tv Outnumbered FOX News July 22, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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jenna: see you back here in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." i'm kimberly. today's hashtag one lucky guy, there he is. >> good to have you outnumbered. >> looking fine today. you have the red socks and the red tie. you got the memo. >> colorful day today on the couch. >> patriot loving american. we like that. you can stay. in the next hour, air force one will take the president to the west coast for a three-day fundraising trip as mr. obama comes under increasing fire for raising campaign cash as global crises escalate and now, maybe the white house not immune to the outpouring of anger, the president's schedule to hit town with jimmy kimmel tomorrow night.
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press secretary has this explanation saying, quote, in advance of the trip, we've been in touch with kimmel folks about the president doing his show. we elected not to do it this time but we hope to do it in the near future. but the white house is not cancelling the president's time with the fat cat donors on the west coast. meantime, the white house press core pressing administration about a decision to continue its photo ops and fundraising stops last week in the hours after passenger jet was shot out of the skies over eastern ukraine. listen to this. >> was it a mistake to have the president continue on his schedule, even going and before making his first statement about this, going and ordering, you know, cheeseburgers at the charcoal pit up in delaware, continue on a campaign schedule, what looked like a campaign schedule? >> it was not. what the president is looking at and what his team is looking at is does he have what he needs to do his job and over the course of that day, you saw the
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president make calls to the ukrainian president. he made calls to the malaysian prime minister. >> he went on his -- >> again, what the president's focus on is his ability to do his job. >> better answer the president gets hungry for a burger and speaking of the growing criticism, president obama got a question how he handles the heat at an event in washington after saying he sticks to his, quote, north star every principles to help guide him through life's storms. mr. obama making these candid remarks. >> treating somebody with kindness, that's a core value of mine. and then i just don't watch tv. that's the other thing. that also helps. that is not entirely true. i was teasing about that. >> members of the president's own party, they're not laughing. democratic senator blasting administration suggesting the president is failing to lead on
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the global stage. senator mansion saying, quote, you lead by example. right now we're leading by -- well, we're not leading, really. we're just getting pulled in all different directions. there's not a clarity of who is the united states of america and what do we stand for. >> the president and his administration said that he wouldn't travel down to the border because it would just be for a photo op and they weren't into that. he's taking time right now for photo ops. he's doing just that. the white house has given specific reasons why he continues on this schedule and one of them has been -- they've specifically stated abrupt changes to the president's schedule can cause alarm for the american people and they want to avoid that. kimberly, aren't the american people already alarmed? and they're disturbed by the lack of alarm coming from the white house right now. so my question would be, at what point does this administration think that the situation globally, you've got the
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palestinian death toll rising by the minute, you've got this plane shot down over the ukraine. when is it okay to alarm the american people and halt your schedule? >> i might be able to address that. >> four alarm fire here. >> i don't know. the president says he's not watching television but we know that's not true. many members of his administration have said they get their news from the news on what's going on. but josh is still talking. and according to you on news room, he says we just elected not to do that interview on jimmy kimmel because of the challenges of doing a comedy show in the midst of some of the serious matters we're dealing with right now. >> fundraising charge for $200 a plate. >> at this time we elected not to. he says it three times. we'll get back to them, basically. they're still talking about this. this issue of optics is real for this administration. >> it's incredibly real. >> it's biting right now. >> and the big difference between jim question kimmel
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performance and a fundraiser is the press sees one and the press doesn't see the other. he can hope it stays behind closed doors but independence democrat is not talking about optics. he's talking about the lack of policies. there is no policy in the ukraine for the united states except to not be there and not influence. there's no policy right now in iraq and syria. there's little policy in what's going on in gaza and israel except for pushing israel for a cease fire because you don't have a policy, you have to hide behind optics and they're even getting that wrong. >> the perception here, it shows that he doesn't take the domestic issues and all the crises going on a krs the globe very seriously. it says he's more interested in campaigning to raise money for democrats so they can win in november but yet there are so many people dying, so many crises, so many scandals going on and he needs to, in my opinion, quit some of these fundraisers, go back to the oval office, roll up his sleeves and pull out that pen that he talks about all the time and do something about these scandals and controversies. >> how much of this is just his
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obsessing with domestic politics and his disinterest with some of international geo politics? he's choosing not to play. >> if you look at where his focus is and the balance of his time he spends, how he a lots it, that says a lot about him, about what his priorities are and the priorities ofs had administration. but we're not the only ones watching and listening and paying attention. the world is watching. and the message being sent out of the united states is that we're happy to take a back seat on these issues. doesn't mean the president is not upset over the tragedies but he needs to come forward with a coherent private policy and the competence of the overall administration, national security has become abundantly clear to everyone. >> the question i have has to do with overexposure and oversaturation. i remember the time when the president would pop up in the afternoon and you would stop what you were doing. i know social media has had some change in that but this particular president has been out there doing social events so
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much, it's only been in the last couple of years we aren't allowed to see very many photo ops when he's golfing and doing other things. they are aware of the optics but how do you walk back some of that overexposure in the social moments now so when he does speak, it's not just another speech. >> by actually saying something when you speak. can you imagine if you go to the podium and say america is going to confront vladmir putin and his belligerence? we know there's evil in the world that needs to be confronted. if he stood up and acted like a commander in chief, the press would report it. >> fundraising events, we wouldn't be talking so much about them if there was leadership coming from president obama and the white house if we just had some decision making and some policies to hang our hat on. it's the lack of leadership that i think everybody is upset with right now. >> he has to stand down with the fundraising and just act like it. cutback in the schedule so there
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aren't very fair criticisms. we want a safer world. not too much to ask for. new twist in the i.r.s. scandal and why the messages at the woman at the heart of the scandal may not be lost for girl. girl scout barbie causing controversy. the debate surrounding the new girl that has some people outrage. right after the show, it's that time. catch more from the couch, people. join us on the web for "outnumbered" by logging on to fox and click on the overtime tab. tell us what topic you want to hear more about and harris will answer it all. moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. ♪ i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ when i finally told my doctor,
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here is oversight committee chairman david isa. >> there's more questions about people that regularly corresponded with lois lernor who heard of this targeting of conservatives for their views that now seem to have problems with their computers and as a result, again, an absence of accountability. it does appear from the interview with cain that they didn't destroy them all. they didn't overwrite them all. >> what kind of investigation is this? the agency reportedly just put out a request to destroy another 3200 hard drives. it's routine procedure to protect sensitive taxpayer information. but questions about the agency's motives for past record destruction practices are bringing a lot more scrutiny this time. i don't get it. so kimberly, you're going to have to explain this to me. the agency, they're still destroying hard drives. there hasn't been a halt in the investigation. okay. there's that. does the fact that the i.r.s.
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testified that the emails were gone, now they're retracing it and saying, no, we might be able to get ahold of some of them. >> this is the whole stall tactic. i've seen it so many times in the courtroom. the defense goes, it's delayed, delayed, delayed. try to age the case. then it's difficult to get people to testify, documents go missing, hard drives get exploded. i mean, they only care about politics is the problem. they cannot take a hit on this by turning over the hard drives or turning over the emails or doing any of that. that's why they're doing this. the more time they can buy themselves, the more likely they'll be able to get away with it. it's shameful the arrogance and the deceit but it's real. >> and the selling tactic is so basic. i'm sure you remember it from your early days in law school. from my debate days, just stall until something comes to mind. maybe think up a new strategy. you have some out there who would be an archiving company for the i.r.s. and they were so
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excited to get the account. we got the i.r.s. we know it's a tic-toc before that company decides to grab its reputation back. you know what? but there's a way to reveal the email. >> the v.a. hospital controversy, there were whistle blowers that came guard that said, hey, there are a lot of things going wrong within this administration, this organization and we're going to tell you about it. many of them -- >> why isn't there a whistle blower? people are afraid of the i.r.s. >> they're very afraid of the i.r.s. >> it's like a bad cold. >> they're hoping the right thing in this investigation will be done so that one poor person doesn't have to stand up. >> this is 2014. this is not 1990. we have advanced internet systems. >> and really good attorneys. i would hire kim ber physically needed a whistle blower. >> i lost a hard drive in college and i was able to pay a couple of hundred bucks to get it totally recovered. technology is there. we didn't mention that the folks whose hard drives have
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miraculously crashed happened to work with and for lois lerner, including her tech guy. >> that's not a coincidence. >> it's a collision. >> for anyone to think at this point this is anything other than than ability to destroy all the evidence, this story fell apart when they were talking about the server or the individual computers. once they went to the individual computer excuse, then they had to keep going to cover it all up. >> you bring up the point. who are they fooling, people? i can hire a guy in chelsea to recover these files probably for like 20 bucks an hour. there's hard drives with holes drilled in them, whatever. one time a guy asked me out and i said i never got the email. he said you did. i can prove it. he got the hard drive. >> you said get in line. >> fire him quick. >> what they do for a date. >> midnight barbie over here, a new barbie, a new barbie and tangled in a web of controversy.
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breaking news. it's the new girl scout barbie hitting schools this week. the toy makers are moving ahead with their product despite calls for the girl scouts of america not to partner with mattel on the new doll. some say it undermines the girl scouts' mission to buildof cour character but the girl scouts of america says it thinks the doll will inspire young girls to seek other career opportunities and get them involved in the organization. we need to talk about this. kimberly, you're our midnight barbie. >> i go by that code name after hours. >> so -- daytime show. >> we created a barbie for kim berly and you're partnering with us to create this, should other people be upset about this? >> i would be interested in creating a barbie to motivate girls to sell more cookies than the girl scout barbie. i love the entrepreneurial
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spirit. what's wrong having a barbie that is feminine? look at us. we're all smart. >> teach them capitalism. they can make the doll but you don't have to buy it and your parents don't have to buy it. it's fine with me. do i like it? no. would i choose to buy it? no. harris, you have two daughters. >> and we have a lot of barbies. let me tell you. my husband is so outnumbered. i ask this question. who sexualized barbie? it wasn't barbie. it wasn't the little girls. >> it was ken. >> it was grownups who looked at barbie and decided she looked a different way. >> i thought about it when i was hooking up ken. >> goodness gracious. >> there can be none of that
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going through their heads. my kids are five and seven. they're not thinking that. >> we've sexualized it. barbie has been on the cover of sports illustrated. i would say, wait. if she can be a presidential candidate, if she can be a police officer, why can she not be a girl scout? >> the dream mobile. >> who doesn't want a dream mobile? the motto is be anything, do anything. is that not something we want to show little girls? >> there was no controversy when skipper was out there. >> skipper wasn't cute, though. >> she was young like adolescent, pebs i will kind of -- >> i don't know skipper. >> she was like me, that poor thing. >> i don't know skipper. >> as girls' bodies change, you want to feel okay with yourselves. >> i didn't get her. >> you twist her arm and she developed anatomy and i was like, well, i guess. >> really? i didn't have her. >> there was no controversy when that was going around. girl scouts, i was a brownie. you wanted to camp. >> i was blue birds. >> is that like after the
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brownies? >> it's a separate entity. >> this campaign is only 5,000 signatures on a website. >> might not make sense. >> that sums it up. >> a possibly serious blow to obamacare today. why a court's ruling could mean a spike in insurance premiums for millions of americans. a disturbing development on benghazi. sources telling fox news that terrorists literally moved in next door to the u.s. consulate well before that attack that took the lives of four americans. what the state department might have known and just ignored.
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>> this is a fox news alert. three major u.s. airlines are now cancelling their flights to and from israel after a rocket landed near tel aviv's airport. you know, those rockets have been coming farther and farther into the country of israel and so now it's affecting international air travel. i want to make you aware of three things that we can confirm
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now. delta and united air are cancelling their to and from flights to tel aviv until further notice. a little different situation for u.s. air. they have called off a flight to and from philadelphia and tel aviv today and they're going to consider the situation on a flight or case by case basis. delta boeing 747 was flying from new york to tel aviv and turned around and went to paris instead. very dangerous situation as the conflict in israel, between the israeli military and the hamas terror group heats up. we'll be covering the story as you know on fox news channel. we'll come back to it even this hour as the news warrants to keep you up to date. >> a major blow to obamacare. a federal appeals court ruling the affordable care act as written only allows insurance subsidies in states that set up their own decisions.
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a rule allowed subsidies in all states. if upheld, it could mean premium increases for more than 8.5 million americans. the obama administration is saying the subsidies will keep flowing despite the court decisions. this could be appealed but yet another blow to obamacare. >> yes. this is something that's been fundamentally flawed from the beginning. infrastructure was never present and coherent in a way they could operate legally without significant challenge. what we're seeing here is this is another blow to sort of like you've got a tent and you've got the mandates, you know, in the center and then you've got the other polls supporting it. one by one they're getting chipped away so it's starting to collapse. they need to decide if they want to do a review, have all the justices sit to be able to review this decision. i anticipate that's what's going to happen next step so this will not happen immediate operation
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of kind of dismantling it. we'll have to see. the court will not be able to ignore this. it's too important to the overall structure of obamacare. >> and this just really reminds me of the now infamous quote from nancy pelosi. let's just pass this thing so we can all find out what's in it. >> and also reminds me of the infamous quote, if you like your doctor, you can keep it. if you like your subsidies, you can keep them. we're not just talking about a few states, by the way. of all those with exchanges, 36 would fall under the category that they're not legal. that's very problem at i believing -- problematic. >> a lot of people affected by this. >> absolutely. they passed it to find out if it's constitutional. this will go to the supreme court. administration ignoring the ruling of the d.c. circuit in the meantime. this is what they've been doing with bap bam care all the time, ignoring what the law actually
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says. the subsidies, it will make the exchange plans way too expensive for those who bought them and hit people in the pocketbook right now. >> how much is it costing us? now we're going through the court system. it will go to appeal. nancy pelosi said let's work out the kinks as we go along. that's costing more money in the court system and premiums are going up for these eight million americans. >> it's wreckless policy. they said we're going to pass it and then read it and find out what's in it. >> i just had a thought. what if we started saying to lawmakers, if we pass it, can you fix it? can we bill you for the legal cost of fixing it? >> think about the instability, the lack of certainty for americans out there that were counting on getting health care insurance. you can have your job, whatever. if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. >> people who had plans and then lost them and then signed up for these because they were probably more expensive and now they're going to get that much more expense i didn't have.
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i think the white house understands how politically terrible this would be. it would bring obamacare back in the 2014 midterms if people's costs skyrocketed. >> they said take this. it's better. we've got you. we're going to support you. now the bottom is falling out of that. what are people supposed to do? >> it's not working. a friend of mine bought into obamacare and she gets another bill, another bill every time she goes to the doctor. it's costing thousands and thousands of dollar. >> not to mention the number of businesses i talk to on a num dy basis. >> the democratic party didn't want it to be around that midterm election. they pushed back enrollment beyond that point so we can talk about it. >> stunning terror attack that killed four americans, including the ambassador in benghazi. one year before the hit on our
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u.s. consulate there, members of an islamist military group moved in next door. state department was warned they were moving in and turned down requests for machine guns on the rooftops and sand bags at the american compound to keep everybody safe. adam is following this story. bring us up to speed. >> a little less than a year's time but still a long period of time had taken place when u.s. had told people on the ground there, had told the state department they believed members tied to the military group had moved next door within three months of us renting the consulate. that was the first location that was attacked that night. within three weeks of moving in, next door groups tied directly with al qaeda bought the house. you're looking at a map of our mission compound. it would be almost to the right of the square area in the red. it was so dangerous the night of the attack, as our forces were retreating back to the annex,
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they said turn a left. don't turn right. you'll drive in front of the house. we had a chance to talk to sources with direct unanimouslying about what happened that night. they say we warned d.c. about the gois who moved in next door but nobody knew what to do and nothing was done. again, that was coming from someone with direct knowledge, multiple people with direct knowledge that night and learned that men on the ground specifically asked for a belt fed machine gun and sand bags but were turned down because they weren't aesthetically pleasing and it would upset the neighbors. that was the quote given to us. we asked the state department about that yesterday in a briefing and we were told our questions were, quote, dubious. then today we got a statement from the state department that said there was a request. shocking. came in from benghazi august 22 and it was considered on the day of the attack. it was in a list of security requests so to say the request was rejected was inaccurate. they directly question the response or lack thereof before, during and after the attack.
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we're also told that next door we had an issue with the people that were protecting our agency there, our folks there from the agency as well as the state department and also some of our contractors. that group is called the february 17 martyrs brigade. we actually -- it was a local militia we contracted with. we're being told by our sources that that militia may have taken part or helped take part in the attack and the person that led that militia, left benghazi september 12 even as our guys were still on the tarmac. >> you just sewed so many things that weren't connected and now they are. >> starting to, yeah. >> thank you very much. so pete, our veteran on the couch, military veteran here, you have the neighbors saying don't protect that u.s. compound with machine guns. now we know who the neighbors were. they were potential terrorists. of course they don't want us to protect them. >> i take issue with this characterization that a 240 bravo machine gun is not
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aesthetically pleasing. i find it very comforting and aesthetically pleasing. this is for protection measures you would have at a facility like this. they don't have to be open and exposed sand bags. you don't have to have the weapon mounted at all times. just basic precautions to take. we knew they were a terrorist organization. they had mounted machine guns and we knew they were heavily armed, had affiliations with al qaeda types and that if they're living next door, do something about it and take the measures necessary. this is gross negligence. sdmroop and look what has rolled out since then. now we're learning that this is the group that the libyan army is trying to fight against as they're trying to take over benghazi like isis style. >> why are we so worried about the neighbors? why aren't we worried about our american men over there? who cares if they're not beautiful pieces of machinery? i want our men protected and they asked and asked and did not get that.
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it is negligence and this could have been preventible. now we have to explain this. administration needs to explain this to the parents who now sit around the thanksgiving table, have christmas without their loved one. think about what that's like if you're a parent. it's supposed to be the worst thing to go through. >> what is the feeling in the military about this pattern of response from the administration or lack of response, i should say, to anything but al qaeda? you know, we're not acknowledging there are other terrorist groups. >> that's a fantastic comment because they focus only on core al qaeda and everyone else, isis, others across -- well, they're just affiliate off shoots, not core al qaeda so they more or less ignored the problem. you see it in libya, in isis. this is going to continue. islamists are on the march and this administration are being willfully blind to it. >> anybody who spent two minutes studying intelligence, it's an a.k. affiliate. we all know it. the fact of the matter is, it's
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not even just to me gross negligence. it's feasance. they knew this could likely result in death to americans. we failed to provide adequate security despite the very serious intelligent report. do you know what they gave the libyan guard? stun batons. >> and sand bags. hillary clinton gave an interview several months ago and she was asked about it. it's not my expertise to know how to protect the compound and then they had that interview with diane sawyer and all they had was sand bags. tensions between the white house and texas governor over the crisis at the border. the big move now that's triggered a war of words between american governor rick perry and the white house. plus the world's condemnation of the downing of a passenger jet in eastern ukraine. let's not call it a downing. they shot it out of the sky.
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vladmir putin may be trying to distance himself from the pro russian separatists who are believed to be behind them. stay close. we help make securel tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. so i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica.
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>> a fox news alert and what fox news can confirm now as we subpoena date you on the israeli-hamas conflict, remember i mentioned earlier about airlines choosing for themselves to cutback on their flight routes in and out of tel aviv. f.a.a. now is banning all u.s. airlines from flying in and out of tel aviv for the next 24 hours. so far we know delta, u.s. air and united had already made their independence decisions about how they would handle this but now a ruling by the f.a.a. and it is -- it really does affect those flights in and out immediately because we've already seen a delta flight turn around in mid air and reroute itself from tel aviv to paris. we'll keep you posted on what happens next. >> developing now on the crisis at the border, texas governor
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perry announcing he's deploying as many as 1,000 national guard troops to help secure the border despite claims that the number of children crossing the border has dropped sharply in recent weeks. >> i will not stand idly by while our citizens are under assault and little children from central america are detained in squaller. we are too good of a country for that to occur. that is why today, i'm using my executive authority as governor of texas and activating the national guard. >> but the white house dismissing perry's plans for the border as an attempt to, quote, generate headlines. the white house pushing back against a report in "the washington post" that the administration ignored alarm bells about the growing immigration crisis as we see between the white house press secretary and reporters. >> you're asking about a story based entirely on anonymous
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sources. if you do take a look what this administration's response has been, not just in the last couple of months but the last few years, you've seen this administration has repeatedly sought additional resources to deal with this specific problem at the border. >> that story did not just have anonymous sources. >> hold on a second. i'm not saying there aren't -- i'll give you a chance. i'm not saying there aren't people quoted in the story. but the lead of that story is hooked entirely to anonymous sources. that's just a fact. >> well, i'll let them deal with -- >> if they choose to show up. >> we see a situation like this, harris. we're looking for leadership here. and you have it coming out of the great state of texas with governor perry saying i'm not going to stand by idly while i wait for nothing to happen. >> governor perry was recently in fox news studios and i spent some time with him.
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he feels so passionate about his issue. his state is spending $1.3 million a day trying to deal with the situation that's coming across our border like an infectious disease. we can't even stop it. and yes, the numbers have come down from 1400 a day to 1,000 a day. that's still a very high number. most of them children coming across illegally but at the same time, you know, it has to do with the heat. it has to do with the temperatures. doesn't have to do with the policies out of washington that the numbers are slowing down. it cools off a bit and authorities on the border expect those numbers to pop up again. >> i really like the emphasis you put on goodness. you heard it in governor perry's statement. to do good requires action. you can't just say i feel bad for these kids. if you feel bad for them, do something about it to improve their lives and prevent it from continuing to happen. this is what leadership looks like on the border. you'll hinge on how he uses these national guard troops a
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little bit. >> they are not empowered to be part of the processing of children. that i can tell you. >> they have assets. they have aircraft and obviously they can't increase surveillance on the border but i think that's the key question. >> they're there to secure the booeder because no one else is doing this job. because the border is to porous, it's become an attractive newness to all these families and children to just try to permeate and come through because they're that desperate. >> i've seen the wall that's there. yes, they can't make arrests but they can definitely help deter. if these illegal immigrants are seeing someone in a uniform right there at the border, they're not going to try to cross there. if we cover that border, then it will definitely help deter some illegals. there are the leaders of central american countries allowing this to happen? they need to get their children. they're meeting with president obama on friday but they need to take responsibility and at least give us some money to help send
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them -- >> rather than inviting them to the white house, take them to the border. >> yes. right. >> democrats, supporter of obama said, hey, listen. our own children in chicago need help. if you have $4 billion to give to illegals, give at least $2 bill wron -- billion to chicago. >> a wife posts a spread sheet online. you have to hear this. apparently created by her husband detailing the number of times and reasons why she rejected his advances. >> what? >> what people are now saying. hot topic.
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>> first let's go to jenna lee with what is in the second hour of "happening now." jenna: you're talking about this big story. potentially big blow for obamacare. subsidies for 36 states are illegal. we'll have the political and legal fallout of that decision. a massive wildfire in washington state. 150 homes have burned and the ash is now spreading across the
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country. we'll have more on that and also the bodies from the downed malaysian airliner are headed back to the netherlands today after pro russian separatists finally released some victims. administration is calling these separatists thugs. does the name fit? we'll take that up on "happening now." >> see you then. thank you. >> i may be outnumbered but now i have the camera and it's my turn with this story. getting lots of attention online, it all started when a woman posted a spread sheet onloin, apparently created by her husband detailing the number of times she has, let's say, rejected his advances and the reasons that she gave for rejecting him. as you can see, there were only three yes days out of the 30 possible days listed. that's a 10% success rate. some of her reasons that he cited include, i'm watching the show. >> outnumbered? >> maybe. absolutely. i feel gross. or i have to be up early. there's classic ones that we kept it p.g. some people attacked the woman
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saying maybe your husband got sick and tired of being utterly ignored for months on end. he wants resolution. this time after all attempts ee gotten her attention. others take her side saying, i'm sorry but if his wife would rather watch tv than have sex, it means he can't be that good of a lover. >> ouch. >> a couple of additional details. they're both 26 years old, been together for five years, married two. no kids. he's got an 89 to 90% failure rate. whose fault is it? >> it sounds like a lot of blame is on the woman here. >> attempts to be with his wife, he fails 90% of the time. >> she turns him down nine out of 10 times. >> i thought you meant equipment -- >> i don't know what i was thinking. he has no game. sgo what have you got? >> everybody seems to be blaming the woman here including her husband and i'm saying, you'd better step it up. the guy better step it up here. sounds like his game isn't working. >> exactly.
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>> he did a spread sheet. you might not like it but maybe he was telling her over and over she wasn't getting it so now he's saying, look. here is proof. she posted it online. some of these comments are embarrassing. i don't know why she did this. i feel sweaty and gross. i need a shower. didn't shower until the next morning. another one -- >> she's appalled. >> i went to the gym, feel gross, didn't shower until the next morning. >> maybe she wants to leave him and she's building a legal case. >> i don't know but i don't even get sweaty at the gym so -- >> or if you go. shocker. kimberly doesn't sweat. >> i've worked here seven years before i knew there was a gym in the building. >> but it's not free, harris. it's not free. here's the deal. people need to get with the program. set up a saucy night. put on the outfit. >> come, on midnight barbie. bring it. >> date night, right? just put it on. let's have some drinks. >> dinner microwave, quick. women are like crock pots. you have to eat them up all day
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long. >> you're spot on. i asked my wife about this. what do you think on the spread sheet? good for the guy for attempting to communicate. when i asked her, like if it's not flowing the way that it should, she goes, you have to wine and dine me. do you know what? you can't just walk up to me. >> get shopping, harris. >> take me shoe shopping, you had me at shoe. >> nothing turns harris on more than shoes than the fox news alert. >> did you do the pre-cana classes? >> absolutely. >> the minister says don't reject your husband. don't reject your wife because if you don't, someone else will. >> is that what he meant? >> yeah. >> that's why you have to marry her. sheno. >> he's a lucky man. >> he's like i'm jumping in the shower. >> am i invisible yet? >> are you all getting an education now or what? >> don't you want to be ip visible? >> it's the truth.
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>> thanks for bringing it all out here. >> wait for overtime. it will get better. >> yesterday we were saying the girls really talk about this when we're together. >> we do. we have meetings. >> and i get to hear it. >> that was in o.t. >> speaking of tease, it's one of the most frustrating things for parents. kids screaming in the back seat of the car seat. now one car company wants to help you get them under control. >> and you just heard me talking.
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how many times have you been driving and wanted to tell your kids to settle down and be quiet. one car company wants to help you. toyota has a new feature that uses a microphone to amplify the voice to the kids. >> what do you think? >> you should test this out. i think it is a really great idea. sometimes if they are playing, i don't want to turn around and hey, i want to look this way and speak normally and penetrate the whole car. >> i totally disagreement are you going to calm down and speak. and you will blast it out. it is a time tested if you can't make up for the extra to the
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with your voice. >> i think it is good. they use ampification in class rom. >> maybe the kids will be calmer. >> i think the car company is looking for add ones to raise the price and this car is so cool you can do this. >> who buys those cars. >> women. she is a mom and i have been in a car that has. it uk and all of the taxicabs and nissan taxicabs that are quick and cool. they are awesome and doors just slide and they have this feature, too. nwow. they are awesome and they are great. >> i promise, give them a shot. >> i think there is a let of power and turn around and give the mom look. be quick. >> you don't need an amp fliication. >> you are guilty of this one. i can reach back.
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there and i will get your leg. >> i am glad there's more and we can continue this conversation on ot out numbered over time in the web. and time. we'll be back tomorrow. >> we start off with a fox news alert on this hour. faa prohibiting all airlines from going to israel after a rocket landed near the airport. we'll have the latest in the live report. and the latest in the malaysian disaster. the victim's families can hope for closure. and bizarre comments from putin and new game plan in the midst of international pressure and the middle of it all, the president takes off on a three- day fund-raising trip. >> there is a major blow to
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