tv Huckabee FOX News July 6, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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hope it join you tomorrow. huckabee starts right now. >> tonight on too long -- tens of thousands of immigrant children crossing into america. >> i don't put the blame on the president. >> well, who do we put the blame on? >> let's talk about -- >> how does the u.s. stop the immigration crisis? and epa regulations hanging farmers out to dry. one farming family is fed up. ♪ that's enough ♪ that's enough ♪ can't take away any more plus former iraq pow jessica lynch. >> i hope we don't have to go
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back with our troops. and trying to feel good with nashville rising star robby johnson. ♪ ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city on this fourth of july weekend. well, this week my oldest grandson turned three, but the birthday that most americans were celebrating was on the fourth of july, america's 238th birthday. at the rate we're going, my grandson might outlive the united states. we're in trouble. and we seem to have forgotten how we xwam a nation. 238 years ago, 56 brave men afibbed their names to a
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documents that declared their independence from king george in great britain. they were tired of the tyranny of taxes that were extracted from them without being represented for their tribute. they wanted for their children real liberty. the ability to own land, make their own future, and not be limited in their hopes by their last name, how much land their father owned, what he did for a living or who he was related to. they both declared that i independence from an overreaching government, but declared that i dependence on god, and openly acknowledged him as the giver of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. they were shop keepers, farmers, teachers, even preachers, who took the muskets off their man tells, weapons better suited for hunting rabbit, and standing against the best equipped, even best dressed army in the world at the time. they knew if their experiment with a government of the people, for the people, and by the people should fail, it wouldn't pay with just higher taxes and
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loss of land, but with their blood and the blood of their children and the lost of their very lives. we've created a holiday on this holy day in which our forefathers gave us a gift far more important than a trust fund. they gave us the right to determine our own future, to be considered equal to all, and inferior to none president they risked all to pass down to future generations a legacy of personal freedom, to live where we wished, to speak our minds, to protest our government, and to worship as we believed in our hearts. our little infant of a nation would rapidly rise to become the envy of the world and the destination of dreams for the oppressed and enslaved. we have made big mistakes along the way, especially in recognizing the equal rites of women and people of color, but we've continued to grow and ensure the rights of all. we were threatened withr time and again with forces who would seek to again enslave us.
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from the revolution to the war between the states, to 9 world wars of the last century, as well as korea, vietnam, the gulf war, iraq and afghanistan, we stood what could end of american dream that has given us so much that we would forget the exceptional beginning and miraculous manner of our existence. as you enjoy the fireworks, the music and the barbecue this weekend, be sure and remember how we inherited it, and thank god and our veterans for giving it to us and keeping it for us. we now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop of politics and fix our immigration system once and for all. in recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other country by smugglers and traffickers. >> the immigration crisis is
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starting to reach critical levels, as droves of children from central america are crossing over into the united states under the premise that they're going to be allowed to stay. according to government projections, between 60 and 90 thousand will cross into america this year alone. the rush is causing major problems for customs and border protection agencies, which just don't have the capacity to house the influx of kids. according to reports, many border patrol agents are spending their work, they're buying groceries, doing laundry, instead of patrolling the border. the crisis is sparking some political debate in washington, but it's also causing a difference of opinion within the latino community across the u.s. some immigration advocating are sympathizing, while others who ancestors are themselves perhaps arrived here legally, say if they had to take the legal route, others should too. joining me now with both points of view, national response per for el libre initiative, and
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gentleman niece fuentes. so raching, good to have both of you here. raching, let me start with you. we've seen this pretty amazing influx of children. these are kids whose parents are basically sort of tossing them on the floor the fence, say good luck, hope you make it. does this hurt those who came here legally? who stood in line, paid the price, spent years preparing to make it as americans? >> i mean, the president talks a lot about fairness, i do think some of the more ardent voices for people following the rule of law and doing it properly and getting in line are people who are immigrants who did it the legal way. my mother is one of them. i just want to say that, um, there was a growing consensus here to deal with the dreamers that were here already, and what we see happening through, i think the president's silence,
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we've known for now two years that these numbers were coming over the border. he said nothing to stop it. as a parent, i mean, you know i have seven children, i hold him personally responsible for whatever violence or rape, whatever, has happened to these children on the journey up here and the deplorable conditions in these detention centers. it was entirely predictable. through his silence he has incentivized this increasing number of children coming up here unaccompanied. he's responsible for it. >> jan niece, do you fees like they've had any control over the border. i think it's jeopardized any legislation getting passed. >> to put the issue in perspective, we need to talk about the numbers of the border gets $17 billion in help, so i think if we use some of that money to basically put the sky
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yoits out of business and pass reform. i love you to death, you're a brave woman, but we must talk about how we're dealing with the children. i think in this argument throws words like opening the doors, you're putting out the welcome mat, because by his silence it's an invitation. let's dig deeper when you hear the kids being interviewed. you talk to the staff who interviews the people, the kids. not one child of thousands interviewed have said, because i heard everyone was getting in for free and once i was in, i was able to say. not one has said that. when we got -- >> what are they saying? i heard that they had been coached, they had been told what to say. >> they're saying thee fliering the dangers in central america. let's look at the country. honduras, guatemala, el salvador. everyone can look it up, hohn during qualifies under the
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united nations murder capital of the world. that has an impact. rachel is a mother. if her kids have the choices, let me send them north where there's a relative who maybe can keep them safe, they make it. >> shouldn't that relative meet them at the border, not just leave them to the border agents to change their diapers? >> if we put some of that money that's going into the border to control, $17 billion into trying to cover all that encompasses gull through the border, i think -- e-verify, for example. it could ensure why don't we have better e-ver fill? congress has said, noes wait we must pass this law to deport 11 million people. >> that's not going to happen. we both great we need reform. in fact republicans agree. el discussion is about what that's going to look like.
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in this case once we saw this increases number of children coming unaccompanied, he had an obligation as a president and frankly as a parent to get on television, on -- speak with leaders of those countries to stop children from coming alone you and i both know, the situation keg desperate, but that journey means you might not ever see that child again. there's just no excuse for the president not doing something. >> you're right, but i don't put the blame on the president. >> well, who do we put the blame on? >> let's talk about -- i just said that anybody here that said that honduras is the murder capital of the world and anyone who had a child living there, i would think my child -- it's a tough choice. who wants to get their child on that coyote's hands, on that train to go up north? that's not an easy decision. >> do you think, though the millions of dollars that we're sending to countries, should we
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say if it's going to cost us $50 million to care for these children they border, the $50 million you would have gotten, you're not going to get it now. isn't there some way the united states ought to exact. i feel like the u.s. is being treated like saps, we'll just go ahead and say, we'll take care of it. >> we have a process in place to deal with the kids that are unaccompanied. they go into detention, there's a process to try to find their parents, deport them back, depending on where they come, coming before a judge, and we need to think clearly and thoughtfully about how we're dealing with these kids. they don't have the same rights as any of us have. >> rachel, before the end, do you think this is pretty much killing the idea there will be any legislation? >> i think that's the bottom line. i think that like i said, we all agree there needs to be immigration reform. the distrust that has been caused not just by this chaos and dysfunction at the border,
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but also the idea that our president thinks he can act unilaterally, that he feels he has no need to compromise. there is a middle ground here, and as long as the president who's the leader stays in his corner and doesn't engage the other side to find a consensus, we're going to continue to see this kind of stuff. it's unacceptable, and children, the lives of children are at stake. >> i think that's something we all agree is unacceptable, to let the children be caught in the middle. thank you both. great to talk with you. we didn't get the problem solved, but then neither did washington. we'll keep working on it, i'm not sure they will. one of the most recognizable soldiers from the war in iraq. how does she feel about the current insurgence by terror groups in the country in which she was held capital i have been? er p.o.w. jessica lynch is next. jessic is next.
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my next guest was captured in iraq on march 23rd of 2003. she was held captive by enemy combatants until fellow american troops, including army rangers and special forces, air force pararescue jumpers and navy s.e.a.l.s rescued her in a raid that was nine days later. she became the first american p.o.w. to be successfully rescued since world war ii. sadly this past may one of the rangers who helped in the rescues operation, command sergeant major martin barre reform as died after being shot.
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joining me now is retired private first class jessica lynch. nice to see you again. >> thank you. i'm sure that all the talk about iraq, what's going on there, the disintegration, has brought a lot of memories back to you for your service 11 years ago. when you hear we pulled out, we're now sending advisers back in, how does it make you feel? do you think about this? does it cause you to relive a lot of things? >> it does. every day, even when i wake up in the morning, i put on my brace, and i do things that remind me constantly of my time over in iraq, so hearing about this constantly on the news, i mean it's devastating. i hope we don't have to go back over with all our troops, but, you know, it's -- right now it's kind of up in the air.
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>> back in may when imagine sergeant barreras was killed, how did that hit you? one of the people who had saved your life had given his in afghanistan? >> i was devastated. not only was because -- he was a great command sergeant major. i mean, i read about him. i didn't know him personally, because he was just part of it that came in, go the me out, and of course for me it was a bunch of confusion, everything was chaos, but you know, i read up about him, and then of course when i found out he had died it's heartbreaking, very i thank him every day for his service of coming in, ricking his life, coming to get me. >> you know, when i think about, a lot of people don't realize, you still carry a lot of physical scars, not just the emotional, but physical scars, and, you know, some disabilities
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that you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. >> correct. >> like every day, you have to be reminded of what happened to you back in iraq. >> yeah, correct. the most severe was my back being broken at the fourth and fifth lumbar. from that, and of course laying in the hospital with no care, no treatment, it just sauced severe nerve damage. still today i have no feeling in my left leg, i have to wear a brace, and of course where the iraqis had taken out my femur bone and replaced it with a rod, i still have a lot of nerve damage from that. it's a constant reminder. just walking around in the city, i was so excited to be here today, you know, but it's a lot of stress on my right foot. i've had seven surgeries on this, but it's a constant reminder every day of what i went through over there. >> you now have a beautiful 7 years old daughter. >> i do. >> life has changed for you in many ways. >> yes. >> now you're involved in a
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movie called "virtuous." tell us about the film and your involvement. >> yeah, absolutely. so first of all, i went back to school, got my bachelor's and master's, so after that, i was like, you know, i want to do something else. now i'm ready to pursue something else, so this opportunity came about, and the movie is called "virtuous" it's a faith-based christian movie about women and the adversities they go through in life, just these obstacles that everyday women face. it has a great message to it, so i would advise everyone to go out and watch it. i get to tour with angie nelson from "courageous" that movie, and a christian singer, brandy allison. so it's been a lot of fun being a part of it. >> when you talked about you got your master's and your bachelor's degree, i remember jessica the reason i joined the army in the first place -- this was before iraq, you were an
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18-year-old and said my brother and i would like to good et to college, we don't have enough money for that. you grew up poor, you signed up for the army, you got an education. boy, you got one. >> i'm not done, yet. eyen liking to pursue for my doctorate. looking for the right program, right time. right now we're busy with touring this film, so it's been a lot 6 fun, but i'm ready to get out there and find a doctorate. >> i'm so proud of you. the fact that you went to get an education, you have a lot more than than you were expecting, ended up going to war and being severely wounded, almost dying from it, but you pursued your dream and your goal. that is virtuous. the movie is call "virtuous." where can people see it? >> all across the country right now, taken it to like 300 churches. we're doing it inside churches, because its a christian-based, but we move that as like a theater to come out, everyone joins us. we have women's conferences that
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we also do where, you know like myself, i go and talk about my experiences in iraq and how it relates, how i got involved with the movie. so it's a lot of fun. i think everyone should go out and at least see one of the conferences, if not the movie. >> i want to tell you how much i appreciate you, how proud i am of you. you've been a wonderful inspirational i think leader for people to talk about dealing with adversity and overcoming it, and not being bitter about some of the tough things that befell you, but instead making something wonderful with your life, what you're doing. >> thank you. >> i'm so proud of you. i hope people will see the movie and look forward to seeing you back here. >> thank you. thank you. well, coming up 50 years since the passing of the civil rights act. martin luther king jr.'s niece will reflect upon the impact that her uncle had on that
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last month on the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act of 1964, dr. martin luther king junior and his wife coretta scott king were awarded the congressional gold medal for their role. joining me is his niece and author of "king rules." great seeing you. >> hello, governor, so good to be here and say hi to everybody. >> this is a big honor of the it was not only for dr. martin luther king jr., but also for coretta scott king, his wife, who i think often was perhaps not given enough credit for the important role she played in his life in the family and really in
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the civil rights movement. >> governor, you know this, because you're a family man and you have a wife and children form the wife supports and helps, and she probably has a real strong opinion about many things herself. so it was the same case with coretta. >> my wife certainly has a very strong opinion, i tell you that. i think it's also important that 50 years ago, lyndon johnson signed the civil rights act. what have we done since then? how far have we come from 50 years ago? >> well, governor, i remember it at 64 years of age how it was with the colored water fountains and the white water fontens. i remember when my uncle was killed, i was angry, wanted to hate somebody, and my daddy said we can't hate white people, the devil killed your uncle. so times are better, better are we really free yet? i would say until all the babies in the womb, all the sick, all
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the elderly, all the people need jobs, until all of that is resolved, we're still on that road. >> that's not always a race issue. sometimes it's an economic issue, we hear sometimes, you know, there's still a lot of racism in america. certainly there is, but i'm just going to ask you, 50 years ago when the civil roigts act was passed, did you think that 50 years later we would have a black president? >> well, i always believed, because my uncle, martin luther king junior, my daddy talked about a beloved community. they talked about us all being one blood. i figured that one days ago history would catch up with that, but it was still a memorable occasion, but i am very saddened that the president with the brown skin doesn't protect everybody. his views on life or marriage are so different from what i was raised to believe. >> your dad, and i've read from
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the letters that dr. martin luther king wrote from the birmingham jail. i've read seruming that your father preached, and that martin luther king preached. i saw in these men a real biblical approach to things like family and life. these were not burning issues 50, 60 years ago, but if they had been issues, i can't help but believe they would have taking a traditional approach it them. >> they would still do that day, and my book, which you endorsed, thank you. >> yes, happily. >> we want it toe refreshing, the king of kings, the lord, and that is timeless. that doesn't change by our opinion. it doesn't change by man's laws. that is forever standing. i believe with my uncle were here today, he would still uphold the bible. >> i think a lot of people -- i used to read his sermons as part of my graduate studies, and they were magnificent.
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i think i was shocked that they were real sermons, they weren't civil rights speeches. >> he was a preacher. >> he was happy about that. he didn't want to be known as a civil rights leader, but as a minister of the gospel. the book is fascinating. you talk about a lot of things that were common in your family, things that were pretty much the way the king family lived and the rules you lived by. name one of the rules of the king rules that you think is very important, one you wish we would all live by. >> well, care for the needy. i'll put it in terms that generation z, the young people of the day, to take martin luther king jr. said the good samaritan, who stopped to take care of the man who had been robbed and thrown out street. he wasn't from our neighborhood, he didn't shop in our stores, he didn't go to our schools or the church that we attend, probably wasn't even from the town or even the country, and he stopped and he tweeted or got on his
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cell phone today, and he called his assistant and said get over here quickly, bring a pile of money, help this man. i've got to go on and take care of my business. the banker said he had to wait about the stock market, the lawyer said he would lose his case if he stopped. the preachers said el people won't tithe if if i miss sunday night's service, but martin luther king jr. said it's not what will happen to that man if we don't help him. it's what will happen to us if we don't. caring for the needy, defending life, making home a priority. each chap, one builds on the other. i put tweets in the end, if uncle m.l. could tweet itches wonderful. good news, everybody member of our audience will leave here today with a copy of "king rules." thank you so much for joining us. it is a wonderful book, and i hope people will get it. it's available at book will ge stores and audience don't have to buy one.
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we give them one for sitting here. >> why are these little kids fishing in a driveway ditch. farming families protest against epa regulations and y [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home...
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live from america's news headquarters, hello, everyone. israeli police arrest six jewish suspects in connection with the murder after palestinian teen. while police were questioning the suspects, thousands of hamas supporters took to the streets in gaza to protest president murder. they claim it was a revenge murder for the slaying of three israeli teens. prime minister gnattenia hue promising those responsible would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. thousands of pro-russian rally in donetsk to show support. ukraine's president say the battle may be the turning point
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in hostilities. rebel leaders say they are gathering their forces to continue the fight, one say they will fight to the end. i'm julie banderas back to "huckabee." for all your headlines go to the epa is at it again, with regulations biting the hands that feed america. the clean water act regulates bodies of water like rivers, lakes and streams, but under nully proposed regulation, it would extend to any body of water, including even ditches that flood during rain. farmers could face fines of tens of thousands per day, just because they didn't have proper permits. now, there's one family of seventh generation farmers from missouri that had enough and they've made this absolutely hilarious video to protest the regulations ♪ this ditch is dry on my farm
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today ♪ ♪ not a puddle anywhere. ♪ ♪ there's no water flowing ♪ but the government doesn't care ♪ ♪ once more the epa ♪ is knocking at our door ♪ with a brand-new rule ♪ they want to regulate us more ♪ ♪ they've before and we've ♪ why should they control what doesn't flow ♪ ♪ agriculture's sake ♪ that's what they say ♪ it's what they always say ♪ that's enough ♪ that's enough ♪ can't take away any more ♪ that's enough ♪ that's enough ♪ theepa and its ♪ they will try
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♪ to justify ♪ but we won't back down ♪ don't need more government anyway ♪ ♪ that's enough ♪ that's enough ♪ no more power plays ♪ that's enough ♪ that's enough ♪ we won't back away ♪ what can we do ♪ to ditch the rules ♪ now the epa ♪ don't need more government anyway ♪ i love that video. joining me now is the family that made the video, andy and casey and their children from left to right sons hayden and
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hudson, and their daughter hadley. we're so glad to have you here. it was an amazing parody. congratulations on a job well done. casey, i just have to start with you, about what's the message for the epa here? what is it you're trying to get across to them? >> well, we basically made the video out of frustration. you know, the lyrics, they say that we teamed up with missouri farm bureau just to voice our opinions, to say hey, we've had enough, we're done. >> andy, as a farmer, what kind of problems does it create for you when the epa comes and says it's not just a river or a stream, but a ditch on your property that they want to have control of? >> yes, sir, you know, like i've stated before, mother nature is our determining factor now, when we can plant or harvest our crops, or move our livestock from field to field. if we're having to sit around and wait on a permit to do that
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and pay money for a permit, it's just unfeasible. unfortunately it will be passed all the way down the food chain. >> casey, you have a beautiful voice. >> thank you. >> you may get a recording contract out of all of this. you obviously were having way too much fun, but there's a serious message. as a farm family, you have to be frustrated, what is it that the government is going to hit us with next? how frustrating and how fright nudge is it trying to raise children, never knowing when the government will put its foot down on you and make it tough for you success? >> absolutely. it is very frustrating. it would be descriptal to our operation if something went through like this. it will be very hard to deal with. >> andy, let me ask you this question. what does it cost you as a farmer? there's got to be a monetary cost of judd trying to comply
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with regulations like this. is this the kind of thing that could put you out of the farming business ultimately? >> for sure, sir, $37,500 per day fine per instance if you do not abide by the rules. there's been whole years where casey and i since we started farming, i haven't even made that much in a year, so for trying to carry on our seventh generation, eighth generation sitting here with us today if they decide to do so, it could be devastating to our family business. >> well, let me say if they decide not to go into farming, i think they have a great career in acting, singing and dancing. there's hope no matter what. i hope they say? farming. >> andy and casey, i think a lot of americans don't understand that americans spent between 6% and 8% of their family's budget on food. it's the lowest percentage of anybody on earth. most countries, people spend anywhere from 20 to 50% of their budget on just putting stuff on
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the table. this means that because american agriculture is so effective, so efficient that americans eat more efficiently than anybody else on earth, and we have more money to spend on other things. if you guys go out of business, we all go out of business, and i think every american needs to understand that. i want to say thanks for being a great farm family and reminding us of an overreach of government regulations. >> we greatly appreciate the opportunity and we'd like for the viewers to visit ditch did the many-day-old reel.f. ditch the >> andy, casey, thank you for being with us. a pleasure to have you. >> thank you all. all right, coming up, religious freedom at college
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campuses you are under tlhreat. we'll talk about it next. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. don'lobster toppers event.ew! four entrées, starting at just $15.99. like our new lobster-topped wood-grilled shrimp... or the new! lobster-topped lobster. and now for lunch, try our new lobster tacos, just $9.99.ends soon so hurry in. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is, why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car.
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schools are dropping christian organizations who don't agree to let any student, regardless of their beliefs, run for leadership of their group. one of the groups under threat is the boden christian fellowship in maine, which has been on the catch pus for 40 years owin strand is a former member of the fellowship. he jones me now, also with us is the author of the book "risky gospel." kristin hawkins, president of the students for life also with us today. glad to have both of you here. >> thanks for have been me. >> owen, you're an alum of budden. they have decided if you're in a christian group, that group has to says if a muslim student or atheist student wanted to become president of the christian club, you've got to let them. that's crazy. >> that's exactly right, governor. it's an unthinkable situation. irony this rich should come with triple le truffle fries.
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you with meaningfully christian, that's what boden has effectively said. >> the college says it's not quite like that. what does the college really say? here trying to butte this is happening, but it's not just at bowdoin. it's all over the country. >> administrators are effectively say if you like your piety, you can keep it, you just may have to disagree with jesus, paulettics, again that's lamentable, so christian fell oships and other religious groups find themselves in a position where they cannot choose their own leaders. if they require them to be practicing christians, then they're in trouble and they may lose status. >> owen, does this amr. i to other student groups, let's say the men's chorus required to have women? or do the women's club have to let men? does the muslim society have to
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yet an evangelical christian join? is this just being in a discriminatory way being apply to do christian groups? >> it is now, governor, but basically the logic of this decision means the other groups do have to open their fellowships to anybody. the middle eastern belly dancing associations which is an actual association if you want to look into that -- >> we'll have them on next week >> of course. >> they have to allow non-billy dancing enthusiasts to join. >> if i joined, i would definitely fit into that category, i assure you, and the audience would appreciate it. you know, this is troubling, it's not that you're saying the christian organization won't allow someone to come. you're talking leadership positions. anybody can come and be a part of the group, but they could run the organization if they don't adhere to the principles. >> that's exactly right. when i was there for four years, we wanted everybody on the campus to come. we evangelized and invited all
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students to our meetings and other fellowship events, but we were adamant in keeping leadership of the organization only to christians, because that's the way it stays meaningfully christian. that's now under jeopardy at bowdoin college. >> this is not just something that happened at bowdoin. you have experienced it all across america. where are we on this in america? >> well, sadly, governor, this is continuing to increase. you haval state, all the of the government universities in california will now implement this policy, and ban these evangelical groups from existing on campus. like you said, this is absurd. this goes against common sense. and most college students, you know, they don't think about religious liberty and freedom on a day-to-day basis, but yet the liberal administrations, with their extreme vows and political
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correctness are forcing this discussion on college campuses. it doesn't make sense. it's like having someone who is actively using illegal drugs lead a recovery support group for substance abusers. you wouldn't do that. and puts they students in leadership positions doesn't make sense. we have over 800 pro-life groups across the country. there's about 200 pro-abortion groups on college campuses. does that mean our pro-life students can go and infiltrate all these groups and take over as leaders? >> well, maybe you should. i guarantee the rules would change then. >> maybe. >> are you taking legal action in some of these cases, christian? or is there an approach to that? i mean, is there in organization like liberty koubsle or alliance defending freedom that can help you take on they ridiculous restrictions. >> sure, and we are monitoring this situation closely.
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thankfully because of our relationships, we don't have this issue right now with our pro-life groups. frankly this generation is pro-life. there's not that many pro-abortion students wo want to infiltrate a pro-life group. i think something thattal of your viewers shoo understand, this air of comfortable christianity is over in america. >> absolutely. i think it's crazy if the government says you can believe, but only so much and we'll tell you how much so much is. that's a scary thought to challenge our religious freedom. great to have you both here. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you very much. ♪ ♪ be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently.
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>> a young m >> he's a young musician from canada. his single "south of me" got a big hit on youtube. nearly 3 million views. got a brand new song called "the feel good song." joining me is robby johnson. good to see you. >> this is a great story. you grew up speaking french in canada, and you learned english watching tv? >> yeah, exactly. the first language is french. but most of my relatives live in hartford, connecticut, and every summer a long weekend, christmas, new year's eve we would spend it in hartford, connecticut. we fell in love with american culture and we brought it back home and continued watching all of the time.
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>> tonight al qaeda is back and taking over iraq. who are these villagers. >> they took credit for crucifixions. >> this is the islamic caliphate that osama bin laden was talking about ore a decade ago. should americans worry? >> there is a real changer of somebody using a nuclear weapon in the united states. >> fox news reporting iraq and the rise of a terrorist state. from washington here is chris wallace. >> good evening. with an off chute of al qaeda threatening to take over iraq, america finds itself beingra
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