tv Media Buzz FOX News July 6, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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regulations that could stick a knife in the back of the coal industry, the gas industry and the oil industry. the energy industry has been propelling this economy, maria. this is a big deal. we'll see what the president moves forward. >> thank you for joining us. happy july fourth weekend. on the buzz beater from new york this sunday -- president obama blaming the media again for avoiding substance in favor of the political circus. >> if you watch the news, you just see, okay, washington is a mess and the basic attitude is everybody is just crazy up there. >> but is he using the media as a scapegoat for the problems and the paralysis? monica lewinski in her first television interview in a decade blames the media in part for humiliating her for the affair with bill clinton. >> to be called stupid, a bimbo and to be taken out of context,
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it was excruciating. >> did the press pile on and should news care as hillary clinton eye tess white house. >> the press had no problem pounding the bush p dana porino on a tale of two administrations. plus, facebook veetly manipulates the mood of its users by changing the information they're fed on-ryan. why did mark zuckerberg think this was ethical.? i'm howard kurtz and this is media buzz. president obama sure seems frustrated these days. he told reporters he's frustrated with congress for not moving on immigration and says he'll take action by executive order. and the president is frustrated again with the media saying news organizations aren't reporting on the substantive things he's trying to accomplish. >> that even when washington
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sometimes seems tone deaf to what's going on in people's lives and around the kitchen table, that there's going to be somebody who is going to stand up for you and your family. and i wanted to let all of you know that -- because you don't see it on tv sometimes. it's not what the press and the pundits talk about. >> so why do you think he's taking on the press and the pundits? joining us in new york, lauren ashburn, who hosts social buzz on the fox website. rich lowrey, a fox news contributor and kelly goff, a contributor to the daily beast. lauren, why does barack obama kooepg keep on banging this anti-media drum? >> i think it's ridiculous. this is a guy who can snap his fingers and reporters come running right to his house and he can say anything that he wants to see if it will be carried nationwide. it is not the messenger. it is the person -- it's the person who is delivering the message that's the problem. >> the press pays house calls,
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if you look at 1600 pennsylvania. does the president have a point when he says the media favors covering politics over policy and gets extracted by superficial controversies? >> yes, of course. but there's a lot of substance covered, as well. the president would be delighted if every day he held a news conference discussing the substantive issues of the day are. but this is the take he's had on the meetings. he's had a certain contempt for the media and there's a huge irony there because he would not be president in the first place if he wasn't a media phenomenon. >> you're saying he's not grateful. >> he's an ingrate, i'm on the record. >> kelly goff, the mishandling of the e-mails, the mess in iraq, none of that is exactly the media's fault. >> well, but i will say to someone who works for the coverage of kim kardashian's wedding and the royal wedding add nauseam, i'm insulted that
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the president says the media doesn't cover real -- but he's right, there should be more coverage of the substantive policy issues rather than the horse race, which all of us are guilty of. all of us are guilty of covering the restraining orders or personal life. >> what about this is a guy saying he's gotten tremendous press certainly for the first several year of his presidency, not to mention his two campaigns? >> i think there's enough blame to go around here. is he fine with the fact that the coverage is substantive when it's talking about how gorgeous his wife looks on "vogue" magazine or other things like that? probably. by by the same token, he's not someone who likes to watch a lot of tv. he is a constitutional lawyer who would like to see policy covered every day and it's not. >> on the same trim he launches a huge attack on the press for being superficial, his team takes enormous effort to arrange these photo ops at a hamburger
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joint and him buying this ice cream cone. at the hamburger joint, he has a woman who struggles about her troubles and what do they give her? a photo-op with him at the hamburger joint. >> but this is something all of us struggle with. i think it's less likely that her story would have been covered if he hadn't been giving a photo-op. >> he explained to the press which likes to have a sugary hook or a -- >> but you cannot have it both ways. >> you can't have it both ways. you can't manipulate the media by sitting down at a burger joint on one hand and then say they're not covering the issues that are important to the white house. >> what i'm wondering is isn't this a guy who happens to be the president of the united states who has total access to the media and, therefore, can shape the media narrative? >> of course he can. .it's very easy for him because a lot of people who used to work for him are in the media carrying his water.
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>> are you talking about david axlerolle rod and -- >> sure, and stephanie cutter. that means he has allies in the media. >> what about when he has these anchors come to the white house? >> they came in and during the family values summit basically asked him questions that agreed with his policies. kate was a little harder on him than o'donnell. and -- >> and he's had george stephanopoulos. and the point is, as you said earlier, he can snap his fingers and deal with it. i'm wondering if you think, rich lowery, as somebody coming from the conservative point of view whether or not that mainstream media are now disillusioned with second term president obama. >> i think they are a little bit. look, the media does need news. and the fact is he's just stuck. he doesn't have unified control of congress. there's nothing new about his agenda. there's really nothing new to cover. these complaints about the media, they're old, too. he's been making these for years and years and the economic
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policies he's been talking about are exactly the same, as well. the things that are new are the scandals. >> but this isn't just equal to him. this isn't just him. this is every president who says i hate the media, i hate the way i'm being covered. but in this snant instance, it's not -- it doesn't ring true. he came out -- go ahead. >> he tried to make news. he had the rose garden news conference on immigration. >> he came out and said i'm going to study it. >> can i throw out an analogy. this reminds me of when it got chose to cover the women and children's policies with hillary clinton. i get there and what becomes the main news story? chelsea clinton announces she's pregnant. that conference would never have gotten national news coverage if chelsea hadn't said she was pregnant. whose fault is that? >> it's not hillary's fault. >> barack obama is not the only person who is unhappy.
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only liberal democrat who is unhappy with the press conferenceage. hillary clinton continuing her book tour did an interview with cspan in which she said some of the coverage with her -- she didn't read much because she didn't have time, which i can understand that. but some of the coverage about her was inaccurate. is she justified about the press? >> i would say no, definitively. she's made some gaffes, she's made some missteps. she's used to being beaten up in the press. but it's been a while. she had a great comeback, and after receiving lots of unflatering press, with everyone sounding the drum beat, she's qualified, she's great, this is the first time she's not beaten up in a bit. and i think it caught her off guard. >> but she's hated the media for a very long time. she has said she has contempt for the media. so now, she's had this great run as secretary of state. when you're out of office and you're not running for president, you're going to have
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more favorable ratings. so i think it made her mad that when she came out with a new book, that she was getting trashed. >> i would argue up to the book tour, she's gotten the best coverage. most of the negativity from the boat tour i would say had to do with the issue of her personal wealth that broke and all that. >> i think there are two lists of things going on. one abdomen media narrative has been opened up on her wealth. and that is something we'll see through 2016 if she runs. she's such in a formidable position, for now, it's going to be hillary versus hillary. and the media will be picking at everything she says. because there's no other story out there. >> which reinforces what the
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president said. i have to say, i think the other reason she was thrown off guard by the coverage is the reaction to my column about her gaffe is the clinton brand has been so associated with income inequality and you have liberals for the first time saying i'm not so comfortable with what she said. that i think for her was unexpected and i think that was part of driving some of her anger about the -- >> i'd like to know what she thinks is inaccurate. certainly over the years as she's been in the public eye things have been written, conspiracy theories have been carried in the media. but you know, what she said when she was pressed about her evolution on same-sex marriage, that wasn't inaccurate, that was a tough question. >> howie, you and i last week talked about the fact that there was a washington post story that had unnamed obama sources sprinkled throughout it. i don't think it's just inaccuracies. i think it is the way she's portrayed in the media. >> she probably had better toughen up if she's going to run for president. if he's not making any news and he continues not to be able to
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get much through congress, this is -- he's going to continue to be unhappy with the coverage. >> prepare for a lot of whining for the next few years. >> we'll get out on that point. let's get a break. remember to send me a tweet about our show during this hour. we'll read some of your messages at the end of the program. when we come back, monica lewinski is back on television and blaming the media for hurry humiliation. does she have a case? and next, dana pa reno on the white house and since she worked for george w. bush. [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" that'and with,t lookithere's no buyer's remorse. a good deal or not. "okay, this the is the price," overand you're like. save time, save money, and never overpay.
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her interview with the national geographic channel for a special on the 90s will air tonight. >> do be in the vortex of this media maelstrom was alarming and frightening. it was confusing. i think a lot, too, had to with the fact that i was a woman. >> monica lewinski justified in saying as we heard a moment ago the media ridiculed her as a slut, bimbo when she was just 23 years old? >> they did. but the bottom line is if you're caught in a sex scandal with the president of the united states especially when it's entangled in a legal matter that leads to his impeachment, there was going to be a lot of attention to that. the people that would rally to the defense of such a woman, the anyone insist left weren't interested in defensing her at all because they were more interested in protecting the president of the united states. >> and bill clinton --
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>> right. and i had an exclusive interview with donna rice from the daily beast where i talked to her about this issue. one of the points she made was in her case, she was fortunate enough that gary hart just went away. bill clinton has not just gone away. but i constant help wondering how in terms of social media. today we have sexism media catch dogs when literally that's all they do online. i can't help but perhaps thinking monica would have faired better had they been around back then. >> i think it would have been worse. >> i think it would have been much worse. i think the amount of hate and anger that's on social media right now would have made it almost impossible for her to survive. she couldn't respond. she had a legal case. >> right. >> except that -- >> being prosecuted by ken star. this is all 1998. i remember a lot of people it's
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ancient history. >> is this tabloid news? >> get off my lawn. i'm tired of monica. i thought it was great for her to give an interview to "vanity fair." i enjoyed reading and it seeing what she's done and i sympathize with her as a woman for how she was treated or portrayed, but -- >> but you don't want to hear from him any more. >> i don't. it's enough. go on, trying to make your life and stop whining. >> but the problem with that approach especially with hillary clinton gearing up and bill clinton would be back in the white house, other people are going to talk about it, so why should monica not get to be part of that conversation? >> look, i do think that perhaps we're getting better as a culture in some ways. lieu at eliot spitzer and anthony weiner. the women seemed to fair better than the men with -- >> no. completely -- >> because people don't remember their names in the way that
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lewinski became -- >> eliot spitzer -- >> eliot spitzer got a tv show, mark sanford got elected to congress. >> but mark sanford stayed with the woman, now is going to go on and be his wife. and eliot spitzer, she's gone on to have a happy life. i'm not being funny. she has a happy life, she's raising her family. i think people called out the double standard in a way that never happened for lewinski and i think that's part of the problem. >> is this inevitably going to be part -- because everything in a presidential campaign, and it's obviously hillary clinton is not at fault for what happened. but is this something that will grate your -- >> everything about hillary clinton's record and her role in the scandal will be dredged up from beginning to end. we've already seen it happen. and it's hard to tell the counterfactuals what would happen if a male intern had been caught in an affair with the president because we'll have to wait for the second clinton
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administration or just some administration for that. >> wow. >> predicting news. >> so are you going to stand by your i don't want to hear from her any more? >> i think she's made her point. she has come back and said this is what happened to me. this is how i feel about it. i don't like it. and she is trying to rehabilitate herself. i think she needs to go on and do that. >> but i think where we disagree is that i think she has the right to control for a narrative. >> i predict the media is completely -- from this subject since ice a long campaign. can he li goff, law lowery, nooiz nice to see you here in new york. after the break, facebook creates a experiment on thousands of users. but first, dana parino is up next. quiet! mom has a headache!
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sgroo just got a tweet from catherine saying i know headlinery hates the media. she can't run from potus. the media is the least of your problems. dana pa reno was george w. bush's white house spokesman. >> whether someone says that in israel or not?erino was george bush's white house spokesman. >> whether someone says that in israel or not? >> i feel i just answered that question. i told what you our policy is and that our preference is to solve it diplomatically and that's what we're trying to do. >> it doesn't answer the question. >> it does answer the question. >> does the coverage of the obama white house look very different as her co-host from the five? i sat down with her here in new york. dana perino, welcome. >> thank you. glad to be here. >> when you watch reporters in the briefing room nowadays, how sdirchbt does that seem? >> i think a lot of it is the same. they've picked up a lot of
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different faces. when i was there, there were still some people, journalists who had covered several white houses, including one of my very favorites, terry hunt as an ap and steve ollands of reuters. >> but same level of confrontati confrontation. >> well, probably not. i guess if you were president obama's press secretary, you would say yes. if you were i, and look, i was there to watch ari fliesher, scott mcclellen and tony snow's briefing. a lot of those, in particular tony's, were confrontational in which i watt a good back-and-forth debate. my briefings tended to be a little bit more clinical. you ask the question, i'll give you the answer and if i don't have it, eye move on and get you something by the end of the day. i tried to turn down the temperature in the briefing room a little bit. look, that was just my style. some people think that it wasn't a good idea, that i should have
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fought more. i think that the press secretary is for the entire united states. you are not the spokesperson for the republicans or the democrats. you are the advocate for the president, but you're also an advocate for the press and their access. >> when you criticize the obama administration, i sense a little bit more understanding, perhaps sympathy because you've dealt with these problems from the inside. >> yes. and it's one of my -- the things that i found that's wonderful about having been a press secretary and there's not been that many, something like 30 or something like that. and the ones that are still here, of course, tony snow unfortunately passed away. but even before he died, you know, we have this nice fraternity of press secretaries because only you can understand what it was like. >> for what we're going through, and i do try to have a little bit of a -- i think i'm hesitant sometimes to criticize because i think that's not in context, i don't know if that's fair.
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but there are other times that i think either that we deserve the criticism or that they do. >> interesting. when conservatives, some say the press is in the tank for barack obama, if you look back at the last year after the obamacarolout, after the va scandal, the irs scandal, wallburg and now the mess in iraq, would you say this president right now or in recent months is getting positive press? >> they probably don't see it as positive, but i think that it's almost like a velvet glove. so they protect him from a lot of things. >> during the bush
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administration, that was not an epa decision, that was a bush decision. and these little things that are bias that i've come to accept -- >> so if sdwrurnlijournalists u velvet glove, what sort of glove was used for the bush white house? >> like spikes and nails. but that wasn't true in the brooeing room itself. my opinion, the reporters in the briefing room were very professional. they worked very hard. and they had to try to be as fair as possible. i actually thought that the briefing room reporters were very fair. i'll tell you when there was a huge difference. in 2006 when the democrats took over the house and the senate, and congress changes and almost all of the energy and interests in the media went to capitol hill. that was new, it was different and they were fighting against the administration. that was when i noticed a big difference for president obama, because the white house reporters then had to fight for fairness for us, sometimes, and they didn't always do it, but i found the white house reporters to be very fair.
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>> with dick cheney and others from your administration getting pounded now about the chaos in iraq, do you wish on some level that your ex boss would speak out and defend his record? >> i understand it. look, this is a president who did not -- who did not long for the lights. he doesn't want to be on stage all of the time. and he has a tremendous amount of respect for the presidency itself and for president obama. and one of the things i loved about him was in those last two years we would always be asked about, are you worried about your legacy is or his legacy? he said in the last years as president, i read three biographies about george washington. and if historians are still analyzing the first president, then the 43rd doesn't have a lot to worry about. there is an argument that said president bush could be more like jimmy carter. i don't think that would be very productive, but i understand the desire. >> i'm not sure when you were
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the white house press secretary whether i would have picked you to be doing xwoot on the 5. >> it's a different roll, for i was not a decisionmaker. >> you were speaking for the president. >> i was speaking on behalf of someone else. i was supposed to defend and advocate. >> but now we want to know what you think. >> it was a transition for me to come to the 5. and the appreciate that fox news and roger said let's give her a thought. and i was shy at first to give me opinion. >> and then what happened? >> well, i met greg gunfeld and then everything changed. but also decided that it was okay to have a career change and i didn't have to try to straddle the fence and what a free moment for me that has been. >> deliberation of dana perino, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. up next, matt lauer gets slapped for asking general motors ceo whether she can balance her job with being a
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mom. would a male executive get that question? plus, is the media's fever subdeciding now that the u.s. is out of the world cup? sdeciding is out of the world cup? ecidings out of the world cup? ciding now out of the world cup? iding now out of the world cup? that's goohhh.o go right in your glove. see that? great job. ok, now let's get ready for the ball... here it comes... there you go... good catch. perfect! alright now for the best part. let's see your pour. ohhh...let's get those into the bowl.
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live from america's news headquarters. good morning. swimmers are getting the all-clear in the waters off southern california's manhattan beach after a great white shark attacked a man yesterday. the horrifying attack was caught on video. the seven-foot shark was trying to break free from a fisherman's hook when it got agitated and bit a man who swam into the fishing line. he's recovering in the hospital and is expected to be okay. and pope francis says sunday should be a day of rest, not work. speaking to the faithful, he decries the loss of the traditional christian practice of taking it easy on sunday because it has a negative impact
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on family and friends. he also says the rest of society can benefit by putting personal relationships ahead of commercial ones. local reports say the holy father looks healthy after some recent illnesses. i'm leyland. i'll see you at the top of the hour for america's headquarters for news. now back to media buzz. >> matt lauer has kicked up a fuss with a "today" show interview on general motors ceo mary barra. critics say he raised questions that would never be raised with a male interview. >> your mom, you said in an interview not long ago, that your kids said they're going to hold you accountable for one job, and that is being a mom. >> correct. >> given the pressures of this job at general motors, can you do both well? >> you know, i think i can. i have a great team. >> i have always felt this is not a gender issue, this is a hoouk human issue of work and life balance. it's parenting issue for men and
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women, moms and fathers. question i ask myself every single day. but clearly, it still touches a nerve. >> joining us here in new york is lola oganoka asand joe conch. matt lauer said he asked mary this question because she had said in a forbes interview that she missed her son's prom because of work. >> i'm sure he did. but the reaction was overwhelmingly negative because the implication in many people's mind is that a woman's job ask first and foremost to be a mother and anything ancillary was difficult for her to juggle. it's difficult to juggle both career and motherhood. i have to wonder if that question would have been asked of a male ceo. there have been male ceos for gm for decades and decades and i doubt many of them have been asked how they juggled
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fatherhood and being a ceo. >> do you think the implication is first she is a mom as opposed to an executive of a auto company? >> was the question sexist? here is the thing, she brought it up in a forbes media interview. i think it was fair game. all that said, matt you laer is completely disingenious and dishonest in saying he was ask that -- >> that's a strong word. >> well, i looked at the transcripts and luckily we have evidence. matt lauer interviewed the ceos of chrysler, ford and her predecessor at gm. >> did they talk about their kids in some of those interviews? >> all of them had at least three kids and he never asked the question about can you be a good dad and a good ceo? >> here is why i think the criticism is unfair. as lauer said, they brought on martha stewart and other female ceos. dads grapple with this. i grapple with this all the time. matt lauer missed his son's 13th
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birthday because he was flying around the world sxp so in this day and age, it is not only a question for women, but that's how it's -- >> it is not only a question for him, but it's more often asked of female subjects than it is of male subjects. and i think that's a fundamental issue. she tweeted, i have been up all night wondering if matt lauer can be a dad and have a job at the same time. and christian amanpour said come on, matt, you know better. so his colleagues have a problem with this question. so clearly it is an issue. it has struck a nerve. and it's something that's not going to go away. and i think until male ceos and male leaders are asked similar questions, then and only then will people feel comfortable with this idea of work life balance being an issue for both women and men.
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>> i think men and women should be asked these questions. >> i think that's changing more and more, though. >> that's changing increasingly, especially during the recession. >> absolutely. i've been called on more than one occasion a manny. i try to contribute the best i can with my daughter. >> it affects my scheduled and when i travel and how much i come home and all of that. let me switch to soccer. here a couple weeks ago, we talked about the media soccer fever. a lot of people think it's overboard. now that the u.s. team has lost to belgium, has the media dying down on this world cup thing? >> dying down in the order of belgium waffles and obviously, yes, the u.s. is out and people are still interested. i was out on tuesday and the fever, 21.6 million people
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watched. >> so it just doesn't depend on the american people being in the running. >> i'd say you probably lose half your running. >> but clearly are still still interested. i was at sachs fifth avenue on the fifth floor and everyone was glued to the television set. and if they're watching at sachs when they should be shopping, you know people are interested. >> how was the scone? >> the scone was delicious. >> the criticism is this isn't an american sport only real americans are interested in football and basketball and basketball. it's kind of a culture war issue. >> i don't understand how it's become a culture war because i didn't think of a sport that's more american than soccer. it's a universal sport everyone can play. there's no barrier of intre because it doesn't cost a lot of money. all you need is passion, feet and something that resembles a ball. there you go, you have a game. >> we'll be back to you two for a moment. nbc made a huge mistake after george zimmerman was arrested in the killing of trayvon martin,
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but a counter has thrown out his suit against the network. they edited his 911 call to police making it sound like he volunteered the fact that troy von was black when zimmerman was responding to a question. but the court rules zimmerman had to be treated as a public figure and therefore had to prove malice. the judge noting that the network at the time ordered friends and family members saying he was not a racist. he plans to appeal. after the break, the travel channel sidelines one of its stars after he mounts a truly disgusting attack against women on insta gra many. oh hey there! (laughs) you're that grumpy cat. how about some honey nut cheerios? not even a smile? maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! ♪
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his show which was supposed to debut this week. why? he revealed some insulting comments on instagram. richman fired back with a street term for a woman's gent talls. quote, if anyone acts like a blank, i'll call them one. it's not ma sojny, it's a spade calling a spade. he told another woman the only thing that was blanked up was your dad's choice to go without a condom. richman eventually apologized. did the travel channel have any choice here? >> they had no choice whatsoever. i guess you could say his career is cooked. it's a holiday weekend, come on. >> he's here all week. >> here is the bottom line, howie, that more and more of what we're seeing is that particularly reality tv stars don't have any media training. what they also need in that curriculum is social media training. and if they can't be responsible for the account, they should
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lose the account. >> it's one thing to say dumb things on social media. but it's another thing to say such angry things to people. >> when you're seasoner and sober minded, that's when you should tweet. social media is a tool and unfortunately this stuff lives on forever. he's not only representing himself, he is representing the network and you cannot save these things. you cannot at all. it was a bad choice of words. that said, i do understand how tough it must be to be in the public eye and to have venom spewed at you by these gangsters who write all the things from the privacy of their own home, things they would never say to a person's face because they're immune to emotion. they're not. but he did take it too far. >> but then you get down in the mud and fire back, you're the big star. nobody knows who these other people are. it's amazing to me how many people have blown up their career on instagram and facebook
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with this ugliness. >> and not only reality tv stars that don't know any better. pr executives, if you remember justene, who worked for iac, right, and she said about to get on a flight to africa. hope i don't get aides. just kidding. i'm white. by the time she landed, she was fired and has not worked since. people don't understand this could go viral and people get hurt with one tweet. >> just the other day, he claim a black woman punched her and he called in in a sesson of tweets a whore, an animal, i think i'm cleaning some of this up. i don't think sirus xm had a choice. >> if you're angry, put down the device and walk away. really, it's that simple. walk away.
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take some time to enjoy a view and then come back to twitter or instagram or facebook. >> but can you come back from this six months later? can anthony cumia get back on the air or can adam richman get a show back? >> i don't think so. and i'll tell you why. some people say, well, paula deen got her career back in a hurry because she had an audience already. duck dynasty had an audience already. you can see cumia had an audience, but he's expendable. no, i don't think they recover from it. i think if you're a bigger star, maybe after a year you can. >> a little more forgiveness after some time. joe, nice to see you here in new york city. coming up, facebook devices a surreptitious scheme to might want your emotions. this is a chilling story. our digital download is up next. . did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. time now for our digital download. facebook now admits it tried to manipulate the emotions of millions of people by controlling what they see in their news feed. >> one group had positive posts. one group saw negative words. >> facebook affected my mood with this study, put me in a bad mood. >> i felt violated. i felt like this is big brotherish. it was just something of the 9,000 words of the terms of use, you don't ever scroll through all of that, get me to my
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contacts, but they didn't have that in the terms of use, even if you have that. >> this is a company that is so tone deaf, so facebook initially said there's nothing wrong with what we did. and then sheryl sandberg, the coo comes out and says, well, we apologize for poorly communicating about this. >> not for doing it, right. >> and i think that because everybody knows you're putting your information out there, we understand that advertising is targeted to each person because of their likes and dislikes. but there's something different about this, it's manipulating you as a person, trying to get you to change your behavior on an emotional level. it's not on a buying level. >> emotional contagion is the level. some people posted things more negatively or more positively if they got more positive
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information. i feel like this news feed is supposed to be based on algorithms, you're supposed believe this is not being tinkered with or biassed in some way. what if facebook decided to tinker with the news feed which is more pro immigration. we know that mike zuckerberg is pre-immigration. >> the problem i have is news, if you're using anonymous sources, you know you're using anonymous sources because as you say, they would. talk on camera. but in this, you don't know that people are trying to manipulate you, with advertising on facebook, you know they're trying to get you to buy based on your likes. >> i would like to say that facebook has learned a lesson from this, but i don't think so. i'm going to be a lot more wary of what i'm fed in the news feed. to come, a lightning strike
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here are a few of your top tweets. is president obama justified. david says msm covering since day one. the only way he can fire up the base is to blame fox. on monica lewinsky if they did at the time, they got it right. plus she put her business in the street by telling a so-called friend linda trip. she's right, media could and accept thea narrative of hillar
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and bill. >> it's the only thing she's got to sell, so it's a paradox, the more we focus on it. sometimes television is just as guilty. here's a piece from sacramento's abc affiliate about a local man who barely avoided a lightning strikes in yosemite, the reporter is kxa's tv george war reas republican. >> you saw it and i saw it, but the guy who shot the video didn't see it. >> there was no sense of a flash, we just knew it was very close. >> at new york's wcbs, a reporter riched o ripped off th and voices the script word for word. >> here's more on this incredible video and how it happened. >> you saw it and i saw it, but amazingly, the guy who shot the
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video didn't see it. >> warren in sacramento says he think that wcbs got the tape during a video sharing agreement that his station has with cnn, but he still considers it unethical. >> people's work gets ripped off all the time, not to this extent. we would watch as the cover, the headlines of usa today would become the local news leads that afternoon, of course. >> without credit, of course. >> they would go out and interview the same people. >> what amazes me is not that the station would take the video from another station. rewrite the script and go word for word and present it on a cbs station as your own work just strikes me as horrifying. >> it doesn't do this reporter any good to do that, even if he was told to do that. >> and the sacramento station didn't get credit for the station which is of course why it was picked up elsewhere.
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that does it for this media buzz edition. hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend. give us a like on our facebook page. we're back here next sunday, 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. hello, everyone, it is a great sunday morning, welcome to america's news headquarters. >> we're glad you're spending this july 4th weekend with us. there is new reaction from washington one day after a video purportedly showing the leader of the terrorist group isis. he can be seen urging his followers to wage jihad
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