tv Media Buzz FOX News July 13, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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it may not look good but it protects you. >> and deer fencing. >> thank you. >> on the buzz beater, president obama facing credited civil over the mushrooming crisis overrun by waves of immigrant children even on msnbc. >> the reality on the ground, the administration did not stay ahead of it. the reality is the white house has been slow to react. what took the press so long? why are liberal journalists turning on the president? >> sarah palin is pushing for obama's impeachment. >> a great awakeening is due in the country and this message will be sent he is not an imperial president and wildness
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is not accepted by the american people. >> she generates more attention from liberal critics than fox news. is her media clout fading? >> the middle east on florida after the killing of three israeli teens and a palestinian teen. is the press being even handed in covering the terror-fueled war? >> >> the silicon valley wiz kid who talked about women in vile and disgusting ways; is the adoring resolution giving them a pass? i am howard kurtz and this is "media buzz." the coegan bui >> coverage has not slowed down since june with tens of thousands of immigrant children overwhelming detention facilities along the border and the networks and newspapers have jumped all over this story. >> we turn to the crisis at the borderser and wave of undocumented mient agrees many
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unaccompanied children going from central america. most arriving in texas. >> this is not just talked about in air conditioned studios but networks have gone to the border towns some traveling to central america. >> border control along the river is practically nonexistent. we have been able to twice, no questions asked, on either side. >> to understand why young people from central america are leaving without their parents, come here in honduras the most dangerous cities in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. >> only recently has the mainstream coveraged focused on whether the obama administration is to blame for the mushrooming crisis. if the president is not moving the national guard down there, which with stop people from physically crossing the border, the rest is smoke and mirrors. >> even liberal commentators are
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turning more critical. >> the we we president visits crises all over why is he not going to the border? >> the president is focused on the humanitarian situation. after drawing plaque for failing to visit the border, he told reporters he doesn't care about the optics. >> i'm not interested in know to ops but in solving a problem. >> jointing us to analyze the coverage is lauren ashburn, fox news contribute who social buzz, and senior editor at the new republic. why is the mainstream press now, perhaps belatedly, turning more critical? >> scandal far technique. the v.a., the i.r.s., army
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sergeant bowe bergdahl. we are tires of policies that are not working. as a mom, i have to say it is impossible as a reporter not to see the children and feel sorry for them. it is impossible as a mother not to see and think about the children would live in the inner cities in chicago, legal immigrants and how this will impact them. the picture are heartrending but you look at the pundits and even on fox, you have people saying obama should is gone to the border. is there something about the crisis that has even former presidential cheerleaders upping ship? >> this is a significant news story happening real time with great pictures. >> happy to see the pictures. >> exactly. obama has lost the step on this.
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i don't think anyone believes the guy who campaigned does not care about photo ops. all politicians care about photo ops, particularly this one. there was a, why is he being stubborn and there was an interesting conversation on another network i watched on another network "morning joe," and they were pressing the guest, why won't he go to the border and do the photo open and a lot of it was professional frustration the white house is dug in and refused to go what obviously is the right moral and legal thing. >> at the same time, are some of the media unfairly blaming rebound who asked congress for $4 billion in funding and is getting push back from the republicans? >> look, there is only so much utility that a presidential visit accomplishes. you can argue that it societies back the situation because it creates a whole circus unto
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itself. that doesn't advance the cause. >> you are in the minority even on the liberal side viewing things the president has no particular reason to go. >> i think so. we missing something on the liberal side that is important to hear, the broader context for the immigration debate on left. that is, people on the left feel like the president did something i didn't agree with, doubling down on the deportation phenomenon creating the mantle of reporter in chief and the reason he did this is to advance the cause of immigration reform. he thought he could get a bipartisan bill but it is not happening. he has made the problem worse and now there is no bipartisan compromise that was promised. ought substance of the media coverage, how do you evaluate it? >> covered in newspapers,
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online, on the air. the coverage has been excellent. especially by the networks. >> one reporter has been in honduras and guatemala and asked one of the coyotes getting the money, doing the trade, right in front of police officers. the coverage, then, on the conservative side has been focusing much more recently on blaming obama and blaming the policies and even the liberals are coming to that. >> this is not a story where we can say the mainstream media were asleep at the switch. it has been on the network each night. >> asleep at the switch for several years as the number of kids grew with progression since 2012. i argue it is a result of a lot of the policies of president obama. he has claimed the title of
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deporter in chief but he is not deporter in chief. they change the way the statistics are collected, now they catch and count them as the deportations where they did not do that in the past. the "los angeles times" has done great coverage of this and points out if you accounted for deportation the old way, president obama had deported fewer illegal immigrants than minute -- anyone else and those not committing felonies breaking the law will not be deported. that is a reason why we have the crisis. now they are noticing but only very recently. >> the people are actually covering both sides of the issue and conservatives, to their side and liberals do their side but there is that little ground where we are seeing both issues. >> look, on "today show," chuck todd was asked, is there any
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chance we will get comprehensive immigration reform passed which would stop this crisis? that is just simply factually wrong and a big part of the lot of the coverage where and if there is a connection between the border crisis happening with the kids and comprehensive immigration reform and conservatives get this wrong talking about including oh trifully we had more guards and troops, the kids are turning themselves into the troops like customer service reps at the border. >> while people like to denigrate the mainstream media which has a lot of flaws, they can put boots on the ground but let me have you respond to jonah, is there an agenda baked into the way it is covered? when the reporters interview the children or their families it is heartrending but i don't know it is being done for political purposes. >> no. he is right, if you account for the deportation obama is not in
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the top five, not an overachiever but what has happened, the administration itself spun out this narrative he was a very aggress ever deporter and the media and left jumped on it. so it multiplied and now the administration is not comfortable with that and they are trying to walk it back. wednesday it is taken in the media, it is hard to walk it back. the administration is caught between the previous narrative and the current narrative and it is flailing. >> abc cited "sources," in the administration who say that deportations are going to go down dramatically. >> looking at all of last year, the mainstream press and the border crisis is a tipping point , are they turning against the president? >> all media are running. it used to be cool to like
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president obama and now it is uncool. this is like high school? >> this is the way the media operate. there are trends in coverage and that is happening now. it has taken crisis after crisis to get there but we moving in that direction. >> i have been saying the coverage has turned much more negative against president obama than certainly the first term with the i.r.s. and the mess in iraq. would you disagree with my assessment? >> no, that is right and it happens to all presidents. they want a new figure and talk about the next campaign and i am prized on the border thing, i am shocked that the press isn't protesting more the rules at the detention center. everyone wants to compare it to katrina which is ridiculous but imagine somehow the bush administration announced can you not talk to anyone in the humanitarian centers about their
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experience. people would go batty. they are not doing that here. >> my impression is that the liberal pundits are even depressed over president obama. >> there is a fair amount of disillusionment and hillary clinton thing is a candidate would will have unprecedented attention, unprecedented we stature. you never see this administration the person who is likely to replace the incumbent president already carrying herself as aasipresidential can tender. it will be a huge problem. i think you will get democrats only capitol hill saying, what do you think the right move is rather than the white house, or that is the first call, it will be enormous headache and the press coverage will migrate to her when this happens. >> we will save that topic for next week. remembers send me a tweet about
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our show and we will read the messages at the end of the program. sarah palin calls for the president's impeachment but is anyone listening in later, with israel and hamas in a virtual state of war does the cover favor either side? [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas.
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sarah palin became a huge media celebrity in 2008, wrote books, starred in reality shows and campaigned for republican candidates. the fox news contributor and former alaskan governor ratcheted up her rhetoric this week calling for president obama's impeachment. >> the tipping point in this drive towards impeachment, for me, has been the illegal
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immigration issue, the crisis created by obama where nobody is looking out for the working class of americans, including good hard working wonderful illegal immigrants. impeachment is the message that has to be sent to our president that we're not going to put up with this lawlessness. >> but this wasn't embraced by liberals and pundits. >> palin's arsenal of unsupported accusations and charges against the president aren't confined to the dark trenches of the conservative media. >> so sarah palin calls for impeachment. it gets very little coverage even on fox. john boehner brushes it aside. this doesn't seem like the sarah palin of old. >> no, i think that's right. i think largely a lot of people in the party don't think it's a great idea. sarah palin a week ago, who i have a soft spot for and i think she's gotten a bad wrap in a lot
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of cases. sarah palin was talking about a third party. >> that she would leave the republican party? >> and that got less coverage than the impeachment stuff. i think in some ways, the impeachment talk which she's hardly alone is a sense of frustration. i agree with a lot of criticisms of the president. but i think no one thinks this is a politically savvy thing to do and right now the republicans troops aren't -- >> take a look at how this is being covered. in fact, nome, her impeachment call got more attention on the mainstream media and on msnbc than it did on the right. >> there were two big written announcements this week. and unlike the james announcement, sarah palin clearly wrote hers, in a trademark rhetorical style there. it did get a ton of attention. she's like the bright shining object of the media, no question about that. anytime you can have a figure as prominent as she is, basically
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180 degrees out of sync with the leadership of her party. it's going to get attention. >> that's what liberals like. >> and i think jonah is right. i think there's an analogy here between the shutdown talks last fall and the impeachment talk now. back then, the leadership could not contain the flood of calls on the right. even though they knew it was tactically stupid, now they cannot contain it. the conservative media just came right ow and said this is a really dumb idea, gave john boehner all sorts of coverage to say no way. >> why wasn't this even palin's sort of important cultural role? why wasn't this a bigger story for the media? >> i think it is a fair amount of coverage for someone who is not in office and someone who has not campaigned very hard in the primaries. yes, she spoke out at a tea party conference and that was covered last month. yes, she has endorsed a sprinkling of candidates here and there. but this is not the sarah palin of 2010. >> when she was an actual strong
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political force. in your view, has she become more of a celebrity than a political force? >> i think so. her celebrity translated to reality tv which is where we saw her last with her episodes on alaska and sports hunting and things like that. but she is still -- you can't quite say that. she is still a celebrity in many conservative circles. but as jonah said, the problem here was that she was out of step with the party. >> 15 seconds each. four years ago, there was talk that she might run for president. now nobody is saying that. is that inevitably her political luster? >> look, anyone who is a viable candidate for running for president is going to get more attention than somebody who isn't. and i don't think that she is running. i think she's a more formidable figure in the sea party grassroots world back home. >> i think sarah palin misclukted. in order to have some stature in politics, it requires more than half a term of a lieutenant
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governor of an obscure western state. if she wanted to be in the game, she had to stay in the game. >> she was governor. >> i'm sorry, as governor. >> and she was the vice presidential nominee. >> yes. thank you very much. now to an escalation in the war of words over censorship. in a letter to the president from such groups as the society of professional journalists, an american society of newspaper renders they say federal agencies are denying reporters access to knowledgeable staffers by assisting they talk to pr people and political appointees and that this amounts to, quote, suppressing the news. they furg say 40% admit to blocking certain reporters because they don't like what the journalists write. eric schultz told me the administration has made strides to transparency, such as allowing access to visitor logs. but the media frustration on this issue is boiling over. after the break, rosie o'donnell
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read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it's like to own the cars you're considering with israels warning side necsaryaza of >> israel warning residents in gaza of more strikes, the violence is ramping up. when terrorists kidnapped and killed three israeli teens, the brutal attack generated plenty of media party, the revenge killing of a palestinian generated more coverage as hostilities escalated between israel and has ma in gaza. three bodies were discovered today in israel. they appear to be those of three israeli teens kidnapped a little over two weeks ago. >> the responsibility israel was
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quick and powerful after three israeli teens were found dead yesterday in the west bank. >> tonight, israel's military is bracing for more violence ahead of tomorrow's funeral for a palestinian teen. his murder sparked new fighting in jerusalem. >> today, mohammed's father showed me where his 7-year-old son, a palestinian, was kidnapped before he was burned alive by suspected jewish extremist. >> rockets are falling on both sides of the border of the gaza strip and a possible ground invasion by israeli troops. we have the leading journalist export from "the atlantic." "new york times" did a front-page story on the killing of the israeli kids coming home from israeli school and three front page stories of the equally horrible death of the palestinian teen. do the palestinian deaths
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treated as more noteworthy. >> i don't think so, they gore more coverage than a weekend in chicago where 14 or 15 were murdered. it is astonishing how much focus is on the middle east. there is more surprise when israeli vigilantes kill a palestinian teen. there was a kind of sick novelty to that. we hear about palestinian terrorists attacks against israelis on the west bank but --. >> good point. leadtory from the "washington post" israel hits gaza homes and children and women killed." "new york times" on the front page "killing of palestinian youth puts israeli focus on extremism." you are saying it is more novel? >> maybe. maybe. obviously, there is some -- one of the things abut the current war we are having it is fascinating how often headlines
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are written how often israel attacks gaza sites and women and children are killed but the rockets that are coming from gaza into israel perhaps because they are mostly shot down and perhaps there is a level of bias is not covered in the same way. i'm very careful to ascribe bias. there is novelty that people latch on to. >> are saying israel has more firepower and inflicting more damage and, unfortunately, some civilians are dying despite the warnings in advance and the palestinian rockets are shot down and the coverage, thereafter, is looking beyond who starts this conflict. >> coverage generally of any conflict usually starts ten minutes before the event. sometimes it is useful for people to say and here is a story that is not written much, why, in fact, is hamas firing rockets at israeli civilians in the first place trying to
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understand their motivation? what is their goal? we just write that off. what is interesting is the israeli response to the rockets. >> you write about what you witnessed more than two decades good morning in the israeli military police. tell how that has affected your view. >> this goes to the issue of double standards or higher standards. i was shocked by the violence i saw committed by some israelis i served with. i wrote about that in a book. i wrought that up to talk about the recent lynching of the palestinian teen. we have some video of that, a teen who was a cousin of the palestinian killed. >> beating. the beating by israeli police. >> how much does that affect the way israel is perceived? >> this is why i am careful to talk about bias.
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there is a double standard. or more. palestinians are held to and the arab world where there is huge violence, the countries are held to a lower standard by the media >> why? it impose to the core of the problem. a problem is we, ourselves, hold ourselves to a higher standard. i don't think this is anything wrong holding israel as a democracy to the when democracy supported by the united states to a higher standard. >> israel, for example, condemned the killing of the palestinians and made arrests. hamas cleared the original slaying. >> what i would say is the way you judge a country, you will always have racist and violent hooligans, you judge how does the governpond to those kind of acts. israel, so far, has responded well to that and that is a way to judge it. you have the special problem where on the one hand you don't
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want israel to be judged by hypocritical double standard, 170,000 people killed in syria and no one cares but a teen and palestinian is killed and front page news. but i don't want to judge israel by the standards of the neighborhood: egypt, syria and lebanon. >> bottom line, you do hold israel to a higher standard because they hold themselves to a higher standard with innocent civilians? >> very good way to put it. >> i have to sum things up. >> why is the press dismissing the terrible misogynist remarks by someone in the media? cleveln [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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from america's news headquarters, international calls for a cease-fire in the middle east are going nowhere. israel ranching new airstrikes and hamas is defiant firing rockets into israel. thousands of palestinians in northern gaza are now fleeing their hopes after israel warned them to get out. israeli forces have entered gaza for the first time during the offensive looking for hamas sites. at home, ft. hood texas urging
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people to cut water use after an interruption to the water supply and it is a stage 4 emergency. instructions include banning washing cars and filling swimming pools and also affecting two other cities. see you at 7:00 p.m. eastern for "fox newsweek end." what is it with the young rich guys who run start-up companies in silicon valley. there was a bunch of disparaging e-mails while a student at stanford five years ago and i cannot read it on the air. it includes "i hope six girls blank your blank last night, get raid, drunk sex would be fun, did i pee on lily?
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this is gross." >> and another has been placed on leave by i.a.c. for association you'll harassment in a lawsuit. a woman was called desperate loser and a who are and refused to credited her role in starting the company because "you are a girl." i spoke with our guest. >> sarah, welcome. >> thank you for having me back. >> when researchlations came out they are creating a blip for a few days and then nothing else. did the technical press give these guy as pass and say they are just bad boys? >> that is disturbing to me about the stories other than the fact they are shockingly horrible behavior for people who should be role models who supposedly custodians of billions in market capitalization, what is upsetting to me it is glossing
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over the bigger problem of sexism in tech and silicon valley and in most industries because it allows us to point our finger at a couple of people and say, well, we can agree this behavior is very bad and we twitter shame them for 24 hours and everyone moves on. the real problem with sexism in the valley is not from these sites it predated the program or culture. >> this is a microcosm. when these e-mails came out against the head of for the more or goldman sachs it would be a huge story so i have a feel in your area tolerate it and shrug it off. >> i don't think so. everyone freaks out and comments on social media. i do think it is worth noting when it comes to a company like tender this is a company that is inherently based on judging women based on appearance
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quickly. if you look at this from a business story point of view it is hard to see how even as horrible as this is, it hurts their business. is it really just exciting and fun to talk about? they do not have ad sales and are known as this business. their base is not enraged the way people take their kids to disneyland. >> when the co-founder of tender who filing the sexual harassment lawsuit says the other male founders did not want anyone to know she was involved in start-up because she a "girl," how do you feel? it is frustrating obviously, but something we see over and over again and it is hard to necessity how much of the lack of women in the industry is really because of sex civil. we don't know the details.
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there are not enough women starting companies, a shrinking number of women if venture capital. there are not enough women who are c.e.o.'s of fortune 500 company but how much is a boy's club and how much is oversexism compared to explicit bias. >> i have to ask you about evan spiegel would said he was mortified and embarrassed. he said he has no excuse from the college days s that enough? >> evan has a history of bad behave and to your point of letting the people off the hook, in general, we tend to look the other way when the we arrogant young founder is being a brash arrogant young founder. evan has done a lot of despicable things than not
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sexist that were not called out this much. at least he apologized. >> indeed. i am glad there are a few brash young founders who are women like yourself. it still continues to amaze me how twitter shaming goes by in our instant message. culture and then vanishes. ahead, glenn beck is trying to help the kids deattend at the border and he blasted. >> score one for george clooney against the tabloids. your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain.
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columnist said there were 99 percent odds of returning but could not be sure because the gang was unpredictable. hours later, "sports illustrated" had the scoop but at a price. the magazine allowed lebron to write a first-person piece about returning to his roots in ohio as told to a reporter rather than publish a real story that might have raise add question or two about his behavior. that is how "sports illustrated" got the exclusive and he controlled a narrative. that is like a press release. >> the most controversial analyst from "the view," rosie is returning after dumping the entire team other than whoopi. she often clashed with the only conservative, hasselbeck. >> do you believe i think they should return? >> i don't think --. >> do you think, yes-or-no. >> let me speak. >> it is just a yes or a no. >> i am not a doublespeaker.
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>> when hasselbeck now a "fox & friends" co-host she ripped her. >> here is a woman who spit in the face of the military, spit in the face of her network and in the face of a person who standard by her and had civilized debate for the time she was there. >> that. brothered another liberal among us to tell cnn that hasselbeck hit her below the belt with a nasty belt and rosy said when she saw hasselbeck at a reunion she was hiding in the dressing room until i walked in and said hello and the reply was "let's take a selfie." >> see how the controversial swirls around her, it could become the rosie show and far more political. >> george clooney has beaten a tabloid he clearly despises,
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ripping the "daily mail," who he called a fabricated story about his fiance's mother opposing the we marriage saying the mother told half of beirut she is against the wedding and had joked about druze religious traditions that end up with the death of 9 bride. clooney points out his future mother-in-law is not druze and has not been to beirut since he started daylighting his daughter. the paper took down the story and they said it recipients his insistence the store is inaccurate and apologizeds to him, the fiance and her mother and clooney rejected that saying it was a premeditated lie. after the break, glenn beck fans turn on him over immigration, and joan rivers walks out on cnn. that is all ahead.
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time now for o glenn beck usually does work behind a microphone and now he is delivering aid to tens of thousands of children in central america held on the texas border. >> you after the founder announced plans to bring truckloads of food, water, toys and soccer balls he has been hit by a wave neckive reaction. >> everyone is telling me i am seeing subscriptions down, i am seeing mercury one donations down, i am getting violent e-mails from people who say i have betrayed the republic, whatever. i have never taken a position
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more deadly to my career than this and i have never ever taken a position that is more right than this. >> he is definitely right about both of those things. conservatives are not with what he is doing. yet he is coming out and stating his position. >> i said last time he has a divisive career but it is turning more toward unity. he does like legal immigration but to personally get involved that is courageous. i am glad he is not backing down. >> he is defying conventional wisdom in the conservative movement. people who think that, no, there should not be immigrants who are coming in. >> roar score? >> a nine. >> i give him a ten. glenn beck is walking the walk on this. >> joan rivers promoted a book on cnn and was ticked off at the question from anchor.
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>> she demonstrated this in a dramatic way and later was asked about the performance by david letterman. >> it has been very good to you and you have best-selling books, you sell out on stage, even with your fashion critiquing it is very mean in some ways --. >> not mean, not mean, not mean. >> really? >> they also know you have shock value. on the cover of your buck you wear a fur and you knew there would be animal rights activists. >> this is becoming a defensive interview. i am going. i am going. all you have done is negative. you are not the one to interview a person who does humor. sorry. >> are you serious? >> it didn't seem like she was that tough on you. >> she was asking negative questions.
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>> there goes dave. >> the questions were fine. >> i got to go. >> don't move. making a humor list but jones rivers was trying to stir things up to sell books. >> of course. >> and the analyst said, people love you, and we would not be talking about joan rivers if it were not for this and the book sales would not increase if not for this. >> clearly joan rivers was trying to create a moment she could talk about on letterman. >> and she talked about it everywhere, people, wanted it know, why did you do it? what is your score? >> three. >> i give it a two, it was unfair after the stunt to trash the cnn anchor after it was over. >> still to come, your best tweets and media fact chequeers take on a colorful allegation about the female anchors right here at fox.
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it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. re a a few top tweets on whether the press is against president obama on the body are crisis. >> what about conservative media down playing sarah palin's call for impeachment in the real question is, why, when msnbc discredits her so much, why do they give her credence on that? >> because it was dumb, impeaching president obama does not get him removed. no one wants biden. >>the media love as pumping bad which is why you see this. >> and the media now has pundit fact that talk about fox news and this image is bouncing around social media with comments about a lack of diversity that the network female anchors and co-hosts are
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white women with blond hair. well, the truth squads labeled this "mostly false." we have blonds, of course, with 14 on the website, but they found 12 non-mondays including angela and maria. >> i have an idea, why don't they do this. see how many shades of blonds there are on fox news? there is ash blond? maybe dirty blond. see how many variations there are because this is so important. >> they should not spend on time on this? >> i don't. what does it accomplish? but to make fun of fox news. >> you are not getting up "blond ambition." >> you are as bad as they are. >> that is it for or media buzz," i will am howard kurtz.
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we back here next sunday 11 o'clock and 5:00 eastern next sunday with the latest "buzz." i am brit hume here for chris wallace, israel wants residents to evacuate their homes after announcing military would use "great force," to strike the region in the next 24 hours. >> no country on earth would remain quiet in the face hundreds of rockets. >> we will talk with binyamin netanyahu about the offensive and former ambassador dennis process who says other conflicts have sidelined concern over israel and palestinian peace. >> then, the stalemate over immigration continues after president obama travels to texas
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