tv Americas Newsroom FOX News July 17, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the justice department on the hot seat. a hearing is about to get underway any moment now. the number two official at justice department will finally face questions about the growing is rs scandal and the investigation into what happened to all of lois lerner's homes. i'm eric shawn. patti ann: i'm patti ann browne. james crowe is set to defend the probe.
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what are some of the key points of this investigation lawmakers are looking for answers to. >> reporter: jim jordan, wants to know about john koskinen. he says he knew about the mission emails but didn't tell congress and the american people until two months later. jordan will ask the deputy attorney general, when did koskinen alert the justice department that's lois lerner had an email problem. the other question is the united states congress contempt legislation. and the united states attorney for d.c. has yet to convene a grand jury. so jordan is going to say shouldn't the united states attorney convene agrand jury to
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get to the bottom of this? patti ann: what do we expect from the deputy attorney general? >> reporter: the justice department investigation into the targeting of conservative groups and the missing peoples is serious and he wants to know if they think the disappearance is fishy. with it's complete he says they will reveal to congress the findings and conclusions drawn. trying to reassure the congress by thinks the justice department
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investigation is not serious and it is indeed a serious probe. patti ann: we'll have continuing coverage of this developing story. we'll monitor those hearings and when news breaks we'll bring it to you live. eric: the oversight committee is weighing its next steps. last night darrell issa calling the refusal to appear disturbing. he spoke to megyn kelly. >> ultimately the american people need to know and they need confidence that their fox dollars are not being used to go after political, if you will, enemies of the president, the tea party group. we need to know they are not using the power of the presidency and the taxpayer to campaign for people in this upcoming election. the president asserted the most
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absurd claim that there was an inherent immunity from coming to congress for this political appoint iaee and he didn't show. eric: do you think the american people have confidence the administration is act above board? >> probably not. if you look at the poll numbers. if you talk about the irs scandal and the nsa, there is a lack of confidence. this particular issue with hill today solis. issa is suffering from diminishing returns and he's being paints as a partisan
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attack dog. i'm sceptical that it will give much help to his cause unless it just keeps it in the news like we are talk being it now. ache * you have a tremendous number -- eric: you have a tremendous number of missing emails. lerner takes the fifth and the white house political director refuses to testify. what do you think the department of justice could shed light on at this hearing? >> i don't know. i think congressman jim jordan. he said he has confidence in this particular deputy a.g. i think you really do have to trade lightly when you are a member of congress, particularly when you are in the majority party, but in the house of representatives you having to targeted and focused in the hearings and make sure you have got your eye on the ball and it
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doesn't look like -- you can't be accused of being political partisan on this. they have done a good job. i'm a little more sceptical of darrell issa's subpoena on this issue. but the irs, i think most americans will pay attention to this. they do agree there is something fishy and they should learn more from this hearing. eric: why would you question the solis subpoena and that information. let's take a look at the phone call she made and the accusation is she broke federal law by fundraising for from federal office. >> this is hill today solis calling you off the record. i want to ask you if you could help us get folks organized for
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an obama fundraiser that we are doing for organizing for america. i wanted to ask you if you might contribute or get other folks to help out. eric: your boss calls and says we need your help, are you going to say no? >> it speaks for itself. it's pretty remarkable. i don't mean to diminish congressman issa's evident to get to the bottom of -- efforts to get to the bottom of this. but josh ernest is having to answer questions about this. hill today solis shows the using
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all the tools available to you to get to your political end. when i heard that this morning i couldn't believe it. eric: thanks so much. patti ann: a group backed by the federal government is backing plans to buy a resort hotel to house illegal immigrant children. the obama administration is scrambling to house tens of thousands of immigrants. protests continue in communities where undocumented immigrants are rumored to be arriving. what killed this hotel deal? >> supporters say the hotel is perfect. it's close to the border. it's 7 acres. they could eat, sleep and get
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medical care. but the cost, $50 mill each year for -- $50 million each year, a fraction of the 57,000 brought here in the last month, wifi, cable. the children and family services said the negative backlash caused them to pull out. the pentagon is also offering to house 600 minors at a base out of seattle. yesterday the white house got briefed. the white house briefed lawmakers on this and they were not happy. >> that is unbelievable. and all of us see you mill taken wasly gasped that it's costing
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the american taxpayer at a min actual $250 a day. it's unacceptable. >> reporter: they have a backlog of 400,000 cases and they are getting more each day than they can handle. patti ann: what does this mean on capitol hill? >> reporter: lawmakers have can nine days before recess. congress says taxpayers can't afford to pay for everyone from central america who simply want to live here. 50% disapprove of the president's handling. and 56% disapprove.
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military bases are filling up, communities are divide. efforts to stop this flow legislatively seem to be going nowhere. eric: microsoft announced a lay off of 18,000 jobs over the next year as they try to interests grate the nokia devices it bought in april. the number of people seeking unemployment benefits dropped to 202,000. coming up in 50 minutes stu varney will be here. the impact of the microsoft layoffs and what this indicates for the rest of us. >> reporter: president obama says the republican congress
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shuts down of good idea he has to help grow the middle class. the "washington post" says that's not exactly true. eric: the fragile cease-fire in the middle east is broken. israel says la mass fired first. patti ann: tens of thousands of ericer scorched. >> it's creating its own weather pattern. >> i have never seen anything like that. the ash coming down on us like it was raining ashes. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber.
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wildfires also burning in utah, oregon, idaho and california. eric: president obama are saying republicans are block every good idea he has. "the washington post" disagrees, giving him three pinocchios. here is the president. >> so far this year republicans in congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class, lifting the minimum wage. they said no to all of it. senator john thune is the chairman of the senate
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republican congress. when you hear the president say. >> "the washington post" fact checker basically busted the president on his statement, gave him three i mosquito yoas which means this is a big whopper he has been telling. if you look at the facts they tell a didn't story. there are 284 bills that passed the house of representatives and 40 of those bills are jobs bills. the republican house of representatives passed four times as many bills as the democrat-led senate. if you look at the number of bills signed into law, only a quarter of those originated in the democrat-controlled congress. he has a problem on capitol hill but it's with his party be the
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democrats. eric: when he says republicans you think he could insert harry reid? >> he could. harry reid has turned the floor of the senate into a polite calculate circus. he tries to give them a political advantage going into the fall campaigns. nip serious or meaningful legislation has been shelved. in the last year since july a year ago there have only been 11 amendments voted on by the republicans. that's less than one a month. the floor of the senate has been shut down by harry reid who made a decision he doesn't want to expose his democrat members to any difficult votes going into the election so he is going to use the floor of the senate to get votes he thinks will make them look good and
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appropriations bills have been put on the back burner. the american people deserve to have their voices heard in the process. when you can't get amendments considered and voted on, that doesn't happen. eric: what happened to the senate giants. they would get together on both sides of the aisle and get things done. >> there was a day when that was the case but it isn't today. if you look at way harry reid is running the senate it's unprecedented. he has a procedure where he blocked bills brought on the floor of the united states senate. he used that procedure 8 times, that's more than twice all the previous floor leaders combined in history. so it is something we have not seen before. what it means is the people in this country, many of whom elect
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their senators to come here and express their views and get their ideas considered aren't having their voices heard. that's unfortunate for us as senators and it's unfortunate for people in this country that want to create jobs and grow the economy. 40 jobs bills have been sent bit house of representatives to the senate and they are sitting at the senate desk and unlikely to be taken up by the majority. eric: what can be done? >> the best that can be done is to flip the senate and get a majority in the fall campaign. i think if we get the majority back we'll return to regular order, we'll vote. that what's senators are sent here to do. there is nothing happening in the senate today and as i said the only thing that's going change that is a damage in the
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bergdahl being held captive and whether some of his former teammates claim he went awol and deserted. patti ann: a middle east cease-fire may be hanging by a thread. they were supposed to have a cease-fire for five hours. but israeli police say two rockets have already been fired from today today, shattering the short-lived cease-fire. >> reporter: you could have set your watch by the expiration of the cease-fire. it was slated to end at 3:00 p.m. local time and literally minutes after it did we saw militants firing rockets from gaza into israel and we saw is trail conduct an airstrike
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over gaza. hours earlier 13 militants infiltrated israel using a tunnel under the border. the military investigating the area where the tunnel surfaced. it's 800 yard from the border. not have far away is an israeli community where a few hundred people live. they were very heavily armed. we are told they had rocket propelled grenade and other weapons. it's possible this may have been and suicide-type mission or they may have been trying to kidnap an israeli and take as many israelis back to gaza and hold them hostage. authorities say this much is certain. the tunnel discovered today is not the only one the militants have been working on and would like to use to infiltrate
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israel. had they not been caught the outcome could have been catastrophic for is raim. the last time there was a successful i will filtration, militants then kidnapped an israeli soldier. he was returned to israel in exchange for 1,000 prisoners. negotiations continue to take place but so, too, does the violence. eric: there is a wave of ping slips to report and they come from a high-tech giant. stu varney will be here on what it means at microsoft for their wobbly economic recovery. >> the immigration crisis jumping to the top of the public's concern.
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won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. eric: a big break in economic news. microsoft announcing a massive layoff. up to 18,000 people will be out of work by the next year. here to discuss this is stu varney. 18,000? what does this mean? >> reporter: i do own some microsoft stock. this is the biggest job-cutting program ever at microsoft and one of the biggest at any technology company ever. it's all about the new boss at microsoft. the new broom that came in february to sweep microsoft clean. out goes the old microsoft of bill gates and steve vanner
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because that microsoft had been overtaken by social media, apps and all the newcomers in the computing field that have eaten microsoft's lunch. he's trying to streamline the company. he's dropping 18,000 people. he wants it to be a smaller, quicker nimble company to compete with the new comers of the social networks. and he's doing it right now. after only a few months on the job, 18,000 job cuts, that's a lot. eric: how is the stock doing? where is this going forward? >> reporter: for stockholders like me it's good news. it has gone straight up. it will open his morning at $45 a share. back in february it was $35.
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dominance in the telling business does not last long. high crow some of the dominated in the 80s and 90s and they faded. dominance doesn't last. you have got to reinvent yourself in this industry and that's what microsoft is doing. it doesn't reflect on the overall economy, just the pace of change within technology. eric: you know what gets me? they fire people and the stock goes up. >> reporter: it happens a lot. patti ann: brand-new polls show how concerned americans are about the crisis on our southern border. a gallup poll find 17% say immigration is the most important issue facing our country. also a pew survey says most americans are not happy with washington's handling of the
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crisis. 56% disapprove of all the administration is handling this. doug schoen and monica crowley, both are fox news contributors. that number of americans who consider this their number one concern has more than tripled in a week. what does that say? >> it says we have a crisis in this country. all parties, republicans, democrats, the president, the american people have no time for any of them. they feel the republicans are doing a worse job than the democrats. but this is not to assess blame. it means the parties need to come together and do comprehensive immigration reform. secure the borders, pathway to citizenship. something i don't think is going to happen. the president of the united states and the executive branch have authority and responsibility for enforcing the
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immigration laws and this president hasn't don't. you can also make the argument he orchestrated and is carrying out this crisis for a variety of reasons. the poll numbers are more reflective of his failures. >> there are a lot of different poll numbers going on here. and they did say 5 of americans are not happy with the way obama is handling the situation. 40% say the democrats could. another phrasing of the question showed the republicans taking a little bit more of the blame here. so, doug, you feel both parties taking a hit? >> i think the numbers suggest that. monica is right that the president is ultimately responsible for border security. but we have a larger problem. we have to figure out what to do with the 50,000 immigrants who come here illegally. we need to figure out what to do
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with the 11 or 12 million people more undocumented. and in general washington is in crisis. it's seen as a crisis across the board with governance. we are failing on immigration, the economy, every issue we are failing. patti ann: we have to figure out what to do with some of the illegals coming in now. some governors are outraged that they are being sent into their states without any advance notice. last night on special report charles krauthammer responded. >> the administration line, is this a question of privacy? that's absurd. privacy? if you tell a governor that a certain number of illegal aliens and their children are coming to
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a $certain facility there is no issue of privacy. it's not naming names. he's not putting a photograph on the internet. this is clearly an attempt by the administration to handle a problem by concealing it from the people. patti ann: i love hearing charles krauthammer use the word "crock." one of the reasons you are seeing these poll numbers where they are is that now it's no longer simply a border crisis. now these illegal immigrants and children are being flown to a home number of states. people are being affected by this whether they live in a border state, they are being affected direct lire or indirectly and they are outrage bid this. even people who prove some sort of pathway to citizenship are saying you cannot have this kind of crisis fester where you have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people illegally streaming into the country.
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enforce the border first. deport hose to came in this latest wave then try to figure out how to handle the immigration problem. >> we have legislation on the books dating back to tweet that make -- to2008 that makes it did impossible to deport the kid that are here. clearly that legislation needs to be revisited. we need to figure out a safe and humane way to care for those who have come here and deal with the problem expeditiously. bottom line we are a compassionate nation but we are not a nation of infinite resources and we cannot deal with tens of thousands of people streaming in. >> we are also a nation of laws not of men. what you are seeing reflected in these pops is people want restore that law. what we are seeing is total chaos and not a breaking of the
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law. eric: the head of the cbc grilled. he left his employees at risk for anthrax and other potential deadly diseases. for the continuing conflict between israel and hamas. the unraveling of the iran nuclear agreement. the president cautions, have patience. is that the right response? lieutenant colonel oliver north weighs in on foreign policy next. ano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. at legalzoom virtually all yourof important legal matters in just minutes.
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♪ patti ann: the centers for disease control has vowed to fix safety lapses that has left dozens exposed to live anthrax and a strain of bird flu. >> our laboratories are core to our ability to protect americans. for this to happen and put our workers potentially at risk is totally unacceptable. so i'm upset, i'm angry, i have lost sleep over it and i'm work around the clock to make sure we do everything possible to resolve it. patti ann: he disputes claims
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that the cdc tried to cover it up. he said he found no evidence of that. eric: president obama facing an outcry in a host of issues. he tells americans that solving crises overseas takes time. but others question whether the white house as a strong strategy. >> we live in a complex world at a challenging time. none of these challenges lead to quick or easy solutions but all of them require american leadership. i'm confident if we stay patient and determined, that we'll in fact meet these challenges. eric: joining us will the colonel on -- lieutenant colonel oliver north. the islamic radical as take a
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third of iraq. hamas is counting our stan -- is bombing our staunch ally israel. the president $says this is complex. do we have a strong foreign policy? >> no. be patient are code word for we don't know what we are doing. they have no idea what's going on because our intelligence is so poor and no strategy whatsoever. unfortunately our adversaries do. the chinese have their strategy of expansion into areas history shows have been part of tokyo or manila or even vietnam and they are pushing the envelope there. we also see the iranians doing something they wanted to do now for better than a decade. that's building nuclear weapons.
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acquiring the means much building, acquiring and delivering nuclear weapons. the iranians were surprised by how rapidly isis moved into iraq and took comafnld areas that the iranians need in order to ship equipment, slies and weapons to the syrian government on the west side of iraq, and those that are delivered to hamas -- both hamas and hezbollah as they threaten israel. so what the iranians are now doing is taking advantage of the situation where we have said our only real strategy is to somehow defend the maliki regime. they are saying we want a nuclear deal. we need your help backing maliki because we need that delivery route and over iraq air roots to support our friend going after our enemies that will say that's
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where all this is decided. eric: just in march the israelis intercepted that boast missiles on its way to iran. up talk about secretary kerry touting this new deal while the iranians are not letting inspectors in. they still have the right to enrich uranium and some worry as you do that could lead to a nuclear bomb. >> we are seeing this in all the accommodation and what the europeans are saying about israel's right to defend itself. israel's right when benjamin netanyahu says our job is to use our missiles to defend our people, and the enemy, those actively shooting against israel and hamas are using civilians to protect their missiles, those are the things that this administration ought to be standing up saying this is not right. this is not the right way to
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pursue this. he ought not to be the ones adding leverage to the european threats against the israelies. this was started about it iranians telling hamas, you give us more leverage on our nuclear weapons. those three issues, what's happening inside isis on iraq. what's happening in the conference table in vienna are all directly related, the israelis know that. this administration hasn't the foggiest idea what to do about it. eric: what happened to american leadership that won world war ii and now we have germany kick out the top station chief. one of our strongest allies. >> one of the most inept and incompetent regimes in washington history. that's not just the poll we have
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been citing at fox news. that's the assessment of leaders in amman and riyadh, seoul, and tokyo, places where we counts on our friends. our friends no longer trust us. worse yet our adversaries no longer respect us. we don't need to be feared. you we need credibility that says we have a strong military and we'll protect our friends. we can't even put four aircraft carriers in the water today and have them go to places where you might have to do a none con pat ant operation in two different parts of the world. we don't have enough amphibious ships with marine aboard capable of responding to these crises. you could easily have a repeat of what occurred in saigon in 1975 if we don't get it right in places like iraq. eric: helicopters potentially in
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the green zone. we'll have some see. >> always good to be with you, eric. patti ann: whistleblowers continue to lay claims of coverup in the veterans administration. washington wants taxpayers to facial things. eric: the take of hostages turned into a deadly police chase. >> how is this going to end? are they going to hurt her? vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed.
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killed. the bang robbers hit a bank in stockton, california. they two two female hostages. officers given chase and the robbers threw two of the hostages out of the suv and fired at police with ak-47s. >> i looked at my phone. that's when my daughters leave work. i said okay. the next text came in immediately after that the bang got robbed and the third text came over, they took mom. she said the bang got robbed, she was inside, they took mom. >> they had th the guns at their head. >> when the chase was over they did find one hostage and a suspect dead in that suv. one suspect was taken to
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hospital where he died. eric: a federal judge ruling the death penalty in california is so inefficient and broken it's unconstitutional. adam housley was a witness for one of the last two executions in california. what was the judge's reasoning? >> reporter: the reasoning from this federal judge is the death penalty is dysfunctional and beyond repair because california is basically taking too long to put death row inmates to death. since 1978 more than 900 have been sentenced to death. 748 still sit on death row. of those only 1 have been executed in california, one in missouri. out of more than 900, california only put 13 to death. you might recognize a few of the inmates on death row.
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scott petersen p. charles ing the mass murderer. patti ann: what has the reaction been so far. >> it's been a battle. the death penalty has been on hold off arguments about how lethal injections should proceed. people here are extremely upset as you might imagine this is likely going to be appealed by the state attorney general or the governor of california. eric: the number two at the justice department testifying about all those lost irs emails. they are facing questions from
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fireworks on capital hill as lawmakers look into the justice response to the irs expandal. james coal is being asked for details about the criminal investigation including the search for lost e-mails from lois lerner's e-mail. things got heated when it was jim jordan's turn to ask question. >> you got the data? >> my understanding is it was made available. >> why did you ask the irs if is public information? >> and i don't have an answer to that. >> that is an important point. we would like an answer. >> i can take it back and try to
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find it. >> you said it is was public information but you had to go to lois lerner and get it in a form? you had it for four years? >> the disk were in the possession of for four years. >> 21 disks? >> yes. >> and it had 6103 right? >> we learned it -- >> i didn't ask you learned. >> we learned it contained. >> this is a big deal. the justice department asked for information you said is publically available but you go to lois lerner to get it. it is 21 disks. and it contains private donor information. all of those are facts. >> we will have more on this
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with the head of one of the groups that was targeted by the irs. but first the white house doubles down on the border crisis with the president threatening to use executive power to change the immigration policy if the white house doesn't take action. i am patty ann brown. >> i am eric sean in for bill. thousands of illegal immigrants continue to poor across the border but the white house is not backing up the is border is secure claim. >> is the border secure? >> i will tell you there are more things attempting to secure
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the border. we are not seeing individuals trying to evade the border. >> senator harry reid said the border is secure. do you agree with him? >> the president has dedicated significant resources for border security. >> bret baier is here. the secretary doesn't want to agree or disagree. is this non-answer that surprising? >> not really. they don't have an answer. if they wanted to be really forthcoming they would say there are real problems on the border and that goes on to say if republicans wanted to increase security they would pass the bill that pass in the senate that increased security. the real issue is the ability to
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get to the bottom of this particular case. you know the legislation is up and being debated and it is a bipartisan piece of legislation that would speed up the deportation process of the central american kids requiring them to see a judge within seven days and a large part lawmakers believe would help move the process along. but this is a huge crisis and all sides are weighing in. >> back to the transparency question on gretta on the record last night a reporter said all of the reporters said there has never been a more difficult atmosphere in which they do the work they do. >> i have never dealt with an administration where more officials, some of whom are paid to go the spokesman for various
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federal agencies, demand that everything be off the record. so that secretive and not transparent. and have, you know, interrupted the normal flow of journalist who want to cover washington and national security especially. >> she also, bret, refers to a freeze saying the most serious thing is obama is trying to sweep in journalist and we have leak investigations >> we have seen that. we have a personal reflection in this in that james rosen was windup of the early investigation on the leaks and listed as a co-coniriter.
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so does that have a chilling effect? yes, it does. the administration continues to say they are the most tra transparent but that is not aligning up with the fact. even with the border situation where we can go in but no recording devices and no asking questions. if you took these situations and put them in the bush administration you wonder what the outrage would be. >> bret baier, thanks as always. as the white house defends its immigration policies you can see a senate hearing is underway on the growing surge of unaccompanied children streaming into the country.
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and new data says the critics is tied to 2012 decision by the obama administration. catherine heritage is live. what is the new border security report say, catherine? >> reporter: good morning, eric. the report by homeland and dea in texas has a series of graphs showing the trend line for unaccompa unaccompanied children and others than mexican since 2009. children on the bottom and adults on the top. critics say the numbers rise after the defered action for childrens which allows them to use judgment for children in the use who came illegally as children. >> you have to look at 2012. what happened in that year that caused a surge of migration of children crossing and more than
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doubling in its number and now on its path to double again. >> reporter: customs and border protection had no statement about the report and homeland security officials emp sahasiem they believe it is a bad economy and a dangerous situation. >> that say fascinating because they were blaming the bush retrafficking law. what are we learning? >> reporter: the chairman of the committee mike mccall speaks on a regular bases with the sekt of homeland security and he said they are victims of the law and also of the coyotes. they are giving contraception before taking the journey.
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>> they take them every day up through mexico because the odds are they will be raped before they get to the united states. >> reporter: mccall believes a humane way to return them will be found but there has to be a deterance measure to show this south of the border. general motors ceo is back in front of the testifying panel about why gm failed to fix the ignition switches and how the kept accident victims, their families and even the government in the dark. mark is live. what can we expect? >> reporter: you summed it up there. mary barra will be asked about the corporate culture at gm that allowed the dark to be kept in the dark about the ignition
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switches for 11 years. she is not the only one called. michael millcon is going to be drilled on the role the legal department played in the mishandling of the recall of 2 .6 million. and rodny o'neal, his company made the switches that resulted in the recall. 15 employees were forced out and anticipates questions on if that is enough to change the culture at gm. lawmakers want to know if the obama administration can really investigate itself? issa is chairing the committee you see right now. >> and heavy fighting for libya's main airport and the country edging closer to all-out civil war.
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>> and lawmakers are facing a steady erosion of power as the president sidesteps congress with the executive order. coming up, what issues is at stake as boehner moves to sue the president. >> it is the congress that has lost the most in this rise of uber presidency. uber presidency. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste.
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deadly fighting continues in libya as militants try to take control of the airport in tripoli leaving parts of the airlines destroyed and the airliners destroyed as well. libya's government is considering a plan to help send international troops to end the fight. james coal is on the hot seat as we speak testifying on
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capital hill as lawmakers try to get to the bottom of the irs scandal. >> two days before the very lawyer who met with lois lerner in 2010 got the database in the f format they wanted. two days before lois lerner goes public she says the follow-up will take place but she doesn't. she goes forward saying targeting did happen and spined it in a way to blame good folks in cincinnati. give me a break. >> catherine angle brett is with the group true the vote is with one of the groups targeted by the irs and they are working with the fbi now in this
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investigation into the targeting scandal. thank you for joining us >> absolutely. >> as we have been showing you the justice department is investigating and some they that investigation is a sham and doj has refused to give congress any details about the investigation and that led to the hearing for the overhouse committee. the drilling of james coal -- so far no details. what are you expecting from the hearing? >> you know, i hope we are going to get to the truth but this whole process is based upon the honor code and until that is true you will see it playing out the way it. >> there is a separate fbi investigation. true the vote was targeted by the irs and you are asked to take part.
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you are one of 161 groups targeted and you are hoping all of the other groups are offered to offer evidence as well. how important is that? >> it is a vital. this scandal has the country in the clutches and every story needs to be considered and to the people it happened to they want to tell their story and i hope they will get the chance. >> you say this criminal investigation is essential to separate corruption versus being incompetent. which did you believe it is? >> the longer it pulls on i lean toward corruption and leaning toward not getting to the truth. >> your group is seeking answers for litigation, congressional
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inquiry and public outreach. tell us about the other angles. >> we have trying whatever week. we asked the court to allow an independent forensic team to be allowed for the search and rescue of the irs e-mails. very hopefully that will come to pass and we will have new fresh eyes that have interest in finding what what happened. we are willing to tell our story -- this is too important to not try to peal back every layer in every way we can and we will go full force about it. >> about the missing e-mails, lois lerner days after getting wind of the fact that people were looking into this possible targeting scandal says her computer crashed and the backup system was not pursued to
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recover those missing e-mails. are you buying any of that? >> no. i am not. and i just -- i know too much about the way that recovery of these documents should work. i will tell you if in fact someone as high ranking as lois lerner can have her e-mails taken out by a simple sever crash than the irs has bigger problems than they are leading on. >> catherine anglebret from true the vote thank you so much. patty ann, have you seen this rescue from a summertime swim? how the victim got stuck and more importantly how he was saved. and a $17.6 billion request to fix have scandal-ridden veterans association. too much or not enough? >> i am not holding back now and
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first responders come to the rescue of a teenage swimmer after his foot got stuck in a under a water fall. this was in southern washington. they were able to put a rope on him and pull him away. >> it looks like a fun place to slide down. i saw a guy with a tube walk over to scope it out. >> he was taken to the hospital and treated for hyperthermia and
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minor injuries. have you heard what sloan gibson wants? 7.16 billion dollars and he said it will effect the agencies problems. >> resources required to meet current demand covering the remainder of 2014-2017 total $17.6 billion to address the short falls in staff, space, information technology and purchase care necessary to provide timely, high quality care. >> will that amount really fix it? charles pane is here. talking about money, do they get this out of thin air? >> in this particular case they are saying we are 1500 doctors short, 8500 nurses short -- but
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this isn't a money issue. the budget for the va exploded. this is about a culture of no accountability run a muck. that is how we got into position and 23 people died and maybe more than that. what do we do about people right now or for veterans that need immediate care right now? this does nothing. >> they would say they need to do this to give the veterans and others the appropriate care they need. and you address the culture. does spending more money address the culture of cover-up and mismanagement and totally ignoring the veterans? >> more than likely spending
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more money will enable the things you talked about. it is like throwing kerosene on a fire. >> they may say we need the doctors and nurses and if you want to fix the problems you have to spend the money. >> let's find out why the extra $53 billion you get now is not enough just in the last five years. how come that didn't make a difference? and what can we do to make sure vets are not dying and there is not another scandal because throwing money into a bad system makes a bad system worse. >> here is what jeff miller, the chairman of the committee said. quote given the figure has falli falling out of the sky and they have every dollar necessarily to
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accomplish the mission. it would be an act of budgetary mal-practice to blindly sign off on this. how do we make sure there is transparency? >> we can't accept lip service. if there is action to take that helps veterans at this very second that is where the rub is. if we farm them out to non-government facilities, it is going to make everything we put together, it will make it look fl flimsy. i think it is all politics. don't ask for more money. >> patty ann? legal scholars are making a
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strong in support of congress' bid to sue president obama. >> when the president governs alone he can govern himself which is what the founding fathers feared. >> and take a look at this. a relic from world war ii flies out of the history book and takes to the sky for all of us to see. >> i cannot explain how proud i am to be here restoring it. vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it
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>> there is a growing crisis in our system. a shifting of the power in favor of a dominant chief executive. while both congress and the courts have lost authority over the decade it is this body, the congress, that has lost the most in this rise of uber presidency. >> rich lowry is here and thank you for joining us. you have had two highly respect legal scholars coming out saying we do support the lawsuit against the administration. one is turly and describes himself as a liberal but is concerned on the overstepping chatty let's hear more. >> the president's pledge to govern alone is alarming and what it is most alarming is fulfilling that pledge.
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when a president governs alone he can become a govern himself and that is what the founding fathers sought to avoid. >> he says this is dangerous and destabalizing the country. >> i think he is right. if you look at the employer mandate situation which is what they are suing over. it is starting in 2014 and administration delaying it twice and writing new provisions and requirements on employers. speak n boehner is trying to go to go to the court and repair an institutional injuries. >> and elizabeth foley is coming out saying this has an excellent
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chance of succeeding and not all lawyers agree with that. there is the question of standing. talk about that. >> the question of standing gets real technical but as a limit on the power of the courts, the constitution and prudence says you have to suffer real specific injury that has to do with some unlawful action for you to bring suit and to be heard in the courts. so the question here is whether the house has suffered such a specific discernable injury. we are going to go in uncharted territory because it will be a novel finding if the court says the house in and of itself has suffered injury and has standing in the court. >> and obama will be long out of of office before this is
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resolved. but the critics say congress has other avenues why not go a different route? >> the congress has the power of the purse, they can de-fund certain agencies but they are looking at those and saying we don't have control in the senate so let's try this. and the fact it will have very little favor on the law is in favor of the lawsuit. they are trying to show the legislator writes the law and the president executes the law. >> and it goes beyond the specific grievance of the obamacare mandate and goes to other areas of overreach and you have written about some of them. what would you say are the most overreaches?
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>> there are a number in obamacare and also for the immigration reform. the house republicans say he as waved many of the laws so why would we trust him? and you see that now with republicans saying we are not going to give you more money and authority if you keep tell the immigrant groups you are going to wave more rights into the fall. >> we will see where it goes. thank you, rich lowry. a federal appeals court is on the bring of a decision where it could impact obamacare by blocking insurance subsidies in half of the country. shannon is live on this. what is at stake? >> it comes down to the language in the affordable care act and
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how the irs is reading it. right now it is providing subsidies in states that are operating their own exchanges and 36 decided not to. it is arguing they should still get the subsidies. the lost could be devastating to the obamacare. here is carry from the crisis network. >> it will undermine the system that has been setup because the president is hoping to use the subsidies to entice people in the exchanges but it doesn't work the way the law was written and he cannot amend the law on the fly to make it better for his needs. >> oral arguments in this case were held in march but it was the same day the hobby lobby case was being argued so this one got lost and flew under the radar. >> what about the supporters of
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the law? what are they saying. >> they say there is a good chance the administration could lose this case and they say it would be a double blow to the president. it would check him again on his use of executive power and it would strike at the heart of the law itself causing problems to keep it alive. the next opportunity to find out comes tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. eastern and we will be standing by. >> we will be reporting on that and we know you will, too. >> thousands of uncochildren flowing in and what is the solution? >> and teps hours on board a casino boat after the voyage went wrong. >> it was grueling but the boat people did a great job making it
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investigation is underway. earlier we told you about the proposal to turn the multi-million hotel in texas into a housing facility for hundreds of undocumented children. that plan fell through. but the question remains what should the united states do about the crisis that is only going to get worse. lars larson and jessica erlock. lars, let me start with you. they want to take the palm air hotel, spend $15 million. it has three pools, jacuzzi, wi-fi -- was that appropriate? >> absolutely not. we know they do this work and they said they will renovate the hotel so it isn't as fancy as it
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looks in the pictures. but the fact is we will spend huge sums of money to accommodate the children and many are not crossing unaccompanied. 45% of the kids are accompanied by adults who are trying to use their kids as an entry ticket so to the united states. and the $3.7 billion proposal from obama isn't appropriate either. the left got angry where they thought bush was engaging in large federal project. i am sure the person who favored the dream act loves this idea of the obama-grants crossing the border and coming to stay. >> how about those obama-grants? >> it was created by the baptist
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children services. and groups like this and catholic charities and international rescue committee have been on the front lines of this story. they do tremendous work and their intentions were good and strong. this is a nation of laws and we have to follow the law and go through due process and in order for the children to be processed and have the mental and physical care they need, the health care they need, they need to screenings for various diseases before they can remain in the country and all of that needs to happen in a facility. we have seen the issues broken outing towns where the children are being bused, too. so the idea was let's do it at the border and get them
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processed. 600 children every 15 days to get them through the system and back home or remain in this country because under the law they should be here. that is the concern and that is getting lost thin in this argument. >> lars, to some that would sound appropriate. >> we know there was a flaw in the law designed to protect kids who were being trafficked by kids for pimps and we know that law is being abused by tens of thousands who have been told by everybody from their government and friends and family come to the united states and president obama will give you an order to stay. and it sounds like you are saying we need to process them so they can stay. no, we need to change the law, have them seen by a judge and quickly sent back to their home
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countries. >> are you saying that? >> yes, that is exactly what i said. >> you said so they can stay -- >> i said they can be sent back to their homes or stay if they meet the letter of the law. >> the president is promising they will be sent back. do you think they'll? >> i do. >> all of these tens of thousands of kids who braved who knows what so your heart goes out but it is showing no end. >> these children do get sent back and a lot of time that is the problem and why we have this william trafficking law for these children in the first place is to try and help them. it is a very fine line and that is why we have court. >> 52, 000 next year 150,000.
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do you think they will be sent back? >> no. and she knows the reason the disburse the kids and their ng families is because he knows they will fade in the landscape and they will not take the parpt and show up in court and they will be the subject of a future dream act and i am sure ms. erluck will be in favor and americans will suffer the results. >> last word. especially on the allegation of being dishonest. >> my father and grandparents were holocaust survivors that came here after the war. we have a history of helping people who come here. we cannot turn our back on who
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we are and need deal with the crisis. >> legally. >> absolutely. and the law stands as it is which is these kids need to be taken through due process through a judge. >> jessica and lars, thank you so much. "happening now" is coming up at the top of the hour and jenna lee is joining us with a preview. >> hilary clinton getting a lot of press but a new bloomberg piece is asking if she is making some of the same mistakes she made in 2008. >> and more local folks reacting to the surge of illegal immigrant children and we will look at the impact. and your taxpayer money at work and a hook at how effective israel's dome system is. and a new theory on jack the ripper being a woman.
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a historic fighter plane rising from the action and prepare to take flight. the people and story behind the restoration effort. >> i had to start a rule saying if you are older than the airplane you cannot be on top of the wings. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account.
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wasn't enough for walt disney. he wanted to create a world people could lose themselves in. it was a home away from home for children of all ages. a dream come true and that was almost 60 years ago. it was disney land. the story of this historic b-29 bomber begins in 1944 at a boeing plant in kansas and nearly 70 years later it is getting a make over. we have the details. >> reporter: the folks that work on this b-29 call him dock. he arrived in wichita in 2000 in pieces via train and seven semi-trucks and he is going to take flight in the fall for the first time since the korean war.
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it has taken 14 years to make dock look this good. >> he was flown out in 1956 and math balled by the united states air force. >> reporter: the navy used it for target practice. >> the story is they dropped six times and missed it all six times. >> reporter: it stayed in wichita and now 200,000 volunteer hours have resulted in this. an original was among them. >> i was 18. >> reporter: one of america's rosey the riveter worked on every b-29 from wichita and now at 89 many of her fellow workers are gone.
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>> i am so proud to be here restoring it. >> reporter: there have been unique challenges. >> i had to set a rule if you are older than the airplane you cannot be on top of the wings. >> reporter: boeing didn't have the original plans to follow. >> a lot were copied and we used drawings to make something as chose as possible. >> this bad boy is going to fly. >> yes, it is going to fly great. >> reporter: look for october-november for dock to take flight. you know the irs hearing and the lost lois lerner e-mails? it is continuing right now. what the justest department is saying about the irs targeting scandal. scandal. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves.
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jenna: new action on capitol hill linked to the missing emails in the irs political targeting scandal. hope you're off to a great stay so far. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. frustrations mounting as lawmakers try to get to the bottom of what happened to those lost lois lerner emails. they're hearing from the man in charge of the justice department investigation. attorney general james coal remaining tight-lipped what he found thus far. >> i understand you're interested in learning about the results of the investigation, in order to protect the integrity and independence of this investigation we can not disclose non-public information about the investigation while it remains pending. >> our chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill. bring us up-to-date, mike. >> reporter: jon, part of the deputy attorney general's mission today is to convince some skeptical
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