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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 3, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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after he learned he had the disease which bears his name. 200,000 bucks. i bet it goes more than that. arthel: i agree. we'll see you back here in an hour. jon: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is a fox weather alert. a storm fully engaged moving up the east coast at this point. millions of americans are in its path. people are leaving parts of north carolina's outer banks as hurricane arthur draws closer. we're taking a live look right now. arthur is gaining strength as a category 1 hurricane which is came overnight. it is for cast to become a stronger storm, possibly a cat 2. it could make land full tomorrow night or tomorrow morning. a major blow to so many of you in the region ahead of this big july 4th region. flooding from where the storm has already been is teaching us. this could be a lot to handle for the next 24 to 36 hours.
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take a look what is moving up the coast there. forecasters do say it should however pull back off east of us and be out of our lives up the coast of new england and out of the way later this weekend. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered" and i'm kimberly guilfoyle. here today, harris faulkner, sandra smith, kirsten powers and today's #oneluckyguy, pete hegseth. he is outnumbered. i like your patriotism. >> right there, are you liking that? independence day weekend, fox, you got to do it. >> very sweet. i want to get some of those. i think i'm going to get some. i think there are very few. great to have you here today and everybody, we're, look at beautiful colors, huh, harris? inside joke.
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could we soon see the irs chief on hot seat again? this as we see new fireworks in the irs targeting scandal over lois lerner's missing e-mails. two years of records reportedly gone for good after her computer crashed. house oversight chairman darrell issa offering irs commissioner john koskinen a chance to try again and explain his testimony after isis said lerner's attorney made conflicting statements. here is mr. koskinen testifying 10 days ago on what he knew about whether lerner kept hard copies much her official records as required by law. >> the responsibility is if you have an email you have a record and print it out as a hard copy. my understanding every employee is supposed to print records that are official records on hard copy and keep them. she had hard copy records. >> but lerner's attorney dropped this bombshell when he spoke to "politico" last week saying his
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client did not know she was supposed to print out official records. a few days later, in a tv interview, lerner's attorney appeared to muck up the waters even more when he said this. >> she printed out some things, not others. you can't print out hundreds of thousands of emails. we'll be back, we'll be back -- >> print out everything that had to do with irs business, with policy, with questions? did she print all those out? >> what is federal record is subjective i'm not sure everything but she printed out a lot of things. >> i will take this around the couch. sandra you're up. >> we're supposed to point out the fact that koskinen never actually said lerner self followed the federal records act. by saying he assumed all employees did he was insinuating or making a very large assumption that she did. yes, the rule is, or the law is, that any email pertaining to decision-making at irs had to be printed and kept in a file. at this point her lawyer is
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saying she didn't know she had to do that. well, lois lerner needs to answer questions. it is no, there is no question why the american people are outraged over the fact that we still have absolutely no answers on this, kimberly. this continues in this way. >> it is shameful. i think it is embarrassing as a country, the irs impacts every law-abiding citizen that is filing tax returns and putting our faith and trust in them and this is what we get? what are you supposed to do with this? >> what is really interesting too, i didn't know defense we keep seeing come from this administration, i didn't know. she didn't know she was supposed to give notice to the arc curvist, who we already heard, from the national archivist, they didn't let me know that the computer had crashed and let me know that there are no hard copies made of her emails. she didn't know she was supposed to do that. she also apparently didn't know she couldn't target certain lawmakers like grassley of iowa. you can't just audit somebody because you want to.
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another coworker had to tell her, no you wait until he files. hold on a second, that didn't know. she is appointee by this president, right? my question now is, does the president know why he hired her? kirsten? >> well, i don't think, i don't think that the president interviewed lois lerner and hire her. >> she is appointee. she is appointee. what i was going to say that, i don't believe that she didn't know. i just don't. i don't buy it. you go through training, you go through training. when i worked in the clinton administration i left there in 1998. this was way before we know as much about, as much ability as which do with internet today. we had very extensive training how to archive and keep track of records. everybody down to the most junior employee. it is not believable. i don't believe she didn't know she needed to keep these records. >> that is more important test.
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can you remotely buy what they're saying? people appreciate what paul ryan said in the testimony, i just don't believe you. what they're saving across the board from six computers crashing simultaneously, from i didn't know the rules, even though i'm the commissioner. what they hide behind is semantics. what is record versus impersonal email talks about things? what did i have to print out, i didn't really know. they hide behind confusion of bureaucracy and never be blamed. i think is more here or else issa -- >> i think he has got something. he is on to it. shifting out the trail. what -- sniffing out the trail. what bothers me, you're playing for other team. yeah, i don't believe it, right? i would rather someone tell me i'm a dodo bird, i don't know anything than someone outright lying. >> choices aren't good. ertain amount ofto keep my tax time. i can't tell you if is three years, six years depends on your
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situation. if i say i don't know, that doesn't fly. apparently thinks it will fly with her. how long is it, by the way. >> it is seven. >> don't test it. >> you will be in trouble. i'm prepared, harris. >> president obama is speaking more and more blaming house republicans for gridlock in washington. here we go. >> now republicans are mad at me for taking these actions. they're not doing anything. and then they're mad i'm doing something. so we don't have to wait for congress to do some good stuff. they don't do anything! except block me! today, i'm beginning a new effort, to fix as much of our immigration system as i can on my own. without congress. if congress can't act on core issues that would make a difference, helping middle class families, get ahead, then we're going to have to be creative about how we can make real
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progress. >> things boiling over this week after house speaker john boehner's threat to sue the president for abusing his executive authority. the president, then said this. >> middle class families can't wait for the republicans in congress to do stuff. so sue me. as long as they're doing nothing, i'm not going to apologize for trying to do something. >> you know, i think maybe the president missed his calling as a stand-up comedian. >> that is funny, harris. >> it is not. is this a case of swagger and he has a whole lot of that and just calling out the other guys for not doing anything, or is this something else? >> he is an arrogant dude. we've known that for a while. who is he talking about when he talks about do nothing? i could swear he is talking about harry reid's do nothing senate which hasn't passed a budget for five or six years and done nothing. this president has perfected, i
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reach my hand out and punch you in the nose and why don't you continue to reach out? you wonder why president's poll numbers auld time worst and reagan are highest, he had principles and when you reached out he meant it to strike a deal. there is no ernest sense from conservatives that he wants to strike a deal other than to use it to bludgeon them and then sign executive orders to get around it. >> in case everybody is tuning in, he would never hit kirsten. >> no, never, never. >> former speaker newt gingrich was quoted saying this. there are three constitutional mechanisms for a congress to control a president behavior and you can impeach, sue him, and cut off money. suing him is least disruptive to the economy. your thoughts. >> i'm not buying a whole lot what he saying in general. the thing that bothers me about the president, this is guy crying that republicans won't play with him remember how arrogant he was, i won elections, elections have
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consequences? that is what we're dealing with. he was a nonstarter from day one. he really didn't want to work with the other side. i mean, again -- >> boehner gingrich are asking? >> i guess, sure, this is how it turned out to be. so disappointing. abject failure of government and there is a lack of leadership and it is reflected in the polls. >> no surprise that people continue to say as we've seen in recent fox news polls, 60% of the democrats and republicans polled don't trust their government. you know, they don't like what they're seeing. they don't like what is happening. they don't like bickering in washington. >> congress either. >> sandra, excuse me one second, pete. do you think the lawsuit gets it done? do you think it gives republicans -- >> i said at the start i don't think there should be distraction of republicans need to focus on. economy, nsa, irs scandals, benghazi, unanswered questions. things boehner is getting away from what their message is really should be. a bit of a distraction.
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it is out there. >> what should the message be? >> you have to do something. i think boehner thinks going for impeachment looks extreme at this point. they're going something they can litigate, very seriously legal overreaches by this administration with executive order, bordering on lawlessness. you have to, i appreciate them willing to do it. they just can't overreach. >> kirsten, what do you think of as democrat what when you hear the president seay, well, sue me? >> i think that first of all i have to say the republicans were not interested in working with obama. this is sort of fantasy alternate unveries where they were interested working with him. that doesn't mean he shouldn't try harder to work with him, i think he did try somewhat. they had very clear strategy from the beginning they were not going to work with him and make things difficult for him. that said, i in my column said i'm reluctant supporter, unlikely supporter of this lawsuit because the president's solution to that isn't to violate the law and to do executive orders that are illegal and he is already been
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slapped down by the supreme court multiple times. so i don't think, i do think if this is what it will take to get him to stop thinking he can go around congress in situations that he can't, i think it is good to have the lawsuit. >> by the way, i brain roomed this here at fox. executive orders issued by president obama so far, 182. that is not more than anybody else. about average. but as you have pointed out, it isn't how many, what they have been dealing with. >> that number is kind of meaningless. also because a lot of executive orders don't even, they're very minor things, renaming offices and things like that. so they don't really mean anything. >> it will be interesting to see how we go for the. to see how the lawsuit takes shape. meanwhile we heard about girls in high school worry about the weight but kids as young as eight years old? new body image concerns go all the way into elementary school. speaking of weight, a new survey is ranking fast-food restaurants. why some of the most popular chains may find the result,
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hmmm, hard to swallow. i'm hungry by the way. kimberly, a burger? >> burger king. excellent. ♪ (vo) after 50 years of designing
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>> welcome back to "outnumbered." we usually think of teenagers when it comes to body issues. turns out elementary schoolkids are concerned about the way they look. a new study finding children as young as eight unhappy with the body size. the majority of 10 and 11-year-olds tried to manage their weight in the past year. meantime different research shows nearly 70% of parents feel judged for the decisions that they're making about their kids. as for what they feel most judged about? their child's diet and nutrition. i find this fascinating, kimberly. we talked about on the show before that pressure kids feel about weight management. now to hear the parent are feeling the same sort of pressure. by the way, pete, boys were not excluded from this. >> no. >> we tend to think about girls and their body management, weight management issues, but boys similarly have same concerns. in their case they're trying to gain weight. >> gain weight. the study is really interesting. this is entirely unsurprising
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and fairly unconcerning. perceptions at young age always been there. i'm traveling with my four-year-old. we're in the airport. >> he is cute. >> how they always pull pants down the way. they realize other boys don't do that. i'm not doing that anymore. when you're young, you look around, you see different body types. you start to react to natural tendencies. he is popular. he is not. he is big. he is small. parents have to be important reinforcers what is healthy. i like the first lady's initiative on let's move. focus on activity and health and be confident in that. >> there is some reassures here, kirsten, they look to these eight-year-olds. research was very surprising they were already concerned about their body then. by the time they became 10 or 11 years old their perception of their body actually improved. but that was for kids whose weight was at where it was supposed to be or they were underweight. it was overweight kids, perception worsened as they enter into the preteen years. >> i wonder, is it something that is new though? you're saying this is just the
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way kids are. i don't remember when i was a kid people worrying about their weight. even kids overwaste. i don't remember it being a major issue. >> teasing. maybe not as substantial as now. >> i guess. the idea that age you would be thinking about losing weight or, i've seen other articles on that. they talk about dieting at such young ages. seems training to me. >> kimberly, back to great school counting calories, did you experience that? >> no. i just didn't. i mean, my little boy is the same. says we were both, we're both, mine isn't as good as it was but the point is i'm trying to shovel a lot of food into him because he is you know, little boys, they are very thin. different for boys than girls, depending, but no, i actually don't remember any girls in my grade school, that we were even talking about that. i feel bad for children now. there is such a hyper focus on it. it can't help make you feel
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overly self-aware. >> there is obesity epidemic. so the parents are feeling pressured about this, harris. >> they are. >> that is fascinating. because their number one concern is being judged on diet and nutrition. 50% of the parents said that. >> i think it is a little bit of a backfire. i think we've been so focused on the obesity and not the children. i don't remember it being like that either. i was much more active. i have to struggle to get my kids to get active. >> get outside. >> my daughters say to me, we've been outside all day. the sun hasn't set yet on that. i do think that all the mechanical and technological devices, kids are more focused on that. but i think obesity awareness backfired just a little bit because it has us so focused on that, these are little ones. they want to know what it tastes like to put french fries in strawberry ice cream. better answer it, probably
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better when your metabolism is better. >> they changed new rules. they changed recommendation from whole milk to 2% milk for infants because of obesity epidemic. >> your brain needs fat. >> listen up, parentparents. a startling report when it comes to kids and text-messaging. the link between sexting and teens having sex. ahead of midterms a heated debate over faith in race for arkansas senate. mark pryor, demanding his republican challenger, tom cotton apologize for saying this. >> barack obama and mark pryor think faith is something only happens at 11:00 on sunday mornings. sfx: car unlock beep.
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so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." faith and religion taking center stage on one of the hottest senate races that could determine control of congress. arkansas republican tom cotton who is challenging incumbent democrat mark pryor, causing a stir with his answer to a question about the supreme court's hobby lobby ruling. that landmark decision gives family-owned companies the right not to offer certain kind of birth control in their health plans if doing so would violate their religious beliefs. listen. >> just another example how obamacare infringes on liberties of all arkansans. barack obama and mark pryor think faith is something that only happens at 11:00 on sunday
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mornings. that is when we worship but faith we live every single day. the government shouldn't infringe on the rights of religious liberty. >> senator pryor blasting the congressman's congress saying he can't help but take it personally. democrat campaign demanding apology. cotton, a southern baptist, made his christian faith as cornerstone campaign ad in ad released last december. >> i'm not ashamed to say i believe in god and i believe in his word. the bible teaches us, no one has all the answers. only god does. and neither political party is always right. this is my compass, minority star. it gives me comfort and guidance to do what is best for arkansas. >> so pete what do you think, do you think this is out of bound? >> this is, you've been in politics, you've been in campaigns. this is one campaign responding to what was inartful statement. do i think mark pryor was
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unending offended by this? no. i think his operatives to say this is misstatement. we'll pounce on it and deeply offended and force tom cotton to apologize. the point cotton was making is legitimate, the government forces people to cross their own faith, shouldn't be something we express just on sunday. not best way to say it? no but this is politics. >> pete really said isn't what the congressman said about mark pryor. if he stayed specific to the fact that they disagree on the hobby lobby rule, instead of saying, really questioning his faith. >> pryor said he took it quote, unquote, deeply personal. honestly when i saw that from cotton, had you not seen a campaign ad? it just sound like somebody in his camp didn't do their homework. if there are ads out by the other guy about his faith it, sound odd that you would make statement like that. sound like you're not paying attention.
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>> think what he is doing he is saying, i don't believe you, sandra. he is saying if you disagree with me on hobby lobby that you can't -- >> i never like, i'm more religious than you are argument. sound juvenile and elementary. the way i see it, cotton is making it very clear, he does not intend to apologize nor has he, but he went on to clarify himself. it wasn't just the hobley lobby ruling he was attacking pryor on. he supports taxpayer-funded abortion and late-term abortion. forcing christians to pay for abortions despite their deeply held religious beliefs. he actually said i commend pryor on his open faith and his political office. he says i just don't respect how he is openly shows his faith openly but then has these beliefs. i think he was very specific, kirsten. >> i can really, the, thing is though, even when you go down the list sandra just shared, a lot of liberal democrats could
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come back and say the same thing, i don't support work because i'm a pacifist, george bush, you're not really a christian. shouldn't this be out of bound? >> you're wondering perhaps should be something off limits. is it something so personal. to sandra's point there is a little bit of bleed there, a little bit of crossover, someone so strong in their faith putting it out like that in very prominent way in that commercial, almost sort of puts it into fair play zone. he put it out there first and so he is responding saying, well if you look at this from point of legislation, and political beliefs and political votes and actions, here's what he is doing. that part is fair because that is value choices for voters to say, i want the guy that is going to say late-term abortions shouldn't be funded, shouldn't be okay. so i will make this choice. get issues out there. that is where i ended up okay. >> but on hobby lobby, you're a lawyer, you know that was a very comply catted case.
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-- >> still is. >> i'm a christian. i was very torn over the case. it was 5-4 decision. this was not unanimous decision. christians can be on either side of that issue. i really believe that. what do you think? >> i think this was a very specifically, narrowly tailored decision that applies only to closely held corporations, family-run businesses that 51% or more ownership by five or fewer people. that is what we're dealing this. this was not row v. wade. this is not involved in your bedroom. there are other viable alternatives. i think it was reasonable in its approach and not alarming. >> and about four drugs. >> two u iuds. >> they will have still have 16 to choose from. if he acknowledged all what kimberly said in the ad, look, i've seen your ads where you say such and such, it would have been more encompassing, it wouldn't be such a personal attack. anyway. kids and sexing and how much kids and parents should be
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concerned. they are looking sexually explicit text messages and photos, finding middle school students who are sexting, more likely are having sex than those who don't. big surprise for all the numbers, 11 to 13 years old. sexting is not just alternative to real life sexual activity. they say it is part of it. there is more. surveys seem to show that kids who send 100 or more text message as day, my gosh, that's a lot, are more likely to report they send sexy text messages. there was a lot -- >> a lot in there. >> pete, you're raising children and, they have phones. they have got these devices. 100 text messages about anything seems like a lot. >> for teenagers these days, 100 text messages is nothing. my kids are 4 and 2. they don't have phones. my younger brother, 21, went through high school. could text in his pocket without
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looking at keyboard. >> that is impressive. >> that is impressive skill. this is practice of medium becoming a problem. obviously cultural pressure on kids younger and younger, sexuality. media makes it so easy. when i was in junior high, it was notes. usually passing through a third person. you could have read it. if you read it i'm outed. that tempers that. everybody has -- >> someone pass a note here, when the boys did that. will you go steady with me? will you go out with me? >> changing all that. you guys are talking about it, how kids are not even talking to each other face-to-face anymore. changing the way we relate. >> i don't have an issue. i have a issue with the legal ramifications here. everything they're doing is in writing. and it is saved, archived. and kids who might not know better or know better two or three years later, could get into legal trouble for some things they're doing. i find that concerning. i find it concerning 40% of 11-year-olds are sending 100
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text messages? when are they going to school or on playground. >> 11-year-olds. >> that is the problem. no one can focus or pay attention to anything. >> what about the risk though that it says that kid who are more likely behaving this way and texting are more likely behaving in another way and having more sex? >> that is disturbing. is that surprising to anybody though? i think just with the content. oh, someone would send you a note saying can we go steady? a lot of texts are, will you send maria picture of you naked? that is what is going on. "new york" magazine did a whole thing where interviewed girl girls that were 20 -- thankfully no. of the interview, girls were 12 years old. this is all they get. they get texts from these boys. that is what they expect. completely different world i think than what we grew up in. >> you hit the word. becomes expectations game. she will send one. you won't. send me a little bit, a little bit more. that accelerates.
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11 years old. >> male's fault. >> at love things in this world are males fault. >> you're joking with that, not a good idea. >> do we take away phones or devices? >> monitor. monitor. >> monitor. limit it. you have to do what you can. it is what is happening at home too. you have to talk to them and be present and everybody has blackberry 46 iphone timeout. >> i like that. when parents do find out it is happening use it as excuse to talk to kid about sex and sexual relations. >> makes a point study talks about, make eye contact with your kids. put down the device to bring it back. >> i say it in my house 25 times a day, eyes on mom. eyes on mom. >> i will set up virtual nsa in my office. >> really? wow. all the stuff is permanent as sandra pointed out, not so much with the irs. we already talked about that. violence in iraq is growing out of control.
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one ranking pentagon official is reportedly saying the obama administration is paralyzed. [gunfire] his concerns about whether the crisis will ever be solved. we're tracking hurricane arthur. this is where we started this hour. it is gaining strength as it barrels to north carolina. the latest on the storm's path. stay close. where its biggest refinery has been attacked. more chaos over there means higher prices here but we can take control with renewable fuels like ethanol.
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it means more jobs and more security... less pollution and less pain at the pump. because it's time to stop letting chaos decide our... energy future. tell congress and the epa to stand up to big oil. don't gut the renewable fuel standard.
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♪ >> the crisis in iraq deepening as sunni militants continue their march towards baghdad, taking over towns and even seizing territory in syria. now, one ranking pentagon official is blasting the obama administration perceived inaction, telling "the daily caller," the pentagon is split and the administration is paralyzed. the official reportedly saying quote, the professional staff says do it but and state and cia say no for political reasons. once again, split like in libya. pentagon will never admit it. so, four-letter word, beep, we
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should take limited action and generals with no direct combat experience are making bad calls. powerful. mean while the iraqi ambassador to the u.s. says that further delay only benefits the terrorist who is now control 1/3 of iraq. pete, look how quickly this situation has just deteriorated. it is alarming what is happening. >> he is hesitates is lost. in this particular scenario the indecision of this white house and pentagon frankly is article goes on to say, full of some politically-oriented yes men who are inclined to support whatever the president wants to do or not want to do as opposed to give unbiased military advice. you have threat of now established, so-called, established islamic caliphate seeking to strike the united states of america. no matter what he said on campaign trail or how much you want to be over and done with iraq you have a national security imperative to care about what happens on the ground. the american military has a lot
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of assets to be used but if they're sitting on sidelines the situation only gets worse. >> the situation is disturbing. kirsten, your thoughts. they are saying there is political overtones. he is getting bad advice. making decisions based on his constituency being hesitate tore-in-chief. these are not good signs and information getting out. >> i don't see him as hesitate store-in-chief. i think he is extremely decisive in the war on terror and al lackey and drone strikes in pakistan and the fact he withdrew from iraq. that is what the american people wanted to happen. i think it was the right thing to do. the question what is it exactly we would do toking change the situation? even general petraeus says doing airstrikes was not going to change situation on the ground. >> withdrawing from iran is whole another story. without a status of forces agreement. >> you know we couldn't leave people there.
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they would not let us leave people there. we could not get status of forces agreement. >> liberals admitted they wanted to get to zero. they never negotiated in good faith to put leverage on maliki. >> you really want to be, would you like to go act over there working with this army that completely disbanded when isis showed up? this is army that we spent 10 years training? >> absolutely. >> died for training this army and you want to be over there with these people? >> i want to follow through finish what we died and fought for, absolutely. there are -- >> 10 years. 10 years. we're not able to get this army up to the point where they could stand up more than two days. >> it's a long-term project, no doubt about it. when you leave and cease to provide political leverage and military leverage and go down to zero. it is young government. young military. >> how long should we stay there? >> it is not about a time frame. i'm not going to make it time frame. it is about national security. how long did we stay in germany and japan. >> as long as it takes.
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>> as long as it takes. >> i don't agree with that. >> you had the sacrifice of treasure and blood we've had in this country, i mean as a veteran to hear you speak out what really honors the situation is so helpful and so useful. my big question, and i don't know if we can pop up that map, we're seeing, it has been a erased, the lines. redrawn yeah. >> between syria and iraq. >> somebody photoshop the difference. >> what would be if the president had not said talk about a red line and actually done something in syria? >> that's right. >> how different would this picture be. >> i don't know how you can call him decisive. syria is textbook. >> red line was against assad. the red line wasn't against isis. >> everybody is talking about assad. >> we were going to overthrow assad, who do you think was going to take over. >> nobody said there were good options. >> you know -- >> find your comments fascinating. having a veteran on the couch and having these viewpoints.
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i just wonder how you think the political landscape should be molded going into the midterm elections. whether or not the administration can turn this around, you know, before their term is over, what should we be talking about heading into the midterms. >> in iraq? >> yes. >> we should be looking at what would a fledgling iraqi government should be more multi-ethnic, but forced to iran because we retreated supporting them what do we do to bring them back the e to the table. we bring in military as advisors. they're demoralized not defeat. >> i agree. we're operating at disadvantage. they didn't force the point when we had leverage to do so. now the situation materialized. anybody who follows intelligence this is no surprise but there is something that can be done about it. so much talk of hillary clinton in it is sift. it -- 2016. it is east easy to forget she hasn't edeclared yet. if she does, what about other democrats in the primary? who could take her on and who
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has a shot beating her. you know what? >> i thought that was you for a second. >> don't call her a feminist. -- feminist. why a new artist is facing backlash for his vision of a legendary superhero. ♪
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ask. >> moreout numbered in just a moment but now to jon scott with what is happening in the second hour of "happening now." jon: hurricane arthur strengthening. wind at 90 miles an hour making it a cat 1. janice dean says it will likely strengthen to category 2 storm soon. some parts of north carolina are being evacuated now. a wildfire in wine country in california has burned six square miles and damaged nine structures. some people were forced to flee. so far the fires are not threatening any vineyards. the dow hit 17,000 today and a new record. markets reacting well to the june jobs report showing unemployment rate fell to 6.1%.
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jobs growth appears to be accelerating. that is subject of our chat. log on, get your thoughts in there. back to you. >> thanks, jon. >> well i may be outnumbered by my turn with this story. in her satin tights she fights for all our rights. don't call her a feminist. wonder woman's new artist david finch taking heat because he wants her to be strong but not a feminist. he wants to treat her as human being. i want her to say strong, i don't want to say feminist, but strong character. beautiful an strong. she has a great costume and has a lot of history. i'm really very visually attracted to wonder woman. aren't we all. finch then saying on twitter that he didn't mean wonder woman is not for being equal. meantime his writer is his wife meredith. she calls wonder woman a female icon back in the '70s, when females were stepping up and strapping on the boots an taking
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such powerful roles. that ask misstep for the ages. >> clarify that. >> they're strapping up the boots, getting ready to go. taking on the world. >> there can be -- >> put it on teleprompter i read it. so, sandra, feminist icon but does wonder woman have to be a feminist? shy is strong. >> i don't know why the artist felt the need to clarify that. i am crying. >> this is what we try to do. >> getting the giggles here. kimberly is the reason for it. you no i know why this happens. i will tell you that you can have a beautiful woman drawn in this photo, continue to see, and not assume that she is feminist in nature or too strong to where she has masculine features. i don't get the clarification. >> i don't feel the need for clarification either. i think these two characters, do these two characters, have to go
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hand in hand? if you can break through the strong and feminist [laughter] >> this happens when you're outnumbered. >> it is true. all chem birly's fault. >> i'm wonder woman. that is why i'm laughing. >> i have always considered myself a feminist. and it is one of these things where it is just has a bad connotation. and i think that a lot of it is the bad behavior of a lost feminists frankly. there is this feeling, yes wonder woman is for equality and she is strong but not a feminist. there is need to suggest she is not strident or whatever it is people associate with feminism. >> feminism is associated with equality on all levels. is it wonder woman is not fighting for equality all the time? fighting for rights of all? are we talking about feminist boots or strong boots? wonder woman stand in. >> as i stand in for wonder woman in the feminist community. she is, come on, everyone has the costume. the thing is, wonder woman is
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amazing. >> it is amazing. >> good role model. invincible. does have vulnerability but she is human inside and -- >> look at leg muscles. >> look at wide stance like powerful. >> i love the boots. i love the whole thing. i want the plane. move of off this because i will start laughing again. looks like big mack and taco bell seven layer burrito. >> you're favorite. >> making my mouthed water. maybe the new alternatives they're flocking to. >> that is was great. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. ... ... ... ... ... ...
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and topping the list is in and out. and rubenios fresh mexican grill. and chick fill a. i find it fascinating. >> i love the fast food and i am apology gist for it. and i am a burger king guy. and mcdonald and chick- fil- a and i love the whopper. and these are staples. and not of your doit. mcnuggets should be their own food category because they are amazing. you know what you are getting in mcdonald. a quick fix. >> you are getting crepe and fake chicken. >> oh, i love it. >> oh, my gosh, i can't think of it. >> would you go to chipotle. but mcdonald? >> and harris, i have reported it on the business side and there is concern that mcdonald
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is outdated you know? people want fresh food fast. >> i found it mcdonald and chipotle. and one of the reasons, chipotle and others do so well. it is a fresh option. mcdonald, go down to whole foods and bring in lettuce. they have to do something. but my answer to the story is yes, because i am hung row. we'll go to our resident foodie on this one? >> i eat all of this. >> you are always talking about fast-food burgers. i have a confession to make. i am a 10-year-old boy. >> likewise. i like. it you know what, i take vita mines and i will eat salad and i like meat. >> is it good? >> and you are making me hung
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row. >> you like pizza hut. >> so do i? >> thank you. >> and happy 4th of july. and to you. >> and to america. >> that's it for outnumbered and so you back here on monday. happening now starts right now. right now three developing stories. new terror concerns in airports in the world. and a deadly threat from an old enemy forcing authorities to ramp up security. and growing fears about sony rampage and how the isis terrorist may pose a danger to the middle east and beyond. >> an american city bracing for a now influx of undocumented immigrants. we go live. also this, we are now tracking the first hurricane of the atlantic season as arthur barrels to the carolinas


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