tv Red Eye FOX News June 21, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye," how extreme did lou dobbs and his best broheims get in the bahamas? the footage that will show you how to properly grip it and rip it. and how does the vice president feel about two broke girls getting renewed for another season? >> it is outrageous. what in the hell are we doing? this is not show vaw niche. show. >> and are some yogurts racist? how to spot these and other bigoted foods before you buy. >> i'm andy levy filling in for greg gutfeld. let's welcome our guest.
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she is from the land of dixie famous for chicks and cups. i am here with mcdowell. and joanne nosuchunsky. and his twitter army just instraighted and moving toward the city. >> take no prisoners. >> need a haircut? get a real barber. need a gal pal? get an ellison barber. oh look, ellison barber. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> it is sports played in boxer shorts. sounds like a -- >> victory for nerds. >> yes, it soms those years -- seems those years spent drinking mountain dew and not getting laid may payoff. they are now offering
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scholarships for internet gamers. they are entering the world of e sports establishing a team to compete in the on-line game league of legends that is an actual college sport. qualified gamers can receive 50% of tuition and 50% of room and board. the athletic -- the associated athletic director said robert morris university has been at the forefront of providing opportunities for diverse student population with different interests and skills. league of legends is a competitive and challenging game requiring teamwork to be successful. you know who is more deserving of an athletic scholarship? this guy.
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>> that was amazing. >> that was pretty amazing. >> i was going to start with something else. what do you think? >> i think it is great. here is my problem with it, andy. if it was an athletic sport it will be juicing and concussions. what about concussions? these nerds will get pummeled by bullies and concussions will happen. >> that's a fair point. let the nerds do it. why not? everything else is a sport. they count women's basketball so why not? oh man! >> ellison, are gamers real athletes or should these scholarships not be considered athletic scholarships? >> they should probably not be considered scholarships. there is no physical 6 serges
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at all. in nascar -- this is not. i think they are ridiculous scholarships out there. i probably went to school on one. this, huh-uh. >> you can get gamer injuries. >> call it something else. >> kitty pie on youtube, he comments on video games, and he makes $4 million a year. twitch tv, i watch this, imagine that. but i warn you, ladies, nerds rule and they are taking over the planet. get ready for doughy love with somebody who is jacked up on red bull and smells of funyons. >> at least they are rich. >> you have a long possible history of dating athletes. will you consider dating gamers? >> if their title is athlete, then i guess i could date them. >> oj just called. he wants to know what you are doing next thursday. >> but then i wonder what else
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does it open it up for? my cousin is great at on-line gambling, on-line poker. that could be a sport and he should get money for that. a bigger issue that they are going to run into if they label this a sport is the ratio of male to female athletes. they need to be the same on campuses. i'm assuming -- i could be wrong. you know what they say about assuming. if it is more men what will they do for women? >> you are wrong. i googled this. apparently now in the gaming world it is 55% men and 45% women. it is balanced. >> you can pick the girl on the board. you can play the girl character. >> i hung out at a video game arcade in chinatown. i was getting divorced and i hated it and played ms. pac
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man all day long. >> that should have a scholarship. >> we all cope in different ways. >> have you gamers getting scholarships and a lot of real athletes like ultimate frisbie players are not. is that fair? >> the university of southern california still gives that out to the frisbie dudes. e gaming is humongous. deal with it. more people play e gaming or watch people play games on-line than baseball. if they look at them like athletes, why not? >> we are turning into a world of the o-cals. >> it is the ultimate revenge of the nerds. they are taking scholarship money that would have gone to jocks. >> they are taking over the world. look at elon musk. >> they already do. >> my question is would they want to be a part of the team because i hear these competitions you can win money. does the money go to the school and not to them
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personally? >> that's actually a good question. they have college leagues that are probably not for money. >> so never mind. >> can you be reborn after doing porn? we can't beat aol's lead for the story. they said, quote, a former porn star known as dave pounder is pounding on doors to get the necessary votes to be elected to a local school board. dave meck, his real name, is drawing gasps of disapproval in palm beach county, florida. since leaving adult films meck, who has two doctorat degrees says it makes him no less qualified than a teacher who smokes or teacher who doesn't eat right. he is suing for discrimination ordering them to take down signs advertising his tutoring services. >> i don't know how any rational school board would want to prevent a well educated and nonviolent and
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strong math tutor from access to their population. >> i believe we have a clip from one of pounder's film. a warning to viewers, it is graphic. sensitive viewers are encouraged to get closer to the tv and turn up the volume. >> was that two or three? >> that was three. they had a white bunny in two. >> they were going for more of a niche market. >> why is this dude a math tutor? nothing says like opening up a porn and that's my math tutor. it is weird, but he has the right to do it. he is an american citizen. it is a job. it is a dirty job. >> i want to live in that county going door-to-door --
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[bleep] is running for council. he is the only candidate in history to have on his website that he did not perform [bleep]. >> well you want to know that. >> you are not a porn store if you are not doing a little [bleep]. >> this changes the way i feel about him. he may get my vote. >> florida though is a mess. >> it really is. it is a complete and utter mess. >> if it was any other state i would say no, they have to stop this dude. it is florida, have fun. go work down in disney world. >> he says look at my background. i am nonviolent and have perfect credit and pay taxes and i am a business owner and volunteer at an animal shelter and taught math at college and what more do you want? what more do you want, ellison? >> this is not the american dream i don't know what is. you can be on the school board and been on porn?
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his two doctorats he has a phd and the othem florida atlantic university and it is in computer science. his other political experience is he was on his condo board for years. somehow that constitutes you having an important position in an education environment? his education background is math tutor. >> porn star and he has less than a thousand tweeter followers. >> that disqualifies him alone. >> your colleague, lou doobs x had -- lou dobbs, and fox business hired him. shouldn't dave meck have a chance to be on the school board? >> he has every right to run nor nor -- run for this office and the people have a right to vote for him or not. it is not that big of a deal though because men are not the popular people in porn. it is all about the women.
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>> i know what you like. >> i am going to pretend i don't know what you are talking about and go joanne. >> i worry that his platform or one of the things he is running on and saying he wants to do for the school is to provide more condoms, free condoms for the kids. nothing says education like safe 6. i thought porn stars hate condoms. >> and kids. >> he is a flip-flopper. >> no because he has been in favor of the condom use in l.a. >> i need to do my research. >> i'm glad you notice. >> lellison, she is suing for discrimination. they told him to take down the signs about being a math
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tutor. does he have a case? >> we know schools have a lot of discretions. it is not absurd they made him take it down. apparently they were mad because his tutoring establishment shares the same address as his porn production business. if they were uncomfortable with that, legally -- i am not actually an attorney, but i think legally they can do that. >> the parents are nervous. the parents are nervous and this guy being a 6 star or whatever he is. a sex star or whatever he is. who wants to have the conversation? >> i do. >> not with kids. >> not with my kids. >> on-line maybe. >> he directed and starred in the 2005 classic entering the student body. >> did he? >> i think he is qualified to be on the school board. he knows what he is talking about. >> you know all of these kids are googling him and looking up his had you past movies and going mom and dad, i think i need a math tutor.
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>> the parents are nervous because if they encounter him at school they are going to be -- there will be a look of recognition on their phases. >> the wives will be checking out their husbands carefully. >> and the kids may find their parents' porn out there looking for the teachers porn. it is an ugly circle. >> moving on. it is weed on wheels. they have started a cannibus delivery service. their smartphone app will connect medical marijuana dispense res getting it delivered to -- dispense res getting it delivered to their doorstep. they can buy anywhere from a gram to an ounce and select the specific strain. drivers will undergo a background check. i believe we have tape of one of the drivers.
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>> don't smoke weed, kids. don't smoke weeds. >> are your bags packed for seattle? >> this is not a big breakthrough. i will call the dude right now, get over here. they already do this -- it is not like they are coming up with a new way to sell weed. illegally they do it already. this is is society catching up with illegal methods. >> assuming they can clear any legal hurdles it is a brilliant business model. >> it is legal in the states. it is one of the legit businesses that will crop up. there are like 7,000 business applications related to marijuana in that state alone. and if you think your doctor who went to medical school is
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getting high before he is cutting you open the next morning, he is. >> everybody is smoking, man. >> particularly if you live in a state where it is legal. >> ellison you said before the show pot makes you lazy and delivery services are made for lazy shiftless people. >> i think this is a brilliant business model. i am confused bough -- because the two kids who exree 80ed -- created it are 18. you have to be 21 to drink or moke marijuana. when i was a waitress and under 21 you couldn't serve alcohol. >> they won't be driving the car. they are developing the app. >> they are way better than i was at 19. >> aren't you glad we are doing a story about pot? >> i often say i don't care, but this is something i care
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about deeply. mainly for the quote munchies is one of the options on the app. not only can you have wheat, but you can have whatever snack. i am too lazy to go to the market to get some popcorn. excuse me, can i have some grape things. >> no dorritos. >> that guy will want more funyons. >> i have to keep them happy. >> they haven't launched and they are talking about expanding to other at cities. would you invest in this company? >> yes. it will make money. >> everybody at home is like, check. >> i am already invested. a couple of dominicans. coming up, the segment on the different hours of the day.
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the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. video games? assassin's creed recently showcased its latest installment. an action adventure game that lets people be in elegant ways. but there are no female playable characters. any woman would have been too expensive because, quote, it is double the animation. it is double the voices. it was a lot of extra production work.
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previous versions of the game assassin's creed lets you play as a middle eastern and african slave. >> whoa! >> so it has raised eyebrows. they argue the problem is not that there was a sudden lack of resources. it is that playable women wasn't priority. it is that a playable woman option was as essential as reflective water and realistic muddy buildings. let's look at the just released trailer for the new assassin's creed. >> we both owned that game. >> everybody had that game. it was the worst video game ever made. >> it was great! >> when that came out in the 90s we were on it. >> it was the 80s. >> what do you make of the reason to scrap the female characters? is it bs or make sense? >> as somebody who knows
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nothing about making a video game i have on on say i have no idea. it could be a legitimate -- you are an expert on the making of video games. >> they could have made it and they chose not to. >> now you can see how the show works. >> trying to make digital boobs is hard work. you have to get a balance. it is like trying to cut your side burns even. >> laura croft, "tomb raider" that is proof there is a a market for female #*eu characters. >> larry croft. >> with "hunger games" there are no female action figures? somebody just didn't think about it because the last thing on their nerd mind is girls in the first place. hey hay, girls exist. >> the problem is it is based on killing people in elegant ways. women don't kill in an el gept way. we will take the heel of our
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shoe and stab you in the caw -- caw rod dit artery. >> antifreeze. >> poisoning is elegant, but you don't need blood squirting out of the neck, "true blood" style. you look nervous. >> joanne, would you be willing to play video games if there were more female characters? >> if my wealthy husband who is playing the video games asks me to play maybe i will. i take issue because of the conviction that the writer had while, i don't know, formulating their opinion. they said, you know, i want to see myself in the character i am playing. you shouldn't. they are murderers. why do you want to see yourself? why do you want to relate? you are still killing. discussing the morality of a
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business decision. they say this isn't -- this isn't good business to do this. the game is devoid of morality. that is the thing i don't get with the violence. i can't relate to this person. it is a video game. do you need to? >> the fact that what we touched on earlier that it is 55% men and 45% women paying, when i had an exbox we were only allowed to play games rated e. but we had this snowboarder game and i wanted to be the female character because i wanted to be one that looked like me. i can see why they wanted to get a character. >> i think they should have done a female one because it is easy to. it is not hard to do it. so just do it, but i don't know why you need to get all wrapped up in needing it. >> the freelance video game critic, i was talking to him about this. he was talking about a blog
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and it was written by somebody and she says what they don't realize is that women are a feature there. it is not about women's rights or social justice. it is about women being women. i think she has a point. in a world where a lot of girls play video games and especially from a business perspective you want to open your market to that. >> ultimately if it hurts business, they will change. the market will dictate whether they bring women into the fold or not. >> a guy who used to work for the older assassin creed games says the company's reason is complete bs. he said it would be a day or two's work. >> one for each woman. >> none of the developers are getting laid. thisy haven't been inside of a woman since their mother. >> you are making unfair stereo stereo -- stereo
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types. >> a woman will want their money. >> i i would like to apologize with all of our gamer fans. coming up, restaurant review customers? i'm sure they have had nice things to say. first a word from our sponsor. >> the c block is sponsored by the make your own glass kit. like playing with broken glass, but can't seem to find it? comes complete with box, detailed instructions and gravity. glass sold accept interpretly. glass sold separately.
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the ploy involved a toy. the cia once developed a custom osama bin laden action figure to counter his influence in the middle east. code name devil eyes, the figures were painted with a heat dissolving material that would peel off to reveal a demonic bin laden. the goal is to speak children and their parents from turning away from the actual bin laden. the cia reported the toys in 2006. they were made in china. great. in the end, a cia spokesman said only a few were ever create expetd agency dropped the idea -- agency dropped the idea. that's why we mock the war on terror. was this a good idea
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or great idea? >> great idea. would it work? that would scare me to death as an adult. as a child i would be scared for life. demon is not a joke. if i am playing with a toy and it melts away. >> the demon toy looks like darth mall from "star wars." >> does it come with a kung fu grip. oh yeah, darth mall. >> i think that's why they didn't produce it so they didn't get sued. >> and that's why they did it in china. >> i thought that was the coolest thing. and he looks like darth mall's cousin. if you know out there somewhere there is probably a warehouse full of donny osmond dolls. do you remember that? >> dress him up beak osama --
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dress him up like osama. >> as the only counter terrorism on the panel, i apologize is this the best way to go after the -- to make people in the middle east not like bin laden or were there better ways? >> there is best for propaganda to use props. hence the title. >> as you were saying i would be terrified of this toy as a child. the small parts that can be choked on or toxic paint. the face melts away so that can't be normal. that cant be good -- that can't be good for your health. the grease itself. >> if the child dies from the osama bin laden doll the parents don't like osama bin laden. that actually would work. >> i am not saying that's what we were doing.
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>> the scarest thing about the toy is it is made in china. you can't put it in your mouth or you will be poisoned. they make poison out of bird doo doo. >> do you think a private company will step in and manufacture these? >> absolutely not. why are you worried about it being made in china. apple juice and pine nuts come from china too. >> i don't eat them either. >> i would like to have one for the collectible factor. you can get coin for that. >> if there is a handful of those. >> and then the company comes over. >> they are filling it up with mercury. >> next topic, your bad review may turn on you. bloomburg business reports a reservation system now allows the restaurant staff to rate
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customers. the reverse yelp lets users comment on what they ordered or tipped. adds ceo, quote, diners will behave better, tip better and treat staff better and improve the industry and may help the diner get the all important upgrade next time. good idea or great idea? >> i love this. anybody who waited tables and been behind a bar eats this up. you have to sit there and suck it up. the gude that comes in and ends every dish back which is not the problem. he is orca fat and you know he has a trunk loadful of dorritos in his car. he is trying to impress the woman and the whole time he has a giant booger hanging out of his knows and you want to take a picture and put it on on-line. >> joanne, this is amazing. >> it is supposed to be to
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enhance the guest experience. you learn a little more about them, what their likes, dis dislikes. but you know the people who work in the restaurant injury do this. i fully support it. i think they need a taste of their own i don't know poor medicine. >> what are they going to say? some dude at table 12 was a jerk? >> that's the thing. it is a restaurant reservation system so you are a member of it. i was thinking the same thing. you use fake names when you make reservations and don't pay with a credit card. >> i will use somebody's name i don't like. >> it is an on-line thing. >> they will have your information. >> c's caw that are particular to get it out. >> who will sign up for something to ridicule them. >> it is called twitter, what are you talking about? >> greg gutfeld pays good money for that service. >> why? >> it is a fetish. >> you get extra stuff before
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you die? >> it has nothing to do with food. >> he wants a woman in high heels to rid sculle him and call him a little man and stuff like that. it is the only way he can get excited. it is very sad. ellison, say something. >> i think it is a great idea. i think it would be -- uber do this, they rate you and i have a spectacular riders, but if they did this on seemless -- se- >> i am a great uber customer and i know they are rating me. if i think somebody will get in the car with me i say you have to get your own. i don't want my star rating to go down. you know in seem less if you
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are that object obnoxious person who orders something and you forget to put your phone on and they bring you the food. >> will this lead to better tips? >> from black people, yes. the waitresses call us canadians. they think we don't know. i think it may help. communication is the answer, andy. if we have people come together restaurant to talk to the staff. >> it is like you are in a pageant right now. >> i just want world piece. world peace. >> i just think communication is the answer. >> who ever is waiting on me, i take care of you. i may run it on the bill, but i tip you. this ain't for the man. it is for you. jay all right,
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answer this question immediately. how much can you bench? no, actually it is tbru a super hero -- if you were a super hero what would your super power be? >> "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to starling city. i'm tv's andy levy. i am sick, leave me alone. eisenberg started businesses and when she is not dhoog -- she asks other entrepreneurs what is your super power? most have quick answers like curiosity and doggedness. theres would be news. yeah. knowing your super power is important because -- who cares. let's talk to our guests. when i first saw the story i thought they were asking these people what would you pick? what would your super power be 1234* speed, flight? >> that is a better question. these are not super powers.
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>> it is a what is your strength. >> it is stupid. let's talk about what would your super power be some. >> comedy. >> but if you can have a super hero power. >> these are not super powers. >> super power hero? comedy. i guess flying. everyone wants to fly. i don't have to take my shoes off at the airport. >> kinetic absorbtion. >> really? >> duh. >> it would be great. i would be indestructible. >> i want to change mine. >> no take backs. are you stuck on flying. >> if i could have a real super power, back in the day it would have an ability to spot the pant load before he takes you on the first date. like the dude who left me at the bowling alley when i out bowled him. >> that was you? >> or knowing how well endowed
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they are so i guess that is x ray vision. >> pant load -- load is -- it is the qifl lept of [bleep]. >> joanne, being a lush, super power or achilles heel? >> both. my multiple personalities, it is one for each served my. -- each side of me. i was asked what was my super power going to be? i wanted to sound different and cool. i said my super power would be -- i would be immortal. they were like interesting, go on. i would like to see where my footprints lead. >> the affect i cause on this earth i want my legacy to live on. she was like, oh that's
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great. i was like, pulled that out of my butt. >> then you would be like captain jack. >> i could have said that. >> my nerves will get to that one. >> slight sounds fun. it is not like superman, but it can be a drag. first of all, it is cold up there. you always have to wear a heavy jacket. >> i thought about that my entire childhood. >> flying through the holland tan. snatching weed from people. give me that. >> you don't have super speed. they can't catch you. >> not if i i can go 12 feet high. >> good job. you will not catch me. are you wasting your time, brother. >> so you would only steal
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from white people? >> anybody who can't catch me or jump up high. >> that's what i said. people who can't jump? >> you saw the commercial. >> i am being edgy. i feel like i already know what it is. i think i would go with super speed. midwest. is only useful if w45 will the super speed get you here? >> i can be in the midwest in five second gz. >> what if you get super tired? >> you just run over the cars. >> is everything at super speed? >> you can run across the ocean. >> i want laser eyes like cyclopses. living in this dumpster in new
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york city,. >> i would like no pores and no split ends. >> you can't sweat? >> it is called botox. >> if you were immortal and had no pores you could die. >> did you age? >> that's the real question. >> years ago you should have thought about that. >> you brought it up, not us. >> i will get back to you next week. >> coming up, we remind rich people who they wasted their money on in the 80s. and do you have video of animals? send them to us at fox eye. at his current pace,
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>> sharper image is gone, but their cat tau logs live on. men tau -- mental remends us that the gadget emporium sold awesome crap including this man-sized doll. yes, meet gregory, quote, a life-like portable mannequin who deters crime with his strong massive presence. at $500 he can be changed to any age or race. he is also available unclothed. that is my preference and he can be in shorts or business uh pier or put him in a tux. it was best $500 i ever spent. you strike me as a lover of cat tau logs. have i no idea why. do you have any gems from sharper image? >> i remember having one of those vhs tape reminder, but
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in the sap of something. that -- that article had the one of the shape of the car. i miss the bag phone. the giant cell phone that was in the bag you could wear on your belt and it looked like, well, i have a giant bag on the belt. i miss those days. >> we missed out on that. one of the other items, they had the vhs that looked like a sports car. >> now what a vhs is? >> i i do. one day i will keep these and give them to my children. i did not have that nifty ready rougher. >> what about gregory? >> that i still have. mine was from the 90s.
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it had a stronger jaw line. >> a little gel and a little front spike. >> the rumor is they made gregory, they used you as a body model. >> i used to be a waist down model. >> he has no legs. >> they didn't want to put out the prototype. >> that's why they did it. >> it was too much. that's when i moved over to feet and hands. we are not the face and body boys when it comes to modeling. >> do they need to bring gregory back? >> unfortunately if they did he would have to be much less than $500. and now the woman is like, for $500 i can buy 10 pairs of shoes and a bottle of tequilla. it gives you the confidence to do so. >> a woman spending more than
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$500 on their own. >> if a man bought me gregory i wouldn't need him. i have the man. >> mightily bike a parting gift. >> take him home to your parents. >> that's a great way to break up with the girl. >> i don't love you anymore, but i don't want you to feel safe. >> you just put gregory in bed and leave. >> meanwhile you are in vegas m. >> before we leave, sherrod, you are playing the jugalow festival? >> a jugalow gathering in july. it will be great. i did icp, the insane possible see theater show. they invited me. >> we had them on the show once and they seemed cool. a lot of former "red eye" people have done it. >> hannibal has done it before.
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gilbert god freed does it. they told me to get ready to see a lot of fat girls's boobs. >> are there a lot of black jugulars? >> i thought of the black-aloos. >> jugalo's for life. >> i stopped listening. >> come on, fat girls got boobs too. >> he have the best. not that i would know. >> i can do plenty with that.
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hey everybody heart disease affects one in every three women in america. but you can fight back. there's no time to lose. mothers, sisters, daughters, families and friends, it's time to shout louder, stand stronger and demand change. let's go. to the batmobile. dang it. to the invisible jet. dang it.
12:00 am
together we can put an end to heart disease. it's time to go red for women. i could use your help. yay! learn more from the american heart assocation at i am heather childress. thanks for watching, huckabee starts right now. tonight on huckabee, iraq is falling apart. >> it is in our national security interest not to see an all out civil war in iraq. >> what should america's role be? >> america combat troops are not going to fight in iraq again. >> top military minds break down the strategy and tactics and the big picture in iraq. and outrage, a suspected benghazi ring leader gets constitutional protection from the justice department. the congressman tells the governor why he's furious. >> and plus, sinking poll
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