tv The Kelly File FOX News June 20, 2014 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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the spin stops here because we're always looking out for you. developing tonight, the irs commissioner faces a grilling on capitol hill, leading to new and troubling questions this evening. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody. i'm martha mccallum in for megyn kelly. earlier, irs commissioner john koscanen faced a group that said they've been misled by his agency. lawmakers asking why it took more than a year for them to find out that the e-mails from the woman at the heart of this scandal appeared to have vanished quite some time ago, and that her hard drives have been "recycled, losing the exact
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e-mails that they were seeking." straight, right? here are some of the most heated moments from today's hearing. >> what i didn't hear in that was an apology to this committee. >> i don't think an apology is owed. there is not a single e-mail that has been lost since the start of this investigation. >> nobody believes you. >> monday, our investigators asked your agency whether any other hard drives crash and we learned that six other hard drives of the people we're investigating were involved. you didn't tell us that. >> we told you on monday. >> on monday. >> and what did you do -- >> because we asked you. you are the internal revenue service. you can reach into the lives of hard working taxpayers and with a phone call, an e-mail, or a letter, you can turn their lives upside down. you ask taxpayers to hand us seven years of their personal tax information in case they're ever audited, and you can't keep six months worth of employee e-mails? i don't believe you.
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this is incredible. >> i have a long career. that's the first time anybody has said they don't believe me. >> i don't believe you. >> that's fine. >> being forthcoming is to say -- you know what, investigators, congress who's investigating this -- >> will you let him answer the question? >> i didn't ask him a question. >> mr. ryan tried to lead the impression that only by being asked did we reveal the information about the hard drive crash. i would reiterate. the information about the hard drive crash is in the e-mails that you and your staff have had for some time. >> there's just no credibility. this is amazingly awful. this is absolutely awful. this is not partisan. this is just americans frustrated. with an arrogance of an agency that is above the law in their opinion. >> why should anyone believe you? the irs denied for two years targeting of americans based on the political believes. that wasn't the truth. they said it was a few rogue agents in cincinnati.
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that wasn't the truth. you said you were targeting liberal organizations. that wasn't the truth. then you assured us you would provide us all the e-mails in may, and that wasn't the truth. and today, you're telling us out of thousands of irs computers, the one that lost the e-mails was the person of interest in an ongoing congressional investigation. and that is not the truth either. this is the most corrupt and deceitful irs in history. >> that was ken brady, republican of the house ways and means committee. one of his constituents was among those alleged by targeted by the irs, waited for years to get an answer from the irs about tax exempt status, and was from a small town just trying to have their voices heard. good to have you here, congressman, welcome. >> thank you, martha. >> you know, here's the thing. today was troubling on many
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levels, obviously. but what the problem appears to be is that where do you go from here? what's the backstop? where's the resource? if the department of justice is not willing to take it seriously and to make sure that this hard drive is investigated for potential criminal charges of destroys evidence, how are you going to get anywhere in this entire investigation? >> you know, we're going to have to continue to do what we have been doing, which is continuing to dig and dig and dig. use every tool we've got to try to get the information. we obviously want to use our technology experts to determine if what the irs is saying is true. what we know from the commissioner today was, one, he withheld key information for months from this congressional investigation. two, he misled the committee again by saying that he delivered all the learner e-mails. clearly -- and he knew at the time he could not do that. and so we've got continued
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uphill battle because they're stone walling. >> it seems to me, if congress is investigating your agency and you know that the e-mails that they specifically are looking for no longer exist, that they've been crashed, what is a normal reaction to that to say look, i'm concerned about this. i just took over in this job heading this agency. i want you all to know that there's a technical problem that's going to sound very fishy when it comes out, but this is what happened. why do you think that never happened? >> it is unbelievable, because that's what everyone in america would have done. they knew in february they had a problem. the commissioner confirmed in march that they knew it was real. they discussed it with treasury the next month. who urged them to communicate to congress. then they said we will deliver all the e-mails knowing it wasn't possible. >> they said we've got them, they're forthcoming, we're going to give them to you after they've been made aware that that entire hard drive had
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crashed. it belies credibility, frankly. but i do want to have you listen to this sound byte from the white house spokesman who spoke today, joran ernest. here's what he has to say to you and your colleagues. >> there's zero evidence to support republican claims. and that's even -- again, these are investigations that have a pretty transparent political motive. so i'm not sure that there's a whole lot more to be discovered here. >> he says there's nothing there. >> they've been saying that since day one because they don't want anything discovered. this is the same white house that told us this was a few rogue agents in cincinnati. that was disproved within two weeks. then they claim that liberals and conservative organizations were targeted. that was disproved within the month. and so they have no credibility either. i guess what's frustrating is to have the commissioner of the irs
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say repeatedly that no e-mails have been lost since an investigation started, knowing that the targeting began before the investigation. those are the e-mails we're seeking and we've already, from what we've dug up, developed at least three credible, convincing areas of evidence that violations have occurred. >> it would be interesting to know what the president thinks about this. having said during the investigation that he already knew that there was not a smidgen of corruption. it would be interesting to hear what he says about the testimony about these hartford drives. maybe we will find out. thank you very much. good to see you here tonight, congressman. >> thank you, martha. today, both the irs commissioner and the white house said there is no need for a special prosecutor. they said it would be a waste of people's time and a waste of people's money when it comes to this scandal. jay christian adams is a former justice department attorney and legal editor of pj media. good to have you here tonight, welcome.
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>> hi, martha. >> so you're not surprised, i would imagine, that they think that would be a waste of time. >> of course not. this is a federal government that is completely out of control. we saw it today in the hearing. look, the only thing more frightening than an irs that is targeting people because of their believes is one that can't tell the truth about it. can't even apologize about it. the reason that these e-mails probably vanished is because what they said. i used to work in the justice department. it's completely laughable that lois lernor's hard drive was the only location of these hard drives. they're on the servers being backed up daily. it's so farfetched what this government is telling people about its abuse of power that even democrats should take notice. >> i think it's important to go back to this. citizens united was handed down by the supreme court. there was obvious consternation on the part of the president, on the part of senate democrats, who in some cases actually
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approached the irs and said look, you better look into these groups because they were very concerned that these groups were going to be a force, that they were going to be a political force, a monetary force when it came to the election. but these cases, in most cases, just small, grass roots organizations that were cropping up in states across the country. and their voices were stifled by this. and now, it feel es like the fos is -- you heard from josh earnest, move on, we sent 750,000 e-mails. >> martha, the entire irs scandal flows to citizens united. everything you need to know about it starts with a citizens united supreme court decision. the white house's hostility to free speech and how they were looking for ways to attack organizations. it is totally, completely incredible that the white house was not involved in this. you have people at the white house being visited by irs people. you have academics who are speech regulators coming to the white house. you have all the groups who hate
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free speech lobbying the white house to do something. and then guess what happens, the irs starts targeting conservative groups. you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what they were up to. >> jay christian, good to have you with us tonight. we'll see you soon.. christian, you with us tonight. we'll see you soon. breaking news on the crisis on our southern border. have you seen the images of what is going on? new details on where the federal government is now flying six planes, six commercial airlines have flown illegal immigrants to other parts of the country because it got too crowded down there. that story is next. plus, a new free speech fight and how it goes back to hillary clinton, when we come back. >> he took a lie detector test. i had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in destroyed my faith in polygraphs.
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first place. but state lawmakers are not buying it because federal laws allow the illegals to be let go if they're not deemed dangerous. the news comes as we're getting new video tonight of the beast, which is a train some half million immigrants hop aboard illegally to get to the united states. that's pretty much how it works. tucker carlson is the editor-in-chief of the daily caller and co-host of "fox and friends weekend." the administration says tonight that they're cracking down on it. joe biden has gone to guatemala to say no mas, this is done. no coming. you've got the wrong impression when you thought you could come over and stay. not true. >> well, the pictures are horrifying and this is profoundly unpopular with the public, so this is a necessary public relations response, but it's nothing more than that. two things, for one, the federal government has been moving immigrants around the country to various pockets for many years. i mean, this is like a long standing thing most people are
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not aware of unless you live in one of those communities. b, at least half of them will stay with federal permission. tens and tens of thousands will stay. any claims to the contrary are totally false. about half of them are getting court dates which will allow them residency to the united states. it's not like they're going to be deported. they're not. >> i think a lot of people are not aware of the fact that it gets too crowded at the border and it wouldn't be fair if the assumption to the communities across the border if they didn't put people on planes and move into other places. it's mind boggling really when you think about it. >> that they be relocated within the country. there are a bunch of scandals here. >> once you're on a plane, if you're here illegally, wouldn't you head in the other direction and go back? >> this is a diplomatic crisis, among others. it's a humanitarian crisis. but it's also a problem with diplomacy. the vice president is down in central america. we are giving $100 million, a
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little less, $93 million to guatemala and honduras for i'm not sure what. it's a shakedown. they're saying, look, in exchange for getting a hold of this immigration out of our countries, we want tens of millions of dollars from you and we're demanding -- that's the word they used, we are demanding that you will allow these immigrants to stay in your country. from what position are they demanding anything? the presidents of these corrupt countries. >> they have leverage that is unapparent. >> but what would it take for the united states to say no, actually, you are going to take back your citizens who have come here illegally, and in some cases in desperate circumstances, and we're going to send them back and you're going to take them. why is that so hard? >> you can't help obviously but feel for these children -- >> of course. >> who are in these rooms. you know, just being held by their moms in most cases. some of them, their parents aren't even with them. they're being shuttled from room to room. many of them are coming from desperate situations and they've gotten the message. you know, we can go now. it's going to be okay. i'm wondering if once they get
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the message that the door is closing, we're not going to see that backfire, that you'll see a flood of people trying to get in before the door actually closes. >> that's why they're here in the first place because they read the president's statements loud and clear. we're not going to send you back if you're a minor. it's baffling to me as someone who grew up on the border why we spend all this time focused on the middle east and the peace process, billions of dollars trying to facilitate that, and yet latin america is collapsing. there's and this is the fruit of that, these refugees. it seems to me useful to pay some attention to the region maybe. >> the white house says this has nothing to do with the dream act. they said, to say that is false. that it has to do with a rumor basically that has been floating around in guatemala. >> i thinks the an internet video that spurred this. >> don't go there. >> i mean, that's ludicrous. >> it was a rumor. they said that today. >> i'm sure, you know, smugglers, coyotes are taking advantage of this perception.
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but the fact is the president created the impression intentionally. he said we're a compassionate nation, we're not going to send them back. he sees all of them as potential voters and when they become citizens they will become democratic voters. they're increasing their voter base. you can judge whether that's moral or not, but that's exactly what's going on. and claims to the contrary are totally disingenuous. >> tucker carlson, ladies and gentlemen. >> oh, martha mccallum! >> good to see you. thanks for being here tonight. tonight, a number of media outlets are ready to take a stand in the redskins' team name controversy. what they have decided to do about this. wait until you hear this. jim gray weighs in next. >> i didn't call muhammad ali cassius clay. i didn't call kareem abdul-jabbar lew alcindor. as long as they're the redskins, as long as they're the redskins, that's what i'm going to do. i spent my entire childhood seeing the world in reverse,
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radio announcer: it's mattrebulldog:unters that cloud reminds me of... radio announcer: a queen size serta pillow top mattress... bulldog: that's it! radio announcer: now on sale for just $597. bulldog: that's a ringer of a deal! radio announcer: the 4th of july sale is on now. bulldog: hey! where's everyone going?
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welcome back, everybody. new developments tonight in the washington redskins controversy. now a growing number of media outlets and journalists are calling the word redskins derogatory, and they are vowing that they will not use that name in their reporting anymore. they're going to call them the washington team, i guess. the football team. jim gray is a sports analyst and a fox news contributor. jim, welcome, great to have you with us here tonight. >> thanks, martha, good to see you. >> what do you think of this? you're a longtime sports reporter. what are you going to call them? >> i'm going to call them the washington redskins, as you saw in the tease, until they change their name, or until they want
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to be called something different, or until the people i work for tell me differently. this controversy has been going on for quite some time. goes back a number of years. and, you know, the fans of the redskins and the polling that they have done, the redskins team, the focus groups they have taken, the ap shows that there just isn't a very large number of people who care to see the name changed. in fact, internal pollings over 90%. the next is over 80%. so they're not going to change the name. it's just not going to happen. congress is involved. i know people are offended and upset and some consider it a racial slur and you have to take their feelings into account and the organization said they would, but that's not going to lead to a name change as of yet. >> i think one of the things at the heart of this is the business question. you know, you have a business, you run your business, you get a patent for that business. and it's a name. and you have the right to run your business, and if people don't like your business, they don't show up. they don't buy your product,
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they don't go to your games. and that's the way the market in most people's minds is supposed to work. not a decree that comes down from congress that says you're being unkind and you need to change the way you're doing your business. >> i agree wholeheartedly with that. if people don't want to go, they don't buy tickets. the redskins have a very diverse crowd. they have a season ticket waiting list that is one of the longest in the national football league. they're constantly sold out. their merchandise sells. i don't think there's going to be an economic problem. they've had this problem before with their trademark. they won it on appeal. i spoke to bruce allen, the president just before we went on the air of the redskins. he feels very confident that they will win this appeal this time. and he wants to be judged on the intent of all of this and where they are going forward. their hearts and their heads and their commitment to the native american community. they're going to visit 30 states with reservations and he says there is a long-term commitment to native americans and that this is a badge of honor and a
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source of pride and they're not changing the team's name. >> how much of this do you think -- on the part of the nfl and the football teams, is that they don't want congress to get involved? they've had run-ins with congress on other issues. the concussion issue. you know, performance-enhancing drugs. all of that. and this is a marker for them, that they not give in on this issue. do you think that's part of it? >> well, i don't think that they want congress being involved in their business period. so the longer this is a distraction and the more that this gains steam, i'm sure that the national football league, the other owners and the commissioner and everybody involved would like to see this go away. the commissioner has spoken out about this. he's been -- he has taken into account the feelings of the native americans who don't like this, as has dan snider, as have a number of people involved in the national football league.yde a number of people involved in the national football league. but they don't think it rises to this level. it's kind of interesting, i found this out today and i was unaware of this.
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did you know the choctaw tribe and the native word for oklahoma means "red people." are all of these people in congress and senators standing up and demanding that oklahoma change the name of their state? i mean, it means red people. we don't call california black people, red people, purple people, any of that. where's the outrage for that? >> maybe that's the next thing. maybe there will be a moment to change the name of oklahoma. you might have started it right here. jim, thank you very much. we all learned something tonight. >> thanks, martha. >> see you next time. so it's been a week really of bombshell after bombshell in this irs targeting scandal. so many people scratching their heads saying, boy, would i ever get away with something like this if my hard drive didn't work and the irs wanted information? just ahead, our guest says this is just the latest he believes in a long line of government deceptions with no real accountability. plus, a new free speech fight that is linked to hillary clinton.
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their reporters published a scathing story about hillary clinton. trace gallagher explains this story from our west coast newsroom. good evening, trace. >> good evening, martha. at that time, hillary clinton was 27 and at the request of a friend, she defended a man for raping a 12-year-old girl. she got his first-degree rape charge greatly reduced by finding a loophole in the system to discredit the evidence and by attacking the victim, writing in a court affidavit quoting here, if i have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing that she has in the past made false claims about persons claiming they had attacked her body. well, in the 1980s, hillary clinton gave an interview to esquire magazine for an article that never ran, where she indicated that she knew her client was guilty and when she described her tactics, you could hear her laugh. listen to this. >> this guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old who was the
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daughter of the family he was living with. of course, he claimed that he didn't. all this stuff. he took a lie detector test. i had him polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polly grandfathers. >> the 12-year-old victim, now 52, has heard those tapes and read the affidavit. she claims hillary clinton put her through hell, telling the daily beast, quoting here, i would say you took a case of mine in '75, you lied on me. i realize the truth now, the heart of what you've done to me. and you are supposed to be for women? you call that being for women? what you done to me? and i hear you on the tape laughing. well, the tapes had never been heard until now, but the case came up during her last presidential run when her chief campaign strategist howard wolfson said, "as an attorney and an officer of the court, she had an ethical and legal obligation to defend him to the fullest extent of the law." critics say defending a child rapist is one thing, bragging about securing his release is
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another. martha? >> i think everybody understands the legal duty that is involved with her as an attorney representing her client and they can make what they will of the other comments that you just shared with us, trace. thank you very much. joining me now with reaction to this is kirsten powers, and chris stirewalt. good evening to you both. >> good evening. >> i want to focus on this whole issue of the arkansas library. the arkansas university library, which banned this washington free beacon reporter because he used their information to write his story. kirsten, what do you think of that part of this? >> oh, well, it's terrible. obviously. you can't have a situation where you have a university, which is supposed to be a place of learning and finding information, saying that you can't have access to facts,
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which i think universities should be interested in. because you have done something to somebody that we are aligned with or that we are philosophically or politically or ideologically aligned with. it's completely inexcusable. i actually don't etch know how they could come up with any kind of explanation of how this would comport with the university. >> mostly through their foundation, but the clintons have given this university $415,000 over the years. so is there a conflict of interest for this dean of the library in this action? >> well, of course. and let's just remember, this is the old world versus the new world. this is the ancient world versus the new world. and the ancient world is represented by people who are deeply connected inside the state of arkansas to the former governor and former first lady, the former attorney general of that state that have their library there and still have even -- whether or not she could win in the state when she runs, i don't know. but certainly they have a lot of
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clout in that state. power structure in that state obviously adores them. the that would be good for everybody who is part of their inner circle in arkansas, so it's understandable that they'd want to do it, and they're up against the free beacon, which is a validly conservative news organization. they make no bones about that. the team over there isn't saying they're not. but they are all twitter fried and out there doing all of their stuff. it's a digital platform, new look, new kind of journalism, and the old world, the clinton world can't quite figure out what to do with that. >> i should point out that the university library says that this is an unauthorized use issue. and that the use of these audiotapes is not permitted by this organization, but it will be very interesting to see what will happen if they go back and apply for free use of all of this at the public library, which is taxpayer funded and see how the rest of that argument
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flies. that part is to be figured out as they go through this whole thing. but i want to also ask you a question about the content here, and whether or not this is old news, kirsten, or whether it is fair game to be put out there if hillary clinton decides to run for president. >> well, it's not old news. this is actually new news. and the article that was written by josh rogan at "the daily beast," i was horrified while i was reading it. it has a lot of new information. it has the victim being raped and beaten, and she was in a coma for five days. this is the person who hillary -- she got the perpetrator basically off after he had done this, and made some allegations about this woman that she claims are not true. so i think there's new information here that needs to be looked into. needs to be considered. i think this tape is new information. why is hillary sort of chuckling about this? it's a really heinous crime. >> unnerving.
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when you talk about old news, we see old news come up all the time in presidential elections. the candidates try to bat it back and say that was a long time ago. but mitt romney had a situation not similar, but an old news situation, right, chris? >> definitely. "the washington post" set a new floor for what is part of the discussion of a candidate's biography when willard m. romney's antics in michigan 40 years ago, 45 years ago, and whether a student was hazed and whether a student had his haircut and was willard m. romney part of that haircutting and was he a bully, and it really went in the newspaper. it really went in the real live newspaper. and that sort of set the new standard. if willard m. romney's high school days are part of the discussion, i'd say we're certainly in hillary clinton's legal career. >> thanks very much, you guys. chris, good to see you. kirsten, have a good weekend. we are following new
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developments in the growing crisis in iraq, and the plan to send up to 300 u.s. advisers there to try to get a handle on the situation on the ground. so just ahead, we'll talk to general tom mcinerney and pete hegsath who served in iraq and afghanistan. why they think that this move will not stop that group. ♪ i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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that what's on the inside is what really counts. agreed. ♪ this is the jeep® grand cherokee. ♪ the most awarded suv ever. well-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month. we are back, and developing tonight, there are reports of talks at the highest levels between russia and iraq this evening, as battles rage across iraq as the government-backed forces fight the al qaeda offshoot known as isis, as they try to establish an islamic nation state that stretches from syria through the better part of iraq. isis controls three major cities in iraq now, and a lot of territory in syria as well. they've also got roughly a dozen of the smaller towns as they
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march toward baghdad, which is going to be a major friction point, of course. iraq is fighting for control of the largest oil refinery. that is also at the heart of all of this. the state department confirming that the terror group has entered a chemical weapons plant that was once controlled by saddam hussein. mustard gas, sarin gas, and nerve agents could still be inside. we're going to talk about that situation, and amid this turmoil, president obama announcing that he will send up to 300 u.s. military advisers to iraq, but also urging american combat groups will not be on the ground in iraq fighting again. retired general tom mcinerney and iraq and afghanistan combat veteran pete hegseth, both very qualified to talk about this with us tonight, and both fox news contributors. gentlemen, welcome. good to have you here tonight. >> thanks, martha. >> these reports that vladimir putin picked up the phone and talked to nuri al maliki and offered him his support, this
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while the united states has sort of -- still trying to figure out what our strategy is by all reports. what do you think? >> well, he's just rubbing it right in president obama's eyes. he did it when he seized crimea. he's doing the same thing now in the eastern ukraine, and all of a sudden, he appears in iraq and working with also the iranians, and so, it is blatantly trying to be the bully and humiliate president obama. and he's doing a pretty good job of it, by the way. >> all right. what about these chemical weapons, pete? are they of a concern? >> well, a lot of them are dated. they've been there for quite some time, over a decade. and the ability to put them into weapons grade is not something these insurgents at this point are chemical of doing. when you've got chemical weapons, when you've got an oil refinery, the dam and electric capability into baghdad under siege, now you've got real capabilities that these islamists have to put pressure on the maliki regime. the question is will these 300,
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will these special operators brought in as combat advisers be given the latitude to actually fight back against isis. we've been told they won't be pulling triggers, but will they be able to call for air strikes, coordinating assets. that's a big difference between being on base and training. looks like they'll be on base. we'll see what the president allows them to do, if he really wants to effect change against these islamists marching towards baghdad. >> general, has the president articulated to your satisfaction what the goal is here? what would be considered fixing this situation, do you think? >> well, he certainly hasn't articulated what the goals are. i don't think 300 men can do anything. i strongly oppose this. all they are is going to be potential targets, either be killed in action or wounded in action, orcaptured. for that matter, there could be a green-on-blue attack for them. i see no value to put them over there. for those people that think that can turn the tide, the tide was
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turned when we left in december 2011. we handed it over to iran, whether we like it or not, and immediately maliki cleaned all the sunnis out as much as he could, and so the train has left the station. 300 special operation forces, no matter who they advise, are not going to change that, and that won't change until you get a leader in there that can reconcile the sunnis, shias, and the kurds. >> boy, you know, i've heard a lot of that today. pete hegseth, are you in the camp that says, you know, we've done enough, we've lost enough treasure on the ground in iraq, let's stay out? >> no, i'm not. because i think we've got interest there. and while the general's right that we lost this when we didn't sign the status of forces agreement when we gave up on the fight, at least at 300 is a willingness, a recognition finally from this president that he cares about something other than just ending the war. we have strategic interest in preventing a safe haven for islamists in iraq. do i think we should send
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battalions of people back in there? not necessarily, but in afghanistan right after 9/11, we showed a core group of special operators can do a heck of a lot if they're given the latitude to activate. the problem is this president will not do that because he doesn't want the complications that come with it, so he won't empower these guys. they're outnumbered. it's an underwelming number. so if this is a foot toward more effort, we can't just give away the middle between syria and iraq to islamists who seek to strike us here at home. that is what's at issue. this president isn't addressing it well, and he'd better. at least he's recognizing it's time to do something. >> gentlemen, thank you. good to see you both tonight. >> thanks, martha. a busy week of headlines coming in on the irs targeting scandal. just ahead, why our guest says that this is just the latest in a long line in his opinion of government deceptions that have no accountability in the end. we'll be right back.
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not a great day to be ahead of the irs. as you saw the tough questioning that was happening this afternoon on the hill and the claims that they lost years worth of the exact critical e-mails, the period that they need to look at, which they were told that they would have that are relevant to targeting these conservative groups. earlier, megyn shall down with ben shapiro. he's the author of a new book, "the people vs. barack obama." she asked him about the goth and accou -- government and accountability. >> good to see you. the only reason this investigation moved forward is because there was such outrage
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on both sides, democrats and republicans. now suddenly as people have stopped paying attention, the democrats are not as outraged. his irs employees are telling us so sorry, basically we lost all the evidence you need. >> i thought the best part was it said ps, this message will destruct in five seconds. the truth is that this is sort of -- it's mafia-esque organization. the obama administration and the executive branch in general have become a situation where you have basically somebody at the top who issues blanket statements and then somebody at the lower level just kind of goes ahead and does exactly what he wants. there never has to be a direct order. the president doesn't have to order lois lerner to crack down on conservative groups. all he has to do is talk about how terrible conservative groups are, and lo and behold, the irs is exactly what he wants and the president expresses outrage and they all turn into phony scandals. >> i see your point. you don't mean that the president is running a mafia. but the mob boss doesn't go up to the hit guy and say this is
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the one. he just sort of says, gee, ben's becoming a bit of a problem for me. i don't really like ben so much anymore. and before you know it -- >> exactly. will he rid me of this troublesome priest. and somebody rids him of this troublesome priest. >> you got to dumb it down for me. i went to syracuse in albany. >> there's a great movie. peter o'toole. >> i'll watch the movie. the irs is no laughing matter, because this is literally -- if they actually fail to retrieve these e-mails, god forbid they actually deleted them intentionally. but if they just did have a computer glitch and have phoned it in on trying to retrieve them, then they are not complying with their legal obligations. that is a serious matter. >> this administration never complies with its legal obligations. it uses the executive branch to go after political opponenoppon. where in trademark law does it say that a trademark that's been established over a period of
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decades, all of a sudden now it's become offensive? >> that's property right. that is taking away -- potentially trying to, somebody's property right. that's dollars and cents they're taking from a team that built up that trademark over the years. >> that's the whole design. the people that really helps who are manufacturing knockoff product in china and selling it down by the pier over here. those are the people who benefit from this. but i'm hard pressed to see how the native american population, which has a 49% dropout right before native americans reach college, i'm hard pressed to see how this helps native americans. >> the vast majority of them, according to the latest polls, don't mind that name. it's one subgroup. let me ask you this. you write in your book about media lap dogs that allow this to happen. how important is that to some of these scandals perpetuating? you know, going on without accountable in some cases. >> the problem is the media also has a very short attention span. so when george w. bush was the president, these scandals
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lasted -- ever so often president obama decides to replace one scandal with the oher. two years later, we're asking the same questions and then told, dude, that happened two years ago. literally, he said that about benghazi. whenever there's a scandal, the time goes by and we're supposed to let that go. the truth is, the policing organization here, the organization that was supposed to make sure criminality doesn't happen, is led by probably the worst criminal in the administration, eric holder, who has actually been held in contempt by congress. >> harsh words. >> he is a criminal. he's been held in contempt by congress. he doesn't care about that. he's essentially obstructed justice on multiple cases ranging from fast and furious to the doj investigation of reporters, including a fox news reporter. >> note to self, ben is not an eric holder fan. got it. all right. ben shapiro, good to see you. >> you, too. >> tell us what you think of that. go to plus, tonight on "hannity" -- >> a lot of lives have been lost
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since 9/11. >> no, a lot of lives because people like you are not standing up to the radicals. >> i am standing up. >> you are defending a convicted terrorist. you socialize with them. don't play games. we are on national television. it's about time the muslim it's about time the muslim com[ male announcer ] are your joints ready for action? osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints° so you can keep doing what you love. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. [ male announcer ] ♪ osteo bi-flex, but we're not in the business of spokespenaming names.kswagen passat is heads above the competition, the fact is, it comes standard with an engine
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thanks for joining me ton, everybody. i'm martha mccallum in for megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." have a great weekend. welcome to "hannity." tonight, we are investigating the dangerous trend of radical muslims on the march around the globe. for the entire hour, we're going to be joined by middle east and military experts, as well as pundits from both sides of the aisle. before we bring them in, here are a few disturbing examples of what we are talking about. take a look. >> iraq's biggest oil refinery has been shut down over security concerns, as islamic militants continue to capture new territory. the extremists have also posted more videos online showing gruesome acts of violence. >> the u.s., the uk, and france are all joining the effort to search f
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