tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News June 29, 2014 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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good morning. it is sunday, june 29th. just facing a u.s. judge here on u.s. soil, he is pleading not guilty. so do we have the right guy in this situation? a live report of what went down in that courtroom is straight ahead. and the 50,000 illegals flooding the border, it's not a crisis, it's an opportunity. >> this crisis, some call it a crisis, we have to view as an opportunity. >> we've got much more of the pelosi philosophy and why the president wants to send billions
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south. a you are re you guys ready? calling a men's group racist even though it included all sexes. we'll debate it right here on "fox and friends" beginning right now. welcome on this sunday morning to "fox and friends," the number one morning show on cable news. >> and for good reason. >> ainsley earhardt is here with us. i'm clayton morris, nice to see you. can women get a job according to what you wear? >> this woman says it's all about what you look like. >> i have women around the newsroom who say it is truth. >> there's a little grain of truth there. >> we'll debate it.
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first up, the militant charge charged ahmed abu khatallah pleads not guilty in washington, d.c. peter doocy has the latest for us. what do you have? >> reporter: the one person we have locked up in the benghazi attack has pled not guilty to a conspiracy charge. he was snuck into the u.s. aboard the uss new york made of steel from what used to be the twin towers and that ship went dark for days before it got to shore. the first place he stepped first on u.s. soil was a national service landing bad along the river here in d.c. then a convoy took khatallah to court to a hearing that lasted
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ten minutes. he was wearing plastic flip-flops. he's not guilty plea was made through a public defender and the suspect had an interpreter that helped khatallah understand the charges against him. no real fireworks or outbursts. that was it. our producer said that khatallah looked calm and spoke softly. then he was taken into a convoy and taken across the river to alexandria, virginia. he's locked up in a detention facility awaiting the next proceeding. there's a detention hearing on wednesday and a status hearing on july 8th. back to you in new york. >> peter doocy live in washington this morning. and other news we are following for you, because of the 51,000 illegal immigrants, children have been dropped at the southern borders coming from el
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salvador, guatemala, south america, many are calling it a humanitarian crisis becauseknow children. there's one center in pennsylvania where the children are being taken care of. nancy pelosi went down to visit the border on saturday to find out how things were down there and she doesn't think it's that bad, she thinks it's an opportunity. >> this crisis that some call a crisis we have to view as an opportunity. if you believe that we do, that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them and they are full worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was dazzling, sparkling. an array of god's children deserve the utmost respect. so we have to use what was said this morning. the crisis some view, that some say is the crisis, it does have
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crisis qualities but it has to be shown as an opportunity to show who we have as americans as we respect people with their dignity and worth. >> it doesn't mean we are not going to treat the children with decency or that they are god's children, we understand that, but what does it do with this? we need to place the children back with their families who dropped them off at the border. are they safe here in america without parents? >> make no mistake, she's for this. she's for this and so are many people in her party. this increases her voter base. she represents an affluent district. many of them are in favor of increased immigration, but she is basically saying if you're against this in any way then you're immoral. she's taking this to an entirely different level of discourse. >> it's not easy to just drop the kids back with their families in central america the
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same way as mexico. it's actually quite difficult to get their families back to el salvador. we are giving out $40 million for border security in el salvador and other countries, and now the president is wanting to roll out an additional $2 billion in the immigrant search. by the way, these countries are not pulling back and allowing the parents to receive these children. in fact, they are putting up a fight when we try to put them back in their countries. >> they are asking for payoffs, which is what we are giving them. pelosi is basically saying, go watch her video online, she basically says i don't believe in borders. right there she says this is one community with a border running through it, just like an arbitrary line dividing people. we are all americans whether you're from guatemala or texas, we are all americans but she doesn't believe in borders.
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>> there are senators jumping on board with the refugee status for the illegal immigrants. senator lindsey graham and john mccain this weekend making the point to set up a refugee status and create an outpost for the individuals because sending them off to pennsylvania is not enough. >> what is it costing? america is troubled with a ton of poor people. there are people begging all up and down sixth avenue right now. >> president obama wants to use $2 billion of taxpayer money to put the illegal immigrants back in the hands of their parents. >> yesterday they said all the job growth in the last few years has been among immigrants and not among american citizens. all of it. so there's a real cost here. we can debate that, but for nancy pelosi to say, we need to accept these people and if you don't you're immoral -- >> children need a mother and father. they are sleeping in sleeping bags with gates on top of each
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other. that's not a life. >> it's a humanitarian crisis. or is it an opportunity according to nancy pelosi? go to our facebook page, that's the question of the day. an investigation is underway after a 3-year-old girl dies following a very freak accident at rita's water ice in philadelphia. an ice cream shop. the security door at the shop claim loose and fell on top of the little girl. people nearby rushed to lift the door and perform cpr. unfortunately, it was too late. police are calling it a freak accident and bystanders are still in shock. >> it's going to be something that's going to haunt me for a long time. >> city inspection officials are now looking into the death. packed in tanks, helicopters and newly purchased fighter jets, iraqi soldiers put into the heart of tikrit to try to take bag the northern city from the isis.
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the iraqi officials claim the military has gained back some control but residents say sunni militants are still patrolling the streets. the tikrit operation is the biggest attempt by the iraqi government to stop isis from getting closer to baghdad. president obama is vowing to take executive action to raise the minimum wage and puts blame on republicans for not getting it done. >> the problem is, republicans in congress keep blocking or voting down almost every serious idea to strengthen the middle class. this obstruction keeps the system rigged against the mid class and as long as they insist on doing it, i'm going to keep taking actions on my own. >> the president has been pushing congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. it is currently $7.25. but critics argue it will hurt businesses because they would have to raise product prices and therefore won't be able to afford paying their employees the higher wage. when we first brought you this story last week, a big
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stunt to sell seasoned tickets. and now the arizona sundogs gm and owner emerged ten days later. the deal for them to stay in a buried dumpster until the central hockey league team sold 300 new season tickets. now that they are out, preston said they had no idea how mentally challenging it would be but says hockey in arizona is that important to them. those are your headlines. here's a story that i think pretty much just fox and mike huckabee have been following. justina last year was brought to the hospital by her parents. doctors at the hospital determined that her medical care was substandard and the state of massachusetts took her from her family. >> they thought perhaps the parents were overmedicating her and wheelchair-bound, maybe
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neurological problems as a result of being overmedicated even though doctors signed off and said, no, this is another issue that has nothing to do with being overmedicated. she's home now. this is a story every parent should pay attention to. what can the state do to you? they didn't have contact with their daughter. very little contact, could barely talk to her. just the state-controlled visits to go and see her. she's now home and is just -- can't wait to getting back to being a 16-year-old girl. listen to her last night on "huckabee." >> they told me that dcs took custody of me and that my family can't talk to me and they are saying that they were over medicalizing, which they were not, they were bringing me to gi because i had flu symptoms and didn't have, and the gi at
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boston's childrens is tough. when i got to the emergency room there, then everything went very scary. i had -- no one was on my side there, no one believed me there, everyone i thought i was faking, that all this medical stuff -- they stopped all my medicine. >> she's wheelchair-bound. >> after they stopped her medicine she recollects went as a normal teenager, goes into the emergency room, they take her away from the parents, get the state involved, imagine if this were your child? and we'll hear from the mom coming up during the 7:00 hour, stay tuned for that, but she was wheelchair-bound and now she has to relearn to walk, run, but she still can't walk. >> so the government can take your child away if the child doesn't think the medical care you're giving her is adequate? >> that's what is scary, that's what the parents are saying. >> what sort of review standards
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are in place? and this is part of the justina's law being talked about in congress by michele bachmann and others to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. but the idea that other doctors say, no, she's not being overmedicined by the family, so throw that out, that's not what is happening yet you are still taking her away for that many months? >> and she has three other sisters, why is she not fit to live with the parents but the other three sisters can? doesn't make sense. coming up, the benghazi suspect is here on american soil in alexandria pleading not guilty in a federal court. should he be at gitmo right now? a man that works there takes us inside, next. and is facebook controlling your emotions? the new study that will have you thinking twice the next time you log on. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not.
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the lone benghazi suspect is pleading not guilty in a federal court after spending two weeks aboard the uss new york. what should we do with him now? sending him to gitmo is said to be out of the question, but should we rule that out? a medical officer that served at gitmo in 2002 is joining us now. >> good morning, good to see you. >> should we be spending him to gitmo? >> absolutely. he is a detainee and he's an unlawful combatant islamist. and until or unless all are killed or no longer have the means or will to kill us, they need to be put into a safe and
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secure place. and there's no safer, more secure place than the military ze tension facility at guantanamo bay, cuba. back not too long ago, some documents were released about anwar al-maliki who was killed by drone, but the documents proved that the administration called him an unlawful combatant. and if that's true, then we are in a global war on terror. and i believe we are. it's white hot right now if you look at what is happening in iraq. and if we are in the global war on terror, you need a safe and secure place to put unlawful combatants militants that want to kill us. >> there are two criticisms that i want to get your response to. the first is that guantanamo bay is inhumane as a place. you were there. >> they were treated better than u.s. as far as medical goes. that was one of my complaints as i was there, was the ranking
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u.s. medical department officer with a joint detainee operations group. so my job was coordinating good and bad guy care. and what was obvious to me was any time a bad guy had a hiccup, there was somebody there. and if a u.s. soldier were to have something bothering them, they had to travel sometimes on foot to wherever they needed to go for medical treatment. so these guys are pret did much treated by gold, but you want them fat and happy. they are less dangerous and more compliant. >> interesting. real interesting. and the second criticism is of accepteding people to gitmo is that the united states has the best justice system and we are sending them outside our justice system. what does that mean? >> we are at war. we have many prisoners of war in the united states without one
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call for legal individuals for them. back in 1982 two of them flipped on the other six. they were denied habeas corpus, and within weeks six of the eight were electrocuted and they didn't kill anyone or blow anything up. they did nothing and six out of eight were electrocuted. >> jay granger, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, tucker. she's a nanny who made news because she wouldn't do her job and then refused to leave the job she worked in. a brand new case in the disappearance of her. where she was spotted and why she was hiding. and just when you thought it was safe to get in the water, several big sightings in just the last week. it's a surge. what can you do to protect yourself before hitting the beach. how not to get eat up this summer. stay tuned.
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welcome back. we have quick headlines. this morning, scary moments in california when a nuclear power plant accidentally september out this alert. telling people nearby to prepare for action. crews were upgrading the siren system and they mistakenly triggered it. after a confusing ten minutes, officials sent out a new alert there was no cause for alarm. a soccer fan is rushed to a hospital after being struck by lightning. it lahappened at the columbus cruise station in ohio. a firefighter went into cardiac arrest shortly after getting hit
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by lightning and is in critical condition. the game was rescheduled for this afternoon. just when you think it's safe to go back into the water, five great white sharks were spotsed with three off the coast of new york city. so what is with the increase in sharks? and what should you do if you spot one in the water? joining us is animal conservationist and the host of the awesome show "ocean mysteries." jeff gorwin, thank you for joining us. >> hey, jeff. >> hey, guys. >> hopefully you can separate fact from fiction for us. it's often believed a tiny cut can attract a shark, is that true? >> interesting question. well, the truth is it only takes a tiny bit of blood. a mere droplet of blood to attract a shark because they have an incredible heightened sense. so a shark in the water can
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easily pick up the presence of blood. and, in fact, their act to smell and their connections with regard to chemistry in the ocean is how they target their prey. so it is not impossible for something like a prey item like a seal or fish that is bleeding to actually attract a predatory shark. >> jeff, why are we seeing the resurgence of sharks? you mentioned off the coast of new york city, there's a lot more great white shark activity happening on the coast, why? >> it's really an amazing, very successful cops ovation story. these are creatures that have been really vilified and targeted for generations. and all of a sudden their populations have become robust and they are rebounding. basically because we are protecting the oceans better along the coastlines where they live. we are no longer targeting them. and the biggest reason we are seeing a resurgence in sharks in places like cape cod or off of new york is because their prey, for example, seals, like gray
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seals and harbor seals have increased dramatically. when you get more prey, the buffet opens up and predators move in. >> jeff, we have heard a lot of rumors over the years with you separating fact from fiction from us, but if clayton wants to go out wearing a bunch of jewelry, is that going to attract some sharks? >> tucker is in the water with his charm necklace on and his charm bracelet, all that glitter, is that going to attract the sharks along the jersey shore? the truth is, not so much. these animalses are very connected to their environment. but it is mostly through sensory connection or electromagnetic waves that move through the water, through smells and movement. visually they have an excellent sense, but really that sort of glittery, flashy, lure-like attraction is more reserved for
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creatures like barracuda and less for sharks. >> i was also surprised to learn that splashing and making noise would scare a shark away, is that fact or fiction? >> well, it's interesting, and very tragic. during word war ii when a lot of vessels were sunk in battle, the warning or the advice that was given to sailors that went into the water, if you see sharks, splash and try to push them away with a lot of commotion, but that distressing behavior actually can attract sharks. they will target fish that are actually in distress. and there have been people or animals or fish that have been eaten by sharks because they are doing this sort of distressing, panicked behavior. >> amazing. so the last two, time of day matters, you say. low light increases the chances you'll be hit. and then finally, punching a shark in the nose, is that true? does that really deter a shark
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attack if you hit him? >> well, they have a lot of sensory stuff happening in their nose. but i'll tell you what, you better have a good punch because you could punch in the nose and slide right into the mouth. i don't know if that's great advice. if you are attacked by a shark, which is unlikely, you can be struck by lightning three times in a row before being attacked by a shark. but if you're attacked in that situation, fight back. there are seals and people and paddles that have defended themselves from sharks. but the big lesson we learn is actually sharks are more in trouble from us than we are from them. sharks are very important to the ocean. and 70% of all shark species are critically endangered. >> jeff, great to see you this morning with great information. thank you so much. if you ever watched the 1960s "batman" movie where the shark jumped on batman's leg, he punches it in the nose. >> that was real, no stunt
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double. >> it's true, watch it. well, listen, feminists are up in arms calling a men's group sexist and racist? and is facebook controlling your emotions? the new study proves it. you'll be thinking twice before you log on next time. ♪ spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition, but we're not in the business of naming names. the fact is, it comes standard with an engine that's been called the benchmark of its class. really, guys, i thought... it also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. and the volkswagen passat has a lower starting price than... much better.
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welcome back to "fox and friends" this sunday morning. if you don't believe in karma, check out this pool prank fail. that is karma in one short piece of video. watch it again in slow-motion. he tries to push his buddy into the pool. goes right through the deck. >> that looks painful. >> he falls in, too. >> can you drop the lower third? i want to see his foot. >> watch it fall down -- oh! painful. and he flips over. >> oh the joy that brings me.
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i can't explain why. you want to talk about feminists this morning? you guys want to talk about feminists? >> do you guys want to talk about feminists? >> of course they don't, but we'll tell you anyway. there's a men's rights conference or group that put on a conference recently but was attacked by feminists as a hate group. the idea being when a large group of men get together it's hateful. >> meanwhile, the rub is they had female speakers at the conference. it wasn't like it was an exclusive group that was cut off and you couldn't actually have any women show up like a men's only treehouse. >> speakers, different races and genders. 100 guys got together, many going through divorces and they were getting together to try to find out how to be better fathers and how to get their kids back, what they need to do to improve their finances. >> that sounds scary.
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i don't know about you, but the angriest, grouchy people in my life were professional feminists. maybe that's just not my experience. >> do you need a degree to become a professional feminist? the idea we have no gender differences anymore in this country -- >> in this situation, these are men trying to learn to be stronger, more responsible, better fathers and better husbands. i don't see anything wrong with that. >> in my world all the females have the most power. they are very empowered in my house, too empowered. >> i have a great husband, but i would love for -- what guy wouldn't benefit from having extra training? or speaking about their experiences. >> that's the point. there were multiple sexes and different gender, different races all at the conference. so that upset feminists? how about this? a book written by a woman that gives women the secrets to
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promotion in a workplace. we'll put up on the skrean female do's and don'ts. >> the book is "executive presence." here's the do, wear simple statement clothes, well-cut jeans with a colorful top. she's basically putting the emphasis on clothing and appearance over your resumé. >> well-cut jeans. i think you shouldn't wear jeans to work, and a colorful top? this is a casual environment. >> raise your voice under pressure. don't raise your voice under pressu pressure. that makes sense. do find a role model in the office, someone senior. >> and don't rely on powerpoints. women often rely on security blankets. go with the knowledge in your
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brain, trust your instincts. don't rely on your powerpoint. >> this is one of the more controversial parts. for a female to get a promotion, look active. and don't fill silence with words. so the idea that even if you are not doing anything, you just need to be active. guys, i can't talk right now, i have something important to do. i can't talk right now. i have some important things to do. >> that's very active. >> i don't understand why a woman is writing a book about -- why don't men have to deal with these issues? it is always the woman, what a woman should wear. you never hear this about men. >> maybe you should hire professional feminists. >> i have always been told to dress for the job that you want but not for the job you have. be tasteful, polished and classy in your appearance and you should be okay. but it should be more about your brain. >> i think it is. if you are running a government office where performance is the main criterion, maybe these are
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meaningful measures. but if you are running a for-profit business, you care about how people perform. you know who adds to our bottom line? e-mail us and let us know your thoughts on the feminist discussion. and we'll get to the bottom line in a moment with ainsley. >> i thought you were going to bring it to janice dean. a $10,000 reward is being offered for any information into the murder of a college student. prosecutors believe brendan was specifically targeted. he was found dead in a new jersey parking lot after being shot six times. surveillance from the scene shows two men running down the street. police are looking to the public now for any answers into what they say is a very active investigation. a bizarre update about the
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nightmare nanny. remember this lady who refused to leave the house in california? the family she was nannying for after being fired has been spotted at a local police station camping out in her cars for hours hiding under a windshield shade. she went to police because she was being followed. police determined it was a photographer and that she was safe. she hasn't been at the family's house in days now but all of her belongings are still there. and new overnight, people in two states are feeling the effects of 5.2 magnitude earthquake that centered a 200 miles east of fee in addition near the new mexico state line. the sheriff's offices in arizona and new mexico are flooded with calls now. some people 150 miles away say they felt the quake. no serious damage, thank goodness, or injuries reported here. and facebook literally is playing with people's emotions. researchers at the social network changed nearly 700,000 users newsfeeds to show more positive status updates while
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others were filtered with more negative ones. the one who is saw doom and gloom were more likely to post negative updates and vice versa meaning social media does affect our emotions like real life. how are they allowed to do this you might ask? you gave them permission and the okay when you signed off on the terms and conditions. read the fine print. >> i love when people become outraged about facebook or other social media sites that they have signed up for. it's a company. >> do i need fine print? i need glasses to read the fine print. i have met very nice people here. what's your name? >> christina? >> and what is your name? >> i'm deena. >> and who are you? >> i'm elizabeth. >> you came to new york to do what? >> just visit. >> give me some examples.
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>> 9/11 memorial, statue of liberty. >> and the highlight was -- >> fox and friends. >> good answer. we had an earlier tornado warning present. we'll see these fire up near russell brings. that's a tornado warning surrounding the severe thunderstorm warning. that's the beginning of a very active day across the plain states and the mississippi river valley. and you can see the red shaded area where the storm prediction center says this is where we have the potential for hail and damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. pay close attention to your local weather authorities. tomorrow, a severe threat widens across the great lakes and down to texas. there are the highs today, very warm across the southern u.s. and the great lakes. beautiful conditions here in new york city. enjoy the rest of the day? >> yes. >> very nice. thank you so much for coming. and you saw a celebrity here today, right? >> clayton. >> you're their celebrity
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sighting. back to you. >> thank you. coming up on the show, a shocking new report shows nearly 40 million americans can't afford their mortgage. how can you keep yourself from getting in a situation like that? our money expert is on deck to answer your questions, next. and news you can use. could you face wash be killing you? the shocking warning you need to hear. stay tuned for this. >> this is why i don't warrash face. fourth of july is coming, and that means this, this, and definitely this. so if you're looking to buy a car, don't wait because the savings have already begun. just make sure before you buy to go to or use the truecar app for guaranteed savings. happy fourth of july. i've been using these bounce bursts. they bring outdoor freshness inside, so i guess i forgot i wasn't outside. [ sniffs ]
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welcome back. a shocking report shows 40 million americans can't afford their mortgage or rent. nearly 6 million spent more than 50% of their income on monthly payments. so how can you keep yourself from getting into a situation like that and when is it the best time to rent or buy? lorna is here with more. >> nice to see you, clayton. >> this is the busiest time of year for a real estate agent, so how do you know in the situation when you find yourself thinking about putting your us up on the market, maybe refinancing or renting, how do you begin to unpack all of that? >> well, the important thing is really to consider where you're
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at right now in your life. so renting is not a bad option for a lot of people. buying is also a good option but don't rush into it. >> we'll break some of this down. calculating your rent, how should you know how much to pay for rent? are you cheated on it? how much of your income should be put to it. >> look at your income after taxes. whatever is deposited into your income on a monthly basis and try to keep your rent 30% less than that number. >> we like the big suvs and bigger houses than we actually need, so how much house should you buy for the amount of money you have to spend? >> well, take your annual income and multiply it by three or five. and don't feel like you need to spend too much because homes won't increase in value quite as much as we think they do. >> so the house price to rent ratio and how much you can actually buy -- when does it make sense to rent? when is a good time to rent or buy? >> representing really can be
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good. if you need flexibility and have a career you are not sure about and might move, that's when renting is a good idea. other reasons to consider renting, if your credit score is low. give yourself time to raise it before buying a home. and also, if you are just not really sure about the neighborhood, lots of good reasons to stay in a reppal. >> what about when it makes sense to buy. >> buying is good if you need to build equity in a home, but not for three years, we are talking seven to eleven years. and the tax breaks can be great. and private opener ship. you'll have the home and do whatever you want with it. >> a lot of people are not building up equity and plan to stay there. >> right. ? for more advice, thank you. stop what you're doing and listen to this. your facewash could kill you. a serious new threat that may be next to your sink right now and out on the plaza on the shine
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well, before you wash your face this morning, you really need to watch this segment. a new fda warning says two very common ingredients found in many face washes could cause rare but serious and potentially deadly allergic reactions. here with everything you need to know is dr. nita ogden, thank you for being here.
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this is pretty serious. face wash can really kill us? >> well, we found that certain ingredients in face washes are linked to severe allergic reaction. however, this is rare. the fda issued a warning basically that this rare allergic reaction should be included on the products but noted it was 113 cases over 44 years. still it's worth keeping on your radar because it's so severe. >> what are the products and what are the two ingredients? >> the ingredients are commonly found on the front of the product that you use. salycilic acid and benzoyl peroxide. this is the main component ofs a prin that can cause allergic reactions, but this is not surprising. often these two ingredients are used together in acne medication. so it is not clear if it's a combination of the two to cause the horrible skin reaction or one of them, but it's been seen enough they want people to know
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about it and have it on the product. >> patients are september to the hospital because they can't breathe, right? >> yes. all the skin products can be linked to irritation and mild reactions, but the two ingredients lead to a more severe allergic reaction. throat tightening, swelling, really bad hives, things you see with a food allergy. >> what are the products to watch out for? i'm reading proactiv, neutrogena -- >> these can exist in gels, washes and pads. aveeno, neutrogena, very commonly -- >> just reading the back is -- >> look at the active ingredients always here. salicylic acid. the best place so look is the ingredients just like on the medicine bottle. if you have any confusion, go
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see your dermatologist. wait 24 to 72 hours so see if you have a reaction. >> good advice. thank you for being with us. still ahead, a crazy week for politics from the bombshell book about the clintons to john boehner suing our president, but what do the american people think of all this? we'll read some of your responses coming up next hour. then it's a story every parent needs to hear. a teenager taken by her family by the government. this morning her mother is speaking out. that's coming up, next. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing.
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have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you.
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good morning. it is sunday, june 29th. can you believe that? summer is coming and going quickly. i'm ainsley earhardt. the lone suspect from benghazi has a no guilty plea? and those illegal immigrants are not a problem says nancy pelosi. >> we have to view this as an opportunity. >> now the president wants to send more of your tax dollars to the countries from which they are coming. details are coming up. think you are a bad parker?
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you have nothing on this driver. caught on camera, is this the worst parking job ever? i could watch that all day. is it worse than maria molina who tried to park outside on the plaza? it is "fox and friends" hour two if you are keeping track at home. it starts right now. i didn't want think it was that bad. welcome back. this is the touch method of parking. >> are you parking? >> i am bad but i'm not concerned about it. >> just don't move to san francisco, you'll be okay. >> on a hill, are youer theable? >> terrible. i failed on my driving test and haven't done it sense. >> my wife thinks she's a great parallel parker. she pulls in frontward first. she'll end up getting there but it takes time.
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>> my husband would be like, get out of the car, i'm doing it. >> i'm not that patient. first up, the lone suspect charged in the benghazi terror attack has pled not guilty in a washington courtroom. fox news sources say ahmed abu khatallah was the muscleman on the ground when four americans were killed. peter doocy is live with what went down in the courtroom. >> we know during the ten-minute long hearing at the federal courthouse just a few blocks away from the bureau in d.c., the suspect, only suspect in american custody for taking place in the benghazi deadly attack, said two words with the help of a translator, he said, he swears to tell the truth, and no, he had no problem telling or knowing what the judge was saying. he stood in plastic flip-flops with a long gray beard and hair. the journey to get him to court
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was a wild one. the "uss new york" carrying him from libya is made of steel from the twin towers we want dark, no communication or no crew members posting to social media, nothing, until the ship got close enough to land where they choppered the ship to land. they touched down not far from the washington navy yard and there he was taken under heavy guard do downtown d.c. after that it was a convoy across the potomac river to alexandria, virginia, where he's right now in a detention center in alexandria. next up a detention hearing on wednesday. then a status hearing on july 8th. back to you in new york. >> six suvs for one guy. >> peter doocy, thank you. what do we do with this guy? americans are split on where to put him. should we be trying him on u.s. soil or down to guantanamo bay?
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he's an enemy combatant of the united states as a terrorist, should he be kept there? we should try to glean as much intelligence from him as possible. earlier montgomery granger said, get him down there. listen. >> we are in a global war on terror. and i believe we are. it's white hot right now if you look at what's going on in iraq. then if we are in a global war on terror, you need a safe and secure place to put a unlawful combatant that wants to kill us and there's no more secure place that the military detention facility in guantanamo bay, cuba. >> he can be thoroughly interrogated at gitmo. he's responsible for benghazi attacking the u.s. embassy killing for americans. if he's at gitmo, he can be interrogated but instead he's being tried in washington d. c. and treated very well. >> the safety argument doesn't
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wash with me. we saw six bullet-proof suvs carrying this guy. are you worried about him being released? >> people say guantanamo bay is inhumane but they have no idea what to talk about. the prisoners get better treatment than the military americans. i'm happy to see this guy tried in our courts. and i think he'll get justice because i trust it and the american citizens to render that judgment. and i think they will. speaking of american citizens, nancy pelosi was in brownsville, texas, yesterday the site of a lot of the mass immigration into the city. 50,000 underaged illegals coming into central america. nancy pelosi described brownsville as part of the larger community that included mexico that just happened to be cut in half by a border she considers arbitrary.
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listen to the excerpt from her speech. >> this crisis that some call a crisis we have to view as an opportunity. if you believe that we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect. what we saw in those rooms was dazzling, spackling. a ray of god's children worthy of respect. so we have to use as was said this morning, that the crisis that some view as a crisis and it does have crisis qualities as an opportunity. to show who we are as americans. that we do respect people for their dignity and worth. >> an opportunity instead of a crisis. >> next time she gives up to give a speech on behalf of the third-trimester of abortions, i'm going to say, what happened to the spark of divinity that
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you talk about. >> yes, we all love children, what precious angels they are, of course, but that's not the point. the point is now they are here and parents are dropping them off to leave their home countries in south america and dropping them in the united states. now for all intensive purposes we have a refugee crisis. >> people are going to agree with her when you see a room full of kids who are sleeping on top of each other in cages and sleeping bags. of course we feel sorry for them. we are going to treat them humanly because we all know they are god's children. i agree with her on those fronts, but that's not the point. >> this is an opportunity for the democratic party to solidify their hold on american politicians. these people are not going to leave. i don't care what they tell you, they are not leaving. they will become american citizens. >> what do you do with the american citizens with no
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parents? >> that's absolutely the calculation here. >> they won't have parents here in the u.s. thousands of kids will, what, be put in the orphanages? >> a lot of the kids are 17. >> 17, i don't have my parents, what do i do with my life? >> politicians say to you, we are going to fix this. this means they are staying. if you are pelosi or not, it's a good or bad thing. >> she's in brownsville, texas. have you heard rumblings from texas moving from a red state to a blue state in this is why. let us know your thoughts. here are your headlines this morning, an investigation is underway after a 3-year-old girl dies following a freak accident at rita's water ice in philadelphia. the security door at that shop that came loose and fell on top of a little girl. the people nearby rushed to lift the door and perform cpr on her but it was too late.
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police call it a freak accident with bistanders still in shock. >> i just want to say this is something that will haunt me many for a long time. >> city inspection dpishls are looking into the death. newly purchased russian fighter jets with russian soldiers pushing into the heart of tikrit to try to take back the northern city from isis. the iraqi officials claim the military is gaining back some control but residents say sunni militants still patrol the street there is. this is the bigst attempt by the iraqi government to stop isis from getting closer to baghdad. and some scary moments for thousands of people on board a cruise ship off the coast of washington state. a fire in the boiler room forces that ship to return to the port in seattle. the fire was quickly put out. no one was hurt. the coast guard inspected the holland american ship and cleared it to sail again later
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this morning. the cruise is carrying 2,000 passengers and 800 members headed to alaska. a high school graduation 100 years in the making. this 100-year-old v-day veteran is receiving his did lo ma from his 19-year-old grandson who graduated with him. george hulka jr. 73 years later is a graduate now. good for him. congratulations. have you been following the justina pelletier story.
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the government came in and took this child as the hospital believed she was being overmedicated. after 16 months in con finement where this family had no interaction with her, was very little minute mall interaction with her and no answers, finally they are able to talk to their little girl face to face. linda was on the show last night, the mom, and had a chance to describe this heroing account. listen. >> the worst thing i went through was i was so worried all night, all day long, not knowing what they were doing to her because i could not call, i could not get and update, what she was going to have going on with her. i found out she had pneumonia twice. and then one doctor finally called me and said, linda, she's really not doing well. and i said, why am i being blocked out? so i don't know what they have done to her and i was
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continuously worried. i had days i couldn't function. because i don't understand why they did this. there is no explanation. >> when i first heard the story i thought, what is the other side of the story here? but then the family hired an attorney and complied with the health and human services reunification plan and were deemed to be fit parents. a-okay, she was pleading to go home. there was video of her saying, please, i want to be with my participants. she's at the age where life is good and she wants to be in high school with her friends. >> they didn't believe her. that she was faking it and her parents were doing well. but i had the same response you did, this is america. but even there they can't just take your child away because a doctor doesn't agree the treatment you're providing but that's exactly what happened. don't see the other side of
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this. this is a flat-out injustice. >> that's why congress is moving to create justina's law. michelle bae bachmann is in chaf that. by the way, she's back at home. >> she has to learn to walk all over again because she's been wheelchair-bound for a while. hillary clinton walking back the dead broke comments. the next guest says the results can make a big difference in 2016. do you think you're a bad parker? you have nothing on this driver. cut this be the worst parking job ever? >> that space looks pretty big, too. no parallel parking is needed. vancation is, ah,
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welcome back. from john boehner's lawsuit to hillary clinton's claims she was dead broke, you heard what the pundits had to say about the political headlines, but what do the voters think? our next guest is a partner, lee carter, she'll break down what voters have to say. good morning. >> good morning. >> looking at the summer doldrums, you thought people weren't paying attention but you found out something else, right? >> we always say people are skeptical. not necessarily just what people are saying but it's what they are hearing. that's what we are focusing on. what we are seeing is people are skeptical and cynical. they are really, really down and out about things and certain things are happening this week to have them upset. >> the john boehner lawsuit and
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why he's suing the president. we'll listen to boehner. >> the president's job is to faithfully execute the laws. in my view, the president has not faithfully executed the laws. we have a system of government outlined in our constitution with the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. the congress has to do its job and so does the president. when there are conflicts between the legislative branch and the administrative branch, it's, in my view, our responsibility to stand up for this institution in which we serve. >> so you can see the dials on the screen among voters. how did they react to that? >> you saw a huge divide in this country. you saw the democrats were dialing as far down as they could and the republicans weren't really dialing that high, but a combination of what they are hearing and how they react in their gut is what we saw there with the big split.
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but the conversation afterwards, what was so alarming is both sides of the aisle are so angry at the division between the divisiveness and the anger. and the fact that he's suing obama made them really, really upset. so much so that they said this kind of action could impact any republican candidate running for office in 2016 and don't think they will get in if this is the way they are going to run politics. >> we'll talk about bill clinton defending hillary clinton's wealth comment this week. she took a lot of heat for that. here's bill clinton defending hillary's gaffe this weekend. let's listen to bill. >> i remember when we were in law school, she was out trying to get legal assistance for poor people. i remember she was working on trying to -- believing in paid leave for pregnant mothers in the 1970s. it's -- so i think if you don't give the most depth to an answer
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because you immediately remember what you felt like the day we left as opposed to what it looks like to everybody else now who is having trouble, you can say, okay, i have to clean that up, which she did. >> pretty high marks there. >> absolutely. he's a master communicator and always has been. what is interesting about the clip is democrats dialed him lower than republicans. he was able to communicate in a way that resonated with both parties, but even with people who are traditionally not his fans. and i think it was really extraordinary in the way he communicated. it is really folksy and authentic. it's a stark contrast about how they feel with his wife. so i think we'll talk about hillary next and she doesn't do the same. >> we don't have time to play the sound byte but she came back to respond to bill clinton's comments. she said, i don't need anyone to defend me. lee, thank you for breaking
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these numbers down for us. >> thank you. coming up on the show, they once struggled to find work coming home from war, but now these military women have their own companies. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive.
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phone searches increased in 2013 according to a new report. and finally, $3.68 is how much a gallon of regular gas will cost on average this fourth of july weekend. making it the costliest independence day for drivers in six years. thank you, tucker. well, women in the military fight a different battle coming back to civilian life. trying to find a job here, army veteran lauren scaladi and the navy vet laurie reed struggled to find work but both benefited from military training and ultimately each formed their own companies. good for both of you. you are like the toughest women in america. military and starting your own businesses. lauren, let me start with you, what was your rank and job in the mill tear and what are you doing now? >> i was an e5 military police in the army and now have my own company g2 global services. we provide i.t. services, admin
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project service and military service programs. >> and laurie, what did you do? >> i was one of the first females on the carrier to the persian gulf. right now i'm the president for the breaking consultant inc. we help those who are charged with domestic violence against their caregiver. >> how long have you been out of the military? >> i was out in 1996. >> and i was out in 2002. >> what inspired you to start your own company? >> well, i wanted something difbt and wanted to bring change and serve my community and country still and to help veterans. that's my top priority. >> for me, i think it's basically there's a passion that you have. when you are in the military, you still have that passion. and i wanted to work with families. and that's where breaking the cycle came to play with working with families. >> did the military help start your own company? did you feel like you couldn't find a job in and what can the
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federal government do to prepare other vets coming out to get a job or start their own company. >> i think it's a great question. when you transition out, you move to a civilian world way different than the military. the biggest thing is helping individuals mentor them into civilian life so you know you can apply from your military experience into civilian life. and i think that's what is lacking. >> is there a program that does that? >> what i learned in the military was dedication, perseverance and discipline. and there's -- part of it when you get out, the veterans and military families at syracuse university do great jobs. you need to know there are services out there free to the vets. and it is free, use it with the support out there to help them. >> you are inspiring so many military individuals watching
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this. any advice for the folks who have gotten out and looking for work? >> find a mentor and an individual to help you through it. as well as many services out there, especially for women veterans, which is a really tight-knit community. and making sure other benefits are available. go to your v.a. to find out what benefits are available to you. >> what's harder, the military or starting your own company? >> starting your own company. >> financially, go to your banks. the small banks will help you. >> our military people are the ones we want to hire because of the discipline. >> yes, that helped tremendously, but definitely starting your own business, it's the fear tafactor. >> you are so cool. thank you for being here. lauren and laurie, thank you. have you washed your face yet? don't until you hear this. your cleanser could be killing you. yes, this is true. the potential danger revealed coming up next.
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and sushi, what? what about a buffalo chicken lollipop. we'll taste it to see how good it is. and we promise you have never heard of a lot of these items before. can janice and clayton handle it? and if i tap my geico app here i can pay my bill. tap it here, digital insurance id card. and tap it here, boom, roadside assistance. on'tday ooklay, it's axwellmay. the igpay? otallytay. take an icturepay! onephay, onephay! really, pig latin?
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[ male announcer ] geico. anywhere, anytime. just an aptay away on the geico appay. ♪ [ male announcer ] geico. anywhere, anytime. in life, there are things you want to touch, and some you just don't. introducing the kohler touchless toilet. the no-touch flush for your home. does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good,
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this is my favorite story of the morning. if you are a bad parallel parker, like this person -- i was just about to ask. this doesn't make me sexist, but i wanted to know if it is a man or woman from my own scientific research. turns out it's a woman. she just gives up and is like, that's way too big, i can't fit in there and drives off. come on! and i love that somebody -- i have to imagine that this video is probably on half as long as it probably could be because somebody was filming it outside of his window. >> last year we showed you this video from ireland with a woman
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trying to parallel park for more than 30 minutes. >> a woman? >> come on, clayton. she did eventually park it and got it to where it needed to be eventually, but it took her longer that needed, in my opinion. >> certainly longer than our a program. a father charged with murder after leaving his son in a hot car was not allowed from the prison to go to the funeral service. he said he was grateful to his family's support. his online support has now vanished with a petition calling for his release has garnered 11,000 signatures. new received surfacing including the fact that harris researched how hot it has to be in a car for a child to die. the petition has officially been brawn now. the parents of an american teenager speaking out about
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their son's kidnapping in israel. the 16-year-old and his two friends abducted june 12th hitchhiking home from their jewish school. as the search for the missing teenagers continues, the frenkels talk about how they are coping. >> we are trying to stay sane during the crazy days so we limit ourselves to preserving the family and the sanity and bringing our story out there. >> we are worries for him and his friends. at the same time. we are worried for his name, looking for him day and night. >> officials believe he was taken by the military group hay mast. and the fda says acne products can trigger a potentially and severe deadly reaction. they have received reports from consumers of face swelling or difficulty breathing after using
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certain products that contain salycilic acid. these are the brands to watch out for. >> these can exist in gels, washes and pads. aveeno, neutrogena and oxy clean and clear. >> it is unclear right now if the ingredients alone triggered the reaction or another combination is to blame. what do you look for in an apartment? large closets or a great kitchen with natural light? how about an apartment building in d.c. with an english bulldog to share. the point is to allow busy residents the joys of a pet without hassle. the pet is available seven days
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a week. i think that's awesome. >> then you can still travel. apartment 8f -- >> they should do that with the kids. you don't have to feed them, change the diapers, pay tuition. >> they do make somebody for them, it's called grandparents. >> really. spouses, don't take responsibility. i am just move iing. >> name a town, where you from? >> deanna, virginia. >> florida. >> how did i do on the weather today here in nyc? do you like the weather here? >> yeah. >> all right. 70 degrees in new york city.
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a beautiful day for us here. 69 in kansas city. 79 in dallas. we have a front al boundary. we have a warning front in kansas that is a slow-moving cell in western kansas that continues to move eastward. if you live in the regions, be careful of the threat across the plain states and the mid west. i love donuts and a reuben. what happens when you put them together? >> you get franken food, janice. we have top judges from "frankenfood" here. what does this mean? >> it's a combination of unusual
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ingredients that come to life in a spectacular way. or in a god-awful way you never want to eat it again. >> you are judges and what are you looking for when the local chefs bring you hybrid foods? >> you want foods together that normal people come together to create a new -- these are two of my different things. a donut and reuben sandwich. a rueben has my favorite meat in all the land. >> you guys came up with this? >> yes, this is a tony and i special. >> what is this? >> a special dressing. >> what is this? >> mayonnaise -- you cannot call
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this frankenfood. clayton, are you going to try it? >> this is one of my favorite meats with swiss. cole slaw -- >> i love food but am not sure about this. >> there is nothing -- come on! is that good? see? >> that is the breakfast of cha champs. and next we have sushi and a blended puree. we have a chicken lollipop.
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we took the buffalo wing, blue cheese and celery. i dipped it in hot sauce and put it with celery. one of your favorites? >> it is absolutely one of my favorites. >> right? is that no on tonight? >> 10:00 p.m. sunday nights. we are putting the fun back in food. tony and i are having a good time. >> that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> i'm going to try it. >> tucker, i forgot my breakfast this morning. so here you go. >> y'all are crazy. coming up, a vet fired from giving a needy man a muffin.
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a 73-year-old vietnam veteran is fired after giving a man a corn muffin? joining us now is that man, joe. >> thank you. >> tell us what happened, you gave a muffin to someone you thought was needy, why did you do it? >> he approached the station and asked me if i could give him some mayonnaise. he said he was going to cook some fish. and i did. and i put in a corn muffin. now, the rules state you can't give anything away. i did it. so he was happy, i felt good about it. >> what happened next? >> i was fired! i was let go. >> for giving him a corn muffin. >> well, no, there were two other infractions. i had a sip of coke, which is against the rules, and e gave a
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coffee to a lady. the lady had eaten and was on the way out and the table was cleared. she asked for a coffee to go, and i said sure, honey, and i gave her the coffee. i'm not casting doom and gloom on the company. they did their thing. now people know about it. >> so i want to read a statement we got from cracker barrel, he received many unwritten warnings reminding him about the company's policies and the consequences associated with violating them. mr. koblenzer was terminated. cracker barrel is grateful for and honors mr. koblenzer's service to our country as we honor all servicemen and women and their families. so was it worth it?
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>> yes. their rules, i'm not contradicting the rules and i broke the rules. a moral issue comes in. and i said that when the manager let me go. i said, don't you think there's a moral issue here? mr. koblenzer didn't need anything for mr. koblenzer, he gave the coffee to someone. >> why not just give us 90 cents for the corn muffin and called it even? >> i would have paid it, i would have. >> puzzling. corporate america sometimes is. joe, thank you for joining us this, morning. good luck. >> thank you so much. it's a shocking statistic. 60% of liberals say they aren't proud to be americans. coming up, country star lars ha
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plane, i would take this dog. this is a great dog. >> this is jodi. this is roger. and this is zoe. >> they are up for adoption. if you want to adopt the dogs, go to all the information is there. we are talking about dog safety because it's summer and hot outside. the pavement is hot. the dogs, can they walk on the pavement? >> it is definitely an it is best to have them on grass and things like that. one of the ways is i do fido, so the first one is fireworks. >> my dog hates fireworks. >> most do. and their hearing is so sensitive that it can be painful. they don't know what is going on. so the best thing to do is to put tags on your dog, but i'll talk about that in a moment. but to keep them indoors secured, that way if they are running and looking for you there, they are not running out
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and you can calm them down. remain calm and they take that cue from you. >> what's the i? >> i.d., identification. i think of a kid playing with a dog, they are playing tag. fido, you're it. so obviously they are so important. the reason they are so important is that so many animals get lost. more when they hear the fireworks, right? more than any other time is july 4th. a huge increase. >> dangers in the backyard is d, what does that mean? >> 14% of animals who are lost, lost pets are returned to owners. 86% are not returned. have a tag on your animal. it is not a substitute for a microchip at all.
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>> when we leave the house, our dogs beg to go with us, but the car is hot. that's the o in fido, overheating. >> d is the backyard dangers. overheating is a huge issue. cars heat up in 17 seconds, it can go up 19 degrees. >> in 17 seconds? that's horrifying. >> one of the huge problems is people think, i'm just running in for a second. you get caught up and don't realize it. if you see a dog in a car, you will be protected by the good samaritan law to break the window. and look to see if you see the tags or the phone number and call the cell. >> if you see a dog and smash the window, you are indemnified. >> you should get a witness, but absolutely. the good samaritan dog, if you are saving that animal, it will cover you. >> you can detect the dangers outside. what are the dangers? >> the dangers outside, people should get to know that cocoa
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mulch is a problem, insecticide is toxic to animals. >> and chug on treated wood is a no-no, which you should tell that guy. >> this is one of the hard rubber bones that you can fill with peanut butter. always supervise. >> these guys are up for adoption. take one home. >> if you want to find out more on how to adopt the pets, go to for all the information you need. >> thank you for the great advice. coming up, time to cheer a grumpy person up or to tell them to back off? and house speaker john boehner is suing the president of the united states. chris wallace is joining us, next. with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better?
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my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why i'm shooting for something better. eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [ music and whistling ]
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good morning. it is sunday, june 29th. i'm ainsley earhardt. he is the only man captured in the benghazi attack and now he's in the u.s. do we have the right guy here pleading not guilty? and nancy pelosi says those flooding our borders is not a problem. >> this crisis that some call a crisis we have to view as an opportunity. >> we'll tell you exactly how it's and opportunity for nancy pelosi and how the president is sending billions more of your cash to central america. and women want to know the secret to climbing the corporate ladder? a new book says it's nothing to
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do with your skill level or knowledge, so is that fair? the do's and don'ts this morning as "fox and friends" begins right now. well, good morning. >> good morning. >> if i could have gotten that dog on the airplane, i have wheels up at 11:00, i'm serious, if i had a noon flight, i would have gotten that dog. >> do you have a satchel? >> if you missed the last segment, go to our website to see information on how to adopt the dogs. there's a little collie mix that is shocking. >> good morning with ainsley here with us this morning. >> good morning. fox news sources say ahmed abu khatallah was the muscle man on the ground when four
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americans were killed in benghazi. peter doocy is live with what went on inside the courtroom. >> he entered his not guilty plea to the cop spearcy charge during a ten-minute hearing at a federal courthouse in d.c. a few blocks from where i am right now. he was surrounded by security but not shackled and said two words in front of the judge. with the help of a translator, khatallah says he swears to tell the truth, and no, he doesn't have a problem hearing the judge. he looks about 6 feet tall and is calm according to colleagues in the courtroom. getting khatallah from libya to washington, d.c. where he'll be tried required extreme security measures beginning at sea. because the "uss new york" carrying him went dark for more than a week blanking their communication including crew members' social media postings
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to keep their communication a closely held secret. when they got close enough to the coastline, he was choppered off and first stepped foot at the park service landing across the river. from there, the proceeding went off without a hitch. and after that, it was off to alexandria where khatallah is locked up. there are more hearings for wednesday and july 8th. thank you, peter doocy in washington. you've seen the pictures, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants streaming over our borders. add to that the millions of illegal immigrants coming over in the last ten years to this country. some call it a crisis. no, it's not a crisis according to nancy pelosi from brownsville, texas, yesterday. she explains not a crisis but an
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opportunity. watch this. >> this crisis that some call a crisis, we have to view as an opportunity. if you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was dazzling, sparkle iing, array o god's ultimate respect. we have to view this as having crisis characteristics, but we have to view people with dignity and worth. >> democrats in texas, the past few years have said the rumbles are from this being a red state to a blue state.
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people can write they are a red state, but if you see the immigration rules and how they vote, they are voting democratic. that's what's happening. >> if texas were to vote democrat nick the presidential election, it would be mathematically impossible for a republican to be elected president. so the democrats are obsessed with this. it is just a huge problem for america. the time is massively high in unemployment. millions more low-killed workers doesn't leave -- >> showing what they are going through in honduras and guatemala, they are here sleeping on top of one another. how is this better than what they could experience in a loving family back home? >> well, it's hard to say, but the issue is how they are getting here in the first place. we have spent $48 million a year. we hand out money to guatemala to secure their borders.
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it is very difficult fortous bring the children back to be the central place. >> is this the responsibility of the american taxpayer to foot the bill? obama pledged $2 billion more. we have already given up a quarter billion or pledged it to central america as a payoff. they are demanding this money in exchange for trying to stem the flow of citizens north. now they are saying we'll give you billions more. >> and the senator is pushing to make this a refugee crisis. the white house could sign an executive order because if it's a refugee crisis, they can stir congress and allow the children to stay here under the refugee status. this could be another example of the president using his pen.
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>> john boehner will be acting quickly on that account. now we'll talk about the headlines this morning, new video released the iraqi military carrying out attacks in tikrit to take back the city from isis. they claim the military has gained back some control including 140 military vehicles used by the militants, but the biggest attempt by the iraqi government is to stop isis from getting closer to baghdad. she was taken from her parents and spent 16 months in child protective custody. now the legal battle continues on as she was brought to the hospital over flu-like symptoms. then the hospital officials took hold of her and said she was a
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child of medical abuse. >> it was very, very scary. no one was on my side and everyone thought i was being overmedicined. >> she was returned home following a juvenile court home order. a soccer star was rushed to the hospital after being struck by lightning in ohio. the off-duty firefighter went into cardiac arrest shortly after getting hit by lightning and is in critical condition. ever tried a cheer many people love? many people prefer that you tell them they understand their feelings and they are normal and appropriate for acting this way in any situation.
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miserable people love company. >> i used to date a girl a few years ago, not anymore, but she was kind of miserable. and she got furious when people were telling her to cheer up or smile. she would get angry. it didn't last too long, our relationship, but i believe in this study. people cling powerfully to their self-involvement. >> we all know someone that does that. >> so we spend all this time beating up on politics, but every once in a while you see something great. here's an ad from a candidate out of alabama. he's black, a republican, but the best of all is this spot. watch this. >> this is how i announced my campaign. people ask me how long it will last. where do i live? what school did i attend. i suppose they are just trying to get me a donut.
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did you know i was being my best while listening to frank sinatra? this is my favorite nba player, dirk. i take it personally i cannot swim. i was the first in my family to earn a four-year degree. and one of the best things is that i married very, very well. now that you know a little about me, do i really fit in a box? see you on the campaign trail. he said it's all about your message and not what the messenger looks like. >> right? >> the best part is darius
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foster is his name, the candidate for the house of representatives there in alabama. >> he's joining us next hour at 9:15. john boehner is filing a lawsuit over the obama administration's executive actions, but does he have a shot? kris wallace weighs in on that, next. and you have never seen anything like this. a guy pulling a plane on his back. look at that. is this for real? can he really do that? >> he just needs momentum. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. dave, it's been a while. you've got a beard. [ laughs ] come on in. i've been shaking these bounce bursts into my washer. they bring all the bounce freshness of the outdoors indoors, so [laughs] i guess i just forgot i wasn't outside. here. see for yourself. [ sniffs ] behold. [ birds chirping ] [ shaking ] i love being outdoors. i love bark. [ male announcer ] shake the outdoors indoors with new bounce bursts. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones.
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a phone. i've got a pen to take executive actions where congress won't. and i have a telephone to rally folks around the country. i've got a pen and i've got a phone. and that's all i need. >> can i borrow your pen? >> sure. >> he's got a pen and a phone. that's his second-term strategy for policy changes, but will it come back to haunt him? >> and now house speaker john boehner plans to sue president obama over using executive power? >> but does he have a shot? joining us is chris wallace. >> good morning to you. >> does he have a shot? >> john boehner, well, there are a couple problems. first of all, the courts have been very reluctant to get into these battles between the executive and legislative branch. among other things, they say congress lacks standing. in effect what they are saying is if the president has an executive order and decides to do something, maybe the people who are affected by it, let's say obamacare, one of the
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companies affected by the employer mandate, they can sue but congress doesn't. that's one problem. the other problem is the courts have generally said there are other remedies to try to do to sort this out, the separation of powers. you can de-fund the white house or the program you don't like. ultimately, you can impeach the president. generally they want to say out of the fights between the two branches. even if this does get accepted by the courts and goes through the courts, as we know, that takes a long time. an and, this could set a precedent after this president is out of office. >> ron paul had a p.r. move that may zrdrum up support. he made an argument that the far right wing of the party was pressuring john boehner to do something. and to move to the impeachment would really rally the
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democratic side of things. do you agree? >> i think that would be a total political misstep. when john boehner was asked about it, he moved away from that as quickly as possible. we know how that worked with bill clinton as that ended up down to the benefit of the democrats of the '98 midterm. there's no chance that will happen, but it is interesting you said rand paul said it was a stunt. guess who else thinks it's a stunt? barack obama. that puts them on the save wavelength on this issue. john boehner very upset because he said, this is a serious issue. and to give you an idea of the executive overrance, you had an unanimous ruling signed by a liberal justice steven breyer saying the president overstepped his bounds with the senate in
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recess for three days. the senate is in recess when it says it is. so there's a real question about the two. and we'll talk about it at the top of the hour with the chairman of the house judiciary committee, a republican, and javier, the top house democratic leader. i suspect it to be an interesting debate about executive powers, what the limit is on, what. >> that sounds like a time ly program. thank you. you have to see this truck going right over a ledge slamming into the ground. how did that happen? we'll find out. then what is happening to patriotism in this country? 60% of people say they are not proud to be americans. vancation is, ah,
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it's a vacation where the... journey is the vacation. it's not just the destination. i think actually we bought the van, and the next day we left on our vancation. yeah. the truecar experience, it was just in and out in one hour. the money we saved with truecar, we, you know, splurged a little on our first vancation... because we, we had such great savings. thank you! saving you time and money is what we're all about.
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would you like quick headlines? we have some. a new study claims blood-thinging drugs help prevent miscarriages. simply taking an aspirin per day showed an increase in the clots anden increase in the birthrate. and scary moments in california when a nuclear power plant accidentally sent out this alert telling people nearby to, quote, prepare for action. crews are upgrading the siren system when it mistakenly triggered the message. after a confusing ten minutes, a new message was sent out saying
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there was no cause for alarm. what is happening to patriotism in our great country? a new pew research poll shows 60% of americans are not proud to be an american. here to explain why they should be proud is country music star larry gatland, hello, my friend. >> hey, girl, how are you doing? >> i'm great. i heard you sing last night, but first we'll talk about the pew research poll. in the u.s., they were asked, many people conservatives, liberals, were asked to be proud americans. 60% said they are not proud. what is this about and why? >> i wrote down some things at 2:30 if morning, if i can remember half of them, it will be a wonderful spot. here's the deal, the limousine jet liberals in coalition with low-information voters. by the way, just one second, hillary, you can get out of the
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limo now. your jet has been cleared for takeoff. the little people can't bother you at 35,000 feet. all right. they had the elect ed -- thehise didn't talk in coach. on the night he was elected she said that was the first time she was proud of her country. i knew a half-she had a great education. she was very wise and said if a child acts badly, if a child is naughty, slap the grandmother. because that means the grandmother didn't teach the mother and the mother didn't teach the child. by the way, that was my grandmother, nida bernice willingham. we have old hippies from the
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'50s and '60s not grilling our country, and we are being taught of the children of those in the '60s who not only think the difference from right or wrong but eat whatever is right or wrong, patriots stand up when they believe it's right to storm beaches in the same of right and wro wrong. they believe it's right to go do that and that torques these people off because they don't believe there's a right or wrong. when we say there is, get in their jets and take off if still mad at me. i won't say love it or leave it, but i'm going to say love it or get out of my face. how is that? >> larry, the second question in the study is the u.s. the
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greatest country in the world? and 28% say that the u.s. stands above other countries. 28% of those people polled, 58% said one of the greatest countries. only 58% said that. 12% said there are better countries, what do you make of those? >> well, i wrote a song one t e time. ♪ a great patriot said many years ago, we have freed more people and fed more people, we have clothed in the house and brought more to any other country ever known in the history of the world and never asked for -- >> knowing our loved ones fought for kourp tour country, do you offense at the 60% number?
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>> some people say you can open your mouth and fight for dignity, whoever said that was right? so when you nice folks at fox give me a chance, i'm going to sit right here on the nice chair and visit with you all and come up to visit. and i'm going to stand toe to toe with that. >> tell us about the grand ole opry. >> well, last night i hosted the 8:15 to 8:45 segment of the world famous grand ole opry.
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my dear friend was steven rudy and i. we sang the original first record. and i said, don't leave. if we have enough time, come sing it. so i actually asked my friend lee to come out. we started it and sang the song. 4,000 people in nashville, tennessee, stood to their feet. he was not five words into the song and they started singing along. let me tell you something, it was a lot better them holding hands and swaying than when the liberals do. who elected this dufus? the liberals and the low
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worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday. and that was my gift for him and me. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ♪ good morning. it's your shot of the morning. a program that sends a slice of home to our troops overseas. >> and this year for the fourth of july, pieces for patriots has big plans that include our veterans. >> janice dean has more. janice, take it away. >> we are with master sergeant mark evans. tell us about your project, pieces for patriots. >> this fourth of july we want to send 5,000 pizzas.
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we drop them in to the bases and have delivered more than a million slices because of fox. >> how do people donate? >> go to we also feed 50 veteran hospitals with pizza parties with the ultimate goal of doing every one. it's a huge endeavor and need help. >> how long have you been doing it? >> seven years. and we'll keep doing it. >> people donate every fourth of july? >> yes, every fourth of july. >> how many troops do you want to get? >> over 30,000 troops and veterans. >> what a great cause. pizza 4 patriots. i'm wearing a cap. can people buy them on the website as well? >> yes. we hope to keep going. there's always going to be troops over in afghanistan. dhs is the best company in the world, and i work for ataroun t
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they help us. here i am a high veteran and started to cry in front of my men to get pizza in the desert. the average age for someone overseas is 29. and this is simple, just a piece of pizza. >> thank you so much. >> what a great program. there's a controversial new book that just hit the store shelves that is basically teaching women how to get the promotion at work. while you can leave your resumé on the table and leave all the brains you think you worked hard to develop over the years, all the knowledge that you worked on, but the author of the book says it comes down to your looks. >> the author we should point out is a woman. >> she knows what she's talking ab. howard stern did not write this
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book, a woman wrote it. >> we'll look at the do's and don'ts. she says to wear simple statement clothes, well-cut jeans with a colorful top when dressing casually. >> they are not the jeans president obama was wearing, the mom jeans. >> but the point is you know exactly what those are. >> here's the don't. don't raise your voice under pressure or you won't get the advancement at work. if men see you raise your voice at work or other women, that won't bode well for your career. >> i think that's right. i can't speak to the jeans because i think that's silly, but don't raise your voice under pressure is totally real. >> the jeans is obviously directed to women, but what about men? should you be in a colored top and jeans, too? thank you. if i eat this, mark, i will not fit in my well-cut jeans.
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>> a do, find a role model in the office, someone senior. but don't rely on powerpoint. women often rely on them as security blankets. >> instead of listening to your head, going with your gut. >> finding a mentor is crucial in any career path. >> so these are common sense. look your best -- >> here's another one she says, this is like costanza in "seinfeld" when his boss came walking down, if he looked active he seemed like he had a great career. >> let's draw a positive point of view, if you take this out of the equation -- maybe she's trying to help women who are smart just to be the complete full package. because a lot of women don't know how to dress or present
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themselves well. >> some would say, wear a tie, tuck your shirt in. >> that's the thing. >> wear a hat, shorts and flip-flops. >> lose a little weight. those are what anybody could benefit from. >> i'm going to turn this positive. her heart is probably in the right place, but we went to the facebook page. here's what amy says, i guess it may depend on the job, but i would say well cut slacks instead of jeans. but suspect this good for men as well? and kelly says, everybody should make an attempt to dress appropriately for their work environment. if you look like a deadbeat or slob you are going to be treated like one. and many say you don't get a
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second chance to make a good first impression, so look your best. >> e-mail us your thoughts and go to our twitter page. on a different note, a $10,000 reward is being offered for any information into the murder of a college student. prosecutors believe the university of richmond student brendan teblin was targeted after being found dead in his car in a new jersey parking lot after being shot six times. surveillance video shows two men running from the scene. police are looking into the public to answer the questions because this is a very active investigation. also, caught on camera, the moment a truck shoots over a hill in gra georgia. the man who was driving the
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truck is okay. he thought the car was in reverse and not drive. and a veteran gets punished for a good deal. this man was fired from his job at cracker barrel in venice, florida, after giving a homeless man a muffin and packs of mayonnaise. >> the rules state you can't give anything away. i did it. so he was happy, i felt good at. they are pretty thankful to the sacrifice to our country. and the austrus a r austral
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says pulling a plane behind him is the hardest thing he's done in life. >> stop whining. like he's never pulled a 777, please. >> what did you do yesterday to get your neck in a kink? oh, i pulled an airplane. president obama defended the drone strikes saying they are effective. >> beginning with our actions effective. dozens of highly skilled al qaeda commanders, bomb makers and operatives have been taken off the battlefield. >> now a form ore obama administration says the strikes are flawed and making the world more dangerous. we'll marry from her, next. and a new reason for rob ford to dance this morning. we can't get enough of that. that's coming up next. she's still the one for you.
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dave, it's been a while. you've got a beard. [ laughs ] come on in. i've been shaking these bounce bursts into my washer. they bring all the bounce freshness of the outdoors indoors, so [laughs] i guess i just forgot i wasn't outside. here. see for yourself. [ sniffs ] behold. [ birds chirping ] [ shaking ] i love being outdoors. i love bark. [ male announcer ] shake the outdoors indoors with new bounce bursts.
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and a liza minnelli rep sends shia labeouf cabaret dvd. he was seen inside the theater slapping people and cursing. and i say it was all a stunt. tucker? well, president obama has long defended his administration's program of targeted drone strikes against suspected terrorists. >> to begin with, our actions are effective. dozens of highly skilled al qaeda commanders, trainer, bombmakers and operatives have been taken off the battlefield. simply put sh these strikes have saved lives. moreover, america's actions are legal. >> but now a new nonpartisan report says the president's drone program may be counterproductive in allowing terrorists to get stronger. the co-chairman of the task force behind the report is rohe
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with us. rosa, thank you for being here. >> good morning, tucker. sounds like you can kill as many people as you want. people call this the whack-a-mole approach. he pops back up and you pop him, then you think you are winning. we look at iraq the last couple of weeks and the last few weeks trying to retake the territory, tactically we have had a lot of victories but strategically we are losing the battle. >> there's evidence to this, you think? >> look around you. i think it is hard to look at the events from the last few weeks to conclude anything different from that. the problem is, this is a
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question donald rumsfeld asked of iraq, this is a question president obama asked about drone strikes, you've always got to we killing terrorists faster than we are creating them? and i think the events of the last few weeks show at best this is the whack-a-mole approach backfiring. and part of the problem obviously is given the total lack of transparency, the total lack of accountability and the secrecy surrounding the program, it is hard for americans to assess the impact and it is really hard for us to convince the rest of the world what we are doing makes sense. even bad guys have friends. even bad guys when killed their friends get mad and decide to take up arms with them. so the task force looked at this for over a year and was concerned that the combination of the strategic questions and the possible blow-back and the rule of law concerns are arguably undermining the long-term security interests rather than making it safer. >> i don't normally quote tweets but you had one the other day
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about obama's policy, u.s. response to syria/russia/iraq, one, huh? two, we're watching this closely, three, with concern, four, hey, stop, and five, we won't tolerate that! and six, mmm, whatever. >> we shouldn't be surprised when bad things happen that has to do with us not paying attention to the policies of things happening in the region. that's the huh part, and we shouldn't be saying huh. the united states should never be saying, huh. there are intelligence failures here. but two, i think there are times, president obama is not wrong, there are times to have the best wait-and-see approach and do nothing, but we shouldn't say we won't tolerate that. that just makes it dumb.
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>> rosa brooks, really nice to see you this morning. >> thanks, tucker. feminists are up in arms calling this men's group a hate group even though it included women, so who are the ones being intolerant? tell you, coming up. and our own kevin mccarthy went all the way to hong kong to see the new "transformers" movie. if that's too far for you to go, we'll let you know where you can see it stateside. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help
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this year. >> oh, is it as terrible as transformers 2 the worst movie ever made, in my opinion? it may be a new popular movie, but is it worth seeing? kevin mccarthy, hey, kevin. >> clayton? good morning. i agree with you. transformers 2 was one of the worst movies ever made. but i thought transformers 1, transformers 3, those are all great action movies. this movie is over two hours and 30 minutes long. and the plot line is beyond confusing. if you're going to make a summer blockbuster over two hours, give it some substance. i had nothing to latch on to whatsoever. it's confusing, it's convoluted. there's nothing that makes any sense whatsoever. the visuals are amazing. there's a couple of moments that will wow you as you're watching. overall, i thought mark wahlberg -- i kind of missed
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shea. >> really? >> there is literally a scene where they crash into a bud light -- a truck and there's bud light cans all over the ground and mark wahlberg picks up a bud light and drinks it on camera. what is that all about? all of a sudden a bus explodes with a victoria's secret ad. everybody exploded except for the ad. i talked to mark wahlberg live in hong kong. >> at what point can you start showing your kids the movies that you've seen? >> they can see this one. i would show the boys some of my films, not the girls. that's not necessarily fair, but that's the way it is. >> what's the first movie that you've seen with your kids? >> there's only one that they've seen. >> kevin, what happened to your
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hair when you were talking to mark wahlberg there? >> i got poured on. it started raining. that was in hong kong. i got drenched during the premier. obviously, mark wahlberg is perfectly fine because he had an umbrella. i had nothing. but that was in hong kong. i gave the movie a 2 out of 5. it is absolutely awful. again, i'm a big action fan. i have no problem with summer blockbusters being action and fun, but this does not work at all. >> kevin mccarthy, thank you for your honesty. good to see you. coming up, it is not -- it's not just people from central america and mexico flooding our southern border. a new report says china is using the open door, as well. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz.
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good sunday morning to you and your family. those 50,000 illegals flooding our border, not a problem. not if you're nancy pelosi. >> this crisis that some call it crisis we have to view as an opportunity. >> now the president wants to send more of your cash down south. >> here is a story every parent needs to hear. a teenager taken away from her family by the federal government. they fought back and won. it's a remarkable story. we're going to hear from that story, coming up. and he is a black republican and he's making no apologies for
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it. >> i've announced my campaign, people mostly ask me how long have i been -- where do i live? what school did i attend? i suppose they will just try to get to know me or put me in a box. >> his awesome campaign ad is going viral. >> "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. >> oh, we've moved the show outside. are you guys ready? >> great weather. >> one of our viewers came up to me and handed me this. it's called the accomplishments of hillary clinton. and i was just looefg through it. that is my favorite chapter thus far. that's the secretary of state years. pick it up at a bookstore near you. >> how much did it cost you to make that book? >> priceless. >> now to this. the fox news alert, the lone suspect involved in a benghazi
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terror attack will not be in a washington courtroom. he was a muscle on the ground, he was not a mastermind that night when four americans were killed. peter is live for us in washington with the latest on what went down inside that courtroom. >> the suspected terrorist only said two words during a ten-minute hearing in a federal courtroom just a few blocks away from our bureau here in d.c. with the help of a translator. abu katallah said in arabic, yes, he will tell the truth and no, he wasn't having trouble understanding what the judge is saying. then a public defender will enter a not guilty plea to a conspiracy charge. katallah was calm and quiet throughout. he was not shackled. he's about six feet tall, medium to heavy build with a long, gray build and long, gray hair. the streets of northwest washington were swarming with heavily armed law enforcement agents for several hours on saturday and the intense security actually started at sea
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because the ship carrying katallah, the uss new york, reports are that it went dark for a week. nothing all in the name of security. then when the new york got close to the coast, a chopper picked up katallah and shuttled him to a national park service landing pad, a convoy picked him up and took him to see the judge. the hearing went off without a hitch. then it was back into a convoy and off to alexandria, virginia, across the potomac river. alexandria has a federal detention center where ka tall la is saying right now. back to you in new york. >> peter, did you read the yelp reviews of that detention center? >> i did see -- who knows who wrote that, but i did see that. >> 2010 yelp review says for a jail, it's not bad. they have nice amenities unless
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you're near the mental ward portion of the jail. >> but i don't know that -- i don't know that terror suspects are going to have much metro access, anyway. to the blue line. >> but who knew jails were on yelp. >> everything is on yelp. do you think there is an immigration crisis? think again. according to nancy pelosi, it is an opportunity, not a crisis. she went down to the border, brownsville, texas. this is what she had to say. >> this crisis, some call it crisis, we have to view as an opportunity. if you believe, as we do, that every person has a spark of divinity in them and is, therefore, worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was dazzling. sparkling. array of god's children. so we have to use, as was said this morning, the crisis, that
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some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities as an opportunity. to show who we are as americans, that we do respect people for their dignity and worth. >> let's separate fact from fiction. she does not believe every human being has a spark of divinity or she wouldn't be an enthusiastic supporter of late term abortion. she does see this as an opportunity because that's exactly what it is for the democratic party. more immigrants mean over time more democratic voters especially in texas, and if the democrats can take over texas, make it a blue state, it will be impossible for republicans to win the presidency. >> and make no mistake, america, the greatest country in the world, yes, we're going to take care of these children. we have one area up in pennsylvania right now where they're able to house these kids and take care of it. but the problem is trying to stop the flood of all of these kids and families bringing these
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kids to our borders in the first place. guatemala, el salvador, we are providing them with $48,000 a year to keep their borders secure. now the president wants to spend another $2 billion, wants to hand over this cash to those countries to stop this illegal immigrant search. do you really buy this? >> look at how young these kids with at the present. their parents are just sending them across the border. >> walk up to the border, drop them and fend for yourself. >> and nancy pelosi thinks they're safer and in better hands here than they would be with their families? >> nobody brings up the core question which is do u.s. lawmakers have a moral obligation to take care of those who show up from other countries? >> moral obligation? >> when you have people really hurting, not in her district in pacific heights in san francisco, but in other parts of the country they're really hurting, do we have an
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obligation to take the rest of the world's unemployed? let's have the conversation. >> detroit, people can't pay their water bills, people are having to sleep on the streets. it is a great question. furthermore, it's not just from mexico. we mentioned most of central america with this, but also this report out of china. illegal immigrants coming from china now. let us know your views. do we have a moral obligation to take care of these kids? now to your headlines, new video released showing the iraqi military carrying out ground strike attacks near tikrit. iraqi officials are claiming the military is gaining back some control, including destroying about 140 military havings used by the militants. the tikrit operation is the biggest attempt by the iraqi government to stop isis from getting any choser to baghdad. a 3-year-old girl dies after a very freak accident at an ice
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cream shop at rita's water ice in philadelphia. the security door that got loose and fell on top of that little girl. people nearby rushed to help her. they rushed to perform cpr on the little girl. police are calling it a freak accident. >> it's going to be something that's going to haunt me for a long time. >> city inspection officials are now looking into that death. a bizarre update about the nightmare nanny. she looks nice, right? she refused to leave that california home. the family ended up firing her and she didn't leave the house. after disappearing, she is now being spotted at a local police station. she's camping out inside that car, hiding under that windshield shade. she reportedly went to the police because she determined that she was being followed. she hasn't been at the family's house in days, but all of her belongings are still there.
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a high school graduation 100 years in the making. that 100-year-old d-day veteran receiving his diploma from his 19-year-old great-grandson who graduated with him. george made it to eighth grade before being drafted. drafted in eighth grade. now 70 years later, he is a graduate thanks to a program called operation recognition. >> no doubt you've been following this story as we have here at fox news channel. it's a heart wrenching story and something that every parent in this country needs to pay attention to. just what can a state do to your family? taking her away for 16 months with little interaction with the family, all because of what one doctor said or had accused the family of doing and overmedicating her. great news, of course, she is now back home, back home and getting acclimated again to being a 16-year-old girl and
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living with her family and sitting down watching tv with her sisters and getting back to life. she was on huckabee last night talking about this ordeal. >> they told me that dcf took custody of me and that my family can't talk to me and they were saying that they were overmedicalizing, which they were not. it's very scary. i had -- no one was on my side. no one believed me there. everyone thought i was speaking -- all this medical stuff. they stopped all my medicine. >> so we are just talking on a commercial break. it's so hard to believe that the state could do this, even in the commonwealth of massachusetts could just take your child away for over a year because a physician disagrees with the way you're treating that child. but that's what happened. but i think those are the cold, hard facts and it's terrifying
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to anyone who is apparent. >> right. especially when two other doctors signed off that she had this my toe condreeal issue. >> but parents get to make the call on how they kids are treated. they're the parents. he's a black republican and he's making no apologies for it. >> since i've announced my campaign, people mostly asked me, where do i live? what school do i attend? i suppose they're just trying to get to know me or put me in a box. >> his awesome campaign ad is going viral and he's going to join us live, next. and how about this for a perk? rent the apartment and then get a puppy with the apartment. it's really happening and we'll tell you where. spokesperson: the volkswagen passat is heads above the competition,
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>> not a lot of campaign ads that you would want to watch, but this is definitely one of them. >> since i've announced my campaign, people ask me mostly how long do i -- where do i live, what school do i attend? i suppose they'll just trying to get to know me or put me in a box. did you know without growing up, we had to go through winter without heat or i do best while listening to frank sinatra. i take it personal when people mistake poor for lazy. and unfortunately, no, i cannot swim. my favorite book of the bible is ee clee eclasties. i was the first in my family to earn a four-year degree.
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and unwith of the best things about me is that i married very, very well. now that you know a little bit about me, do i really fit in a box? see you on the campaign trail. >> our next guest makes it pretty hard for her points to put him in a box. darius foster, he's a republican in alabama. the part about how you married well got me. i've watched the ad four times this morning and it gets me every time. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> so how did you come up with this? what is the message? >> i guess about two months ago my wife and i sat down and tried to ponder on kind of our message. my goal was to make sure that all people knew that i wasn't monolithic. we sat down and we looked at some other youtube videos and came up with that. >> you came up with that? that is really -- >> i did, i did. >> -- clever. i hope you win, i guess, but if
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not, you've got a -- >> me, too. >> what has the response been? >> so far, so good. some people love it, some people are still trying to figure it out. but it's fine. i'm okay with that. >> so when you talk to voters, you say vote on me based on what beliefs? >> based on that i'm not going to let the -- i've had a lot of experiences. i grew up in the inner-city. i'm middle class now. and just being a good person. i'm focused on being a good believer and loving people. now, on top of that, it's education, education in my district. we have some failing schools and some poverty. i'm trying to get jobs in the district. jobs drive employment, employment drives more tax dollars, tax revenue helps the schools. it's a trickle down. >> so a continue yugz conversation in the republican party is how to get more black voters vote republican.
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what's your have it advice? >> i don't think it's so much focused on black people, it's focused on the issues in that community and build trust. we don't address the issues of any community, they won't vote for us. for me, i'm going to try to do it in a different way and go in and address poverty with a warm heart and not with condescention. not saying all republicans do that. i've never had to defend republican principals. i've had to defend republicans. so far, so good. >> what an interesting distinction you make. what has been the response, say, from your family, parents, siblings, when you said i'm running as a republican? >> i'm probably one of the few people you're going to meet that have been a republican since i guess 18. and that video, actually, half of my friends and my mother, my grandmother and my brother, as well, in the actual campaign commercial. so they embraced it and they love me, anyway. >> it's just -- is that your brother right there? >> my brother -- well, i can't
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see it. my brother, he was the second guy, the second. >> interesting. and you're really a sinatra fan? >> i am, i am. he's a -- well, he was a really laid back guy. it sounded groovy and jazzy. i think well when listening to him. >> darius foster, i think we'll be hearing the name again in the future. thanks for joining us this morning. nice to talk to you. >> yes, sir. thank you. feminists are up in arms calling a men's conference a hate group, even though it included women. so who are the intolerant ones? we'll report and we'll let you decide. and you've got to see this. a truck going right over the ledge slamming into the ground, but what happened next is the truly incredible part. stay tuned for that.
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immigration groups say hundreds of chinese teens are slipping into the u.s. every year and doing it by going through central america and cuba. hiding in everything from tour bus bathrooms to empty coffins placed on trucks. and scary moments in california when a nuclear power plant actually sent out this alert, telling people nearby to, quote, prepare for action. sounds like something on the simpsons. but no, it actually happened. crew res upgrading the siren system and mistakenly -- the message. after a confounding ten minutes,
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officials sent out a new message that there was no cause for alarm. >> thank you, tucker. a men's rights conference in troid detroit fueling some outrage, even comparing the gathering to hosting a hate group. >> so are the angry feminists proving they're waging a war on men by being so intolerant? suzanne, nice to see you as always on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> so what do you make of these professional feminists, as tucker calls them, outraged over this group of men getting together to talk about the things like finances and, in fact, at this event they had female speakers and all sorts of different races. >> oh, it was undoubtedly the most diverse that i have ever been among at one time. it was fantastic. like you said, males, females, black, white, liberals, conservatives, atheists,
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conservatives, all to talk about the needs of boys and men which are terribly underrepresented today. so it's almost comical to think about the lashing out that feminists did, because the actual conference could not have been more opposite of what they claimed. and you can actually watch the conference yourself if you want online. they have it available so anybody could go in there and see for themselves what the conference was all about. which i actually highly recommend people do because it was just a wealth of information by some fabulous folks. >> suzanne, why are they acting out, then, if that's the case? >> okay. so the biggest dwigivide betwee the men's rights activists and feminists, is that feminists blame all the social problems that we have, especially regarding marriage and the family, education, jobs, than the like, on the patriarchy. whenever something goes wrong,
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it's the man's fault and it's the system and it's all messed up when men's rights come together to truly address these problems. all they're interested in is solving the problem. and these people that were on the press conference the other day are in the trenches, in various arenas, and they are doing great work to solve problems completely irrespective of ideology. if you're married to an ideology that says patriarchy is the deal and women are always the victims and you're never able to look at women and admit that they can do wrong, too, you can't solve these problems regarding boys and men. >> and also it's a whitewashing of gender. i got slammed here when i mentioned on the show that genders are different, outrageous that there are differences between men and women that we should be embracing, not trying to whitewash. >> those are the two things, the -- that they're stating that
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there's no differences between women and men and the fact that the patriarchy is alive and well and out to get you in order to achieve a quality -- redo our entire system. but the point is, anytime someone tries to speak out and address the real issues that resolve around the male/female relationship, marriage, family, domestic violence, by the way, goes both ways. people don't know that because feminists own the dialogue when it comes to these topics. the assumptions that women are always victims and men are the perpetrators, that is absolutely statistically false. >> where can people go and is watch that conference, by the way? is it posted online somewhere? >> yeah. so the conference was put on by a voice for men. they've become pretty much the dominant mep's group he globally. we had people there from australia, maine, california, from the south, it's called a voice for men. if you go to, everything is there and you can
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find it. you can make up your own mind, what you think about men's rights and what's going on here because we feel it was a very pivotal event and it's just beginning. it's not going to go away. >> we report, you decide. >> thanks so many, suzanne. >> thank you for having me. it's a shocking statistic. 60% of liberals say they aren't proud to be an american. country star larry gatlin has a few things to say about that. wait until he signs off, next. how about this for a perk. rent the apartment you want and get a puppy throne in. and if i tap my geico app here i can pay my bill. tap it here, digital insurance id card. and tap it here, boom, roadside assistance. on'tday ooklay, it's axwellmay. the igpay? otallytay. take an icturepay!
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characterization does not fit them well. >> i think 46% of conservatives are not proud of that, either, right now. >> we have fed more people, we have clothed and housed and brought medicine to more people than any other country of the history of the known world and we've never asked for any piece of land, only enough land to bury our dead. that's what it's about. >> that is what it's about. we have 351,000 illegal immigrants trying to get into our country. the parents are dropping their kids off here on our borders because they want to get into the greatest country that ever existed. are you all proud to be americans? i don't know who these people are that are polled because everyone i'm friend with love this country. >> that is such a good point. i do think that some of this may be this depression, this malaise. it's depressing. you think things are changing
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really fast. the are the is not in control, he's bringing us in the wrong direction. people are down. to be reminded, it is the best country that has ever been and that other people desperately want to be here and for good reason. that's a great thing. >> all of this on top of it, when you talk about our education standards, new reports about common core standards rolling out in new york state recently and we're starting to see the effects of that and these terrible math problems. kids are struggling with that. health care crisis in this country. >> that's because we're all perfectionists. we want to do everything right in this country. it doesn't mean we're not going to have problems. we're just trying to make those problems better. >> the fourth of july weekend coming up here. friday is fourth of july. one of my favorite holidays from philadelphia where the country started and i love, you know, just celebrating america on that morning. you can walk through and when the declaration of independence was read aloud for the frt time, getting back to what this country was founded on.
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all this crust that's sitting on top right now, maybe we can scrape way and exfoliate some of that and get back to what this country is about. >> there's a lot to be proud of. by the way, if you're not proud of america, go somewhere else, literally. i don't know a single person who travels abroad for more than a week and doesn't upon returning say i really want to kiss the ground. >> you always want a cheeseburger and a good salad, american barbecue. you have one week until fourth of july. you made that point. let's go out and make it a great week. proud of our country. remember after 9/11, it was the saddest time in my lifetime and we were all one country and one nation. >> flags everywhere. >> let's make it that way again this week. now let's talk about headlines this morning. an offduty firefighter in critical condition after getting struck by lightning at a major league soccer game in ohio. he was rushed to the hospital in ohio after going into cardiac
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arrest. this happened at the columbus crew stadium. a $10,000 reward being offered for any information into the murder of a college student. prosecutors think the university of richmond student brendan devlin was targeted. he was shot six times. surveillance video shows two men running down the street. police are asking you, the public, for any answers. caught on camera. the moment a truck shoots over this hill in georgia and smashes to the ground. pieces of that pickup truck flying towards the bank security camera. amazingly, the elderly man that was driving that truck walked away without any injuries. police say he thought the car was in reverse when, really, it was in drive. what do you look for when looking for a new apartment? great closets, great natural light, a nice kitchen. what about a communal dog? an apartment building in washington, d.c. comes with an
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english bulldog for all the residents to share. it's to allow busy residents the joys of a pet without all the hassle. the pooch will be available to play seven days a week. >> is it also commune yapal to go pick up the dolg, too? >> the dog is potsy trained. >> why not do this with children? that would be fantastic. >> or you asked janice, what about spouses? >> well, i've got a hot fireman. you know i'm married to a fireman, right? >> we do, we do. he's great. >> he is. i don't know how he would feel about renting him out, but i can ask. i can always ask. look at the crowd we have td. oh, my gosh. i want to talk to one little lady here celebrating her sweet 16. what's your name? >> cameron. >> where are you from? >> south carolina. >> what have you been doing this sweet 16? >> everything. >> can you gives a few hints? >> the statue of liberty. and walking around, the 9/11
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museum, "fox & friends." >> excellent. what's your favorite cable news station? >> fox news. >> what a great day we have for your sweet 16, right, in new york city? beautiful. 75 right now. 77 in cleveland. this stationary front that's been around for the last week or so, along that frontal boundary, that's where we're seeing the potential for flooding as well as severe weather today, including tornados. so if you live across the midwest, the plain states, we're going to be keeping an eye on you. and memphis, we've been watching this area, several inches of rain, flash flood warning right now in effect. we're going to continue to see rain especially north and east of memphis over the next several days. this is going to be a huge issue. flood advisories are in effect. keeping an eye on the mississippi and the tennessee river valley. there's your severe threat for today. including the risk for tornados.
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in nebraska, kansas city, iowa, we could see damaging winds and hail, possible tornados. and the tropics, this could be our first depression, perhaps a tropical storm to be named arthur. yes, we are into the season of the tropics and that's why we typically see some tropical behavior in the month of july. if i could real quick take a look at your atlantic basin names, hopeful le we won't get through the remainder of those names. >> what a crowd! what a crowd. back to you, tucker, clanson. could policies likebacker and out of control regulations from the epa? maria bartiromo on that, coming up. and getting ready for the fourth of july festivitfestivit. our party expert is making sure your bash is the best on the block. she's been at it all morning
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the worst economy in five years. >> partly to blame? obamacare and epa regulations. >> here to discuss, maria bartiromo, what did you think about the gdp numbers this week, 2.9 the%? ouch. >> we were all expecting contraction. but people were expecting 1.9%, 1.8% contraction. when you saw 2.9%, you realized it was more than the weather. everyone is over here saying, oh, we had horrible weather, people didn't go out, they didn't spend money. that's true. and that accounts for 1%, 1.5%. but you put 2.9% contraction on the economy, i don't see how we get back to growth of 3% for
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2014. >> what does this mean short-term and long-term? >> short-term, we're bumping along the bottom. so you have companies sitting on cash. they don't know what to expect in terms of their tax policy. they don't know what to expect in terms of fees from the epa, obamacare. you're not going to go out and hire thousands of new employees, hundreds of new employees when you have no idea what it's going to cost you. you don't know which agency is overseeing you, so it's totally explainable that companies are sitting on $2 billion plus in cash. tease what's happening. longer term, hopefully we get back. >> they keep talking about a resurgence in manufacturing. why would you open that if you knew the electricity costs were going to go up dramatically because of epa issues? >> that's right. and there's a race to try to get corporations headquartered in your state. all of the governors are out there recognizing that the administration has all of these additional fees and really is
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not having job creation as a priority. so they're trying to get, you know, lower regulation, lower taxes, come to our state. and i'll tell you, money goes where it's treated best. and that's what's happening. >> who do you have coming up on your show today? today, first of all, the irs e-mails. last week, commissioner koskin said we would have information about lois lerner's e-mails next week. we'll see. we're also, of course, talking about john boehner's suit against a legislative branch. he says this is not about impeachment, but what's the end game, then? we also have tom donahue from the chamber of commerce right in the sweet spot of what you guys are talking about in terms of the economy. he's speaking to businesses all day long every day to find out why they're sitting on the all this cash and not hiring workers. >> i just saw him on the street yesterday. i was walking along and said to myself, that looks like tom donahue. what is he doing in new york?
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>> to be on her show. >> what time is it? quarter to 10:00. her show starts in 15 minutes. maria, thank you so much. >> thank you. getting ready for fourth of july? are you getting ready for your big party with your family? don't change the channel. from the drinks to the food to even the games, a party expert at making sure your bast is the best on the block, coming up next.
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group of fans. wow. the car losing control as it rounded the corner during a race in poland. thankfully, no one hurt. the fans protected by a big pile of bricks they were standing on. and while most people dread turning 30 and getting older, prince harry probably can't wait. clayton, listen to this. he is getting $17 million on his 30th birthday this september because of inheritance that his mother, diana left for him. harry currently makes $66,000 a year as an army captain so his salary is really going up. >> that must be painful. i roll up my sleeves because it's time to plan a party. our next guest has got you covered with games that will get your party started. >> from she, christina gibson joins us now. >> how is it going? welcome to the party. >> let's start with drinks. >> we're going to make some red berry sangria.
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half parts rose, half parts red, dump over ice. ten ounces of each. and then ten ounces of red berry vodka. smell it. >> wow. >> yeah, smells great. and then an ounce of simple syrup, lemon juice to taste. >> oh, i'll taste it. >> garnished with berries. whatever berries you want. i'm using blueberries and raspberries. >> have you guys been drinking all morning? all right. >> if you want to take one, there is one right there waiting for you, ready. >> okay. >> this is the nonalcoholic version. >> this is the mock tail version, because it is sunday morning on tv. after the cameras stop, we could -- >> it's 5:00 somewhere, right? >> these are family-friendly, if you want something the family can enjoy, cranberry juice, coconut and gatorade, so everybody can have one. >> so the kids can try this.
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>> hey, janice. >> now we have some drinks -- let's talk about some food. >> these are festive, fun desserts. and the great thing, they don't require any baking, because who wants to be in the oven when it's hot out. these are flagged rice crispy treats, super easy to make. and firecracker jello parfaits. you make them layers, do the regular standard marshmallow rice crispy and a layer of food dye, and press down, cut it up. >> i can make these. of because the recipe is easy, and i'm not a good cook. >> let's show something cool over here. >> games. >> a beach chair that comes with everything you could possibly need. this is a chloe on the go. it looks like this. and it folds into this beach chair. >> adorable. >> which comes with a towel, glasses, a bottle of chardonnay, playing cards. look at clayton loving it. >> exactly. >> can we get you anything while we're down there?
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>> just some women to fan me. that's okay. >> over here, some fun lawn and beach games. bocce ball from sea turtle sports. a regular advise version and mini version which people are playing here. and super portable, bright fun colors from sea turtle sports and a 15% discount for the next 24 hours, guaranteed delivery by july 4th. >> and play on the beach. >> or on the lawn. >> how much is that? a discount? >> 15% off for this, for the next 24 hours, guaranteed delivery by july 4th. >> what website? >> sea turtle >> sea turtle >> what's going on behind me? >> spike ball. spike ball is a big craze right now. you can play it on the beach or lawn. kind of like volleyball. around the net. and janice is killing it over here. let's watch her and learn. >> good job! >> oh, you've got to get it on that thing. >> you have to hit it on the net so your opponent can't return it. >> you hit like a girl. >> woo! >> christina, what is all this
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racket happening behind me. >> i know, trying to have a peaceful day. >> this is spike ball and the net goes into a backpack, super portable. clayton, we need you. you be on my team. >> we're going to do exercise right now? >> you can be the leader if you want. >> so we covered all the games now? >> yeah, we've covered all the games. and spike ball. and now it's just up to you to have a great 4th of july. >> this is great for all. >> yeah, you can take it to the beach. and get the whole crowd involved. >> this is great. >> more fox & friends in two minutes. you can play this with a cocktail in your hand. >> yeah, you can. makes it even better. >> oh! >> extra points if you hit yourself. >> am i allowed to hit myself in the face? it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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>> got to wrestle this bottle of vodka out of her hand. somebody hold this. keep it away from janice, thank you. >> just put a paper bag around it. >> our thanks to you for watching this morning. tomorrow morning, donald trump will be here. and did you hear about the toddler saved his mom's life? we'll have them on the show tomorrow. and wwe legend cold stone steve austin will be here with some beers tomorrow. that's all coming up on "fox &
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friends" tomorrow. thank you for joining us. >> have a great weekend! >> i'm going to play volleyball with these guys. >> and join us this afternoon. hot on the trail of those irs e-mails. good morning, everyone. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome to "sunday morning futures." the chief of the tax agency now telling congress he'll have information about lois lerner's missing e-mails by the week's end. oh, really? a member of the house oversight committee joins us live to guide us through this labyrinth. a stunning announcement from house speaker john boehner. he plans to sue the president over misuse of executive power. he says it's not about impeachment. then what is the end game here? and why do the latest figures suggest the economy is in free-fall? are regulations holding back business? the head of the u.s. chamber of commerce is with me on getting america thriving again, as we look ahead on "sunday morning futures."
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