tv Stossel FOX News June 22, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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y you. radical muslims on the march. hope you have a great weekend. see you back here on monday. >> robots that is stand >> robots that can stand in for humans are under development. >> they are fast intelligent and they will be every where. >> what does that mean? eternal life? >> will robots take over the workplace? >> robots are a lot easier to employ for how mothan a human b. they never show up late for work they never ask for a raise. >> the prototype of a car that completely drives itself. >> even more controversy are designer babies. >> opportunity to build a baby choosing eye color skin tone and more. >> come on. we have to be willing to say not everything i can do should i.
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>> should we? can we? that's our show tonight. >> robots and living machines are breaking out of the laboratories and stepping into our lives. >> what will the future look like? i struggle with the present. using digital video recorder to tape a tv program. gps in my car. i just got a cool new smart phone. i have no idea how to use most of the apps. but those of you who do understand things like that are changing the world and for the better. people like mit professor eric yoltson. here's a talk he gave about how technology makes people richer. >> worldwide incomes have grown at a faster rate in past decades than ever in history. in anything all of these numbers
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under state our progress. because the new machine age is more about knowledge creation than just physical pro dpuks. it's mind not matter, brain not brawn, ideas not things. that creates a problem for standard metrics, because we are getting more and more stuff for free. >> eric joins us now. what do you mean ideas create a problem for standard metrics? >> wikipedia has tremendous value for me and other people. it is available for free that means that it doesn't show up in their gdp statistics which measures value of goods and services bought and soeltd. >> one example you used is the robot ibm named watson. watson went on to jeopardy to compete with people and lost. but that was in 2011. the computer kept learning. >> these little dots here. those are all of the champions on the quiz show jeopardy. at first watson wasn't very good.
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but it improved at a rate faster than any human could. shortly after he showed this chart to my class at mit watson beat the world jeopardy champion. >> watson? >> what is priests. >> the right answer and he won a million dollars. i can bm gave it to charity. in the said talker rick covered what happened to watson next. >> recently the teachers let it surf the internet unsupervised. the next day it started answering questions with profanity. but you know, watson is growing up fast. it's being tested for jobs in call centers. it's getting them. it is applying for legal, banking and medical jobs and getting some of them. >> really? is legal jobs? is doctor jobs? >> absolutely. watson is reading all of the medical literature.
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if it is not the world's best diagnostician i wouldn't be surprised if in 20-years it was and we go to doctor watson. >> you have written we have the first industrial revolution expanding peopleally strength and power of our bodies. this is about expanding our brain. you say this one is bigger. >> we talk about the incredible increase in living standard brought about by the steam engine in the first industrial revolution. that was about physical power. now we are improving mental power, cognition, through cools like watson and big data and other tools. ultimately i don't see how that wouldn't be just as big if not bigger than the first industrial revolution. >> this is going to keep happening the computer per form man's doubles every 18 to 24 months. computers get faster and better. if you look at a sony play
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station that has more computer power than a military super computer recently as the 1990's. that's only one aspect of it. >> you said in the 1990's we forced sadam hussein out of kuwait. everybody said it was because of our amazing computer power, our missiles. we were way ahead. the play station now has more computing power than we had then. >> hundreds of millions of people have that. your smart phone is like a super cuter from a generation ago. all of these trends are combining to i think lead to a faster pace of innovation than we have ever seen. >> many say tech is flowing we are seeing a decline in innovation. the recent book called "the great stagnation" argues growth will continue to decline because we have already grabbed the low hanging fruit. >> nothing new or interesting or innovative any more. that's what motivated us to
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write the second age talking about stagnation we didn't see it at mit or silicon valley. innovation have not slowed down. you look at some of the stats of stagnating income the innovation has slowed down but if you look at specifically what's happening with technology i think it has never been faster and it's not necessarily being captured in some of the median income or gdp at that ti statistics. >> we haven't seen the invasion we were once promised like flying cars and trains and planes are not getting faster. >>er kas aren't getting faster but they are learning to drive themselves. it is virtually science fiction some of these changes. used to be what star trek when people would talk to their machines and expect them to talk back. now we take our smart phones a lot of us talk to them and expect them to understand what we are saying. they are not perfect. but in this short 10, 15 year
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period where machines don't understand us and routinely carry out our instructions. that's quite a milestone. >> thank you, eric. >> hollywood always imaged a world with robots. star wars made r2d2 and c3-po famous and they were kind and helpful. probably more often the robots turned deadly. >> we designed them to be trusted with our homes. >> robots cannot harm a human being. >> if robots teach themselves might they become a threat to us in real life? patrick tucker is editor at large of the magazine "the futurist." shoed we worry? >> robots can become much more dangerous. they become more dangerous as we ask them to do more and more things and we are not exactly
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sure what those things are. armed drones present a great opportunity to talk about that. we think of drones as things that fly over coforeign countri. they decrease the cost of military development. by the year 2017 they will be doing the work of police departments doing surveillance. are they capable of anti social behavior? are they capable of executing tasks that have a cost to human life and health. the answer is absolutely. >> i think of these things as operated people. >> drones right now are operated people, but one of the key interests of the military right now is incrementally increasing the level of autonomy in these systems. that is a huge cost saver for them. the more they can do on their own the less it costs to run them. we are incrementally making them
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more and more capable ie more and mora ton -- mora ton mouse. >> the computer watson is teaching itself. >> they have cableable of doing that. they learn faster than we can if they want. they work within very narrowly designed parameterparameters. >> we program them you must never harm a human being. >> it is the laws of robotics. that's what's going to protect us from anti social robots in the future. each one responds to the lab can't harm a human being you have to do what you are told, et cetera. unfortunately when we have already violated the first law in the way we design a lot of military systems. we want robots that are capable of carrying out complex military missions. so fine. does that mean they are going to pose a threat to the people that are operating them. not necessarily. it does mean this. as we ask them to do more and more things, as we design them
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to taken creasingly amounts of load off the backs of soldiers this is where anti social behavior comes in. if it you ask the robot to do or aa drone to do a number of complex tasks it is designed to do those perfectly fly over a certaintis dance, notice a certain target, fire missiles at the targets and then you give it a few more things to think about doing on top of that find the shortest range and avoid this place and this place and this place and you keep laying on top of that eventually you get to the point where you as a designer of those robots don't realize the way all of the rules conflict. the next thing you know you created a monster that is capable of performing what you told it to perform. you don't understand what you are asking asking it to do. some people suggest it is about time to start thinking about some sort of robotic morality that we can engineer into these
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systems. >> the military is talking about that. how do you teach a robot to be moral? >> for most of us morality is played out in decisions it is moment by moment, day by day, membership ut by minute. it has a calculation mind it is it good for the person i hold dear. as long as we can take some aspect of that decision making process represent it in numbers it is possible to create four robotic systems a sense of write a right and wrong. there are still puppets but they are increasingly complex and we are asking them to do more and more and that's where the real problem comes in. >> puppet is right. this is what i think of with robots and these little toys that don't do much, it is hard to image them taking over in any way since we designed them.
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we have one showing casino skills dealing black jack in japan. there are projects teaching p robots to take care of older people. >> japan is leading the way. >> what we are seeing now is a robotic sheep or seal. >> it's a seal. >> older people like playing with it. >> yes, yes. he does provide comfort and companionship to the japanese elderly. >> hard to belief a machine can comfort people. >> it can provide a level of tactile comfort. we want to touch. we want to interact with beings around us. a lot accompany people to the stores thouso they can pick up groceries picking people up when they fall down.
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this is a biggs area of research. to keep the conversation going use the hash tag the future. let people know what you think. coming up we showed you that robot black jack dealer. more on whether robots will actually replace us, take our jobs. will they take my job? i am john stossel. he retain more research ask better questions and i am more charismatic than stossel 1.0. don't go away. avo: waves don't care what age you are.
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>> can robots takeover the workforce. >> the pro oh bought is easier to employ they are never late for work, they never ask for a raise. >> robots are going to take all of our jobs. it is just logical if robots can do it and they are never late to work and they never wine about not getting the raise. they will take our jobs. >> i will take your job. i am smarter than you. i never take a bathroom break. >> so the era of everybody
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working being self sufficient finding joy and purpose in work will soon be over ex cement for a few rich people who will build the robot. he says they must raise taxes on the rich and give money to everybody else. the author of singularity rising spoke about the future libertarian economist james miller says people like noah will want to fix this inequality should chill out. you wrote in the atlantic an arlen titled "the end of labor." robots will do everything we won't find other jobs? >> in the past we always have. but there's no guarantee the thees -- that's going to happen again. >> why would we assume it's not going to be the way it always has been we don't have phone operators as secretaries but people found until this last recession found other jobs.
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>> i hope that's that is what happens this time, too. the things used to be all over the place, horses. why are they now? >> horses don't adapt the way people do. >> is there a limit to how much people can adapt? i hope not. i hope there's not. but maybe there will be. >> most people don't like their jobs. we can still have everyone have a decent lifestyle whether you work or not it's optional. that's great. that's an economic utopia. >> i thought people get purpose in work. >> people do get purpose in work but you can get purpose in other places, too. a lot of people get purpose in playing video games and caring for their children. >> you support his idea give the to the poor money tax the rich more? >> i don't think we should impose too high a tax on the rich that will slow down us achieving in the future. the more we tax the rich the less money they will have to
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invest in robots and software. the longer people will have to work at crap jobs when they would rather spend time with their children. >> you say sup dies l subsidize them sit on the beach. >> people get completely automated away. there are the software engineering and robot lords. some people get automated away what do you do with those people pay them to sit on the beach? >> they find other things to do. in 18009, 90 percent of americans work on farms. now it's 1 percent. with he create new opportunities. medical research, personal training, i can't image what? you make another point prices go down. >> you don't need to, would. you can get facebook for free if your cell phone is almost for free. the price of food will likely to go down. we will have robots building houses and robots driving cars so it will be cheap to take a bus. you won't need to earn that much
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money. which is why we won't need to impose large taxes. >> even warren buffet who wants to impose large taxes on the rich in my opinion gets that wrong. even buffet says you are wrong to worry about jobs disappearing. an interviewer takes noah's side. >> what do you do in the day and age where i pads can replace certain jobs and they are. >> it is always good to replace jobs. >> it is good to replace jobs. >> if you want to free up people for other things. >> always good to replace jobs. she can't believe that. i look at the list. the people who made whips for the horse and carriage rajs the black smiths, phone operators, secretaries. so many jobs are gone and we had full employment now we have so much regulation people are afraid to start new enterprises and unp employment is higher. you have -- most people have jobs. >> the outside possibility is
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something we should be prepared for. if you don't prepare for the worse case scenario. >> how do you prepare? >> you think about what policies you are going to enact what you are going to do in that case. >> i think the difference in the fact is we will have machines that can think and do erg a person can do. that's when you got rid of one type of job in the the past there were still things people could do that machines couldn't. the analogy would be 100 years ago we bred super important horses that would never come back. we are close to doing that. >> what's the worst that will happen? >> the worst that happens is you have a few people who are the robot lords who own and control arms the robots and whether you want to raise taxes on the rich doesn't matter there's no way to get near money because governments will be completely useless and powerless. >> why? >> because you have got a rich guy with his little army of robots and his little force of
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software engineers to control them. it's a sci-fi scenario. >> coming up. are you ready to live forever? and will you design your next child? >> every box is checked. health, beauty, intelligence. >> is this intercession with no traffic light or sign a better way to manage traffic? upgrade to the philips norelco shaver series 8000 for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50.
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>> i don't' to die, but i accept that i will, not everyone is willing to accept, that baseball star ted williams, had his body, right after he died, en>>ted wilson this his body frozen in the hopes that in the future when science is mored a vanced he would be brought back to life. the cross success is called cryonics. the company offers to freeze any one for 200,000 dollars and 700
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plus a year for maintenance. so far no one has been revised. it will happen. really? >> give it 20, 30, maybe 40 years there's a strong shot that within our lifetime we are going to see these cryogeniccally frozen patients brought back to life. >> his head and body are preserved separately what's that about? >> in the early days of cryogenics they weren't sure how to do it which was the best way. a lot of people said the head is the easiest thing to do united to put certain solutions in the blood vessels. they have improved the technology so they are no longer doing that. >> you think parents should use cryogenics if they have a special needs child. >> you are talking about an extreme case where special needs
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child has perhaps the equivalent intelligence of a 1-year-old dog could never have any perception can't speak or can't understand what's going on. that child has a much better chance of coming back in the future and made normal like you and i having conversations study mathematics. it is a very ue main thing to do. >> extremists cryogenics there is a new idea just as radical. they predict you will be able to load your consciousness into a computer so that you never die. this is what dawns with johnny depp in his movie trance again dense. >> you can up load his consciousness. we can save him. >> #>> oh my god. >> it is hard to believe that could happen.
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but it can. you load your brain into a computer? >> yes. there are new games being played in silicon valley companies that specialize in this they use only the brain waves to play video games on theic phone p. no more wires. it is 10, 20, 30 years a lot of funding, research and capital going into these things to make it so we could have complete thoughts being transferred from a chip in our head or some type of helmet on to a screen or perfect av star of ourselves. we are closer to that than most people realize. a scientist told me if there was enough funding we could be there in approximately 10 years. some think it is 25, 30 years out. >> you wrote a science fiction book about this. it is amazon's number one book under the category philosophy called the trance humanist rarj. >> what's a trance humanist?
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>> it is someoneants to use radical signs and radical technology to live indefinitely. that means murging into machines becoming a cyborg: >> if he can do this that changes life what about families, marriage, jobs? >> john, some of those institutions may not exist in 50 years. marriage, are people going to get married for all of eternity as many people sign up for when they are going to live for all of eternity. >> why would it make a difference? >> well, makes people uneasy. eternity is longer than 100 years. >> is your name really zoltan. your parents are from hungry? >> it is a popular name in hungary. >> you ever see the movie, dude, where is my car? >> our wise and powerful leader,
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zoltan. >> in cryonics up loading the brains it just seems sigh insurance fiction. >> a lot of it is. it is here today. we are merging. we are going to be closer than so many of these things we talk about. >> thank you zoltan. it's it's an exciting new world. is this a better with a i to route traffic? is no traffic lights? do cars move faster, safely? >> you want to design your own baby if you could lose your kid's hair color i color how about the beauty athletic ability, brain power? one says the science to do this is here and now. some people don't like that. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account.
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would you like him to be >> designing babies is not allowed in america now. designer babies are called chrome because their chromosomes were played with. >> typical chrome. no health issues, world class athlete, swimmer competed in the detroit olympics in 2036. >> every box is checked health, beauty. a a>> once people could design their child everybody would have health, beauty intelligence. you would never design your children it's unnatural. think about this. what if other parents were doing it so if you didn't your baby would be less beautiful and intelligent fall behind? would you still not do it? you young people are going to have to face these choices. the first steps in that direction is happening now.
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they choose hair color, eye color. the daily news reported on that and some people pulled out. what happened? >> we had a media blitz. the information went out. not all of it correct. and people found out that some of the potentials were out there and had a tremendous interest in it. it was one way or the other. either they absolutely were in favor of it or they absolutely were against it. but itover well ammed us. >> you backed off. you don't offer most of it. >> the american government has a law against genetic engineering for children. >> that's oshth. >> what do you do? is you offer people gender selection. >> yes, we allow them to select what they have done on their own. they make their own boys and girls and prior to conception we
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allow them to choose if they prefer to become pregnant with a female or male. it is prior to conception. just like with standard in vitro fertilization we select the best embryo that give the parents the best chance of having a baby. >> when i hear the word embryo i think of something that's alive the sperm has met the egg and grown. >> well that's a personal decision and a personal feeling about what goes on. it's the definition of life. there's a lot of definitions out there. which everyone you elect to abide by is the one that has to guide your thoughts. >> i am struck by how everybody has such strong feelings. what you do is illegal in i think it would be better if you could play around with the genes even before that. >> that's what the law says and
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that's how we run it. >> other things you do is eye color, hair color, skin tone, athletic ability, height. >> these are among the different things we are able to do. problems like down syndrome, edward sin droel, turners syndrome, there is a lot of genetic diseases. these reason predicted by am neo sen tee cease for 35, 40 years. now instead of having to wait until mom's four months pregnant we can find the disease before she is pregnant. >> if this is made illegal kept illegal people are going to do if anyway. or they will do it secretly. >> i applaud the british are about to take the first step into true genetic engineering.
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it is the first step to alleviate arms and suffering in the human population. >> the u.s. is not moving to allow that? >> the u.s. allowed it and they are going to watch the british and analyze it closely to see which way to go. >> there was a pew poll. how would you feel if parents could altar the dna to produce smarter healthier more athletic offspri offspring. 66 percent said change for the worse. 26 said it would be a good thing. >> years ago when in vitro pe fertilization was developed i walked out to my car and they said fest tube babies had no soul. it was thought to be the same way playing with god, a deviation from science and humanity. now you go to a party and a third of the people in the room are in vitro fertilization
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babies. opinions change as knowledge increases. >> if you think it a horrible good because playing with our genes is not natural. you think a prefrn poodle is natural? is you think the popcorn you eat or medicines you take are natural? they are not. coming up traffic slows here no stoplights no traffic. is this the libertarian paradise? maybe not. soon we won't need stoplights. i will explain why. blaine why.
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my feet felt so heavy at the end of the day. they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like walking on a wave, dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, i'm a believer! ♪ they lived ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪
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john: is this a better way to design an intersection >> is this a better way for a traffic intersection. no lights of any kind. traffic moves and maybe you won't have to waste gas by coming to a full stop any more. is this a better idea than what we have? i doubt it. that intersection is an ethiopia the world health organization says that's one of the most deadliest places to drive. nevertheless on the internet that video got 4 and a half million hits. people are eager to find better
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ways to speed traffic. sun left a comment saying this is what driving in america would be like if the tea party had their way. tate co institute transportation specialist points out that is what driving would be like if urban planners had their way. no traffic signals or signs. used to be stop signs here or lights cars and bikes they negotiate their way through. once all metropolitan areas had no traffic lights it wasn't great in the 1800's new york city had horse and carriage traffic jams. why not have people drive on the
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right and have stop signs. traffic engineers today say some stoplights are useless. they will be left necessary in the -- less necessary in the future because soon we won't drive our own cars computers will. the technology for driverless cars is already here. evelyn reports for the wall street journal. we have all heard about the google self driving cars. is it really about to happen? >> it will be years and years away for mass adoption. google has made a lot of progress over the last three years to navigate highways and city streets. sth they have cameras and lasers to hap out the cars. they are not there in terms of knowing when someone is motioning you can merge into the
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lane. >> it has the ability to see another car but it wasn't recognize a driver saying go ahead. >> by next year thaty will have improved. they have made a lot of progress. we will start to see driverless cars this year and next year. the dmv is drafting rules to give our licenses for this. >> here's an interview i saw with a person in charge of google self driving car division. >> we have moved from driving on the freeway to surface streets. >> he looks like he is barely out of high school. he's going to design a car that wouldn't kill me? >> welcome to silicon valley. mark zucker berg he is 30 and controlling a 100 billion plus company. not that strange here.
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>> cal will, florida they have legalized self driving cars. the department of transportation, the national department then cracked down saying you can't legalize it only limited tests. >> some of the auto makers may be cautious when it comes to driveless cars to outfit system on the top of cars in the event of an accident mo is liable? >> my computer crashes sometimes. >> google drove across the country. the only time there was an accident is when a human drove.
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>> when you think about care accidents because of human error that's the fy tour google is trying to push forward that with more driverless cars you are going to have less fatalities. >> you have 100 deaths per day and human error is the main reason. the computer can do better. >> that's the hope, right? >> what about cyber attacks? 4 cerealed in indonesia shut your car down? >> as we have become more adopted and as people decide to do that, hopefully security and all of that will rise up with it. >> this month at a shareholder meeting they made a specific tree direction about when the future of driverless cars will
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start. >> in less than a year you will be able to go from highway on-ramp to highway exits without touching any controls. (applause) >> in terms of highway driving it is easiest to navigate. there is less variables you have to account for when you are on the highway going 20 miles an hour or so verses in the city. >> thank you evelyn. >> thank you. >> coming up, my personal struggle with the new world. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list,
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i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at upgrafor the most advanced norelshaving experience.00 with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $50. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio,
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when you can look forward? >> it's if a new world. i am not ready for it. i am old. insurance the 80s eerie time technology changed i resisted. e-mail. what's that? facebook? who needs it. when computers came to the workplace i was among the last to adapt. cut and paste on a word document. what's that? i wrote scripts with a type writer when i wanted to make changes i crossed things out. cutting and pasting was actually cutting and pasting with scissors and scotch tape. my scripts looked like this. younger people nagged me until finally i tried a computer. even they he griped because the
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computers sometimes crashed and i had to learn how to print things. i adopted so slowly there was never a moment i said wow, this is cool. so i will say it now. the tech revolution is very cool. we are much better off because of it. i just got this new smart phone. it can do amazing things. i can unlock it just by showing it my face. also it answers spoken questions. john stossel>> according to wikipedia john stossel is a reporter investigative journalist author and libertarian columnist. >> it has 100 other gadgets i am too dumb to master. don't let the pompous old geesers in congress and regulatory agencies decide which innovation is permissible. most established authorities are
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includeless about the advantages until the gains are so obvious they slap us in the face. they want invasions like ride sharing services that let you save money and make money. they want to kill room sharing deals that let people save money and have great new experiences. a lot better than being in a hotel by far. >> many want to kill the e cigarettes that may help people quit smoking. >> and they are killing off small drones that deliver things. here a bar in minnesota figured out the best way to deliver beer to ice fisherman. it's by drones. the bar was happy, the people fishing were happy. win, win. but government told them cease and desist. commercial use of drones is unapproved. give me a break. let the new world arrive. we can't really stop it. if you ban sadie signer babies people will go to other countries and do it.
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or do it secretly in america. today innovation comes even more quickly. >> eventually seeing people using cellular phones is commonplace as someone getting time on an electronic watch. >> remember how big they once were? >> in constant communication with their affordable cellular telephone. >> they cost thousands of dollars. i thought the game paong was amazing. it became old hat. >> you are watching the most exciting game you will ever see on your tv set, tell star by koleko. tell star dennis with digital scoring variable speeds. >> now the changes will come even more quickly. google filed a patent on smart contact lenses. they do things like check your blood sugar and soon may let you zoom in on distant objects. i can't wait to see what will be
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next. let's embrace the future. if government doesn't strangle change, life will get better. that's our show. see you next week. that's our fox report. i am heather childress. thanks for watching, huckabee starts right now. tonight on huckabee, iraq is falling apart. >> it is in our national security interest not to see an all out civil war in iraq. >> what should america's role be? >> america combat troops are not going to fight in iraq again. >> top military minds break down the strategy and tactics and the big picture in iraq. and outrage, a suspected benghazi ring leader gets constitutional protection from the justice department. the congressman tells the governor why he's furious. >> and plus, sinking poll
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