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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 1, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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go to gretawire poll. go to also post on the open thread. good night from washington. see you tomorrow night. tonight, on "red eye" -- coming up on "red eye," do kids learn more at clown college than a four-year college? the big debate with real implications for your children. and what does president obama think about litter puke pop star kesha? >> i really like her. >> and are squirrel ladies the new cat ladies? the terrifying trend that could change what pictures your co-workers show you, next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> and now let's welcome our guests. well, don't let her looks fool
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you, she's cute in person. it's joanne nosuchinsky. he's a monster in the sack, and also in the mirror. it's tv's andy levy. and when there's a will, there's someone telling him to get away, it's will rahn. and he's whiter than an albino doing coke in a blizzard, comedian tom shillue. >> if you were a doughnut, i would eat you greg, but then i would feel guilty knowing i ate the best doughnut in the world and my only friend. >> that's touching. did they cross the line by messing with our minds? last week, facebook, whatever that is, revealed it manipulated the news feeds of 500,000 people as part of a psychological study. for one week, the company changed the number of positive
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and negative posts of users to see how the changes affected the tone of the posts they wrote. turned out moods were contagious. people who saw positive posts responded by writing more positive posts. likewise, negativity begets more negativity. begets? news of the experiment prompted outrage on line. treated one privacy activist -- and i saw this video on facebook of a guy putting on pants without using his hands. ♪
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♪ >> i didn't really like it. if only there was one way to make it better. ♪ le >> see, i'm used to seeing that. after the medications. all right, will, this facebook thing, isn't it far worse than anything the nsa has ever done? >> absolutely, but this amuses me on some level. i feel like if i was a facebook executive, this might be something i would think up in a meeting. i don't have facebook, i'm too cool for it. if i really want told see your
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pictures, we would be friends in real life and i would say you look cute in that thing. but it's a little late to complain about foacebook. you have given them all your private information and they sell it. why not trick you again? >> at that point, you're their intellectual concubines. how many people do you think have died for? >> as many people died as read the facebook terms of service. exactly the same number. >> at least one. >> i do have facebook, but it's kind of dumb. i'm depressed i go on this because apparently my friends like posting depressing things.
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yes, people shouldn't complain. they voluntarily go on facebook. facebook should manipulate people's emotion it is they want, for some dumb experiment. if you post depressing things, people get depressed. but this is the first step, joanne. >> i know you feel happy when your friends are down, so you probably like this. but this is the first step. they're testing -- they're like a little magician testing their powers. >> yeah. >> this is for something bigger, isn't it? >> they said this was an algarhythm, which is math, which terrifies me. how can algarhythms know so much about you. i'm convinced i was part of the negative group. it's really about perspectives. it's just too much. i was wondering why do i keep
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seeing this? now i know. >> they say positive pictures from other people's lives are depressing, andy. but you wouldn't know about that. do you grow with this? >> yeah, it makes it legal because of the terms of service. but it doesn't make it okay. this is bad stuff. you don't do psychological experiments on people without their consent. it's unethical. >> every advertisement on television is -- >> no, it's not. >> they don't tell you this is a psychological experiment. >> i don't know why anyone would continue to use facebook after this. why is it didn't from the nsa? because i can opt out of facebook. if can i opt out of the nsa, i'm for it. if i called it obama's nsa, you would agree with me. >> it doesn't work on me.
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that's a psychological test. >> and you failed. >> i think tom is onto something. this is exactly what drudge does with its front page. he creates a mood. when you go on drudge, do you ever go on drudge and think the world is going to explode? on the left side he has 20 things all in red. >> and usually a picture of an explosion. >> then if you look at a women's mag scene, like celebrity stuff, you're going oh, my god, [ bleep ] is happening everywhere. fnc you does it sometimes. no, we don't. the court -- stop! the supreme court ruled that some for-profit businesses can opt out of obamacare's requirement to provide free
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contraception for employee it is they have religious objections. most on the right hailed the decision as a victory, while many on the left voiced calm measured rational opposition. harry reid tweeted it's time that five men on the supreme court stop deciding what happens to women. native american senator elizabeth warren said, i can't believe we live in a world where we would consider letting big corporations deny women access to basic care based on vague moral objections. and scotus onny lobby decision finds the sweet spot, where the war on science meet tls war on women. not sure what that means. and we have video of msnbc's ed schultz first hearing about the decision on the internet.
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ed, lighten up. were you surprised how level headed the response was from the left? >> you know, it was looking at my twitter feed today was a little scary. but these things are outrage machines and we need something to get outraged of. you know, i don't think -- i don't care. i don't think a lot of people if you just sold a lot of the stuff over the counter. but any way that you spin this, the idea that the catholic parents who run the hobby shop where you kid buys pop sickles are somehow your enemy or infringing on your liberties somehow, that's absurd. >> it's nuts. it's a team sport. it's one of these issues when it comes to us, it has to be religion versus feminist. there's nobody else involved in this whatsoever. it's baloney.
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not everything is a team sport, tom. nobody throws a hissy fit like a liberal. it's an attack on snakes. >> it's from his. it's a masculine term. >> i'm interested to know your opinion on this. >> i think it's interesting that you said the thing about the team sports, dprgreg, because that's what it is. i think it's embarrassing that conservatives are celebrating a victory for running to the supreme court. it's gross. that's what leftists do. they go running to the supreme court. >> yes. >> so stop celebrating a victory. there's no victory here. you have to take down the whole thing, not carve out a religious exemption. it's bad that they make people provide health care. this is a false flag victory. it's like arguing -- you know
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what they're doing, conservatives jumping up and down? it's like standing on the sidelines, your team is losing and you're arguing over one little dumb call. >> that's a good metaphor. joe, you're a long time scotus watcher, where are we going with this? >> my response is, eh. which is usually what it is for everything. i think the real losers in all this are everyone that has that phony outrage. there's so many people on social media, they're voicing their opinions and they're wrong. this one image i kept seeing over and over is a picture of viagra and birth control pills, saying covered, not covered. but that's not true. people are not getting the facts
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right. they are presenting anything that would destroy a potential embry embryo. regular birth control is still provide, but people don't want to say thank you for that. >> because if you do, then you can't get angry, andy. that's what this is about. it's about a coddled society that cannot accept no for an answer, even if yes is 99% of the time. and the hyperbole makes them look like bafoons. >> is there a question there? >> harry reid basically said a male on the supreme court can't actually make a decision on anything that affects women. unfortunately, those women's choices do affect men, as well. so he might be the dumbest person on the planet. again, not a question. jump in. >> sure. look, i am outraged by this decision. >> i'm glad. >> i also don't like the fact
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that hobby lobby is closed on sunday because it's the christian sabbath. that's unfair to workers who would rather have a different day off. they are forced to work for hobby lobby under the law. so it isn't fair at all. so i probably would be outraged, but this outrage is not fact based. the court said the government had already carved out an exemption for nonprofits. and under that exemption, the whole thing is an accounting trick. what happens now is hobby lobby buys health coverage that doesn't include these birth control things. but the government requires the insurance companies themselves to independently provide that stuff to the employees at no cost to them. so nobody losing here.
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instead of hobby lobby paying for it, the insurance company pays for it. and the employees get the same coverage they had. nothing changes. >> nothing was happening. nothing was happening, except outrage. by the way, ho can you be a feminist and demanding government to do so much stuff for you? also on the right, you have names like hobby lobby, chick-fil-a, duck dynasty. where are all conservative companies have unusual names? it's always like hobby lobby. >> let's thank god for hobby lobby. everyone is criticizing, but the hobby lobby, these they're providing an alternative to all the other mom and pop hobby shops. if you go in, they're run by
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satanist. i've never been in a hobby shop. >> it's full of devil-like things. >> i thought most of the satanic things were in like the yoga shops. >> the war hammer stuff, somebody out there is getting that. i don't know, i'm just tired of the hobby lobby getting us into all these wars. all right. he thinks apache isn't catchy. it's time for tonight's edition of the pea body award winning segment. >> is this racist? >> simon says the greater injustice would be to inflict
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indians. he's talking about giving indian names to military helicopters, and calling the hunt for bin laden operation gerund mow. he writes -- >> you were disgusted by that job. you named your biceps chief awesome muscles.
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>> i didn't look up this guy waxman, but i thought this article was great, because it reads like something i would write as a parody. it's perfect and true. let the dominos fallredskins, b there are so many native american logos. is he serious? >> i think he is serious. joe, i think it's a compliment to have yourself named after a helicopter. you would be the nosuchinski and every morning it will hover in shame. >> i think this is -- we feel guilty, yeah, but that's why we name them. it's like robin thicke. he betrays his wife and dedicates all his new music to her. >> oh, my gosh, what a strange and disturbing metaphor.
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it works, because you've got to bend over backwards to say you're sorry, right, will? i don't know what i'm asking you. >> yeah, that's fine. again, i don't listen to you. >> it's true. >> as stupid as this column is, and as repugnant of the quotes in here, it's still the military changing the names of like the apache or the chinook or anything like that is still so much better to me than what the patent office did in forcing the red skins to abandon their name. if the government is going to force other entities to lose their offensive name, they have to put up or shut up. >> andy, what do you make of this? >> will's point is stupid. i read a great piece by an army major.
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he envisioned the helicopters as a fast, mobile, stealthy machine on the field of battle using terrain and vegetation to its advantage, similar to the warrior so waxman can assign whatever guilty meanings his liberal mind desires, but the facts get in the way. and the army materiel command, their pamphlet says, when proposed names include the name of a native american tribe or chief, army command should obtain approval from the specific tribe to use their name. we actually get approval from the tribes. >> that was a terrible article. we've got to go. coming up, breakfast but not for a few hours. but first, chris rock mocks
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white people. vé
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♪ he made light of the white. so how dare chris rock go to a monster truck rally and ask people about the b.e.t. awards. actually, it was kind of funny. for a bit during the awards, he went to the whitest place he could find. >> don't forget to watch the b.e.t. awards. yeah! what's your favorite show on b.e.t.? >> b.e.t. is black entertainment
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television. >> it's black entertainment television, so i don't know if he could be nominated. ♪ >> and there's more. >> have you ever dated a black woman? >> i wish. [ laughter ] >> have you tried to date a black woman? >> yeah. >> what did they tell you? >> basically she just walked off. >> you only tried it once? >> yeah. i was afraid after that. she was scary. >> i'm afraid of black women, too. >> but what if the situation was reversed. what if a white comedian interviewed blacks about nascar. would it go over as well? let's bring in our black panel. tom, you're probably blacker than will, and you're a comedian.
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what do you make of this up and coming talent, chris rock. >> he's got a lot of good jokes. but first of all, i want to say i love black people. >> good for you. >> blanket statement. >> i just want to put that out this, i love them. >> you always have to be afraid of what's coming after that. but -- >> this segment was great and funny. white people are funny. so this should open a door. let's go back to making fun of everybody. go back to the roasts. saying horrible things to each other. >> it was funny because of the way he approached this. chris rock is great with interviewing these guys and stuff. but the fact is, a lot of people love black stuff. you know what i mean? i bet they found a bunch of people who knew who drake was, but if you reversed it, it would be hard to pull off a segment like that. but if you asked an all-black
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audience about duck dynasty, they would know nothing. you could find a lot of guys that love nascar. >> what do you make of this? what if the bit were reversed, would you be outraged? >> my first question is, how many people actually know who mclemore is? i've long called greg for a dialogue on race. >> you have. >> people know that about me. >> it's time they listen. >> i want to start off by saying not all white people are into monster trucks and the shirts with the no sleeves. some of us like the sleeves. some of us like the fencing and chess and fine cheeses. i want that to be represented
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more. >> what about you, joanne? is it okay to goof on white people, particularly what he used -- what will is referring to, as the redneck type. >> i didn't see this as a goof on white people, i saw it as a goof on baby boomers. most of the people in that video were older. it wasn't like a young kid who would be watching the b.e.t. awards. there was the one guy that said he tried to date a black bomb. >> if you had a young white kid, they would have answered that question definite hi. because white kids listen to black music. andy, i'm really surprised that girl over on the end made a food point. >> i wasn't paying attention.
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>> monster trucks are part of nascar, right? >> no. >> you know a lot about this stuff. as a jew, why isn't there jew entertainment television? >> all television is jew entertainment television. come on! if you're going to ask me a question, make it a hard one. i thought this was really funny. none -- >> he went through a lot of stuff. >> drake is awful. absolutely awful. they should hate themselves. >> who do you mean by "they?" >> the ones who voted. i've had a lot of talks with the reverend al, and we're working on it.
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coming up, do the sponsor. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪
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the issue is terraring our country apart, and we'll discuss it tonight in -- >> "red eye" debate, 2014. live from the "red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate, live there the "red eye" debate center in wichita, kansas. i'm greg gutfeld. according to a rasmussen survey, 59% of parts think that summer camp is important. it's a raging debate. kids have a lot of options. here are some of "red eye's" favorite camps.
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♪ the camp town ladies sing this song ♪ ♪ the camp town track is five miles long ♪ ♪ do da do da ♪ going to run all night, going to run all day ♪ >> what the hell? all right, somebody is definitely high in the control room. any way, i run a summer camp for teens. here are some of this year's campers. ♪ >> i can't tell you the exact location, because then there would be no camp. >> they come there as individuals, and by the end of the summer they work as a team. it's classic the work you do.
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>> but the horrible things they do as a team are horrible. >> but still, a team. >> we are in the middle of a debate, andy. you violated the debate terms by interrupting me. will, did you ever go to summer camp as a kid? something tells me you did and you were touched by a koncocoun. >> you have to lose your virginity sometime, greg. but no, i grew up in new york city, we play stick pal ball in streets. it was all stick ball and fencing and chess and fancy cheeses. no, i've never been to camp. i don't understand it. but good luck. >> no value to it? >> if i had to go to camp, i would want to go to a jugelowe
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camp. >> tom, you have kids. are they happy to go to camp and be away from you? >> i think it's ridiculous with all the camp. when i was a kid, you had to think of what to do in the summer. we would go down to the pool, swim. come back, ride our bikes. you had to make hay out of these experiences. now everything is too planned. i did go to boy scout camp, where i could put on some shorts and like through the woods. it was fantastic. >> this was like last month. >> you're absolutely right, it was so much easier back then to talk to kids when they were bored. now you drive by, you say hey, i've got ice cream. they're like dude, i've got a -- >> you go down to the may ground nowadays and nobody is there. >> driving aimlessly for hours.
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>> have that little tear. >> joanne, you spent your summers sniffing magic markers. >> i was always jealous of the kids that went to sleepaway camp. my parents said they loved me too much to go. lies. they were cheap. did do summer band camp. i played the clarinet. >> you went to theater camp? isn't that kind of redundant? >> yeah, so again, the imaginary friends and the scented markers just came into play. >> you just gave up on that answer. andy, you've been a camp counselor for 13 summers. >> i'm a year round counselor
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for teens. i think it's great for parent s. camp is to send the kids away over the summer so parents can have free time. i think it's time you woke up, sheeple. >> you don't have to use that language. >> i think i did. >> school all year around, that's the answer. no camp. school all year. >> what do you have against camp? >> i am against the summer break. all parents are working now, they don't know what to do with these kids. when summer comes, they have to put up all this money to send them to camp. keep school open and make sure them work for once. >> when you're an adult, you don't get summer camp. >> summer camp was depressing, because you would get out and
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count the days. >> coming up, i talk rock with members of the band tilt. remember, my book, with it's called "not cool." order it. it's really beautiful.
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♪ well, they rock as hard as i vomit, and i vomit hard. the name of the band is tilt. they just released a second album. and it's available now for digital download. joining me is lead singer andrew elsner and guitarist andy white. so you're on fox news right now. would you like to apologize to anybody for being on the show pre-emptively? >> off the top of my head, no. >> excellent, excellent.
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your first record was one of the best debuts ever. how do you describe your sound? >> oh, man. classic rock. >> yeah. van halen, zee zee top. >> a party band. >> that's the attempt. >> do you find that most music today sucks because they find such rocking to be beneath them. >> yeah, people are a little scared to do it. it's a little easier to be brave with a furrowed brow. if you're up there smiling and partying, it's a little riskier, for whatever stupid reason. >> you cannot mope to your music. >> no. some people could. >> you can mope? i would like to see your moping. >> maybe tonight at the show. >> by the show, you mean the show tonight which already happened. and you guys were amazing. >> thank you.
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>> it sold out. >> where are you playing this week? >> richmond tomorrow and atlanta the next night. >> well, i encourage everybody to go see you, because the music is fantastic. the second album just came out. i like the band because the voice to me reminding me of the voices i heard when i was listening to music in the '70s and '80s. what do you guys listen to? what influences you? >> zee zee top, van halen, the movie "tron." "bit of honey." >> candy. especially with tilt, it's obvious.
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your albums were funded by kickstarter. is that easier? >> in some respects. you know, it would be much easier if somebody just threw money at us, but then you're in debt to whoever funded your record. >> you've known each other forever, right? >> a long time. i met shawn when i was like 17. ken, i've known him, he got out of the navy and had the fortune to meet me. >> they all played in bands together. >> he used to work in a record store and i would go in there and i liked andrew and i would bug him. i don't know, just like tell him weird stories and be way too candid. >> yeah. >> it was great. i used to give him posters. >> but yeah, we became brothers that way. >> that's kind of beautiful.
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it was a friendship over music well liked. it was a regular thing. >> you're fans of music. what do you get excited about now? what bands do you like to go see? >> hmmm. i mean, so much different stuff. i work at a venue in st. louis. like mac damarko is coming to st. louis. there's some cool local bands, fister is there. there's an arkansas band called paul bearer. >> they recorded two albums and one is coming out. fister has toured with them a bunch. it's kind of the same brand of dudes. we all listen to tons of
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different stuff. >> efficient played with torch? i hear they're pretty good. that's your other band, your part-time band. torch is amazing. so is tilt. they can get the album off of i tunes? >> band camp, also straight to us. >> thanks, guys. good luck with the tour and by the way, i can't emphasize enough the records are fantastic. coming up, the ugly truth about ugly people. the fact is, thal're ugly, what do you going to do? and do you have videos of animals doing something? send them to us. stick around. you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance?
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no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. last topic. recent commercials from pantene and always challenge negative female stereotypes and help women approach confidence issues. but are they empowering or weakening? is either way, pantene is about
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much more than shiny hair. >> can i ask a stupid question? >> sorry, tough a minute? >> sorry. >> oh, sorry. >> sorry. ♪ >> let's go back to the original thing that we did. >> i apologize for that. there's also another campaign, but you know what? i'm already tired of this. so what's wrong, tom? we should probably -- what am i
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doing? what is wrong with saying sorry? >> sorry is not prostrating yourself. it's another word for excuse me, and it's a better way of saying excuse me. >> he does a great impersonation of me. >> if someone gives you the negative excuse me, treat it like the positive one. it freaks them out. let me try it. excuse me. no, you're doing fine. >> joanne, you claim to be a woman. does this ad imply women need help because they should be told they shouldn't say sorry? >> they're playing on the female insecurity and the wanting to be liked. that's where a lot of the sorry comes from. you know when i feel strong and confident? when i have a head of shiny air. when i have a good hair day,ky
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run the world. sl >> what to you make of this? >> as long as we're battinning for women, if you just watch daytime tv ads, you would be convinced that the biggest threat facing america today is vaginal mesh. and it's affected you, i don't mean to make fun of you, but nobody knows what it is.>> this all these commercials for lawyers. have you you had x. andy, there are no male empowerment ads, are there?
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>> no. how come there's no white history month? i missed the straight pride parade. i'm sick of it. but these ads do make me feel stronger. i don't know. i just don't know. >> if they make me feel stronger, do i have some kind of gender confusion? >> it meals you're an evil male, greg. >> the ones who were not apologizing into the commercial, that wasn't attractive, was it? >> all right, on that note, we have to go. joanne nosuchinsky, will rahn, tv's andy levy, tom shillue, that's you.
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two big supreme court rulings this morning and believe it or not despite the hype and protests the republic still stands. one blow dealt to labor unions. first to the highly-anticipated hobby lobby verdict. the arts and craft chain directly challenged the mandate that employers provide free coverage for four particular contraceptives even if it violates the company's religious beliefs. in a 5-4 decision the


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