tv The Five FOX News June 26, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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buzz beat? >> hello, everyone i'm rudy giuliani along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana peri a perin. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." >> president obama has tried hard to convince you he has saved our economy and put americans back network. >> things seem to be getting better. >> the economy is growing. we made the tough choices required. not just to then economy recover but to rebuild it on a new foundation. with the economy picking up speed companies say they intend to high more people this year.
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we're at a moment when our economy is growing. in a lot of ways things are looking up. we spent the past five and a half years fighting back. our economy is growing. >> new numbers out today tell a very different story. america's gdp has suffered a dramatic drop of nearly 3% in the first quarter. the greatest plunge for our economy in five years since the recession ended. so, is all that talk about a recovery from our president just that talk. greg since you're not paying attention and terrorizing me. >> no. >> this is adorable. what was the question. >> he's creeping along like the economy, feeling a little sluggish, perhaps needing some
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vitamins and fiber in his diet. what do you make of this? >> if the american economy were a car, obama took a corvette and turned it into a gremlin. this has always been his plan. a smaller in his america does less damage. it was never about a carbon footprint. it was about an american footprint and he's lopping it off toe by toe. to obama america is a fat man who needs a fat band and obama is the fat band. >> is that a christie thing? >> let's go to the business expert who knows what gdp stands for. >> gross domestic product. it's the worst in five years. far worse than anyone thought it would be. then you add things like 50% poverty the worst in 30 years or 40 years. 46 million people on food stamps. worst ever. here's what's going on. you wake up and see this number.
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you expect the stock market to crash. wrong. stock market went up today which tells you there's a disconnect. everyone continues to look at the stock market and say things must not be that bad. problem is they are that bad. there are three markets. stock market. there's a job market and housing market. job market sucks. housing market is okay, not good, not bad, not on fire. and the only thing that's working is a stock market and hanging their hats on the stock market. the retail investor, the guy on main street does not invest in stock market. there's a bunch of bozos downtowns making billions of dollars and the rest of us aren't. they will say bolling you used to work down there. i wasn't a wall street trader. i bought and sold oil and gas. there's a disconnect. it's not fair. the american people aren't benefiting from the trillions of dollars that we're throwing at it, the stock market is. that's not fair.
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>> i did gas. >> you did? >> yes. >> anything, eric, make you smile? >> it always makes me smile. what i was thinking about was going to get my prozac prescription refilled. because it's so depressing. it's not hard to find obama saying the economy is improving. it's been a bad quarter. revised, terrible quarter. had some good quarters. i just don't buy the notion -- if you listen that the economy is crashing. it's not crashing. it doesn't -- it doesn't make me wake up and get scared like garrett. >> in terms of the communication the president has a little bit of a problem on a lot of sound saying the economy is getting better. however, it doesn't necessarily bear true with numbers. if you're advising him how do
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you tell him to handle this so he still has credibility with the american people and at the same time is able to perhaps pump up confidence. >> one of the things i would try to do is provide logic. they will say last year companies built up their inventories over the winter which was a difficult winter and also drawing down on inventories, therefore, that actually that message while it might be true does not penetrate to people who think that important number, does the president care about the things i care about. is the president able to lead the country. the majority of all the polls say the answer is no. the other interesting thing the economy is growing. it's limping along. the president said that wasn't good enough. the consequences of his policies this is the result of the economy we have. this is interesting to me. we're now in the 60th month of an expansion. since 1980 we have not had an expansion that lasted more than 74 months. the president is in a lame duck
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presidency. doesn't have a lot of new ideas on the table. today the president of the united states spent significant amount of his time talking about climate change. significantly one of the most -- the thing that americans care the least about. that's what he's spending his time on today. >> this is not an argument. why does the stock market continue to go up? >> they were throwing $85 billion per month in the stock market. throwing at it bore roger from the treasury here's 85 billion. people on wall street is making a lot of money. >> if it only went to banks that were allowed to take money from the feds, huge banking institutions. they were giving the banking institutions free money. they said they were doing to it make sure we didn't have another financial meltdown. gasoline prices are up 100% under obama. at the same time under president obama, incomes, median household
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incomes are down. main street is being squeezed. higher price, lower incomes. everyone is great on wall street. fantastic. rich people are getting richer. middle class are getting squeezed out of the economy. >> you know what i'm worried about, phil and bill, bill and hill they are dead broke despite all the money pumped into the economy. take a listen to both of them. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there. and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for house, for chelsea's education. it was not easy. >> it's true we were several million dollars in debt. we got a good life and i'm grateful for it but i -- we go to our local grocery store on
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the weekend. we talk to people in our town. we know what's going on. >> regular folks like you and me and bob beckel, kind of, sort of. bob you don't like this either. can you at least come clean on it. come on, give to it me. >> it breaks my that's right situation they are in. i just don't get why, honestly, they are too smart politically. i know these people. to say these kinds of things knowing full well the average american is looking at making $250,000 speech -- i don't blame them for making a $250,000 speech but to make you sound like you're going to the local -- >> family dollar store. >> it's a little hard for me to imagine bill going to a dollar store. >> he needs to take the heat off of her by sleeping with a cheerleading squad. her personality is like a bad
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knee. when everything is going slow it's going fine. when she kicks up she needs a knee replacement. she gets $250,000 per speech. >> this is pretty sad. they are politically savvy. they have done very well in the game. they know how to spin it especially bill. at least he's trying to defend his wife. wasn't helpful. >> living in the 1990s, that's the problem. >> here's a little advice for someone who may want to run for president in 2016. how about instead of being apologetic and deceptive about your wealth, how about embracing it. how fantastic the american system is someone like me grow up in illinois and meet someone in arkansas end up in the white house worth $100 million. >> look what happened to the media. the media will eat you alive if you're a republican.
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>> can you imagine if she said that. then you get people who were on the fence about hillary clinton, you know what? she does care about business. maybe that is the person. embrace the system that allows you to have $100 million a couple of years out of office. >> that would require sincerity and discipline which to me, that's not the example of the past couple of years. >> mitt romney did not answer his questions well. he did not embrace his wealth. >> he felt a little uncomfortable about it approximately bolling has the right approach. i'm a winner. i want you to be a winner too. put me in the white house and let's figure out ways to make everybody a little bit richer. have a bad economy and somebody with a bunch of money and lopst it. >> that's how you destroyed mitt romney because he was a rich guy. >> look at the squirmer, like david gregory everybody is
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uncomfortable because the clintons aren't doing what they hoped they would do. listen. >> i think the tension has come from the fact that bill clinton and hillary clinton in many ways see themselves as the couple from arkansas who came into washington, in all those intervening years made a lot of money and perhaps just chose her words wrong and not off terrifying context that the president said should be offered even in the question. so the reality is that people can accept this wealth and not make a judgment about whether she's out of touch. >> i mean i want doesn't matter what they say or do because the excuses will help cushion the fall. >> don't forget, bob, 2010, 2011, 2012, occupy wall street, bill and i are successful people. they had to set up that class warfare struggle. now that's not necessarily the case. you have a $100 million couple who may run for president.
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i haven't heard class warfare bubble up. >> two very good politicians. why they are mired in this issue is beyond me. there's a lot of things you can talk about. >> they are phoneys. they are lying. that's why it's not working. we're tired of it. they are phoneys. >> why would they feel necessary to lie. >> i don't understand why. the clintons why would they lie? they are so honest. >> it's not a lie if you believe it. that's their perception of themselves and that's what the disconnect is. i think that's what david gregory was trying to say. if i was the clintons i would say we should listen to him. i want to make a point about something else. hillary clinton opened this can of worms. now what's going to happen until she decides if she does decide to run every time she gives a big speech there will be attention on it. it won't matter so much if it's given to a bank. but university of las vegas and hillary clinton has a speech
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where she's set to be paid $225,000 for one speech from a corporate donor at a university where the students are having trouble dealing with the tuition hikes and all going to leave there with $29,000 in student loan debt. they won't make $225,000 in the first several years after they leave college having to pay off that debt and trying to get started in life. i think it becomes increasingly difficult for her to separate herself out. is she a candidate or not. the clock has sped up she has to make a decision earlier than people anticipated. >> i talked to one of her close advisers in texas. i said what's going on here? you just look at the tape. you can't look at this -- >> everybody is piling on her. >> she's the one who said they were dead broke. once you got that can out then
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it's all a coincidence. seven irs staffers all understand investigation have computer crashes and there's no way to get the missing data back, a coincidence. right. according to assistant professor at new york university the odds of these seven drives crashing is 1 in 3.1 million. the odds of not retrieving is the same as you being hit by a
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meteor. coincidences are nothing more than order masked as chaos. this administration is a mess but a mess choreographed like a broadway musical. add that smirky commissioner and you have a gateway to war. once you lowered the bar this far for corruption you invite blow back that will be far worse. imagine dear liberals if the next president is one you hate. moments begin not from anger but from desperation when a cover up is so blatant. you make the unlikely likely the average citizen doing your job. in the street. so the first step admit to cover up one that makes a burka look like a bikini. >> dana, latest news.
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senator grassley sends an e-mail what happens? >> senator grassley is a republican from iowa. he sent a note to lois lerner. she referred him for an audit. i'm sure there's nothing untoward about lois lerner. she seems like a perfectly upstanding citizen. why are we bothering her. >> kimberley, this commissioner never has given to a republican any money, given 85 grand democrat candidates and his agency targets republicans. that's another coincidence. >> let me tell you. american people don't even need any more proof. there's this evidence of common sense. they know they are guilty and lying and corrupt. this is one that definitely sticks. it's about as bad as it can get. her name sounds fake too. >> eric. >> so you got the republicans, the house slashing the irs
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budget back to 2008 levels. is that going to be it? >> you know what's even more whacky. you're right. probability is so astronomical. you did probably lose it. this is the group that's going to administer obamacare, people that make decision on which doctors gets what. who gets paid or for what. if they can't get an e-mail trail figured out how are they going to figure out what someone's cancer medication needs to be in. >> it's scary. bob tarnts people who see this as a coincidence just a bunch of flat earthers. >> i love that. here's the thing that i think that's a leap here. do i believe that somebody covered this up? yes. do i believe it was lois lerner and her people? probably. but to make the leap that this went into the white house is a very serious allegation of which
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there is zero evidence. >> but they are not doing anything about it. >> we don't know that. all i'm saying is before we jump to conclusions -- look, when republicans were in office i was audited every year. the democra office i wasn't audited. >> that was on the merits. where there's smoke there's fire. >> so there's no chance -- there's zero percent chance any of these emails were connected. anyone at the white house or more importantly the campaign -- >> i don't know the answer to that. there's none of of that now. there's plenty much evidence that somebody -- >> that could have happened. >> but -- >> let's eliminate that. >> why do we all of a sudden assume because you hate obama that this is something -- >> i assume? my problem is that if we used any of these excuses the irs would put us in jail. they should go jail. >> also i think you can't forget, people in the media
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refer to this as the irs. if it was the bush administration it would be bush administration officials. lois lerner was a political appointee. put in that position by the white house. i think there's a connection to her. i think that the president, if given a chance to amend his remarks that he made to bill o'reilly about there not being a smidgen of corruption should take a look at the poll where 76% of americans who don't agree on anything can all agree that the administration is lying about this. >> there you go. >> what they don't agree is obama is lining about it. >> i don't know. >> come on. the connection is there. >> why would lois lerner arbitrarily -- >> because she's probably broken the law. that's why. >> he's part of it. >> the camera is on me. next scary stuff ahead.
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well welcome back all you all. three arresting stories only five accelerated minutes. first up, actor musician and political provocateur. he goes on a ten minute rambling comparing fox news to the radical group isis. >> isis is a religious terrorist organization. >> it's a fanatical propaganda organization. bomb them. she's worse.
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hey there, obama [ expletive ] she's doing it. she's a savage. she's espounding. >> good job russell. look who you are defending. isis. not ikea. not up in arms over ikea. it's entertaining. >> we have to remember one thing. this guy was fired from mtv for dressing up like osama bin laden the day after 9/11. that's how seriously he takes terror. if he feels isis is harmless he should go out there and hang out with them. they will behead him faster than you can say arthur. >> here's another reason why world cup is weird. check out luis suarez was caught
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on camera biting an italian during a match against italy. suarez is nicknamed cannibal and has done it before twice. they will make a decision before uruguay's >> you had a bite -- >> real quick, this should be encouraged. combine soccer with cannibalism and makes it interesting. can't use your hands but can eat them. >> what's to decide.
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they have to have a meeting to decide. the answer is obvious. >> how long? >> out of the world cup. >> hold him from like future of the game. >> sounds like a good one. this goes from weird to weirder. this is good intentions bizarre outcome. members of congress gathered yesterday to award the congressional gold medal to martin luther king, jr., marking the 50th anniversary of the passing of the civil rights act. good intentions. now -- ♪ we shall overcome ♪ we shall live in peace ♪ we shall live in peace >> bizarre. maybe we should all be doing that. >> take like godiva chocolates.
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>> so what do you think? >> this made me very uncomfortable. i'm just happy we're not doing a dramatic reenactment with bob. >> kimberley did not say -- >> oh, shut up. i'm making a joke. listen. this is a very serious act. 50 years ago, it should be -- you shouldn't have a bunch of idiots up there pretending they are martin luther king, jr. the only person who belongs up there is john lewis who went through all of this stuff. this is so horrible to do this. >> you should say that you got to use the restroom and miss it. >> it was well intentioned and the staging of it was a little awkward. like when you got in a fight with your sister and your mom and dad said you have to kiss and make up. they meant well. it doesn't really say to the terrorists we're going to kick your butts.
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>> also doesn't say importantly -- >> who is most uncomfortable. >> i've seen happier face on death row. looked like a wax museum melting. if martin luther king, jr. was watching he might regret the whole civil rights movement. this is what happens when you have forced activity. this is why i never do -- this is why when we do those pre-tapings we all hate them. it's why i can't do breakfast television. any time you got to do something you don't want to do. >> you get very uncomfortable. >> look at them. it's unbelievable. >> carl levin -- >> got to go. >> the best video you'll see all day features a young baseball fan hamming it up for the cameras but is it
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female announcer: time is running out to get the hottest deal on a new mattress. sleep train's 4th of july sale is ending soon. right now at sleep train, save $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. plus, pay no interest for 36 months on tempur-pedic and serta icomfort. big savings and interest-free financing?
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music. two stories about the so-called religion of peace. first a man in afghanistan converts to christianity now on the run and his family is targeted for death. they want to kill him for converting. second, miriam abraham who was being held in a sudanese jail for converting to christianity was re-arrested. there's a statement by c.a.r.e., they did come out and say that there was, they believe you should not make, religion would not advocate being in the religion. you have anything dana on this? >> well, a solution to some of these things that i like is to allow these people to come here. so if there's a religious liberty asylum and we feel
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strongly we should at least, important enough for us to do a segment on it we should figure out a way to allow them to come here as we did the translators and things that helped us in the wars. >> that makes a lot of scene. the only thing that worries about me about this christians is being persecuted in these muslim countries. you can't let them all leave. some of these christian religions were there before -- >> how are you going from tent them? >> i just don't know. i wish we could. >> that's the thing. we do segments announcing these radical islamic attacks on school, on nigerians kids but don't go out there and make any commitments. >> there you go. a bunch of cry babies. >> they don't care about "the five." >> that's for sure. >> i do think there should be consistent pressure. they should make an example and do whatever they can to help this woman her family her
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children. grant them political asylum. the state department said they are doing something about it and negotiate i want aing to get proper papers. that's what the hold up is. >> maybe we should learn from these sudanese people. you may have said it a long time ago. once we released the taliban five, catch them again. >> we got to get out of here. if there ever was a it again, why they'd of these muslim countries, any imam clerics speak out against it. if this is what religion is
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year anniversary of "the notebook." some people like it. some don't. some think it ruined romance and the idea of it in all of america. >> what's "the notebook." >> i waited for you for seven years and now it's too late. >> i wrote 365 letters. i wrote you every day for a year. >> you wrote me? >> yes. it wasn't over. still isn't over. >> don't you love dramatic rain. >> that's a different movie. it's noah and ally. it's the anniversary. it's not incest. never mind. you're up next. >> so bring you great drama series. "homeland." i liked "walking dead men."
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there's one that premiered last night absolutely fantastic. called "tyrant." about a middle eastern dictator. one comes to america. one doesn't. both end up in the middle east. here's a peace of it. ♪ >> absolutely worth a look. "tyrant" check it out on fx on tuesday nights. >> right now we're into the third hour of troop-a-thon. i participated in it before. it goal is to raise as much money to send care packages to our soldiers overseas.
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rush limbaugh is participating. get involved and send care packages to troops at >> isn't that sweet. >> this is back-to-back gifts from people who don't like children at the end of the table. >> got to look at this kid. he's a marlins fan, baseball fan. there's some controversy about the fact he was actually doing this. look at this kid dancing. >> what do you mean? >> that's what i kept telling sean. so i said it. >> are you backing it up. >> i think the kid was there at the marlins game and sean is being overly dramatic. >> that's how we do it on "the five." >> i've seen enough. >> go ahead. >> world cup, you love it or
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hate it. some people hate it because of the fake injuries. you know the fouls. the country that has the highest number of fake injuries at the world cup, brazil. 17 so far. they are counted up and they are printed in then you find it online and you make it a one more thing. >> they lay down. they roll around. >> i get the point. >> bob, that was in your soccer package. remember when you talked about it. >> all right. it's been fun. parting is such sweet sorrow. don't forget to set your >> good morning. it is thursday june 26th. we start with a fox news alert. booze and drugs a bad
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combination. do you remember what president obama sa-- when president obama said this about the irs scandal? >> not even a smidgeon of corruption. >> we will tell you about the e-mails from lois lerner targeting a member of congress. >> a school district taking a big bite out of a birthday party. the reason they are banning cupcakes and has nothing to do with food allergies. "fox & friends first" starts now. >> good morning to you. rain is coming down. you are watching "fox & friends first". i am heather nauert. >> i am ainsley earhardt. we are going to start with a fox
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news alert. music drowned out by sirens at a boston concert. >> anna kooiman is here with what happened. the show featuring the swedish dj behind the hit song "wake me up." late last night this was the scene outside of the concert. ambulances as crowds spilled into the streets. dozens of people were hospitalized for dehydration, drugs and alcohol. most were teenagers. >> he was drunk. might be molly. i don't know. >> took four cops to get him down. he was wiped out. took four of them to take them down. >>
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