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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 15, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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oath on a copy of a harry potter novel. thanks to everyone who responded. we'll keep talking about bowe bergdahl after the show. log on to our facebook page. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it is tuesday, july 15. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the good news, the u.s. just sent the first planeload of illegal immigrants back to their country. the bad news? it was just 38 people. what about the other 50,000? >> they're going to need a bigger plane. meanwhile, bowe bergdahl returns to active duty and could be in for a windfall of back pay. so was he a deserter, a traitor, or a p.o.w.? or just a guy who made a mistake? we may never know. >> i believe we are seeing a carefully modulated whitewash in which the administration is determined that evidence be
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damned. >> what do you think is happening? we're going to discuss that straight ahead. >> look at this. this is how unhappy mother nature is with washington. mornings are better with friends. good morning. >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> that looks like lightning striking the library of congress next to the u.s. capitol. >> no reports of injury. >> maybe a signal. >> apparently brian kilmeade is still on vacation today. in his place we have peter johnson jr. >> good morning everyone. >> great to have you. >> great to have all of you with us this morning as always. >> we've got a bs three hours -- a busy three hours. heather nauert joins us once again. she did the 5:00 show. now she's going to do the 6, 7 and 8 as well. >> i've got news coming out of washington this morning.
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it is the case of a crashed hard drive once again, but instead of lois lerner, this time we're talking about one of her former colleagues. april sands is her name. she resigned from the federal election commission after violating the hatch act by campaigning for the president on federal time. the f.e.c. is now saying it cannot recover her hard drive, therefore, making it impossible to go after criminal charges. let's go overseas for a second. new overnight. minutes after israel accepted a proposed cease-fire deal, hamas rejecting it. moments after that rejection, more rocket fire from gaza. three rockets hitting a resort town in southern israel and that has injured two people we know of so far. this happening just hours after president obama spoke at the annual ramadan dinner at the white house. listen to this. >> the only path to true security is a just and lasting peace between israelis and palestinians where differences are resolved peacefully and in
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ways that respect the dignity of all people. >> that violence over the past week so far left 185 people dead. >> president obama may soon have the ability to appear on every single television in the country with a flip of the switch. today the f.c.c. will propose an overhaul to the emergency alert system. as it stands right now, if the president wants to address the nation in the event of an emergency each local broadcaster has to agree to pick up that message. the new system will cost between $7 million and $13 million. what do you think of that one? those are your headlines. so interesting the president can decide on a whim that he wants to do something like that. and we don't even have to agree. >> he's got the pen. >> that's right. and he's got a phone. thank you very much, heather. we have heard from the president. he says he will turn all those kids around and send them back home. so far about half of them have vanished. didn't show up for their
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court dates that have come up on the docket. yet, yesterday the united states of america, in a relatively symbolic move, sent, of the close to what, 50,000, 60,000, 70,000 in that airplane back to honduras, sent back 38 illegals. and this is curious because it seems like the white house is kind of changing their tune. last week josh earnest, the new press secretary, said the illegals will be quickly deported after it's adjudicated provided they show up for their court dates. yesterday he said if somebody needs asylum we're going to give it to them. kind of a mixed message. >> 38 out of 50,000. borders sound much more open than closed when you look at the figures and percentage there. it certainly is understandable why two lawmakers in a bipartisan effort are announcing a bill to actually change that and expedite the
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removal of kids who are here illegally at the borders. peter, you can speak to this. >> it's a kind of interesting progressive move. progressive in terms of an improvement. under the humane act, senator cornyn and representative cuellar are saying within seven days of entering the country, these children would see an immigration judge after which the judge would determine whether the child could stay within 72 hours, whether there was some issue in terms of child trafficking, whether the child was in fact a refugee and it would be dangerous to go back to the country. let's hear what senator cornyn and representative cuellar had to say on greta last night. >> sometimes the notice to appear is called among law enforcement professionals a notice to disappear. but it's being called among the migrants, a permiso. they think this is a visa which allows them to stay in the united states, when in fact it is a notice to
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appear and they never end up appearing. >> right now we've got about 375,000 kids. it takes three to five years to get to those cases. therefore, all that the senator and i are trying to do is to give them a trial date, have them before a judge as soon as possible, give them their asylum, and then after that if they don't show they have those claims, they have to be returned. >> sounds like a practical solution. >> i don't know if it is or not. keep in mind the reason these kids from honduras and guatamala are able to stay here is because in 2008 there is an anti-section trafficking law overwhelmingly passed. who could stand in the way of something like that? if you're from a noncontiguous country, not from mexico or canada, you wind up in this country. peter, you can speak to this. why don't they simply make the law get rid of that law and simply say give the people who come into this
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land the same provisions that you do the canadians and mexicans? >> that's one way of doing it. i think what they're trying to do is say we're going to hold these children in protective custody, a, for their own benefit, for their own interests but also for american interests to make sure they don't go out into the population. perhaps with their illegal relatives in this country who have paid $5,000 to $7,000 for them to come here. we exposed last week that less than 5% based on the federal government's own numbers of these unaccompanied children, go back in the first year. these hearings can go on for years, and then the children can become an adult. the bigger issue we're now finding out, we're going to talk even more about it, is how many of these children are gang members and are being recruited into gangs. what -- what -- have we unleashed? >> the ms-13 gang, we're going to talk to somebody from the border patrol who
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is going to tell us more about that gang, what you need to know and how many of those young individuals are tied to that gang. 38 back to honduras. >> out of 57,000. >> exactly. and bowe bergdahl back to work. listen to this. bowe bergdahl is now back on active duty. he'll be taking a desk job, but many are concerned the details will be whitewashed. >> exactly. what's curious this morning -- and this is some of the new information -- even though he has -- it was six weeks ago that he was swapped for the five taliban bosses in a move that has infuriated many people, he still has not spoken to his parents, which is curious. apparently he had some sort of contact but he has not spoken to them per se. there have been stories of he didn't get along with his parents. he did get along with a sister and girlfriend and this would seem to support that. we don't know if that is true or not but we know right now he has been
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reintegrated into the army. he has a desk job at fort sam houston in san antonio, texas. also it looks like he stands to make $350,000 worth of tax-free money that is provided; it is determined that he was a prisoner of war and he did not go awol. officials dismissed that photo of bergdahl posing with the taliban. they say that's propaganda. they say as well he has been in contact with his parents, although he has not spoken to them per se. >> we have heard from teammates who believe no one wants to hear what they have to say. they believe the feds know what happened and have predetermined if he is a deserter or not in their minds. he certainly is. when you hear lieutenant colonel ralph peters last night on megyn kelly saying this is the nicest they've
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ever treated anyone in this situation. >> the issue is we're on the verge of establishing a precedent that desertion in the face of the enemy is no big deal. i believe we are seeing a carefully modulated whitewash in which the administration is determined that evidence be damned, bergdahl will not be labeled a deserter, pressuring the military to at least reduce the charges from essentially a felony of desertion to a misdemeanor charge of awol. at no time in the history of our military or any other military was an alleged deserter treated so well. alleged deserter, especially when there is so much evidence against them, they are held in the brig until they are tried. >> he's referring to the investigation conducted in the months after bowe bergdahl's disappearance concluded he left the post deliberately. >> he left a note, i'm leaving. >> the army is conducting
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an investigation by high-ranking officials at this very time. he has not been charged with any time under military law at this point whatsoever. basically he's free to come and go. he's been assigned administrative duties. but we do know when he leaves the base, he is usually accompanied by other army members. he's not under arrest but clearly they're keeping close, close ties on him at this point. >> what do you think about that? do you trust the administration to get to the bottom of this, to give us all the details? based on the fact we've had other scandals in the past, to name a few, v.a. >> they're getting to the bottom of all that stuff. what's curious is and we just heard ralph peters talk a little bit about how the guy should be in the brig, the mother of a soldier who was killed looking for bowe bergdahl, she says he should be in the brig. also some of bowe bowe bergdahl's platoon mates, they say while the investigation is ongoing, they haven't been contacted
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yet, which is curious six weeks in. here is gerald sutton tweeted, hopefully the army does its job this time around. waiting for their call. matt beercant said i didn't know it's april 1 already. >> we're going to talk to retired army sergeant jordan vaughn who was actively involved in the search for bergdahl. we'll get his opinion and we would love to hear yours as well in terms of what this means. do you trust the administration to get to the bottom of all of it and what this means to those in the service who actually wept out and looked for him. >> do we put people in brigs before they have been charged in this country? lots to think about. >> it is a dozen minutes after the hour. coming up, they are one of the most dangerous gangs in the world, and this morning we're getting word they're slipping into this country. what's worse, our agents are absolutely powerless to stop them. >> she is definitely not the others. meet the cheerleader who
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it's not just kids crossing the u.s. border illegally but rather illegals with ties to one of the most violent gangs in the world. it's called ms-13. sean moran is the vice president of the national border patrol council and he joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> who is ms-13? tell us about this gang and why they're dangerous to americans. >> ms-13 is an ultra violent gang throughout central america, mexico and the u.s. it's one of the biggest threats we face on our southern border. they do not hesitate to use extreme violence if necessary. they are considered one of the top threats to border
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patrol agents. >> we've seen the full screen showings, about 30,000 members worldwide, that they're recruited even before they're teenagers. they operate in most of the states in the united states. now you report that these ms-13 gang members are using red cross telephones at federal facilities to call other gang members to coordinate criminal activity. tell us about that. that is absolutely incredible. >> we know the cartels were exploiting this and continue to exploit this crisis in south texas. it makes sense that ms-13 and other gangs would do the same. at the nogales processing center in arizona the red cross set up phones so unaccompanied juveniles can call family members back home or in the u.s. these phones are being utilized by gang members to
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recruit, to enlist, to pressure people, other juveniles into joining the ms-13 gang. the problem is we are unable to isolate these people because they are juveniles. our hands are tied. >> your hands are tied in what way? what do you mean by isolation? what would isolation do in terms of stemming this kind of gang activity involving ms-13 or perhaps other gangs? >> we're being told we have to look the other way. if we see gang tattoos, we're not allowed to treat them any differently than anybody else applying to be allowed to stay here or apply for asylum. we have had agents reporting that some of these juveniles reported they committed murders in their home country. we've caught people fashioning home made weapons such as shanks at the processing center. but because they are juveniles, they have to be treated a certain way, and you are not allowed to take them out of that general
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group. they all have to receive the same kind of treatment. that's how our hands are being tied. >> basically we have a jail culture, a prison culture involving juveniles with all the problems that gangs bring in america, but without any of the strictures that you'll see in a local jail or a state prison; correct? >> that is correct. it's a security issue that we feel could really snowball out of control and it would put agents at risk. it puts the other detainees at risk. it's activity that needs to be stopped immediately. >> shawn, this is a disturbing, disturbing revelation. i'd appreciate it if you would keep us up to date as to what's going on and how the federal government intends in the future to stop this wave of potential violence and gangs in these 57,000 people that have been brought here to the united states. >> i'd be happy to do that.
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>> thanks, shawn. >> thank you. >> coming up, this may be a first. you'll never guess what started this massive fire burning in california. can you say pot? and president bush recovering from knee surgery this morning. his second surgery in three months. dr. marc siegel of the medical a team just got an update on his condition, and he's bringing a knee with him. good morning. she's still the one for you. ♪ and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess.
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davis montan air force base. officials say the airplane was retired. washington, d.c. still feeling the wrath of mother nature. check out this picture of lightning striking near the u.s. capitol recently. that's your news for this tuesday morning. >> thank you for that, steve. after eight years of running the free world, president josh -- george w. bush has run into knee problems. he has had surgery on his
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left knee, the second surgery in the last three months. >> nearly five million americans have had knee replacement surgery and more than 700,000 have knee surgery every year. >> how do you know if you're a candidate for a knee replacement? joining us now is dr. marc siegel. >> i grawt a knee. >> my wife has had a total replacement. yesterday the former president had a partial knee replacement. what's that? >> typically president bush is state-of-the-art because partial knee replacements are getting more evolved. the knee has three come partments. this is called the patellar, the lateral compartment and this is the inside compartment. for most people the part that becomes arthritic is the inside, the part that's over here. if you can just replace that part, that's called the partial replacement. and you get in and out of
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the hospital much faster. dr. berger in chicago who did this, he practices minimally invasive, a very small incision, in and out the same day, rehab time in less than a month. after his first in may, president bush was on a bike in a few weeks. he hopes to be able to do the same thing now. typically he wants this to be struskt -- strusktive to americans out there, maybe you don't need a replacement. a study out of england just showed if you have the total knee done your chances of dying over the first month are four times greater. your chances of having real medical complications much greater. this is a much more ideal situation, type of surgery for people that want to get back on a bike, be highly fit. it's not for everyone. it is for people who are very fit, thin and practice extreme fitness. >> we heard from the spokesperson for the president. how is he doing? >> doing great. he was on a plane yesterday
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to dallas yesterday. he had the operation on saturday, and here's what his spokesperson freddy ford said. >> both this operation and the partial knee replacement he had over memorial day weekend were outpatient procedures. he's looking forward to getting back on his mountain bike in a couple of weeks. that's from freddy ford, his spokesperson. >> he's going to have to do rehab, strengthening exercises of the knee. this is his second knee but this looks very, very good. they do fail sometimes. you can have them redone or get a total knee replacement. over 90% these days successful in the right hands. >> in terms of partial knee replacement, is it true this is safer in terms of outcomes, in terms of the risk of dying in a procedure? >> completely, much safer. the key is in the right hands with the right complant -- implant, done in the right place. the man who did this is a
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pioneer in his field. i think in the future we'll see more of these. for americans out there before you rush to surgery to do a total knee surgery, ask yourself do you need it? people who are obese, poor health, they are at higher risk. this particular one, you have to be in good health to get. >> where did you get this model? >> i took this off of an orthopedist's desk. he's going to be getting it back this morning. police are waiting for me outside. >> did you send him an e-mail or a knee-mail? >> groundbreaking. thank you. >> 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, here's what you do not want to do if you want to steal a car. you pick one with lots of people around you. that guy should have known better. >> guess which democrat didn't want hillary clinton to run for senate? he wanted her to lose so
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badly that he coached her point. >> first, happy birthday to howard stern's wife and our friend beth stern. she's 42 today. ♪ ♪ introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™
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congress can't seem to get it together. but now bill gates is teaming up with fellow billionaires warren buffett and sheldon adelson to pressure congress to pass immigration reform. congress is like if you think we're going to be swayed by a couple of billionaires? we'll take cash. >> funny because it's true. yesterday on the program, we were talking a little
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bit about how eric holder, our attorney general, once again at it over the weekend where he said that what he has seen is he's seen a lot of criticism of his job that he has performed at attorney general, just as the president of the united states has received a lot of criticism from people on the political right. and they're criticizing them because they are black. in other words, you know, and we've heard it a number of times, if you don't agree with them, you're a racist. karl rove was on with greta last night and said they've got to stop it with that. it's just not true. >> being so inspecific, he is suggesting that anyone who opposes president obama or criticizes the attorney general is guilty of racial animas. i think this is very dangerous territory. when those democrats went out and slandered and attacked alberto gonzalez,
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the attorney general of the united states, was it out of racial animas? including mr. holder himself. when democrats went out and criticized secretary of state condoleezza rice, was that out of racial animas? should we dismiss the democrat argument by simply saying they were being critical of these individuals because of racial heritage? this is really bad. it is a sign, i think, of intellectual sloppiness, rather than deal with the arguments people have about his conduct, the attorney general's conduct and the president's policies and his conduct, just smear them by saying some people engage in criticism out of racial animas. >> smear and fear actually prevents those from bringing critiques forward to the administration or eric holder himself. >> there is nothing worse you can do to someone frankly than to stigmatize large groups of people
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without identifying specific people by which you make the racial card charge. that's a disturbing thing. >> to paint the broad brush undermines racism -- >> of course there's racism in this country. of course there's racism in the world. but to say that you oppose me and my policies or the president's policies is based on race is based on your skin color and my skin color, that's a problem, i think. >> you know what? but that is a political tactic that this white house has used for the last six and a half years. >> that's a particularly pernicious tactic. >> it's terrible when it's not true. there are racists out there, no doubt about it, of every ilk. but i have friends who voted for the president of the united states, then-barack obama and they have over the past couple of years, they're not fans of him anymore and are critical of his policies. are they now racist? they weren't racist then. are they racist now that they don't agree with his
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policies? according to mr. holder, maybe. >> if you disagree with the policies to begin with, are you racist? >> does it make you fear of bringing up any critique? lots to think about. >> heather nauert joins us in the headline position with head lieps. >> you were just talking about the white house and there are new books out about the clintons when they were in the white house and juicy tidbits. one i want to talk about. talk about helping the enemy. new york senator chuck schumer was so worried about hillary clinton possibly upstaging him when he ran for senate that he worked against her. "clinton inc." was written by daniel helper. when clinton was running in 2007, schumer teamed up with her point, the three-term senator coached him hoping that the republican could beat clinton. well, hillary of course
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went on to win the election and she served as new york senator for eight years. caught on camera the moment a group of men step m to take a carjacker. this man was trying to steal a car from a mom while this mom and her daughter were still inside the car. a group of good samaritans in california heard the mother scream. they pulled this guy out of the car, wrestled him to the ground and held him until cops were finally able to arrive. you can't say redskins in a room? the same federal judge that banned the team's name from his court is now forbidding the name from court documents. u.s. district judge peter miseet added a footnote to a recent ruling of his saying, quote, profootball team will be referred to hereafter as the washington team." this as the latest string of hits for the redskins team including the patent office canceling the team's
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trademark registration. what do you think of that? meet christie lewis. this is a 40-year-old mother of two and newest member of the new orleans saints cheerleading squad. lewis is a fitness instructor inspired to live a healthy live after being diagnosed with kidney disease 40 years ago. she is the second oldest nfl cheerleader. the oldest is 45 years old. we could have another career maybe as cheerleaders someday. >> i love it. let's get some spirit singers to that. we'll bring cheers over there to cheers over here, the world cup now over we can go back to focusing on america's favorite past time. baseball. maria molina is in indianapolis at the 85th annual major league baseball all-star game and a look at our weather there. hey, maria! >> reporter: good morning. good to see you again. i'm back from vacation, steve, elisabeth and peter.
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i'm at cardin field in minneapolis where it is very chilly. temperatures in minnesota only in the 50's. it is july and we're only in the 50's. other areas cooler. rapid city, current temperatures in the upper 40's. well below average out here across parts of the midwest and the northern plains. that's because a cold front moves eastward and east and south of the storm system we have temperatures above average or very summer like, temperatures reaching the 90's this afternoon. that is how warm it is going to get. temperatures along the east coast as far as your highs go, in the 80's across new york city and 90's across north carolina. we have flash flood watches across the northeast. we expect to see travel delays at the airports. that's anywhere from maine into parts of the mid-atlantic. yesterday was the home run derby, last night. we did have the opportunity to go on the field and talk to some of the players right before this home run
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derby. take a look. get your programs! >> get your soda! >> they love their baseball here. they have their heroes. they've got a rich history that a lot of country doesn't know about. >> what are you looking forward to most tonight? >> enjoy the whole experience. meet some guys that play throughout the year. >> going to be fun, enjoy it all, soak it all in. >> my brother's going to throw to me, so he should have fun with that. >> what are you going to do if he doesn't throw the ball well? >> i'm going to get you to throw. how about that? >> awesome. i'll be ready. >> what's it like being in the locker room with these guys? >> it's cool. they are the best of the best. this is my fourth all-star game but you never get tired of it.
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>> you're playing against them for the most part during the season. this is the one chance you play with them. >> what would you like for the weather? >> hot. hot and humid. >> with the wind blowing off like it is today. >> the rain started a little bit. the rain ever a concern when you're playing baseball? >> yeah, sometimes. >> a lot of these guys in the derby, they can hit the ball a long way. it's going to be a pretty good show for them to see. >> the next one will go way back! third, yes! >> you can see behind me they're starting to get the fields ready, cleaning the stands as well. everybody is going to be arriving later today. the game starts at 8 p.m. eastern time. make sure to tune in. the all-star game will be airing on fox. tonight will be derek
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jeter's final all-star game. >> maria molina goes to the all-star game and we wind up with bats and hats. >> i'll be wearing it tonight as i watch the game. >> thank you. have you seen this? two kids, they nearly died in an avalanche on the corridor of death. [screaming] >> how in the world did they get there? their dad took them there. why? he's here this morning to defend himself. >> after three weeks of rehab, bowe bergdahl returning to active duty. he's got a desk job down in texas but will he ever face charges? the judge says lay out the -- he will lay out the legal process as we roll on live from the all-star set.
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wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. welcome back. quick entertainment headlines for you now. ♪ ♪ >> today garth brooks will announce chicago is the first stop back on his comeback world tour and is prince george going to be a big brother? a childhood friend of kate middleton confirming to an australian radio station the duchess and prince william are expecting their second child. 16-year-old tom white became an overnight selfie sensation when he took this photo of billionaire warren buffett and paul mccartney outside a restaurant on sunday. he posted it on instagram
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with the caption "chillin' with my homies." paul mccartney was in town to play a concert and buffett is a long time resident of the area. great post there. thanks, steve. sergeant bowe bergdahl completed his reintegration process apparently and is returning to active duty. he's working a desk job at fort sam houston. family of soldiers who were killed while looking for him are stunned. >> i was really surprised. i thought why would he be going to work when he, they suspect he deserted? usually you would think he would be incarcerated in the brig or somewhere until that was investigated. >> you would think he would be in the brig. why isn't he? judge napolitano joins us. judge, according to "the new york times," this guy left a note on base in
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afghanistan saying i'm leaving, i don't like it here. >> the evidence of his guilt to those of us who watch these things and are accustomed to evaluating evidence seems overwhelming. it is surprising he's not incarcerated unless going to mrs. andrews, the woman who was on the screen, unless this military is going to be as political as it's been in the past. and unless it's interested in saving face for the president of the united states by giving the aura, giving the impression that the allegations against him are not credible and that he's entitled to be free. look, even in the military, you're innocent until proven guilty. virtually all of the constitutional protections that those of us that are not in the military have. and it is odd that after all this time the government has yet to interview his platoon mates who are the ones -- they were here. megyn kelly interviewed all of them at once. they're out of the military now. and the government can't get them together to
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interview them. something's not right for this crime, desertion, very high up on the hierarchy of crimes in the military. >> desertion is a really big deal and people need to be held accountable if it is found to be true. judge, there are people who feel this is, it's a political thing. the president swapped the five for one. it was a crazy swap to begin with, and now they're trying to justify what they did by showing, look, he didn't do anything that bad. >> i'll give you both sides. if what the platoon members observed is true and the government finds it credible and they believe they have enough evidence to charge him, they are duty bound to charge him. if their superior officers won't let them do so, they should resign. if he's not being charged just to make the president look tbood, they are duty -- look good they are duty bound to resign and blow the whistle opt president of the united states. who knows. we haven't seen the last of
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this. and he's in the protocol office. why would you want this guy in the protocol office? >> he's good at breaking protocol, so he's perfect. judge napolitano, interesting stuff. thank you, sir. coming up on this tuesday,lvñ?ññ >> why did their dad take them to the corridor of death in the first place? he defends himself next on "fox & friends". ♪ don't miss a step...
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one dad aiming for a world record now under fire for taking his two kids hiking in the corridor of death. one of the most dangerous places on earth.
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the kids were nearly killed in an avalanche. chilling. they survived, but should they have been there in the first place? joining us is that dad, patrick sweeney, and his two kids, shannon and p.j. we want to thank the three of you for being with us this morning. the car dor of death, patrick, to most people doesn't sound like a place you would ever want to take your kids. why were you there? >> we were there because the kids wanted to join me on an adventure. i'm a lead adventure athlete and spent the past few years doing great adventures. i came back from one in alaska and the kids said we want to do an adventure. we ended up coming up with the idea of mont blanc and then they decided to do one for a charity.
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it is a dangerous spot and a place you have to respect and approach with proper amount of discipline and training. we spent three months training together and i'd say the kids were probably better prepared than 75% of the people who go up that mountain. >> and pretty prepared today to get up so early with us. we do appreciate that. shannon and p.j., were you scared? we see this video and we hear a scream. shannon, you're 11. how scared were you? >> i was a little scared, but i wasn't freaking out because i knew since we were on a rope, the worst that could happen was we'd get buried, but we wouldn't -- like, we'd be able to get out and stuff because my dad could pull us out and stuff. >> sure. >> i wasn't too scared. >> p.j., i like the boston red sox sweatshirt you got going there. how scared were you, buddy? >> i wasn't scared at the beginning 'til the snow started
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to come. then we started to go fast, then i got a bit scared. then the snow pushed us down and at the beginning i was scared, as you heard me scream. after that, i was most afraid when i was going back up to get to the other side. >> sure. >> you were with your dad. you heard from a lot of people. one e-mail said you don't risk your kids' life to break world records. what's your response to that? >> i think those are the same people who think it's a good idea to give a trophy for tenth place. one of the issues that we've got with our country is that it's just overprotected, overcoddled and overlitigated, unfortunately. one of the things that's so important in building a child's character is giving them lessons about discipline, strength, about courage, and doing something when they're scared, doing the right thing, things that they've trained at.
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that's courage. these guys showed incredible courage and we could have gone to the top, if the record was important, we could have easily made it to the top, but we decided not to go down. they learned a great lesson -- wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles.
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good morning. today is tuesday, july 15. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the good news, the u.s. just sent the first plane load of illegal immigrants back where they came from. the bad news, it was just 38 people. what about the other 50,000? a live report on that straight ahead. and bowe bergdahl returns to active duty and could be in for a windfall2ññ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? of back . >> i believe we are seeing a carefully modulated white wash in which the administration is determined, evidence be damned. >> so isn't deserter, a traitor or a pow? will we ever know? >> i hope so.
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meanwhile, he's back. ♪ ♪ >> because i'm tacky. hilarious. weird al taking on the hit song "tacky in fashion." i love that guy. >> oh, man. pharrell indeed. mornings are better with friends, like weird al. >> it's "fox & friends". >> because i'm tacky. welcome aboard. peter johnson, jr. in for the vacationing brian kilmeade. >> don't mention tacky next to my name. >> if you were with us yesterday, we showed you this viral video that is making waves all overt -- over the internet. >> you are a very handsome man. you are. >> you have a lovely dog! love the shirt!
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>> thank you. >> those pants work on you, sir. they look good. >> hilarious. >> you're lucky that nice guy is here with us on plaza. >> you're doing well, good job. good job. keep up the good work. >> that's a 20-year-old kid from depaul university. >> the compliment guy. >> blake griggsby. if you're having a rough day, just walk by 48th and 6th avenue this morning and we're going to have the compliment guy just give you a compliment. let's see what he does. >> they're all free. >> hilarious. >> more kindness and compliments from him in just a bit. in the meantime, heather nauert has all that's happening for you. >> good morning to you. hope everybody is off to a great day. i've got a story about the veterans administration. we talked about how some employees have gotten bonuses. listen to this. gift cards?
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that's right. happening overnight, more disturbing bombshells in the v.a. scandal this morning. we are learning the agency gave out gift cards to employees who processed the most mail. whistle blower kristen rule told a house committee that mail at the veterans administration sat unopened in boxes sometimes for three years. >> gift cards that they were giving away for people who could process the most mail. so they gave incentive to get a lot of mail sorted. >> wow. kristen rule says that some of that mail was being shredded and not opened. the case of the hard drive crash strikes once again, but instead of lois lerner, this one belongs to her former colleague, april sands. she resigned from the federal election commission after she was accused of violating the hatch act for campaigning for president obama on federal time. the sec says now she can't
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recover her hard drive and therefore, it's impossible to go after her on criminal charges. also new coming in from overseas overnight, minutes after israel accepted a proposed cease fire deal, hamas rejecting it and moments after that, more rocket fire coming in from gaza. three rockets hitting a resort town in southern israel, injuring two people so far. this just hours after president obama spoke from the annual ramadan dinner at the white house. listen to what he had to say. >> the only path to true security is a lasting peace between israelis and palestinians where differences are resolved peacefully and in ways that respect the dignity of all people. >> well, the violence over the past week has so far left 185 people dead. tracy morgan is on the mend speaking for the first time since he was nearly killed in a car crash. look at this. >> you look great, man. >> just wondering how you're doing. >> doesn't he look so grateful
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right there? the 30 rock star speak while leaving his home in new jersey, waving and smiling to photographers. he is still recovering after the driver of the wal-mart truck crashed into his van. that crash killing one of his closest friends. those are your headlines. good to see he's doing better. >> sure is. thank you. new this morning, the u.s. sends the first plane load of children and mothers back to honduras. there is just one problem. peter doocy is following this from washington. what is that problem, peter? >> reporter: there is a new proposal backed by republican senator john cornyn and democratic congressman henry cuellar, both from texas, called the humane act that is designed to get a hire percentage of these unaccompanied migrant kids in front of a judge before they disappear with relatives far away from the border. this proposal calls for an asylum hearing within seven days of a child's initial homeland security screening and foáñ?ñ?ññ judges to decide within 72 hours if a child is even eligible to stay. the process would be sped up
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with 40 new immigration judges authorized by this act. senator cornyn is saying this bill is important because right now people think that being told to wait for a judge means that they just get to stay. >> it's being called among the migrants, called a permiso. in other words, they think this is a visa which allows them to stay in the united states when, in fact, it's a notice to appear which they never end up appearing. >> reporter: so far cornyn and cuellar don't have a price tag for the legislation. the white house has been asking congress for $3.7 billion and they will keep pressing lawmakers to write that big check this week. >> right now we're focused on plan a. again, plan a is something that republicans themselves have advocated for, right? pressing this administration to mobilize resources to meet this urgent humanitarian need and enforce the law. that's exactly what we're seeking to do. that's exactly what these(?ñ?ññ
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us to do.a÷ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? >> reporter: since october, 57,000 unaccompanied migrant children from central america have cross the border. yesterday 38 adults and kids were sent back to honduras on a chartered plane. back to you in new york. >> all right. peter doocy live at the bureau in washington, d.c so 38 have gone home. thousands still here. governor of the great state of iowa said yesterday, iowa doesn't want to host any of the kids. the federal government has not reached out to them. they don't know if any of the kids are heading to iowa, but the governor made it clear they don't have room there for them. >> the bill is interesting, right? >> it is. >> normally it would take three to five years? >> it is. it seems like a humane way to execute due process with regard to these children to determine in the first week whether they're subject to already on the books, asylum laws, are they the victims of trafficking? will they be killed if they go back to their home country? what's in the best interest of
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the child? so separate who is who early on instead of it taking a year and a half, two, three years and have people disappear. >> that's the key. hang on to them before they disappear and then it will be adjudicated and if it really is, they meet asylum, they'll get it. meanwhile, let's talk about bowe bergdahl. today will be his second day at a desk job at the army in texas. what's curious is we have -- even though he's been out for months, he has not spoken to his parents. he apparently has had some sort of contact, we don't know the nature of that, but he's not spoken words to them, but he was returned to regular active duty on monday at the u.s. army north command that oversees domestic defense. he's going to live in noncommissioned officer quarters and work with other soldiers as well. it sounds like he could get
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$350,000 tax free if it is proven that he was a p.o.w., even though there is overwhelming evidence, because he left a note, he didn't like in afghanistan. he was disillusioned with the u.s. military and the mission and wanted to leave. >> last night, colonel ralph peters was not happy to hear that treatment. >> the issue is that we're on the verge of establishing a enemy is no big deal. i believe we are seeing carefully modulated white wash in which the administration is determined, evidence be damned, bergdahl will not be labeled a deserter, pressuring the military to at least reduce the charges from essentially the felony of desertion to a misdemeanor charge of awol. at no time in the history of our military or any other military was an alleged deserter treated so well!
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alleged deserters, especially when there is so much evidence against them, they're held in the brig until they're tried.úz? >> so deserter p.o.w., what do you think? you'vem?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ been lettingr responses on that. peter says, what better way to demoralize the military than rewarding dissertation, leaving the marine in a mexican prison for taking a wrong turn, sending pink slips to zone. when have we had enough. this is not normal. >> on facebook, one person said, i thought he was paid for with the five terrorists because he was on the verge of death. what a miraculous recovery. >> that's a good point. fred's tweeting, colonel peters hit the mark. it is a well-scripted whitewash and everybody knows it. also coming up on this program, sergeant jordan vaughn, who searched for mr. bergdahl, will be joining us a half hour from right now. find out his opinion on the fact
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that bergdahl is back at a desk and he's free to go wherever he wants to down there in texas. >> that's right. coming up, he used to work for the clintons, so would you assume everything between george stephanopoulos and bill is all good? wouldn't you? you're wrong. >> the president hasn't gone to the border. but our next guest went all the way to guatemala. so what did she find out about the immigrants crossing the border illegally? congresswoman kay granger coming up next. ♪ ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
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thousands of unaccompanied minors have passed through our borders illegally since october. this morning new calls to stop the crisis are in action. >> fresh off a trip where she and other lawmakers met with leaders in central america is republican congresswoman kay granger and chairs the house working group on the border crisis. good morning, congresswoman. >> what dit you find out going south of theytñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ border,n that evolve into great legislation that's going to improve the situation? >> well, we found out that the people of the president and first ladies of guatemala and honduras want their children back and they're willing to cooperate with us to send children back as quickly as possible. they are making plans and trying to build a capacity of what they will do with these children when they come back and they're treating them differently depending on the country. but there are thousands of them and we need to change the law, do everything we can to get them
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home, and then those countries try to keep them home and away from those coyotes. >> speaking with the leaders there, did they indicate that president obama had reached out to them? and if so, what did he say? >> no, they didn't. they didn't say anything about that. i did ask them how helpful it would be if the president of the united states spoke out clearly and strongly and said don't send your children to the united states illegally because we will send them back. they will not complete their journey. they said that could be very helpful. did not indicate that was happening. >> congresswoman, your headline from the trip down there is completely different than what we have been told. you heard from the people of honduras and guatemala, we want our kids back. at the same time here in this country we've heard that parents are putting their kids on the long trip with the coyotes to come to the united states because sex trafficking and it's a violent place and they're in danger and they need asylum.
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are you telling us that simple israeli not true? >> no, i'm saying both things are true. honduras is now the most dangerous country in the world with murders every 20 minutes. it's very dangerous in both countries. they're very poor. but that doesn't mean they don't want their children back and they want better lives for their children. guatemala is trying to protect their border and they are making that -- changing the laws in their country to make it a criminal offense. honduras is working very hard. we met both with the president and the first lady trying to change their country to make it a country where children don't want to flee, but want to stay. they have long-term plans. but we said very clearly, we're sending the children back. we'll try do this humanely, but you need to be ready to take them and to protect them.
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>> congressman, last week president obama passed the ball hard to you and the rest of the texas delegation after the meeting with governor perry. he said if immigration reform doesn't get done, it's texas' problem. is that true? has the president done enough and should he pass the ball to you and the texas delegation? >> no, he should not. this is not an immigration problem. this is a crisis. this is a crisis of children flooding our borders, escaping their countries and coming into our country and we don't have the laws and the processes to stop that and send them back. what we should be dealing with is this crisis and not blaming either the congress or the these countries for this saying with everything we can and every plan we've got, we need to send them back, help these countries keep their children at home, protect our border and i know we've said
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that a long time, but we have to do that. we're recommending the national guard at our texas border. our texas-mexico borrowed. they need more hands and eyes at the borrowed. the border patrol are taking care of kids instead of doing the duties they were trained for. >> absolutely. we know that you got a meeting coming up in about an hour and 40 minutes. we thank you very much, congresswoman granger of texas for joining us live to talk about the bigdçñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ mess. >> thank you. remember when the head of+wñ one of the country's largest teachers unions said this about how to deal with the rich? >> the labor leaders of that kind, though, were ready to kill. they were just ready to say off with their heads. >> this morning why voters like her for a higher office. >> and then this dog is a life-saving thing, this little boy needs. but his school district is
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denying him the right to have a service dog at school. his mom shares their battle next. ♪ ♪
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they were. they were ready to say off with their heads. >> now for your news by the numbers. that was the president of the chicago teachers union. a new survey shows if a mayor election were held today, she would beat rahm emanuel by nine points. next, 23. according to a new pew poll, that's the percentage of
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americans who see russia as the number one future threat to the united states, which is exactly what mitt romney has said. and finally, 1.20. that's how much airline fees will increase starting next week because the tsa's 9-11 security fee is increasing to 11.20 per round trip. steve? >> thank you. school down in arkansas refusing to pay the 125-dollar a week fee for a handler for a service dog crucial to helping detect seizures in a 7-year-old boy. the district claiming that zachary's dog is not necessary to his education. his mother disagrees and has been footing the bill since august. so what do you think about that? joining us right now is the mother and joins us from little rock, arkansas. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so explain to us what your son, zachary's service dog is
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able to do. >> majesty's job is to save zachary's life every day. prior to having majesty, zachary would pass out and have a seizure on the floor. he might hit his head v a concussion. he would go by ambulance, 30, 40 miles from the school, children's hospital where we could get him care. during that time, you don't know if he's going to have brain damage or stop breathing or if they can do anything for him. majesty's sole purpose is to alert us prior to those seizures happening. >> that's a good point, because majesty is able to do what you can't do, what the school nurse can't do. you can tell ahead of time and now your son does not have to take as much medicine as he did. so majesty is great. so you want majesty in the classroom with your son during school, but the problem is you've had to hire somebody to essentially be the dog sitter,
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right? >> yes. majesty is essential to zachary's life. she's essential. she does a job that nobody can do. i'm zachary's mother and llano when a seizure is coming. the teacher doesn't know, the nurse doesn't know. her ability to have access to him at all times in the classroom without any interference is crucial. >> sure. so what you would like is you would like the teacher in the classroom to help you out. essentially not become the dog sitter, but during the day, just simply take majesty by the leash, set her dawn in a corner, give her a couple of instructions just so she can watch your son, right? >> yes. majesty attends daycare with zachary and church with zachary and none of those places have to have an extra person. i'm a teacher every day and holding majesty's leash in the hallway with zach see no different than holding his hand.
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he has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. he's at risk of falling, possible brain damage, losing oxygen. it's essential for them to do this. and just as i have to pick up all of the things i need for any child in my room, be it an epileptic child or a child who needs a defibrillator, epi pen, those things are things that we do as teachers because we care about children. what i'm asking them to do is provide the same access for zachary. >> sure. so you would like the teacher to be able to do that. it doesn't seem like it's that big a deal. the superintendent has issued this statement. quote, the most important aspect of this entire issue is the fact that the child can be provided with an education with or without the service animal. we have several students that deal with much the same medical issue and we provide a registered nurse in every school to support the health needs of all students.
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well, essentially you said that the dog can do stuff that you and the nurse can't do and the superintendent says your son doesn't need the dog, right? >> absolutely. his statement is absolutely false. i'm zachary's mother and i can't do what majesty does. if i could do it, we wouldn't have raised $13,000 to have her -- we're not asking them to do something that a human is capable of doing. majesty is capable of preventing him from having seizures, from being in an ambulance, from losing muscle tone. from the trauma that goes with that, z when he sees an ambulance because so many times they came for him. i cringe if one goes down the road towards the school and ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? child. you áráj$rp+e to do that. >> absolutely. well, keep us/ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? postes see if the school district changes their mind. otherwise it looks like you'll have to foot the bill yourself. michelle joining us from little
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rock, arkansas. thank you very much for telling us the story of your son, zachary and majesty, the service dog, thank you. >> thank you, steve. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. up next, octomom off the hook for welfare fraud. ruling just in. then meeting the man making everybody on the street smile. >> sir, you are a very handsome man. you are. you have a lovely dog! love the shirt! >> thank you. >> those pants work on you, sir. they look good. >> oh, yes, the compliments guy handing out compliments live on our plaza on the streets of new york city. >> it's such a cool shirt. that is so cool. i love -- oh, my god! it's such a great day for shirts! what is this? your shirt is amazing! ♪ ♪
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when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at
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sir, you are a very handsome man. you are. you have a lovely dog! love the shirt! >> thank you. >> those pants work on you, sir. they look good. >> it always makes me laugh. one young comic is shouting compliments at total strangers righ"á video going viral. nearly half a million views as of this morning. the number is rising. >> that's right. joining us now is the man behind the mega phone, comedian blake griggsby himself, who has been making people smile on our plaza with compliments. hey, blake. >> hello.
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>> nice shirt. >> i didn't mean to yell at you. i apologize. >> do you ever run out of nice things to say? >> no, no,3zñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? you nevef nice things to say. you can just look at a person pants! you look good. >> blake, do the people here in new york city seem taken aback, because usually if somebody is going to scream something in new york, it's not polite. >> usually you would think that. but so far, so good. we've only gotten smiles the entire time. >> why are you doing this? why are you being so nice? >> i think it's just a nice thing to do. i think it's what people should do. i think complimenting -- you don't need a mega phone to be able to do it. >> is it exhausting to be so nice for so long? >> hold on, blake, there is a guy behind you. >> what are you going to say? >> sir, keep up the good work, you're a very handsome man. sometimes people are scared of you, too. that's also very important to remember. you can't sneak up hyped somebody. >> that could be a little scary when you start calling other men
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handsome. that could frighten them. >> yeah. >> and the person on the street doesn't realize you're on television. tell us a little bit, while the video about with the compliments has gotten half a million hits on youtube so far, when you google i am desperate, you come up. explain that story to us. >> yeah. yeah. that's true. if you google i am desperate, i come up. it has over 12 million views. miss, you're very pretty. here is a dollar. >> blake, have any of your compliments backfired? >> she didn't want a kiss or a dollar. >> did you see what just happened? >> i know. it could -- in new york city, that's pretty good. >> we've had smiles all day, so i couldn't ask for anything better. >> is that the most you suffer a dollar? is it sometimes $5? >> i don't think i've offered money for a compliment yet.
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>> i'm sorry, hi, everybody. i love you. you are all wonderful people. you are all beautiful. and there is eye rolls. is it rush hour now? is this when the business people are out? hi, sir. >> what about that guy in the backpack? >> blake, we understand you're a junior at depaul university. what do you want to do when you grow up? >> i'm majoring in digital cinema, but really focusing on acting. so i'm majoring in the behind the camera stuff, but wanting to be in front of the camera more. hello, everybody. you're all beautiful people. >> will you stay out there with us? >> of course. >> everyone needs your kind words there, blake. >> thank you. >> nice shirt. i like your shirt. >> i appreciate it. >> do you have a compliment for us? >> of course. you guys's show amazing and you had me on it. i appreciate everything you guys are doing for me and the support you're giving me. i couldn't ask for anything more. >> you're welcome, blake. it's our pleasure. >> thank you very much. >> blake's got another hour and
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a half. all right. blake griggs by joining us outside. heather, i like your jacket. >> i like you, too. i like your dress. i gotx?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ more juicy tig in about that new book about the clintons. after all of these years, who does bill clinton still hold a grudge against? according to the new book "clinicken inc.," bill clinton hates his former staffer, george stephanopoulos. the abc news journalist has not been forgiven for the critical book he wrote about his time in the white house. also former clinton u.n. ambassador bill richardson, he is apparently still frozen out for endorsing barak obama over hillary clinton back in 2008. richardson saying, quote, every relationship seemingly has is about him and not the other person. there has been a creepy new video released showing boston
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bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev just a day after his deadly attack killed three people there. it shows he and his buddy going to the gym at the university of massachusetts. you can see him here as they check in at the desk and hand over their cards, like nothing happened. his friend is on trial. he's accused of hiding a key piece of+'ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? evidence, a laptop and backpack filled with fireworks.7ññ?ñ?ñ?ñ? the video was shown to prosecutors to depict his close relationship with dzhokhar tsarnaev. remember the octomom? she's now off the hook. coming a plea in a welfare case. she faced up to six years behind bars for not reporting $30,000 in income that she earned. instead the judge in california put her on probation for two years, ordered her to perform 200 hours of community service and pay a small fine. those kids have grown up. and by now we've heard the hit song "happy."
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♪ because i'm happy >> excuse me. it's pharrell, we all know that, right? the parody master, weird al putting his spin on this, changing it to be called "tacky." listen to this. "modern family" star showing off his moves. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i like that outfit. i don't think that outfit is tacky. elisabeth, i know you like it. >> i like the combo of colors there. >> this is part of weird al's project of videos. he'll release a new one each day for each week. those are your headlines. >> good to see it. >> absolutely. thank you very much. meanwhile, 20 minutes before the top of the hour.
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who doesn't like a beer when they head out to the ballpark? well, now fans will get the chance to use the first ever beer vending machine and it's a part of history. that's why we have dispatched to target field for the all-star game maria molina. it's for the all-star game and the beer vending machine as well, right, maria? >> yeah, that's right. i got to test them out last night. but i first wanted to take a look at the weather conditions across the country. i want to start here across places like minnesota and also across parts of the northern plains because we're looking at some record lows being set early this morning. kansas city set a record low, 54 degrees. look at some of the other current temperatures. only in the 40s in rapid city. we do have a cold front that's moving eastward. but ahead of it, temperatures are still very warm. a little above average. highs into the oats across places like texas and 85 is the high temperature in new york city where we're expecting heavy rain and flash flood watches are in effect across portions of the
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northeast. steve mention that had new technology that's being released by target field. this is the station. people can walk up to these and pour their own beers. i got to test it out last night. take a look. target field has new technology. very cool. >> this is a unit where you can pour your own beer. you buy a card and come up, tap the machine. and pour a beer. >> anyone can just walk up to this and pour their own beer? >> not everyone. obviously this is a cue here that everybody is i.d'd before they come into it. they make sure nobody in here gets in without being id -- i.d'd. >> cheers. the company is draft serve technology, very cool stuff out here that i got to test out
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yesterday. i'll make sure to have a beer for each of you coming up later today. >> cheers to that, maria. the all-star game is at 8:00 p.m. tonight on fox broadcast network. thank you very much maria molina. it is the deadliest form of the plague and now it's in the u.s. what you need to know about that next. and one of the soldiers who went on 50 missions to find bowe bergdahl here to react on the fact that he's back on active duty. >> first, the "fox & friends" question of the day. born on this date in 1973, this beverly hills 90210 star once won the celebrity portion of the grand prix. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer and you will be today's big winner, because i'm tacky. ♪ ♪
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padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep.
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we've got some quick health headlines. a man in colorado is being treated for a highly contagious form of the plague. doctors believe he got it from his dog. the infection attacks the lungs and can be spread through coughing and sneezing. that is not good. more bombshells in the scandal. cvc workers accidentally left keys in refrigerators containing deadly anthrax and transported the microbes in ziploc plastic bags rather than approved containers. great. you want to know why you pick your friends? it's all in our a new study finds friends have 1% of genes in common, which is more like a family member.
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a fourth cousin, to be exact. so that explains it. all right, peter johnson, jr., over to you. >> thanks. u.s. army soldier bowe bergdahl is returning to active duty with a desk job at a military base in san antonio, texas. despite an ongoing investigation into his 2009 disappearance in afghanistan, bergdahl may end up with $350,000 tax free if he's officially cleared by the army and deemed to have been a prisoner of war. our next guest went on as many as 50 missions to find bergdahl after his disappearance, retired army sergeant jordan vaughn joins us this morning. good morning. >> good morning, peter. how are you? >> good morning. tell us your reaction now. perhaps he'll get $350,000. he's working now at an army job infjñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? the office of pr. is this fair? is this÷ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? just? is he a deserter, in your view? >> he's absolutely a deserter in
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my view. it is not fair or just. i mean, would we release major hasan before he was convicted and say innocent until proven guilty? i don't think so. >> in terms of major hasan, no one has charged mr. bergdahl at this point with any crime, nor has he been charged with any crime involving the death of people. how are they similar and how are they different? >> i think there is still a dubious nature behind his disappearance. at best, it was stupidity and imcompetence. at worst, it was something a little more nefarious. until we have the details -- not to mention if he can't answer for his own actions, how can he be on active duty contributing to the mission? if he can't answer for his previous actions, how is he going to answer for them now? >> why do you think sergeant bergdahl did whatever he did when he did it? >> i'm not sure, honestly. it just seems like he was really
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confused and he may have had some malcontent and poor intention. >> did you lose any friends in the theater of war? >> i did. >> were friends injured? >> absolutely. >> and how do you stack them up in terms of sergeant bergdahl's service and now to see that perhaps he can get $350,000 in back pay and benefits? >> i think that bergdahl is an absolute disgrace to america. you can't even remotely compare him to soldiers who gave their lives in the field of combat for america. the fact that he could possibly get back pay for that sort of character of service, it's a joke. >> is it your fear that mr. bergdahl will be whitewashed in terms of his conduct? do you feel that the white house is making every effort possible to ensure this thing goes away?
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>> i do previous that's the white house's intention, they would like this to just go away. but it was very clear from the beginning when susan rice said that he served with honor and distinction that they intend for this to just blow over and no one to look into it with any detail and i think that's still their intent. >> what are your other platoon members stay, if you stayed in touch with them? what do they say with regard to where we are with regard to the bergdahl case? >> i know they would like to see him in shackles right now. most of us didn't anticipate him coming back. that's kind of surprising and maybe a little mysterious that he came back at all and survived several years with the taliban and haqqani network. but absolutely now he belongs in shackles for what he did. >> sergeant vaughn, thanks for being with us. >> thank you, peter. in need of a job but rather work from home? we've got you covered on that one. cheryl casone will tell you how you can make that happen. make that dream come true. but first on this date in
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history in 1971, "it's too late" by carol king was the number one song in america. remember that one? ♪ve t ♪ ium macchiato, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. it's a delicious way i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers.
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it's time to answer the "fox & friends" question. the answer is brian austin green. he is 41 years old today and our win service kevin from virginia. you will get a copy of brian kilmeade's book "george washington's secret six." congratulations. the temperature is rising. why not heat up your job search as well? here with the five companies hiring now is cheryl casone from the "fox business" network. what do you have today? >> i got great jobs today. i want to start out with a very hot company, hilton world wide. global company.
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you can work anywhere that you want in the world. they've got 92 countries. they are definitely committed to hiring 100,000 people. they've got 800,000 employees world wide. they're big with veterans initiatives. we had word that pink slips will be going out, hilton is exited -- committed to 10,000 vets, getting them jobs. >> ge is another company? >> they do so many things. technology, health care, they make wind turbines and also make airplane engines. they also have a great health program and incentive. gym classes, they want you to be healthy. they want your family to be healthy. they have incentives for that. they also have jobs in connecticut, texas, ohio, chicago. finance. this is a very diversified
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positions. they're hire not guilty cincinnati, south texas, florida. it's great for college kids. it's a fun place to work. >> cheryl casone, we can find you at we'll be right back. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's!
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. good morning. today is tuesday, july 15. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. good news, the u.s. just sent the first plane full of illegal immigrants back to their home race. the bad news? we only sent 38 of them. what about the other 50,000? good question. meanwhile, the headline:añ?ñ?ñ?, preseá$jt(sp has officially lost$zñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ interest. he's weary with the white house and all of its presidential obligations apparently. you're going to be shocked to hear which newspaper wrote that negative headline. that's coming up. and another fluke for the irs? lois lerner's co-worker under investigation for violating election laws while campaigning
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for president obama. you know what? can't find her e-mails either. oh, boy. nothing changes. mornings are always better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> thank you very much, don king. today in brian kilmeade's position we've got peter johnson, jr. >> good morning. >> we've had a bunch of legal questions. it's always nice to have somebody who we want to school for that. i don't know about school, but at least a correspondence course. >> i'm a graduate. >> i saw the paper that proves that. >> thank you. >> thank you for being with us. we have a lot to bring you, so much is happening. heather nauert is standing by with headlines. >> good morning. let's start out in washington today. we have some new information happening overnight. more disturbing bombshells in the v.a. scandal and this morning we're learning that mail at the agency sat unopened in boxes and sometimes for three years. can you imagine that?
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we learned this through the whistle blower, karen ruell. she told a house committee that the agency gave gift cards to employees for processing the most mail. listen to this. >> they had gift cards that they were giving away for people who could process the most mail. so they gave incentives to get a lot of mail sorted. >> just for doing their job. okay. kristen ruell says some of the mail was being shredded and not opened. the case of the crashed hard drive strikes once again, but instead of lois lerner, this time this hard drive belongs to her former colleague, april sand. she resigned from the federal election commission after violating the hatch act by campaigning for the president while working on federal time. the sec says they can't recover her hard drive and it makes it impossible to go after her for criminal charges. also new information coming in overnight from overseas. minutes after israel accepted a
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proposed cease fire deal, hamas rejecting it, saying they were not consulted on the terms and moments after that, more rocket fire coming from gaza. three rockets hitting a resort town in southern israel, injuring two people. this comes just hours after president obama spoke at the white house in the annual ramadan dinner. >> the only path to true security is a just and lasting peace between israelis and palestinians where differences are resolved peacefully and in ways that respect the dignity of all people. >> that violence over the past week left 185 people dead. president obama may soon have the ability to speak to everyone in our country with just the flip of a switch. today the fcc will propose an overhaul to the emergency alert system. the president would be able to appear on every television channel immediately. right now the president, if he wants to address the nation, has to get in touch with each local broadcaster and they have to agree to pick up the message.
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the new system will cost between 7 and $13 million. so they wouldn't have to ask. we wouldn't have to agree to it. it just gets put up whenever he wants to. >> if he wants to talk about immigration reform, he flips the channel? >> if it's considered an emergency, yes. >> it is considered an emergency on our southern border because it's wide open because seven in ten border patrol agents are actually baby-sitting rather than keeping us safe. it's a problem down there. but it looks as if the united states has done at least one symbolic thing and we have sent back of the 50,000 illegal children and their mothers, of the 50,000, yesterday we sent back an airplane that contained 38 of them. >> that's right. this is texas lawmakers announce a bill to expedite removal of kids at the border actually coming together to say hey, let's cut down the amount of time it takes to get in front of a judge to make a decision on these kids while hhs will keep
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them in their custody and protection for 72 hours. >> and see if they're really tht should deservedly be for people or children who are victims of sex trafficking or who are at risk of being killed if they go back to their country. representative kay granger just came back from central america where she met with central american leaders. we interviewed her here on "fox & friends" this morning. she talked about the problem. >> we said very clearly, we're sending the children back, we'll trio do this humanely, but you need to be ready to take them and to protect them. this is not an immigration problem. this is a crisis. this is a crisis of children flooding our borders. we don't have the laws and the processes to stop that and send them back. we'rengñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ recommending tl guard at our texas border. our texas-mexico border. they need more hands, more eyes at the border.
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right now the border patrol are taking care of kids instead of doing the duty they were trained for. >> so there is this bipartisan bill being floated through congress with senator john cornyn of the senate from texas. he's a republican, and democrat henry cuellar, screen left, he is a democrat. this humane act would get things going. really when you break it down, one side, republican party, would like to quickly deport as many of the people who are in the country illegally as possible. the other side would like as much due process as possible, which oftentimes strings things out and people wind up staying in the country even though they are not legally entitled to. >> right. we also seem to be suffering from an epidemic of crises, benghazi, v.a., irs. a loft things don't include the transparency that was promised. but don't dare investigate eric holder, because they, as eric holder noted, says it's racism.
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karl rove was not having any of that. >> being so in specific, he's suggesting that anybody who opposes president obama or criticizes the attorney general is guilty of racial animas. i think is very dangerous territory. when those democrats went out and slandered and attacked alberto gonzalez, the attorney general of the united states, was it out of racial animas? including mr. holder himself. when democrats went out and criticized secretary of state condoleeza rice, was that out of racial animas? should we dismiss the democrat arguments by simply saying that they were being critical of these individuals because of their racial heritage? this is really bad. it's a sign i think of intellectual sloppiness. rather than deal with the arguments that people have about his conduct, the attorney general's conduct and the president's policies and his conduct, just smear themlñ?ñ?ñ?y saying, some people engageçñ?ñ?n
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criticism out of racial animas. >> what's even more concerning is clearly he's speak for the president of the united states. there has been no push back from the white house. the press secretary, or the president to repudiate those remarks. >> because it has in the past -- there you see mr. holder with the president of the united states -- in the past, this administration has -- when they've come up to critics of the administration, they have said, you know, they just don't like it because he's black. because that person who is making these allegations or suggestions they don't like the policies, that guy or woman is obviously an racist. >> it undermines it when it actually occurs. if you can't voice how you feel as an american here without the fear of being painted with the brush of racism, that does not feel quite free. >> and we know the president is not discussing attorney general holder's remarks with regard to race and racial animas, but the "new york times" is pointing out and asking a question today, is
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the president tired of being the president? the times illustrates held the weary of his duties. >> they've got this item on page a-15. the headline is "at dinner tables a restless obama finds an intellectual escape." in it, they write sometimes stretching into the small hours of the morning, the dinners that the president is calling on now, reflect a restless president weary of the obligations of the white house and less concerned about the appearance of partying with the rich and celebrated. free wheeling with conversation touching on art, architecture and literature, gatherings are a world away from the stilted meals mr. obama had last year with senate republican leaders in washington, d.c essentially what they're doing -- >> this is the "new york times." >> the "new york times" is saying the president is bored with the job, he doesn't like to talk to politicians. really doesn't like to talk to republican politicians, and he likes the world outside the white house.
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he can hardly wait to get to the next stage where he doesn't have to be bored with this stuff. >> or the next party. sometimes in -- when a relationship is failing, sometimes a man or woman heads to the man cave or woman cave. you can't do that when you're president of the united states. >> enlightment has come to the white house and president obama. we know as soon as he stepped off the plane in rome, according to the "new york times," he askedded alts date of birth action luds have audiology be consider -- asked the ambassador. let's have a dinner party. we can discuss art, hack at the during, enlightenment. >> brainstorming. >> how would you like to be the ambassador? when your boss says, hey, how about a dinner party about 24 hours from now and the ambassador goes okay, not a problem. and then goes and leaves the room and pulls his hair out and they invited a bunch of intellectuals and the cultural
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leaders of that area and pulled out all the stops. by all reports, it was a wonderful party. i would like to go as9ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ. >> sippingtkñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ champagnee restaurant henri. we were not invited. next time. >> what are today's specials, sir? listen to you. >> frog legs. but of course. >> this an item from the pages of the "new york times." time, 11 minutes after the hour. >> they refused to stay silent. president obama's fellow democrats are frustrated with how he's handling the border crisis. up with of those democrats coming up next. and here is what not to do if you want to steal a car. pick one with lots of people around. you're going to see why. ♪ ♪ 0÷ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?kññ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ
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criticism is growing this morning among democrats that the white house is turning its back onvañ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ america's immigra. #zñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñpresident obama's refusal to visit the border during his time in texas last week. >> if i went on vacation to san juan, puerto rico, and my wife's aunt was ill in the hospital and i stayed on the beach and i had a pina could la do and i -- colada and i stayed at the party and didn't go visit my ill aunts. you could say, it's not necessary, you're not a doctor. you don't have the medicine to cure her. i don't think my wife's family would have thought she made a good decision in picking me as a husband. >> he probably has a point.
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congressman oh, rourke of texas joins us now. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i understand you were disappointed as well that the leader of your party didn't stop by the border to see what the problem was with his own two eyes. >> yeah. the right decision for the president when he was in texas was to go to the border. preferably mcallen or brownsville where so many of these refugees are coming from central america, or el paso, which has hosted more than 2,000 fao?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñmily members fromal america. visit the families themselves, talked to the border control, annunciation house and other catholic charities and volunteers who are helping these families out. but the important thing now is to get the response to this situation right. so i'm interested in the president's proposal. i'm grateful that he's made one. i'm listening to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to see how we can get this right and do the best thing for all concerned. >> absolutely. congressman, it's been suggested
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that the president didn't want to go down to the border because of the optics. didn't want to be photographed down there. he doesn't want to own this crisis. he owns this crisis, doesn't he? >> i think we as a country own this crisis. >> well, he is the president of this country. >> over 90,000 children, children, kids -- i just left my apartment 30 minutes ago and saw my seven and six and three-year-olds asleep. i would want, if they were in a similar situation, the country to which they were seeking$ññ?ññ refuge to do the same thing that we're trying to do in this country, which is do the right thing morally, the right thing by our conscience and by our laws. the 2008 law that protects victims of trafficking and ensures the children are treated appropriately should be enforced and we should follow it. we should make sure that these kids are given every opportunity to apply for asylum when they have a credible fear of persecution of being harmed or perhaps even being killed in their own country. that's what i want us to do and that's what i expect the if the to do. >> absolutely. and that's the law.
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congressman, you know there has been a lot of people down there who have hired coyotes to send their children who were not the victims of violence or sex trafficking as the 2008 law was or they could be members of gangs for all we know. they've streamed across our southern border. the border patrol is 50 miles into texas. by law, they've got to take them in and unfortunately, many of them are now vanishing. >> yeah. we're a country of laws and we need to follow those laws and there is a process by which members can apply for asylum. if theycçñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? pass the crr test and move to the next step in thei÷ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? process. if they do not and they do not have a credible fear of persecution or violence or being killed in their home country, they should be returned to that home country. so i think it's just incumbent upon us to follow the law, to make sure the interest of these kids -- remember, these are children, are paramount in our minds and actions as we move forward. just remind you that total
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apprehensions at our southwest border are 200% below what they were in 1999. while we have a crisis in south texas, while we have a surge of children seeking refuge in this country, this is a manageable problem. we have the opportunity and the resources to do it right. ultimately that's going to mean working with partners in this hemisphere, in central america to identify and resolve the underlying issues that are causing children to flee, causing parents to make this very difficult decision which i can only imagine having to make for my kids. >> i'm with you completely. but you're talking about the underlying issue. but this president and this administration wants close to $4 billion for more judges and speed up the adjudication process. that doesn't address the core problem and for a lot of republicans, that's the problem. you're not changing the law and you're not addressing the problem that is driving the kids who -- if they are victims of violence or sex abuse, they should get asylum. but the rest of them, no.
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>> yeah. i'll have to agree with you that the core problem, at least as i've heard it from the president and others, has not been addressed. it's not sealing the border between the u.s. and mexico. it's not sealing the border between mexico and guatemala. it's addressing the issue like the drug demand in this country is driving it. it's talking about a history of intervention and neglect from the united states that has caused severe problems in governance and civil society of the those are very difficult systemic issues that are going to take a while to fix and we're not going to be able to do it unilaterally. we need to work with our partners in the area who, by the way, have also seen asylum requests from honduras, guatemala and el salvador to the neighbors questions, costa rica and others have gone up over the last five years. this is truly a hemisphere, regional problem. >> let's see if the correct solution is placed on the table. so far we haven't seen something
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credible that addresses the core issue as you addressed. congressman, democrat from texas, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me on. >> great to have you. we'll be right back wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at
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got quick headlines for you. perhaps mother nature is not happy with the state of our nation's politics. check out that amazing picture. lightning striking the dome at the library of congress across the street from the u.s. capitol. no damage or injuries. we are happy to report. and are pot heads to blame for a wildfire in northern california? cops say a 27-year-old was delivering fertilizer to an illegal pot farm when the exhaust from his truck started the fire. the flames right now, 15%
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contained. that's a quick look at your news yesterday we introduced you to nascar spotter chris lambert who looks after denny hamlin on the sprint cup circuit. while chris spent his whole life watching others, it seemed as though no one was watching out for him when it mattered most. we continue now with chris' story, starting with that quite terrible amp on october 16, 1999, while chris was play ago church softball game, his wife was dropping off their young son so the two could go on a much needed date night. on her way back from the park, haley drove down a two-lane country road where officers believe she reached back to check on austin. for an instant, she drifted across the center line at the worst possible moment. >> she had an accident, had a head-on collision with another car.
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literally it was all a blur. i lost my wife and my son, but the couple that was driving, the husband and wife that were on the driver's side of the car, both of them were killed as well. so it was a hard day. >> reporter: in the midst of all this tragedy, there was a light. angela, who had gone to high school with chris and haley, had come to pay her respects. >> when we went to the line, i hugged him and it was such a feeling. >> out of hundreds of hug, one stood out most. >> when you look back on the big picture, you understand why things happen, you understand the reasoning behind things. but when she left, she gave me a hug and there was something about that hug that stuck with me. >> i had been single for two years prior to he and i getting together. i had boyfriends that didn't work out. i prayed every night the same prayer, god, please guide me where i need to be and where you want me to go.
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>> she would need all those prayers because the next few years would be difficult. >> started drinking. to be honest, there was times that i just wanted to just end it all. i didn't want to go on, but she was the one always there building me up. >> he struggled. but i wanted him to know i was there and i never was going to leave him. i knew from early on that he would be the man i married one day and i would spend the rest of my life with. >> they married in 2003 and two beautiful poise would soon join them. today hunter and cameron want to follow in their father's footsteps, forever proud of who he's become, but unwilling to forget where he's been. >> it's part of our family. that's a part of our life. that's part of who we are. they need to know our story. they have a big brother. they've seen his family pictures of chris and haley and austin and that she's in often, too, with austin and watching over us. >> our boys have known from a young age when they could first understand that daddy was married before, that they have a
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big brother that's in heaven that's looking over them. that's all been angela. this has never been about her. this has been about us and me and going forward and blessed with a very, very great family right now. >> one he doesn't take for granted on or off the racetrack. >> chris is one of the more loyal guys you'll ever see. he's that strong voice that you need in your ear and when you have someone that's as loyal as chris, you know that's a good person you want to have on your team. >> chris lambert is not a victim. he's a survivor who keeps a watchful eye on denny hamlin to make sure he gets home safe. now he's got someone watching his back, too. >> going through what i've been through and you want to make sure your family is okay. every night on the road, there is one particular song by trace adkins that i go to sleep to.
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every night. part of the chorus is lord, watch over my wife and kids. it's not about me anymore. it's about them and just making sure that they're looked over, no matter what happens to me. it's very personal to me. >> a true journey of real pain and real hope. chris and angela shared us this story and with all of you to help other people who might be facing difficult times, letting them know there can be a light at the end of such tragedy. chris says that while there were some very dark days, as you just heard, the accident made him stronger, more caring and trust me, he takes nothing for granted. treasuring every day with his angel watching over, with his beautiful boys and family. thank you for joining us for that story there.5iñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ we continue to wish them well. next time on "my america," we're
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shifting gears. we're going to take you on a ride with the oscar mayer wiener mobile, if you can believe that. so imagine graduating from college and telling your parents you're going to be driving one of these puppies across the country. believe it or not, thousands of people actually apply for the job and only eight hot doggers, which is what they're called, are lucky enough to get the opportunity. we're going to show you what it's like to be sands witched inside one of these giants moving hot dogs on the next "my america." >> let us compliment you on that incredible story. honoring a family past and building a family future and the importance of guardians in all our lives. >> that's what he's called to do. >> isn't that great? >> beautiful report. >> he has guardians watching him and truly with his family as well. chris lambert that, is one story i don't think anyone will forget. >> we should all be so lucky. half past the top of the hour on this tuesday. guess which democrat did not want hillary clinton to run for senate?
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he wanted her to lose so badly that he actually coached her opponent. stand by for that. and bowe bergdahl returns to active duty. he could receive a windfall back pay. was he a deserter or traitor or a p.o.w.? will we ever know? ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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>> sat word. jimmy fallon, 25 minutes before the top of the hour. the very latest on sergeant bowe bergdahl. it was six weeks ago we made the trade for him. the administration swapped him for five of the worst taliban leaders and they are now pretty much free. the latest on him is he started his desk job yesterday and we're learning that apparently he has not six weeks later, he has not still talked to his parents. he has had some sort of contact, don't know the nature of that. but he has not spoken with them on the telephone. >> set to make $350,000 tax free if he has a p.o.w. status, that's still under investigation. and officials have dismissed the photo of him posing with the taliban official that went viral on wednesday. >> propaganda. >> propaganda. that's all. peter, you actually spoke with someone -- >> earlier in the show, sergeant
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jordan vaughn actually searched for bergdahl about 50 times. he had some very strong things to say about what's going on. watch. >> i do believe that's the white house's intention. they would like us this to just go away. it was very clear from the beginning when susan rice said he served with honor and distinction that they intended tore this to just blow over and no one to look into it with any detail and i think that's their intent. most of us didn't anticipate him coming back. that's kind of surprising and maybe a little mysterious that he came back at all and survived several years with the taliban and haqqani network. but absolutely now he belongs in shackles for whatllñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ . >> et the way the sergeant feels is the way a lot ofjuñ?ñ?e feel because keep in mind, there was evidence left behind, he left a note, when bergdahl deserted his units in afghanistan, he left a note. he said i'm disillusioned. i don't support the american mission here in afghanistan and i'm just going to leave. so to many, it looks like awol
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or desertion. we asked you what you thought and listen, the e-mail machine has been blowing up this morning. >> facebook as well. on it, wayne says this, whatever money he is owed should go to the families of those who died searching for him. he at the very least willfully walked off post in a war zone during a time of war. >> e-mail from joe in north dakota, you can be sure bergdahl will be cleared. that would make the release of the five taliban leaders look a little less insane. >> a tweet from steve, there is physical evidence as well as eyewitness statements. let them investigate. steve says give them due process. but so far, peter johnson, you're an attorney, the evidence that we've heard about, damning. >> we haven't hearuéñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? t from him. yes, he's entitled tob?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?e process of law. standing by with all that's happening in headlines is heather nauert. >> good morning. let's check out some political news. talk about helping the enemy, new york senator chuck schumer was reportedly so worried that
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hillary clinton would upstage him during her run for senate that he coached her republican opponent. that bombshell is now revealed in a new book called "clinton inc." and it's written by the editor of the weekly standard, daniel halper. when clinton was running for senate in 2000, schumer coached her republican opponent, rick lazio, clinton ended up winning that election. she raised eyebrows when she blamed what she called rich white people for chicago's failing education system. listen to this. >> when will we address the fact that rich white people think they know what's in the best interest of children of african-american and latinos? no matter what the parents' income or education level. >> that was karen lewis, she's the president of the chicago teachers union. there was an exclusive poll by the chicago sun times and it pits her against rahm emanuel in a run for mayor. he's up next year in 2015. the result of this poll, lewis
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would win by nine points. she says she's seriously considering a run. rahm emanuel's office calls that poll, quote, laughable. caught on camera, the moment a group of men step in to take down a carjacker. look at this. so that guy right there in the red t-shirt was trying to steal a car from a mom while she was in the car with her daughter still inside it as well. a group of good samaritans heard her screaming. they pulled the suspect out of the car. they wrestled him to the ground and they held him there until police were able to arrive. thank goodness those people were there to help out that mom and her kid. boy. those are your headlines happening this morning. >> all right. thank you very much. take a look -- >> next up, all-star game, "fox & friends," how cool is that? we've got regular major league
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baseball memorabilia. >> here is why. the best of the best are coming out tonight. >> that's right. >> for the all-star game. 85th annual. and maria molina is there with the very latest at target field in minneapolis. >> a special guest, maria. >> yeah, that's right. a very special guest with me this morning. this is the 15-time all star, hall of famer and a legend. thank you for joining us early this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to ask you, what does it mean to be an all star? >> it's an honor, really. i was fortunate enough to be able to play in 15 of these and always thought it an honor for people to punch my name out on the ballot. i always took it seriously. never took anything for granted and enjoyed the time getting to play against these guys. you get to play with people who have always aspired to be a professional player and you get to meet movie stars and all
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those people. that's always a fun event. that really kicks the week off starting on sunday evening and makes for a fun week. >> yeah. something a lot of people are talking about is derek jeter. that's because he's retiring after this season. he's going to be playing in the all-star game tonight and that's going to be his last game. what has derek jeter meant for the game of baseball and for the position of short stop, which you were a shortstop as well. >> he's been the constant pro. he's represented new york very well. he's represen very well. represented the yankees. i tell him, always give credit to his parents. he is everything that's good about baseball. he's one of our -- our challenges is being able to take our celebrity and our stardom and take it to the community and to be able to help some people.  able to take his program?ñ? ps from the baseball field into7eñe
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community, help people who need it and it will be interesting to see how he goes on from here. >> that's right. it will be a special game tonight's. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. >> ozzie the wizard. >> thank you. >> let's head over to new york, steve, elisabeth and peter. >> thank you. >> can't wait for the game. thanks. you've seen the pictures, the feds dumping illegal immigrants in shelters across the country. but there is one state that is off limits. wait until you hear why. that's right. and if hillary clinton wants to win the white house, she's going to need a female vote and one of our next guests says she's got the secret weapon. if hillary wants to win the war on women. >> there is a war on women? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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you've seen the pictures of the feds dumping hundreds of illegal immigrants in shelters in states across the country. but not in maryland. why? it might have something to do with my next guest, richard rothchild. good morning, commissioner. >> good morning. how are you? >> so why aren't you allowing the federal government to dump illegal immigrants in carol county? >> there is a couple issues here, peter. first and foremost, they blind sided us. they're supposed to engage in something called intergovernmental cooperation and blind siding us in trying to dump immigrants into our community without our knowledge is simply not acceptable. >> how were they blind siding you and how did the folks in carol county respond to what the federal government was thinking of doing? >> well, the folks in carol county were furious over this. i can safely say 100% of the phone calls we received were against this policy of the
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federal government. >> so is it the policy of carroll county that you'll never take any illegal immigrants, even though there is a national crisis? explain that to me. >> my position is this, this is bad policy. there is nothing humanitarian about dumping hundreds of illegal aliens into an american city and stealing resources that would otherwise be available to handle our veterans, our disabled, our elderly, our disadvantaged people. you know, this is a zero sum game. in the real world, there is no free lunch and we're struggling to keep up the needs with american disadvantaged people and certainly don't have the resources to handle additional aliens. >> what do you think is the motivation behind this? what do you think has caused this surge of illegal immigrants, these unaccompanied children and what should the federal government be doing to make sure places like carroll county don't suffer the burden of these illegal immigrants? >> first off, it's completely unacceptable to import this
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problem into maryland, 2500 miles from the border. the fact of the matter is this, these are aliens coming out of central america. they come up into southern mexico and they should be given relief in southern mexico. the international red cross should be deployed. the international communityçñ?ñn come to"ápr" of these people, but bringing them up through ]ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ1700 miles of mexico,s or arizona and then transporting them 2500 miles up to maryland is not acceptable. >> what's the ultimate solution, commissioner? if not in maryland, if not in another state, where do we put these people while they're being processed and while we're determining their fate going forward? >> as i said before, the international red cross should be dealing with this problem down in southern mexico. the minute they leave central america and get into mexico, at that point they're no longer refugees from central america. they now have hosts and they're now safe within mexico. that's where the aid should be delivered. but the ultimate solution to
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this problem lies in the united states constitution. article 4, section 4 of the constitution requires the federal government to defend our states from invasion. not only are they not defending us from invasion, but they are aiding and abetting in the invasion of this. i want to point out the declaration of independence states the governmentskbñ?ñ?ñ?ñg ower from their consent of the governed. i've got news÷ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? for wa, d.c., you do not have our consent and we will resist. >> resist in what way? >> we will resist, we will refuse to use the resources of our local government to provide any assistance. i instructed our cabinet member, we will not provide translation, food services, housing service, you name t. we don't have those resources and i'm not going to take them from american citizens in carroll county citizens that are in need of these citizens to give them to folks that should not be in america at this point in time. >> thanks, commissioner.
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>> aid and relief should have been deployed at the southern border of mexico. >> we appreciate your time this morning. >> thank you, sir. you think hillary is a shoe in for the white house in 2016? think again perhaps. new research shows american women connect more with shampoo companies? but first, let's check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up at the top of the hour. maybe you can explain that. >> how are you,pñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? pete? >ju)z great. >> good morning to you. coldest all-star gamejwñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?. this is july. millions will feel a midsummer chill. breaking news on what looks like a failed effort to prevents iran from going nuclear. more on the train derailment, what went wrong there. bowe bergdahl will get a desk job. you okay with that? colonel ralph peters is not. we'll talk to him, martha and i will see you in ten minutes of . we do it all for this very experience.
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[woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. guy: woman: but, but, jimmy. the one you want. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. for lovers.
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so you think hillary is a shoe in for the white house in 2016? many democrats do. but new research shows that american women connect more with the shampoo commercial than hillary clinton. joining me now, lee carter. thanks for being here. you are really responsible for delivering the powerful message beyond product throughout ten years, really. so the message and what it's saying is what you're responsible for. >> absolutely. >> what is hillary getting wrong right here with this comment here? >> you came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelsea's education. it was not easy. >> didn't bode well. >> no, it did not at all. i think the big problem she
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faces here is that she's just not relatable in an issue like this. she should be the most relatable woman on earth. she's been a work mom, she had a husband she's had challenges with, yet goes out there and says things like this and we say, who are you? we have no connection with her. and connection is really, really important. we have to trust and trust is going to lead to votes. if she doesn't have that, she's not going to win. >> speaking of trust, more people do as they said women trusting products are here. increase of 58% in commercials like this when it comes to trust. ♪ no expression ♪ no expression ♪ . >> what works here and resonates? >> one of the#/ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? things ad is that there is three things that work. self serving. when people see this, they're saying, they're not trying to push product. they're trying to push a woman's issue that makes it interesting for us. the second thing is it's disruptive. we don't see things like this very often. on average you get over 5,000
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marketing messages at us a day. we decide if we're going to take them or not. the moment we can disrupt and that's what they did. finally, it's relatable. it's a thing we can all say, you know what? i get it. it's something i can do in my own life. >> i want to thank lee carter for being with us today. notes to be taken for anyone running for office when it comes to what message they want to deliver. thanks. coming up, the saints cheerleaders have all the right moves. but there is one sensational gal that just made the squad. themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at fancy feast broths.
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electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! before we go, one for the road. meet kristy lewis, 40-year-old mother of two and the newest member of the new orleans saints cheerleading squad. she said making the on her bucket list after being diagnosed with kidney disease 14 years ago. congratulations. >> and some amazing news for jeff bowman, the man who lost both legs in last year's attack. he and his fiance announce the
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birth of their daughter. everyone is happy and healthy and we're happy for them. they were here not too long ago. >> great news. >> it is. thank you very much for joining us here on the curvy couch. see you back here tomorrow. bill: a rush hour subjectware derailment in moscow. self cars jumping the tracks. 150 injured. many reported to be in grave condition. israel resuming airstrikes in gaza. israel agreeing to a cease-fire with hamas but hamas rejecting that cease-fire


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