tv Hannity FOX News July 17, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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going to with thoughts on the show tonight. hanks for watching everybody. watching. i'm megyn kelly. here's sean hannity live. welcome to this live breaking news edition of .. figure we are following two developing stories out of israel and ukraine tonight. just hours ago israel launched a major ground offensive in the gaza strip sending thousands of troops into the region. now the israeli army says the operation is meant to strike a significant blow to hamas and the group's terror infrastructure. in a moment we'll have a report from the ground in gaza. a malaysian airlines passenger jet carrying 298 people was shot down over eastern ukraine killing everybody on board. u.s. officials believe the plane was hit by a surface-to-air missile, but the origin of the missile is still unclear at this hour. for the very latest details we
turn now to correspondent maxim standing by in ukraine tonight. maxim. >> hi, john. thanks for having me. you know, president -- draws strong parallels with the global fight against terrorism. and of course in russia president putin fired back blaming the tragedy exclusively on ukrainians. this downing of this malaysian plane is really a game changer especially in ukraine where extreme political -- is happening. and the frustration is rising against the west's inability to confront russia and protect ukrainian's integrity. so both sides right now will use it as a powerful pressure to unfortunately for us no way to find out all crucial details of what happened with the plane because no antiquated on the ground investigation is possible
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israeli forces have been amassed on the israeli/gaza border to the east. they've been coming in from the north as well hitting what appears to be a hamas stronghold just north of us. i don't know that for sure. that's not been confirmed, but we've seen a lot of action just north of our position here. and when i say action, i'm talking about heavy artillery strikes, air strikes, we also heard not too long ago small arms fire signaling basically the rattle of machine guns back and forth. presumably israeli ground troops in a fire fight with hamas militants. but we're waiting for more confirmation from the ibs, israeli defense forces about that. but we know, sean, that israeli ground troops are on the ground. they're going after the hamas militant locations. it looks like there may have been another strike, or at least incoming artillery fire. bear with me, sean. i want to just kind of keep an eye out here. but idf, the israeli military,
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is going after hamas infrastructure, in particular the underground tunnels that hamas has been using for the storage and transport of the rockets that have been fired at israel now for 11 days as part of this operation protective edge. you know, there was some thought that we're going into a cease fire, that there was a brief lull today for five hours for the u.n. to bring in relief supplies. so there was some thought, well, maybe there's going to be talk of a cease fire. well, that window is shut tightly closed. and then all of this started right at 3:00, the rocket fire started again. some of that rocket fire very close to our location. and then the missile strikes so close to this building, actually sean, it's been rattling pretty and the overnight hours. and it sounds like there's a jet overhead. i mean, this has been constant all night. i mean, just one air strike, artillery fire, cannon fire, hitting various locations to the north and to the east.
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so the bottom line is this, troops are on the ground. more reserve forces have been brought up, have been called up. now there's 66,000 troops ready to go. we don't know, we don't have an exact number of how many troops are on the ground at this point. but when you have a number of 66,000, that is a huge contingent of forces. so that basically shows that this is going to be a major operation that could last days if not weeks, sean. so we're keeping an eye out. we're just waiting to see if there's anything else that breaks and any other fighting that continues here, sean. >> john, i'm looking and it looks like the sun is rising. it's a little after 5:00 obviously in gaza city where you have been. i've been watching you all night. and obviously there's been a lot of fire in very close proximity to you. you talk about the infrastructure and the tunnels. one political development today though, and i haven't heard many people talk about it, egypt largest arab country, they blame hamas for the invasion. and the israelis also warn civilians now for a couple days
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in advance to get out of the area in advance of this movement, correct? >> reporter: that's correct. the idf, israeli defense forces, been dropping thousands -- i'm sorry, what? tracer. okay. my photographer saying tracer fire. the idf has been warning people, sean. hundreds of thousands of people in northern gaza, to evacuate their homes. they did this over the course of the last 24 hours. and i said the day before yesterday that, you know, maybe something's potentially brewing. and the reason i said that quickly, sean, is because this past weekend the idf did the same thing. and then about six hours later special ops teams, israeli special ops teams, stormed the beach probably about half a mile up the coast here and hit a hamas location. from what we understand a hamas rocket launch site. so this had happened before. so when i'd heard that this idf was really warning people again
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to evacuate, get out of their homes, to me that was a sign that something was brewing potentially. there was the cease fire, so some were saying maybe things are going to calm down. but then right at 3:00 the rocket attacks started again, the missile strikes. and at that point it became clear that there was some kind of momentum building. and sure enough troops are on the ground. >> john, thank you. by my count i think you've been reporting now for the better part of 14, 15, 16 hours. i hope you get some sleep. and stay safe. it's obviously very close to the proximity where you are. we wish you the best. joining us now with the obama administration's response to both of these developing stories, fox's own ed henry standing by at the white house. he has the very latest. ed. >> reporter: good evening, shawn. you remember just a couple days ago josh earnest told me the president's actions around the world have brought tranquility. you see what's happening in gaza city, happening on the
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ukrainian/russia border, tranquility is not evident. the top house foreign affairs committee tonight saying he believes what happened on the ukraini ukrainian/russian border saying it could be an act of war. more investigation needs to go forward to figure it all out. the president about to arrive back here at the white house in a few moments. he did not cancel his fund raising events for various democrats in new york city tonight. but while he was in delaware earlier today he said this. >> it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. right now we're working to determine whether there were american citizens on board. that is our first priority. >> reporter: other priority is to get to the bottom of this investigation. the president was on the phone earlier tonight aboard air force one with the ukrainian president. some news there because the president is sending law enforcement team to the region to try and help deal with this investigation, figure out exactly who fired this missile. interesting because the white
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house says the president stressed to his ukrainian counterpart that they've got to keep the evidence in ukrainian territory. but these separatists who are pro-russian are already claiming, at least, that they've taken the black box or black boxes from this jetliner that was downed, that was shot down. they've already taken it to russia. so this evidence may have already been tampered with. a sign that the president's relation with russia may need another reset. >> ed henry at the white house tonight. thank you. here with analysis of all the big breaking news out of ukraine and gaza, arizona senator john mccain. senator, good to see you. welcome back, sir. >> thank you, sean. >> let me start with first the president. he's been criticized today because he continued fund raising trips. he just landed back in washington moments ago. here we have our biggest ally involved in a ground mission. and then we of course have 300 people -- 298 people killed in this with a missile taking a plane out of the sky. was that the right thing for the president to do?
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>> i don't understand this president. crisis on the border, he did the fundraisers, the fundraisers in new york while a major, major conflicts not to mention the loss of american lives is reported that there were americans on that airplane. i do not understand it. i think your network has already played the clip of ronald reagan's reaction when south korean airliner was shot down. this is just what we used to call in the military awol. >> senator, you said there will be hell to pay if in fact russia shot down this plane. and you also further went onto say that you urged the president to make putin pay a heavy price if in fact russia is involved. all the evidence suggests tonight that in fact it probably was. what should the response be if in fact it is? >> well, first of all, recognize vladimir putin for the kgb that he is. by the way, you might have heard
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his statement that responsibility is with ukraine. the same guy that said it was uniforms bought at stores and when they went into crimea. first recognizing from where he is. second, it's just been cowardly. it's a cowardly administration that we failed to give the ukrainians weapons with which to defend themselves. these separatists may not even have occupied and had access to these weapons which apparently they got at an airfield. by the way, it takes weeks of training to make someone able to use that system. they're clearly russian trained. and these separatists are the leaders of russians as well. first, give the ukrainians weapons to defend themselves and regain their territory. second of all, move some of our troops in to areas that are being threatened by vladimir putin. other countries like the baltics and others. move missile defense into the places where we got out of, like
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the czech republic and poland and other places. and impose the harshest possible sanctions on vladimir putin and russia. that's just for opener. >> senator, i'm listening to your criticism and it's very stern. let's go to what we know is true and put it up on the screen. there have been three separate incidents now where we know that the russians have shot down ukrainian military planes. and so is it a possibility because we have this report that was going on all day that you have on a facebook page russian language internet there you see the three incidents, 7/14, 7/16 and 7/16 a ukrainian fighter shot down, a ukrainian fighter jet hit by a missile, ukrainian cargo plane shot down. then of course we have this person bragging early on don't fly in our skies. does it seem connected? it seems based on the timeline and that posting that it has to be connected in some way, right?
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>> to me it's compelling evidence that this was done by the so-called separatists, which are by the way special operations special forces of russians that are russian-trained russian military that call themselves separatists. i think there's already compelling evidence that they thought they were shooting down again another ukrainian air transport aircraft. the other one was at 21,000 feet. this one -- this airliner was at 33,000 feet. directly loss of american lives here. and the president goes to a fundraiser? help me out. >> do you see this as part of what vladimir putin did in crimea? he has territorial ambitions in the ukraine and these russian separatists involved in the shooting down of these ukraine aircraft, military aircraft, were probably responsible. here you've laid out what some of the consequences should be,
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but it seems that our western european allies are incapable of joining us because of their need for ukrainian energy, right? >> right. and senator hoeven and brass laid out a plan where we can get that natural gas being flared in wyoming and north dakota and get it to europe and kiev so they can become energy independent. yes, the europeans -- well, i run out of adjectives as my disdain for their behavior in light of this, but the fact is we need energy independence. but at the same time -- by the way i wonder whatever happened to tell vladimir i'll be flexible if i'm re-elected. what about the old reset button? don't we realize this is an old kgb ap rach hell bent on restoring what he believes the russian empire. >> in the white house briefing
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earlier said obama administration has improved global tranquility. take a listen to this. >> how does the white house react to the notion that the president is a bystander in all these cry ease? >> i think there have been a number of situations where you've seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way that has substantially furthered american interests and substantially improved the, you know, the tranquility of the global community. >> can you name one place in the global community where it's tranquility? i don't say this mockingly. i wish it was true. >> wherever there's a fundraiser. >> yeah. >> but let me point out again, at the time yanukoyvich was overthrown and the ukrainian people expressed their desire for freedom, they begged us for weapons. they begged us to give them weapons. you know what we gave them? we gave them nres and sent them in by trugs. if we had given them weapons
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perhaps they could have taken that part of ukraine back and that attack never could have been mounted which is apparently a base where they captured this antiaircraft missile capability. again, it takes training. this is not like the shoulder-fired missiles. this takes training. and obviously that training came from russia. >> senator, you and i had a little bit of a spat over whether or not the united states should give f-16s and tanks and moneys to the muslim brotherhood. in that vein as this ground war begins in israel today, i guess, my question to you is we are also funding the hamas-palestinian coalition government with u.s. tax dollars. are we making a mistake, sir, in doing that? >> i believe so. i believe so. and by the way, suppose that a country -- i would ask our viewers suppose a country con tig yous to ours was launching hundreds of rockets at our
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territory, what would we do? the fact is this iron dome, which is a result of u.s.-israel cooperation, thank god for it. think of what it would be like if they didn't have it? >> i think that's very well said. and imagine if two-thirds of our population like the israeli population that have been in bunkers now for the last week and a half as over 1,200 to 1,300 missiles have been fired into israeli cities, what would we do if that was happening in omaha, new york, d.c. or california? i think we would do what the israelis are doing and i think we would have done it after the first missile. >> can i just say there's american -- perception of american weakness throughout the world and we are paying a very heavy price for it and we will continue to until we have restoration of american strength. >> yeah. do you think as we watch right now air force one. i see the president has landed in washington after attending his fundraisers here in new york while our closest ally begins a ground war and 300 people shot out of the sky apparently with a missile very likely vladimir
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putin and russia, we'll find out in the days ahead, but the president the door now to air force one about to open and he decided to go through with these fundraisers, do you think on the israeli fund -- i asked you about what happened today in ukraine, do you think on the israeli front the president is supportive enough to israel? >> well, no. but i also believe that these inflated expectations of the israeli/palestinian peace process once it failed mahmoud abass formed a coalition with hamas and this is directly related again to american -- failure of american leadership. >> all right. as you can see there we are watching air force one. thank you, senator, for being with us tonight. we appreciate your insight and time. and there is andrews air force base, president obama's landed in washington after attending fundraisers here in new york city. there's been widespread criticism about that based on all the news today. coming up, we now know what type of missile might have been used
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to shoot down that malaysian plane. when we come back we'll check in with colonel oliver north, plus more on the israeli ground invasion into gaza. we'll go back tonight live to tel aviv as morning begins to break there now about 5:18 a.m. in israel as we continue this live edition of "hannity." if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- zing! need new gear? then you belong at bass pro shops for huge savings during our summer sale and clearance event. like 25% off finley river sandals. and save $50 on this big game black widow game camera.
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this a fox news alert. and 298 innocent civilians are confirmed dead tonight after a malaysian airlines boeing 777 was shot out of the sky over ukraine today by what is believed to be a surface-to-air missile. for the very latest on this investigation we turn to fox news national security correspondent jennifer griffin. she's standing by tonight with the latest details in washington. jennifer. >> reporter: sean, a senior u.s. intelligence official tells me
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that they do believe the malaysian airlines flight 17 was shot down by a sophisticated russian-made surface-to-air missile which can fire into the air up to 72,000 feet, possibly higher. u.s. officials are trying to determine whether it was an sa-11 missile known in russian as a buk, or whether it was an sa-20 which fires s-300 missiles and similar to our patriot missile. only the russians have the s-300 missiles. u.s. intelligence officials say they knew the separatists had an sa-11 missile launcher a few weeks ago, but they did not believe it was operational until this week. in the past four days three planes have fallen out of the sky in nearly the same area. u.s. officials are still trying to determine from where the missile was launched. many in washington are already blaming the russians. one senior defense official told fox news "if this was done by the separatists, it was done with russian assistance whethei
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just gave them the weapons or trained them how to use them". >> you don't give sophisticated toys to thugs and over time expect it to turn out well. and putin at the end of the day putin is the guy responsible for what happened today. >> reporter: in the past week at least two ukrainian military aircrafts have been shot down in the hostile border region. on monday a ukrainian cargo plane. and just last night a ukrainian se coy fighter jet. yesterday president obama announced sanctions on the very russian company that manufactures the buk missile system, as well as seven other russian defense firms that make missile related armaments, they were sanctioned that was less than 24 hours before the malaysia airlines jet was shot down. the new sanctions angered vladimir putin. pentagon officials say in recent weeks they have tracked russian weapons and fighters moving into eastern ukraine, 10 to 12,000 russian troops were deployed to
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ukraine's border earlier in the week, sean. >> jennifer, great report. so the big question still remains who is in fact responsible for shooting malaysia airlines flight 17 out of the sky. here now with some analysis, fox news military analyst lieutenant colonel bill callan, in light of three other planes just shot down last week, one has to connect this to, number one, the area, the location where this happened. and obviously i agree with that last report by jennifer griffin these separatists doing this with russian assistance with vladimir putin's seal of approval. >> they have to be, sean. i think it's fair to conclude we're not talking about shoulder fire surface-to-air missiles like we were worried about losing in libya. we're talking about something much more sophisticated, one of those aircraft that came down was a fighter jet and of course they got a cargo jet. and then they get the cargo aircraft and then they get this jet today. they're not playing around with tinker toys. they're firing something sophisticated. and indeed russia's hands have
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to be all over it if not just providing it. certainly as senator mccain also said providing some technical assistance, advisors on the ground. a role that's going to show russia's fingerprints are all over this. >> bill, thank you so much. joining me now with more reaction to the downed malaysian passenger jet, the co-author of counterfeit lies, and host of war stories, colonel oliver north. in light of three planes shot down, colonel, and still looking at president obama getting off his plane any minute, but in light of those three planes being shot down and in light of this separatist with support of putin bragging on social media that in fact they did this then find out later that it was in fact a commercial airliner, doesn't it seem a pretty cut and dry case? >> yes. and i think we're going to get even more confirmations. jennifer's got some great sources at the pentagon and i've got some great friends who are still around. there's no doubt in their mind that this was a buk
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surface-to-air missile, a very sophisticated weapons system. it requires lots of training. the training manual in the russian army to use this weapon requires two years of training. it's not like two weeks or two days you teach someone how to put something on their shoulder and acquire a tone in your ear. this is a very sophisticated track transporter erector launcher of a very sophisticated weapons system. it can track by radar, it can track by laser, it can track by thermal. and it requires lots of learning, computer assistance and training. in other words, they're convinced, sean, that this weapon could not have been fired without direct russian military assistance. >> let me see if i can connect the dots for our audience here. if vladimir putin in fact has been reported that russian agents were sent to this part of eastern ukraine and they were shooting down ukraine military planes in just the last number of days, is this really part of the evidence that this is the same territorial ambition that
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putin showed in crimea? >> well, obviously. that's clearly what his goal is to reassemble as much of the ancient russian empire as he possibly can do. what he committed today, by the way, isn't a terrible tragedy as the man on that airplane said. it is a travesty. it is murder. and it is the kind of thing that requires a very, very firm response not just by the united states but the leadership of the united states with nato. i'm not just talking about the european unions. there's a lot of europeans apparently on this airplane, if you can believe the manifest counts. there's going to be obviously great concern particularly in the netherlands which seems to have the largest population aboard the aircraft. this is the time for american leadership. >> let me ask you one question about what's happening in israel as secretary of state john kerry warning netanyahu urging "restraint" once again. i wonder if he would urge or support such restraint if 1200 to 1300 missiles were fired into
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american cities. and you know the hamas tunnel and infrastructure there. explain it to our audience. >> well, first of all, the hamas infrastructure from southern gaza allows weapons to come in brought in either by sea or through egypt. president cici has stopped a lot of that. it's not an accident what has happened. if you notice the timeline of the attack that was launched from one of those tunnels into israel today, it was hamas taking advantage of a cease fire that the united nations had asked for and to which israel had agreed. here's the important thing, what hamas is doing is not independent of other events. hamas is an actor for the iranians. this attacks -- these series of attacks that have been going on for weeks were ordered by the iranians. they're iranian-made missiles. prime minister netanyahu is absolutely right about the origin of this. and as i put in that book that you so kindly just mentioned, this is part and parcel of what's been going on in vienna
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where john kerry has been trying to seal the deal with the iranians on a permanent release of all sanctions against the iranians in which the iranians will still get nuclear weapons. the iranians ordered these attacks by hamas. they're behind it all. and we ought to be pointing the finger not just at hamas but at their masters, their pay masters, their suppliers and their directors in tehran. >> all right. colonel north, thanks so much for being with us on this breaking news edition of "hannity." we'll bring the latest developments on the plane carrying 298 people shot out of the sky over ukraine today. and more breaking news out of gaza, what exactly is israel looking to accomplish, how long will this ground invasion last and how many rockets total were fired into israel that caused this? we'll have those answers and more straight ahead.
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this is a fox news alert. we are continuing to monitor dramatic developments in gaza as an israeli ground invasion has commenced targeting hamas terror assets. now, in addition new developments pouring in regarding the downing of that malaysian airlines passenger jet near the ukraine/russia border. now, this hour the situation between russia and ukraine is escalating and already some are comparing the events of today to a 1983 incident in which soviet fighter jets attacked a korean airliner resulting in the deaths of everyone on board. unlike our current commander in chief who called today's horrific event "a tragedy" before headlining a few fundraisers in new york, president ronald reagan responded with much stronger words just over three decades ago. this is a good reminder for the white house. >> before you tonight about the korean airline massacre. the attack by the soviet union against 269 innocent men, women and children aboard an unarmed korean passenger plane. this crime against humanity must never be forgotten here or
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throughout the world. let me state as plainly as i can, there was absolutely no justification either legal or moral for what the soviets did. one newspaper in india said, if every passenger plane is fair game for home air forces, it will be the end to civil aviation as we know it. >> joining me now fox news military analyst kt mcfarland. the korean airlines flight 007 that was one incident, that was 1983, there was a prior incident e in 1978 a korean airlines flight 902. >> right. >> where the russians shot it down. >> but what happened in 1983 and i worked for president reagan then, i was at the pentagon, it was a game changer for him. he understood at that point the soviet union was not going to compromise. that they couldn't be trusted. that he would have to deal with them very differently. and starting at that point he set out to do different things. what did he do? he redoubled efforts to do the missile -- star wars missile
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defense. he increased and convinced congress to continue with the reagan defense bill up. he went to the european allies and said buck up. we can stand up to the soviet union. he pursued all of those things, sdp guess what? six years later the soviet union collapsed. that's leadership. >> i want to throw up a thought from president obama. he was actually mocking mitt romney. remember during one of the debates he had this concern over whether or not russia -- you know, we went back and dug this up. it seems like he believed in this russian reset, but it didn't happen. >> right. but he wasn't going to change his action even though it didn't happen. he's still going to believe in the russian reset. >> what should if in fact all evidence tonight to me senator mccain agrees with me, many other people in washington agree with me, points to vladimir putin in light of these three other planes shot down prior to this if in fact we find out it was russia that they did it, that they were also sending their agents in there and training people to fire at these ukrainian military jets that were flying and they took them
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out of the sky, what should our response be? >> when i was in crew ukraine last month, they were talking the intelligence and military officials in ukraine said this is a phony war, vladimir putin has invaded our country. that's what we now see is true. he did invade their country. he continues to invade their country. >> same territorial ambitions as crimea. >> but smoothly so. >> they can't speak out because they need the pipelines coming in, something you and i have discussed at length why we need to be energy independent. captain, let me ask you, does the president saying this week they were kind of bragging about how they have substantially improved global tranquility, i would argue that's not the case. tell me one area of the world that is more tranquil. but what do you think the evidence points to tonight? >> well, sean, my take on this is that i think what happened was that it will probably turn out to be the separatists. they thought they were going to shoot down another an-26
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transport plane. they've already shot down two of them. they probably thought they were going to shoot down another one. and when they realized that it was a commercial airliner the deed had been done. and i think the quick response of the military commander in the separatist group who came out on their website and said, hey, we shot down another an-26, oops, took down the post. that is -- it's just more than circumstantial. i think we're going to find out it probably was something -- >> if it is, what do we do? >> well, here's the thing. they got that supposedly they got the weapons system, the sa-11, they got it from a ukrainian weapons depot that they had overrun. now, there were people who probably got training in the ukrainian military on that. so trying to do who shot john, that's going to be relatively easy to figure out. exactly who the people were in
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that cab and were putting down the hammer and firing those missiles, that is going to take some investigation. so is this going to be a lucitania type event, i don't think so. but by the same token i don't think it's going to be something that we can just summarily dismiss and say, well, stuff happens. >> kt, i'm looking and still the president has not gotten off air force one. here we have our closest ally involved in a ground invasion. we have 300 people shot out of the sky likely by one of our biggest enemies. and the president's raising money. what's next? he's going to put golf flags since he plays golf 180 times at half-mast? i mean, where is presidential action here? >> missing in action. i think that's the big problem. the leading from behind, he thought that everything bad in the world was george bush and american superiority. so if you took america down a notch or two, we'd all be equal and the global community would take over. it's been a massive failure.
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>> if america is not there to lead, whoever fills that vacuum is never going to be good. >> or chaos even worse. >> right now it's chaos. good to see you. thank you. coming up, we continue to follow all the breaking developments out of ukraine tonight and the malaysian airliner that was shot out of the sky. 298 people are dead tonight. so were warning signs missed? plus, israel continues the ground invasion into gaza as the sun begins to rise. we're going to speak live to the former israeli ambassador to the united nations right after this break as "hannity" continues. in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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we are following two breaking news stories tonlt. and we'll bring you the latest from gaza regarding israel's ground offensive. but first we turn our attention back to the malaysian passenger jet that was shot down over eastern ukraine killing all 298 passengers and crew men on board. here with reaction dan hampton and aviation attorney sal with us. let me just read this came from josh earnest, the press secretary, a statement from the white house tonight. while we do not have all the facts, we do know the incident occurred in the context of the crisis in the ukraine that is fueled by russian support for separatists including through arms material and training. now, the incident only highlights the urgency with which we continue to urge russia to immediately take concrete steps to de-escalate the situation in the ukraine and support a sustainable cease fire, blah, blah, blah.
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as i listen to this, dan hampton, i'm thinking that's about as timid as you can be. now that we know in fact it was the russian separatists that were firing missiles and shooting down crukrainian aircrt for a week and a half. >> yeah, sean, i don't want to get into barack obama and the white house. he's clearly incompetent and it's a waste of time. okay. what happened today or what happened with the jet, again people are spending a lot of time talking about was it russian, was it russian-backed. you have to remember that ukraine was part of the ussr for the entire time there was a ussr. so finding somebody in a rebel separatist forces that had been trained on this equipment isn't going to be a far stretch. so i don't see any spoking gun there. by the way i was a while weasel, i used to kill sams. this is not that mod earp or sophisticated. the first version came out in the 1980s.
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>> explain more about it. >> yeah, it requires some training and it is relatively sophisticated. it's a replacement for an older s.a.m. and it can certainly shoot down a nonmaneuvering airliner. by the way, that airliner you and i talked about the other malaysian flight lost. i think malaysian air deserves most of the blame for this for deviating off course into what was plainly a battle zone when they were warned not to. our faa had the good sense to keep people away from it. >> as i understand this was not part of the faa banned area for flying. sal, you want to comment on that? >> that's correct chl the faa put out a notice to airmen and put it out only for united states operators, has nothing to do with the international community because the faa has no jurisdiction over the international community. interestingly just before we came on the air tonight they put out a new note that expanded the area to all of eastern ukraine. so now no american operator may fly anywhere near that area. but the icao, which is the international civil aviation
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organization said that that was a safe route to fly. and malaysia airlines may or may not have been negligent for being there, nevertheless the icao had declared it as a safe route. >> guys, i wish i had more time. dan, sal, thank you. when we come back we go live to tel aviv as the israeli ground invasion continues in gaza after literally 1200 to 1300 missiles were fired into israeli cities in just the last week and a half. more on this breaking news tense situation as "hannity" continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. offers end july 31st.
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>> this is a fox news alert. president obama attended multiple fund-raisers in new york city, now, this as a tense ground invasion erupted in gaza, hundreds of feared dead after an airplane catastrophe in ukraine killed 298 people. joining you now, john bolton. you were clear, this has got to be a wake up call, if evidence suggests putin is involved in the shooting of this airplane tonight. >> i think what putin has done
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to change interyags nal boundaries on the continent of europe and continue to interfere in ukraine created an environment where this specific tragedy wasn't fore seeable but understandable this can happen. so i think american policy has to change not just with respect to ukraine. but more broadly i think we've got to look at russia as putin made it out to be. it's an adversary. we need to go back to a strong missile defense program. and if people want to talk about sanctions, no more pin prick sanctions against the russians. let's do something significant. >> western europeans have their hands tied they need pipe lines coming out of the ukraine. i argue, i would add poles and
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the czech republic to thing we should do. do you have a doubt 1200 rockets were fired into the united states and a group of people kidnapped three americans, and murdered them in cold blood that we would demand action that israel is now finally engaging in here? >> hi, sean. good to be with you, and hi, john, good to be with you again. we served together at the un. israel could not wish for a better friend sean you put your finger on it. i don't know another country in the world, not certainly the united states, probably none of the 193 countries of the un who would wait ten seconds after one rocket being fired before retaliating. israel waited not ten seconds, ten minutes but ten days before going into gaza. it gave those bastards every
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chance they refused an egyptian cease fire. israel had no chance but to go in there to try to break their neck to stop this onslaught of missles over israel, including tel aviv, where i am now and the sun is just rising. i hope it's rising not just on a new day, but a new, final chapter in this fight against terrorism. >> i agree. ambassador, i whole heartedly agree with you i hope they take out their infrastructure, and find those responsible. we'll take a break and come right back with more unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back
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11:00 pm
because, oh, about ten feet from me now, megyn kelly is standing by for a live edition of "the cell eye file". we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> and thank you, sean, breaking this hour the president frafling to the white house as new details and dramatic new audio just comes in. on what looks like the deliberate shoot down of a malaysian jetliner in an attack that killed 298 people with possibly 23 americans among them. welcome to the "kelly file". the president arrived back at the white house after spending the night at two fund-raisers in new york. ed henry will join us in moments first, a dramatic piece of audio tape we just got on the passenger jet shot down over ukraine this
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