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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  July 19, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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thanks for watching. huckabee starts right now. >> tonight on huckabee. >> evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface to air missile launched by an area with russian backed separatist. russia refused to take the steps necessary to deescalate the situation. we will impose. >> is the president's warning for russia strong enough? >> there is right and wrong. a just side and evil side. >> hamas continues to fire rockets and israel expand the assault in gaza. we'll move from an iron dome to an iron fist.
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>> and don't forget the immigration crisis on our south other than border. ladies and gentlemen. thank you. thank you very much. welcome to huckabee. from the fox news studios in new york city. this week israel had enough of the terrorist strikes against the civilian population and they launched a ground campaign in gaza. the hellhole of hamas. twice hamas violated a ceasefire agreement and launched rockets over 80 percent of the israeli population. the best we got from the white house is a ridiculous admonition for both sides to restrain themselves. and 225 million americans and 80 percent of our population were
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having rockets explode over our head do you think that we would appreciate someone to tell us to restrap ourselves? hamas is a terrorist organization and not a government. israeli prime minister netanyahu explained the difference between the two sides. >> we are using missile defense to protect our civilians and they are using the civilians to protect their missiles. they are embedding terrorist rockets trying to kill as many as they can. >> it is indeed a tragedy that several hundred residents of gaza are killed and greater savages that operate hamas use innocent people as human shields to protect their weapons. none of those palestinians would have died if hamas didn't insist on acting like vicious mad dogs. don't buy the lie if israel
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would give up more land it would be. israel lives on one- sixth of the land possessed by arab muslims. there are throwanist muslips to 5 million jews. the proposal of giving more israeli land. if you let the mad dog closer to your face less he will bite. israel has a legitimate right to the land and right to defend itself. it is the only one that allows women rights. and outlawed honand in 1979 and 2006 helped palestinians. and israel accommodates 15 different rgszs. how many christians and hindus or bud histare able to practice
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in pakistan. or saudi arabia or gaza. hamas is a puppet of oh, ran. this is a pregame for the real target, the united states. if we pussyfoot around and have nothing better than offer than telling everybody to get a long. we'll rue the day when the iowa rannian terrorist get loose in the united states and we'll wonder why we never bothered to control our borders and brains. the president said we would just move our embassy to jerusalem where it would be safer. we urge more neighbors in judea and samaria and so they would live in a neighborhood less likely to be targeted and announce no wor money going to the palestinian authority until they renounce and separate from hamas and until they recognize israel's right to a safe and
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secure home land. i don't say it because i am a jew. i am not a jew. i believe there is a difference between good and evil. and i would never tell good to restrain itself. nor would i treat evil as if it was the same as good. i spoke to friends in israel every day. and i admire their patience and hesitation to escalate the defense of the children that could result in the death of someone else. but enough is enough. and america shouldn't keep the world guessing as to who it would stand with. terrorist association hamas or an elected democracy, israel. (applause) u.s. officials show the actual sa rocket launcher they believe shot down malaysian flight 17 in eastern ukraine that killed all
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298 people on board. the video shoes two missiles missing for the launcher that officials believe is back in russia now. friday, president obama said the udz imposed more sanctions on russia. joining me is general scales. general, it is great to have you here. the president said there should be sanctions that would be levied against russia is he being strong enough and taking the role that the president of the largest super power should be taking right now. >> vladimar putin doesn't care about sanctions. vladimar putin is russia and it is his hand that is on the throttle in the incursion and they are his soldiers and russian surrogates that fight the war. punishing russian officials and taking money away from russian
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>ó]u.s. response to that, doesn't affect the outcome at all. and in fact, many waysl/@ strengthens putten's hands with his own people. remember, his favorable rating is all the way up to 83 percent. the russian propaganda convinced the russian people they are in the right and if this administration puts more sanctions on it, it makes putin to be more rightous, governor. >> what could we learn if we got our hands on the equipment. would we know for sure russia was behind the attack or intentional or accidental. >> the smoking gun is the 22 missing rockets. rails are scorched and they were both the shot probably in the airliner. and when a rocket goes off near an airliner and explodes, and blows away the rocket motor,
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that 14 or 15 foot tube and it falls to the ground near the crash site and that tube has russian finger prints and data plates and serial numbers that tell you which arsenal or which ammunition dump it came from and from the paper work whether or not that missile belonged to the ukrainians and russians. governor, it belonged to the russians. >> you say that because of the complexity of the launcher itself and how difficult it is to get it driven over and having amateurs put their hands all over it. >> that is a great question, governor. what is important to understand. this is not just to track vehicle, it is a complex weapon's system and radar and an electroopticcal scanners and a tracking radar. the missile itself has a radar
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on it. and the process of spinning up the missile and of affixing a target and goigd the rocket up to the target at 30,000 feet. this is graduate level work even for a first line military like ours. the course for rockets in america is 26 feet long. you can't say they hoped in the launcher and had the skill to shoot down an airliner flying that high and fast. it is impossible. >> the president has taken a benign approach. he said there should be sanctions and price for russia to pay if it is proven they are behind. it is that adequate? >> no. >> what should he do or say. his words don't moan much to the world leader ares, what should he do? >> putin understands two things.
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he understands weakness and power. and putin is all about substituting his own military power for the will and the confidence that he has to get his way in the ukraine. >> there is an old war college governor saying that when you create a military vacum, somebody fills it. and in this case bad people fill it and in my opinion. it is time to take military action and something that putin happen. put stealth aircraft in poland and armored brigades and put them in poland. they fear american armor more than anything else and aid the ukraine and sen them real weapons rather than in mre's and put the american presence in europe. and if we do that germans and british will follow our lead. >> great to have you here.
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>> the president supports israel right to defend themselves. and hopes that the gazaúañt^ñ offensive minimizes casulties. israel hopes for that, too. but are the israelis confident in the
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israel's military continues the offensive in gaza in response to the thousands of rockets fired by hamas. on saturday, israeli discovered dozens of tunnels used by hamas to carry out the attacks. i spoke to a member of the security cabinet earlier. there are the images of palestinian civilian casulties that get broadcast all over the
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screens. how do you combat the idea that israel is ending up not intentionally, but civilian cault is in it gaza and what is the response that you give when that is brought up as the reason that israel is an aggressor here? >> you tell the truth. hamas is deliberately killing its own women and children. that's what is going on. the un discovered 20 missiles in a school and this is official. they found missiles in a school in gaza. hamas is hiding missile launchers within the homes and classrooms and hospitals and putting woman and children around the launchers and the shooting the missiles on israelis towns and when we respond those women and children sometimes get hurt. you have to spell it out. it is not unlike bashar ha sa,
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he's killing his own people and hamas is killing its own people. >> the ground operation is intended to stop rocket fire and go after the secret tunnel system that is far more elaborate than most people understand. define the objective. going in gas a. when will you know you have succeeded? >> we have no limitation and we will win. some of my own family is fighting and many of my friends. it is part of being a jew in israel. we have been in this country for 3800 years before islam and hamas came to the world and we'll be here t years after hamas disappears. and the objective is to clean up the terror tunnels that lead terrorist underground to israeli
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towns. just imagine if you are sitting in your kitchen and suddenly you see in your backyard a hole appear and 40 terror commandos coming out and kidnapping you. that's something we will not accept and solving right now. >> there is a perception that the people of gaza are under siege from israel. but you sploi them electricity and send food to gaza and many of thep=ñ9k5 actually come from israel and yet the people so many to not realize that. your battle is not just with hamas, last week you held up a rocket that had basically an iranian finger print here. who is the real battle with? >> radical islamic terror groups
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led by iran. if you don't win the battle you will have hamas and al-qaeda and isis all over the world. we are in a location where free world touches radical islamic world that wants it all over the world. spain to paris to israel we are in the center. the world can stand behind the right. there is a right and wrong. there is a just side and evil side. if you target civilians and on the other hand we are trying to defend our people. there is right and wrong. and we expect the world to stand behind the democracy and the open society. >> are you satisfied with the u.s. response and their call for restraent on both sides?
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is that a fair request or would you like something stronger from the u.s. officials? >> the united states is our biggest and best friend and we appreciate the connection, however to ask israel to restrain itself after receiving over a thousand rockets on our towns, i think that is not exactly the right message. and i think that israel and anyone should not be expected to incur and take hits forever. we offered one ceasefire. we offered another ceasefire. and keep in mind where we are. we are less than half of a percent. our land is half of1+idn a percf the entire islamic world and about 6 million jews in israel and covered by 300 million muslims and we are defending ourselves and to ask us to
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restrain ourselves against radical islamic group is not the right message and i will be clear. israel will use an iron dome to protect itself. [aipj a iron dome to an iron fisf and a we'll destroy anyone who upons to destroy israel. >> thank you, and keep safe. and we'll talk soon. >> thank you my friend and all of the viewers that support israel. >> we have a civilian plane shot down and war on the israeli border and the immigration border and the immigration crisis is
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>> two-thirds of immigrant children seeking a sylum are approved to stay in the u.s. where are they going to stay? last week, my next guest finally toured a facility that houses immigrant children in fort sill, oklahoma. the congressman joins us now. congressman, it is nice to have you with us today. >> thank you for having us. >> let me start with the fact, you try to go july 1st in a facility in your district. they tell you you couldn't go in and see a federal facility. that you have oversight for. were you temped to go in anyway?
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and why doesn't you? >> that was my initial reaction and we thought better of. it we wanted to go up the chain of command and asked for someone to talk to and they gave us a phone number for the deputy of communication. that gentlemen would not take my phone call but his assistant said he would communicate through e-mail. we 12 days later got access. a lot of my worst fears were confirmed. the children have been abused and not by anyone in the facility. that's not the case. the situation here is a lot of these children in the facilities, have parents and relatives that are here illegally. and the parents pay people in mexico to have their children
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smuggled in the united states. in northern mexico since the united states doesn't control the border. it is controlled by criminal organizations and the coyon thees have to get cross the border and they have to pay the organized crime syndicate to get cross the board sxert children in many case s are hostage and the parents in the united states have to pay more money and some cases the children disappear, there are recent accounts of mass graves in northern mexico. and of course, some children get solid in the slave trade. the crisis here, that a lot of the parents in the the united states illegally don't understand the danger of having their children brought to the united states by coytees. and transnational criminal organizations and because of this children are suffering. >> what did you see when you
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walked in there and do you think that maybe things were cleaned up in the len day period between your first attempt and when you finally got in? >> i don't know if things were cleaned up. but the folks in the facility had a big heart for children. they had 80 medical professionals in that facility. and there were numerous counts of scabies where and other counts of fever. clearly the children who made it over the border many cases they were trauma toyed and cases of children and counts of suicide attempts in the facilities and i can tell you people working in there was dedicated to making sure that the children were well cared for and health concerns of the children were met and mental health concerns. and again, the biggest message that everybody understands. we keep hearing the
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administration say that people are fleeing crime and poverty in el sal vadoor and guatamala. it is true there is crime there. and i used to spend time there and used to do counter drug operations in the navy. when i was there three years ago crime and poverty is bad. but it was bad then and but the president articulated that people who come to the united states he would like to make them citizens and that word got out down south. and if you talk to the children and hear those reports, they believe if they make it across the border, they will be given legal status and made citizens. >> we appreciate you being here and thank you for joining us. >> thank you, governor. õ;9úx oneitate where thousands of people accepted for obama care and paid
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woman: as long as i live. man: i realized, at that moment, when we first saw the damage, these people really needed us and i was going to make a difference, right here in my community. together with local responders, we cleared trees and collapsed walls. we had to get to the family trapped beneath. as a citizen-soldier, i made a difference. announcer: be there for your community, at
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i am gile bandaras. >> go to fox >> and the president and democrats say obama care is a success. but is it set up to help the patients? >> linda was diagnosed with lung cancer and after receiving treatment and surgery returned to work and less than two years later cancer spread to her brain. she signed up early for obama care and got a congratulatory message that said her plan would be in place new year's day in 2014. while waiting for her insurance to kick in. they discovered that her brain tumor returned and another surgery was necessary. in january when her coverage was supposeed to start, she found out she was not in the system because of processing flaws and she was told she would be enrolled by march. she went without coverage four
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months. her husband places the blame on the glitches in the obama care system. by the time the coverage was in place. it was too late. her cancer was untreatable. after surgery linda passed away on june 30th. her husband of 45 years joined a class action lawsuit involving 150 people against the nevada state exchange and xeroxcorporation that helped to set up the marketplace. they join me now. >> robert, it breaks my heart. you were married 45 years and think you get coverage and your wife is anticipating the coverage and finding out a bureaucrat made a mistake. how did you feel when you heard this. >> we were devastated. >> and what did they you?
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>> they didn't tell us nothing. i mean, we kept hearing that xeroxcouldn't get the program right. and that was the reason that the insurance companies never had it in their computer and didn't have our name in the computer. >> even though you had a message and congratulations you are covered. >> they gave us a policy number and vendor number. and said that it would be started march 1st. >> and when, you were dealing with this, did they know. did xeroxand the state know how bad your wife's condition was? her doctors said she has to get treatment. >> oh, yeah, they knew. every time my daughter-in-law called them she reminded them. you are dealing with someone who has brain cancer and needs
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surgery. and you said we had insurance and she's not in the computer. the insurance company had nothing on her. did you feel like they treated you with the kind of respect and did they care? >> i didn't get no kind of letters or apologies or anything. no i'm sorry, our system is not working yet. and only thing they said to us, was that maybe the insurance company hadn't uploaded it yet. >> robert, your wife was fighting cancer of the brain, how much was it in a toil not only the ailment but the system she trusted and betrayed her trust? >> the stress and the toll it put on her was terrible. and just a little over a month
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ago, and barely a month ago, she passed away and still believing that she was going to get that coverage and it was four months without it before it=-n7,h%8é k and by then, it was too late? >> right, she knew she was getting worse and worse. >> matthew, as a attorney for the family it is a class action lawsuit now. what do you hope to do for the the folks? obviously you can't take care of lane and his family. but what can you do to make sure that is not happening to anybody else. >> that is the goal, governor. speaking with robert and 200 clients that signed up, we suspect 6500 people in nevada who think they have insurance and pay prem yups for insurance. but xerox, utterly failed in the enstalling a despite the 72
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million contract, there is no system in place and thousands of applicants don't have coverage when they paid premiums. they paid on a monthly basis as robert and linda did and are facing in many cases a death sentence. >> i mean, people, it is one thing if they don't pay and can't get the coverage. but if you pay and you did your end of the contract and the other party didn't it is frustrating. we reached out to xeroxand they said they couldn't comment and there is more to the story than what is reported and that should come out in the courtroom. but the sad thing, no heart what comes out in the courtroom, it is not going to bring your wife back and help you to ever get over the extraordinary emotional pain that you can of thinking that you have done what you are
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supposed to do, and getting notice from the exchange that you are covered and find out that you are not covered and for four months not able to get an answer. >> it is just, we didn't know what to think about it. i mean, they knew very well. they covered the preexisting. and it was a low rate and we both are on disability and we just thought it was great, you know. and then this happens. and that is the heart break. you know, obama care people think is good because of preexisting. but in your case it didn't work. matthew, i hope you help other families. robert, i express my heart felt sympathy to you and your family. i hope it doesn't happen to anybody else.
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i thank you for being here to tell your story. thank you. (applause) >> and gretchen carlsson does a great job covering stories on the real story, perhaps her experience helped her to prepare for a role in the@pp@paúq÷w
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>> abuse of power and corruption and basic freedoms and all challenges that it are front and center in today's political climate and stars own gretchen carlesson in the big screen debut. >> john, what is your opinion of the primary of the faith and to publicly declare your religious beliefs in a way to promotes equal times and other systems of faith?
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>> freedom is fragile and costly and must be defended by work and faith and even by blood. >> joining me now is the anchor of the real story, gretchen carlsson and former senator fred thompson. and great to have all of you guys here. gretchen, i was so proud of you. you looked terrific. snshg thank you, governor. >> you took care of that role. she could be a new's anchor. >> didn't have to step that far to play a jourpallist. hats off to the senator who is an amazing actor and daniel who believed in me to let me step out of the box going from live tv to doingacing. >> it was a great choice and i thought you handled it beautifully. senator, of all of the roles
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played. you were a priest. thank you father for being here today. >> (laughter) >> most of my friends would consider that not type casting, but that is one of the things that attracted me to this film is a chance to do something a little different and a chance to sound profound and wise. i have had those chances and didn't usually take them. >> you have. >> we were kidding around and having a good time because we are friends. this film really is about a very serious topic that is real and that faith is under fire today in america. gretchen, you see it in the new's stories that you portray. we just saw the hobby lobby case. do you feel this film is a wake- up call for people of faith in the country? >> it is emblematic of the times. people love the theater, wow, do
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i take my freedoms for granted and freedom of speech and religion for granted? the only way you realize the freedom is gone is when it is. when it first erodes away, we don't notice. it we do because we did the movie and on the nows. but the average citizen it will be thought provoking. >> senator, do you think that americans have gone to sleep at the switch and not paying attention to the the loss of liberties? >> no question about that. i think it is a gradual thing and the frog in the bottom of the hot water and it keeps getting hotter. who would have thought a few years ago, that the government would tell a group of people they have to furnish another group of people the morning after pill or suffer the consequences of doing that?
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even though is viivates the religious beliefs. it is timely in that respect. >> the hollywood critics haven't given the love and tells me it must be a must- film for the people who hold hollywood in contempt. >> and hollywood doesn't want+v this message necessarily out. it is harder for it is to break out we have a responsibility for the freedom. movie going crowd, there is an entitlement mentality and there is a reality a cost for freedom and we have to take that cost. for people support it and we have a chaps to turn the tide. >> as i say, if hollywood doesn't like a film i would
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love. it go so persecuted and maybe more prophetic than you will be comfortable with. thank you guys, for being here. thank you guys, for being here. >>
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winning artist richard marx singing a duet with ryan seacrest. there is a album called beautiful good bye. one of our favorites richard mar thex is here. i watched the segment and with ryan seacrest with american idol and you invited ryan seacrest. you have been on my show three times and when will you invite me. >> i didn't invite ryan. he invited me and so the question, when will you ask me to do a duet with you? >> it is when a warm place freezes over. you don't want me singing with you. >> well, that the argues. >> it is great to have you back. first album in ten years. we have the album and the cd is
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vaebl. all of our audience members will go home with a copy of the cd courtesy of richard. (applause) >> you told them i take all major credit cards. >> they will getrs for free but everybody else who will be ordering it on itunes and amazon. >> it will be worth it. it is a great, great album and you will do one of the cuts from it. and the name of the cd is beautiful goodbye. it is not a finale for you. >> no. >> happy to hear. that what is the song. >> it closes the album. eyes on me. >> all eyes are on richard marx.
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♪ ♪ one more moment will i believe. ♪ i don't know ♪ i don't know how.
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♪ to say i love you. and i will take you. ♪ your eyes on me. ♪ ♪ i don't know why or 3wp,bfozh
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♪ ♪ ♪ your eyes on me. ♪ (applause) >> richard marx thank you so much. and i will be back with
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>> well, thanks to richard marx
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and our wonderful guests for being here. and that's it for now. this is mike huckabee from new york. by the way, stay tuned w left this evening, thanks for joining us, and stay tuned for justice with janine. %osswjo hello and welcome to justice. i am judge janine pirro. our downed plane and our border unvaccinated illegals. and the cards are dealt and we are here to play. famous words of vladimar putin. and as the world watches, two of its strongest leaders are at play. at the table. russian president putin not kidding around as evidenced by pro russian separatist who


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