tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News June 23, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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ugly dog photos because their dogs are too cute, this is gizmo. wow. some very cute ones. thank you for writing. thank you for being part of the "the real story." here's shep. the federal appeals court releasing the secret government memo that justified the american government droning and killing american citizens. ahead, the white house argument reveals and the response and analysis as well. even as secretary of state john kerry visits iraq, we're hearing militants and their supporters have scored big gains on the ground in iraq, including two key border crossings, ahead, what that could spell in the way of big trouble. >> how changing jobs could pay off in an enormous way. 50% more money over the course of your career. so, how do you know when to make the move? all of that, and journalist glen greenwald on what he says will be his biggest bomb shell yet.
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let's get too it. good monday afternoon to you from the fox news deck. your constitutional rights may not apply, depending on what kind of an american you are. that's the conclusion of our government's secret legal justification for the government killing american citizens with drones. after a long fight pitting the white house against lawmakers and reporters for that matter, an appeals court released the 30-page memo. parts of it, anyway. it lays out the case for droning on war al-aulaqi back in 2011. he was a suspected terrorist. who was an american citizen. but according to the legal memo he did not get the same constitutional protections as the rest of us americans. that's because the government considered him to be the leader of an enemy force, so no jury no trial, no conviction. the government made a decision without the courts, without the system, to kill him.
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just the government's accusation. nothing proved, then death by drone for an american citizen. as for the fifth amendment right of due process, the memo indicates it does not always apply to every american. it quotes a supreme court ruling which says the government must way weigh the burts the government would face in providing greater process. in other words, since it was too risky to capture him, just kill him. catherine herridge is live in washington. what else does the memo indicate as redacted as it is. >> the memo is a result of "the new york times" and aclu lawsuit leaves no doubt the administration believed its actions were legal and the executive branch was a body that weighed it while never producing an indictment for the allegations and the reported evidence is described in vague terms, quote, factions presented to us indicate that a.l. walk can i has been involved through his operational and leadership
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rolls in al qaeda in attacks in the united states and continued to plot attacks intended to kill americans. appears to be a reference to the failed 2009 underwear bomber and the attempt to blow up jets with printer bombs. the bombs were built by a yemeni and has 0 no clues to al-aulaqi's direct roll. >> what are you getting in the way of reaction. >> a short time ago the white house insisted the document was held up for nearly three years because of sensitive national security issues but a close review of the memo shows almost nothing was blacked out prior to its release. >> well, the administration did was we worked through the legal system, and those who are most interested in seeing it, to produce a redacted document that protected national security interests while at the same time trying to live up to our commit. to transparency.
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>> the center for constitutional rights releasing a statement that reads in part: the government's drone-killing program is built on gross distortions of law. this forced transparency comes years late, along after the memo was drafted, and used to justify the premeditated killing of a u.s. citizen without trial and away from the battlefield. the memo included language does not apply in anwar al-aulaqi's case. >> catherine, thank you. let's get some analysis. alex little, former federal prosecutor and live this afternoon. i don't understand how you get from american citizen, no process, drone them. i still don't understand from reading the memo, and i have repeatedly. how they justify that. >> they justify it under the theory he is an enemy, we're at war, and we can kill enemies at war. that's the base motivation going
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on behind the memo. it's much more complicated. they've rely on things like the public justification, the public authority doctrine to say the government is that aring the killie and it's not murder. there's question the dod, the military can do this versus the cia but to in the end it says he was a bad guy and he was doing bad stuff and that means we can kill him. >> that works for just about everybody i know in this circumstance but i wonder if you have concerns down the road that a government to make a decision like this, extra-constitutional, that this process which has served us so well over the centuries, would just be abandoned and that our government could take a machine and murder one of our citizens. it's a new thing to me. >> you can think 0 all sorts of hypotheticals where that might apply. the most concerning thing, it's completely unclear the information about al-aulaqi where it came from, how reliable, who exactly is taking this information in and assessing it?
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all it says is high-ranking officials deemed him a threat, have concluded he has done these things and that's enough for us. anybody who cares about government being responsive and relying on transparency can be very concerned about the idea that down the road some future government may use the same language to justify doing things which i think are farther beyond the scope of this memo. >> the hypothetical exercise has gotten tiring because anybody can kole up with them. but for instance, you have a big gang situation and you can't get to the leader. are we in a position now the government can say we can't getship we're just going to murder system some if so, do we belong there. >> i don't think we're there yet but if congress passes a law which says we're really concerned about drug violence in mexico and the their the president to use force to stop the gang violence coming across the border, you could get the sort of language in an authorization like that to authorize exactly that sort of killing. >> similar to some of those held
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in guantanamo bay, we don't have enough to charge them, we can't prove they did anything, but we kind of know they did, then could we release them and just kill them? >> it gives a troubling sort of motivation for that sort of opportunity, because there's classified information which apparently can be used to kill someone which may not make its way into federal court, and there would be an innocent tonight do that. i don't think anybody in this administration would that could but we're talking about possibilities and that's possible. >> alex little, former federal prosecution -- prosecutor himself. militants in iraq make a devastating advance, now controlling key border checkpoints. they decide who comes and goes. the control of the flow of weapons and fighters. now secretary of state john kerry is on the ground in baghdad with a grim warning for iraq's leaders. what is america to do now? what can we do that would help
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purina pro plan can help him achieve it. ♪ epic classical music stops ♪music resumes music stops ♪music resumes [announcer] purina pro plan's bioavailable formulas deliver optimal nutrient absorption. [owner] come on. [announcer] purina pro plan. nutrition that performs. the militants and their supporters in iraq are coming even closer to their goal of creating an islamic state. they've taken control of key border crossings as secretary of state john kerry visits baghdad and warns timing running out to prevent iraq's collapse. i want to show you this sunni
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militants' major gain. fighters with isis, along with their supporters -- remember, not just they -- a bunch of other people with a bunch of other ideas happen come together with them -- they've taken over two border crossings, one of them between iraq and syria, which is important because, remember, there's so many of those fighters in this civil war in syria. now they can come back and forthwith impunity and can bring weapons in and out with them. they can bring whatever they want in and out with them and it's not just isis taking control here. at the jordan border, keep going, the jordan border, sources tell the reuters news agency that sunni tribes seized the crossings as iraqi soldiers pulled out. this is very important. along the iraq border with jordan. you see, this is the way that so many people have been coming into the country for a very long time. in fact our own correspondents went in that way during the wars. now this crossing is also controlled. that means militants to bring in
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more weapons and fighters that way. secretary kerry met with key leaders from both groups, sunni and shia, and repeated the administration's warning that only iraq's leaders can fix this mess and they can't do it if they don't lead. he pressed iraq's prime minister, give more power to sunni opponents. >> this is a critical moment for iraq's future. it is a moment of decision for iraq's leaders, and it's a moment of great urgency. iraq faces an existential threat, and iraq's leaders have to meet that threat with the incredible-under general si it demands. >> in president obama ordered 3 on of what he calls military advisers to help the iraqi army. the president says he will not put any american troops into combat. this is difficult because they are in a combat zone. they are armed.
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and if they die and he calls their parents to inform them of such, well, where is the difference? joining us now is form easterly state department undersecretary nicholas burns. good to see you, professor, thank you. >> thank you, shep. >> it looks like with the control of the border crossings that a significant milestone has been reached. where do you see this now? >> this is, shep, very dangerous moment, as you have just reported, this isis group is establishing a extremist religious state in northern syria and in western iraq. they now threaten to divide the iraqi state between sunni and shia, and as you reported, prime minister maliki has been defifth in leadership because he has essentially not incorporated the sunni tribal leaders into the leadership councils in baghdad. what made president bush's surge successful under general
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petraeus and ambassador ryan crocker, we did force the government in baghdad to bring at the sunni leaders in, and until maliki does that there will be popular support for this brutal and vicious terrorist group in the neighborhood. so secretary kerry delivered exactly the right message today, and that's the crucible here. the iraqi government has to change its policy. >> is it too late for that? >> i don't think it's too late. i think from all the reports that are coming in, isis has made dramatic gains of the last ten days, including taking the city of mosul ten days ago, the second largest city in the country. they have a lot of money. unfortunately they're being financed by people in the arab world but the iraqi army is so much larger and with proper direction, proper leadership, and proper motivation, it ought to be able to stop this group. it hasn't been able to up to now because i think there hasn't been that leadership as the at the general officer level and
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certainly not the prime minister level. president obama is doing what he has to do and that is to give a very tough message to the iraqi government. >> in the meantime, anybody who read major newspaper over the weekend knows that what is left of the iraqi arm is it just tying to hold on to baghdad they've don't have offensive capabilities anymore. so you have this area with no border and they're establishing that they promised to establish now. we know they haved a least $400 million they've taken from a bank. we know they have the potential to take over the oil refineries, et cetera, up there. we know they have the border crossings. who is going to stop them and is there a chance in hell that america might come to some idea that, well, maybe we can fix this? >> well, first of all, think the kurds, the pesh fighters are very strong. they took kirkuk last week. i don't think it's possible for isis to make inroads in the kurdish area of iraq. the iraqi army should be able to
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stand up and defend itself, but that requires leadership. this does not and cannot fall on the shoulders of the united states. the primary way we can be helpful is to do exactly what secretary kerr ya was doing today and giving them very tough and frank advice. the military advisers can help the iraqis plan a defense but president obama has said, i think quite rightly, we're not going to put american troops, combat troops in large formations, back into the fight. we were there for eight years. our troops fought bravely. they made many sacrifices and i don't think the president will put them back in. so ultimately this is all up to the iraqis and they're going to have to politically pull themselves together to protect their capital and save heir state. >> professor nicholas burns with us from harvard. professor, thank you. now, glen greenwald. his articles changed the world and blew the lid off the secrets in the nsa. he'll be with us live on the fox news deck to talk about the
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20 minutes past the hour now. the three men convicted of committing journalism. now to spend years in an egyptian prison, an unthinkable disaster. the white house says it is strongly condemning the jail sentences that an egyptian court handed down for three journalists who work for al a.l. -- al-jazeera. some pictures today from this injustice carried out in egyptian courts. the three staffers are an australian, canadian, and
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egyptian, one of whom worked for cnn a long time. wolf blitzer talk about them today, building them up as the most professional kind of people you can meet, journalists telling stories. arrested in december. mohammed mosey's group did not like them because they were telling the truth. they were doing their job, covering the protest and the ousting of the former president. and these are pictures from just after. they were charged with supporting the muslim brotherhood and airing fake twig -- television footage to ruin egypt's image. something al-jazeera denies. egypt officials accused the network of holding a bias against them in support of the muslim brotherhood. al-jazeera has denied any bias in this matter and is now demand that egypt overturn the ruling, and people who love a free press around the world and respect
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what journalists do, should be outraged. journalist glenn green walled says he is about to drop the biggest bomb shell yet from nsa documents. green walled the journalist who helped ed snowden leak those documents. today is one year since ed snowden hopped a plane to moscow as he was facing federal espionage charges in the united states. may of last year the government contractor told the nsa he needed time off for medical treatment. he soon left his home in hawai'is' headed to hong kong. there ed snowden met with two journalists, one, glenn greenwald. snowden gave them classified data he has taken from the nsa. weeks later some of it went mcin the british newspaper, the guardian. the government's bulk collection program showed the feds have gathered phone records of millions upon millions of americans and also shed light on the prism program, the
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collection of private information 0 from internet users and a report accusing the nsa of spying on government offices and the government charged snowden with violating the espionage act and revoked his passport. he is living in russia, giving speeches and lectures. glenn greenwald wrote a book called "no place to hide. the u.s.a. and the u.s. surveillance state." good to see you. how is he doing. >> his assumption he would end up in a u.s. prison for his life, and yet he is free, participates in the debate that he helped around the world to trigger and is extremely satisfied that he feels he did the right thing. when you have a clean conscious, that provides a lot of happiness. >> why not come home and face this. >> he would come home if he thought he could get a fair trial. the problem is he's charmed with the ups nudge act written in 1917 by woodrow wilson to
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criminalize defense against world war~i and under the law he would be barred from making the defense to make which is i did this because it was improper to conceal and it the public had a right to know. you're not even allowed to raise that and his sentence of life in opinion would be almost guaranteedded. >> you're almost to release mode from the documents and we're going to learned the kind people the nsa was targeting. >> and some specific people as while. >> individuals yes. >> like who. >> i can't break the story on your show but the story is imminent. >> what does that mean, today, tomorrow? -- >> me colleagues will kill me if i give you a specific time frame but a it's really soon. that is the key to think about. we shouldn't think about powers we give to the government only when we like the people with the power or like how they're exercising it. the founders instructed us to think, do we want government have pear when people we don't trust are exercising it in ways
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we dope like, and we shouldn't want the government to have the power to spy on is in the dark and with very little accountability. >> hutch concern others are compromised. >> we have been extraordinarily careful -- >> a lot of people would not agree with you. >> the proof is in the pudding. edward snowden gave us thousands of documents over a year ago and we have published a small amount of the documents because we only published what the public needed to know to have a debate without pouting people in danger. and that shows you what kind of source this was. >> you were on bill maher over the weekend and you talked about isis. and you said something to the effect of, who is worse really, them or in essence, the americans who invaded or would invade? you equated our forces to terrorists. >> threat not actually what
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happened. the point i was making there's this phrase, terrorism, that has very little definition. it doesn't mean really much of anything. it's a fear-mongering word the government invokes every time it wants to justify policy, from torturing people to putting people in guantanamo -- but these peep chop people's heads off. >> and my point was that the united states, and lots of other countries, engages in really severe violence as well, when we invited iraq we called it chicago and awe. the purpose was to do so much violence we we terrorize the civilian population into surrendering and we bombed baghdad, didn't try to kill civilians but huge -- >> we actually didn't. they picked targets carefully. >> no. the image that the united states government likes to depict of war is very clinical, focused, bombing, and yet civilians die every time the u.s. military or other militaries are used because the military is a machine designed to destroy, and
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the point i'm really making is if we want to have policy discussions, we shouldn't use fear mongering terms and just have the government scream terrorism every time it wants to justify something. of course isis are horrible people doing horrible thing. no rational person would dispute that. but it's a more complex question than saying they're a terrorist and now we have to fight them. >> i watched the maher thing and i saw a member of the military upset with you because-did felt rightfully so at the time you were equating them to terrorists, these men and women who do enlist most of the ones i know to identifying for our freedoms. >> look, anybody can question and even vehemently criticize decisions by our leader to go to bar and nobody should hold the soldiers sent there responsible for the decision. so the question of is an invasion aggressive in nature and based on false pretenses like a country like iraq has
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nothing to do with blaming soldiers who were sent to the country. everybody has learned in the united states to distinguish between political leaders and soldiers when it comes to questioning and condemning war decisions. >> the process of getting this information to the public has been -- i don't know -- a messy one if controlled on some level. if you look back, what would you do differently? >> i think that the task journalistically was extraordinarily difficult. you have so many pressures when your hands tens of thousands of top secret documents. you have an obligation to be responsible on bat your publishing not to put lives in danger, and you have the honest to the public to make sure they're seeing the things that should never have been hidden and on top of that you have the obligation of accuracy to make sure what you're reporting is accurate and true. and so, sure, i could go back like any journalist, you can look at broadcasts you did a year ago and say i wish i had said this differently --
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>> i wonder if you can think of something, i should have done that. >> on the whole, i think the debate that has been triggered around the world and that is sustained a year later, not just in the united states but globally, about surveillance and privacy and the governments using power in the dark, has been healthy and on the whole i'm gratified. >> do you wore that people might have died in this? >> no. and the reason is -- >> might -- >> it's like saying dos you worry your last broadcast caused the death of people sniff i said to you maybe your last broadcast caused the death of people, you would say, how did that happen? what is it that i said that caused people to die and what specific people died? there's never evidence presented -- >> as you heard before in interviews because i've seen most of them. we don't know when cia people die. we know very well who did things he couldn't talk about for america and he said, when i'm gone you'll hear bat car wreck in arizona but that is not what happened. >> i've heard people say all the time that fox news puts men and
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women in war by criticizing president obama, and before i believed that would -- >> msnbc do that. >> that's money point. i want too hear evidence before i believed any accusations against other journalists. if people have evidence we did that, i can guarantee you if any story we publish from the snowden documents cause the death of nip, people in the obama administration would be running to "the new york times" in order to plant to discredit us. the fact they can't point to any of these harms means no rational person should be willing to accept that. >> has there been pressure of you not to release those targeted by the nsa. >> huge pressure. >> what kind of pressure. >> the nsa saying we will be unveiling legitimate surveillance targets, and the j edgar hoover fbi made the same argument when they unveiled those surveillance programs targeting right ring groups and civil rights leaders and said they're genuine threats.
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that is what the government always says when you expose their secrets. >> you said so many of the items within these documents have not been released because you used journalistic integrity and decided not to but ed snowden taught us that releases happen whether we want to or not. so what level of concern some of theoffs have might get ute that doesn't need to be out. >> the good thing is snowden was a highly trained operative in how tota from unwanted disclosures. >> i've seen pushback on the other side. >> he trained cia officials how to protect their most sensitive information electronically, and we have used the highest forms of encryption. the only people who lost control of any nsa documents are the nsa and the ghq. we never lost control of a single document. we have been extraordinarily careful with how we manage the information. >> when you publish this information will it come out in a newspaper and then what
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happens next? did you take to any of the people who have been targeted. >> that is one of the reasons it took so long. we're not going to expose home as being nsa targets who don't want to be exposed and there are poem whoa don't want to be exposed even if the think it's invalid because it will harm their reputation. but all the people on whom we report consent. ed to it, spoke on camera. we're publishing video -- >> will we recognize names. >> yes. >> from politics, government, what. >> a lot of all of that. i can't give hints but they're people who, when i believe when you see they're the targets, you will see that they have nothing to do with terrorism and they are definitely people engaged in political activism that is controversial. >> and it's imminent. >> it's imminent. >> we'll watch for it. a big change for the former taliban prisoner bowe bergdahl. he is in outpatient fremont the
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plan is to get him well enough to return to dutiy. why some lawyers may be eye-balling your facebook and twitter accounts to see what sort of juror you might make. turns another thought perfectly legit. details at the bottom of the hour, top of the news. (man) when i can't go, it's like bricks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. (announcer) ask your doctor about linzess-- a once-daily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. it helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away.
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a fox report now and more hoff the headlines. at least eight people are dead now, a dozen others hurt, after an explosion ripped through a medical school in nigeria. investigators say the suspect, boca haram. they suspect they're responsible. that's the terror group that kidnapped hundreds of school girls in april. severe storms knocked out electricity to 16,000 homes and businesses in north texas. rescuers helped three people trapped in their homes. forecasters say a city southwest of dallas had more than seven inches of rain which doubled the rainfall total for the full year. >> folks are getting droned with
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pizza. a restaurant chain in northwestern russia claims its the first of its kind to make regular deliveries by drone. the founder says the pizza reaches an altitude of 90 feet but will stay piping hot. with the best of the bay. prepared from scratch daily and always served with unlimited salad and breadsticks. taste the flavors of the season at olive garden. i got this., whenever you're ready. no, i'll get it! let me get it. ah uh, i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? here's one...get an allstate agent. nice! switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-788-0900 now. hold on man, is that a leak up there? that's a drip.
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stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. 22 minutes before the hour now and "shepard smith reporting." the released taliban prisoner sergeant bowe bergdahl has shifted to outpatient care as he continues his long re-integration process in texas. sergeant bergdahl arrived in assassin on june 13th. nearly two weeks after the taliban freed him in exchange for five gitmo prisoners. the taliban claims this video shows sergeant bergdahl's handover. he spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war. senior military sources tell fox news that sergeant bergdahl spent two of the years in solitary confinement, locked inside a metal box just big enough for him to stand up and stretch his arms.
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they said during that time he never saw another human face, for two years. lea gabrielle is in our new york city newsroom. what more hey we learned about the re-integration. >> as you mentioned he is no longer staying in a hospital room but the army says he is working with healthcare provide ifs every day to just try to regain a sense of normalcy. they released a statement on sunday saying, quote, his process continue is with exposure to more people and a gradual increase of social enter actions. psychologies for the military program that teaches members to evade captivity, they're counseling sergeant bergdahl. one explained that bergdahl's cappers took away every ability to make decisions and choices and part of the re-integration is giving him him control of his life. >> told when to eat, where to eat, where when to go to the bathroom. so a concept is to have a sense
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of predictable and control of his environment. >> the army said they were sething the disappearance and capture but he was not charged with anything. the army says the counseling will continue to ensure he progresses to the point where he can actually return to duty. >> thank you. >> a victory for ncaa and professional sports leagues. our supreme court rejected an appeal to lift a ban on sports betting in new jersey. governor chris christie there had led the appeal. he claims legalizing sports gambling would add a new source of cash for his state but the ncaa and pro sports leagues opposed it, claiming it would harm the integrity of their games. last week the white house joined the legal fight in support of the ban. gamblers spend an estimated $500 billion in illegal sports wagers each year. sport it betting is legal in four stayeds including nevada.
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its ethics committee told lawyers you should not actually friend the jurors but just looking at the pages is fair game. one attorney who helped draft the ada's opinion says it's like any other publicly available information, and it is. so facebook linked in, twitter, whatever, lawyers are now free to look at you online and see what you like and what you post, maybe what you don't like, and what makes you mad. kennedy joins us now. and ashley merchant is a criminal defense attorney. we'll talk to her about the legal part of this. i want to start with kennedy. why wouldn't you be able to look at it? makes sense. >> as long as -- i have ban juror. i actually had a very productive experience as a juror. i saw the process from the inside-out. i think people should not try to get out of jury duty. it's a really important thing we can do at citizens, great way to meet people, make friends, met a nice cat lady. but we were so clearly instructed not to do any research, not to even google the
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defendant's name because it could affect the outcome of the case, and you exercise great personal restraint and those of us who take the duty seriously you don't do that. so if we can't google the defendant or other people who are involved in the case, why should attorneys, who should be doing that work in voir dire -- why are they having the time to look at pin interest, four square, facebook, whatever the social media platform may be. >> ashley, they ruled it's an extension of voir dire? >> exactly. and it is. what happens during trial a lot of times i'll have an intern or paralegal of mine with the jury list, sitting in the courtroom, and looking through the juror list and seeing if they're on facebook on instagram. the problem is we have such a limited amount of time to see these people and see if they would be an appropriate juror. so this is a tool to get to know that person because a lot of times precipitation won't open
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up during jury selection. >> if you're a good attorney you can get people to open up. you know questions to ask to tell you if someone has buy ass not readily accessible and a good attorney can do that. >> i think attorneys have been looking at voter registration. is that right? >> i have looked at them for years. when people vote, how regularly they vote. that's all legal. all information you can obtain. and so i want to see as an attorney how often a person votes to see if they're a pro-active type person. maybe on a jury of 12 people, there's going to be some people who, if they're not as active, they'll get pushed around. >> kennedy, your opinion is they ought to do -- >> that's actually not true. just because someone doesn't vote doesn't mean they're not a part of the process. you can't determine someone's intellectual wealth or knowledge by whether or not they go to the polling place. some people actively don't vote. they don't feel-for whatever reason -- i love voting, i love
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juries, i love hospital food. >> that's weird. >> these are fulfilling. >> it's interesting because if you're the lawyer you want every little edge that you can get, and often the defense has more money and time than the prosecutor's office is going to have. if you're a rich guy with a huge legal team and you have a decided advantage because of these social media platforms. maybe the other side wouldn't have. >> it's not the same sort of public document as a voter registration form, which we knowingly go to the registrar and select our party affiliation. so, i do think there's some disparity, and what i found when i was a juror, i really wanted to ask questions. you can't do that either. it's part of the process that is for whatever reason fixed. and i don't think we should be so mobile and dynamic with these social networks just because it might somehow affect our enhance the lives of certain attorneys. >> you should be the judge, kennedy. i have to good. i'm out of time, sadly. doesn't matter what you want.
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this is the rule now. how do you feel. >> i feel greet. if way are empress of the universe things would be great. >> and have hospital food. >> great come combo. >> the average employee will get a 3% raise this year but major magazine claims you could earn a whole lot more by doing one simple thing. the fox business network's jerri willis will complain what the one simple thing is. over 50% over your career by making one move. that's next.
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ukrainian, russian, and european officials are meeting with pro-russian leaders. ukraine's president proposed a peace plan on friday. both sides accusing the other of violating the cease fire. >> here at home an amtrak train hit a vehicle, either an suv or truck, killing three people inside, according to officials in mansfield, massachusetts, south of boston. everyone on the train is okay. i mention boyfriend the commercial break the one move you can make to change your financial future and the answer? find a new company. if you stay at your current job more than two years how'll make 50% less money in the long run. that is brand new. according to an article from forbes magazine. take a look at the big wall. a recent survey of 900 companies found the average employee will gate 3% raise this year, the same as the past two years.
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bus forbes reports workers who changed jobs can expect an average salary increase of 10 to 20%. jerryie willis -- jerri willis is here. change could is and inflation. >> like you said, 3%, may sound okay but it's not. inflation is running 2.1%. what does that leave you with as a gain? 0.9%. not even a one-percent raise. and if you want to buy a stake, forget about it. everything is going up at the grocery store, gas prices, electricity prices, everything is going higher. so the idea here is that you can jump ahead if you go to a new company. gate new job. go to other new company. >> the days of loyalty matters are gone. >> have the been gone for a long time, my friend. >> not around here. >> in most of corporate america and that's because you don't see those middle managers anymore. places where people go and lock in those 5% wage gains. >> and good money. >> and good money, and good
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titles and improvements. you don't see that now. the arbitrage you have to do yourself, you have to think about, where aim going to make more and be offered an opportunity for advancement? >> of course, there's risk with that. sometimes better the devil you know than the one you don't. >> that's absolutely right. sometimes you do want to stay where you are, but i think you have to look at the company you're working for right now. are they growing or expanding? are you going to have more opportunities down the road? sometimes it isn't just the money. it's what can you do there and be in charge of and grow? >> give you an opportunity to expand within yourself. >> that's right. >> we'll watch former this afternoon, 5:00 eastern on fox business. we'll check with wall street and the final numbers at the top of the hour and the top of the news minutes away. óqoqúúñ@
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if you missed any of glenn greenwald, you can go to our web site, we're posting it. on this day in 1989, the movie director tim burton's classic take on batman first opened in theaters. michael keaton played the caped crusader. the villain was played by jack flick kole -- nicholson. it was a huge hit and. batman would return in a bunch of sequels but the dark knight
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swooped in 25 years ago. today. >> when news breaks out we'll break in, because on fox news channel, breaking news changes everything. the dow is off just a bit. neil cavuto has the top over the news right now. >> militants in iraq are tightening their grip again. drivers trying to get a grip on their amendments with higher gas prices, again, because no matter where you are, you are feeling it and how. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto. feels like deja vu all over again. aaa now says that gas prices are up 12 days in a row, and departmenting on where you live they're up big to new york city on just how big. sheryl? >> good afternoon, and, yes, 12 straight days, consecutive days of gas prices going up across at the country, some cities seeing more pain than others. analysts saying we're likely going to see gas prices going up and up over the next several
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