tv Happening Now FOX News July 21, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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of the passenger plane that left 298 innocent people dead. secretary of state john kerry heads to cairo to head for a ceasefire. the death toll there rising on both sides. we are waiting an announcement from one governor how he is planning to tackle the immigration crisis on our southern border. >> breaking news. malaysian announcing a deal with the rebels in ukraine to hand over the black boxes. i am jon scott. >> and i am jenna lee he said the separatist allowed to international investigators safe access to the site. president obama demanding that russia force the rebels and ukraine to cooperate with international investigators. >> our immediate focus is on recovering those who were lost.
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investigating exactly what happened. and putting forward the facts. we have to make sure that the truth is out. and that accountability exist. >> we have jennifer live with more. >> reporter: jenna, u.s. analyst are trying to find evidence that russian officers were present in the sa missile launch site when the missile was fired. the separatist have been busy clearing the site. >> drunken separatist soldiers are piling bodies in trucks unceremoniously and disturbing the evidence and pattern that is there. anything that is removed and we understand aircraft parts have been removed compromises the investigation. we need full access and this is a moment of truth for russia.
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>> this video from friday shoes the so- called separatist led by russian military officers removing the black box and data recorder that is orange. they called for the artificial group of separatist backed by moscow to be put on the terrorist list. u.s. law makers want putten held accountable. >> the fact it is it not safe. and russia is not providing access. we look at the weapon that was used and the war zone open in europe is opened by the direction of vladimar putin. and this responsibility lays firms on him. >> the issue is where is putin? i would say putin, you have to man up. you should talk to the world and say if this was a mistake which i hope it was. say it. even if it was a mistake it is
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a horrendous mistake to make. >> reporter: we have learned that the malaysian government reached an agreement with the separatist to have access to the black boxes and to have the bodies removed, the train is now i understand on its way to another area, safe area where they can begin the process of returning them back tho to their families. >> and this is prompting law makers to schedule a vote to the nominee to the aviation board. he is expected to be affirmed as a international civilian aviation that probes major air crashes like the flight 17. we expect that to happen tonight. jon? just a short time ago the refrigerated train holding the bodies was seen loving a rebel
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town to be turned over to the dutch authorities. time is the enemy for the investigators in the case. with each day the evidence is not collected the job becomes more difficult. mike boyd us live. >> i can't think of a more difficult and frustrating situation than the one we have here. big picture, what are your observations? >> it landed in an area by the mobsters and they know they are responsible. whether the black box is found or returned like they said. it will probably end suddenly and not tell us much. the site for forensics and residue so they know what shot it down, that evident is destroyed by not keeping the crash site secower.
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and walk with us through the primary steps they take in the investigation and aircraft dafter. you want to find the bodies and locate body parts and remove them from the wreckage, right? >> you want to make sure there is people who know what they are doing with that. this is dangerous work, and these are issues of hazardous materials. blood is a hazardous material and you need people who know something and let people who know things and not destroy the evidence if you will, or inject other issues into it. we haven't seen that in this case. >> we have issues that experts say should be taken. secure the crash site. we believe that most of the intake bodies are being returned to the authorities. but number two. secure the crash site hasn't been done. remove/gather all of the
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evidence from the crash site is not done. and designate who is in charge. that is not happening. is the world going to make sense of what is happening here? >> yes, we know the russians shot it down. stop dancing around the issue. whether putin knew or not doesn't make a difference. it was his weaponry that shot it out. ukrainians told the planes that you are safe and they have culpability. and the only people who had the missile that sophisticated was the russia people. >> and we know one black box is located but rebels say they will be turned over to authorities. would moscow be able to do anything? and change in any way the information on the boxes? >> sure, they would tell us what
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was on it and when it was not on it and they would spin the story their way. the black box, that airplane is flying quietly and suddenly it was not flying. it is a string of data that stopped and will not tell us a great deal. the russian want to doctor the data, they would have done it in a minute. >> mike, thank you for your insight. in the middle east diplomatic pressure is growing for a ceasefire amid the escalating violence. secretary of state kerry working with egypt. but while that is happening there is this. that is israeli military destroying more underground tunnels that the terrorist are using to infiltrate the state. conner is on the ground live
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with more. >> reporter: jenna, it is a brutal 36 hours or so in gaza. fighting on both sides and we continue to see hamas rockets launched in israel. and as a result israel is pounding the gaza strip with artillery and air strikes. we have sewn and heard heavy fighting in the gaza strip and that seems to be where israel focused the attention and remove the bunkers and tunnels that hamas is using to infilterate. and the un saying 81,000 or so civilians have taken up shelter in un residences and mainly schools. we saw a short amg of water and woman and children fighting over drinkable water. there is pleasant to wash hands
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but shortage of drinkable water and food. >> israel said earlier that hamas tried to infelterate and that attempt was prevented and that israel stop the fighters and ten of their fighters were killed in an attempt. and they held it as a victory and they will turn it in a graveyard for israeli sholdiers. and the tensions and fighting increasing here as there is talk of a ceasefire. there is nothing on the ground that resemble cease four. it is extremely violent here, jenna. >> two weeks in and this is the situation on the ground. the israeli military is reporting seven more soldiers killed in the fighting and that raises the israeli death count in this conflict at 25. will efforts to stop the fighting go anywhere?
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we'll talk to the officials later on in the program about what we could be doing. and when the fighting will end. >> crisis on our border in the southern border, as more and more people pour in the u.s. with no where to live and nothing to eat and nothing to support them. we await a news conference on rick perry. >> and valentine putin faces criticism. pro russian rebels allow a investigation in the murder of 298. >> has the white house been tough enough to the responding of the passenger plane? log on to fox now and click on the american asking tab and our chat lines are open. we want to hear your thoughts.
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crossing our southern border in the u.s. and diseases spreading, texas governor rick perry planning to take action. planning to deploy national guard troops to the board as the surge of migrants continues. troops cannot apprehend but will hand them off to border patrol if they are caught. casy has more on the governor's plan. >> reporter: yeah, john we expect to learn more about this in a press conference that is scheduleed to get under way in the governor's office in texas. it is at that time 3 o'clock p.m. we plan to know about the mission. all we know there is a leaked memo that calls for the deployment of 1,000 texas national guard troops to the tune of $12 million a month.
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soldiers would aside border patrol. this is not combuchlt the country experienced a u.s. military presence in the entire border in 2006 under george bush. that was operate of operation jump-start in california, arizona and new mexico and texas to deal with the surge of illegal immigrants. that operation cost 1.2 billion. today's announcement comes on the weekend with a protest. hundreds are supporting helping the children. but the vast majority of the citizens, none too it pleased of how the humanitarian crisis is handling. >> i don't think it is right to take the illegals, when we have
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men, women and children who are born and raised here going without. >> protest not only in texas but a lot of states in america this past weekend. more on the texas response, governor perry's response later this afternoon once we learn the specifics of that press conference. >> i am sure you will keep us updated if that deployment will be effective. >> deadliest day yet in the current conflict. former white house official next. and the price of airline tickets is going up and flying could cost you a lot more. factors n negatively impact good bacteria?
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trial of the friended of ja ha r ta rsana. he was charged with getting rid of the back pack. the verdict was reached and the jury has a decision. when we get the victim we'll bring you back to boston. >> right now, a war hero set to receive the highest military honor. >> a former active doubt staff sergeant will receive the medal of honor today, six years after the insurgent attack in afghanistan where several of pitt's soldiers were killed and he was hurt. he continueed to fight until help arrived.
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he now lives in new hampshire. nbloody sunday, the current conflict suffering heavy losses on both sides. as we mentioned a moment ago, there are more deaths today. this as combat was gaminged in a densely populated area in gaza. our president said the soaring death toll makes a cease four urgent. >> we have source concerns about the rising palestinian deaths and loss of israeli lives. and that is why it now has to be our focus and the international community to bring about a ceasefire to end the fighting. >> we have a deputy national security advisor for george w. bush. elliott, i would like to ask you about what the president had to say. just for our vowers first, this
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conflict feels far away. what does it matter to the united states what is going on in israel and gaza? >> israel is an important ally of the united states and everybody else is watching to see how we react. egypts are. iranians and russia, what kind of ally is the united states. are are we reloyable. >> it is a mixed picture. >> and we have source concerns. he didn't say this is the fault of hamas in that phrase that you showed. this is a war crime by hamas and putting rockets in mosques and hospitals and schools. and so far, we are very good but worried about what secretary kerry said, you know when chris wallace confronted him on it. the criticism of israel is starting.
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>> and that was to as our viewers know. the comment between introduce when he said to the gist, it is a pin prick operation. it was hard to read his expression. i wish we had it. our viewers know it was off camera and difficult to discern was he sarcastic or what was he trying to say. >> i think it is sarcastic. israeli are saying we are trying to evade the civilians and doing pin prick. he said hell of a pin prick when all of the people are dying. this is what hamas wants. that's why they put the rockets in the civilian operation. it gets to do what it wants. israel strikes back and the world said stop. what is striking between the bush year and today. the world is not telling israel
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to stop. >> why not? >> i think it is partly because everybody sees that hamas was the cause and on the arab side. the arabs are not pressuring either. it is the realize that iran is behind hamas and they are the real enemy and they have a common interest. you can see israel and egypt fighting a common enemy in hamas in the short term and the arabs know iran is behind them in the long-term. >> the president mention that in the remarks and mentioned the world community when it came to russia and the pressure from the world community. elliott, when it comes to the israel/gaza crisis, does hamas care about the world community? is pressure what is needed to get this to stop? or is it something internally
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needs to happen and is that even possible? >> that is a good question, jenna. hamas cares about the international pressure and they think they can force it on israel and hamas does care. we'll make sure the world opinion helps to give israel time to do what they need and does force them to stop too short. i was not keen on the idea of secretary kerry to go. israel doesn't need mediate. they need a strong ally. and prevent the rocket attacks. >> elliott, look forward to have you back. >> thank you. answers are demappeded.
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in over an hour from now. the un security council will vote on a resolution expected to condemn the flight 17. and wants a thorough investigation and luke anything in the un it is not always straightforward. johnathon has more. >> reporter: the security council meeting gets underway at 3 o'clock and the negotiation
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over the wording of the resolution is over the weekend and no guarantees that it would be passed. us officials hope that the final text will condemn the downing of flight 17. and call for a investigation and demand the pro russian rebels that control the area around the crash site allow full unimpended access. a point made by the australian prime minister whose country lost 37 citizens and resident on board of mh- >> given the certain cullability is like leaving crim names in control of the crime scene. >> what the resolution will not do is assign blame. and officials from many
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countries have no doubt what so ever that mh17 was brought down by a russian missile by pro russian fighters who are backed militarily and politically from the russian government none of that will be reflected in the text of the resolution because russia is one of the five permanent member of the security council. and can veto resolution they don't like. diplomats hope that the final resolution will not be weak in its language and given that russian agreement is required it is hardly likely to be a tough text. we'll find out in a couple of hours when they finish the debate that begins at 3 o'clock p.m. eastern. >> johnathon, thank you. >> after growing outrage over
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the handling of the investigation of the flight mh17. pro russian rebels agreed to turn over the bodies to the dutch. >> they met with the king and queen today. and amy kellogg is live with more on what is going on, amy? >> well, john, bodies have been released by the rebels and they are on the way and the malaysian prime minister said they will be floun to the netherlands after mounting calls from prime ministers to russia to bring the rebels in to line. and british prime minister david cameon said more pressure should be applied. >> we don't need to be turning a blind eye. and should not shrink from the
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principles. and keeping the peace on our contact. >> members of the dutch royalty family met family members of those who died in the crash. and meanwhile, family members of victims are waiting in agony for the relatives to be identified and returned to them. this dutch woman lost her son and daughter. >> when i am in bed, i see my son laying on the ground. and i see daisy and bryce. and i see them in my head. they have to come home. everybody has to come home. >> john, as one dutch citizen who was laying flowers, it is four days and all tears and even
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for people who have nothing to do with any of the families involved. it is a heart wrenching time for people in the netherlands and of course, around the world. >> amy, thank you. so the pressure is mounting on russia over the downing of the malaysian flight 17. president obama urged putin to compel the russian backed separatist to stop hampering in the crash. the rebels are trying to conceal evidence and crimes. charges that moscow rejects. the associated press reports that the rebels agreed to hand over the black box to the malaysian authorities. >> why is there a delay in getting cooperation from the russians or rebels that they
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support, andrew? >> i think it reflects probably, jon, moscow deciding what exactly to do in this instance. they didn't expect that a civilian airliner would be shot down. and it also may reflect that they don't have full control over the separatist in ukraine. it is an unbelievably messy and tragic situation and frankly disgusting and unbelievable that it took four days for the rebels to make a decision that the bodies will go back to the netherlands and finally they will agree to turn over the black box. what kind of tampering to the the black box over the course of the last four days remains a question. >> in this country, it is not the crime but the cover up that matters. it seems like had they handled
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this in a civilized manner, they may not be in trouble as they are. with the world against them. it is worse for vladimar putin and his henchmen. >> they are doing the bear minimum. but they are denying it was a piece of russian equipment that shot down the airliner and the separatist say it was not them. it is hard to prove that it was done by separatist with russian equipment and possibly with russian trainers on the ground with them. they have certainly taken the
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buk system back across the border to russia and the whole investigation remains murky and the russian will bluster and this is their game since february 28th, the take over of crimia and it doesn't end. >> you say there is real danger of outright war with russia and uran. if that happens ukraine loses. >> yes, ukraine would lose, but the damage that would be caused by that war is extreme. it is really, really extreme. and even if ukraine loses the war, the russian federation would look at a counter insurgent on ukrainian territory for years and decades to come. it would be a catastrophic
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outcome and unintended consequences that may come with that. but you know, we've, the thing that i think to europe and the united states, we have been in denyial is the magnitude of the military conflict. and the good news is that the ukrainian military forces are successful, the air force in taking out separatist on the ground and i think it was the fact they were getting so close to defeat, we saw men and material come across the border last week including the anti- air system. >> the success of the ukrainian air force explained why they were firing at aircraft. >> precisely. >> andrew. thank you. >> and a verdict in the case of a friend of the boston bombing suspect.
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it is a zimat sa ra kasmir was found guilty on obstructing justice, both conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice in relation to the back pack that investigators were looking for. he is on the screen there. these counts carries with them 1- 5 max sentence and the other 2- 20 max sentence. in court today, according to our producer inside. he was shaking and bowing his head as the verdict was read to the open courtroom. and what we know as far as sentencing how long he will service, we'll get that information on october 16th. in the meantime, i want to check in on the markets as well. the dow is down more than 100 points. a lot of it with political
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concerns and big week for earnings as well. a lot of companies giving their quarterly report card. and the markets got back above 17,000. and big event for the markets and world events in passing wall street as well. this just in to fox newsroom. the president signed a new executive order. work place discrimination on the gays and lesbian. he is demanding that congress pass legislation that passes the discrimination ban to all workers. >> chicken mcnuggets. they are in the freezer. and they may not be a winner for all of us after a food scandal in china. the next guests calls it a bridge between hospital er's.
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>> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carlsson. missing lois lerner e-mails may not be missing at the all. plus, a do you understand malaysian airliner full of dead bodies before it took off. a russian media reporter that quit over the lies jones me as well. >> and why is our own government taking care of our troops? we'll talk to them in the top of the hour. new information on a food scandal affecting to fast-food chains.
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the supplier sold mcdonald and kfc out of date beef and chicken. they put new expiration dates on those. long with mcdonald and kfc solid to pizza hut recent. it is adding to a recent safety scare. this is where it is taking place. >> one of the changes in the health industry, is the surfacing of the urgent care clinic. you have likely seen the walk- in doctor office that is alternative to emergency room. cost is less. and the clinibs are serving a need in the market. the patient doesn't need to go to er. investors are committing more money to this segment of the
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industry. i am noticing our producers to have doctors on-site. >> that is a good idea. >> good to have you on the set, doctor. what can urgent care clinics do and why would you still need to go to the er. >> you have to call an ambulance go to the hospital. but if you are walking wounded most likely an urgent care and they can handle the majority of problems. most people who deputy to the hospital for emergency room is going home. we can take care of them. i have been practicing 12 years and there is a big change in medicine. >> was that coming toward the urgent care pop up doc model before the health care law or is that a factor that caused more to pop up in
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>> i don't think it is a direct relationship from obama care. but more people have health care and they have particular provider ares to go to. and the emergency room departments are getting the brunt of the patients. we ve see overcrowding and urgent care offer a modern and cleaner and more efficient environment that is beneficial. >> how do you make money? >> is it by volume. >> we take insurance. that is a big factor and then we see a good amount of patients, but we do it more efficiently. the machine of the big emergency department it gets lost. if you are having a stroke or heart attack you are first. at my centers, we make sure people don't have to wait. you come in and seen right away and get excellent service.
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>> i have used an urgent care and i have had good experiences so far. there is an assumption that walks in a place people walking around in white coats that you are going to get great care. i don't have a personal relationship. but how can they be sure? >> they are not all created equal. and urgent cares, make sure they are credited by the urgent care association of america and doctors are trained in emergency medicine and they have capability like x-ray and treat laceration. they are the bread and butter and if you are just going to one that has later hours and not equipped to handle the problem you are not in the right do home work in those regards. >> that is good advice for our viewers. >> we'll have you on speed dial
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just in case it happens. >> and make sure he leaves his card. >> desturbing new claims about the veterans administration about how far the patient's back logis. >> and paying extra for a carry on bag is not enough. there is this. laura ingel live in the la guardia network. >> tsa fees are doubling but not is going to make the airport or flight safer. we are live at la guardia. i will explain after the break. hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you!
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this just in -- the vice president making remarks today at the vfw national convention in st. louis. the vice president is speaking to a crowd of thousands about issues important to our veterans, including job training. the remarks come just days after it was revealed in house testimony that president obama was warned back in 2008 about va patient scheduling problems and the resulting backlog of appointments. in fact, officials have been working on a fix since 2000. since the year 2000. have spent more than $130 million. but as you know, no resolution, no improvements right now still at this time. well, be sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and your wallet is wide open, because starting today, the tsa passenger screening fee will more than double on most of the new airline tickets sold. laura ingle is live from new york's laguardia airport with
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more on that. laura? >> reporter: hi. well, frequent flyers and those with long layovers will be feeling the pinch more than others. we're not talking about a huge amount of money here, but we all know that over time, it can really add up. in the past you've probably noticed a $2.50 charge on the cost of your plane ticket for the aviation passenger security fee, otherwise known as the september 11th security fee. as of today that price more than doubles to $5.60. you will pay an additional $5.60 on multiple legs with stops longer than four hours. now it is important to point out this was not a tsa decision. tsa reps say they are just complying with laws passed by congress adding in a statement to fox that, "the revenue is to be used to offset tsa costs for providing civil aviation security services after stipulated amounts are applied to reduction of the federal deficit." congress estimates the new system will rake in over $36 billion over the next ten years
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which is a nearly $17 billion increase. some airline industry experts say travelers will be paying more but not getting more when it comes to security. >> congress is actually raising the fees as part of a budget deal last year to offset cuts in other parts of the government. they actually raised fees on travelers. they'll use that increased revenue to fund things that have nothing to do with travel, nothing to do with security. >> reporter: and the travelers we spoke to today here at laguardia -- you guessed it -- aren't too happy. >> that's really ridiculous on top of baggage fees and everything, how do they expect people to travel. >> i think the money was focused into making a lot more efficient processes within the airports, that would be better. >> no, i don't think that's fair. i would rather if it is going to go up, the hike -- all of it goes to the tee sa. >> reporter: and the bottom line here is that we're all going to be paying more, whether we like it or not. if you really have a complaint you are urged to write your
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that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. >> well, today nasa officially renamed one of the most iconic buildings and kennedy space center after the astronaut who said those iconic words, neil armstrong. the operations and checkout building is where every astronaut spends the night before a flight. it is where we see them walking out to the launchpad. probably pretty deep thoughts on those nights. nasa is using the armstrong building to assemble the orion spacecraft scheduled for first test flight later this year. >> 45 years since the moon landing. i cannot believe it. you are not old enough to
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remember but i remember watching it on tv and going out in the backyard with my dad and looking up at the moon. just unbelievable that there were human beings up there. today something good to end on. >> "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts right now. we start with the fox news alert today because international outrage grows towards moscow as the investigation in to who downed a malaysian airline jet over ukraine enters its fourth day now. president obama today accusing pro-russian separatists of blocking investigators from the crash site and tampering with evidence by removing bodies. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to "the real story" today. the president also saying it is now on russia and putin to make the rebels cooperate with this investigation. this as the malaysian prime minister announces that the black boxes will be handed over to malaysian officials. and independent investigators will get access to the debris field. but that's not enough for the ukrainian president ho
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