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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 28, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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on there go to and you can >> tonight on "red eye" -- >> coming up on "red eye," just how far will justin theroux go to avoid marrying jennifer aniston. our panel discusses her plan to warm up the cold feet. >> i'm not saying these are bad people, they're not. but just because they believe it, doesn't mean the rest of us should be believing. >> and finally, why you should think twice before pushing someone into the pool this summer. ♪
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>> none of these storyings on "red eye" tonight. >> now, let's welcome our guests. you do the crime, she gets the dime, and of both of you do time in love. remi spencer. she dates her defendants. no, carmen dates them. he's sexier than cinemax after 10:00 p.m. and twice as disappointing, it's joanne nosuchinsky. just before the show, he was running around and high-fiving everyone, it's andy levy. you can tell by looking at him he went to boarding school. it's my second favorite tucker right after buffalo bill from silence of the lams. let it sink in. come o everybody gets it. there you go. "fox & friends weekend" tucker
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carlson. >> show me a person who doesn't like the outfit you're wearing, greg, and i'll show you a liar. >> thank you. i was explaining to tucker what the joke about his name was. because he didn't get it. because he didn't know about buffalo bill. don't let your boys find your toys. that of a new firearms safety ad featuring women's neck massagers, as i like to call them, as metaphors for handguns. >> did kyle behave himself? >> of course. >> i'm so glad. kyle, we got to g mommy's got an appointment. >>. [ indiscernible ] >> if they find it, they'll play with it. >> so always lock up your guns. >> the group's co-founder, i
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can't even say anything, rebecca bond said, quote, our public service announcement is funny, but it's serious. parents need to take ownership of safety in the house. if you don't want kids to play with it, put it away. it's up to you to keep your stuff locked up. >> and now, how to eat corn. [ crunching ] >> yes, it's always better on the cob. by the way, that was the first neck massager. tucker, would you say -- that's what they used to call neck massagers. and the women would have it resting on the back of her neck. she'd be like this, this makes
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my neck feels good. did you see how poorly made the pink one was? it just went over. >> nothing is good as the real thing. is this an effective ad? >> yeah, it's hilarious. it's about guns. i'm a gun owner. and you should lock up your guns. it would be insane not to. by the way, most people who are in to gun safety, are using it as a proxy for gun grabbing. but i take them at their word. lock up your guns, you ought to. >> could this ad solve a lot of the world's problems? many of the problems you create. >> i don't follow the question. the answer, probably no. i think it's funny, like tucker said. it's a funny ad. it's a little uncomfortable. i know if i were watching that with my parents in the room, the room would go quiet and we would not be thinking about guns. i don't know if you need to be funny to be effective.
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>> what! i've proven that. [ laughter ] >> i think everybody agrees, you lock up your gun. if you're prosecond amendment or not. gun safety is important. i don't need to see it with -- >> wow. and she said the d word, joanne. >> i prefer the word sex toy or neck massager. are they nothing to laugh about? >> i think they are, but they really have nothing to do with guns. i think that's why it's humorous. it's like apples and oranges, we're making this comparison. [ laughter ] >> yeah, but that's what metaphors do. it's about being -- >> effective! >> go ahead. >> the main difference, i didn't grow up in a gun with homes, but i'm assuming gun owners will tell their children, this is dangerous. you don't touch this, we lock this up, this is what it does. no parent is going to say, this is my play thing, this is what it does, you don't touch it. so that's kind of where the humor is in this psa.
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>> i see, now, andy, the group said we need to take back the word safety so that it isn't on either side, but politically agnostic. >> no, no -- >> did you hurt your tooth? >> i think it's smart. i think it's funny. i think it's hilarious that people are getting bent out of shape about it. >> literally. >> i don't understand that. the one light sabre was really bendy, though, which scientifically doesn't seem accurate, so i don't really get that. but they seem like a good group. they're not gun control nuts, they're not gun nuts. they just want to promote responsible gun ownership. i don't see anyone could be against that. you won't have stories in the news about some 3-year-old kid grabbing a gun that was left out and shooting somebody. >> i think this is a front for a sex toy company.
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>> like good vibrations. most gun owners i know and i'm related to a bunch of them, they're the most safe with guns. their kids know how to handle guns. >> the kids are wearing helmets? >> you don't need to wear a helmet to use a viberator. >> not when i'm in charge. this is an interesting point. probably the first time on television, or on fox news, that we've seen those neck massagers without being blurred. so i think that's progress. >> we had a good run, seven and a half years. >> if you can have catheter ads, you know what i'm saying. >> usedwoxe 36mocatheters. >> no! >> that's what the ads are for. >> i'm usually doing this. do new borns cry because gender is a lie? she's here to tell us about the dangers of gender assignment.
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writing at slate, which is a website and not a type of rik, krift ten scarlet malloy describes the scenario. the doctor holds up your child to the harsh light of the delivery room, looks between his legs and declares his opinion, it's a boy or girl based on nothing more than a cursory assessment of your offsprings genitals. in a single moment, your baby's life is reduced down to one concrete set of expectations and stereotypes. malloy thinks you should wait for a few years to declare the gender. >> this is my pass fire. i like the blue one. it's a lot of fun. destruction day. >> oh, my goodness. there's some interesting people out there. remi, writer correct, incorrect,
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out of her mind, in our mind, in your car later tonight? >> this author, who i'd never heard of before i read the article, has it wrong. this is not an issue about people who change their identity later in life. this is about how medical professionals identify a newborn. and how would they suggest the medical books be rewritten? it's an it. and what are parents supposed to say? we had a he, she, it, but we'll wait until the baby decides. it's a fact, your genitalia will identify your sex. if a child later determines they relate to the opposite sex, they make that transition, and it will be difficult whether or not they're identified or not at birth. >> good point, remi. i thought the article was a parody. >> yeah, i did too.
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>> a lot of people have said about the fact that sex is determined biologically. at the dna level. you can't change it. your hair color, height, predisposition to alcohol, intelligence -- >> i can't be an african american. >> no, but that's real. i wish you could. i believe in choice. but you can't. and whining about it and getting mad at other people, none of that changes the fact that you can't change sex, you're born with it. sorry. >> i get the activism, but this paints you as incredibly humorless, that you want to take joy from parents who are excited in this moment and also the medical profession's desire for identification, andy, where do you spit in all of this? >> somewhere on the spectrum. >> yes, thank you. >> what she's upset about is the doctors are only doing a cursory
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examination of the genitals. that's what i took from the article. >> okay, got it. >> i went to kristin's website. some highlights from the about section. she's currently pride toronto transfor 2014. she was the first trans person to run for provincial office in canada. and she also sits for president as the board of directors at her conned minimum complex. so think about that before you say her opinion is wrong. >> i may be renting over there and i want to be on her good side. so i'll say the article is fantastic. joe, you'll probably never have kids. but if you do, will you ask the doctor not to assign genders because it's rude? >> no. i will. i like labels. i like to define things. i know to know who you are, you have to know who you're not. so if that's never defined for
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you, how will the child come to the conclusion on their own? it would just cause more confusion for the child. just like remi was saying. >> i still think there's a chance this article was a salon parody. i think sway is now becoming a parody -- >> i don't understand how the t got stuck into lgbt. all of a sudden all of us are having to pretend this is normal, i feel the same way about gb tv. >> the same people are always lecturing the rest of us on science. you don't believe in science -- are telling you you can change your sex. i wish you could. you can't. >> i think you're right. obviously you're born with your dna, and you can't change that. >> that's right. >> but we know medically speaking that people can change many parts of their appearance. >> plastic surgery. >> and their genitalia to make
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them more like the opposite sex. >> but that doesn't fundamentally change -- [ all speak at once ] >> look at chaz bono, that's a great-looking dude. >> no, i think he's hunky. >> but if we believe that people have the choice to live how they want to live, as they mature, as they become older, like chaz bono, they can do those things without changing their dna. i think what this author is saying, as a society, we should stop labelling babies as -- >> that's ridiculous. >> what they're saying is, ignore reality. people can live how they want. dress however you want, do what you want, let your freak flag fly. live and let live. but don't force the rest of us to pretend when it's not. >> what are you being forced to pretend? >> that you can change your sex. >> that they want to identify as another gender, that doesn't harm you. what difference does it make? >> i'll tell you why.
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because there are differences between the sex -- >> i want to get to the next story! although ah, whatever. labeouf's in cuffs. he was arrested thursday after causing a scene during a performance of the broadway show "cabaret." allegedly he was yelling, slapping people in the face, behind, and smoking in the theater. police arrived to escort him out but he fell on his face. cops drug him out in handcuffs while he screamed, do you know my life? do you know who the f i am? sadly, yes, we do. not to be outdone, he also threw in a homophobic slur and spit on a cop. he's been charged with criminal trespass, harassment, disorderly conduct. here's the opening scene, if you
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haven't seen "cabaret" on broadway. [ scary sound effects ] >> further proof cats can't act. >> missed all his marks. >> it's true. they're going to have to do a hundred takes. remi, you were talking during the cat video, that you dated shia in the early '90s. he's a tiny man, coming from me, that says a lot. >> only when he was my client -- none of that's true. >> this is all about smoking. >> i don't think it's about smoking. if you've seen the show -- >> yes, i've been there. >> they want it to be a little
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interactive, but they don't want the audience to interfere. he probably had a few too many drinks, he was heckling, he was screaming. >> drives me crazy. >> he lit a cigarette or something. and he probably thought he could do that because the actors were smoking fake cigarettes. >> and he was friends with them. >> he fell off his chair. he was asked to leave. he didn't leave. >> i saw pictures of him today that was spot by a passer-by, of him chasing a homeless man down the street before the show. >> that was alen cumming. >> it was like a full break. >> i think there might be something wrong here that goes beyond just mild boozing, joanne. you drink a lot. you were also in a bit of theater. is it good to combine the two. >> i try not to, but if i did, i would probably be arrested. and you know i would be saying, do you know who i am? i can't wait for that day. [ laughter ] >> -- that i go, do you know who
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i am? >> what will you be arrested for? >> public intoxication. i wish i were there that night, i would try to talk him down. i don't know where the people at his table weren't trying to help him out. >> i don't think they knew him. was he alone? >> i guess not. >> i don't think it's an interesting story unless he's a celebrity. so if it's just a stranger in a broadway show, everybody's serious -- >> it would have to be some kind of washed up celebrity, because normal people don't do that. >> i wish i knew what andy was thinking right now. oh, never mind. no, defend your hero, that boy from transformers! >> i won't to say anything that there was probably more than booze involved. but there probably was. i think it's either rehab time or see a doctor and get on the right meds time. >> in five years, he'll be one of those guys that talks
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incessantly about his sobriety and he'll be more annoying than when he was drunk. >> he seems like he's an annoying drunk and might be annoying sober. >> also the new transformers movie opened thursday, it's going to be a huge hit, the first one he's not in. so i think he's down about that. >> he's sad. >> you should comfort him. >> i should. he's in the city. somewhere. >> he was talking to me. [ laughter ] >> all right! coming up, i'm inviting six lucky viewers to come to my apartment and watch me while a sleep. you have to be naked. how old is too old for a beauty queen? i say 18, but i say a lot of things often to myself. bulldog: ah, the dog days of summer!
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time to celebrate with your mates, grill a few dogs-- eh, hot dogs. bacon burgers... dachshund: "mattress discounters 4th of july sale ends soon"?
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bulldog: that cloud reminds me of... radio announcer: the tempur-pedic cloud collection. bulldog: that's it! radio announcer: now with 48 months interest-free financing-- basset hound: free financing? radio announcer: or get a queen size serta pillow top on sale for just $597. bulldog: that's a ringer of a deal! radio announcer: mattress discounters 4th of july sale ends soon. ♪ mattress discounters
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>> should nancy bring underpantsy? she's visiting the border to get a handle on the children entering the country illegally. while she's getting briefs, homeland security is requesting briefs. they're seeking thousands of pairs upon white 100% cotton briefs to meet the basic clothing needs of immigrants being held by border control. in response, an anti-amnesty group has called on americans to send their gently used underwear, noting that some of our pairs are in bad shape because of the economy and jobs they're taking from americans. also being compared to the superdome post katrina and raising concerns of diseases. said one congressman, they've seen tb, chicken pox, scabies. president obama is in a mind, but perhaps there's a solution
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to this crisis. we'll discuss in our new segment. ♪ >> you like that, tucker? >> i love it. >> we did that to sneak it by you. >> the joy you get every day. >> we had to do that to sneak it by graphics. so they weren't going to do the impeachment thing, i had to write it in. >> oh, like a prison letter. >> you are color blind. >> you didn't notice that, andy, did you? >> no. >> hey, tucker, how do we solve this mess? please include the word impeachment in your answer. >> peachy. >> impeachy. >> how distracting is it that we're letting in millions of people who wear tighty whities. >> should be wearing boxers. >> those are tighty whities. those are grape smugglers. >> what does that mean? >> think about it. yeah, this is like totally third
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world. we're taking up a collection for under wear, the federal government for these people coming over. we're in a post industrial economy with terribly high unemployment do you need millions of new unskilled workers? i'd love to hear why. >> what do you think, remi, if indeed you do? >> i try not to. rarely do i actually activate the muscles in my brain. >> they're children there. >> that's the issue. these unaccompanied children who have crossed the border,pved ma in bad shape -- >> they're being used. >> it's unfortunate they're in the detention centers and i don't think they're as clean as hygienic as we would want them to be. what nancy pelosi is doing say waste of taxpayer dollars. she's making a move that lacks substance or a chance to achieve
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a goal, which is the return of these children to their homes. she's going to the detention center and she's not even going to meet with a child. other than some photo ops, really nothing is going to occur. >> joanne, is underwear the first problem to address? isn't there something called a border? >> yeah, definitely we want to fix the problem, but it's only going to grow unless we take care of the border problem. so how can you take care of the people who are here? we're going to need so much underwear, and who's going to make it? >> the thing is, jobs. they're creating the jobs! we need to make the underwear. we've solved unemployment. demand-side economics. >> exactly. you knock tighty whities, but they lower your sperm count. >> yes, they do. >> so what we're doing is giving them tighty whities to lower their sperm country. >> that's really creepy. >> that's a horrible thing.
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>> that's what we're doing. >> this is horrible. >> i knew we should be impeaching everybody! >> especially andy. >> we can't have weak borders in a time of terror. that's all i'm going to say. >> the problem isn't weak borde borders, it's weak bladders. >> right when i said that. but it's a security issue. not immigration. we let everybody in, we have a great time. coming up, our terrified correspondent is back, and he's frightened as ever. he ran from this tease when i started reading it. but first a word from our sponsor. it's sponsored by the rome is burning play set. the kit comes complete with matches and marshmallows. the rome is burning play set.
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>> was it mean to dethrone the queen? that's the topic of tonight's -- "red eye" debate 2014. welcome to the "red eye" debate center, i'm the host of tonight's "red eye" debate. live from malibu, california. once again, please refrain from chanting my name over and over again. we'll get to that later when you surround my heart-shaped bed in my camper. rules state that title holders
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may not exceed the age of 25 during the calendar year. amanda longacre, who turns 25 in october, feels she's being unfairly punished because pageant officials signed off on her paperwork before her win. the ex-queen is taking it all in stride. >> i lost everything. they want to erase me, forever. i was not aware of that. it is in the contract, however, but it's very deeply hidden in the contract. and because i was told of my eligibility, i assumed that my paperwork was being verified by the board. it's not really quite fair if someone's allowed to turn 25 during january and be 25 for almost 75% of their reign. >> meanwhile, she's planning her 25th birthday party, the runner-up. >> who do i go to first? >> greg. >> is pageantry evil? >> first of all, we need to talk
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to amanda long in the tooth acre. >> aah. >> all that stress and crying is going to make the wrinkles worse. you can't afford that at your age. nobody's claiming that she lied. the pageant people screwed up. but she said it's in the contract, but it's deeply hidden. and that means legally it doesn't count. so she has a really good case. >> everything in a contract is deeply hidden. that's why the writing is so long, and why lawyers like yourself are evil. miss longacre lost her $11,000 scholarship. should she sue? >> i feel for this poor girl. i don't think she's lost everything. she's 24 still. she's not yet turned 25. >> so that makes her a girl? >> couple of things. there should be a statute of limitations on this sort of infraction. if they allowed her to apply, if they admitted her into the competition, she got to compete,
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and wow, she won, if it's a mistake on the pageant's part -- >> right. >> then i think the argument should be they've waived this restriction as to her, or it's a deminimus infraction because she'll be 24 for most of the year. if any event, she needs a lawyer if she wants to hold on to her crown, and i think we should look closely at the runner-up. >> she said they're trying to erase me as a person. kick me out of the pajent and you're committing genocide. that's what you want in the pageant, someone who takes it so seriously, that she's willing to compare expulsion to death. they should make her the permanent winner. she's the last person who really believes in this stuff. >> have you ever thought of entering a pageant? >> oh, my god, no. i'm such a tom boy.
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[ laughter ] >> never. reason why i love this one, she has dreams of becoming a social worker. don't we all? it's a glamourous life. she's claimed the title would help her meet and get to know people in her community. you can't do that without a crown? you can't do community service or intern or do something where you meet lots of people in your community? like march in a parade. >> i have never joined a pageant, but i still think of doing charity. >> yeah. >> and she's not aged out of the miss usa pageant. >> these are not just beauty contests. they're about scholarships for education. i don't know this woman, but it seems like she could use further education maybe. >> i think they should change the age to 26. >> the question here, what else is she lying about? is there anything she won't do
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to be miss delaware? i think this should not be her crowning achievement. she could take joanne's inspiration, former miss new york, now to red eye -- >> lateral. >> she made a lateral leap. they're happy to be slapy. an l.a. film maker brought together a bunch of strangers to hit each other. it's a take on "first kiss" in which strangers were asked to kiss. but it's so much more. max landis, son of john landis -- aren't they all? -- said his video is a social experiment about violence. >> how do we tastart this? >> stretch out a little bit. >> do you want to go first? okay, all right, just do it. [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> oh, my gosh.
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oh, my god. ♪ >> whoa! >> yay! can i do it again? >> please. >> all right, i'm ready, go! ♪ >> oh! harder. harder. ooh. >> aah, hollywood, with their positive messages. we made a response, a social experiment about violence. ♪ ♪
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>> it's amazing when you have to look for assault videos of animals. it's always involving cats. remi, your clients do this sort of thing all the time. they go to jail. but these people, they're models. >> not my clients. they don't go to jail. [ laughter ] this video is -- what did he call it? a parody, a social study, an experiment. people like to slap others around. that's fine. but if you want me to stand in a room, you know, for just a social test to get my face -- not going to happen. at the end, though, let me just say, they all started spanking each other and that's a completely different thing. >> you know it. >> this is porn, just be honest. with the dudes in there, pretty girls slapping each other and they're taken aback, but they're
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flori floored. >> you were turned on. >> as a soshiologist, i was fascinated. >> he's never had an unclear history. >> i hope you're using tore. >> what's that? >> the browser that can't be tracked. >> the director wanted to see when you take aggression out of violence. is that a good thing? fun violence? >> it's not right. all of these american apparel models don't have aggression or any of these issues that he's trying to figure out. >> the big point here, haleigh joel ozman in this experiment, the little kid from "sixth cents" and he's like a man now. >> shia labeouf is with him. >> are you sure it's not chaz bono? >> no. >> is this a good message to
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send to children, slapping is cool? what's next, smoking, while in head lock. >> yeah, i like it better when it started brad pitt and edward norton. especially when it was jared leto getting slapped. but consensual, why not? >> here's the way i look at it, you do this stuff, life, we have a protracted childhood. these people have no worries. like if you have really serious crap going on in your life, if you were living in a country with civil war, people dying, you would not do this video. but because you're living in l.a. and you're a model on craig's list and that's how they found you, you don't have any problems. so somebody could smack you -- i wasn't going to do that, tucker. >> i'm so jumpy. >> coming up, bid adieu to the show, doesn't even rhyme.
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♪ >> can it tame cocaine? remove the pow from the powder? scientists at the university of kentucky, go fighting chlamydia, say they're engineered an enzyme that can counter overdoses. it could destroy the drug in someone before it takes effect and could be used to tackle addiction -- why? but what if this enzyme fell into the wrong hands? no one is more terrified than joe mackie. so what happens if coke heads get their hands on this? will they just do more coke?
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>> yeah, because the thing is, it will be safer to do coke, but you'll still want to do coke, and this is going to ruin your high, so you'll have to do more coke. >> this makes no sense. you predict that cocaine use will go so far up because no one will fear overdosing and the real winner will be the dealer. >> seems like we're constantly trying to help them out. we've invented a product that will make people who are addicted to cocaine need massive amounts to get high. >> it makes no sense. do we need our scientists to get their priorities in order? if you want to do massive cocaine, why should you have to worry about someone killing your high with a stupid enzyme? >> i don't know. it's like they're saying, how about not worrying about doing cocaine. we'll fix that for you. >> there you go, makes no sense. kind of terrifying.
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lefall right. scientists in the uk have discovered rats that are immune to poison and are expected to outnumber humans two to one next year. they say this is what happens. do you buy this? >> i do buy this. scientists tend to create solutions for problems, and then they cash the paychecks, and later after you thought the problem's gone away, it comes back way worse. super rats, greg. >> yeah, super rats. should we not be worried, since this is in the uk, or could these uk jump the pond at any moment? they're super rats. >> i don't think we have to worry about them jumping the pond. we're using rat poison here, probably sitting above a bunch of super rats right now, and even super-duper rats plotting and planning. >> that's right, because if the super rats breed, they'll create a race of super-duper rats, who will be extra deadly, extra
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poisonous. >> is there a way to fight them with super cats? >> then we run the risk of having boring pets, greg, and i don't think anyone wants that future. >> why would they be boring? >> cats seem apathetic when you come home. you don't know if they love you or nothing. they're just like, hey, there's that guy. >> we're going to get letters on that one. >> you are. >> but anyway, a study has found that the great white shark population is rapidly growing off the california coast thanks to various laws meant to protect them np in australia, a nine-foot great white was eaten by a bigger great white. let me get this straight. not only are they growing in numbers, they're eating each other. what does this mean? >> pop the champagne, sharks are eating sharks. but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. it doesn't work in the middle east and it doesn't work in the ocean, greg. >> so true. >> and another problem we have, a lot of these shark protection laws came into effect due to bad
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studies from environmentalists. where have i heard that before? >> very true. the chance of getting eaten by a shark are for most people very slim. for you, it's more like 90%. >> you know what i always say, the reason people get struck by lightning is because they don't think it will happen to them. i always think it will happen to me and i stay away from the ocean. >> that's amazing logic. when was the last time you were in the ocean? >> well, i used to go when i was a little kid with my family, when i didn't have a choice. but i put up a heck of a fight. >> i bet you did. i bet you struggled and struggled. is there any way we can encourage sharks to eat each other more often? that might help us even more. >> sharks do what they want to do. we've all seen jaws 4, when it attacked that arena. >> i was being polite. should have stopped at two.
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last topic, joe. might be the scariest story you've ever covered. great show of all time, "the view" is cleaning house. sherri shepherd and jenny mccarthy was allegedly fired on thursday, a month after the legendary barbara walters left. this is terrifying, i hate to say it, on so many levels. where will jenny mccarthy go now? >> first off, if they can get rid of mccarthy, they can get rid of mackie. i mean, she's got such a good resume, from singled out to maybe playmate, to taking the whooping cough side over humans. [ laughter ] >> going to be tough to replace her. >> it will. she was pro-whooping cough. she backed the wrong cough. if you're a fan of "the view," as we are, what do we do now? how do we pick up the pieces? >> "the view" keeps surprising me. i thought it would go down the
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tubes after they got rid of matt. but no, they keep proving you don't have to read the paper or have a semblance of what you're talking about, to be on morning television. probably going to get more letters on that one. >> probably for matt nop lis because that's the first time she's heard her name in ten years. any word on replacements yet, is it possible to replace that kind of talent? >> i don't know how they'll replace her. we'll have to see what lawyer gets in the news or something, because they got some big shoes to fill. [ laughter ] >> it has to be a lawyer? >> i think it should be. they've done well with a lawyer so far. maybe star jones round 2. >> you could have two star jones, because she's lost so much weight. >> i'll be tuning in. >> you're awesome as ever, keeping terrified. coming up, is it a dead man running for office? it's con retional recess at
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bernie's next. also, do you have videos of animals? you can send them to us at rocks eye. look at the arrow. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> last story. that's the last story. >> is he ahead, or is he dead? frank lucas won oklahoma's kong retional republican primary. allegedly. his opponent timothy murray knows something few others do. lucas was executed three years ago and is being represented by a body double. murray dropped the bombshell writing, quote, it's widely no one frank lucas is no longer alive and is being displayed by a look-alike. a few members of congress were shown being hanged in the ukraine by the world court. murray, who only won five% of the vote, will be challenging lucas for the win. claims he's never been in the ukraine but he would say that. quickly, great strategy, tucker, right? >> this guy should not have a firearm. he's mentally ill for real. >> it's true. but it's a great strategy.
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remi? >> he watched the movie "dave" on tnt too many times because that's all this is. it's not an original thought. >> you can laugh all you want, i took it seriously enough to do some real reporting. i found out with the right glasses on, this is what a frank lucas campaign ad looked like. can we put that up. >> i love that movie. >> he's here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and he's all out of bubble gum. >> is that what's really going on? joanne, we'd like to use you with a body double. >> i think so. it could do all the things that i don't like to do. like laundry. but how do you prove you're not dead? a body double would say that, or, like, prove it to me. like how, you know. >> you can't prove a negative. >> no, hold on.
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on his website, murray swears, he said i will never use a look alike to replace my message to you or anyone else as both the other republican challengers have. so it's not just frank lucas. and he wears he will never own a robot look-alike. none of the other candidates have sworn that. >> we're laughing at him and he might hold the answer to everything. all right, we got to go. very special thanks to remi spenc spencer, andy levy, joanne nosuchinsky, and mr. tucker carlson. you're doing fox & friends? >> yes, i am. >> in a few hours, you can see his beautiful face. ♪
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