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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  July 20, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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until next time, i hope you're learning to be more of a healthy you. hi there. time now for "sunday housecall." >> and hello. welcome. joining us as always is dr. david samadi. >> and dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine at nyu's medical center, also author of the inner pulse. good to see you both. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> we start today with a new health alert about some of those breakfa
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breakfast cereals. new research suggesting they may be getting more than the recommended amount of vitamins they need. how is this even possible? >> well, these are major cereals out there. so forthfied food actually helped us tremendously. as kids, we were not getting the new tricia. they were big time diseases and you don't see them anymore because in the food we're adding all the nutrients and vitamins and minerals. the study that came out is telling us that the labels on a lot of the cereals may or may not be correct. now we're finding out that there's more vitamin a, zinc. and niacin. about 10 million children out there are getting too much vitamin a which can affect your
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liver. you're getting too much zinc and that can affect us with asorpgs of copper and other elements. same thing with niacin. now cdc is looking into the labels because a lot of the labels haven't changed since 1968 and they're looking to make sure this information is accurate. what's the message? watch the amount of the cereals. and these are major companies, kelloggs and raisin brands. they haven't kept up with the label. >> how do you know if your kids are getting too much? they're getting vitamins in the cereals too. what type of symptoms are they? >> first problem, eric, is that these boxes are labeled wrong. they're not labeled for kids. most of them don't say what a kid needs. they'll say adult daily requirements are.
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of course a tiny tot needs a lot less of it. you have to downsize it for your kid. you're also getting supplements in a lot of the foods that kids eat and they may get it in their regular diet. if you overdose on va, you end up with a problem with the lir, brittle bones, problems with your fingernas. according to the environmental working group who started this study, they said that 10 million americans have too much vitamin a. >> can it really be that bad just from eating? >> how much cereal are you having? the answer is yes. if you have a couple of times a day cereal, it may be all your kids are eating, are they getting it in power bars as well, what are they doing. >> that's a good point marc is bringing up. it's the additive amount of vitamin. so you're getting a lot from food, from the snack bars and now you're taking vitamins.
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that addition is going to effect bone abnormalities and liver et cetera. 13 million of your children are getting too much zinc. that's a lot. that can affect the red blood cells and white blood cells. cut down on the amount of cereals. >> but i want to ask you specifically about that. a lot of parents are very busy. so they give the kids cereal in the morning. so should you give your kids cereal every day for breakfast five times a week or mix it up? >> i think it's okay, but just the portion and the amount we're giving based on the label on the cereal are mostly for adults, not for kids. it can add up. >> show me the size bowl. >> we think of zinc as a good thing. it fighting the cold. but too much zinc can give you a problem with your immune system. the last thing you need as a kid.
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fortified is good. too fortified is no good. not all kids will eat the fruit and vegetables. you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need. >> if you go to your pediatrician and let's say the kid has some unknown rash. for some reason, nausea or vomiting, these are the things we want people to know that maybe it's because of too many vitamins they're get. >> one third of all kids also take dietary supplements. you don't need a day tear supplement and a bowl of cereal twice a day. >> i like my lucky charms. >> i used to eat anyone stones -- now i eat cheer yoes. >> lucky charms taste great, but i don't eat them, they're no
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good for you. >> even without milk -- all right. you know, they say something kills more people than drugs combined and that is the shocking new statistics about alcohol abuse. coming up, the doctors will talk about that and how we all can control the amount that we drink. all can contro [male vo] inside this bag is 150 years of swedish experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. gevalia. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em.
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back now with "sunday housecall" and ways that you can
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be healthier. there's new research that shows just how deadly excessive drinking can be. they say alcohol abuse remains one of the leading causes of premature death in our country. dr. siegel, if you enjoy wine or a beer or alcohol, how do you know how much is too much? >> i think you have to tell your physician. i will say a few weeks ago, we talked about smoking. tell your physician, it's on my questionnaire now. it's part of my medical records. i say to you, how much do you drink. tell me the truth. it's incredibly problematic. 13,000 car accident -- fatal car accidents per year from alcohol. over 25,000 deaths due to liver disease due to alcohol. that's not to mention the issues with cancer. increased risk of breast cancer and colon cancer and plus it combines with all the other big
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killers. problems with lifestyle, problems with smoking, people with eating. be honest with your physician. >> then how much is too much? >> okay. so the binge drinking is what we're talking about. if you're having five hardly core, five serious drinks in a short period of time, that's too much and that's dangerous. that's what we're talking about here. premature death because of alcohol kills 80% men out there. it's a serious problem. $230 billion goes into this kind of thing. the truth is, as a doctor, personally and i'm sure a lot of other doctors out there, are not paying attention. we may ask the question, do you drink alcohol and then we move onto the next one. >> you'll find that patients don't tell the truth. >> absolutely. >> that's why as a doctor, you always double the amount of what the patient will tell you. that's a rule number one that you learn in medical school.
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when it comes to smoking, we go way further. with alcohol, we haven't been effective. 7,800 patients are getting liver ser row assist, liver failure, it's all on the rise. what they found was, they use a questionnaires and looked at age between 20 and 64. they found out that we're losing about 2.5 million great life years as a result of alcohol. >> to add to that report here, it's up 12,000 deaths a year since a decade ago. we're not getting any better with this. patients that drink lie about it. they will not tell us the truth. hey, listen, i'm not criticizing you for that, if you tell me how much you drink, i can help you. >> how do you know if you drink too much? liver tests or what? >> kind of on that same note, you said dr. samadi how much is too much and what is okay?
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>> that's changing. we have study after study of this. everyone says a glass of wine a night may be good for your circulation. i would say no drinking is good. doctors do not advertise it's okay, it's okay. if someone has a drink a night before bed, relaxes them, maybe it is okay, although then they're more likely to wake up in the middle of the night. >> one drink -- >> every friday night, he has at least two glasses of red wine. >> i'm not a good example. >> social drinking, i think it's perfectly fine. we've spoken about red wine and this -- i enjoy a great glass of red wine. if you're out there and you're drinking two, three glasses in the entire week, i think that's perfectly okay. then you're -- then it's a major behavioral problem. your liver is going to be affected by this. that's too much. if you're having half a bottle
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of wine every day, eric and i hope you're not doing that, then we are in trouble. >> it's a half a -- two glasses is a half a bottle of wine. >> i want to end with one time point. i agree with david that one or two glasses is fine a day, but i don't want any nondrinkers out there say, i haven't been doing it, better have a glass of wine. >> i'm a little confused. so are you saying two glasses a day is too much or it's okay? >> i said two to three glasses of red wine a week is reasonable. i may go utility one week and drink three glasses and go for another week and not do it. that's social drinking. if you're having -- you're getting to the party and having hard liquor, four, five fl glasses -- >> women tolerate it less than men by the way. >> how about light beer? >> well, the alcohol amount is
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still there. it's the number and the duration and the amount you put in in a period. so if you put in a lot of alcohol in a short period, your liver has to work harder, over time you're going to effect it. >> we're looking for an excuse here and we're not giving it to you. >> a lot of my girlfriends will only drink a glass of wine three days a week, cut out four days a week. >> i have someone that doesn't do spirits they'll stick with just wine. >> and don't mix your alcohol. >> i know, tell me about it. >> watch the sugar also. some of you are writing us saying you're fielding more winded than usual. do you just need to start hitting the gym more or is it a sign of a more serious issue. our doctors weigh in on that next in "should i worry." and i . i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd,
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now for "should i worry." it's our weekly segment about everything that worries us. this viewer asks, my chest feels really heavy and i have a hard time breathing, should i worry. i would imagine you would have to get more information regarding this patient. i'm not sure if it's a man or a woman. >> it's interesting because the viewer send this e-mail to us and truly, i had a patient like this in my office last week. i operated on about four years ago for his prostate. comes in for a regular checkup. as he walked in, i see he's not acting like himself. he's having problem with breathing. i asked him if he's having chest
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pain. first he denied it. he said maybe a little bit in the left side. he was having a real heart attack right in front of my face. when i called his daughter, they were surprised. guess what, he was having a heart attack and we were able to save him. so the first thing that comes to mind, chest pain, shortness of breath. i also want to rule out pulmonary embolism. it's a clot that goes to the lungs. the diagnosis for this is very long. whether it's pneumonia, bronchitis, ulcer. we can deal with it long term. i'm glad we were able to save it. i would be worried. i think chest pain should be taken very seriously. the sooner we get you to the doctor or the cardiologist, before it becomes a real infarct, we can save his heart and that's a big deal. >> how do you know?
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what are the symptoms? is it like a truck on your chest? other people say it's not that much. but you have that radiated pain down the arm. what should you look for? >> there could be indigestion. >> yeah, i've got gas. >> first of all, chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue with the three cardinal symptoms of attack coming on according to the american heart association. you made a great point, is it sharp, dull, worse when i move? you have chest pain, you get on the phone right away. he may have an answering machine that says call 911. that's of no use. if you have chest pain, the sooner you get to the hospital, the better. if you have an acute coronary syndrome, we want to get a catheter in there and open up the blockage right away. we save a lot of lives that way. that's the first thing you want to make sure of. if you have chest pain and shortness of breath, you get to the hospital. if it's not your heart, it could
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also be your lunges. it could be heart failure. it could be too much fluid on your heart. you don't want to make that diagnosis at home. you want the emergency room to make that diagnosis. if it's shortness of breath, it could be asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. that's also an emergency. don't try to sit there making the differential, looking it up on the internet. >> if it's like, well, my breathing is not always the same, a little heavy and you feel silly. >> it could be ded it could be . it could be you're having anxiety. >> a very good point. i'm glad you brought it up. >> it could be anxiety, a panic attack. it could be fatigue from something totally unrelated. i don't want people to make that decision themselves. >> a lot of times, eric, this is probably nothing, but we don't want people to ignore it. yes, it could be pericarditis. >> what's pericarditis? >> inflammation of the lining around the heart. it could be mitral valve
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prolapse meaning the valves in the heart may not be working and that's why you have this kind of thing, or in older men and women it could be congestive heart failure meaning the heart is failing. the list of things that can affect you, chest pain, shortness of breath, it's bad news until proven otherwise. people may have hiatal hernia. the hernia under the diaphragm could be doing this. it could be pancreas. get to the doctor, call 911. >> can you go to one of those walk-in emergency care, urgent care places? is that okay? >> the problem is we don't have the cardiac catheterization lab there. doctors go through a differential diagnosis. david and i go through this. we say what's the most likely thing and what's the worst thing we don't want to miss? that's why we put the heart on top of the list. even if the chances are small, we don't ever want to miss a heart attack in action. >> what marc is trying to say, you go to one of those places and they diagnose you, there's
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not much they can do. in a hospital they can roll you straight to angio, find out what's going on. maybe a stent. >> if you have a question for the doctors like that viewer did, you can e-mail them, house is the name. your name and information will be completely confidential and they still won't send you a bill. >> from a sip at afternoon tea to spend time with the family, we're breaking down the health benefits of living like a royal. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing.
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of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips
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we're back now with sunday house call. britain's queen elizabeth is celebrating her 88th birthday. prince philip, her husband is 93 years old. of course, the queen mother lived to be 101. what is their secret and what can we learn about the royal sos we can live a longer, healthier life. dr. siegel, please don't tell me we need a castle, lots of rooms and horsemen and whoever else serving me. >> you need a vacation. we all need a vacation. we also need dogs apparently. those cute little dogs, you pet them and they kiss you -- >> lower your pressure. >> they lower your blood pressure. >> little corgis.
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>> absolutely. >> eating a balanced diet that we talk about on the show, the mediterranean diet and tea. david has made a big push for coffee. totally right. he's convinced me, the flav noids in tea are very good for you. tea is extremely good for your heart as well. >> any kind or green tea? >> she drinks dejarlg. >> a spot of tea every day at 4:00 is good for you. >> it's very interesting. i live in london for about three years. you don't get hungry while you're there. why? she's eating all day long small portions. so what she does, she eats about four different kind of meals, so her sugar level is always constant as opposed to the american diet where we get a big portion of food, your sugar spikes and then drops suddenly and you're always starving. tea is obviously a big part of the british culture and certainly all the antioxidants
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can clear all the free radicals and she does quite well. i like the fact that she has a pet because a lot of studies show dog owners have lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure and it's unconditional love she gets. she has a lot of these dogs in the chateau. you know what the secret is? she also laughs a lot. every picture that you see on tv, she's very happy. she's smiling. i'm sure she gets enough sleep. all the things we talk about on sunday house call, not smoking, not drinking and her diet is amazing. she sticks to fruits and vegetables. one thing she should be doing which she's not, she should follow what president bush does, jumping from some plane. >> that's one president bush. the other president bush we have the exercise role model. president i can't get into what queen elizabeth does for exercise, i'm a big fan of morning exercise, even if you can only walk. >> she goes to scotland and she
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has a vacation there. >> vacations are great. >> spend time with your family as well. >> i'm not going to be a horsemen. >> many studies show skipping your vacation can increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. that's the science behind it. she takes regular vacation which is something for all of us. we work 52 weekends a year. that's important. >> no castle for us. >> even a staycation. >> what is that? >> stay at home. >> if you have a nice houston water. >> you just stay home and don't get stressed. >> go to the beach. >> i think the scene of her jumping at the same time with george w. bush -- add two more years and make it to 90. >> we need to laugh more. i hear dr. samati is -- >> you work hard during the week, you have to laugh on
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weekends. >> sounds good to me. that's going to do it for us. i'm marcel neville. >> i'm eric shawn. thank you for watching "sunday house call" here on the fox news channel. have a good day. on the buzz meter this sunday, from the crisis along the texas border to the fighting in iraq and gaza and the plane shot down in ukraine. are the media providing a fair picture or distorted one? we'll ask john mccain. >> i think media in many respects, particularly when i read some of the, quote, commentators' columns, they continue to apologize and justify what is clearly a failed national security policy on this administration. >> the arizona senator on the coverage of the chaos, whether the press is soft on president obama and whether he's portrayed as a


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