tv Hannity FOX News July 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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twitter @megynkelly. stay tuned because hannity has rick perry, who had a sit-down with president obama tonight. that ought to be interesting. i'm megyn kelly, "the kelly file." welcome to hannity, and this is a fox news alert. we are broadcasting tonight from dallas, texas, where just a few short hours ago, president obama met with texas governor rick perry to talk about all the chaos erupting on our southern border. in just a moment, governor perry will join me for his first cable exclusive interview following that highly anticipated meeting, and you'll hear from mark levin as war drums are beating louder and louder across the middle east at this hour. could a ground invasion be imminent from israel. first, ed henry standing by with the details on what happened between the president and rick perry. >> a dramatic meeting for president obama that wrapped up
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a short time ago here at the airport in dallas behind me, a critical moment for the president because he has been under fire not just from republicans but some democrats in his own party saying his leadership has just not been cutting it throughout this crisis. the person who kicked off the criticism, rick perry, saying he wanted the president to visit the border, he would snub the president, not come to the tarmac and shake hands with him. all that changed in the last couple days. an exchange of letters. governor perry agreeing to meet with the president here. on top of that, they had a much friendlier greeting on the tarmac in dallas. i'm told they had a positive conversation on marine one, going from one airport to another, then going behind closed doors with faith leaders, trying to talk their problems out. the president insisted he still will not go to the border. even as he continues to fund raise on this trip in texas. he says that would just be political theater going down to the border, he doesn't think he should just engage in photo ops.
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he wants republicans to meet him halfway on a solution. republicans on capitol hill say the real problem is the president has not gotten his hands dirty, has not gotten on top of this crisis. listen. >> this isn't theater. this is a problem. i'm not interested in photo ops. i'm interested in solving a problem. >> i doubt the governor will get in a word because the president will probably just deliver another lecture. he's pretty good at that. but that's 500 miles from where the problem is. how can you have a humanitarian crisis as the white house has called this and not want to go see it for yourself? maybe you'll actually learn something. >> the president also told reporters here he was impressed with governor perry's input on how to secure the border and also how to improve the immigration judicial system to move some of the deportation cases along a little quicker. he also said he's hoping to get governor perry to lobby some of his fellow republicans back in washington to move along this
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$3.7 billion emergency funding request the president has pushed, to deal with this crisis. but i can tell you that's an uphill battle back in washington. there's almost no republican support for that legislation right now. speaker john boehner saying he's disappointed the president diz not agree to his wish to include a provision in there that would send the national guard to the border, something governor perry has called for as well. bottom line, with the president facing criticism back in washington, not just from republicans, but democrats. this is something where there's no major breakthrough today. he opened a door with governor perry but there's a long way to go to solve this crisis. >> ed, thank you. joining me now on more of tonight's meeting with the president is none other than texas governor rick perry. good to see you. how are you? >> welcome to texas. >> soon to be a citizen, i hope. the president said you made sense. the meeting was -- the conversation was constructive. what do you say? >> i'm glad the president thinks what i said makes sense because
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we have been saying it for many years now. since back in 2005, we have known this border was a real issue. and particularly in '09, we had signaled the president and signaled homeland security of the massive amount of problems that could occur, and they needed to secure the border. and i will suggest to you, had the money been spent back in those days to put the national guard troops on the border to bolster the border patrol, we wouldn't be seeing the issues that we have today. and it is a humanitarian crisis, and that i will suggest is the reason the president needs to come to the border, to think about it himself. i think about the criticism george w. bush received when he didn't go to new orleans in katrina. this is no different. >> did you ask him? >> absolutely. the first thing i asked him when i got on air force one, mr. president, i really want you to come and see this. because i said this is important
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for you to absorb as a father, but more importantly as the president of the united states, to see the humanitarian crisis, and to also understand how you can move the border patrol forward, away from the 45 miles or so back they are today, to be right on the border, to see what the department of public safety is doing with our gun boats in the river to stop the criminal activity that's going on. that's what the president needs to see. he needs to understand instinctively and intuitively and with his own two eyes what's going on on that boarder. >> you think he's making a mistake by not coming? he talked about i'm going to send this guy down jeh johnson six times. >> i'm pretty sure if george bush said i sent my fema director down multiple times he would be criticized because you need to do. that's what presidents do when there are disasters, crises.
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a president needs to be there to show the american people, number one, that he understands. >> you first invited for what you viewed as a photo op to meet the president on the tarmac, and you said no, but if you want to talk about the humanitarian and national security crisis, i'll meet with you. did he give in to pressure? did he seem like me wanted to be at the meeting? walk us through it. >> i think the president thinks it's important to talk to governors. i certainly hope he does, particularly one that -- i may have been a bit of a thorn in his side through the years, but i have tried to do it in a respectful way, in a thoughtful way, and what i think is right for the state of texas. in this case, what's right for america. and i didn't want to just go show up on the ramp in austin, texas, and shake his hand and say welcome to texas, mr. president, when the fact is we have a humanitarian crisis on our hands, on the southern border, and the president needs to be engaged. the president needs -- he's
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coming to texas. he's 311 miles from austin to mcallen. air force one is a pretty fast ride. >> let me ask from this standpoint. you requested specific things from him, and the president responded. what did you ask for and what did he say? >> the president said all of these philosophically, he said he agreed with all these. the first was to put the national guard -- to secure the boa border. we know how to secure the border. the director of public safety, we have done enough surges. we know how to put the resources on the border to drive down the criminal activities astoundingly low. it's amazing what happens when you surge in, when you show that force, if you will, then the cartels and the other illegal activities drop down considerably, i mean, amazingly low. >> you can effectively control the border. >> you can secure the border.
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that's what i shared with him s secure the border. we've done it. we'll show you how to do it, but i said, you really can't do it unless you allow the national guard to come in and to play a very prominent and visible role. move that border patrol. and he agreed with this philosophical thing. i'm not sure the president understood that border patrol is sitting back about 40, 45 miles, so when the illegal activity occurs, whether it's drug running or whatever it may be and people are apprehended, we're not interested in apprehension. we're interested in prevention. that's the reason that being on the border, our dps troopers, that surge we put into place -- >> you're close, on the border. >> tomorrow, you're going to be on the border and in the river. >> we're going to be in the river, up in the air, out in a boat, and we're going to go up
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close and see it. the trip that we're going on tomorrow, is that the trip that the president should be taking? >> he would be very well served. not only politically because he thinks it's a political photo op. it's not. it's about real people and real issues. a humanitarian crisis that he has the ability to stop. >> let me ask you about that, because the president repeatedly mentioned the supplemental, the supplemental. he's requesting of congress, what, $3.7 billion for this specific issue. >> i might add less than 2% of it is for border security. >> okay, that's the point. here's -- you mentioned a hum humanitarian crisis. if this is a national security issue, in other words -- >> which it is, as well. >> if it is, would he then not therefore have the authorities and the responsibility to secure the border reasons? >> certainly think he can. i think he could direct the dod to put title 32 where the
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federal government pays for these, and he keeps going back to the republicans in congress just won't work with me, and they have to fund this $3.7 billion bill. and you know, mr. president, you can deal with this. you can unilaterally direct the department of defense to put those troops on the border, to do that work. and he starts talking about a philosophical issue that he may or may not have with that. and we're past that. if you want to send the message to those central american countries, to those families down there that are hearing messages, if you'll just send your children up to the texas border, have them cross, they can stay in america. >> let me ask you this. he said parents need to know that it is dangerous and it's unlikely their kids will stay, and the majority of kids will be sent back. when you look at the money, senator coburn said for $8 million, you can fly every kid home and reunite them with their parents. why do you think he's requesting
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all that money if none of it is going to solve the underlying problem which is the border is wide open? >> the supplemental -- look, i haven't gotten into the weeds on this, but from my perspective, the supplemental isn't about securing the border. it's about something else. you'll have to get the president to tell you what he wants those dollars for. >> i mean, $3.7 billion is a lot of money. >> it is a huge amount of money. again, when you start talking about less than $100 million of that is going to go for border security -- >> doesn't work. >> it doesn't work. >> let me ask you this. so you got to spend a lot of time with the president. give us your read on him. does he understand the severity of the problem? he seemed to be kind of complaining a lot about republicans, blaming them. if everybody agrees, and you said the president agreed to secure the border and the republicans agree to secure the board, why don't we secure the
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border and deal with the other issues later? >> this isn't a democrat issue or a republican issue, this is an american issue. when you have henry qua aero, you had two other -- >> joining us later. >> two other congressmen from the valley, they both sent a letter to the president asking him to come. this is a bipartisan ask. and it ought to be a bipartisan fix. and i think that's the thing that stuns me as a governor who has to deal with democrats and republicans in austin, texas. i don't always get everything i want. as a matter of fact, i can't think of anything i got 100% of, and the president needs to address this issue. >> is he playing politics here? we have to take a break, but -- >> the president can fix this unilaterally with a direct order to the dod to put the national guard, and not a more powerful message can be sent to central america than that. >> we have to take a break. we'll have more governor rick
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perry, and then the crisis in the middle east. as this edition of "hannity" from dallas continues. thought i told you to stay off our turf. and what would you know about turf, skipper? let's end this here and now! let's dance! flo: whoa there! progressive covers boaand rvs, okay? plenty of policies to go around. [ grunts ]
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oh, oh, i'm the bad guy? you threw a fish at us, so, yeah. yeah. coverage for land and sea. now, that's progressive. ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood.
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security beyond what many believed was possible. >> i can say that our security efforts along the border are strong and getting stronger every day. >> anyone who looks at this honestly will note the tremendous strietdz we have made in the last four years in protecting our borders. in fact, they have never been better enforced than they are now. like i said, our borders now are more secure than they have ever been in history. >> they said we needed to triple the border patrol. well, now they're going to say
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we need to quadruple the border patrol or they'll want a higher fence. maybe they'll need a mote. maybe they want alligators in the moat. they'll never be satisfied. >> and welcome back to "hannity." we're in dallas, texas, tonight with governor rick perry. that was administration officials telling us time after time the border is secure and the president who said he doesn't want to play politics with this, talking about moats and alligators. what's your reaction. >> that's the same president who said al qaeda is on the run, and you know, i don't know whether he's inept or there's something else going on, as i have said before, but the fact is the border is not secure. we have a humanitarian crisis on our hands now because the border is not secure. and the president needs to understand that the single most important thing that he can do is put the national guard on the border, to coordinate with local law enforcement, with our state law enforcement with the border
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patrol, and you can secure the border, because we have done it before. the public safety director knows how to do it. we have done it in different sectors. >> bring people inside the room, the faith-based leaders, you're in the room, the president is there. a little public showdown about meeting on the tarmac or not. bring us inside the room. your observations, your insights, your read of this man. read of him and his understanding of what we're talking about here. >> you know, the president -- i think the president was engaged as i was discussing with him. i did a lot of listening. likes to talk a lot. the pred, you know, he let me know what his feelings were about the things and what his fixes were. i injected where i could. the fact is i don't know whether he heard what i said. and because a leader acts. and what i haven't seen out of this president are actions that
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make me think he understands what's going on. it's one of the reasons i want him to come to the border. because i think if he really needs to see how the interaction with these different law enforcements and the addition of the national guard could secure that border. i think if the president would see that with his own eyes and he would act on it, you can't talk about it. you have to act, mr. president. >> that's what leadership is. >> we have health issues, we have gang members. we've got drugs crossing the border. now we have talk of militia members maybe coming down to do the job that the federal government is not doing. i'm sure that's not something you want to have happen, is it? >> no, it's not. and you know, we have now supplemented our appropriation. we have spent over a half a billion dollars since 2005 on the border. texas taxpayers dollars to do the job that the federal government should have been doing. another $1.3 million a week on top of that.
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and the president can address this. he can easily address this. i don't understand his push back when it comes to, well, we've got to pass this supplemental bill before we can do that. mr. president, if you care about securing the border, you can direct the dod to make those 1,000 national guard troops available, and that would send the powerful message. you want to send some symbolic messages to central america and say you no longer can send your kids up here because they can't get in. >> do you think he send the message to come? is he responsible? >> the nuance of the policy, when it's catch and release, when it's if you're from another country outside of mexico, you're going to be treated differently and you can stay here up to two years, of course, those are messages that very quickly get transported back to central american countries. so the failure of this administration to secure the border, i wrote them a letter --
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i handed him a letter in 2010 talking about the border problem we had and the lack of security there. we wrote a letter in 2012 talking specifically about these unaccompanied alien children. and if you want to fix this -- >> let me ask about this because i would look at the v.a. issue and if i heard, and i were president, which by the way, everybody knows would never happen, i would set up a 1-800 number because vets are dying and we made them a promise, and that promise isn't being fulfilled and i would make sure that vets that were in desperate need of care would be taken care of in at least a week. it seems the president doesn't ever have that sense of urgency. are you saying this is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed within weeks, months? what are you telling him? >> i think you could have 1,000 national guard troops on the border, the message sent well before that. but in 30 days, actually have them in place. and the message would be
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overpowering back to central america that you no longer can put your kid on a train, put them on a bus, send them up with a ciout and have them come into the united states because that border is now secure. that's the most humane thing we can do. if you want to address this issue of all of this human cost, the most powerful thing the president of the united states thing can do is put them -- don't let them be separated to begin with. >> governor, appreciate it. thank you so much. >> we're going to take a break. we'll come back. we're in dallas, texas, tonight. when we come back, karl rove deals with the political implications of all this. >> also, are we on the brink of war in the middle east as the israelis have called up 40,000 reserves in light of the recent rockets fired into tel aviv. that and much more as "hannity" continues.
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i hope it doesn't become a president obama katrina moment. you know, i'm sure president bush thought the same thing, he could just look at everything from up in the sky and that he phoned it in for a long time. so i hope this doesn't become the katrina moment for president obama. >> believe it or not, those words are coming from a liberal ally of president obama. that tells you just how serious the situation is for the white house. later tonight, the democratic congressman henry cuellar tells
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me why he believes this could be president obama's katrina moment. here is fox news channel contributor karl rove, sir, how are you? >> fabulous. welcome to texas. >> great to be back. all right, simple question. you heard the governor. i don't think the president really wanted this meeting. kind of seemed pressured into it because of the governor saying he's not going to meet him on the tarmac. what was your reaction? >> i thought it was very smart on perry's part to force this. the governor made it clear there would be a price that president obama didn't want to pay. i also thought thwhat was interesting was president obama's reaction. it was clear he was taken with some of what governor perry said. it's also clear he heard things he didn't expect to hear and he heard new things which is even more reason why president obama ought to go to the border in order to meet with community leaders and state leaders and see it for himself.
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he would walk away learning something new, and it would be constructive if he did so. it would also be enormously powerful for the president of the united states to go to the rio grande river and say to the people of central america, do not send your children here on a dangerous, expensive journey because they will be caught and they will be returned to you if they're still alive. i don't understand why he's not doing it. i love his comment, i don't want to do pr gestures, i don't want to do public relations stunts. what was it playing pool in colorado earlier today? what was it meeting with faith-based leaders in dallas? what is it tomorrow when he's in austin, tex tefrx, except a pr g gesture to have a town hall meeting on the economy. he ought to be on the border doing his job and not simply raising money, which is what this trip to texas is all about. >> you know, karl, that's the very thing that i'm going to be doing tomorrow with governor perry. i had one other take from the press conference of the president after they met. and he kept harping on the
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supplemental, the $3.7 billion that they're talking about here, and you know, going back to one of the same old blame game examples here, blames fox, blames you, blames talk radio, kiosks and atms and republicans who don't go along with his idea of comprehensive immigration reform. >> this is politics for him, and he doesn't really do the job, so he's disengaged and i think republicans ought to look at the supplemental request as an opportunity. they aunt to exam carefully what needs to be done in order to secure the border and put that into the supplemental. don't feel obligated to do everything obama wants to do. take out the stuff that doesn't make sense and do the stuff that does make sense. for example, i'm shocked, we worked very hard in the previous administration to end the so-called catch and release that had been going on for literally 30-some odd years. we got to a point, i think it
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was july 2005 that we ended catch and release of ot bhrxs, other than mexicans. now we're back to a place where people are released on their own recognizance and they don't show up. 33% in the most recent report, but it's higher than that. figure out what we need to do to get back to where we were and put the money in there for detention facilities, for immigration judges. we need more border patrol. let's use a supplemental as a way to guarantee there's a larger class of people for the next several years being trained for the border patrol and being deployed on the border. >> i thing the simple answer would be if the republicans and the democrats agree and the president suggested tonight he did, why not build a fence and do the one think that will prevent this from happening anymore, no? >> there are places where a fence really doesn't work. you talk about a long stretch of the texas border and a fence just doesn't work. it's unnecessary in some places like the canyon and the big bend of texas where it's 300-foot
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bluffs and cliffs that you can't get up. there's also a lot of resistance to it from landowners, but we do need to have more infrastructure on the border. the president said something interesting today, and his people reiterated it. i was astonished by it. we don't need to go to the border because we have sent the secreta secretary of homeland security six times to texas. you know, he has never met with the governor of texas when he came here. >> that's a good point, karl, we have to run. i appreciate it. coming up, there is chaos in the middle east. israel launching air strikes at hamas targets, and is now readying tens of thousands of troops. is there a possible ground operation coming in gaza? we'll have a live report from the region and get commentary from the great one, mark levin. he'll respond to that and response to governor palin's call to impeach president obama. and later tonight, you'll meet the democrat who says the meet the democrat who says the current border crisis could be if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas.
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in its largest military offensive in two years, israel is launching air strikes against hamas targets in the gaza strip. it was in response to rocket attacks on major israeli cities. israel's military has said it's struck 500 sites linked to the islamic militants in gaza. they have mobilized 40,000 troops in preparation for a possible ground operation. we speak to david lee miller standing by in jerusalem. david? >> militants in gaza are threatening what they describe as an earthquake of an escalation of the violence. only hours ago, rockets were intercepted not far from israel's main airport. israel is doing everything possible to stop the attacks. israel's military on the offensive. targeting gaza homes belonging to militants.
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in the last two days, 50 homes have been destroyed, and 50 palestinians have been killed. among them, hamas members, but many of the dead are civilians. they warned residents to evacuate, but as seen in this video released by the israeli government, people often ignore the warnings, off serving as human shields. rocket launchers are also in the crosshairs. militants are now firing longer range rockets, threatening the center of the country, including tel aviv. they're also firing rockets in a quick barrage, trying to overwhelm israel's iron dome defense system. at the border, tanks and thousands of troops are ready if needed for a ground invasion. israeli officials say nothing is being ruled out. the exiled leader of hamas speaking from qatar said the only way to stop the current conflict is for israel to stop its military activity not just
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in gaza bust the west bank. that's an offer they reject saying hamas must pay the price for the 200 rocket attacks in just the last 48 hours. >> thank you. here is reaction to all this and much more, syndicated radio host and much more, mark levin. good to see you, sir. >> good to see you, sean. >> half the population has been in bomb shelters in the last 24, 48 hours. you see the situation unfolding here, yet we have a top official in the obama administration blaming israel for what going on there. your reaction to that? >> my reaction is this administration has been haasile to israel from day one. you have the secretary of state out there comparing israel to an apartheid regime. you have the president of the united states who is issuing cold press releases when three of their teenagers are kidnapped and murdered by hamas terrorists. i'm appalled by what is going on here. the president is playing pool in
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denver, having a grand old time. he should have come out, made an unequivocal statement in support of our ally, israel. where the hell is congress? there should be a joint resolution out of congress making it quite clear that we will stand with israel. this country, our country, would never tolerate missiles being fired into our major metropolitan areas by anybody, that we wouldn't tolerate sirens going off, people going into fall-out shelters, handing out gas masks. this is our little ally in the middle east surrounded by these terrorists and barbarians being attacked and attacked and attacked and we should be speaking as a nation and a government, full throated defense and support. >> what do you make of the comments of philip gordon, his special assistant to the president in the white house, and a coordinator for the middle east. he actually said, he attributed the violence to the occupation, using the exact term of the palestinians that they're responsible, what is your reaction to the statement they
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made publicly? >> he's an islamist sympathizer, quite frankly. otherwise, it's an outrageous statement for anybody to make. this president should fire him immediately, and he won't. the secretary of state should fire him immediately, and he won't. here they are under siege, under attack. they didn't provoke anything. trying to defend themselves so they can live in peace. now we have this jerk who goes over there and starts talking about this is israel's fault. i have never seen anything like this. democrat or republican administration, liberal or conservative administration. like everything else, this president and his people ptake t too far. >> marx, we're in dallas tonight, and we're following the story. we just had the governor on, his meeting with the president from earlier today. we have a humanitarian crisis, a security crisis at the borders. i would argue of the administration's own making because they have pretty much decided they're not going to obey or enforce current law, and they're moving forward on their
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own, and this has now been an invitation, everybody around the world, come in, our borders are wide open. your reaction? >> yeah, there's no question about it. our lawless president is lawless when it comes to immigration, too. here's the plan, it's a three-point plan. deport, secure the border, and don't give any money to governments who export their people into our country. and this is a humane plan. so people aren't raped and abused on their way to the united states, so they're not stuck on the border in the united states. that's the humane plan. that's the right plan, and let me tell you something else. what's gone on in this country, the idea that compassion is an open border, that anybody who can come here, that that's humane, let me tell you something, cesar chavez, who is lionized by this president and people in this country opposed legal immigration.
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they opposed it, right into the 1970s. this idea of open borders, anybody coming across no matter who they are, what they are, what their backgrounds are, this idea is a new idea in this country, despite the propaganda we hear from the president, his party, and leaders in the republican party. a nation has the right to secure its border. it has a right to know who is coming, and it has a right to know who they are. >> we have talked at length. there are some conservative governors who have done great jobs, i would argue including governor perry in the state of texas, but there are timid, weak republicans in washington. they have constitutional powers and authority. this is your area of expertise. how would you advise them to stop this? i think they need to use the power of the purse. i want to get your thoughts. >> first of all, how come they didn't pick laredo or el paso for the republican convention? i'm not against cleveland. i think it's a great town. how come the president doesn't vacation in mcallen, texas, but
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he's always going to martha's vineyard and hawaii and aspen and palm springs to play golf? how come he wouldn't go to the southern border just to make a visit, just to see what is going on? because this is chaos, this is anarchy. he's planted the seed for this. he met in late june with his kabbalah, left-wing front groups who all told them they need to do something more to open the border and give citizenship to illegal aliens. we have absolute chaos when it comes to immigration. the republican party should stand with the vast majority of the american people who are watching this with their jaws on the floor and cannot believe somebody doesn't stand up to this. >> let me ask you this. we had governor palin on the program last night. she says that this lawlessness has led her to the conclusion that the president needs to be impeached. john boehner said no today. i wanted to get your thoughts. >> john boehner says no to impeachment, no to the power of the purse, no to shut down the
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government which was shut down 20 times before he was speaker in multiple administrations, he attacks conservatives and the tea party. he's bringing this lawsuit which has a very slim chance of success given standing issues and president in our federal courts, and he is playing with fire. because if we lose that suit, what is obama going to say? obama is going to say, see that? they take their best shot. they brought a lawsuit. the courts agree with me, and off goes the imperier president again. i think john boehner has been a disastrous speaker of the house, and this lawsuit idea, which is really out of left field, i think is a mistake. >> all right. >> let me add this -- >> let -- >> very quick. >> yeah. go ahead. >> i was just going to say on impeachment, sarah palin is right, if we had a functional constitutional republic with a president who thumbs his nose at the court system and says he's
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going to do more and more of it, she's exactly right. this would be an open and shut case. she stands with the framers. what is boehner's answer? what are the republicans going to do? they're going to wait for the next election? that doesn't fix it. >> well, they had their chance. they could have defunded obamacare. that is their constitutional power. they didn't use it. i agree with you. i don't think standing will exist for them when they go to the courts. mark, good to see you. coming up, you'll meet the democratic lawmaker calling the crisis at our southern border president obama's katrina moment. guess what? the white house not too happy about it. find out why. that and much more as we continue from dallas, texas, tonight. at panera bread, our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat... the flavors, are anything but. so whether it's taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean... or the smoky spice of the southwest...
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government, it involves our partners in central america who have acknowledged we all have a responsibility to stop this before it starts. >> joining me now is a man making waves in his own party for criticizing president obama. that's texas representative henry cuellar with us. good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> thank you so much. >> i'm going down to the border with the governor tomorrow myself. i'm going to see first-hand. i have already seen enough to tell me that this is a really -- this is a national security issue, a humanitarian issue. you're speaking out on it. not many in your party willing to criticize the white house for their handling of this. apparently, you got a call today, right? >> well, again, my intention is not to criticize the white house. i just want to make the point that there is a humanitarian crisis down there at the border. every day, there's about 1,200 to 1,300 individuals crossing the border. 20% are young kids with no parents. and we need to work together, and i certainly want to work
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with the president, but again, it's very, very important for him to go to the border, see exactly what's happening because listen, i as a father, i have seen some of those young kids. they're about a third of the girls get abused so it's a humanitarian crisis. >> is this a national security crisis? maybe the kids want american citizenship and people want an opportunity to work and provide for their families but if they can cross our borders, so, too can the enemies of america, can they not? >> 40% of the time, of a border patrol is used to process this young kid. think about that.
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who has been taking care of the border? you can have drug cartels plugging the zone. . >> i got that and i agree with you. it's a national security crisis. is it not? >> right the answer is yes. i'm telling you they're flooding the zone. then, drugs and other things can come through another part of the boerter. if humanitarian crisis and there are homeland security very basic terms involved, also >> all right the president is raising money in texas. and he's close to the border. he didn't take the time today to do it. i know he's having a good time doing other things people are offering him a joint. he can smoke weed. what do you say to the president for not going to the border considering how severe this crisis is? >> well, certainly i think first, it's defined how to handle a crisis i want him to go, now that he's 500 miles from dallas to border,
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242 miles from austin, texas. if he didn't make it on this trip, i'm going to leave the invitation open for some time in the near future >> congressman you've got a call from the white house today, who called you? >> i got a visit from the white house. i am not going to go into the conversation, but we had a good, positive conversation, where we want to make sure we work together, democrats and republicans, to focus on the humanitarian crisis and homeland security issues we have. that was, the result. that is the bottom line. >> congressman, congressman, wasn't this meeting really about trying to get you to be quiet? the american people wanted you to be quiet they don't want democrats criticizing the president. was that a part of the meet something >> i'm talking to you.
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hannity, my concern is what's happening at the border. i appreciate they're putting focus, but when are we going to see the flow or wave of humanity stop? numbers haven't stopped we need to have details on the border. >> i'm on your side do you agree with me that in fact we can humanely and compassionately send people back and reunite them with moms and dads and send them back from countries from which they came. isn't that the right thing to do? >> absolutely. we're doing that with countries like mexico, kids, mothers adults with mexico. therefore, i think we can do the same with other people. still, having protection of asylum, and if a victim of a sex crime, those protections are
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under the law there. if we do remove, yes, we've been doing that under 2008 human trafficking act. >> all right thank you congressman. appreciate you being with us tonight. coming up, we have more "hannity" from dallas and a preview. we're going to be giving you a preview of what is coming up straight head, right after the break. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste.
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that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us now. we hope you'll tune in tomorrow night for a special hannity investigation, chaos at the texas southern border, we're going to be in the ground, the sky and want to show you how dire this situation is. that is tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern right here on "hannity".
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set your dvr. that is all the time we have left this evening we'll see you tomorrow night. hope you'll join us. breaking tonight, one of america's best allies standing on the brink of all-out war, and the president is once again at a fund-raiser. welcome to the kelly file, everyone, i'm megyn kelly. it is 4:00 a.m. in tel aviv, but no one is sleeping easy. we have now seen 24 hours of hamas rocket attacks almost constantly raining down on israel, our closest ally in the middle east. we have been watching israeli media sites all night as reports of new attacks on israel flash every five to ten minutes or faster. israeli air strikes have been hitting gaza for hours in response. so far today, no casualties reported on the israeli side. that is due in large part to its iron dome
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