tv Red Eye FOX News July 15, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." way ward teens perform smfght most inappropriate things ever done in public on pogo sticks. it is the images so shocking, so disgusting we can't even show you them at 3:00 a.m. plus, what was the vice president's response when recently asked the difficult question, what is 3 plus 2? and has belgium taken a step backwards in a professional auto racing league that rivals nascar a? inside their heartbreaking struggle to build their own internal combustion engine. none of these stories on "red
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eye" tonight. >> let's women -- welcome our guests. she has the look of a debutant , but there is not enough soap to wash out her dirty mouth. i am here with imus in the morning contributor. she is a tall drink of water if the water was taken from a men's room toilet off the jersey turnpike. it is the highly toxic joanne nosuchunsky. smile through the pain. if i make another joke about cats do you promise to duct tape me to the bed and watch me bleed out from paper cuts? so expect a lot more cat jokes. it is tv's andy levy. and he is a native new yorker which is a nice way of saying he will stab you in the eye for a pop tart. it looks like the tiki bar let you off early. it is a joke about your shirt. andrew schulz, he is a comedian. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story.
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hey, greg, as an outsider, what do you think of the human race? >> why? the red head is dead. back in april x archie comics announced plans to kill off the freckled-faced freak which features grown up versions of the characters. and now we know how. in the issue out this wednesday archie dies taking a bullet meant for his gay friend, kevin. a senator who wants stronger gun control laws in riverdale and the publisher says we hope by showing something so violent can happen to archie we can learn from him. the one comic industry writer worries, the anti-gun message will be too subtle saying the sack sacrifice is not just a moment of heroism, but it is a condemnation of america's lax gun laws. how could this happen? there is only one possible answer.
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welcome to a brand new edition of "red eye" award-winning segment, only in obama's america. in addition to our regular panelists we have a great group of folks here for our special audience panel. they will be here and chiming in with questions throughout. welcome everyone. let's go to our regular panel first. so archie dies probably at the hands of an anonymous nra assassin. what do you make of this pc dribble? >> i am glad he is dead. it is about time of the i am surprised betty or veronica dwint -- didn't kill him? maybe betty stabs him with his shoe and maybe veronica with a little as -- asphyxiation.
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>> they worked in gun control and gay rights and all they were missing is global warming. >> i am so turned on. i just heard auto erotic asphyxiation and stab you with a heel. it sounds leak a tuesday. i thought it was weird that you would maybe never want to have a gay friend after that. >> i didn't interpret it, but it is sending a bad message. >> what kid will read this comic book and then have their friend who is gay there, kevin and i don't know if i should hang out with kevin because i can be taking bullets from this guy. >> this is the most homophobic comic book ever made. >> exactly. >> it is an anti-gay comic book. you nailed it. i am surprised this is coming from you. normally i assume you will have some weird joke i didn't uppedz. >> no, i'm serious. i am very serious. have you seen my outfit? >> it looks like linda blair threw up on you.
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>> i like it. joanne, come americas are dead. comics are dead. comic books are dead. what kids are reading this? who is this for? >> these are for the kids who are trying to find themselves. and someone once asked the ceo gold water if archie was a democrat. he said, no, he is an independent. clearly this is how obama feels about independence. and so no child reading this will want to be an a independent. >> another deeply layered answer. andy, go ahead and eulogize your hero, archie andrews if that's his real name. >> gay people and pro gun control messages is something you never see in the entertainment industry. i think it is brave of them to do this. i hope when they expose the identity of the killer they hit the tri-fecta. they are patting themselveses on the back for killing off a
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character when they will not even kill off the character. it is the end of this life with the archie series with the adult characters. there will be titles where he is in high school. >> i did not know that. >> yeah. >> it is like a soapy version. >> who is this for? >> i don't know. >> my mom who watches. >> i hated the teenage one. >> why has archie sold 8,000 copies per issue which is not that much? >> i don't know who archie is. >> you are 12. >> i have no clue. >> can you get it on a kindle? >> can you download them? >> i didn't like it as a kid. nothing ever happened in that school. >> now there is a lot happening. jug head had the stupid hat and nobody on planet earth could explain it. two people had that hat, jug head and goober.
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>> that's right, goober had it. >> it looked like a crown. >> jug head sounds like a candy. >> this is fun. >> i was a comic book nerd growing up. >> really? that is a news alert. >> i don't know who read archie. people did, but i don't know who. >> what was good about archie? does he have a super power? >> no it was about kids being kids. >> they had high jinx. >> they drank a lot of ice cream sodas. i remember that. before we move on, i want to show you a picture of president obama fist bumping a gay man in an austin, texas barbecue. here you have archie died to save his gay friend, but the president is afraid to shake a gay man's hand. only in obama's america. >> is that thing still a thing to clarify? >> it is for broheims.
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>> it looks like he is having a good time, but he is working at cold stone and he hates his job. >> he didn't shake his hand. he is homophobic. >> maybe he thought there was a lot of man meat on that hand so he didn't want to clasp it. >> we are trying to turn it into a thing. >> maybe he just had sex during his break. you never know. >> he is afraid of the gay man. that's the only possible explanation. >> only in obama's america where he would fist bump out of fear and it makes me sick to my stomach. there is no telling who is a felon. washington, d.c. city council is expected to pass a bell banning companies from asking job applicants if they have a criminal record. four states and several cities and some big chains like wal-mart and target have prohibited the check box that forces job seekers to admit their criminal past while the box will be eliminated, companies will have the ability to research a person's
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pass. they will keep them from getting an initial interview lead together nearly 50% returning to a life of crime. so are we going soft on violent criminals? welcome back to a brand-new addition. you can see it here on "red eye." once against we have joined by a special audience and we are eager to get everyone's thoughts on the topics of protecting job applicants first i want to start with you, andrew. what if you can be a thug and a criminal and it is an asset? what if you had to apply for a real job? >> i have no work experience whatsoever. i own this shirt. >> i honestly think i don't care if you have the box or don't have the box you. here is the thing. i assume they worry these people who have exited crimes will steal from them.
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everybody steals. these people get caught. you want to steal from these people. >> there you go. >> why are you so surprised? >> when you say everybody steals , i get -- >> everybody at wal-mart is stealing. you can't work there and not take an orange or a lawn mower. >> what is the 90-year-old woman going to stop you? >> when i worked at albertsons -- >> west coast. >> yes, san you ma -- san mateo i ate like a dog, twinkies. i dipped the twinkie into the yoplait it was back when it was a novelty. we called it orange putting. darning darning orange pudding. and then putting the nitrous in the ice box for the whipped cream. >> and you do it looking into the security camera. >> cooking steaks on the dock.
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i should shut up. >> that was when smearing yoplait all over your chest means something. >> now they just want to be regular. the whole point was not being regular. where do you stand on this? let's say most of these people are for drug-related charge as and some are just silly. give them another chance. >> wal-mart, the big employers in this country, wal-mart and target, they do not ask on their job applications whether you have a criminal past. they companies can look if you are an employee. i would rather them be on the job than off the job robbing the streets when i am at work. andy, can you give us the pros on the con. you don't even have to answer.
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>> i think it is great that they expected of all people criminals would be honest and check the box. they have a track record of proving that's not the thing they do. >> the face tat doesn't give you away. >> yeah, the three tears. >> that's the checked box. >> i am not for banning companies from doing this, but the government shouldn't tell them that. but in general i am in favor of the companies no the asking the question. if you served your time and you have been released from prison you deserve a fair shot at going straight, i think. >> i am all for that with drug arrests, but what about rapes? for example, you don't want to put your employees in danger by hiring somebody you don't know what was in their past, if you catch my drift. joanne, we overlooked your
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many felonies. >> i guess i do the same thing. before i go out with someone i google them to see if i can find like a mug shot. i think that's important. >> that's true. is that a plus or minus for you? >> you can guess. >> depends on the mug shot. >> you like the bad boys? >> if i was an employer, i would want to -- like andy said i would offer this opportunity to get their lives in order. i am way too trusting. of course they will check off the box if they have a prior history. i don't know, they would rob me blind and i wouldn't know what to do. >> i think the company out of the goodness of their heart would do something like this, but they can't forget their other employees. he may be a guy that was like a violent offender. >> don't let them work. do the research.
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here is the reality. girls are letting -- >> that's why i am not on tinder. >> lie. >> what is tinder again? >> i am not really sure. >> it is a tiny little dog. >> well, you can call it that. sometimes they appreciate that. >> speaking of, could a bag lead to a shag? a new speed dating event in london that puts a premium on personality has singles wearing paper bags over their head. it is called a thinking person's tin del. as the conversations started they write a comment or fact on the bag like i had three kidneys or secretly i want to be a hand model or i once killed a family of five with my car. if only there was a quirky video to go with the qerky -- quirky idea.
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>> hi. >> hello. >> how are you doing? have you actually? >> i am all right. >> i will take your number. >> it is me. i met a really nice guy. >> the organizers of the event love and they also have a smartphone app with the motto say no to shallow. anyway, their event worked better than "red eye" plastic bag speed dating. >> was that you?
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i thought that was you in that bag. i noticed that if somebody puts a bag over their head i will look at the body. so shouldn't they wear sumo suits, big, giant sumo suits? >> you are a dude so of course you will look below the neck. at least it is britain, right? at least you can see their mouths and their teeth or they have hall law toe sis. how many have a big goiter hanging out, right? it is no different than these photos that people post on these dating websites leak tinder. you know this chick took a hundred photos and you get a sliver of her right eye. you can't tell what the people look like. >> that's true. i have been tricked many times. it is putting off the inevitable. sooner or later you have to get rejected. the rejection is worse. now they know your personality and your looks. they still hate you. >> well, here is the thing. i am tired of men being bullied into being into
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women's personalities. >> yes, i agree. >> why can't we just be attracted to you? women, you are not physically attracted to us. you like us for who we are. >> why can't we like the men who have issues? same thing. >> what do you mean? >> i don't want the nice guy who treats me well. >> we are not bullying you. >> pretty much on the first day and you have mommy issues and you still suck your thumb at night. >> you can go for that. what i am saying is if i -- okay, beautiful woman, right? both of you, right? beautiful women. smart. >> stop suck up. >> wait for it. smart, beautiful, attractive woman. i say attractive, beautiful, i want to have sex with both of them, right? wait for it. you could also be racist and punch kittens and i still go, i want to have sex with both
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of them now. it doesn't matter. stop trying to get me to care. all that will happen is you will take off the bag and i say gross and i will lead. >> that's what i'm saying. it is putting off the inevitable awkward rejection. would you ever date another attractive guy? >> no. i am being honest. >> i bet you date way -- i bet the guys are way less attractive that you date. >> what i find attractive other people may not find attractive. that's why there is someone for anyone. and any two people that are welling to put bags on their heads and do this belong together. who does this? they are obviously not mr. and ms. supermodel gorgeous. >> but you know what would be a romantic comedy? if one of them turned out like julia roberts and the other was like hugh grant. people were leak not understanding us -- like not understanding us. they take off their bags and they are beautiful and everyone else is hideous.
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>> i thought they were all jets fans. also this is great if you have a paper bag fetish. this is the greatest dating thing ever. >> and by the way this is what every woman on planet earth has had to put up with. it is like a guessing game. although the below the waist selfie is becoming -- >> do you like that a? do you like that? the alleged brett favre photo. >> you know what is a great way to get through a fetish? calling victoria secret store and telling them you need to buy some clothes for a girl you don't have to pay for phone 6. >> that's hysterical.
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>> is women only a bunch of balogna? it is time for another installment of -- >> is this sexist? >> i forgot my sign. colorado university, they have them there, is suddenly getting crap for football 101 for women which has been offered since the mid1990s. coaches leach advanced football topics such as the cover 2 defense and the inside fly rule.
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not all are pleased. it is singling out women as if they can't do thing. it is hard to articulate aside from the fact that it was a cute pat on the head. we will teach you how this sport works. the lgbt group says for women should be dropped because men get benefit from the class as well. no one has protested the school's soccer 101 for dogs. >> that was an ugly kid. i hate when a person pretends that there is a cute dog. andrew, shouldn't they rename the class like they said. just rename the class so they can keep it? >> just call it football 101?
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>> football for people who don't get it. i get annoyed with how hipocritical this is. you know it was a feminist who started the class. what guy says you know what would make football more fun? our girlfriends. i wish our girl friends could watch with us. let's make a class so that would happen. no. you know a woman started it. don't take it out on on us. you know there was never a complaint so you know the people complaining are not participating in it anyway. they are not participating, so why do they care? >> it is not like they are teaching butter churning for bitches. that's archaic. these people don't have anything else to worry about. >> that's true. >> when i was in high school they taught home making. they taught you how to sew and cook. >> the good old days. you. >> we can use more of that. not a lot of women know how to sew unfortunately. look at joanne, she is barely holding it together. would you take the class?
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>> i would need this class. i remember one time i was watching football and i asked -- that yellow line keeps moving. >> are you talking about the 10 yards? >> that is a good question. because i don't know how they can over lay it? >> i see feet on top of it? >> how can something step on something on the tv? >> green screen? >> when they first started it was weird when the feed hit it. everything would get -- >> it would get pixel lated. jay what did they do to the feet? >> who cares? >> i care. it bothers me. i think it is something like chem trails. i would not go near that line, andy. it will give you some kind of
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cancer. >> this is why they should drop the women from the class. >> there are four women in -- women? >> no, the phrase for women. >> the one person they interviewed who said this was outrageous, she was class of 2002. it is 12 years later. she didn't care for 12 years. >> she is board or writing for slate or salon. >> this is a crazy idea, but if you don't like the class, don't take a. it the women that do like it, they should take it. >> the attitude prevents you from being able to express your feaux outrage. if you say i don't want to do it. you can't get mad at girls hunting or things like that. >> the real issue with the class is it is generally a male sport at the professional level.
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>> there is no middle school. >> it is not mom warner. >> there is no class how to be a female ceo. you -- or computer programming for women. >> when women learn football it boggles my mind. something happened in childhood that made them do that. >> they had a great dad. >> it is a guy who wanted a son. >> or there was a divorce and he said i will take you to the games. >> it is like me learning how to put a tampon in. why would i learn that? i don't need that information. that's my point, where would i put it? >> a lot of people are thinking mouth right now. >> and maybe they are right. you are looking confused. >> i was thinking what size would actually shut you up? >> we have to move on. by the way, the joke of the segment was mom warner.
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will he finally do that story i have been teasing about for two weeks? maybe, time will tell. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight is sponsored by the build your own friend kit. this kit allows you to customize with doing your math homework and getting you out of your locker. thanks build your own friend kit.
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>> is it folly not to have polly? earlier this year facebook unveiled 49 new gender options, but why aren't there more conventional relationship options? a writer at the says the next frontier -- that's the next frontier and the social network should embrace polly amory. the practice of having multiple romantic partners. she knows there a petition on change .org. it reads we appreciate and thank facebook in allowing all people to put their own gender identities. we ask they have the same respect for people of all relationship types. they deserve the basic right to be honest about who they care about. i can't agree less. no, i don't know. is this a legitimate lifestyle? >> sure. >> i'm asking. >> if you want to do it, that's fine. i am not going to do it. having it as an option on
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facebook is not going to make me go, babe, let's go -- that's the argument they are making. if they put it on on facebook it will change the way i feel about my girlfriend. i will always want to be with other girls, but i won't do that because she won't allow that. but i don't need facebook for me to feel that way. >> facebook is not the -- it is like the modern bible that says what you can do and what you can't do. you have been -- god know what's you have been doing. is this the natural next step? >> a few barnyard animals. >> the people who are going to brag about having multiple partners and multiple girlfriends are the ones sitting at home and eating slim jims alone in the dark and watching golden girls reruns, right, andy? >> it explains three nights of his week. you know, you are right. most people who get involved in the swinging and weird nets -- weirdness are not necessarily attractive people.
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>> if you were desirable would you put up with it? >> exactly. you are a commodity. >> why would you share you some if you are missing like a leg and some guy goes, you know what, i think i will sleep with some girls with two legs. you would be like, all right. >> i am not even going to understand that. >> remember he had the one leg and we said he better be out there going to get two-legged -- >> for what? >> go back to -- i did a controlled study. i went to hedonism, one which was the clothing and one was for the nude. the people in the clothing that weren't swingers were normal, and the people that were swingers were hideous. that told me that going back to the commodity idea, people were more willing to share if
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-- well let's say if they didn't look like me. andy? >> i hate anything that has a petition. doesn't facebook has an it's complicated relationship status? >> oh yeah, i remember when they put that on there. >> i would like to add a couldn't be less interested status. >> that would be perfect. >> i couldn't handle more than one man for one reason. i don't want to hear, oh god the traffic was terrible. how many times a day to you want to hear that? oh god you would not believe the woman who bumped into me at the grocery store. i don't care. i don't care about one person. you. >> why would you be with more than one man for the conversation? >> that is a great fallacy. men are just as boring as women talking about the boring everyday [bleep] in their lives. >> i need a girl on the side i can talk to. >> i have to give -- that was
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an incredible impression of a man. they do the -- you actually found a whole new way. joanne, you have a polly-amorous relationship, but it is with beer, wine and liquor. >> okay, they didn't know about it until now. it is going to be hard going home tonight. i am too insecure and too jealous to have multiple partners. i am thinking about the other people and compare and all of that stuff. facebook has really expanded the way you can identify yourself in terms of gender on your profile. it makes sense that the relationship would be that way. it is coming. >> the barn doors are opened. at a certain point we will be able to start dating the dead. when you break up you can say you are dead to me.
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>> all right. next topic, the research suggests people with higher self-control are more likely to be happier. yes, going to bed early and eating broccoli in a vat of elephant feces means being boring is better for your emotional being. they say indulging in temptation feels great. but messing up your long-term goals ends up hurting your happiness. the cost of the indoll inteligences are large, but he would say that because he is a nerd. we learned the day game by watching charlie and the chocolate factory. we don't need science to tell us this, do we? >> no, but in earlies it of like -- i hate team with self-control. they are the dude who brings the little sack of carrot sticks to work rather than getting stuff out of the vending machine. you know this is the dude who is wearing latex and mumbling
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to mistress tonya through the ball gag on the weekend. full of self-control during the week. >> it is great. keep going. >> i'm done. >> to me i think this is an observation of real life. it is not actually a study. >> absolutely. all this says to me is in order to experience happiness you need to be unhappy. that's very simple. in order for my girlfriend to appreciate me i need to explain about rask -- traffic every day so every one of those days i give him a flour he says we needs to complain about the traffic. >> without horrible there is no such thing as great. joanne, one day things will be good, but right now it is horrible. probably in your early 40s. >> only a few decades away.
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>> thanks for running that one in. >> it is more about delayed gratification. you should indulge, but wait. when you do indulge just scratch the itch. don't remove the flesh. >> good point. you are basically saying don't use up all of the drugs you used in one night. that's basically my philosophy. andy, this is the best thing you can teach the child you will never have. it is the opposite of spoiling. spoiling a child is no delay of gratification. it is giving the kid the bicycle, the chocolate and everything. >> i buy that. the only part with the study is it is self-reported. it is asking people are you happy? it seems to me people who are always doing what is good for them, they have a good reason for lying and saying they are happy even if they are not. if you think you are always doing the right thing and you can see other people doing fun stuff and you are there going, well, they shouldn't be doing
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that. it is bad for them. i am happy not doing that. >> i enjoy sitting home on friday night while they are dancing. >> the jealousy kicks in. >> let me read you the statistics of injuries from people dancing with the opposite sex. it is disgusting. alcohol, they always have the statistics explaining how the bad things are. it is wrong. thanks for letting me hang there. >> that was actually not that nasty. >> even the shoes are buckled. >> you can call victoria's secret and she can call ace hardware. >> does that come with buckles? >> do you have that in black duct tape? >> by the way, they are now making colorful duct tape.
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>> it is not a good movie to rent. they are hitting the lincs less than you think. interest waynes at your local lanes. both golf and bowling are on the de clan in america. why? -- decline in america. why? i guess our audience has left early. 8 way, the national golf foundation where i get all my news closed nationwide last year with 400,000 people
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leaving the sport hall together. meanwhile, the u.s. census data shows there were just over 4,000 bowling alleys open in 2012. they were down 25% from 1998. a lot of numbers. for more let's look at this highly sophisticated representation of bowling over the last decade courtesey of our statistics department. see everything goes down. he was doing a bar graph or something. >> you are the business expert. why is this happening in bowling? why do you think bowling is going bad? >> casual sex. >> really? >> bowling was a date night thing. it is filled with innuendo. you try to put your fingers in stuff. >> talcom powder. >> other people's shoes to try on. >> no buckles. >> laces. >> oh, there are laces. you are right.
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you can be tied. >> get to the point. >> with tinder and cupid and these other thens you can just invite a girl to your house. you can cut through the lame game. what about the recession? could that be the reason why? it is the weird animated ad. nobody wanted to put golf shoes on. you knowwhy people are turning away from golf? i worked on a golf course selling booze to golfers, golf courses are magnets for ass hats. it is the biggest collection of jerks you will ever go to in the united states. they can't play and they are angry. >> they are usually overweight and short and the belly and smoking. they have to smoke the cigar and sometimes you are paired up with strangers and that's worse. not all golfers are bad though. >> joe app, who has time to --
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joanne, who has time to play golf? who has time anymore? >> i have time. i choose not to play golf. you know what i think it is? >> global warming. you need good weather to golf. we have had storms and excessive heat. who wants to spend three hours in the heat. >> what about miniature golf. although i somehow screwed it up anyway. >> but for most people it is a quickie. >> a two-hour miniature golf game. >> the ball is always in the other hole. you have to go over and you have to go to nine. those were the days. >> bowling you can't go alone. is that the reason? i go to you as the expert. a lot of people being alone. >> you can do everything alone.
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i often do. >> let's talk about the real reason why bowling alleys are vanishing. it is the federal government. acting on the orders of a certain barak hussein obama. they are forcing companies to close their lanes. we were talking about this why the white house bowling alley back in the 2008 campaign obama bowled a 37. he is bad at it. now he is trying to killing bowling. he hates it because he is bad at it. it is the same reason he hates being president. there is no difference. >> he is checked out. >> i am happy golf is going down. >> why? >> i don't want to waste any good athletes on this sport. >> i don't think you are. >> this is a good thing. >> golf is a very fun sport. >> it is a lot of territory to cover. >> you have to do it a lot. >> and when you are stuck -- >> and it is embarrassing. everybody makes fun of you. >> they watch you. >> i don't like being watched.
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business.
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your heart? time to salute the toot in our new segment -- >> science is fun. yes sorry about that. scientists found that passing gas can offer health benefits for issues like diabetes, cancer and heart attacks. dr. mark wood, if that's his real name, explains although hydrogen sulfide is a foul smell like rotten eggs it is naturally produced in the body with significant implications for future their peas for a variety of diseases. i am sold. i was already sold on this. i didn't need science to tell me it was okay. >> this is a lie cooked up by men around the world to give us an excuse to break wind and blow gas in front of any woman. you think it is funny, don't you?
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>> this is why you livelonger than us. you're welcome. >> it is not benefiting us. shouldn't men be healthier than women because we break wind when we are alone. >> yeah, but i try to push it toward other people. that's one thing about breaking wind. you do it and then cup it and throw it. >> you walk away jie. you leave it. >> not that i know. >> we should harvest. we should literally harvest. >> you need to let one rip like 20 minutes before you show up at home or wherever. >> it is one of those things human beings do that is seen as awful where everything else is now acceptable. that's the last frontier. aren't things that smell bad usually bad? that's the point of nature. you don't eat a rotten egg. >> yes, like ammonia, bleach,
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malt vinegar, disgusting. >> you made a list. >> i don't believe this study. >> you know what though, i am worried the phrase will change who ever smelt it dealt it. it will be who ever smelt it well live the longest. >> it is not as fun. >> it does president rhyme. it doesn't rhyme. >> andy, what do you make of this? you usually destroy our studies. >> it sounds like people with irritable bowel syndrome are immortal. if you are lactose intolerant and have ibs you are living forever. this is like the best news ever for jewish people. >> this is amazing, absolutely amazing. >> i can go -- you know the one thing i don't understand what is worse, a burp or flatulence? >> if somebody burps it is worse. >> no. i am a big burper. >> it depends on what they ate. a new york pizza belch.
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>> i think we should go to the fox news website because it will be on the front page. it is what we do best. it wasn't on "special report." what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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that's a fact. that's it for me. watch me tomorrow at 11:00. hello, everyone. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." our southern board ere is being flooded with illegals bringing crime, disease and a huge price tag. the obama administration is in knee deep in another crisis. history has shown when they have their backs against the wall, the president and his min yions change the debate. what better way to change the debate than to play the race card. on q, they played the race card. eric holder played the whole darn race card deck. >> there's a
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