tv Media Buzz FOX News July 13, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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m metaphor. and the world cup, who is winning? >> the best team is germany. i think they win. >> argentina or my father-in-law is going to shoot me. >> have a great sunday. i'll be back tomorrow on opening bell on the fox business network. on the buzz meter this sunday, president obama facing mounting media criticism over the mushrooming crisis on the border. overrun by waves of immigrant children, that criticism even on msnbc. >> respect and reality on the ground is that the -- did not stay ahead of it. and there's impressions. the reality is that the white house has been slow to react. >> what took the press so long? and why are even liberal journalists now turning on the president? sarah palin is pushing for obama's impeachment. >> a great awakening is due in this country. and this is the message that will be sent to our president, that he is not an imperial
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president and lawlessness will not be accepted by the american people. >> but she generates more attention from liberal critics than on fox news. is her media clout fading? the middle east on fire after the killing of three israeli teenagers and a palestinian teenager, but is the press being even handed in covering this terror fueled war? plus, the silicone valley whiz kids who talk about women in vial and disgusting ways. is an adoring press giving them a pass? i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz." the coverage began building in early june and hasn't slowed down since with tens of thousand oefs immigrant children overwhelming detention facilities along the border. the networks and the major newspapers have jumped all over this story. >> we turned now to the crisis at the border and the wave of
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undocumented migrants, many of them unaccompanied children making the dangerous journey from central america. most arriving in texas. >> and this saga hasn't just been talked about in air conditioned studios. network and newspaper reporters have gone to border towns, some of them traveling to central america. >> border control along the river is practically nonexist t nonexistent. we've been able to cross twice, no questions asked on either side. >> to understand why young people from central america are leaving without their parents to go to the u.s., you only have to come here. san pedro sula, honduras, one of the most dangerous city necessary one of the most dangerous countries n world. >> but only in the last few days has the mainstream media focused on whether obama is to blame for this crisis. >> is the president is not going to move the national guard down there, which would stop people from physically crossing the border, the rest is smoke and mirrors. . >> and even many liberal xhen
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taters turning more liberal of the president. >> the president visits crises all over this country. why is he not going to the border to look at this one? >> the president is focused on this urgent humanitarian situation. >> after drawing flack, obama told reporters he doesn't care about the optics. >> i'm not interested in photo ops. i'm interested in solving a problem. >> joining us now to analyze the coverage, lauren ashburn, fox news contributor who hosts social buzz on the fox website. jonah goldberg, head of national review and a fox news contrib e contributor and nome shyber. why is the mainstream press maybe some would say be latedly turning critical of president? >> i think we can call it scandal fatigue. you have the va, the irs, you
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have bowe bergdahl. i think we're tired of policies that we're not sure are working. but as a mom, i also have to say it is impossible as a reporter not to see these children and feel sorry for them. and it's impossible as a mother not to see and think about the children who live in the inner-cities in chicago, legal immigrants, and how all of this is going to impact them. >> the picture res hard wrenching, jonah goldberg. but when you look at the pundits, even on fox, saying obama should have gone to the border. is there something about this border crisis that has even presidential cheerleaders jumping ship? >> people are covering because it's a significant news story happening realtime with great pictures and great pictures not in -- in the journal. >> not happy to see the picture. >> exactly. and so obama simply seems to
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have lost the step on this one. and i don't think anybody believes that, you know, the guy who campaigned at the brandonberg gate doesn't care about photo ops. all politicians care about photo ops. this one in particular does. so there was a certain sort of why is he being stubborn about there? there was an interesting conversation on morning joe on another network i watched for reasons having to do with original sin that, you know, they were pressing chuck todd, why won't he go to the border? why won't he do this photo ops thing? i think it's professional frustration, the white house has bunkered in and refused to do what was the right moral thing. >> are some people unfairly criticizing president obama who has now asked congress for nearly $4 billion in funding and is now getting pushback from the republicans? >> there's only so much a presidential visit accomplishes. you can argue it sets back the situation because it creates a
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whole circus unto itself that doesn't advance the cause of solving this problem. >> so you can the president had no particular reason to go and -- i think we're missing something on the liberal side that's important here and that's the broader context for this immigration debate on the left. and that is people on the left feel like the president did something that they didn't agree with, which was really double down on this deportation phenomenon. you know, he went out and he tried to claim the mantle of supporter and chief. the whole reason he did this was to advance the cause of immigration reform. he thought he would be able to get a bipartisan bill if he did that, if he established some credibility. that's not happening. now both are saying, look, why did you lurch to the right on this? you just made the problem worse. now we're not even getting this bipartisan compromise that we were promised. >> let's pull back on this and look at the media coverage over the last few weeks. how would you evaluate it?
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>> it has been covered in newspapers, online, on the air waves. the coverage has been excellent. especially by the networks, who have sent people down there. as we heard, stephanie gosk has been in there and she -- >> has been in central america? >> yes, in honduras and guatema guatemala. she watched one of these coyotes getting the money and doing the trade right in front of police officers. so the coverage on the conservative side has been focusing much more recently as we've pointed out on blaming obama and blaming the policies. and even the liberals now are coming to that. >> this is not a story, jonah, where we can say the mainstream media were asleep at the switch. this has been on the news casts night after night. >> they were asleep at the switch for several years as the number of kids showing up at the border grew with geometric progression sips 2012. and in a large part, i would argue and lots of people would argue as a result of barack obama's policies. i would disagree with nome.
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obama has claimed the title of supporter and chief but he has not been, in fact, supporter and chief. they changed the way thetics ar people that catch at the border and turn them around. they count them as deportations where they didn't to that in the past. the "l.a. times," which has done great coverage of this, points out if you accounted for deportation the old way, barack obama has deported fewer illegal immigrants than anybody else and his administration has made it very clear that illegal immigrants who are not committing felonies, who are not breaking the law, who are already living here simply will not be deported. that is one of the reasons we're having this crisis at the border that now they're noticing but only did so recently. >> i think people are covering both sides of the issues, conservatives to their side and liberal toes their side. but there is that middle ground where we are seeing both issues. >> on the "today" show, savannah
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guthrie asked chuck todd -- chuck, send me a check later -- is there any chance we'll get comprehensive immigration reform passed which will stop this crisis? that is factually wrong. it is a lot of the coverage you see in the news where if this is a connection. conservatives get this wrong, too. you heard o'reiley talking about having more border guards and more troops down there. these kids are turning themselves into the troops. that's like having customer service reps at the border. >> i was just trying to make the point while people like to denigrate the mainstream media, it can pull journalistic troops on the ground. but let me have you respond to jonah. is there an agenda baked into the way this is being covered? certainly when reporter go interview the children or their families. it's heart wrenching. but i don't know that it's being done for political purposes. >> no, not at all. i think jonah is right, if you
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account for the deportation the way we traditionally have, obama is not a high -- not an over achie achie achiever. but i think what's happened is the administration itself spun out this narrative that he was a very aggressive departer. the media and the left jumped on that. so the mean multiplied across the landscape. now the administration isn't so comfortable with that. they're trying to waft that back. but once it's taken within the media, once it's taken on the left, it's very hard to walk it back. so i think the administration is taken back from its previous and its current narrative. >> well, abc cited sources in the administration who say that deportations are going to go down dramatically. >> let's look at the whole last year. the mainstream press and with the border crisis as a tipping point, now, in your view, turning against the president sdmp. >> the media are elementalemmin
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all know that. it cooke used to be cool to like president obama and now it's uncool to like president obama. >> this is like high school? >> this is just the way the media operates. their trends go in coverage and that's what's happening now. it's stain crisis after crisis to get there, but we're now moving in that direction. >> i've been saying for months since the botchedobamacare rollout, you had the met in iraq. would you disagree with my assessment? >> i am shocked that the press isn't protesting more the rules. >> very restrictive access. >> everyone wants to compare this to katrina. but image if somehow is bush administration announced you can't talk to anybody in the
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humanitarian centers about their experience. people would have gone battie. >> my impression, nome, is that liberal pundits are anywhere from disillusions to depressed over barack obama and they want to talk about hillary at this point. >> no, i think there's a fair amount of disillusion. i think hillary is an enormous challenge 230r9 administration. she's a candidate who is is going to have unprecedented stature. you never see this as the person who's likely to replace the incumbent president. basically, already can carry herself as a quasi president herself. >> even 2 1/2 years out? >> even in 2 1/2 years. i think in the not too near future you'll get democrats on capitol hill calling hillary saying, hey, how do you think we should play this? what do you think the right move here is, rather than the white house. it's going to be an enormous headache and obviously the press is going to migrate to her when they see this happening. >> let's save that topic for
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next week. let's get a break here. send me a tweet about the show this hour. we'll read some of your messages at the end of the program. when we come back, sarah palin calls for the president's impeachment, but is anyone listening? starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" that it's given me time toabout reflect on some of life'seen biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here.
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. sarah palin became a huge media celebrity in 2008, wrote books, starred in reality shows and campaigned for republican candidates. the fox news contributor and former alaskan governor ratcheted up her rhetoric this week calling for president obama's impeachment. >> the tipping point in this drive towards impeachment, for
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me, has been the illegal immigration issue, the crisis created by obama where nobody is looking out for the working class of americans, including good hard working wonderful illegal immigrants. impeachment is the message that has to be sent to our president that we're not going to put up with this lawlessness. >> but this wasn't embraced by liberals and pundits. >> palin's arsenal of unsupported accusations and charges against the president aren't confined to the dark trenches of the conservative media. >> so sarah palin calls for impeachment. it gets very little coverage even on fox. john boehner brushes it aside. this doesn't seem like the sarah palin of old. >> no, i think that's right. i think largely a lot of people in the party don't think it's a great idea. sarah palin a week ago, who i have a soft spot for and i think she's gotten a bad wrap in a lot
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of cases. sarah palin was talking about a third party. >> that she would leave the republican party? >> and that got less coverage than the impeachment stuff. i think in some ways, the impeachment talk which she's hardly alone is a sense of frustration. i agree with a lot of criticisms of the president. but i think no one thinks this is a politically savvy thing to do and right now the republicans troops aren't -- >> take a look at how this is being covered. in fact, nome, her impeachment call got more attention on the mainstream media and on msnbc than it did on the right. >> there were two big written announcements this week. and unlike the james announcement, sarah palin clearly wrote hers, in a trademark rhetorical style there. it did get a ton of attention. she's like the bright shining object of the media, no question about that. anytime you can have a figure as
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prominent as she is, basically 180 degrees out of sync with the leadership of her party. it's going to get attention. >> that's what liberals like. >> and i think jonah is right. i think there's an analogy here between the shutdown talks last fall and the impeachment talk now. back then, the leadership could not contain the flood of calls on the right. even though they knew it was tactically stupid, now they cannot contain it. the conservative media just came right ow and said this is a really dumb idea, gave john boehner all sorts of coverage to say no way. >> why wasn't this even palin's sort of important cultural role? why wasn't this a bigger story for the media? >> i think it is a fair amount of coverage for someone who is not in office and someone who has not campaigned very hard in the primaries. yes, she spoke out at a tea party conference and that was covered last month. yes, she has endorsed a sprinkling of candidates here and there. but this is not the sarah palin of 2010.
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>> when she was an actual strong political force. in your view, has she become more of a celebrity than a political force? >> i think so. her celebrity translated to reality tv which is where we saw her last with her episodes on alaska and sports hunting and things like that. but she is still -- you can't quite say that. she is still a celebrity in many conservative circles. but as jonah said, the problem here was that she was out of step with the party. >> 15 seconds each. four years ago, there was talk that she might run for president. now nobody is saying that. is that inevitably her political luster? >> look, anyone who is a viable candidate for running for president is going to get more attention than somebody who isn't. and i don't think that she is running. i think she's a more formidable figure in the sea party grassroots world back home. >> i think sarah palin misclukted. in order to have some stature in politics, it requires more than half a term of a lieutenant
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governor of an obscure western state. if she wanted to be in the game, she had to stay in the game. >> she was governor. >> i'm sorry, as governor. >> and she was the vice presidential nominee. >> yes. thank you very much. now to an escalation in the war of words over censorship. in a letter to the president from such groups as the society of professional journalists, an american society of newspaper renders they say federal agencies are denying reporters access to knowledgeable staffers by assisting they talk to pr people and political appointees and that this amounts to, quote, suppressing the news. they furg say 40% admit to blocking certain reporters because they don't like what the journalists write. eric schultz told me the administration has made strides to transparency, such as allowing access to visitor logs. but the media frustration on this issue is boiling over. after the break, rosie o'donnell
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with israels warning resident necessary gaza of further military strikes today, the violence there seems to be ramping up. when palestinian terrorists, this is how it all started, kidnapped and killed three israeli teenagers, the brutal attack generated plenty of media coverage. the revenge killing of a palestinian teenager was just as chilling and generated even more coverage especially as hostilities escalated. >> three bodies were discovered today in israel and appeared to be those of three israeli
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teenagers kidnapped a little over two weeks ago. >> the response by israel was quick and powerful after three israeli teenagers were found dead yesterday in the west bank. >> tonight, israel's military is bracing for more violence ahead of tomorrow's funeral for a palestinian teenager. his murder sparked new fighting in jerusalem. >> today, mohammed's father took ld son, a streets and showed me palestinian, was kidnapped before he was burned alive by suspected jewish extremists. >> now to be escalating violence in the middle east, rockets falling on both sides of the border with the gaza strip and a possible ground invasion by israeli troops looming. >> joining us now is one of the leading journalistic experts in the middle east, the atlantic's jeffrey goldburg. welcome. >> thank you. >> so these kids were coming home from religious school and three front page pieces on the equally horrible burning death of the palestinian teenager who
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some treat palestinian deaths as more news worthy? >> i don't think so. you have four deaths, three israelis and one palestinian got more coverage in the american media than the weekend in chicago where 14 or 15 people were murdered. it's really astonishing how much we focus on the middle east to start with. i think there was probably some more surprise when israeli vigilantes kill a palestinian teenager. there was a kind of sick novelty to that. you don't hear about that that often. you certainly hear about palestinian terrorist attacks against israelis on the west bank. so maybe there was that, as well. i don't know. >> here are the headlines from recent days. the lead score in the washington posts, israel hits gaza homes, children and women killed. "new york times," one of the papers i refer to, killing a palestinian youth puts more on involvism. >> one of the things about this current war that we're having is
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it's totally fascinating to me how often headlines are written as israel attacks gaza sites and women and children are killed. the predicate act, the rockets that are coming from gaza into israel, perhaps because they're mostly being shot down, but perhaps because there is maybe some level of bias, that doesn't get covered in the same way. but i don't -- i'm very, very careful to ascribe -- not to ascribe bias in this. i think there's a news worthiness that people latch on to. >> so you're saying israel has more firepower and unfortunately some civilians are dying despite the footings and warnings in advance. palestinian rockets are mostly getting shot down and, therefore, the coverage looks ground who started this conflict. >> well, i think, look, coverage generally of any conflict usually starts 10 minutes before the event you're writing about. so times it would be useful for people to say -- and here is atory that i don't think gets written very much. why, in fact, is hamas firing
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rockets at israeli civilians in the first place, trying to understand what is their motivation, what is their goal? but we sort of write that off. we assume that's part of the natural environment. and what's interesting is the israeli response to those rockets. >> you write about what you witnessed more than two decades ago when the israeli military police. >> yeah. >> and how has that -- talk about that and how that's affected your view today. >> oh, that's interesting. yeah, this goes to the issue of double standards or higher standards. look, i was shocked by some of the violence that i saw that was committed by some valleys i served with and i wrote about that in a book. and i brought that up to talk about this recent lynching of this palestinian teenager. >> i think we have some video of that. this is a palestinian american teenager who was a kevin of the palestinian that was killed. >> that's the beating. >> by israeli police there. >> and how much does that affect the way israel is perceived by the world media? >> this is why i'm careful when
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i talk about bias. because on the one hand, there's obviously a double standard. there's actually a triple odd quadruple standard. the united states is leld to an almost impossible standard and certainly in the arab world, these countries are held to a lower standard by the media. >> why? >> this goes to the core of the problem. one of the problems is that we ourselves hold ourselves to a higher standard. and i don't think there's anything wrong with holding israel as a democracy to -- as a western democracy supported by the united states to a higher standard. >> israel, for example, condemned the killing of the palestinian teenager. >> well, they arrested and made some arrests. >> what i would say is the way you judge a country is, okay, you're always going to have racist and violent hooligans in every country. the way you judge a country is how does the government respond to those kind of acts? israel so far at least has responded well to that. so that's one way to judge it.
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but you have this essential problem where on the one hand, you don't want israel to be judged by hypothetical double standard. 100,000 people killed in syria, no one seems to care. a teenager, a palestinian gets killed and that's front page news. egypt, syria, lebanon, these are terrible places where human rights violations are rampant. >> so bottom line, you hold israel to a higher standard because you think it holds itself to a higher standard when it comes to innocent civilians. >> that is a very good way to put it. up next, why is the press brushing off awful misogynistic behavior by silicone valley's bad boys? and later, lebron deserted miami for cleveland. why do we enabling this guy?
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a new phase in the assault against the terror group hamas. israeli forces entering gaza for the first time in the six-day offensive rating a rocket launch site. the military also warning people in northern gaza to evacuate their homes for their safety. to sign another operation may be coming as israel try toes put an end to the missile attacks that are raining down on its cities. back here at home, police arresting a man accused of causing a massive wildfire in northern california. they say he was delivering supplies to an illegal marijuana plot when exhaust from his truck ignited that fire. the fire north of sacramento has so far burned more than four square miles and is threatening about 50 homes. i'm eric shawn. i'll see you back tt taupe of the hour now back to howard kurtz and media buzz.
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>> what is it with some of these young start-up rich guys in silicone valley? one wrote a bunch of disparaging e-mails while he was a student at stanford five years ago. i can't read much of this on the air. i hope at least six girls blank your blank last night. get laid, drunk sex would be a lot of fun right now. did i just pee on lily? this is pretty gross. yes, it is pretty gross. and a co-founder of the dating app tinder has been placed on leave by parent company iac average being sued for sexual harassment. whitney wolf says in the suit that he called her a slut, a gold digger and refused to credit her role in starting the company because, quote, you're a girl. i spoke earlier with sara lacy, founder of the tech sight pando daily. she was in memphis.
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welcome. >> thank you for having me back. >> when these revelations come out, they seem to create a blip online for a few days, a couple of newspaper stories, and then nothing else. did the tech press basically give these guys a pass to say they're just bad boys? >> you know, i think what's a little disturbing to me about these stories, other than the fact that they're just shockingly horrible behavior from people who should be role models who are employers and supposedly custodians of billions of dollars in market cap, what's really upsetting to me is i think you sort of glosses over this bigger problem of sexism in tech and in silicone valley and actually in most industries because it allows us to kind of point our finger at a couple people and say we can all agree this behavior was very bad and we twitter shame them for 24 hours and everyone moves on. the real problem with sexism in the valley isn't e-mails sent from tinder or snap chat. it way predated those guys or
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the whole program or culture. >> this is almost a microcosm of that. but where is the press if these kind of e-mails or sexual harassment charges came out against the head of goldman sachs or ford motor, it would be a huge story. i have a feeling people in your area are tolerating and shrugging about it. >> i don't think everyone is tolerating it. i think it's worth noting, though, when it comes to a company like tinder, this is a company that is inherently based on judging women based on appearance technically. if you think about this from a business point of view, it actually hurts tinder's business. in that case, is it exciting and titillating to talk about as a reporter? it's not really hurting their business. these guys are part of iac. they don't have ad sales and they're known as this kind of business. their base is not going to be enraged about this the way
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people taking their kids to disney land might be. >> but when whitney, a co-founder at tinder says the other male founders didn't want anyone to know that she was involved in starting up the company because she's a girl, how does that make you feel? >> you know, i mean, i think it's really frustrating. obviously, as a woman in this industry, but it's something that we see over and over again and it's always very hard to know how much of the lack of women in the industry is we don't know the series in this case. there are a shrinking number of women in venture capital. there are not enough women who are ceos of fortune 500 companies, either. it's always hard to know how much of it is a boys club and how much it is overt sempism. advice bias people selecting people like them. >> let me ask you about snap
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chat devin spiegel. he did put out a statement saying i'm obviously mortified and embarrassed that my idiotic e-mails during my farther tenty days were made public, i have no excuse. is that enough? >> he have been evan has a history of bad behavior. i think in general we tend to look the other way when the brash air began young founder is being a brash air began young founder. i think aaron has done a lot of despicable things that didn't get called out this much. at least he apologized. >> at least he apologized, indeed. i'm glad you're early, there's a few brash founders who are young women like yourself, but it continues to amaze me how this goes by and i guess in our instant message culture and it vanishes. sara lacy, thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, howie.
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ahead on media buzz, glenn beck gets all kinds of abuse for trying to help those kids being detained at the border. but first, does "the view" really need rosy o'donnell? and score one for george clooney against the tabloids. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
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breaking news in right now, lebron has made his four years after lebron james turned his roots from the cleveland cavaliers to the miami heat, the nba superstar led the media into an embarrassing guessing game. friday morning, the website business insider reported while lebron was thought to be leaving miami, the latest suggested the tide is turning away from him signing with cleveland.
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mike wise wrote his source in akron gave 99% odds of lebron returning to the cavaliers, but couldn't be sure because james and his gang were so unpredictable. hours later, sports illustrated had the scoop, but at a price. they allowed lebron to write a first person piece about returning to his roots in ohio. si got the exclusive and lebron got to completely control the narrative. it's like a press release. buy an ad. the most controversial panelist in the history of "the view" is heading back. rosie o'donnell is heading back to "the view" which dumped its entire team with the exception of whoopi goldberg. >> do you believe i think our troops are terrors, elizabeth? >> i don't think that -- >> yes or no, do you believe that, yes or no? >> excuse me, let me speak. >> you're going to double speak.
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it is either a yes on or a no. >> i am not a double speaker. >> and when hasselbeck heard the news, she ripped her old nemesis. >> here in comes to "the view," the very woman who spit in the face of our military, spit in the face of her own network and really in the face of a person who stood by her and had civilized debates for the time that she was there. >> that in turn prompted another liberal alum news from the view joy behar told cnn that hasselbeck hit rosy below the belt with a dark remark. she said when she saw hasselbeck at a view reunion show, she was hiding into her dressing room until i walked in and said hello. her reply? let's take a selfie. you see how controversy swirls around rosy? depending on how else joins "the view" this could become the
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rosie o'donnell show. george clooney ripped london's daily mail for what he called a completely fabricated story about his fiancee's mother opposing their marriage for religious reasons. the tabloid said amal's mother has been told half of beirut she's against the wedding and had joked about religious traditions that end up with the death of the bride. yes, you heard that right. clooney points out his future mother-in-law has been been to beirut since they started tallying. the daily mail says it accepts clooney's insistence the story is inaccurate, and apologizes to him, to his fiancee and her mother. clooney rejected that apology says this was a premeditated lie. after the break, some of glenn beck's fans turn on him on immigration. and was it a stun when joan rivers walked out on cnn? our video verdict, straight
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time now for our video verdict. glen beck usually does his work behind a microphone. now he's planning to deliver aid to some of the tens of thousands of children being found on the texas border. >> now the plan to bring truckloads of food, water and soccer balls this coming week, he says he's been hit by a wave of negative reaction. >> everybody is telling me i'm seeing subscriptions, i'm seeing mercury one donations down, i'm getting e-mails from people who say, you know, i have betrayed the republic. whatever.
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i have never taken a position more deadly to my career than this. and i have never, ever taken a position that is more right than this. >> i think he's definitely right about both of those things because conservatives are not happy with what he's doing, yet he is coming out and stating his position. >> i said last time that beck has had a divisive career, but seems to be turning more toward uni unity, for him to defy his base on this and personally get involved, that is a very courageous things to do and he's not backing down. people who think that no, there should not be immigrants who are coming in. >> what's your stocore? >> i'm going do go all out and give him a 10.
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>> the comedian demonstrated her peak in the most dramatic way, and later was asked about that performance by david letterman. >> it's been very good to you and, you know, you've got best selling books, you sell out on stage, even with your fashion critiquing, while it's very mean in some ways, people can't wait to hear -- >> not me. not me. >> but they also know that you have some shock value to you. on the cover of your book, you were wearing a fur, and you knew there would be animal rights activists. >> this whole interview is becoming a defense interview, i'm going because all you have done is negative, you are not a person to interview a person who does humans, i'm sorry. >> it didn't seem to me that she was that tough on you. >> she was asking negative questions.
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>> and there goes dave, fredericka whit feelfredrick whitfie whitfield -- >> right before this fredericka said, you know, we love you, people love you. and we would not be talking about joan rivers had it not been for this and her book sales would not have increased had it not been for this. >> joan rivers was trying to create a moment she could talk about on letterman. >> what is your score? >> three. >> i'm giving it a two. i think it was unfair in particular to trash the cnn anchor after it was over. still to come, your best details and media fact checkers take on a rather colorful allegation about the female anchors right
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here are a few of your top tweets. move up that -- the institutions writes mild criticism for one or two days does not equal turning on. and what about the conservative media playing down sarah palin. the real question is why when msn discredits so much, so often, why do they give her credit for this? because it was dumb. >> pretolitifacts tackles the v
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disparaging comments about a lack of diversity. the truth squadron's investigated and latelies the claim mostly false. fox indeed has its share of blonds. the sluice found nonblonds,. >> i have an idea, why digit politifacts do this. this is so important. >> you think they shouldn't be making fun of this? >> no. >> so you're not giving up your blond ambitions. >> check out our facebook page, we posted original sloos there and we respond to you comments,
9:00 am
we are back here next sunday mornings, 11:00 and 5:00 eastern on the latest buzz. fox news alert, governor rick perry again calling on president obama to send in the national guard to deal with the massive influkt of illegal immigrants. if you don't stem the bleeding, the size of this crisis is going to be more monumental. >> meanwhile elected officials in illinois and nebraska, two states that you know are far from the u.s.-mexico border. they are now accusing of the obama administration today of -- the feds even refusing they say to detail the exact
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