tv Red Eye FOX News July 19, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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to good night from washington. welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue filling in for greg gutfeld, and now let's welcome our guest. >> if she was an angle she would be acute. i am here with katherine. she is hotter than heatstroke and twice as deadly. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and a man who needs no introduction. i think that's code for he didn't feel like writing one. it is tv's andy levy. and he is stunning like a taser set to 11. it is the spokesman to four u.s. ambassadors to the u.n. the world reacted hard to the downing of the malaysian airlines plane. the guy from "american pie" reacted with a joke. jason biggs tweeted, anyone want to buy my malaysian
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airline frequent flier miles? he got blow back from followers, but chose not to get defensive. biggs responded, hey all of you too soon [bleep] it is a [bleep] joke. you don't have to think it is fun intoe or be on my twitter page at all. and truly you losers are trying to find [bleep] to get angry about. channel your issues elsewhere. i guess i was mistaken. later that day the actor deleted the tweets and apologized writing, people who are offended, and that was not my intent. sorry to those who were. meanwhile in other strange reactions to the crash that killed 298 plople. samantha power, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n tweeted on friday, scale of ma17 disaster is horrific for the people of the netherlands. number of victims relative to total population is same as 9/11 for u.s. wow. rick, let's -- i want to talk
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about that samantha power tweet, but let's start with the jason biggs tweet. was it that bad, really? >> no, i thought it was fine. i don't get this. he is a comedian. he is supposed to be funny. it was actually funny. >> you thought it was funny. >> who has malaysia airline miles? >> people who fly malaysia air. >> so people are killed, all right, and my opposition first of all you called him a comedian. do you think she a comedian? being a stand up comedian i like to refer to only comedians as comedians, but she a comic actor, is he not? >> she an actor who tweets jokey stuff. >> everything he has done is dumb. the tweet was dumb. >> wow. >> have i a problem with the humor -- i have a problem with the humor of the joke. to me on a humor scale it was offensive because it was -- it was the most generic joke. anyone wanna buy my malaysia air -- you can think of
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something more clever than that. >> it would have been great if people said you are not that funny. the entire twitter-sphere came after him. people need to lighten up. yes, this is a tragedy, but i don't think he was being disrespectful. >> katherine, you think he was. you never liked the guy. >> i think the tweet was dumb and i am upset because it was dumb and he got to tweet something this dumb and get this much attention? i have pretty good tweets. we are not talking about my tweets. we are talking about his dumb malaysian plane. >> do you ever tweet anything to get a rise out of people? >> watch my twitter, real dumb stuff coming. >> maybe you didn't get it. maybe there was a bit of humor here. maybe he was going over our heads. it was serious, but then it was humor and then wrapped again in serious. >> i think he is too dumb for that. >> andy, what do you think? >> i'm with rick here. mainly because i can't figure out why this is such a big story. i don't know what was
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offensive about what he actually said. he didn't tweet a joke about people dying horribly. i guess what was supposed to be offensive was the fact high made a -- he made a joke at all. it is too soon, fine, but i don't get it rising to the level of outrage it did. i wish he hadn't apologized. >> people are hot on his twitter feed. is he a real movie star? is he up there in the world of like clooney and stuff like that? >> no, but he has fans. whatever, he tweeted a joke. if you don't think it is funny, you don't think it is funny. >> but it is not offensive. >> everything now -- it can't just be -- no one can just react and say i wouldn't have done that. it is either nothing or straight to 11. >> the producers of this tv show he is on didn't come out and make a statement. everyone has to make a statement, right? >> absolutely. >> he has to open a foundation for the victims' families to stop talking about this. >> when things like this happen we always feel helpless. like what can i actually do?
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>> you really feel like you want to get involved and do something? >> no, it is just like oh let me take to twitter. you want to reach out to people and feel like you are a part of the community. >> oh i see, i see. so when an event happens you want to come in and -- >> yeah. i think he was trying to do that or trying to, i don't know, maybe put people's spirits in a better place kind of by making them laugh, but i think it ruined it all. >> the thing is i don't think that was the case. he immediately went into attack mode. when people criticized him he went crazy. >> people criticized because they are like, i am so angry, let me put my angry on you. i don't know who else to be angry at. >> i don't think he did attack people. if you look at the subsequent tweets. lighten up. >> he wags -- he was reading
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the news. >> he could have said, bad joke, everybody, bad joke. he was defending it like it was a sophisticated humor and it stunk. >> we should make it clear, he attacked -- if you want to say it, he was attacked and then he was defending himself and lashing out at people. those tweets -- his tweets didn't just come out of a vacuum. people were tweeting stuff to him. >> as i always say people should tweet whatever they want to. if they have off fended someone they can say, sorry about that, making a joke here guys. >> but everybody in this world gets offended way too easy. >> i agree with that. >> i am uh febded -- offended when it is someone like samantha power. she is making ridiculous tweets. can we put the tweet back up there? i want to show what she said. ma17 disaster, hour reask for people -- horrific for people in netherlands. how did she think of that? somebody must have been running numbers. how, rick, is that relevant at
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all? the population versus the number of people killed? >> or why is she the am bass ter to the u.s -- ambassador to the u.s. if she can't do math. it was a bad analogy. this is someone who should have been attacked for a tweet. it was a bad analogy and it is not the same. it is obviously a mistake in the ukraine. i don't think there is a single person who thinks even the russian separatists were trying to down a plane full of civilians. they clearly thought it was a military plane. >> even on that level. so many level there's is no comparison. why was she eager? she is not just like some gal out there on a bar like, guess what. she is like the ambassador. >> her whole image is about human suffering and she is trying to -- >> she wanted to show off. look, i don't just have feelings. i can do math. she tried.
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>> but she has -- she makes some goofy tweets. do you remember actor daniel pearl? she had a tweet about daniel pearl's death was about rec cog sill yags. reconciliation. >> she was going to say look at my math. i am also really smart at numbers. >> even when you come to the numbers it does president make sense. it doesn't make sense. >> i'm assuming she got that from >> the most offensive thing about this is she got any information from because it is supposed to be this explanatory journalism website that makes mistake after mistake after mistake. it is something anybody in a position of power should be quoting. i don't see what the huge deal is about this. it is a dumb tweet. >> she has a history -- they are not super offensive, but she -- for someone in politics she has a very -- she has often very strange tweets.
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she made the daniel pearl tweet. it was inappropriate and bizarre. >> she has very inappropriate and bizarre beliefs. >> she went to yale and she went to harvard. she has a pulitzer prize. >> should the u.s. ambassador to the u.n be .ing out a fact in her -- u.n be pointing out a fact in her mind and equate it with another -- >> you can't compare significance of tragedies. you can't say that one tragedy bears more weight than another one because the significance varies for those affected. >> what do you think is her motivation? for somebody who is the ambassador to the united nations why does she want us to make a comparison to 9/11? >> rick, what is it? >> it is the typical owe obama administration. if you make 192 countries equal in -- and the united states doesn't stick out, you please the rest of the world. >> that is it, that is it. that's why these tweets bother me.
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>> i was going to say i thought she was doing it to give the netherlands justification for attacking iraq. >> she is not the -- she is the u.s. am ambassador to the u.n. >> a prank caller got on to msnbc during their coverage on thursday. can we see the tape? >> u.s. staff sergeant michael boyd is at the u.s. embassy in the ukraine and he says he saw a missal in the air hit the plane. he is on the phone with us. sergeant, are you there? >> yes, i am here. can you hear me? >> i can. tell us what you saw on the ground in ukraine. >> well, i was looking out the window and i saw a projectile flying through the sky and it would appear the plane was shot down by a blast of wind from howard stern's ass. >> it would appear the plane was shot down and can you tell us anything more from your military training of what missal system that may have
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been coming from? >> are you a dumb ass aren't you? >> i'm sorry, sir. all right. we are going to take a quick break. >> that wasn't funny. andy, what is wrong with these people? >> i hate this stuff. i don't think it is happy because it happened to msnbc. it could easily happen here. she was trying to be nice. she repeated his quote, but without the stupid reference. she said the plane went down. do you want to elaborate? >> she didn't pick up he said that, but we don't know if a producer was talking in her ear. that stuff happened. she may not have heard it. you don't process it and you say there is no way he said what i thought he said. 450e probably said -- he probably said something else and it sounded like howard stern's ass. >> what is the woman's name?>> . >> i feel a little bad. i would hate to be her. as viewer you say this is kind
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of funny, but it is really kind of not. >> i watched it on-line, and now we have it on the show. we are putting it out there because it is kind of funny. we all did prank calls, didn't you? >> totally. >> we used to call the ge help line. they had the number on the inside of all of the ge appliance whys. we called with all of these problems. my shoes are in the washing machine and they would talk us through it. it was fun. >> jason biggs did it. he was a prank caller. >> you hate jason biggs. ever since he had sex with the pie, you just don't care for him. >> he is dumb and everything he has done is dumb. >> i have never seen him in anything. well maybe i am proud to say. >> have you never seen "american pie"? >> no i haven't seen that. i don't want to see people having sex with pies. >> "american reunion"? >> no. >> they are keeping tabs on your ans.
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the nsa is checking out nsfw according to the trait russ swine, edward snowden. younger worker tees agency pass around sexy pics they stumble upon. they made the outlashdish claim during a seven-hour -- wow, seven-hour video interview with the british paper "the guardian." >> in the course of their daily work they stumble across things that a are completely unrelated to their work in any necessary sense. for example an intimate nude photo or somebody in a sexually compromising situation. but they are extremely attractive. so what do they do? they turn around in their chair and show their co-worker. their co-worker says, that's great. send that to bill down the way. and then bill sends it to george and george sends it to tom.
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sooner or later this person's life has been seen by all of these people. >> now i have my answer why it is a seven-hour interview. he could have answered that in one sentence. they were passing around dirty pictures. he won't shut up this guy. do you believe him? >> first of all he is a sexist. every example he gave was a guy giving the picture to another guy. >> it was george and harry down the hall. is he lying though, that's the question? >> i think this guy has been making stuff up for a longtime. maybe it happened once, but then he makes it seem like it happens all the time. >> they pushed him on it. i didn't see the whole interview because i don't have seven hours to spare. they pushed him on it and he got more general. he didn't go into specifics. >> he can't prove it. here is a guy who downloaded this information and supposedly has facts and cables, yet someone should push him and say, let's see, you know, these pictures. is it really true?
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who is george? who is harry and who are these people? >> i think it is somebody doing it and it is wrong and they need to be prosecuted. you can't say it is generally happening all the time and not give us the facts. >> i think you can. that's what america is all about. >> if you take a selfie you take about 28 and then pick the best one. does it bother you that the nsa is looking at the other 27? >> you are welcome, boys. again this is why i say edward snowden is a selfish, selfish man. those photos were the highlights of those nerds' days. and now that will be taken away from them. >> isn't that what we all assume that these guys are -- these tech guys. do you watch "the good wife"? it was all of the tech nerds passing them around. what do you expect them to do? it is not their fault they are coming across this information. i am a man. if i come across in interesting pictures i will show them. andy, you are nodding your head. i know you are jealous. >> i am shaking my head, not nodding it.
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>> you are nodding from east to west. that's a different kind of nod. andy, i think you are jealous. >> clearly. >> you want him to look at pictures of you because you love him so much. >> first of all i don't like how thin he looks. andy, please eat something, please. the russian food is terrible. i completely believe this is happening. people are fallible. isn't that one of the central tenants for conservative thought that people are fallible so you don't want to give a lot of power to the government? >> yes. >> but you people, you people, you conveniently forget about this when it comes to the security state. when it comes to the security state you want it to be as big as possible because i think at heart what you really are are a big government conservative. as long as it is big government that supports things you like like invading the privacy of the american people, i think you, sir, are the traitor. you should be in guantanamo bay in prison and probably
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never see the light of day again. >> how can i be a traitor. >> we will be right back. >> you just twisted kwan serve tiff -- conservative. >> i knew you would get -- you can go ahead and take sexy pictures of yourself. >> i am more concerned about my not so sexy pictures i have sent people. one time i spilled soup all over me and it looked like a barnicle. i really overestimated the microwaving time. >> you burned yourself. >> in my microwave and two shirts on. also every time i am sick i send pictures of my tonsils to my mom. what if they get uh hold of those? >> that's somebody's fetish. >> are my tonsils floating around the nsa right now? >> i actually wouldn't mind seeing a woman burned by
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soup. >> it was a really big article. >> now we know why the irs is targeting conservatives. >> coming up, my show stomping song and dance number. and you thought i was a pretty face. no, i am a triple threat. first, a company that doesn't want its employees taking bathroom breaks? find out after our first of four mandated breaks.
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television announcer: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale $197 mattress sale is on now. bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: right now, you can get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. bulldog: any size mattress - twin, full, queen, or king - for one low price! and they'll deliver it free. television announcer: the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: on now. ♪ mattress discounters loo123419 union workers at a faucet making company have filed a grievance with the national labor relations board claiming their employer limited them to six minutes per day in the bathroom. they say that the company, water saver faucets, even
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installed a tracking system to keep tabs on their tinkle time. last month 19 workers were disciplined for excessive bathroom use, specifically 60 minutes during a 10-day period. but does everybody have to use the bathroom? them employee says yes. >> everybody has to use the bathrooms. >> he said it as such. the company which claims to have lost 120 hours of work a month has incenti viesed holding it in and offering employees a $20 gift card for not peaking on the job. peeing on the job. here is the ceo. >> it is not fair to those who come and work hard seven and a half hours a day to have the guy next to them screwing off in the bathroom all day long. >> the company installed ram -- cameras in the bathrooms and what they found was disturbing. take a look.
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>> andy, have you ever heard of an employee screwing off in the bathroom for seven hours a day? is this ceo crazy? >> screwing off? no. isfirst of all the company did not install cameras in the bathroom. it was part of our joke. >> and those animals, those were not union animals. >> look, this company -- a couple things. this company does not have paid sick days. guess what that means. that means people could be coming to wok with the flu or stomach virus and you need a bathroom more than six minutes a day. it is like the zero tolerance policies where you make pop tarts look like guns. if you have an employee spending too much time in the bathroom deal with that. don't do this glain cet across across the board thing. and this company makes facets. it needs people in the bathroom a lot. how do you not realize that?
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>> it seems strange it is this company. this is 1 percent of the day of these employees. does that seem excessive to you? >> i think that this policy is an excellent policy. i fully support it. these people are so upset about not being able to kick it in the bathroom all day they are protesting? it would be good for them. there is more to life than just a bathroom. life is too short to waste it in the bathroom. you love the bathroom. let it go. one bathroom door closes and another opens. fully support it. >> obviously there is something going on at water saver. these guys and these gals want to go down and spend time -- >> they want to take a dip. >> is it the only place -- women spend more time in the bathroom than men, right? >> we blot stuff. we fix our hair. >> we don't even look at each other in the bathroom. >> but we also have a time of the month. >> i also hate to say have i
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to go to the bathroom and whatever girl is with me takes it as an invitation and says oh yeah, me too. i enjoy this policy, best policy ever. >> could this all be made up? >> obviously it is not made up. >> it is water saver though. a big commercial for water saver. >> you think they are doing it for publicity? they are having a labor issue over this? >> it gives moisturizing pants a whole new meaning. >> i don't know what that means. >> people's obsess with the bathroom is keeping them from achieving their dreams. >> i used to work -- i had a real job. i used to work at a men's clothing store. the sales people would come off the floor and they would go down to the bathroom and they just wanted to get off the floor. >> sometimes you need a break. you can come back energized and ready to go. as soon as you tell me i can't use the bathroom, that's when i have to go. >> like the incentive.
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>> wait. wouldn't you like a $20 gift certificate for not going to the bathroom? >> i don't want a kidney infection in the process. >> this segment is brought to you by water saver. coming up, will people like you you -- will people like you more if you are a binge drinker? perhaps, but your liver will hate you. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's c block is sponsored by the gully ball. it is real. don't believe me? you should. it totally is. buy it for four easy payments of your child's college fund. thanks, gully ball.
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can you get to the top of a bottom of a bottle? according to a new study, my favorite kind, the more young adults binge drink the higher their social status. yes, frequent heavy boozers tend to be more popular than others in their group of friends, as they should be. but it is unclear which comes first. the binging or the popularity. it is a classic drunk chicken or drunk egg question. the researchers suggest that young people might be gaining social status benefits via their heavy drinking or that higher social status encourages drinking practices among young people. katherine, which is it? i suspect that it is difficult
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to be of high social status. are you worrying all the time. you take that stress into the bar with you and overdrink. what do you think? >> i actually think i am way cooler the more i drink. after i have had a couple vod-sodes, i lie and make myself sound cooler. everyone else says normal stuff. i over came the adversity and i invented the e-cigarette, blah, blah, blah. i can say it so convincingly that i am popular. >> do you think these guys in bars are chatting with you because of the lies you are telling, or maybe they like the fact you with paying attention to them? >> i am not paying attention to them. i am talking about myself the entire time. >> but they have your attention. they are standing there with you. i don't think -- it doesn't matter what you say to them. they will want to be around you. >> that's what i'm saying. it doesn't matter what i am saying. i will say anything and it is more fun that way. >> andy you mentor a lot of young co-eds.
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you encourage them to binge drink. >> i i don't like to say encourage. i don't be rate them. >> you say it helps losen them up. >> if they think it is, it does. that's how it works. there are a couple of things here. students who are considered more socially powerful drink more. binge drinking is associated with high status and students on campus. well, maybe -- they keep saying college students who binge drink were happier than their counterparts because it is cool. i think maybe they were happier because they were drunk more often. >> maybe they are lie together researchers. maybe they are like, yeah, i'm happy, but they are not happy. >> this is a study of young adults. i would like to see a study with people in the 40s. by then the people who drink more and binge drink are considered kind of sad. >> joanne, this story seems taylor made to have a snarky question of you overdrinking. but i am not going to do it.
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i will just ask you if this study is dead on or not? >> definitely for young people. young people associate binge drinking with having a good time and making new friends and yolo. you only live once. that's what that means. >> i didn't even know what a vod-sod was. >> vodka soda. >> nobody actually says that. >> i do. >> no one does. >> when you meet a man or women who does the binge drinking, when they are an adult, that's a red flag. you say oh you are still doing that a? >> where is the cutoff? >> i would say 25. >> so really only -- >> i think that is a good age. >> you only have four years of binge drinking available to you? >> if you start at 21, yes. >> because no one under 21 drinks. >> i think a lot of the popular kids and the jocks were always out drinking at the parties and whatnot. some of the nerds, we didn't drink at all. we had other stuff to do, right, rick? we had better things to do.
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>> was i a nerd? the nerds rule the world and i am not ruling the world. i was a popular kid. let me just read something from the study so you all know. the lead author behind this study recruited 357 young adults between may and july of 2012. en route to bars in downtown ontario with their friends she gave them free drinks to do the study jie. and ontario, is that canada? >> it is a canadian study. >> they can drink at 18. >> they have been drinking for six years. >> it is a flawed study. >> like you said, the nerds rule the world. everything is different. back in our day we were the -- i don't know why i am putting you with me. >> yes, i am much younger. >> what are you, mean 70? >> i am 66. >> you are 2 28, 29?
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>> first of all i lie so much about my age i don't know what it is. >> we shouldn't get into the age. a drunk man was arrested at the san francisco airport after he impersonated a tsa agent and brought two women into a private area to give them pat downs. the 53-year-old who was reportedly dressed in khaki pants, blue shirt and blue gloves, wow, my favorite uniform, eventually caught the attention of real screeners because men are not allowed to take women to the pat down area without a female present. he should have known that. he was booked only on public drunkenness because the women had already left the scene. yes, it is another -- >> victory for perverts. >> how did the women leave the scene? it is an airport. they got on their plane. >> so they got on the plane and they didn't make a complaint. >> they didn't know. >> well, maybe he has a gentle
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touch. >> i thought it was dan akroyd judging from his picture. >> but the tsa, he did this to one woman as the tsa are responsible for protecting our entire country. they say, wait a minute, he is not supposed to be in there groping dash a dash. >> he actually did a -- where is this phantom area? >> i don't know. apparently it is easy to get in and grope girls there. >> i am always welcome. when i go through the line i put my hands in the air as if i am welcoming a pat down. they always say go right on by. >> they adjust my hands for explosives. >> katherine, have you ever been been -- have you ever gone through the pat down? >> no, they have not. they have not taken -- >> are you bitter about it? >> i am not pretty enough? >> the big story here is that the women didn't find it suspicious that a drunk tsa agent is groping them.
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>> business as usual. >> that's why this guy is a crafty pervert. >> you know whose fault this is? it is your fault, tom. it is your fault and greg gut field whatever his name is and so-called conservatives who worship at the altar of the security state. you like that the citizens are conditioned to follow authority. oh this guy wants to pat me down in private? well as long as it keeps me safe i guess it is okay. it makes me sick. i hope you rot in prison and then in hell. >> i was waiting. i came in the middle of your monologue and i should have known. andy, you are wrong. ii am not so hoped up on the nsa. i welcome -- you don't have to welcome the pat downs, but i do. they can go through my bags and whatnot. >> they would pat my head because of the clip in
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extensions. when i was going to vegas i would wear a mustache. why are they touching your head? >> you used to go in an airport with a sash? >> the one time i had to. >> do you wear like a tierra and whatnot? >> do you want me to say yes? >> that would be stupid, tom. >> wait a minute, this guy got arrested for doing something the tsa does all the time, right, andy? >> what if he found something? what if when he was patting down one of these women he found a weapon? >> that's a moral dilemma. >> we would be praising him. >> my guess is he would have cut a deal with that woman, if you know what i mean. >> you know what, they don't have fun houses anymore. but do you remember the old fun houses where you would go into a darkroom and it is at the amusement park. >> inappropriate. >> they were never fun. >> doesn't sound fun. >> you may not be as old as me, but in the 70s they had
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every carnival had a fun house. you remember them, andy. you would go in there, boys and girls. there would be not so wholesome things going on in there. >> what? >> what? >> you were lied to. that was not a fun house. >> i didn't do it. >> it was uncle nate's fun house. >> it was in his back shed. >> it was thanksgiving and we would go out back and uncle nate would have a fun house. >> the memories are coming back to me. it is time to take a break. my instant opinion on instant coffee the instant we come back.
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it is time for another -- coffee achievers like myself may be surprised to learn that instant coffee is not only the most popular, but the fastest growing form of coffee in the world. according to a new story in the "washington post," instant coffee, powdered coffee that dissolves in hot water, is bigger than ever. in australia and new zealand it accounts for 75% of retail coffee consumed. in eastern europe it is over 50%. and it is over 60% in asia pacific, the largest instant coffee consuming region in the world. in north america, 2.7%. why aren't we the ones who want everything fast? america? no, apparently not. coffee is a $30 billion industry in the u.s. and almost all of it is brewed. don't be a total coffee snob. there is room for instant coffee in the diverse life of a coffee drinkers.
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starbucks via is actually better than so-called brewed options. i demonstrated how to use it in a coffee emergency here. >> i can't find a starbucks anywhere. i pull over to the rest area and all they have are the god awful coffee machines that make weak coffee. the water is hot, so i made myself a coffee. i set it on the weakest you. they have three settings. i take a star bucks via and i make myself a starbucks coffee. all right. oh my gosh, it is a starbucks coffee. >> andy, you are looking quiz
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clear at that video. did you understand what was happening? >> i couldn't understand what it was. it looks like an instant coffee. >> if you go out to the hinter lands of america -- >> i'm sure you do. >> and then you go to the fun house. >> and you spend time there. i make my own on tuna fish sandwich. >> i don't even want to ask how you make that. >> where is the tuna fish? >> you get these wonderful foil packages. you don't have to open cans anymore. you get the foil package and get yourself some mayo and you mix it in a bowl. anyways -- >> are you right back to the killing. >> sounds murderee. >> what i was doing in the video, it is a great road coffee tip. you go to the rest area and they have the coffee machines and they make terrible coffees. they have hot water. it is the only way to get hot water on the road. you make it on the weakest setting and then you pour in
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the starbucks powder. >> why not just get hot water? >> you are out on the road. these comedy clubs are in the middle of no where. they don't even have a dunkin donuts. >> you just get hot water. >> the machines don't make hot water. there is a terrible coffee machine. >> what is wrong with the coffee machine. i don't care what kind i drink. it is calf fee and it is fun -- it is caffeine and it is fun to slam it and it is a wild time. i don't understand people who like certain coffees and i don't like people who go wine tasting. >> do you care about coffee or are you dumping it down for the caffeine? >> i grew up on instant coffee because that's what my parents drink. we were a follow yes, sirs family. >> they are a follow yes, sirs family? a folge rs family? >> that's what i would go to. when i have a really nice blend or a really nice columbian bean whatever it might be, i can taste the difference and i do enjoy it
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more. but for convenience sake a single serving of instant coffee is easier than making a pot. >> i don't know how to make coffee. it is like sludge. if you drink some you will have fun. >> i used to have a roommate that used to make the -- he used to take -- he had a styrofoam cup and he would scoop in the taster's choice coffee and then run it under the water in the tub, the bathtub. he would run the hot water and just suck it down. isn't that disgusting? >> i love instant coffee. >> what is happening? >> you are obviously the only coffee achiever here, tom. >> we all work in media and we need our coffee. we live in a wonderful -- there is a a great gourmet coffee place down the street. >> of course you know where it is. >> have you ever heard the mes-cafe jingling? >> when we were growing up, same with you in the 50s, everyone drank instant coffee and every other ad was for instant coffee. robert young sanka ads, fill
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it to the rim with brim. frank never has a second cup of coffee at home with yuban. the best part of waking up is folgers in your cup. i can't remember when the last time i saw an instant coffee ad. >> the answer is -- less than 3% of americanst coffee. we are all about quality. everybody thinks we are about the fast-food. they drink more instant in south america and asia and britain and australia. we are the gourmet people here in america. so it is a different story than what is happening out on the streets. >> i drink expired coffee. >> in the fun house. >> coming up, a male model with face tattoo. uninterested. and do you have videos of animals you can send them to us at fox eye.
12:52 am
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johnson and nick gillespie and on monday john bolton. okay, should we oppose her repose? when it comes to kim kardashian lounging they say boo. the "entourage" actor attacked instagram and its perceived class structure. posing this geeks tau position of 19th position painting and the tv star. he said instagram confirms class structure and distracts us from our true goals of quality and miss misalign meant with the true needs of justice and freedom from oppression of capitalism. speak for your own goals. he then invites his followers to read an article titled the ways of seeing instagram that quotes john grammar by saying it cannot exist without envy being common and a widespread emotion. the industrial society that moved forward democracy is the
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ideal society for generating such an emotion. what a? speaking of glamour creating social envy, check out adrian in the new entourage movie. here is the behind the scenes clip. >> i take it back. that's hilarious. i didn't know "entourage" was comedy. andy, he starred in "entourage" so he has the right to tell us about the folly of capitalism, doesn't he? >> there is nothing quite like a guy who has made a lot of money quoting something calling for the overthrow of capitalism and a guy who made that money on a show that exploits women's appearance and treats them like expobz then waxing poetically about true goals of equality and spiritual alignment. >> are they our true goals? >> he said they are. >> not when you are on
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instagram. >> instagram is for pictures of my own face on instagram. it is instagram. >> he seems to be making a comment thatten staw gram is -- it has to do with the capitalist capitalist -- it is all about envy. do you think it is? >> i don't know. i have never been to any other instagram page except my own. i don't know. >> point well taken. joanne, do you have an instagram account? >> yes. >> do you use it to create envy? >> of course. it is not for everyone it is for the ex-boyfriends to look back and make them feel bitter about their lives. >> maybe he is right. did you look at this book in college and said we all have -- this is required in all art classes. >> really? >> it was big. everybody had a copy under their arm. >> everyone did? everyone? >> with a cup of instant coffee jie. and tuna.
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>> i remembered reading it and i didn't realize it was marxism with an over lay of history. >> which means he didn't write this because he doesn't know what he is saying. it is an attack on capitalism and it is so hollywood. it is so typical -- i feel like we should just not even talk about it. >> you remember that book, right? it is political and feminist post modern education? >> i don't remember much of college because i was not a nerd like you. i think the important point is like oh shut up and act. i would prefer he shut up and not act. he just leaves the scene completely. i hate the fact that i have to live in a world where there is an "entourage" movie coming out. >> my god. what a way to end the show. special thanks to tv's andy levy and joanne know nosuchunsky. that does it for me.
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kimberly guilfoyle. it's 8:00 in new york city and this is a special edition of the five. tonight, new developments on the passenger plane shot down overee crawn. president obama says pro-russian separatists are to blame. did vladimir putin help them? that's what the world wants to know. also tonight, israeli troops are pushing deeper into gaza and its ground offensive to cripple hamas. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered them to prepare for a significantly wider campaign that could last up to two weeks. we have team fox coverage. john huddy is in gaza city,
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