal construction. it was obliterated by the tornado when it hit. now ranged an ef2 with maximum sustained winds at 125 miles an hour. at the base it was less than 100 yard across. as you move north you can see where the tornado made contact with the homes ripping off the roof and ripping the structures right down to the ground. 11 homes total were destroyed. three businesses also damaged badly by the storm. there was only one injury and that was a woman straps inside one of those structures. she is said to be in good
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condition at the local hospital. the governor dispatched the national guard. you can see the national guard that's on the ground as we drive in this direction we pass a convoy of national guard. more troops are on the way to start with the cleanup effort. sad to say it's the second time they have done it. it's the second time in 11 years this town has been hit by a tornado. right now the emergency crews pushed all the media out of town. when we get a chance to bring it to the center of town we'll bring it to you. >> we'll be thinking about those people. thank you so much. we'll see later, mike. bill: leading in the republicans set to peak out about our nation's foreign policy. they are not happy. we'll bring it to you live on the hill. martha: a stunning poll that
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paints the obama presidency in apocalyptic terms. it could spell the end politically -- our guests are about to talk about this -- for the commander in chief. >> i saw a commentator say what they reflected is the obama presidency is over and i agree with that. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars
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martha: a new poll finds president obama's ratings plummeting to the lowest point. senator marco rubio says he agrees. chuck todd says this first, that the presidency of barack obama according to these numbers is over under the weights of all these setbacks. >> he has responsibilities i hope he will live up top. but whether it's foreign policy or the issue on the border or the va other irs losing its emails. it seems like every day there is a new crisis. year overwhelmed by the number of crises and conflicts arising as the result of some incompetence and in -- in some
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cases the design of this administration. martha: letting bring in our panel. matt, the notion here is that the president has been render candidate powerless. i think that's what people mean when they say they think this presidency is over. he cannot be effective based on these numbers and these actions. >> i think that's much better said. i would say he lost his political power. he still has a lot of power. you can see what he's trying to do with these executive orders. but essentially the big races across the country. the democratic candidates are running from the record and separating themselves from obama rather than embracing him. i think it will be a difficult political position for the president. he decided to day hard left and basically be the un-clinton.
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martha: there is a question of whether it's too late to turn this reputation around. this is based on the polls we got from the "wall street journal" and the nbc news polls. this is where the snowed' leaks come out. the disapproval-numbers come out. crossing the red line which the president said would be crossed if syria used chemical weapons. then you have got russia invading the ukraine. if you we are hear russia is stepping that up again, they are mobilizing on the border again. watch what happens to this approval number. it continues to move up and up. you have got the bergdahl swap for five taliban terrorists which was ill received by the american public. you have got the growth of isis in iraq that caught the president off guard and people are wondering why. so doug schoen, you can look all
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around the world, this is not to mention nigeria and michelle obama holding a bring our girls back sign which we heard not a people since that whole thing came up. >> reporter: it's undeniable the president's ratings have dropped. and your description of the reasons why are absolutely accurate. but it would be a profound mistake to say his presidency is over. just today we read that the president is at the front of calling for maliki's removal in iraq. he is at the center of each of these international controversies whether they go well or they go badly, and in terms of the poll numbers, as bad as the obama administration's ratings where, arguably the republicans ratings are just as bad if not worse. same poll. >> it's not about that, doug. >> they are about both parties and you have a discredited
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republican party with a majority leader who suffered a humiliating defeat. martha: that may be, doug. but when people look at the top office and i think in a way we are talking about how historians are going to look back at this presidency in terms of foreign policy and look around the world and ask yourself is america stronger than it was, the president just weeks ago, matt* came out and basically said the world is a safer place these days. i don't think anybody is buying that. >> reporter: this is not about republicans and democrats. this is about obama. this is about this leadership and his policies. the american people will had an up close view of his policies. they don't like what they see. it's frightening to think about what's happening. this is beyond politics and who is going to win an election. it's about is america leading in the world and is america safe.
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i don't see what obama is going to do to change this. it's not a tactic he has to change. his policy are the flawed. he pulled out of iraq. he's essentially allowing what's going to happen by his bad policies. i shope he starts to reach across the aisle and i hope he starts to lead. martha: we are talking about an action, and whether this can change it. can you convince israel and jordan they have a strong ally in the united states who is going to back them up as we watch some of these groups, this isis group cut a swath from syria where i might point out that people wanted to see action taken in syria at a point where they thought it still might make a difference. this is the group that was forming and developing in syria at that time. >> jim baker had a piece today
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in the "wall street journal" arguing we have to convene a middle east-wide meeting of our allies and we do have to show leadership. i'm not going to deny the obama presidency is having troubles. i have written about it myself as early as tuesday. bun fund at alley this is the leader of the free world and matt is right to say it's not politics and it's why democrats and republicans have to pull together to hope we do show leadership to stop terrorism. martha: doug, you have been critical at times of this president. you have worked in the white house. what would you tell president obama to do to begin to turn this around. as americans with two years left, everybody would like to see that. >> there has to be an aggressive package of aid to the syrian government and army. we may push for a change in the government but we have to be willing to count nance drone
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strikes, aid to the military and a willingness to reengage in a war we walked away from too soon. we need to show leadership around the world. you and matt are absolutely right about that. martha: the president was committed to aiding the rebels in syria and upping our support of them. quit thought, matt. >> how about making a quick call to george w. bush. it would be nice if he would reach out and think through these crises that are bipartisan. martha: he heard a lot from dick cheney but not a lot from our former president. bill: here is the legend vince skully with the call from last night. >> 0-2. he's done it. bill: indeed he has, in front of a home crowd.
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22nd dodger to throw a no-hitter. just one error short after perfect game. he struck out 15, 8-0 the fine over the rockies. they are going nuts in l.a. he's a great player. bill: a big moment. vince skully is still in the booth. that's amazing. go, man! texas and what it's doing to address the growing surge of youngle illegal immigrants. texas plan next with the on general. >> reporter: children coming through this treacherous dangerous odyssey to the united states, being raped and murdered is no way to resolve the problems they confront in the country in which they live. they need the responsibilities to tell people it's dangerous.
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bill: texas has its own plan to deal with a wave of humanity. thousands of illegal immigrants, most of them children, coming out of countries in central america and the government has not stop i'd, period. sir, good morning to you. welcome back to america's newsroom. these pictures break your heart and you feel for these kid. but what are you doing as a state to respond? >> we do feel for the kid and the families. how we do have an only gietion
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insure the people of texas and the united states are kept safe. there are about 1,000 arrests made on a daily basis on average of people coming here illegally. what i did last week was i made an appeal to jeh johnson, the secretary of homeland security for the resources needed to secure the border. then i spoke with the assistant secretary and got feeling it would be months before they were able to help out in securing the border. so texas is not going to wait any longer. yesterday we announced that we are providing the funding that is needed to the texas department of public safety to implement what's called a surge operation, this is something we have done many times, and this is going to put boots on ought ground, airplanes in the air, boats on the water that will do a job of securing the border to stop the flow of so many people coming into the country illegally.
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bill: this is interesting. ' you appealed to the federal government and you are getting no help. at least if they do send you help it's going to take a long time. you are deploying your department of public safety on the border on the rio grande. how will you stop people from coming. how will you get that message out and what will you do with the illegals who do make it into your state. >> because the department of public safety has done this before, they have proven to be effective at stopping illegal immigration whenever they do have the ability to have the boots on the ground and the other sea sets in the area. they are going to deploy a substantial amount of forces along the sectors of the rio grande that will stop the greatest flow of illegal immigration here. the problem is that the border patrol is tied up doing other activities and therefore they
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don't have the ability to deal with this. but the other thing you touched upon and it's important to highlight. what's going to stop the flow here? the reason why we have the flow coming here is because of the message that washington, d.c. has sent to people outside of the country and that message is that they are not going to stop the flow across the border and conversely they are going to accept people coming across the border and begin to implement them. bill: why is that acceptable. why does washington allow this to happen? >> it's incomprehensible, bill, because the message clearly, we heard from the people who have come into this country and they walk straight up to a border patrol agent and turn themselves in and the border patrol agents say why are you doing this and they say because think heard on 'tisments in guatemala, in honduras and el salvador that they are not going to be sent back. think about the people who are waiting as we speak to come and
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immigrate into the united states legally. and here they see these thousands of people on a daily basis coming here illegally. what kind of impress does that give to those following the rule of law to be a legal immigrants to the united states? it turns the rule of law on its head. bill: how many patrol agents will you send there first of all? >> we don't want to be specific about that publicly. it will be in the hundreds range. bill: once you apprehend illegals, do you send them back? what do you do? >> we have to arrest them, then turn them over to i.c.e. or to the border patrol. that's what the law requires. bill: but does that mean they go home? hard in, you have to send the message back to guatemala that the united states is not going to tolerate this and that will
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stop the stream. will that happen? >> it depend. if it concerns people from countries that are not contiguous to the u.s. there is one policy. our goal is to go after the smugglers, the traffickers and the most violent aspects of those coming here illegally and clamp down on them. bill: we'll be in touch with you and you are worried about these deadly gangs michael ms13 that we'll explore -- gangs like the ms13 that we'll explore next time. >> martha: he's a true hero. he visited us in america's newsroom a couple days ago and today he will receive america's highest honor. he's lance corporal kyle carpenter. he lost his eye and part of his jaw after jumping on a live grenade to save a fellow marine.
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bill: how much sleep are you getting every night? martha: 5 hours, 40 minutes. bill: you are well below the nationallage, sister. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. but then you grow up and there's no going back.
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martha: americans are apparently starting to catch up on their shut eye. americans are sleeping more and working less. jonathan hunt is one of them apparently. he joins us. >> reporter: i'm sleeping more and working less. this goes against evening every american instinctively feels. we are sleeping more and working less and sitting in front of the tv a lot more. take a look at these figures. the average american sleeps a little under 9 hours a day right
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now. that's up 10 minutes from 2003. you work a lot less. take into account weekend and vacation and watching tv still by far the number one leisure activity. 2 hours 46 minutes addai for the avege american. that is up 11 minutes from a decade ago. of that 2 hours 4 minutes. 2 hours are spent watching america's newsroom of day. martha: they are very smart for doing that. watching you throughout the rest of the afternoon. but there are some things we are not spending a lot of time on these days. >> reporter: this is interesting, too. shopping. we are spending just about 42 minutes a day doing that now. that's down 4 minutes. the online shopping experience makes it quicker so you are getting your shoe habit and shoe fix in more easily now.
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that's the reason for going down. volunteering and undertaking religious activities including going to church, reading religious text, praying, that's pretty small, too. 19 minutes a day the average american spend doing that. we talk:being on the phone, texting, emailing, we are only spending 9 minutes a day on average doing that. which is something of all those things we got surprised me. but the bottom line tv is still the king or queen. martha: i want to meet these people sleeping 8 hours and 43 minutes and working 3 hours a day. they are not around here. bill: john mccain on the floor of the senate suggesting iraq is being lost after all the blood and treasure spend for 10 years on behalf of the united states. is the president about to take action against the terrorists on the move?
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we are about to find out. live on the floor of the senate and the white house. >> we could have left a residual force behind and this situation would not be where it is today. the fact is, that the president of the united states if he wanted to leave a residual force never made that clear to the american people. in fact on october 22, 2012, the president said, quote, what i would not have done is left 10,000 troops in iraq. that would tie us down. he celebrated in 2011 the departure of the last as he described it, the last combat soldier from iraq. and the fact is that because of our fecklessness and the fact we did not leave that residual force behind we are paying a price and the people of iraq are paying a heavier price. what do we need to do? we have to understand there are no good options. there are no good options
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remaining. this is a culmination of failure after failure of this administration. but for us to do nothing now will insure this base pore terrorism. over 100 we are tracking have already come back to the united states of america. there are hundreds and hundreds leaving not only the battlefield in syria and iraq and they will pose a direct threat to the security of united states. i say to the critics who say do nothing and let them fight it out, you cannot confine this conflict to iraq and syria. the director of national intelligence has said and the director of homeland security has said that these people will be planning attacks on the united states of america. so what do we need to do? of course maliki has to be transitioned out. blount way that that's going to happen is for to us assure iraqis that we'll be there to assist. let me make it clear, no one
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that i know wants to send combat troops on the ground. but airstrikes are an important factor psychologically and many other ways, and that may require some fort air controllers and special forces. we cannot afford to allow a syria-across enclave that will pose a direct threat to the united states of america. and if we act we are going have to fact syria as well. a residual force of u.s. troops in iraq could have checked iranian influence in iraq. the other question is what are the iranians doing while we are not making any decisions? the iranians -- probably the most evil man on erpt, the head of the quds force is reported to have been in baghdad. there is reports of iranian
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forces moving into baghdad. i say to my colleagues we must meet this threat. the president of the united states must make some decisions and i'm convinced that the national security of the united states of america is at risk here and the sooner that all of us realize it the better off we'll be. i yield to my colleague from south carolina. >> the senator from south carolina. >> i asked to be recognized for four minutes. mr. president, contrary to what may be popular belief, there are plenty of democrats in this body haven't worried about iraq. the question is what do we do about it. it's complicated but the first thing we have to assess is does it matter what happens in iraq? clearly i think it does. economically if iraq becomes a failed state the oil production in the south falls into the hands of the iranians, iraq
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becomes a failed state that spreads economic chaos throughout the region. we'll feel it at the gas pulls and in your wallet eventually. an economic collapse in iraq will affect our economy and our ability to recover. it would throw the world oil market into turmoil. so it matters economically. militarily does it matter? it does in this regard. isis is an offshoot of al qaeda because al qaeda kicked them out. these people now are going to have safe haven from aleppo, syria, to the gates of baghdad. they have sworn to attack us. part of their agenda is to strike our homeland. their goal is to create an islamic state, caliphate, that would put the people under their rule into darkness. and i don't want to hear any war about women stories unless you
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address iraq and syria. you want to see a war on women. i'll show you one. can you imagine what little girls are thinking today in the i any part of iraq -- in the sunni part of iraq and syria? can you manage the hell on earth ept? the people that would do that to their own what would they do to us? i don't mean to be an alarmist but i'm alarmed. i'm just telling you what they are saying they will do. our director of national intelligence said that the safe haven for isis in syria now iraq presents a great threat 0 our -a great threat to our homeland. the mistake president obama is making is to not realize we need lines of defenses. why didn't you want to leave a residual force behind in iraq. 10,000 to 15,000 would have given the iraqi military capacity they don't possess today. confidence he don't possess today. it would give an edge against
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isis we don't have. when you have no american air power, when the leave the intelligence -- when the intelligence capability of the american military leaves the iraqi army goes dark. you have seen a collapse of the iraqi army i think could have been prevented. you can't kill all the terrorists to keep us safe. our goal in this trying time is to have lines of defenses. to keep the war over there so it doesn't come off here. it unless our national security interests to partner with people in iraq and there were many who wanted a didn't life than isis would have. there are many shiias who want to be iraqi shiias, not iranian shiias. this fateful decision to get out totally has come back to haunt us and we are on the verge of doing the same thing in afghanistan.
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the taliban will be dancing in the streets. they just do not believe in dancing. when they heard we wearing leaving in 2016. can you imagine how the afghan people feel who have fought along our sides believing we would not aand done them now to hear we are going to pull all our troops out but a couple hundred. can you imagine how a young woman in afghanistan feels? can you imagine how people in pakistan feel? a nuclear armed nation that could be in the cross-hairs of the people wanting to take afghanistan down. what about us? president obama is going back to a free 9/11 mentality. on september 10, 2001 we had not one soldier in afghanistan, not one dollar of aid, not even an ambassador. to those in america who think if you leave these guys alone they will leave you alone, you are not listening to what they are saying. the on reason 3,000 americans died on 9/11 and not 3 million
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is they can't get the weapons to kill 3 million and they are very close. mr. president if you pullour trl regroup, the afghan army will meet a terrible fate and the people who wish us harm will come back our way. the region of pakistan-afghanistan is a target-rich area for the most radical islamists. mr. president, your job is to protect us. you are destroying the lines that exist. mr. president, before it's too late, change your policies in afghanistan. mr. president, do not take this country back to a pre-9/11 mentality where you treat terrorists like common criminals. we're letting our defenses erode all over the world. the enemy's emboldened, our friends are afraid. and and i tell you this, if we
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continue on this track, it will come here again. with that, i yield the floor to senator chambliss. bill: significant policy decisions on the floor of the senate, we expect a string of lawmakers to come to that microphone and blast the administration on its current foreign policy. there was a significant meeting yesterday afternoon at the white house with leading members from the senate and the house, both republican and democrat, to try and feel out what the next move is. will the president order airstrikes or not? we await that decision. with that, martha has more. martha: and it becomes increasingly complex as we get hour two underway here in "america's newsroom." we bring in chuck nash, former u.s. navy captain and a fox news military analyst. you have been listening, sir, to the conversation that is going on on the floor of the senate right now with senator mccain and senator lindsey graham speaking forcefully that they believe the president needs to take action to overcome the lack of residual forces that were left in iraq that they believe created this situation.
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>> yeah. and they make very good points, but in the end, i disagree with their conclusion. the point is that we did, we bolted out of iraq, we left nothing, and now all of a sudden we're looking for a knee jerk reaction to do something, do something, do something. this is not the time to jump into the middle of a religious war that is turning into a civil war on the political side. here's the thing, martha: a group like isis, as barbaric as they are, there just are not enough of them to have done what has been done, which is take over that eastern part of syria and the northwestern part of iraq. they could not have done that without the direct support of the sunni tribes in the area. in other words, isis is the catalyst, the underlying, seething hatred is the sunni has
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been disaffected because the maliki government -- which the united states twice supported in his elections -- has been abusing the sunni minority, breaking promises to them, and they're fed up. it's political in that the ex-baathists are still out there, it's religious in that it's sunni against shia, and there's an economic component in that the north has not been allowed to export oil. so you've got all of these things, and you throw in that spark of isis, and the black flags go up, and they're going to deal with them because the enemy of my enis my friend. and -- enemy is my friend. we shouldn't get wrapped into thinking that the people in northern and western iraq want to live under the kind of barbaric, you know, prehistoric political ideology that these islamists have. in fact, the baathists and the islamists are bitter enemies, and the islamists would like nothing more than to stand up
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the baathists against the wall and blow their brains out. so this is not an overall situation that the united states should now jump into because our gulf arab allies are sunni, and they're saying stay out of this, don't choose sides, and the iranians are saying, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, come in and beat up more sunnis from us. this is a mess. martha: you make excellent points, and i'm hearing them echoed, to a certain extent, by general petraeus who is speaking in london who says we cannot become the air force for the shia army. >> right. martha: which is iran enabling these shiite groups throughout the southern part of iraq. i mean, you're very right, you know, with all of your background in this to point out -- this is an extremely complicated situation. and it's too late, it sounds like, from what you're saying in terms of what can be done in a simple military way. and i go back to syria and the red line that was crossed and
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the fact that early on we were told that there was an ability to back a significant, small rebel group in syria that, you know, would have been able to topple assad and may have prevented all of this from happening. because isis is the group that was emboldened by our lack of action in syria. is that not right? >> it is. you know, you lay down red lines to get crossed, what you're really doing is turning on green lights elsewhere. and the green light is the united states has squandered whatever standing we had and authority that we had and strength that we had in the world, and now the lunatics are taking over the asylums. so to try to now go out there and jump in, it's like, oh, okay, great. let's go in and start bombing mostly not isis people, but sunni tribesmen. let's go in and start bombing them because make no, take no doubt about this, martha, the majority of the people fighting and moving south toward baghdad
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are not isisi fighters. there are a couple thousand of those guys. the vast majority are sunni tribesmen who are fed up with the political system in baghdad. martha: all right. we've got to go. captain nash, thank you very much. good to have you with us. >> you bet, martha. bill: all right, on the same story, chuck nagel -- chuck hagel has canceled a press conference with germany's ministry of defense. he's now headed to the white house for a meeting this hour with the president and secretary kerry and general dempsey also. want to bring in ed henry on the north lawn of the white house. good morning to you. you've been listening. a significant meeting yesterday afternoon, as i mentioned earlier. what is the president going to do, ed? >> reporter: well, that's still the big question. you say, you know, it was a big meeting yesterday with congressional leaders, democrats, republicans, maybe the president getting closer to a decision. but the senate republican leader, mitch mcconnell, came out of that meeting and told reporters he really learned very little new information from the
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president, had no better sense as to whether he was moving towards airstrikes or another option, about a hundred u.s. special forces to go on the ground, maybe help with training, security, perhaps gather intelligence for future airstrikes. we've heard about these surveillance planes now flying over iraq. that's significant because, again, that could also be used to collect intelligence for possible -- i stress possible -- airstrikes down the road. but look, last friday the president, you'll remember before heading out west, had a little mini news conference on the south lawn and said a decision would be coming in days. tomorrow, obviously, will be one week since he made that statement, so the pressure is on to come up with some sort of plan, and i think it's significant when you mention chuck hagel, general martin dempsey, the chair of the joint chiefs, coming over here to meet with the president in the next few moments and the secretary of state. it certainly means probably they're moving closer to a decision. bill: i need a quick answer on this too. john boehner said he was looking for a coherent strategy.
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did that meeting produce one? do we know that? >> reporter: to the republican leaders, it certainly did not. they came out and said they learned very little from the president. they're expecting that strategy. they did not get that at yesterday's meeting. bill: thank you, ed. ed henry will watch for secretary hagel at the white house this hour. thank you for the information there. martha: significant information. and also this big story today that we are all over. the irs saying that it lost two years of e-mails from one of their top administrative officials, lois lerner. so now her hard drives, we understand, got basically thrown in the garbage. they get recycled according to the folks at that government agency, and that is not sitting well with republicans. >> it's time for the administration to come clean and to be honest and truthful to the american people. martha: get to the bottom of this. good luck, right? we're going to dig in coming up next. the lowest price
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martha: new developments in the center of the irs scandal. lois lerner's hard drive, they tried to find it, but it had been recycled, and that makes it basically impossible, we're told, to figure out if she was in direct communication with the white house or others regarding the target of conservative groups. this leaves lawmakers to take the administration at its word. >> we did, in fact, do a search for all communications between lois lerner and any person within the executive office of
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the president for this period. we found zero e-mails. sorry to disappoint. martha: jay sekulow, attorney of dozens, for dozens of the groups that have been targeted by the irs. jay, welcome. good to have you here. what do you make of jay carney's statement there yesterday? >> thanks, martha. martha: good morning. >> you know, i think the irs has destroyed evidence, and i think jay carney can be smug and say sorry to disappoint everybody, but who believes anything coming out of the administration on this issue right now? we also have reports that her hard drive was recycled which means they threw it away, and six other high ranking officials that are there wases in our -- defendants in our lawsuit, their e-mails are gone also. try to pull that off if you're being audited by the irs, but tell them it got lost and it was recycled and see if they give you their deduction for that expense. i don't think they will. the american people should be outraged about this. congress has been mocked.
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the president says it's a phony scandal and, meanwhile, his administration staff and the leaders of his bureau and irs are, without a doubt, removing evidence. and you couple that with that -- one of the e-mails we did see, martha, has lois lerner in contact with the chief of staff with the commissioner of the internal revenue saying, quote, let's piece together criminal cases against our clients -- martha: right. >> -- for alleged false statements in their applications. they didn't have false statements, but they thought they may be able to piece them together, and the department of justice said, yeah, let's do this. so we stopped our cooperation with the department of justice yesterday when those e-mails became public. the voluntary compliance with the fbi. and having the fbi investigate the irs right now, frankly, it doesn't border on the absurd, it is absurd. martha: so where are you? where does this leave you, jay? in sum, you have lois lerner who sat there on national television
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and said i take the fifth, i will not talk about what happened. then you have heavily redacted in very significant areas according to everyone who looked at them in congress and according to you who got a lot of those uncovered in the fist place. and now this. >> right. martha: and now, oh, the other stuff you want? it's been recycled on hard drives. if you made it up, no one would believe this story. >> you know, martha, loisler they are's response to the technician they utilized to get the information back, you know what she said? stuff happens. well, stuff does happen. here's what's going to happen. we'll subpoena every single government agency that lois lerner talked to, that's the fec, federal elections commission, department of treasury, that's going to be the department of justice and others. she may have lost her e-mails, but people received those e-mails. so the people that received them are going to need to turn them over. and in the allegations of the our complaint if they've eliminated the evidence and can't produce them, it's deemed
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admitted under federal law. so, you know, first of all, they also violated the federal records act. so you've got a whole series of violations here. let me tell you something, martha, if i was lois lerner's attorney after all this, i'd be telling her to take the fifth amendment, too, because what she's done and what she's allowed people to do is criminal. very interesting side note, on the e-mail when she requests assistance, technical assistance -- which, by the way, they never went to the fbi to recover these files. in the technical assistance, do you know what the subject line of her e-mail reads? be careful what you ask for. and i think the same thing to her. go ahead. martha: okay. we'll see. jay, thank you very much. bill: he jumped on a live grenade, saving the lives of his fellow marines. today corporal kyle carpenter is honored for his incredible heroism. h, never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right?
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♪ ♪ bill: the only suspect arrested in the benghazi attack on his way back to the u.s., or to the u.s., we should say, headed for washington d.c. his capture is sparking an ongoing debate over the details surrounding the deadly terror attack which killed four americans. patricia smith, mother of sean smith, calling out secretary of state hillary clinton and demanding answers with greta. watch. >> tell me what happened. >> who can tell you that? >> hillary. why did she not give security when she put people in harm's way? as they say, they don't never leave anyone behind, but they do. they left him behind. bill: sean smith's uncle is michael, and he's my guest back here with us as well. michael, good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. here we are again. bill: yeah. we haven't spoken since the arrest. what do you think of that? >> well, i want to thank, first of all, our intelligence people,
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our military people and the law enforcement folks that actually captured this attacker. that's the first thing. also i want to thank congressman duncan hunter for actually attaching an amendment to a defense policy bill back on may 21st saying that the obama white house had to establish some accountability with congress and let them know exactly where they were in the progression of capturing these attackers. so kudos to duncan hunter on that one. and also for cosponsoring frank wolf's bill. bill: so he's enroute to washington, d.c., and you know he's onboard this ship. the interdwaition is underway -- interrogation is underway. we assume he's talking. the early reports is that he's giving a history of the terrorist organization he worked for in libya. he's not going to gitmo. i'm not quite sure how you feel about that -- >> i'm not happy with that. bill: you have specific questions for hillary clinton. here she is with bret baier and greta the other night.
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listen. >> i took responsibility for being at the head of the state department at that time. now, that doesn't mean that i made every decision because i, obviously, did not. but it does mean that i feel very deeply and very personally about the losses that we incurred. bill: does that make you feel better? >> oh, not at all. come on. hillary, hillary's sense of responsibility is i was the secretary of state, so, therefore, i was responsible. there's not a sincere apology, mrs. clinton. you should be apologizing to pat smith, to charles woods and all of the family members, because mrs. clinton, you never provided the security that ambassador stevens requested. and she can't hide behind this bill. it's, you know, what we're dealing with right now is the hillary clinton soft focus "hard choices" book tour. and she has all these sort of
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politically correct answers. and i'm not buying it. i don't believe that she really has any sincere regrets, and she missed the class i took in adult 101. if you hurt someone, if you cause destruction, you apologize, you basically say i'm accountable. not just like this sort of blanket, oh, i'm responsible because i'm the secretary of state. please. bill: we will see whether or not more suspects are apprehended, and we'll see what comes of this suspect onboard that navy ship. michael ingmar, thank you for your time. >> my pleasure, as always. martha: very important meeting behind closed doors at the white house. we are told that the secretary of defense, chuck hagel, canceled a news conference and has headed to the white house for a last minute meeting with president obama. we're going to try to find out what transpires there and what the next move on the united states' part may be. we'll be right back. each ally b7 but there are no branches?
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>> uart is drawing the lines of defenses that exist. the afghan people are willing to have us stay there in enough numbers to protect them and us. mr. president, before it is too late, change your policies in afghanistan. don't take this country back to a pre-9/11 mentality where you read them their rights, we're letting our defense is the road all over the world, enemies involved with our friends are afraid. bill: the democrat from maryland is back with us today. how are you? >> i am good, bill. bill: would you support airstrikes of the president ordered them? >> i don't think the president made a case for airstrikes. i would want to listen to whatever rationale he proposed. we have to be very careful to make sure any u.s. engagement is not seen as taking sides in the
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shiite-sunni civil war, but rather whatever we do needs to be on the idea of a unified iraq. the problem is the prime minister has alienated the sunnis in iraq, which has allowed some of the extremist to take more of a foothold than they otherwise would have. one of the keys at the iraq war was to get the sunni tribesmen for a unified iraq and throw out the extremists. because of the actions, you have seen that contingent. bill: he may be guilty of that. we may be guilty of not knowing this is happening. you can look long and hard and far in this story, but i am just wondering i am sure it became a surprise to you, why would it be a surprise to the administration? can you address that?
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>> i don't know what you are addressing specifically. if you consider isis has the strength they appear to have had, the real reason is as i indicated that the sunnis and the part of the country where the extremist are operating are not challenging because the policies is not retaliating. bill: if you would know right now, you go down the list of hotspots around the world, we had an alert about ukraine in that country. why does it appear that so many of these events take this administration by surprise and hit him off guard. why is that? >> i don't think all of these things are taking the administration offguard. i would say with respect to iraq and what the senators are saying
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now, the reality is we are seeing content fallout from the original decision to go in and evade iraq. we took the lid off of iraq, pandora's box came out. achenbaca combustible mix. he set in motion a chain of events the united states cannot control. bill: we can go back 10, 12 years if we want but the reality is we have to deal with this today. can you name a foreign-policy success on behalf of this administration? >> oh, yes. the president and the white house as you know have said as we continue to monitor, engage in the middle east, we have to really focus on east a asia and the president's trip and the president's policies out there have succeeded in bringing together that alliance which has
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always existed. bill: i will just go through the list. afghanistan, syria, libya, ukraine, russia, iraq, egypt, that is just a handful. is any of those situations, any of those countries now considered a foreign-policy success? >> well, here's the question, do we really think the united states can micromanage defense of each of these areas and are you really suggesting that because after we got qadhafi, which was a success, we didn't stay on on the ground in libya and make sure we have a stable country in libya. the stability came about because we had a ruthless dictator with bipartisan defenses and we had to get rid of it. unless the argument is we should have the united states military babysitting libya and babysitting all these countries in the region, which i don't
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think -- bill: you have to afford what comes next. 36% of the "wall street journal" poll, 37% of americans believe foreign-policy is something they approve of. how do you explain a number like that? >> i think you can explain it because unfortunately what used to be more of a national consensus in foreign-policy has now become automatic partisan issue. it is not an effort to solve problems. bill: 37% is more than just republicans, as you know, sir. >> it is this constant, constant rant that divides the country when we should be coming together on this issue. bill: we will talk again. appreciate you coming on today. >> absolutely. martha: another big story where texas is now taking matters into their own hands on immigration. we have the governor rick perry
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and other state leaders offering additional funding to go down there and beef up extra security at their borders. coming in response to a flood of undocumented immigrants, women, children coming across the state lines. it is a very tenuous situation at the moment. what is governor perry's plan on this, casey? >> martha, basically he has ordered a surge of law enforcement to go down to the border effective immediately. the texas department of public safety has been tasked with the job, but as far as the logistics go, number of troopers and the assets headed that way, we're still trying to get into that for you. state leaders have authorized $1.3 million per week on this mission. coming on the heels of all of the national attention directed at the border in recent weeks, the huge spike in number of young children being
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apprehended, and 92% increase over previous years. of course all this attention has spun a political firestorm. the obama administration blaming the influx if immigrants on violence and poverty in central america. plenty of lawmakers say we went tbe in this mess if president placed more importance on securing the border. governor perry saying texas cannot afford to wait for washington to act on the crisis, and we will not sit idly by while the safety and security of our citizens are threatened. we made a call and the feds, department of homeland security to see what they think about texas' proposal here. we have not yet heard back, we will keep you posted on what they say. martha: thank you. meanwhile this morning rupert murdoch, office of 21st century fox, the parent family of fox news, making his case for immigration reform in the pages of today's "wall street journal."
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an immigrant and businessman himself he says reform is one of the best ways to revitalize america's economy. he writes "i chose to come to america and become a citizen because america was and remains most free and entrepreneurial nation in the world. our history as defined by people whose character and culture have been shaped by ambition, imagination and hard work. bound together by a dream of a better life.y in this speech we have to do a better job securing our border: border security part of the solution since house majority leader eric cantor defeat reluctant to take up reform, something he sees as a mistake. "if congress fails to even try to have this important debate, the president might feel tempted to act the executive order, and i hope it doesn't get to that point given a serious political firestorm that would result." the word of rupert murdoch,
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immigrant himself and a successful businessman you might say in the united states of america speaking out to the "wall street journal." bill: that is a lesson for all of us. martha: imagine if we lived in a country where ebay and google and all of those huge companies had to start their businesses in china rather than in the united states. bill: good luck with that. a landmark decision could force in american business to change its name. fair and balanced debate on the washington redskins. martha: stick around for that. and a former u.s. olympian faces her toughest challenge yet. >> i'm alive and i'm so thankful to be alive, so that's why i can be positive about it, you know. it helps me get through the pain.
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martha: what do you think of this whole thing? the washington redskins are gearing up for a big battle that will happen off the field. a ruling by the u.s. patent office and they say six of the team's federal trademark to be cancelled because of the name of the team, which they say is disparaging of native americans. terry bradshaw was on "outnumbered" yesterday. here's what he said. >> initially if one person or three or four people come out and say native americans as native americans we are offended by this, it just gets a little
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blip, but it's no balls now to hundreds of thousands. trademark wise it is millions of dollars probably, but you still have the football team. martha: talk radio host joining us on this live. there is a lot of different angles on this story. let's start with the most obvious one, that is the issue they say is disparaging of native americans. is that enough to change the name of the team? >> according to federal trademark law, this is. remember it doesn't necessarily have to be the name change of the team, but if we look at what an idea of racism or verbal racism can do to a team, los angeles at the clippers, you can see players revolt, you can see why cox and people not buying tickets to games.
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martha: what donald sterling did and what this is a very different situations be at this has been the name of the team for a very long time. suddenly some people have a problem with it. not everyone, not even all native americans think this is a bad idea. in terms of the big picture, a company told they have to change the name of the compan company e federal government. >> this is what is amazing leslie doesn't have a problem with this because the federal government has something called the first amendment that says the government isn't allowed to decide what is offensive speech. most i'm sorry i can't even say on the air because they are so over the top but they have patent protection from the u.s. government. when the government begins deciding what is offensive and what is not, they are crossing the first amendment line and it is amazing leslie is willing to get behind that.
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i find most of what nancy pelosi and harry reid says are offensive. maybe we can get the government to ban that. >> i'm sure you will try, lars. we have the first amendment, but we all know if somebody is offended, they do have a right. eight years ago navajo nation brought this to the attention. it has been going on for eight years. by the way, they don't need a majority when it comes to trademark laws, registration of names for teams such as this, 30% is considered a third of the population to be a substantial doesn't have to be a majority. when we look at this decision it doesn't have to change the name of the team but he is going to lose money. martha: a lot of native americans feel very strongly about that symbol, a proud chief, they feel is a source of pride in many ways and other
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people are offended by it. it starts a slippery slope argument to say i think the name whatever is offensive and i have a whole bunch of friends, we all find it offensive. it opens that door to border on ridiculous in some cases. >> how about censorship, and my hearing you correctly, does the government to decide which names are offensive? you just said of the government decides 30% of the people are offended by something you can pick an awful lot of company names in america, a bunch of foreign products names that come in that sound offensive to us or our products sound offensive in other countries because the words they put on those products look like dirty words in other countries. martha: we have to leave it there, i'm getting wrapped up. we will see where this goes. bill: to the white house be goes, in iraq in 90 minutes.
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12:30 eastern time, the fox news channel will have coverage of that. on the heels of secretary john kerry and chuck hagel and jack dempsey meeting in 10 minutes. [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. you don't try to catch... ...will get away. seize the summer with up to 40% off hotels from travelocity.
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russians inside bar to american astronauts part of the 6-person crew. despite recent tensions between u.s. and russia, nasa officials maintain the relations in space remained excellent, bill. bill: that is great. we will see how they redirect the asteroid, we will see if they can be successful. >> they will use a remote-controlled spacecrafts identify and capture an asteroid and push it into orbit around the moon. sometime in the 2020s for astronauts to take samples of it and get some clues as to how the universe began. bill: thanks, steve, we will be watching from here. live in miami. martha: a lot going on at the white house today. a big meeting between the defense secretary and the president, now word the president will make a statement at 12:30, 90 minutes from now.
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he met with members of his security team as well and we expect a statement on what we could see going forward in iraq from the press briefing and we will bring that to you. john mccain will join "happening now" as a preview to statement and give his thoughts on what he thinks needs to happen in iraq. we will be right back. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today.
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she won four gold medals and she is now under going therapy at a colorado hospital. we wish her well. she is a brave woman. we have to run. >> terrorist advance toward baghdad. another big news day. i am jenna lee. >> and jon scott. secretary john kerry made it clear we are weighing the process. >> nothing is off the table. we are intensely vetting each of the possibilitie


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