tv Hannity FOX News June 19, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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and the very nervous at the end go to kelly. like the page and leave me a comment to tell me what you think. check out the "kelly file" tomorrow night as we will have i won't be here, but you will love it. welcome to "hannity" and this is a fox news alert. tonight, growing calls for iraqi prime minister nuri maliki as militants prepake to take over iraq city by city. and isis is battling the iraqi forces for the largest refinery of the country and according to one witness, they are flying their flag over the facility. for this deteriorating situation, we go to fox's jennifer griffin standing be by at the pentagon. jennifer? >> good evening, sean. what is increasingly clear is that this al qaeda offshoot is behaving more like an organized army than terrorist group. this is the 400-page playbook of
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the group, and it reads like a corporate annual report on all of the military activities in iraq since 2012. it breaks down iraq into seven areas of responsibility. the terror group looks like it has learned how to clear, hold and build a key doctrine of the u.s. insurgency, and jessica lewis has looked at it for the institute of war. >> these are planned and coordinated offenses that are extremely well executed and we have to think of more in terms of how the disrupt the strategy as if they were a conventional enemy and not a terrorist enemy who can execute spectacular attacks. >> last year, isis conducted 1,88 1,883s as is nations, and had 438 suicide attacks and of 2013, isis claims to have 15,000
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fighters. its immediate goal was to capture mosul which it did last week, and former and current military officials have warned against the mission of conducting air strikes. >> h this cannot be the air force for the shia militias or the shia on the sunni arab fight. >> that is why perhaps the president did not announce that the president would carry out air strikes at the time. the report shows that the isis is bolstered because of the air power over iraq which allows them to march almost at will to the edge of baghdad. sean? >> thank you, jennifer. and now after the president met with the security team to discuss the growing crisis in iraq, president obama said he will send 300 military advisers to that country to support the iraqi forces, and in addition, john kerry is going to travel to the middle east and europe this weekend and now more at home, the missing e-mails at the
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center of the irs scandal. there is supposed to be a recycled lois lerner's hard drive back in 2011 crash to to make it unable for any of her e-mails to be found. >> how the administration going to find any of this missing information. ed is with us from the white hous house. >> literally the fate of iraq is hanging in the balance, president obama today edged the nation closer to a military conflict in the persian gulf, and it is classic for obama because he decided not the decide and showing the critics on the right that he is taking some military action and not u.s. air strikes, but sending in the military advisers as you mentioned and leaving the door open to air strikes if they can find the targets and gather targets and find better targets to launch against the extremists and reassure the nervous allies on the west that he is not sending the troops into direct combat and it is not going to become mission creep, but the
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president is struggling a little bit with the fact that you will remember in the 2012 campaign, he had the mantra that al qaeda is on the run, and today, he said that one reason he is taking action in iraq is because he wants to make sure that the terrorists don't get a safe haven inside of iraq, and republican leaders shot back saying that the terrorists have a safe haven and not only just in iraq, but across the middle east. >> just as all of the iraqis neighbors must respect iraq's territorial integrity all of iraq's neighbors have a vital interest in not descending into civil war or becoming a safe haven for the terrorists. >> and after the last election i said that i hoped that the president would seize this moment and take the leez lead, and here we are a year and a half later, and you look at the presidency, and you can't help but get the sense that the wheels are coming off. >> now, another reason that boehner thinks that the wheels are coming off in his words is that because today he charged that the president has not lifted one finger to got to the
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bottom of the truth involving the irs controversy and that sonl heating up on capitol hill because of the new revelation that lois lerner's e-mails went missing, because the computer crashed. i pressed jay carney, the outgoing press secretary at the last white house briefing where did the e-mails go, and he pointed out that the irs has turned over 67,000 e-mails involving lois lerner and when they did a search, there were no e-mails between lois lerner and the white house, and obviously, there could have been e-mails between lerner and the hill, and we know now that they have gone missing and a hard drive for her computer has been destroyed and new questions on the hill raised about that, sean. >> busy day in washington. as always, the recycling of the hard drive is significant, because a according to the obama administrati administration, it is likely the e-mails that may have been recoverable after the computer crash will never be found, a nd
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how convenient, and our next guest, who is a computer, pert is g is going tole the us if the claims are true and accurate and joining us is our friend luke chung, and you may remember him, but he told aus at the time that the whole obamacare website being unveiled you could have built a better website for about $1 million and i will never forget that quote. >> thank you for having me back. >> okay. let me put up here on the screen for the people at home, because this is a diagram showing the various locations of a, of documents of a server pointing to right here, the blackberry computer, and et cetera and this is going to go to my question for you, luke, for example, everybody is-foe used can on the hard drive crash and i have multiple e-mail accounts, and in the multiple e-mail accounts i can get all of the e-mails on the iphone and the ipad and two work computers a and home computer and my wife's computer, and any computer that i am using
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and why are they focussed so much on the hard drive and why do you believe they are not recoverable? >> well, it really comes down to what the policies were on preserving old data. so, yeah, maybe they lost it. maybe it was due to bad policy or bad implementation of the backups and things that they should have done with regards to the data in e-mails that you talk about in multiple devices, that means that the data is stored on the central server and whether it is on the mobile device or the laptop or the pc and whenever you connect, you will get the e-mails on there, and so it is not really saved as a master copy on the desk top. >> so you believe it is might not be recoverable, because there are federal recordkeeping agencies and you keep the e-mails and the time stamps, and the attachments that have to be preserved and the full names on the distribution lists and so to answer your question, there is the answer. they are supposed to keep them.
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>> right. i mean, that the way that you analyze this is like analyzing crashed airline jet. what were the policies and the things that they were supposed to do? are those the things that you are supposed to do and maybe the policies are wrong or did you not implement the policies correctly? it is my understanding that they had a i-month backup retention policy at the irs. >> in this day and age and sort of like the website when we had you back on in the day when the website was unveiled and what a disaster it was four years, $600 million spent on this thing and they can't get it right. i am trying to -- why do i know that every e-mail i probably sent in the last ten years is probably recoverable, but not lois lerner and not in the important period and how convenient, right? >> well, it sounds like the e-mail should be recoverable, but what is not is the other files on the hard drive on the desk and spread sheets and documents may have the only copies and the other areas to be
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explored is that she may have sent e-mails on the platforms that were not the government's system. >> and they can't build a website so that they will find out who she wrote and check their servers and the deletions is one big mess. i wish, luke, you did build healthcare.g >> thank you for having me back. >> and now, looking at the developing irs e-mail scandal and the house oversight congressman evan chaffetz, what if i said, hey, guys, i came to the irs and i said, hey, i lost the receipts and i did not keep the tax returns for that year and the dog ate my receipt and the tax returnings would that fly with them? >> it does not pass the basic sniff test the. of course not, sean, they would go after you. that is no excuse. i want to know why the irs commissioner who appeared before the committee on the 26th of
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april this year when asked about the e-mails said they were taken off and put on servers and he said that they do have those e-mails and raised his hand under oath, and the only reason they were not there is because they were extracting the 6103 and he confirmed that they had them, and was he lying to the congress at this point? we have a lot of question fs fo him. >> well, that is interesting and let's go through the time line of this. in march of 2010, the targeting of the conservative groups begin and those with the name conservative and 9/12 project, and the tea party and those group groups were targeted and august of 2013, the committee chair, darrell issa subpoenaed the e-mails and february 2014, the irs knew at this time that the e-mails were missing. you told me that the commissioner told you that they were backed up on the server and then they did not tell you until last friday that in fact the e-mails with were gone, but if
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they knew in fibware and you had subpoenaed them so long ago didn't they have an obligation to tell the committee that we don't believe that we can e retrieve the e-mails? >> absolutely true. from the of sight committee, 13 months ago we are asking for the information and then we have them before the committee in march of this year, this year, and he confirms that they do have them, and they are stored on servers, and how is it, sean, that the president of the united states says h is goe is going t to the bottom of this and goes on the "bill o'reilly show" and says there is no smidgeon of corruption here. not a smidgeon of corruption. >> not a smidgeon. and so we have a video of lois lerner saying that everybody is presses suring the irs prior to the 2010 elections, and let me play this for you and you tell us why this is important to the audience. >> and so in the flow of
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overturning 100-year-old precedent of drastically changing corporations could give -- because they don't like it -- -- so everybody is screaming at us and saying, look at how much these people are spending. >> congressman, the key is everybody is up in arms because they don't like it and then goes on they want the irs to fix the problem. what do you think happened and how do we get to bottom of this considering that this e reminds me of watergate 18:30 gap in the
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tape here. >> and it is not just lois lerner, but the chief of the staff and the irs commissioner, and a host of other people, and those two are conveniently also missing. the white house will say, well, we gave them tens of thousands of documents, but those are not the ones that we necessarily asked for. so you have to understand, do we have 100% of the documents or do we not? this is a recurring theme from "fast and furious" and radon down to benghazi and now no the irs, it is the same basic drum beat to try to play out the clock, but darrell issa is tenacious, and he has issued a second set of subpoenas and the hardware on this and we will bring in the geex and the nerds and if you want to get to the nerds, bring up the 26-year-old who is the i.t. administrator in charge of that and we will bring him or her before congress to find out what happened, but we are not letting go of this. we have to get to the truth. >> are you convinced that it was done on purpose or convinced
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that there is a cover-up or that the e-mails were erased? >> when we asked as the united states congress for these documents 13 months ago and if they had come to us 13 months later and said we can't find them, but when it is more than a year later and the irs commissioner comes and i personally ask him under oath what is going on with those e-mails and he says that we have them, and you will get them, and they are on servers, was he lying to us? he was under oath, sean, and we have to get to the truth. >> all right. congressman, thank you on this busy news night on "hannity" and comi coming up next tonight. >> it is not just iraq, but it is a whole pattern of the behavior over the last six year s that has refused to recognize that there is a war on terror. >> strong words from former vice president dick cheney and kentucky senator rand paul is here with reaction next. and then get ready for the heated hannity showdown between brigette gabriel and assad al
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it is not just iraq, but a whole pattern of behavior over the last six years that has refused to recognize that there is a war on terror, and that we have to move aggressively to deal with that and this administration has repeatedly demonstrated that they don't believe it. >> well, that is former vice president dick cheney slamming the obama administration for the failure to acknowledge that we have been and continue to be in a global war on terrorism. here to respond to this and much more is kentucky senator ranld paul, and senator, how are you? >> fine, thank you, sean, for having me. >> do you agree with what the exvice president had to say there? is. >> well, he has a point, and the obama administration has downplayed ongoing threat of terrorism, and said that five taliban they released are no threat to americans, and so we agree in a sense, but where we may partways is that it is terrorism is worse, because it is not a vacuum that came out of iraq as a result of the war.
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and so really the middle east is less stable since the iraq war and really when we had the before the iraq war, you had somewhat of a standoff between the sunnis in iraq and the shiites in iran and now iran is somewhat emboldened and with the vacuum in iraq, everybody is floating into the vacuum of war. >> and let me just say that we know that the surge worked and there was stability and the v violence down to the lower point than before when the war started and democracy imperfect, but an ally of the united states of america, and the person who pulled is out the president, and george bush warned about it, and he said you cannot pull out too early and you to provide the intelligence and you have to provide the training and if we continue the do that the stability will remain. >> but the one argument on the other side is that the iraqi government maliki said no to u.s. forces. the other thing that i would say is that ultimately for the country to survive, they have to want to survive and be willing to put their lives on the line.
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the fact that they ran to the tune of thousands of soldiers running, i just can't see putting the american gis in to defendes kis won't stand up to defend it. >> well, this is a decision that the americans made, because when they left literally the intelligence was shutoff, and that is where the battle of the insurgency began. if they had good intelligence, the iraqis were doing the fighting themselves a at that point, and at that point, america just cut and run before they got the job done and you don't agree with that? you don't agree with that? >> well, maliki has been an ineffectual leader and by creating a solely shiite government, and he put the shiite soldiers in mosul and when push came to shove the shiite soldiers ran because it is a predominant sunni area, and maliki is ineffective leader, and he is the one who said that
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he didn't want u.s. troops and we could not stay. >> i would say that the president was so married politically to the idea to pull the troops out regardless of the timing that it resulted in the loss of all of the gains and the sacrifice that we had before. you would not agree with that? >> well, the whole chaos of the whole e region came out of the iraq war and before the iraq wafr, there was actually more stability than now, and i would say that where i really blame the president is that he has been arming the radical islamic rebels in syria, and part of the fighting force has been allied with the people that we are arming in syria, and so there are great contradictions that abound, sean. it is hard for me to imagine american soldiers fighting alongside iranian soldier s s i iraq. i can't fathom that. >> well, that is some john kerry madness in my view. and here is the question, if rand paul were president of the united states, what would rand paul do right now? would you allow air strikes or
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send in the soldiers and the president said 300 people, et cetera, and would you support that? >> i would follow the constitution, and the constitution says that congress should vote on go g ing to war,d that there should be congressional authorization. >> what would you say -- >> i don't believe that the authorization is essential without the consent of the american people. >> what would you ask for if you were president? >> i would in no way, shape, form, put american troops into that mess. i do not want them fighting alongside iranian troops. >> air strikes? >> i have not ruled them out completely, but what i would say to air strikes, they are a form of war and if we have to get into the middle we have to know what we are doing, and what is the goal and congress should vote on, because that is what the constitution says. >> i agree with that completely. one last question about lois lerner and the e-mails and in this day and age, i'm a little perplexed that the republicans are fixated on a hard drive when any e-mail that i can access it
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from my iphone, and my ipad and my home computer and other work computer, and shouldn't we be looking at the servers and looking elsewhere? do you believe that the e-mail s are really lost or lied to and the cover-up is engaged here? >> well, here is the thing, maybe instead of asking the irs for that, we should ask the ns, and they seem to have everybody else's e-mail and certainly they have lois lerner's. >> and maybe snowden has access to it. who knows. but you think that we are being lied to and manipulated? >> well, it is appall iing me tt we are paying her. she is in paid retirement and it appall appalls me and she should be prosecuted if all of this is true, and yes, i think that there is a way to get the e-mail, and my guess is that we are being stonewalled. >> thank you, senator. appreciate it, and coming up next right here on "hannity." >> instead of standing up to say a question or asking something about our four americans that died and what our government is doing to correct the problem,
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you sit there to make a point about peaceful moderate muslims. >> all right. the heated exchange of the danger of radical islam that everybody is talking about. and the two women who went head-to-head on the topic. they are up next for an exclusive debate that you will only see here on "hannity." and then later security concerns about the world soccer cup in
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welcome back to "hannity" and a panel hosted by heritage monday,bry jeet gabe ri yat grio a heated exchange. >> i nknow that we defend islam but there are million followers of islam, and we have 8 million americans in this country and i don't see them represented here. >> since you are the only muslim representative here, you took the limelight and instead of speaking of the government -- i assume that you are an american? so you are an american citizen and in here instead of standing up to say a question or asking something about our four americans that died and what the government is going to do to correct the problem, you stood there to make a point about peaceful moderate muslims.
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>> and to join me in that discussion and heated exchange is the lobbyist as well asbry jeet gabriel. and let me start with you, because this is supposed to be about four dead americans and benghazi and you got the microphone and you talked about the treatment of muslims in america and why focus there and not on what the forum was about? >> well, the forum was talking about islamic jihadist and i asked the question about islam and i did not see how it was relevant and it was directly related to what the panel was about. >> brigette? >> well, they were talking about the attack on benghazi and the four dead americans and what the government is doing or not doing about it to get to the bottom of the problem. the whole symposium was about benghazi, and -- >> and who killed them. >> and she took the limelight and instead of standing up as an
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american and caring how four fellow americans are dead and asking something about what we can do to hold the government accountable and the whole panel was about accountability, and she took the limelight to take a question that was completely not discussed out of the blue and she might as well be asking why we are wearing green today. >> and so, now, let me ask a question, because i have brought up in this program that i make a distinction between radicalism and islam, but i find that the voices of moderate muslims are that almost deafening at points taking on what i would regard as the hijacking of a religion. you see the radicalism all around and women's life under shariah to be forced to cover themselves and you need four eyewitnesses for rain and in saudi arabia you cannot drive, and the morality police, and i don't hear the criticism of the moderate muslims and why? >> well, i'm a muslim american, and i'm wearing the head scarf,
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and nobody is forcing me to wear it. i can wear what i want in america. >> and women are not given the choice and there is not a lot of criticism about the radicalism, and the hijacking of religion? >> well, i mean, i'm not being forced as a woman to wear the head scarf and there is nobody and even when i go back and even if pakistan i never covered over there, and i started when i came to the states. >> tell that to the women in saudi arabia or other shariah states, because they are forcd d and they are not allowed to go the school or work. >> well, nobody should be telling the women what to wear. if somebody wants to wear the head scarf or don't, it is their choice. >> will you speak out against the shariah as it is implemented? >> i am not speaking out, but i am defending my right to wear the head scarf. i am asking you about the women who are forced to wear it, and we talk about the women's rights in america and the war on that
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every political cycle so will you speak out of those in your religion that force women to cover and force women to stay home and can't drive and force women that they cannot be seen in public with men they are not related to, and you are not going to speak up for those women's rights? >> well, i think that every country has their own traditions and laws and culture, and here in america, like, you know, i don't think that -- >> you think that those customs are wrong in the name of religion that you are forcing and treating women that way? >> there are rights and wrong customs everywhere. >> what i described to you wrong? simple question, is what i deskrib described to you wrong? >> i would not feel comfortable. if i were in afghanistan, i would not feel comfortable going out by myself. i would want somebody around me. >> to you feel that women who are in some countries need four eyewitnesses to prove rain, will you at least speak out against
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that? >> well -- yeah. rape is horrible. >> so under shariah law that is wrong? >> well, it does not reire you to prove adultery but you need four witnesses. >> and women are stoned to death under shariah, and so are homosexu homosexuals. >> and sean, bad things happen around the world. >> well, this is happening in your religion, and this is your religion and i have every belief that you are moderate in your personal views, but it is happening in the name of your religion and if it were catholic that is happening out like the sex scandal that broke out, i said it is intolerable and will you speak out? >> yes, of course. >> let me hear you speak out. >> well, i am speaking out. i'm against some of the barbaric
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practices around the world and islam has been misused by many people. >> so we have the leave it there. and now nshnow, in a shocking c over the use of the washington nfl team use's -- team's use, nfl team use's -- team's use, and also storming the world c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! ♪ in life, there are things you want to touch, and some you just don't.
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redskins' team players, and you know they lost the patent, because of the team name is offensive, and hypocrisy or not? >> well, from 2008? >> yes. >> and people back then were not thinking about it the same way they are thinking about it, and it happens oftentimes that people will raise aware neness about it, and in to 2008, i was not particularly aware of it and now i have been made aware of it by many native americans who call it offensive and akin to the n-word and so obama was where everybody else was at that time. >> and how about gay marriage, for it, against it, for it? just checking. >> the naacp started to crackdown on these mascots and the chippewas are there with central michigan and the seminoles with florida, because they worked with the tribes the use them, but a lot of them fell
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by the wayside, so it was out there, but the redskins, it is a point of pride for the redskins and anybody who is a fan, it represents courage, and that is why it is okay and people are okay with it. >> it is interesting that you say that, because i lived in atlanta when the atlanta braves were on fire, and even jane fonda was doing the tomahawk chop. >> and she caught a lot of crap for it. >> and i will have to tell you that i interviewed many native americans and with one or two exceptions, it was not a problem at all. >> well, is it a problem for a lot of them. >> from 2008 and that means 77 years where the redskins had the name which was not a problem as opposed to the 85th year, and you are characterizing it accurately, one tribe that got momentum with it, and harry reid is stopping everything on the senate floor to say it is go g ing to have to change, a as if we don't have a economy flopping and problem in the middle east. and now with a 2 to the 1 margin, they have decided that the redskins can not hold up to
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the patent. >> and doesn't it seem like lois lerner that nobody lied and allowed the free money into the elections and they were being pr pressured they wanted the irs to do something about it. >> well, the government should not get involved with this, and the patent office should not do what they should. >> and check it, kirsten powers. >> well, it is something that the market will sort out and enough pressure on the redskins at some point that they will decide what they want to change it. >> and they have had to write a letter about it, and they don't have something better to do with the time. >> and this is another point that 2008 and the times have changed, et cetera, and i understand the shifting opinions of the times, but if you tell me and i have a irish seven-course meal is a six pack and a potato, i'm still going to laugh. >> and it is true. >> and that is still very funny. >> that is a good lunch. >>ly add though that i think that the name the redskins' name will go away eventually being a
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lifelong redskins' fan, i will say that because it is the trend. >> the only reason why dagan, because if they lose the trademark that is how they make the money. and brithe company can make mor money. >> that revenue is shared among the nfl team, and he is stubborn and eventually, it is going to disappear though. >> and it is a tribute to keep the names of the tribes alive and i live in massaquoi drive, and do i have to change it to academy drive? >> well, where the atlanta braves go, and the kansas city chiefs go, and the blackhawks go, and i mean, it is going to to be more. >> and it is not the same thing as redskins. >> well, can i say that. >> and they used to be the
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indians, but not anymore. >> and you have an encyclopedic knowledge on the history there. >> well, i have a lot of time on my hands. >> and they said, can we call you indians? yes. and call you american indians and 90% of the american indians were not offended by the redskins' name, and it was not intended to offend except for elizabeth warren who is entitled to offend. >> you are on the game tonight. and up early. and come up u you will meet the oklahoma tea party candidate who is up next to explain why he has already snagged let's see mark levine, and governor palin and ted cruz's endorsement ahead of tuesday's big primary, and that how are things with the new guy? all we do is go out to dinner. that's it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great...what? he's using you.
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he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. so he's just racking up points with me. some people... ugh! no, i've got it. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual fee. to apply, go to how can a tablet replace your laptop? start with the best writing experience.
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joining us on the program is our guest who has been blessed by the conservativism bar. >> well sh, we are continuing t fight against the establishment that has more spending and more debt. i am excited to have their endorsement. >> if you got to washington and who would you model after? ted cruz is a big endorsement, but some people, the establishment doesn't like him at all and they hate him and i am saying that he is the guy who is stick big the promises? >> well, sean, what everybody agrees is that we can't continue to go down the path that we are on, and if we continue like we are, we are the first generation of americans to allow our kids and grand kids to inherit a lower standard of living and that is not acceptable from the greatest nation in the history of the world and so what we have to be focused on is reducing the
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debt. while i was speaker of the house, i said no to all debt and that what we need to do in the united states of america. we won't get out of debt if we continue to borrow. we have to stop the borrow and stop being slaves to china through the borrowing and keep the one of the things is how democrats play the race card against conservatives drives me nuts. why do you think they can get away with it? >> we're the party of ideas so let's face i conservatives have our own challenge wez like to think our addictions aren't as bad as the other guy's. we've got republicans just as addicted to the federal dough, interested in driving up more debt and more spending. we saw some of the results just a couple weeks ago. i think people are fed up with the status quo. we should be focused on the
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national debt, getting back to a balanced budget. that is what we should be talking about. >> then, what is your position? what would you do in iraq today? >> what we need to do, sean, is make sure we're supporting the number one democracy in that region, israel the problem with iraq, there are many, but the main problem is people around the world no longer trust america's resolve to get things done because of this president. and a congress allowed him to get away with it. we've got a generation of people that don't believe america's resolve is as strong as it can be. what we've got to do is restore america's rightful place in the world. we do that by electing conservatives we need to listen to our generals to decide what is our real interest there.
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>> do you think we should pull out early because of the sacrifice lost there? >> we pulled out without a claim we can't create more instability in the middle east. i think this president has been a big part of that. not only just with this issue. look at what we've done on the entire military, reducing troops and spending we've seen a disarming of america. when i traveled around oklahoma to talk about this, defense is one of the most-important reasons why governments are created and we seem to have forgotten that instates of amer washington, d.c. we need to return our military. the world is a safer place when america is strong. >> gw, we'll be watching closely. thank you for being back with us >> appreciate it. >> thank you >> coming up the most heart
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if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. welcome back to hannity. time for video of the day. today's moving medal of honor ceremony took place at the white house where kyle carpenter received the nation's highest military honor. >> they were manning a roof top position on the perimeter when the enemy initiated with hand grenades. without hesitation, with disregard for his own safety, he moved towards the grenade in an attempt to shield his fellow marines from the deadly blast.
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when the grenade dead onyated his body absorbed the blast, severely wounding him but saving the live of his fellow marine. by his unwaivering devotion to duty, lance corporal carpenter upheld the highest traditions of the marine corps and the united states naval service. >> we thank lance corporal carpenter for service and being an inspiration. great programming note. hope you'll tune in tomorrow night for the entire hour, experts, pundits are going to
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discuss radical muslims on the march and the deadly consequences this can have for us here at home. set your recorder to record this is a fox news alert. president obama sending 300 americans to iraq. he calls them military advisors but they are going right into a danger zone, a country in chaos. and tonight many say president obama is the reason iraq is a disaster. >> and with terrorists marching towards baghdad, we have asked the president for a strategy. [explosion] >> this is about counter terrorism and this is about the future security of the united states. >> we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action. >> until the leaders of our government stop making these bad choices, we will continue to be left with bad
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