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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 28, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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well, sometimes you have to see something to believe it and
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you are about to. bill ayers former leader of the domestic terror group the weather underground did an interview on fox news and megyn kelly had plenty of questions for him. >> how many bombings are you responsible for? >> weather under ground took credit of slightly over 20 in a period when there were 20,000 bombings in the united states against the war. >> how about you personally? >> me personally, i never talk about it, never will. >> not only will he not talk about it, he also seems to be suffering from a serious case of amnesia about it. >> just because you went under ground, doesn't mean the bombings stopped? >> march 1st, '71, you bombed the u.s. capital, 1992, bombed the pentagon. >> what i got from this
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interview is that bill ayerss hasn't changed one bit. they remember very quickly he's still unapologetic and saying the things he's been saying for years. >> in our society it's more acceptable to be friends with bill ayers than it is to be friends with koch brothers. because harry reid can go on the senate floor and call the koch brothers -- it's amazing he went on to have a pretty good career and sell a lot of books, make a lot of money. tucker meat with him personally. >> he's one of the creepiest people i've ever met. there's something furtive and weird about him and kind of wet and oily and just disgusting and
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i mean that with total sincerity. during one of presidential debates in '08, president obama says i'm friends with bill ayers, i'm also friend with -- friends with coburn. >> why don't we go back to the fdr chicken debate? the guy met him one time. this guy is 45 year ago, he may have bombed a few things, may not have. >> may have bombed a few things? >> other people may have been involved in the stuff. the point is you guys were not around then during that war. it was a despicable horrible war. it took some radical action to stop it. >> they were rooting for the other side. they were -- >> john wayne gacy was secretive
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about his serial killings. to tucker's point there is something very creepy about someone who repeatedly bombs locations, doing it for public acclaim and denies he's even violent. >> my first question is why is he still alive? the best part about his bombing he's inept. his bombs actually killed his own friends and yet that's why he became a professor because you can still a mess and still get ten tour. he's a lizard. old guys with earrings. he thinks his students are going to sleep with him. when he walks by, they laugh at that scumbag. creepy attempts at flirting. he's a pathetic little animal. >> why are we talking about this? >> because it's important. this should have counted in the
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election. the media let this crap slide, the media let obama becoming president while being palestines with a -- -- with pals with a bomber. don't explain it to megyn kely. explain it to the relatives of the victim. >> wait a minute. obama went to his house one time. >> oh, please, bob, do you believe that? >> absolutely. >> to use one of your lines, i have a bridge to tell you. >> the idea we should be looking at him as a friend, tucker is -- >> the woman that he married, burn adean -- bernadine dorn is a fan of charles manson. >> it's not a big deal. it's ridiculous we're talking about it. >> there's more coverage about romney's family dog traveling on the top of his car than there
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was -- even if it was, that they were friendly and they only got tolingt one -- got together one time. you would think that fair coverage would have covered equal. >> the tea party never bombed anybody. >> we're going to have an honest conversation about who he is and where he came from at some point. why we're getting what we're getting now? >> if you think reality matters and you are invested in that old fashioned american thinking, i guess. >> tune in monday night with megyn's interview. speaking of liberals who don't like america, greg has some interesting stats of those in this country.
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according to a new study six out of ten liberals say that they aren't proud to be americans. this is about as surprising as a tom cruise divorce. loving your country is square, hating your country that's cool for a liberal and it's in your face. it's like an attitudinal tattoo. the right though thinks america is great and the world could be overhauled under the belief that our sacrifice leads to better lives for billions. and remember this? for the first time in my adult life i'm proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a come back. [ applause ] >> so glad we made her proud and it's such a modest cost. i could make a list of what makes me proud of this place our free market, military, actions,
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fun yons. we stopped that stuff from happening, and the moment we stop stuffing that -- stop that stuff from happening. we must chase and erase. one cannot be proud of everything our country produces. take our media, a smirking brothel of butt kissers. under obama, they can become so apply i can't believe -- pliable, they make shar -- charmin feel like cement. >> the smirking brothel of butt kissers, i'm having that tattooed on my arm. >> next to my name. >> that's already there. this survey blew me away. you would always hear people say are you questioning my patriotism, it turns out, we probably should have been. it's not just dislike their
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country. i know a lot of liberals. it's very disappointing. it's the sense you get from obama. you've let me down obama. you haven't lived up to my expectations. >> bob, isn't this basically say a lot about the ideology from a liberals perspective we're not as good as the world, from a conservative we're better than the world? >> i've read this study. they break this -- solid liberals represent 15% of the survey, which means 40% represent 9%, if all liberals are included in some of these groups, so it's insignificant, it's 9%, but it's a nice way for us to play another segment which is buy i can't sayed -- biased against liberals which is fine. i don't know who put it together, you talk about picking
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at the bottom of the barrel, you found it. learn something about polling before you put this stuff on. >> i do. >> 51% of liberals think they are typical americans. only 51%. i guess that's beneath them to be american. >> who would want to be american? right, we stopped hitler, we stopped mussolini. we stopped the soviet union. imperial japan. they don't like that. they think cuba is the gold standard. there needs to be this massive i am -- impoverished thing. >> they have passed health care reform, they got president obama, illegals are flooding the
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border, what more they want, they haven't had a golden age since the new deal, and this is their golden age, and they are still not happy? >> we want to return hitler and by the way, you might want to say historically it was the russians who had a lot more to do with doing away with hitler than we did but that's right. >> oh, bob, really. >> 20 million people they lost. >> the united states, we haven't done -- >> oh, my gosh. >> that's history. >> another thing, among the left and among the hip, it's cool to hate your country because mainly because the opposite which is loving your country comes off as so dorky. >> perhaps or maybe that they just want to -- they just want to raise the bar, they want to keep being better. maybe they really believe we're not as exceptional as we could be, that we're not fulfilling our potential maybe. i'm just trying to be nice and
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prevent bob from cracking up. >> i don't believe a word you are saying. i think you -- >> i've been everywhere else. i had an opportunity to travel to a lot of places. i don't know any place that is better than america. why would they want to be anywhere else? >> you've said you've been around? >> keep your mind out of the gutter, gutfeld. >> the live-in nanny who refuses to leave. the family can't get her to
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picture this, you hire a nanny to live in your home with you and your kids and then she suddenly stops doing her job, you fire her but she refuses to move out. this actually happened. it happened to the bracamonte family, they fired their live-in sitter diane stretton, but she will not leave.
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she's threatensing to sue them. cops say they can't kick her out until the family goes through the eviction process. >> when i call the police, they are telling me it's a civil matter, and i have to evict her. this lady is welcome in my house any time she wants and eat my food any time she wants, harassing me and i'm not a victim in my home. >> this person is in my house. my kids and my wife are still here, she towers over my wife and kids and i know there's nothing i can do about it. >> is there a metaphor in this for modern american entitlement? >> i was thinking one of the best ways they could get rid of her. she should get a bunch of spiders and put them in her room or put like some rats in there or something that will make her want to leave and they won't have to worry --
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>> that's a very good point. their petition is very passive. >> i feel exactly like that woman, i'm fon her on this side. i'm going to lock myself in the corner. >> are you suffering from false imprisonment? >> i'm suffering from false stories. >> people think they hire -- people think they hire live-in help and all their problems will be solved, don't they? >> yeah. and this family, they are a bunch of jerks, i side with the nanny on this one. if you dig deeper into this story and maybe this nanny is a a little bit of a loose cannon but they hired her because they did not pay her. they are not paying this woman. they are giving her free room and board. i assume she's getting social security, so this bracamonte family, you figure uncle sam is going to pay for her. this woman is living in a home. this woman has rights. now she's homeless, basically, in her -- they are trying to get
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rid of her. they padlocked the refrigerator. this family gets what they deserve. this is ridiculous. >> good for you. >> wait a second. this is my first time on this show. you are here every day. 2 out of 4 of the permanent hosts here side with the nanny, does that shock you? >> i hired a nanny and the same thing happened to me when she found out i had no kids. look, okay, here's the nanny, the nanny has filed 37 lawsuits, so she's whaws called a vexatious litigant. she's actually on a list. i am pro nanny in the sense that they are not paying her. but having somebody come into somebody's house and no longer should be there and is refusing to leave, isn't that a metaphor for our white house? we'll be right back. >> they are not paying her. >> i was going to say immigration. >> you show up in someone's country, you are apprised of your rights and all of a sudden
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you are filing lawsuits. >> she's not getting paid. she has no means to get her own home. >> presumably she knew, she made a decision to take the job for room and board. >> but she needed a place to stay. she has rights. >> it's about obama! >> don't go away. up next, bob, robert beckle, took part in one of the world's largest yoga's class again. we have the tape, it was outside. you won't want t
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bulldog: ah, the dog days of summer! time to celebrate with your mates, grill a few dogs-- eh, hot dogs. bacon burgers... dachshund: "mattress discounters 4th of july sale ends soon"? bulldog: that cloud reminds me of... radio announcer: the tempur-pedic cloud collection. bulldog: that's it! radio announcer: now with 48 months interest-free financing-- basset hound: free financing? radio announcer: or get a queen size serta pillow top on sale for just $597. bulldog: that's a ringer of a deal! radio announcer: mattress discounters 4th of july sale ends soon.
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♪ mattress discounters i want to apologize immediately for that song that
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just preceded this. i made a new year's resolution to try to get in shape. so i'm working on it. last year, i took a yoga class. it was so much fun i thought i would give it another try. >> i'm here in times square where we're having the summer soltice. it's my second year in a row. it's unbelievable. i simply had to be here, plus the fact the women have -- are the best look women i've ever seen anyplace in america. >> head down, elbows up. >> open up the chest. open up the heart chakra. >> my favorite part. >> chin up. success your stomach in and very slowly go down.
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>> you are kidding me. how did i get talked into this this? this is supposed to be a dead man's pose and there's a good reason they call it that because i'm i'm dead. it's called everybody get together and squeeze. you're a killer. do you know that? i'm a killer. >> yeah, you're a killer. i couldn't get the zippy dog what is it called, we didn't do down ward dog. >> we didn't. >> how do you do down ward dog. >> don't put your head on there. >> how do you do that? get out of here, man. nobody can do that. how long can you hold that for? >> not that much longer. >> she got it. >> it was an interesting experience. i must say that i'll be here every year as long as the female species exists and i expect
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that's a long time and i must say peace, goodbye from the five. well, there you go. it was a lot of fun. i tell you man, tucker, i got toll you something, i don't know if you've ever done this before but the women are in such good shape they can go in all different directions. it gets you imagining things, do you imagine. >> i'm married to a woman like that. i love it. she's fit man. she can beat me in an arm wre wrestling competition for sure. she could have done a lot better. >> oh, definitely. >> look at it. you got to move your s. dana does it, you do this stuff, right. >> yes. >> do you do those things. >> i can do a lot of those things. i don't do yoga outside and i don't do barkrums's yoga anymore. it's very time consuming in your day. you got to get there a half an hour beforehand and wait a half
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an hour before you cool down and go home. it's too much part of my day. >> can you put your thigh up there like that. >> of course, i can. that's what i do in the green room. >> yoga is a tool of satan. >> i refuse to participate in anything that relates to the under world. >> this woman in this section kept saying -- there were five fans outside who were yelling, the five, the five. the guy comes up to me and says you got to keep it quiet here. i say you're in the middle of time square in the summer at noon and you expect it to be quiet? give necessityme a great break. there you go. the dipping dog. you got to try it. you got to try the dipping dog at about 2:00 in the morning. it's great. >> who talked you into the headband. >> you look like arthur ash.
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i got talked into it by josh. it was a good reason. >> if josh is giving you things to wear you should think about it. >> exactly right. he weren't in the vil region. >> did you get a date or anything. >> no, i tried. i got turned down twice. i got turned down twice. >> o
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♪ ♪ (music playing) swimming introduces kids
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to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy kid is a confident kid ♪ (music playing) time now for one more thing on this fun friday. andrea. >> okay. you're going to love this story.
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you're going to love amy adams the actress even more when you hear what she did on a recent flight. she gave up her first class seat for a soldier sitting in the back in coach. she did it very quietly. she does not want anyone to know she had done it. someone on the plane noticed what she did. she said look, i didn't do it for attention for myself. i did it for attention for the troops. adam's father is also a veteran. that is a display of nice hollywood behavior and i encourage it which everyone else is talking about. >> she has every vowel in his name. don't say why because why is not a vowel. you're next. oh -- >> i hate these people. all right. i got a new ben and i want to show you so you can see what's on the pen. it says it's made of recycled
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material. it's also the worst pen i have ever had in my life and there's nothing worse than a bad pen. do you see how close it is to the thing so you can't write. don't buy recycled stuff if it doesn't work because it only encourages people to make crappy stuff out of resickled stuff. recycling so tool of satan. >> i won't be stealing that pen. bob, you're next. >> tackke a look at this thing. this guy has lost his handing gear. he comes down and brings this thing down and makes a perfect landing. i got to tell you, if i fly anywhere, i would like to be with that dude. they put him on top -- >> no, he's handing on the health care bill. >> he's probably handing on obama who is golfing.
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good. next i want to thank everybody for making this such a pleasurable show for a liberal. >> well, we have loved your contributions tonight, bob, my one more thing is you want to go to this event tomorrow in washington d.c. it's push ups for charity. it's so raise awareness for the troops. it's for you have to do as many push ups as you can do in 90 seconds. there's this little video here for you. they are raising about $100,000. you can go to vietnam memorial, lincoln memorial, world war ii memorial. if you're there tomorrow go and impress your girlfriend. >> i could do one maybe. >> i was on a plane this afternoon. it was hot and dush yuturbulent closed my eyes and thought about a cap bin in the woods.
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go to this website endless pictures of cabins in the woods around the world. it's a great site. >> we this is "the kelly file." she's back on monday. tonight, al qaeda is back and taking off iraq. who are these militants? >> they live tweeted the headings. they took credit for crucifixions. >> what do they want? >> this is what osama bin laden was talking about more than a decade ago. >> this is exactly that moment before our eyes. >> should americans worry? >> there is a real danger of something using a nuclear weapon on the united states. >> fox news reporting, iraq and the rise of a terrorist state. from washington, here's chris wallace. >> good evening. with an offshoot of al qaeda threatening to take over iraq, america finds itsf


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