tv Outnumbered FOX News July 9, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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killed at this famous event over the past 100 years. the most recent death there happening in 2009. jenna, i mean you couldn't pay me enough money to be in front of a rampaging 2,000-pound beast with those rampaging horns coming after me. jenna: well, too each his own. we'll see you back in an hour. out numbered starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. sandra smith, fox contributor, actress, stacy dash and pete hegseth is back. he. >> i don't know if i'm nor under siege from those running from the bulls. >> jenna lee was in red. >> true. >> welcome babbling to stacey as well. >> beautiful in blue. let's go right to the border.
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in three hours air force one taking president obama to texas where he was originally scheduled to headline democratic fund-raisers but outside events changing his itinerary. massive wave of illegal immigrants pouring over the border from mexico. thousands of children are traveling alone. the president will meet with governor rick perry and local leaders to discuss the crisis. but he is not taking time to go to the border. he is hearing a lot of criticism from fellow democrats even from texas congressman henry cuellar. >> some of my border leaders, he is 500 miles away and not meeting with border leaders. he ought to meet with the border leaders. he could be on air force one, be in half an hour. stop traffic down there and he could be down there right after he finishes his fund-raising. >> there is an issue of the administration asking congress for nearly $4 billion to deal with the crisis.
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republicans say it amounts to a blank check for a plan that lacks details. republicans like texas senator john cornyn says we need border security, not just what ams to day care. >> we know we need more federal law enforcement presence on the border because now the border patrol is changing diapers rather than interdicting drugs and illegal immigration activities and human trafficking. any federal source should be a temporary stopgap measure. >> a lot of criticism coming at the president today, sandra, for not visiting the border. he will sit down with governor rick perry and some local religious leaders. >> which he wasn't going to do in the first place. >> that's right. he says this is crisis. he is asking congress for all the money. if it was a crisis, wouldn't you go to the border. i understand you don't want to stand next to something you broke. it's a tough, tough visual, because if you don't it looks
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really bad. >> it was a problem to begin with that turned into a crisis. not only that he is asking for $4 billion. the situation is dire according to him and fellow democrats. he is calling it urgent but yet he won't go to the border. senator john cornyn, republican senator that you just heard from went as far as calling the president tone deaf to the situation. it is not just republicans. it is democrats. they're saying, get down there and get down there now. i wouldn't be surprised, andrea, if we hear sometime in the next couple hours that there will be a change, a decision for him to go down there. >> i actually might be a little surprised. i've seen the schedule for fund-raising. they will have to take something off. by the way, representative cuellar here on fox news talking to brian kilmeade was asked, has the congress responded to your egging to get the president to the border? he says yes. let me say this. i'm not more concerned who getting angry at me from the
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white house. i'm more concerned about my constituents. wow. so the white house obviously sees this challenge to president obama ask an issue. >> seems like a pr challenge. >> well i think if showed up that means he would have to be present. that means he would have to be accountable. he would have to, you know are be accountable for the outcome. >> yeah. >> he doesn't do that. >> leaders lead and they lead from the front. they find the problem. they attack it. this is commanderh more comforts campaigner-in-chief. he wants to go down there, do fund-raisers. hold a private meeting with governor perry, to make it sound like they hashed it out, talk about solutions. even if the optic is difficult, when your country needs you, people respond to the optics of leadership. that is what we're missing from this president and he could so easily do. >> not just optics but actual immigration policy from the white house. who cares how this looks? does everything have to be a p.r. campaign? does everything have to do with
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politics? listen to the numbers, sandra, they're asking for. $4 billion they want congress to appropriate. you heard stuart varney, break it down, going to bribe these countries where the kids are coming from not to come. there has to be humanitarian, humane solution so republicans don't get called, out for attacking children. but sandra, alone, the government accounting office said $3.07 it takes to secure the border. this isn't going to secure the border. what he is asking for. >> we don't know if this is the end of money going to be asked for. this is the money they're asking for by the end of 2014. this situation is obviously we can assume at this point, it is going to go well into 2015. there will be more fund that will be asked for. congressman hal rogers, who is described the situation as extremely dire, he is saying that additional funding will be needed. you're not hearing, even republicans are saying, you know what? this will not cost money. everybody agrees this will cost money. the details are missing.
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the decisive action from president and white house throwing everybody off. that is why we have a hard time swallowing 7 billion -- $3 billion. >> what is having number seven days ago was 2 billion. if we wait another week, it will it be six? the sliding scale is sliding definitely in the wrong direction. for most countries in send america, we have adoption programs for american families to adopt. there is legal relief if these countries are in such dire straits thee they need children to find homes. there are legal ways. >> non-profits have to get involved. >> not to mention charities. exactly. >> i don't think the government can do it. >> all right. let's move on. a new fight is brewing in the political arena over women's health. maybe you heard. democrats appear to be using the supreme court's hobby lobby decision last week to try to get the women's vote in the midterm elections. they are looking ahead, possibly to campaign off this as you may know the ruling allows some
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employers with religious objections to opt out of obamacare contraception mandates now senate majority leader harry reid is pouncing on the high court's decision saying democrats will protect women's access to birth control. hours ago, democratic senator patty murray announced a bill she is cosponsoring. watch. >> at a time when 99% of sexually active women in the u.s. have used birth control, five justice decided last week that a ceo's personal views can interfere with the women's access to this preventative health service. they're tired of being targeted and are looking to congress to right this wrong by the supreme court. so today, we are here to do just that. >> i want you to catch the urgency that the democrats are moving with on this? and i would term it, fast-tracking. what they're going to want to do, put this before the senate next week is what i'm reading, without even going to committee. why so fast? >> they see an immediate
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opportunity, your again system i do think it is political. conservatives celebrated finding rightfully so, hobley lobby, 5-4 split decision. what democrats see a political opportunity. who is cosponsoring. mark out dahl, democrat in colorado, up for election. harry reid. by the way i checked, clarence thomas not a white guy. they're talking about, setting stage for continued war on women. let's face it, republican candidates still not figured out how to very well articulate these cultural issues, whether contraception. whether it is gay marriage. they're just not good at it yet. so they will seize this terrain as best they can to try to draw the distinction and make republicans look cold. >> stacy? >> i believe this is religious freedom issue. the government can not force private businesses to go against, to violate their religious beliefs. next thing we know, we'll have kosher markets selling pork.
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you can't do that. >> of course it's a religious freedom issue, but the problem that is difficult thing to articulate and sell to a problem more easily attracted to war on women argument. >> bill clinton, agrees with you, stacy. bill clinton agrees with you. in fact the democratic party agreed with you, when bill clinton signed the crux of this court ruling into law. get this straight. democrats now want to reverse their president's original policy. this is clinton issue. just wanted to make that clear for everybody. also it amazing me how women can stand up and lie to other women. reading the fund raising that they're trying to push out emmy ly's list. they were excited about the decision because -- run the same play hoping and praying that suburban women voters will come out in droves. because they think that their
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reproductive rights in jeopardy and they are not. this is lie. >> this skull distract from what is. why are they not doing that? what would they focus on? still over 6% unemployment in this country. three million long-term unemployed americans? they will take anything right now and run with it. doesn't mean focusing on the economy that is. after this president's term in-offs. >> if we can, i want to get to something quickly. this is hillary clinton right after this decision last week, because i want to get your reaction to it. can we watch that? >> a sales clerk at hobby lobby who needs contraception is pretty expensive, is not going to get that service through her employer's health care plan because her employer doesn't think she should be using contraception. >> that is scary, inflammatory language. there are 20 contraceptives that
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hobby lobby and other employees across the country can choose from. the exception, opt out is for four of them. pete? >> this is the women's pocketbook issue that hillary clinton and democrats think they can use all the way through. not just the economy. you can't run on foreign policy you can't run on obamacare. this is wedge issue they will use. >> a very quick point. any serious journalist, would ask hillary clinton would you repeal your husband's bill if you were president? i don't think she will take my calls but i can try. >> so fast-tracking that bill. this is quick too. costco, is reversing its decision to pull a conservative's book off its shelves within hours of an intense public outcry. what that author and many others are saying the decision to pull it in the first place really was, pure politics. plus we love our phones. i'm on mine right now. i'm addicted! we love them so much that we can't go a single day, not even a few hours without them?
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i think it is because of their alliance with the obama administration. now they're feeling the heat. so they're trying to figure out how to wiggle out of it. >> costco denies politics played a role. the company reportedly posted a statement on facebook, saying it reversed course due to heightened interest in the book but what would d'souza to accuse them of bias? maybe because costco's cofounder, jim senegal a big supporter and contributor to president obama and democrats who spoke at the 2012 democratic national convention t was at a costco store earlier this year that president obama touted his push to raise the minimum wage and praised costco for paying workers well well above the minimum wage. andrea, was this political decision? >> of course. he has given hundreds of thousand of dollars to democrats. he has given barely any mon to republicans. that is his right. if he wants to use the business to host the president, let him
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do that. my question is why? why isolate one of your customers that may want to buy today ferb today sousa's book? >> if it was intentional, but costco had to issue an apology because they had put bibles on their store shelves in california and labeled the bible as fiction under which they characterized these books. they later apologized for that move. you know, pete, this is, this cause ad problem. there are social media accounts, twitter, facebook, costco, fired up on monday night when these were pulled. >> costco can do as andrea said, whatever they want to do. ultimately this is a bad business decision. d'souza's book as i checked the show, number one on amazon. number one. hillary clinton did an event at costco, her book is 100 places eight behind all the places you
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can go by dr. suess. this is terrible business decision. why would you want to disenfranchise people who want to read great stuff that d'souza puts out. >> maybe he has enough money? >> is he scrooge mcduck? >> if this was the case, stacy, is it okay for a store to have, you know, political influence on what they sell to their customers? >> you know, you know me, i strongly believe that private businesses have the right to make their own decisions. even if they're stupid. you know, but he did donate over $500 million to the democratic party and only $500 to the republicans. so -- >> that is exactly right. >> do the math. >> look at hobley lobby, costco can make whatever decision they want. we have the right to say hey. >> if free markets truly work, stacy, let them work and business leaders can make decisions that they want. doesn't mean that customers will keep showing up.
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harris, they were expressing outrage. >> from what i read on social media, wasn't everybody who just wanted to read this book who is expressing exception. >> they didn't like the filter. >> they don't like the filter. >> they don't like montorring what is being sold in terms of keeping it out of public ace hands. they don't like the censorship involved. that would be all of us. not only are they cuttings off a market potentially who would buy that book, they're cutting off potentially a market who would buy any book at costco. they have to question what isn't on the shelves? >> i'm interested to see future impact on them financially. $200,000, not 500 million. i'm sorry it was a mistake. i want to see impact on costco financially. >> good place to leave it. president obama about to speak at an event in denver where he is expected to tout many executive actions he has taken this year but three of colorado's top democrats, they're not there. they don't plan to show up. what their absences could really
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." president obama about to speak in denver. he is making remarks on the economy. he is expected to tout the dozens of executive actions he has taken without congress this year. but missing from the event three, yes, three colorado democrats now in the fight of their political careers. senator mark udall, governor john hickenlooper and andrew romanoff, the former statehouse speaker running for a seat in congress. senator udall is even skipping an obama fund-raiser for his own campaign! his office issuing a statement to say he had to stay in washington because of last minute votes and legislative activity. the switch is likely to spark new questions about the political risk for democrats being linked to the president. here is fox news senior political analyst brit hume. >> at the moment this president is politically radioactive.
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he is confronted with as bad a set and extensive set of woes and trouble as any president at anytime i can remember. >> okay. so this is how it work, pete. when the president is really popular like in 2008 or when he is campaigning in 2007, these senators go to the leadership in their party and say, hey, can i miss a vote today? do you have enough votes without me to campaign for the president and raise money? >> can you make sure he literally hugs me. >> or baby in my hands or puppy? brit said, radioactive, lots of scheduling conflicts as i predicted a couple weeks. >> we were talking about this right before, harris. the contrast which you have a bill that mark udall is champion negotiate senate about the war on women and fighting back against hobby lobby. or, stand on the stage with a president whose poll numbers are below 40 and talk about jobs and economy. what does the president talk about when he talks about jobs an economy. >> he coauthored what democrats call this hobby lobby fix bill
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we started at this hour. he can be in the press conference as we with murray this morning or go on the tarmac with president i suppose and be there with him. the other thing i saw this on my phone, he was supposed to be part of this hud vote and, he wasn't needed for that. >> they don't need his vote. >> they don't need his vote. >> stacy, could it be the president's main goal of this event to talk about all his executive orders? these controversial executive orders that he used to circumvent congress? don't forget one of them, a lot of people think is the reason why that act that led a lot of young people, immigrants to stay in the united states causing the border crisis. that is why udall doesn't want to be there. >> this president has a short term-memory of a goldfish. this is one of his executive orders that caused this crisis. i don't know. i think he is avoiding it. you know he will talk about everything else. like i said, he doesn't want to be present at the border he would have to be present. he would have to be accountable. >> isn't the purpose, sandra, for him to reiterate the message
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we heard last week? which is, can't rely on congress. have to do everything myself. we can't wait. i'm the one you all have been waiting for? i have to use the pen and phone. >> a lot of irony he will tout these 40 executive orders at an economic conference in denver what we're still at unemployment over 6%. the bottom line some of these executive orders, the main point of them was to help the economy and help the job situation. and many of them ended up putting undue burdens on companies and making it harder for them to hire and succeed. a lot of irony in that situation. by the way if the president's ratings were 20 points higher, don't you think both democrats would be rushing to be at his side? >> they have polling numbers that inaction of congress is a winner. pen and phone. >> create your enemy and don't let the enemy define. >> the popularity of congress is below the popularity of too-tight shoes. >> of an std. believe it or not.
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yikes! >> video going viral and sparking debate. did you see this? a model rejecting a kiss from the stage two and stage three now winner of tour de france. she is being called the b-word. >> babe? >> the italian cyclest was on the podium when he liened down to kiss the woman. this is after stage two. then she right away turned her head. did not kiss him! some are saying it was rude of her to reject and humiliate the guy so publicly. some went even further calling her a jerk and more. check out the online comments. one person saying she is not that pretty anyways. ouch. even blank that stuck up "b" word. >> babe? >> others tried to justify the rejection saying she got distracted by someone off to the side. she doesn't have to kiss anyone if she doesn't want to. so, i have to tell you, quite honestly, stacy, my reaction with this, first, did they know each other? did they have a past? second, i respect tradition.
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you heard me say that a lot on this show. i will not let gender thing get in the way. stick to tradition here. i, i can't even begin to speculate why she turned her head like that. but it was awkward. >> i don't even want to begin to speculate. are people really that bored? is it that important to us? >> by the way, he went on to win the third stage, andrea, and finally ended up getting a nice kiss on the cheek, by a different model by the way. >> i agree it was a bit rude. french usually kiss on both cheeks. maybe she was distracted. >> he is the man at the moment. >> let me tell you something, i don't know how i put it, i will get in trouble for this. but the man of the moment had a wedgie in the front. >> oh, my god, andrea. >> maybe that is what put her off. just google it, people. okay? i wouldn't have kissed him. that is all i'm going to say. >> maybe he didn't have bad breath. >> i didn't want to use the word
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everyone knows. frontal wedgie. >> frontal wedgie, yes. >> turned away from a kiss? >> definitely turned away from a kiss. went on a date with a girl in college. the moment watts magical. i leaned in and she just leaned out. it was like -- >> what do you do? >> shake hands, hug awkwardly. it was pretty awkward. >> i mean, she looked nervous. she looked almost robotic like. >> she was nervous. isn't it fraud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar? >> all right. that was bill clinton i think. was it bill clinton? we'll let everybody think about that one for a second. >> some people grow up liberal and then they become conservative over time. that is sort of traditional way of thinking that.
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could be changing. why teenagers may be growing up conservative as we speak today. also increasing violence in the middle east. rockets fired on israel. airstrikes in gaza. we're watching the situation on the ground as tensions on kin to -- continue to rise. after the show, head to the web for "outnumbered", harris is excited about this. overtime. click on the "outnumbered" tab. talk to us about topics. what is andrea doing tonight. twitter, facebook, email. you never know what will happen. it got rowdy yesterday. >> did you put our single friend out there for the taking? tends . while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain
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editorial today says teenagers are growing up in a time when the country is struggling, while a democrat is in the white house and could that influence their political leanings? it says, quote, to americans in their 20s and early 30s, the so-called millenials, many of these problems have their roots in the george w. bush presidency but think about people who were born in 1998? the youngest eligible voters for the next presidential election. they are too young to remember much about bushes years and excitement surrounding the first obama presidential campaign. so they, instead are coming of age with a democratic president who has trouble fixing the world's problems. or is unable to do so. what do you think? >> well, i think that is really wishful thinking, stacy. i would love to believe the language that they used, that young people may grow up and may be more conservative but i think it is so hard because the culture around these young kids, you live in l.a. the movies, the
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music, it all pushes from a liberal perspective. it is almost like the oxygen that you breathe. so i do think it will be very tough for these kids to grow up conservative. however, the more they start to work, the more they start to make money, that's if they do, if they do start to get jobs because we do see millenials struggling right now. >> it is about a 10-year-old right now. if that is the age we're talking about, a 10-year-old might be at home listening to their parents struggle. they might be out of work. their parents might still be paying off student loans that mounted to record highs in recent years. they might see those struggles and pete, start to think like, you know, might hear their parents talk more conservative ways. >> they might. or they might be playing mario brothers like i was when i was 10. i don't know how much i was conscious at 10. you get older, think back on it a little bit. in new york or l.a. there is feeling everyone around you is liberal. you go, i live in minnesota and there isn't this automatic assumption it is default when you're young you're liberal. there are a lot of conservative
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families who are reinforcing values that this administration is undercutting. so i do think, rather than the traditional narrative, when you're young you're liberal, when you pay taxes you become conservatives, there are trendlines that show, generation, waves of people, roosevelt democrats, jfk democrat, reagan republicans, there could be reaction to this particular administration, if it goes on and lasts long enough amongst young people that say, big-government solutions are just not the answer. >> if you're dependent on the government. if more and more people get checks from the government, do you know how hard it is to break that as a family? >> yes. >> young people will not see it as bad. they will see obama policies and give them a check -- >> or not have any opinion bit. i think it is something else. i watched satellite fromming the hobby lobby from the courthouse, awaiting ruling, there were a lot of women in those groups picketing and hoping that the ruling that happened, happened with hobby lobby and had little
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with them. when you struggle as a country, we love the underdog. republicans sometimes are painted as the underdog. they take the underdog view on things. they're the counter view right now at least for the last however many years we've had the same president. so, i do see that there is a reaction to that. the age group that we're talking about is going to come of age in the next few years, having watched that happen. so it will be interesting to see them grow to the polls. how much of being at mom's side on that critical day, when there was supposed war on women and mom was fighting for the hobby lobby and see those young face, they will vote in a few years. >> tell you what is happening in a lot of households. the parents are getting obamacare subsidies for health care costing them $15 a month. the republican comes in to try to say, you know what, we'll take that away from you? good luck with that. it is seductive to give people things. that is generationally, very hard to stop.
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>> my son will be 24. >> i still don't believe that. i have to dna check on you. >> he is now a conservative. he says, mom, most of my friends are conservatives. we are capitalists. we want to keep our money. my 11-year-old is conservative as well. there are tradition she believes in, that i hope i had some input on. she is referred to the president as golem. i think that is very clever for an 11-year-old. >> what will really determine this how republicans rebound. who do they elect in 2016? can they elect someone rebounding from this dip. >> i am good they think about it now. >> start thinking about it now. irs commissioner john koskinen faces more questioning on hill about poor record-keeping. why more than $100 million in improper payments were made by it government last year. a new take on marriage? getting hitched to a complete stranger. it is the basis of a new reality show where the singles don't
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first jenna lee what is coming up on second hour of "happening now." jenna: israel launching more aerial attacks against hamas in gaza in retaliation for unending attacks by the terror group. the death toll is rising and no end in site. we're live from the israel-gaza border with the latest from that part of the world. plus could today be the decision day for american marine jailed more than 100 days in mexico? the sergeant makes a case in front of a judge that he accidentally crossed the border with weapons in his truck. his family hopes he will be released but his lawyers say it may not be that easy. do you fidget while you work? it may turn out that is good for you. back at "happening now" at the top of the hour. >> thank you, we'll be watching. >> good to see you. >> i may be "outnumbered" but now my turn with this story.
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would you marry someone you never met? seems crazy and there is a new reality show and the premise is just that, called, "marid at fires sight." they agree to marry a complete stranger. they don't know each other at all and don't know each other's names until they walk doesn't aisle. the computer matches people with personality, looks and goals. this may be a glitch in here. >> i'm about to get married to someone i don't know. >> best-case scenario is, we're both open. we're both at the same level and we actually fall in love. that is seriously the best-case scenario. >> now as you can imagine, many critics are skeptical of creating a lasting marriage this way but in a danish version of the show, two out of three couples featured end up in successful marriages. maybe we start off this way. raise your hand if you're an marriage expert on this couch? >> all right. >> please do share. do you feel like this is, this
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is gold? this is a ticket to a solid marriage? >> it could be, or could not be. i've been married three times and divorced three types. that might be why. >> would you try this? >> i believe in love at first sight. i do. >> a lot of people believe in love love at first sight or a lot of things at first sight. >> i was married three times. >> fair enough. >> i do believe in love at first sight. i still do. even after three divorces. i hope to find that man with love at first sight and stay with him forever. >> if they're watching -- that would be fantastic. andrea, you run its course. is this option b or c? >> this is my worst nightmare realized as a reality television program. i barely want to marry someone i've bandit two years. how well do you even know that person? the reason why they were married in denmark because there is not a lot of people in denmark this was their best option. they figured why not. there are only 17 other people in the country. they figured, this will work.
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>> this is ridiculous. >> the divorce rate in this country, according to a few different statistics is about 40 to 50%. actually improved by the way since the 1990s. it has gotten better. more people are staying married longer. the only thing i like about this situation and setup that this reality tv new york stock exchange the expectation was be low. i think we recently talked, stacy, how romantic comedies set the bar so high for he men and women for these amazing relationships. people expect so much. perhaps, if you were to marry this person that was, you were set up, told it was a perfect match, maybe your expectations wouldn't be so low and outlook on this marriage would only improve over time? >> maybe. harris, i have got to go to you because after four weeks they have to decide whether to stay married or get divorced. >> just like reality. traditionally though, historically you had this you had matchmaking in many different cultures around the world. it may not be that you didn't know them or you never met but
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certainly didn't know them very well and you had to trust people asking questions on your behalf, relatives, friends, whomever to pair you up. traditionally those marriages turned out. >> that is a great point. arranged marriages, we could film this around the world. in afghanistan, interpreters i worked with, they were set up with females -- >> i wouldn't want them picking my man. >> are we working for arranged marriages? >> we're just talking. >> this is historic. >> these people haven't seen each other before. don't you think that is a little weird. >> imagine how happy they would be if one of them was you? >> date them for six months and get married. >> here is a big shocker. we love our phones and sandra of course picks up her phone to say that. >> we love them a lot. >> we should marry them instantly. we can't be away from them for even a few hours. what a new study says about how the things are changing us. you think? look at this desperate hand.
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>> founder says thiazol at time she needs to work her magic to make diapers disappear. one day session available to you, for 925 bucks. that is if your kid is super super smart. >> 1,000 bucks. >> would you do this. >> no. first of all thousand bucks strikes me as ridiculous. is there guaranty? if she comes and two days she poops. will you get your money back. it wasn't two days for our son. we were very focused on it. $1700 is lot of money. >> genius from entrepreneurial standpoint. parents will pay for anything. get night nurses. people especially in new york city will pay for anything. would i do it? >> why not. i'm he entering that stage in a little bit. because i have confidence i that will be able to do that. i want to take the time. other parents have the decision not to i think it is gray to have this option. think about it. i'm not teaching my kids. i'm not going to homeschool them. some people choose to.
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i'm not -- when they learn to ski i will hire a ski instructor. i don't see anything wrong with this? >> i think it's a bonding experience though. i think it is a opportunity for them. they love to make and show you. they like to -- >> they do. >> your little one is entering that stage. when she makes she will be so proud to show you. >> this is absurd. i want to be the number one person to treat my kid how to go number two. who knows, they might be going in a plant. my worst nightmare. >> andrea? >> i like listening to you guys talk about this. >> if you had a child would you do it, do you think. >> i'm pretty hands-on, pretty type-a. if i tried and i failed or having a lot of problems doing it would -- >> call a friend. >> phone a friend. >> it is calls for champagne when that happens first time. >> news flash, speaking of calling somebody, how much do you love your phone? a new study find half of all americans admit they would not last one day without their phones. some rank their phone higher
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priority than personal hygiene. whoa. asked how long they could last without their phones? 13% said less than a hour. 34% said 24 hours. 28%, less than a week. could you give up facebook for 99 days? a new movement vows to do that to help you. called 99 days of freedom. promises to give you back an average of 2hours in life. andrea. >> i could give up twitter. i could give up facebook. both i find to be annoying after a while. so i take little breaks. the phone, no, not what i'm working. on weekend i definitely could. to combine both topics, couple years my phone can potty train my kid. that's what i'm hoping for. >> stacy? >> i love social media. with kid there is time limit on their phone but the thing that drives me crazy, men texting. you don't have the cajones to call me? that drives me crazy. >> very good point. >> pick up the phone and talk.
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have a conversation. >> interesting. >> i like to think that could go without it, i do. andrea, like you i don't really enjoy twitter or facebook. something i feel i have to do but i don't read my feed and everything. when, interesting part when you're deployed and i've been deployed three times, iraq, afghanistan, you don't have a phone. you don't have an option. actually gone a year without a phone. now you do have, emailing, check it here and there. >> did you miss it? >> i didn't. when you have a legitimate reason to not have a phone it's a pretty legitimate reason. >> right. >> it is very liberating. nobody can reach me and i can't reach them. >> not when you're pregnant. >> working on our liberty. we appreciate that. >> stacy got me. hey, i love to go without my phone. i do it somewhat often. i try to go for a stretch during saturday or sunday. i almost feel guilty about it. i don't look at my blackberry and i fear i missed something very important but that is just work. >> i'm only one on set with laptop, two phones and ipad.
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so i am guilty, wired addicted. >> we know. >> with my kids in the room, i try, when i get home to put recharging area in the kitchen and i make eye kang with them specifically for at least two hours without looking at a devices, because i figure they deserve that from me. my full attention. >> remind me of kimberly guilfoyle. look at mom. >> look at me. our kids are losing ability to make eye contact. how we keep them honest and on our own value system. >> not just kids. adults. how many adults -- >> i'm done raise mike husband. he is on his own. >> they're buried into the phone. wake up, sandra smith. >> i do it. totally guilty. >> we were on break doing, this, stacy what are you doing? nothing. just kind of looking. >> pretending. >> we have a lot to talk about still. we'll stay on the web show, coming out "outnumbered" overtime. go to we'll see you back here on the
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tv, "outnumbered." happ "happening now" starts now? right now three developing stories we are watching this hour. the mighty mississippi spilling over its banks and forecasters say it could get worse before better. and who is in the path of the storms. israeli rockets raining down on hams targets in gaza. and the military warning it tell step up the stops. and the american held in a mexican jail finally making its case before the j. could he go free today? >> and a show down in the southern border, the president heading to texas, this afternoon is facing a fire storm of criticism for not visiting the border while he is there. i am jenna lee. >> and i am eric shaun in
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