tv FOX and Friends FOX News July 24, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. spoim good morning. it is thursday -- good morning. thursday, july 24, 2014. a woman spared the death sentence in sudan over her christian beliefs now officially a free woman. what happened while you were sleeping? a big update on that. >> tens of thousands of illegals pouring into our country. the reason why? the president apparently ordering the border agents to slack off. that's coming from a former border agent. details coming up. >> i slack off on my own without orders. author steven king slams christians and tea partyers over the border crisis. what happened next will surprise you. it's a twitter firestorm. okay, mornings are better with friends. >> stand by for the news.
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>> welcome aboard, folks. it is t.b.t. #throwbackthursday. what happens is on wednesday the producers sit down in the show room, how can we embarrass the host. the assignment today, sports pictures of us back in the days when we were athletic. that is me in really short shorts. the interesting thing about it, that is down in washington, d.c., it was during the reagan years. the guy in front of me, that is john block, former secretary of the agriculture. that was taken seconds before i sprinted ahead of him. >> you told me you won the race. was that the 25th or 26th mile? >> it was like 50. brian, there you are back in the 1950's. >> the ball bouncing away. i think that's ninth grade. >> that's awesome. >> look at your action shot there. >> not many action shots for me because i was an official bench warmer but
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this is our team photo for the academy basketball team, where the love of the hoop began. >> how old are you there? >> now i specialize in getting dunked on right on our plaza. >> you were playing defense on that. >> in the picture to the left i was convinced i was going to the wnba. >> really? >> yes. because my dad told me i could. >> i think it's hilarious, you go from bench warmer to couch warmer. >> i'm much happier here. >> your dad also told you you're playing softball at b.c.? >> he was encouraging no matter how many times i struck out. >> we would love to see your pictures, e-mail them to us at friends at foks heather nauert with news out of africa. >> breaking news. moments ago algeria news
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agency reporting an african passenger plane has now vanished from radar. this flight was heading from burkina fasso to algiers. they lost track of the plane about 50 minutes after takeoff. stay with fox news channel for the latest developments. while you were sleeping, this next story is going to bring hope to christians who are being persecuted around the world. remember the story of the sudanese woman who was spared the death sentence for refusing to renounce christianity? she is in italy this morning. the italian prime minister gave her and her family a warm welcome in rome today, and look at those babies in her arms. this all comes after an intense negotiation from the italian government and also the vatican to spare her and get her out of that sudanese prison. that imprisonment sparked international outrage and forced sudan's supreme court to change that ruling. great news for her. yet another fox news
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alert. new information coming in overnight, the f.a.a. now lifting its ban on flights to and from israel. the agency is saying they assessed security and reviewed israel's safety measures and they decided to end the restrictions. it was a 36-hour ban and it was put in place after a rocket landed in a neighborhood about a mile away from tel aviv's airport. take a look at this stunning image taken by a german astronaut aboard the international space station. he says this is the saddest picture he has ever taken. it shows explosions and rockets as that violence rages on in that region. in the meantime secretary of state john kerry is now there. he's trying to push for a cease-fire between israel and hamas. we'll keep watching that story for you throughout the day. back here at home there is a new lead this morning on that white flag mystery at the brooklyn bridge we told you about yesterday. police say they now want to talk with a teenage skateboarder and four friends. security video shows that
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group walking across the bridge about 20 minutes before the lights went out on that tower. there is still no explanation on how they managed to bypass police, make the quarter mile climb up and how the american flags were bleached. the cops on duty at the time apparently will not be punished. police say their principal job is to watch for suspicious vehicles and not watch those towers. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. >> were they on skateboards when they did it or were they skateboarders that did it? >> i think they were skateboarders that did it. >> if they were on skateboards they would be asked to get off the bridge. >> meanwhile, heather is right, a lot of breaking news. president obama under fire today for fund-raising while being confronted with one international crisis after another plus trouble at home. now americans are voicing their opinion in brand-new fox news polls saying their leader, our leader, is
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incompetent. doug luzader live in washington with biggest concerns of voters in our poll. >> a majority of registered voters now question the president's competence. there is no question there is a lot going on on the world stage. let's start with the conflict between israel and hamsz -- hamas. in a fox news poll we asked how is the president handling the conflict. 29% approve. 56%, a clear majority, disapprove of the president's handling. then we moved on to the crisis in the ukraine. that has intensified in the wake of the downing of malaysia air flight 17. three-quarters of registered voters, 75%, think putin has the upper hand over obama. just 14% think that obama is playing this game better than putin. this comes as the president is spngd a lot of --
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spending a lot of time on the west coast and a lot of fund-raising. republicans say he should be back here in washington tending to business. >> this self-pity that he continues to exhibit is really kind of sad really. i cannot explain it except to say that he does not have this desire to have social interface with people and sit down and try to work things out. >> the fact of the matter is the president, like most professionals, has the capability to deal with more than one priority at a time. and particularly somebody who has the trappings of the presidency alongside him. he's got his own airplane, he's got dedicated phone lines. >> one last question when it comes to foreign policy. overall, how is the president handling it? general? 36% of registered voters approve his handling of foreign policy. not a very good number. but the good news for the white house is that it has improved a bit. it hit an all-time low last
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month of just 32%. steve, brian, elisabeth, back to you guys? >> doug luzader live in the bureau with full results. thank you. >> you look at the border patrol. they are known as the catchers in the business. you come across our border, they're going to catch you. then you look at the enforcement and removal operations, they are the removers. border patrol are supposed to get them, hand them to i.c.e. there is a little bit of a problem. border patrol is understaffed and underfunded. they can't work overtime. when it comes to i.c.e., it is hard to believe this story. >> some i.c.e. fecials -- officials say they believe the obama administration is intentionally reassigning them elsewhere making this matter intentionally worse.
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>> we've never had as many agents on our southern border as we do now, the border is secure according to some in congress. that could be true but according to an official, the white house is reassigning them away from the border. mean bhiel somebody who is not in a -- meanwhile somebody who is not in a border state, the state of utah, gary hubbard was on with greta last night, look, this is a problem, invasion from the south. it is impacting all in the country because these kids are going to different states where they have to go to school, got to eat, got to be cared for. this is not a problem the states should be dealing with. it is something uncle sam should be dealing with. here is gary herbert. >> we've tried to do things in our own states but we've been told directly by the courts this is a federal issue. okay, we'll back off. but we expect the federal government to do something. again, the president has got the lead. he's got a $3.7 billion
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program out there. senator reid and the senate democrats have a $2.7 billion proposal. they are only $1 billion apart. i know in washington, d.c. that's a rounding error but that is real money in the state of utah and to the taxpayers. they have to show leadership and bring people together. >> david stod dard, executive vice president of law enforcement, when it comes to the states, we know texas is doing stuff. maybe arizona is next. when it comes to the i.c.e. agents, some are working four hours a day, they're sitting where the phone never rings in new offices using cars handed to them that don't go anywhere and they're afraid to come forward and explain because their jobs are threatened. >> they want to work. this account here from a former agent says this message comes from the top down and the bottle neck is on purpose. >> if you're an i.c.e. agent, tweet us, write us. we want to get your
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perspective. >> if you're steven king, we know you're quite a tweeter. he did a couple of tweets and slammed christians in the tea party for what's going on down south. he tweeted revise tea party gospel. suffer the little children come unto me unless they're undocumented kids from central america. another tweet he sent out, much easier to be a christian when the little kids aren't in your backyard, isn't it? here's the news for steven king after he posted that. he got schooled from people. they said wait a minute, what are you talking about? you're taking a shot at the tea party and christians. on the southern border catholic charities are doing everything they can. you've got churches and nuns. when it comes to tea parties and conservatives, glenn beck this weekend pledged $1,000 to kids. mike lee of utah, louis gohmert took tractor-trailers full of food and water bottles and
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teddy bears to the kids. king busy writing fiction but in this case he created friction, he was wrong. >> let us know what you think about that. >> a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this very busy thursday. how do americans really feel about our leadership? the dials are in and they are brand-new, and we have them for you next right here on "fox & friends." >> remember that computer that competed on jeopardy and won? >> four-letter word for the iron sitting on the hoop of a horse or a card dealing box in a casino. watson? you are right. >> watson is right and helping our vets ment great story, you'll love it. tell you all about it. >> are you ready for this? ♪ ♪
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get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. now get 50% off all new smartphones. >> welcome back. from escalating fights in the gaza strip to ongoing investigations into the crash of malaysia flight 17, the week has been packed with news. how does the nation feel our president has been handling things here? tons of issues going on right now. the american people are
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paying attention. you sat with them on tuesday. we're going to go through some of the quotes and how they read to americans out there. this is president obama delivering a warning to russia on ukraine. >> if russia continues to violate ukraine's sovereignty and to back these separatists and these separatists become more dangerous and are a risk not only to people inside the ukraine but the broader international community, russia will only further isolate itself from the international community and the costs for russia's behavior will only continue to increase. >> can you explain what those dials mean as they go up and down and how different? >> the blue and the red dials are. >> you see on one side you've got the liberal line and you've got the conservative line. it's not necessarily news that there's such a divide but that is a huge divide. we're looking at a 30-point divide just because he's communicating. he opens his mouth and people are polarized and it makes it really difficult to have a conversation. but there's one thing that
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the people that we spoke with all agree on, and that is that president obama should be doing more. he should be getting more of the whole europe involved. they don't blame obama for putin but they do think this is politics as usual, that he could be doing more and we should be working to get oil over to europe and everybody thinks that the solution is right in his face and he's just not doing anything about it. >> they started worlds apart on the dial there. let's go to netanyahu and whether he spoke on whether, and if israel will exit gaza. >> we didn't seek this escalation but hamas forced it on us. they started rocketing our cities, steadily increasing the fire. i called for deescalation, they refused. i accepted an egyptian cease-fire proposal backed up by the arab league and the u.n. they refused. i accepted humanitarian law proposed by the united nations. they refused. and we'll stop our operations when we can bring back quiet to our
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people. >> initially together and then a stark dip that we're seeing there for the prime minister speaking. >> that's right. the blue line with the liberals, red line conservatives. this is a huge divide. when we talk with the conservatives about it, people think he is compassionate, they think he's likable, doing all they can. when you talk to liberals, they think he's a war monger and people can't have a dialogue. you can't get a word in edgewise because people are so divided on what we should be doing in israel and specifically on what he's saying. >> we want to talk about john kerry speaking, whether obama will put more sanctions on russia. this is the reaction on the dial. >> we think this is a wakeup call for countries in europe. president obama, however, took the lead and put additional sanctions in place on energy, on arms manufacturing companies and on banking. and those are the toughest sanctions that have been
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put in place to date. he did that the day before this incident took place. >> almost off the chart did that dip go. >> what it means is that no one, either side liked him. he never got above 59 on the liberals, and on the republicans he went down to zero. what everybody says that they think he's self-interest, not out for the good of the country and symbolizes everything wrong with this country on both sides but especially with conservatives. >> you bring us the pulse and the dial of the american people. leigh carter, thank you for being with "fox & friends." an insane scene. a car driver drives through a garage and hits the highway leaving a rifle. how this came to an end. do you buy brand name or generic at the drug store? does it make a difference? dr. marc siegel says yes. dr. marc siegel says yes. ♪
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quick headlines. glad you're up. weather being blamed for a plane crash that killed everyone on board in taiwan. transasia airways say the plane caught the tail end of a typhoon while trying to land. it appears a recent medal of honor recipient does not know his own strength. [applause] >> that's a first. former army staff sergeant ryan pitts helped ring the closing bell at the new york stock exchange but as he hit the gavel the handle broke in half. sergeant pitts received the medal of honor this week and will join us next hour with his story. hopefully he won't break anything. steve? >> that's funny.
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thank you, brian. last year americans spent $44 billion on name brand drugs. generic drugs cost 80% to 85% less than those name brands but are they just as good? are they an effective replacement? here to weigh in is dr. marc siegel. you go to the prescription guy, the pharmacist, he goes brand name or generic? a lot of people say brand name because they figure that's got the good stuff in it. >> if it has the same active ingredients, the same label, regulated the same way, the same strength, it may actually be just as good. >> but people think it's so much cheaper, it can't be as good. >> it can be as good and they can save a lot of money especially on over the counter drugs. you are the quiz a team. i'm going to take you through a quiz now and see how you do. we chose you as the top guy. start off with sedatives, the category of sedatives. do you think they should be brand name or should they
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be generic? i have a couple prescriptions i wrote here. frank underwood, valium, darth vader xanax. should i give these generically or should i give the brand name? >> i'm going to bet generic is just as effective. >> you are wrong. i have found, many physicians say and many patients say the brand name works better. it's more powerful. i'm not saying you can't use the generic. the brand name overall works better for sedatives like that. moving on to painkillers. you go to the pharmacy and get these over the counter. you've got your advils, motrin. studies show as seat -- acetomephin doesn't work as well as we thought. do you go for the generics
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or the brand name? >> the brand name. >> you are wrong. if you are a migraine sufferer and you want drugs that stop the migraine before it happens, do you want triptan which is generic or do you want to go for the maxalt, do you want to go for it generically or brand name? >> the generic. >> you're wrong again. this time the brand name. sufferers of migraines will say a specific one works for them that doesn't work for other people. >> you proved with the sedatives and with the migraine stuff, go for the expensive stuff. >> what works for the patient is what they should use. not always the generic. last one, antihistamines, you've got an allergy, stuffed up. do you go for the claritin or benadryl name? what do you do? >> now i'm going to say the generic. >> you got one right.
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really, that's what you do. a gists will tell -- allergists will tell you start with the generic. if that doesn't work, i have patients that say only the zyrtec works for me. for most people you can go for the generic. >> when it comes to the prescription stuff, particularly with migraine medicine or sedatives, go with the brand name or expensive stuff? >> yes. check with your physician no matter what. generics, over the counter generally work. brand names, prescription. absolutely. >> let's see if frank underwood and darth vader pick up those prescriptions. >> they need them badly. >> those are just movies and tv shows. >> frank underwood needs it. >> coming up on this thursday, fox news alert, another airplane just went missing. this one off the radar in algeria. what the heck is going on? we've got breaking details straight ahead.
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call it wave rage. a surfer attacking the competition while they're riding the waves. what set that guy off? we're going to tell you what we know. happy birthday to j.lo. she's 45 years old. >> doesn't look it. >> you're editorializing. ♪ when the pressure's on... only secret offers clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel with 100% odor protection. secret clinical strength. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms...
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let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. man: woman: but, but jimmy. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds.
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woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. is different like some love is different. they shut down several major treats today for the president and are going to do it tomorrow. good way to ensure your approval rating remains in the 40's is to see to it that everyone takes three and a half hours to get home from work. >> it was a traffic nightmare in los angeles. the president was at the
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home of a producer in the fancy neighborhoods. at one point he says i love scandal. he was talking about the tv show. not his own. >> he leaves the press on the outside. everyone is complaining they have been totally left literally on the tarmac or on the rocks. >> especially when it came even to the border. no one has been allowed to get there and get real images, see what's going on. >> have a fund-raiser at the border and then he'll go. >> heather is here. we have breaking news. almost unbelievable this could happen again. >> a plane has gone missing from radar and i have an update for you. we told you about this a half-hour ago. an update on that fox news alert a short time ago. an african passenger plane carrying 110 passengers vanishing from radar. algeria is saying it launched its emergency plan. it is reporting this flight was heading from burkina faso to algiers. they lost sight of the plane about 50 minutes
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after takeoff. the flight pass passes over the country of mali. we'll watch the story throughout the morning. in the meantime, back here at home, arizona's execution process is now under the microscope, this after convicted killer gassed and struggled for breath for almost two hours according to his lawyers. it appears it could possibly be another p botched execution using a lethal cocktail of drugs. the 55-year-old had been sentenced to death in 1991 after he walked into an auto body shop and shot his ex-girlfriend's and her father in cold blood. as yesterday's execution took place the killers lawyers filed an emergency appeal with the u.s. supreme court. arizona governor jan brewer is saying by medical accounts he did not suffer, and that is simply in stark contrast to what he did to the victim's family. they say they have no sympathy for the guy. >> everybody here from what
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i heard, it was excruciating. you don't know what excruciating is, what excruciating is seeing your dad lying there in a pool of blood, seeing your sister lying there in a pool of blood. >> governor jan brewer has since ordered a review of wood's execution. incredible video you have to see of the mayhem caused by a crime spree south of denver, colorado. after a carjacking and trying to steal a snowplow, this guy steals an s.u.v. he runs through this house, smashes through the garage door of it. he eventually goes down the hill, crashes the truck, and then he starts running. he tries to steal another car. he runs on to the highway, waving a rifle at drivers. could you imagine how terrifying that would be if you're driving by. a police officer finally grabs the guy and a citizen helped hold him until more help can arrive. how terrifying that would be. do you remember watson,
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that i.b.m. computer, the thing that went on jeopardy to show off its ability to think and answer questions? >> four-letter word for the iron sitting on the hoop of a horse or a card dealing box in a casino. watson? you are right. >> really? now the insurance company usaa will be using watson to help our veterans transition to life outside the military. next month it will be rolled out on usaa's mobile app. we'll see how that one goes. >> it would be great to use that same knowledge at your finger tips on your smart phone. >> i think a lot of high school juniors should bring watson to the s.a.t.'s. >> what is the square root for today's temperature? for that let's go to maria molina. >> good morning. before i show you weather conditions across the
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country, i want to show you this video from taiwan. what you're looking at is a water spout. this tornado happened over water 50 meters high. there are reports it ripped off the roof to about ten homes. it stayed on the water for approximately ten minutes. that is a pretty long-lasting water spout and pretty intense looking. typically these are much weaker and they do tend to happen during the summer months. a lot of instability out there across places like taiwan and even here across places of the gulf coast of the united states. we have temperatures across our country that are very cool. today across the great lakes, below average. highs in the 70's for many of you like cleveland and also chicago, parts of the plains and the desert southwest heating up even as far west and south as downtown los angeles. you're expecting a temperature of 92 degrees. we expect showers and storms concentrated across the northern plains where
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we could see isolated severe weather. and farther west across parts of the rockies, the elevated fire danger continues. we have a number of fire danger watches and red flag warnings in effect. let's head over to brian. >> thank you very much. some sports theang you -- theang you -- that i think you should know about. mcgwire saying he doesn't want to speak to conseco against. conseco accused mcgwire of using performance enhancing drugs. it came out in the book juice which conseco says he regrets writing. he one time wore a shirt that said mark mcgwire please talk to me. conseco is not going to be able to break him on this. watch this at yankee stadium. >> the grass crew is having an awful time getting the turf on the infield. it's just a mess. they have not been able to get the tarp on because of
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the high winds. >> raining in the bronx. the infield flooded when the skies opened up in the fifth inning. they were able to get the tarp on the field but it wouldn't be enough. the game called off after two hours and the yankees win. spending a day with the indiana national guard, the nascar legend tweeting this and then posted this. a fun day with the indiana national guard. met some awesome soldiers. went home with m.r.e. #hooah. kilmeade and friends from nine to noon. >> terrific. so it goes is a brand-new romcom that brings together not only rom, romance and a comedy but drama together in one.
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it unites two academy award winners who have never worked together before, michael douglas and diane key ton. >> we want you had you to hear about the experience so let's head over to the fox light with michael tammero. >> hard to believe these two never worked together especially since they have such great chemistry. it is the latest move from director/writer rob rye -- rob reiner. he does one movie over and over and he does it really well. he got this idea while doing the bucket list. diane keaton and michael douglas are two people who find love in unexpected places. we caught up with them and asked what it was like to work together for the first time. >> what surprises me as an actor, he comes on and he's ready to go. i keep thinking like, wow, and i'm not ready to go.
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he's a pro. he's a pro. but then he's also willing to be aware of you there with him. >> i think it has to do with that and the producing background. i'm so guilty about the time the movies taken, how expensive they are so i want to go fast. you like to go hast. i-- like to go fast. looking at diane's litany of ex-boyfriends, just phenomenal, the phenomenal notches. >> are you kidding? >> the people that she's >> you want to talk about me? how about you? >> i -- >> and this is where it gets good. >> and so it goes. >> hollywood legend cat fight. and so it goes. opens up nationwide. it's charming. >> from romcom to money movie marathon. >> if you couldn't get tickets to the game this
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weekend, you can still take part in some of the fun. fox business network is sponsoring a money movie marathon on our sister channel, features social network, money ball and wall street 2, money never sleeps, hosted by yours truly and we sat down with fox business network's biggest stars. maria had a role in wall street 2. we asked her what it was like to work with michael douglas. >> it was so much fun to work with michael douglas and oliver stone. they came to the studio, turned my studio into their set. what struck me was michael douglas stayed in character the whole time. business genius but also a little evil. >> you've interviewed some of the best of the best in the corporate world. what was it like introducing a fictional gordon geko. >> the character was fascinating. it was dramatized. come on, this is the movie
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business. >> money movie marathon kicks off saturday night 6:30 on fxm. >> the price is right. it's free. >> michael, thank you. coming up, a new report this morning. ukraine asks the u.s. for help to counter russia's jet killers but we didn't respond. we're getting answers live from washington next. >> call it a wave rage. a surfer attacking the competition while they're riding the waves. what does that involve? what does that involve? you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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and right now we're accessing all sort of tools in our arsenal as we move forward. there is also the issue of pinpointing exactly how mh 17 crashed. experts in england have downloaded data from the cockpit voice recorder and "wall street journal" reports special sound analysis will be conducted to try and time out the exact time the missile struck and try to hear exactly what happened afterwards. back to you. >> thanks, peter. i think what the u.s. official is saying we were afraid of giving it to them and somehow the russians getting it, reverse engineering. >> they would have the secrets. but in the meantime, those sanctions are really bringing putin to his knees. >> he looks very scared. hasn't been the same. >> words mean something. have you heard about this? southwest airlines passenger tweeted this. quote, wow, the rudest agent in
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denver in c 39 is not happy at southwest airlines. then he gets kicked off the train after tweeting that with his entire family that. story has a lot of travelers wondering exactly what's going on. top of the hour. and kids cared more about being a good sport and winning? that's what a new study says. larry winget says they need to toughen up. >> of course he does. et. he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business.
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these wifi hotspots we get with our xfinity internet service are all over the place. hey you can stop looking. i found one. see? what do you think a wifi hotspot smells like? i'm thinking roast beef. want to get lunch? get the fastest wifi hotspots and more coverage on the go than any other provider. xfinity, the future of awesome. nothing like that feeling of taking home a big win. according to a new study, kids don't really care that much about winning. in fact, they rank it number 48
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on the list of 81 factors that make sports fun. >> is this a good thing or evidence our kids need to toughen up? >> here to weigh in on that is that guy right there. he is larry winget, the author of "grow a pair," a book about growing a pair of shoes, i believe. we've got a graphic to show folks. asked a bunch of kids, what do you think makes sports fun? number one, being a good sport, number two, if you try hard. three, positive coach. four, winning. >> what do you think about that? >> i'm not sure i buy that because if they were losing all the time, i think winning would become very important to them. also i want to point out that this study was done in washington, d.c if it had been done in texas or okay o'clock where i'm from, i think winning would have ranked a whole lot higher. >> they asked coaches, parents and players. what you say to kids is you don't have any problem with
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what's on the list, but the priority of the list. for example, do you think making the effort to win is enough or getting the winning outcome should be the priority? >> i think it's about the effort. i really do. i think kids want to play sports. i think they don't want to be bench warmers. i think they want to get out there and participate. >> they want to be part of something. do you think we're doing a disservice by not teaching kids how to win with grace and humility on both ends. >> they need to learn how to lose. i don't think we're allowing people to lose. we have a lot of participation trophies out there. they forget in real life and in business, there is a whole lot of losing. you lose more than you win. unless you teach kids how to lose with dignity and win with humility, we're going to screw up this kid for the next generation, especially in the work force. >> i think you touched on something that a lot of people heard and said that's right. kids are used to getting a trophy just for showing up. is this part of the woosification of america where
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kids are so programmed, they're happy just to be there. >> they're ashamed to win at times. they don't know if they're allowed to be excited when they do get the chance to win. >> i think that's really a problem, when they're ashamed to win. i think winning ought to be something that you really enjoy. we ought to let them enjoy that. one of the problems i see is that if we don't allow winning, we don't prepare them for life, they'll automatically sort of as by-product learn the importance of working with a team and working with people and taking coaching. but that sort of happens. but you got to give them the win it's like coming to work every single day and not getting a check. it's not volunteerism. you're here. you'll automatic learn how to work with other people. winning is that. >> i think the philosophy is here, we get the ratings. >> check out his book coming out in paperback this next week. >> we'll see if larry won this segment. coming up on this thursday,
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these are the calls for support made during a heated battle in afghanistan with staff sergeant ryan pitts had to fight alone. >> be viesed, we are in a bad situation. we can't really get spots on rounds vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come.
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good morning. today is thursday, july 24. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. happening right now, another plane vanishes from radar. now the frantic search. breaking details straight ahead. thousands of illegals pouring into our country. the reason why? the president ordering border agents for possibly slack off? the bombshell accusations next. and this week's medal of honor recipient doesn't know his own strength. look at this. that is awesome. former army staff sergeant ryan pitts is here live this morning.
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it is a great honor to have him. and you as well, thank you for joining us on this thursday morning because mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's the great way to begin your day. when you hear that staff sergeant pitts' story, he just received the medal of honor from the president, it's unbelievable. what a hero. >> and honor to have him here. >> he just kept going and going and going. >> he'll be in our studio shortly. it will be the first morning show appearance. there is three breaking stories that heather will handle for us. what's happening now? >> good morning. very busy news morning and onupdate on the plane that went missing in africa. a short time ago, african passenger plane carrying 110 passengers and six crew members has completely vanished from radar. al algeie reporting that an air
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bus a 320 was heading from a west african country to algiers. what's significant is the plane's flight path. passes over mali and that's where al-qaeda-linked fighters have been growing in strength. they possess weapons there that folks are very concerned about. we'll keep watching this story as we try to learn what happened to that plane. also while you were sleeping, the sudanese woman spared the death sentence for refuse to go renounce christianity is in italy this morning. italian prime minister gave her and her family a very warm welcome today. this comes after that intense negotiation in the italian government and also the vatican to spare her and get her out of that prison. the imprisonment sparked international outrage. we covered this story ex
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tensesively. finally the court changed its ruling. then another fox news alert. new information coming in overnight on the faa lifting its ban on flights to israel and -- to and from israel. they say it has assessed security and reviewed israeli defense measures and decided to end the restrictions. this was a 36-hour ban put in place after a rocket landed in a neighborhood that was less than a mile from tel aviv airport. the stunning image was taken by a german astronaut aboard the international space station. take a close look. he took the picture and he said it's the saddest one he has ever taken because it shows rockets exploding as that violence rages on in the region. how about that? then secretary of state john kerry continuing to push for a cease fire there. here is coverage that you can count on, kind of a fun story. a geico ad banner falls from the plane, but it fell into a house in california.
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40 by 90-foot and landed on a set of power lines. the pilot says he was using a new rope to secure it when it snapped. he came by to collect it and then apologized. everybody is okay. >> and the plane did not fall. it was just the banner. >> that's correct. >> thank you very much. four minutes after the top of the hour. the number one story we've been talking about, or the co- number one story we've been talking about between the ukraine, gaza is what's happening on the border. we're disturbed about what was happening, everyone is focusing on the border agents. but this story is about our ice agents. it turns out they are being essentially, according to the national review that came on line last night, they're essentially being told don't do anything. >> right. former national deputy chief of the u.s. border patrol ronald coburn says that some officials think the obama administration is intentionally neglected to give them orders to make matters better on the border. he says there are empty offices, new chairs and new cars not
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being used. the administration is with purpose is not assigning them as they should be to take care of illegals crossing the border. >> sure. we heard from the president and his surrogates talking about the border is secure. we heard harry reid say that last week because we've never had more people, more agents along the border. maybe body wise that's true. but they're not telling them to leave the office and go out and patrol the border. instead they're essentially saying, we'll have something for you soon. just wait right here. what's curious about it is the guys and gals want to go out and do the job and patrol the border. but they're being told essentially to slack off, according to this article in the national review on line. the active agents are terrified to speak out because they've been warned if you do, if you make a fuss about this, there is a possibility you will lose your job. instead they're speaking through -- for instance, a form agent. word is out the administration does not want our southern
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border enforced. >> saw a few e-mails. we asked ice agents or anyone who wants to tell us what's going on. evidently they back up this story. they talk about morale being through the floor, not getting overtime or raises and being ignored. that would be the same thing as the national review promotes this morning. >> his quote said according to my sources, it appears the administration is cause a bottleneck, referring to the immigration there at the border on purpose. >> it was just last week the president of the united states had the chance to go down to the southern border and take a look at it with his own two eyes at the request of governor perry. he did not go. he did some fundraising instead there in austin and dallas. he's fundraising right now. we've got a brand-new poll out. fox news competent is the obama administration in managing the border crisis? you say somewhat or very confident. 39% of you. but as you can see, a substantial majority say not very, or not. then when the question is, has the obama administration been
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confident and effective in managing the federal government, a majority of you say no. >> that's right. 58% said no. another poll here is the obama administration most open and transparent ever? 68% of you said no. not transparent. >> when you think about his being president's team effective at managing, when you think about it -- this was then senator obama before he was elected -- is do you really want to elect somebody who has never actually run anything? he wasn't a governor, didn't run a state or company. he was a community organizer. is that how he got to where we are right now or just selecting some people who didn't know what they were doing? don't know. just know those are the numbers. >> the president knows one thing, there wasn't a smidgen of corruption in his investigation at the irs. but it didn't turn out to be the facts. if you watched any of that hearing yesterday, we covered it, the irs, there is heartening
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news. it turns out lois lerner's lost e-mails and the hard drive is just scratched and we might be able to get some e-mails out of it. >> the actual hard drive has probably been shredded. but it didn't completely melt down. and the question was a couple days ago, okay, the scratch, was it intentional? did somebody take a screwdriver or an accident? the good news is, according to the commissioner yesterday, apparently we had heard that there was a hard drive crash, it's been recycled and there are no back up tapes. now according to the experts, they have found some back up tapes. they're just reviewing them right now to find out whether or not anything from lois lerner is on them. right now they don't know if there is any recoverable material regarding lois lerner. so that is good. >> right. but the bad news is that we heard from john koskinen yesterday on the hill. they're looking at him for the
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third time. he said the problem now is that the irs is going to effectively halt the investigation of lois lerner's missing e-mails to avoid interfering with an inspector general's investigation. >> the irs. >> could both of those not happen at the same time? trey gowdy fired up about that yesterday. >> i find it vexing that once the i.g. is involved, nobody else can do anything. that is not supported by the law. can there be a criminal investigation while there is an i.g. investigation? >> there can be all sorts of investigation. what i was -- >> all right. there can be a congressional investigation while there is an ongoing i.g. investigation also. correct? >> of course. >> we don't know how we found the back up tapes. i don't understand why he's going out of his way to protect lois lerner, a woman he says he doesn't know, he's the acting detector. he could be the best advocate for the truth in this situation. but instead he's defensive, arrogant and smug. >> he's head of the irs, and as
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we heard from the irs people, morale is very bad there. he just looks like he has no idea what's going on there. meanwhile, let's take you to southwest airlines, one of the gates, a machine from the twin cities was boarding a flight from denver to minneapolis with his two, six and nine-year-old children. because he got -- he's an a lister, he got to get on the plane first and he was going to take his kids with him and the gate agent said sorry, sir. they're not a listers, so you're going to have to board them separately. so rather than get on without the kids, i think he went ahead and waited. >> right. so he sort of said -- he tweeted about it and said wow, rudest agent in denver. gate c 39, not happy at southwest airlines. >> then he also tweeted, unreal expectation, awaiting response from airline.
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asked for name of rude gate agent. we board, i tweet. kids and i pulled off. unless i delete. are you kidding me? >> they said you can't board the plane unless you delete the tweet. you want to fly? you got to take off your twitter handle that you just posted about our rude gate agent. >> it doesn't look like southwest is good here, but i know this, southwest has been great in the past and they have been -- they're huge backers of the military men. what they do for military men and people in uniform is great. >> southwest apologized for the incident. they could not disclose what the nature of the disciplinary action against that person is. the family did get $50 vouchers. they're not satisfied. dad is going to be on the program tomorrow. i get the thing about the rules are the rules. they're not a listers. but to say you're not getting on unless you delete the tweet, that's a little crazy. >> the daughter actually said she was scared for her father. >> yeah. she thought dad was going to go to jail.
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>> absolutely afraid. >> coming up straight ahead. >> a four-year-old banned from a doughnut shop? are you kidding me? >> came in and he asked her if she had a baby in her belly. >> is this over the line? we report. you decide. then what's first lady michelle obama's beef with hillary clinton? charlie gasparino has details on what just happened behind closed doors in a wall street fund-raiser. hi, charlie. ♪ ♪ >> marco rubio said hillary clinton is not a candidate for the 21st century. i don't know if that's true. it reminds me of century 21 is hillary clinton. i don't know what it is. maybe it's the yellow woooo.
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i know what you're thinking. you're thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn't he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it's good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. ...and there's not-so-good more. you're a big guy... oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards
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down playing tensions between the clintons and the obamas after the recent best seller revealed strained relations between the two. our next guest says michelle obama recently took a swipe at hillary clinton's presidential aspirations. yep. here with the story is fox business' own charlie gasparino. set the scene where you were able to pick up this information. >> it's a fund-raiser that michelle obama was at about two weeks ago. she's in there with about 20 people.
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the question comes up, do you, michelle, want to run for office? this is as the ed klein book is causing all this hoopla about whether michelle doesn't like hillary, whether -- >> the feud is real or not and he obviously says it is. >> no one asked that question specifically. according to my source in the room, what they did ask her, do you want to run, michelle, for office? she said no. her kids need some time out of the spotlight. and that's when she said something very1'eb revealing. according to my source's recollection, that i don't believe one family should be controlling the white house in perpetuity. >> running for office constantly. >> yes. exact verbiage. i wrote a story about it yesterday. that was taken as a back hand snub, at least. maybe not so back handed, but at least a snub by people i talked to at that meeting that she was
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he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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don't show. next, four years old. that's the age of the boy banned from a doughnut shop in connecticut. why? >> there was a customer that came in and he asked her if she had a baby in her belly. >> well, she didn't. he then apologized. the manager said he's not welcome back because he's rude. ♪ ♪ >> weird al scoring the first number one album of his three decade career. we talked to him this week about his eight hits in eight days. >> i'd like to continue making music, but i think albums are not the most efficient way for me to get myself out there because then i have to wait 'til i have 12 songs. i think i'm better off doing singles. like coming out with an idea and put it out immediately.
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>> we're on the left-hand side of the valley. >> those were calls for much needed support when staff sergeant ryan pitts was forced to fight alone after an estimated 200 taliban militants attacked his post. the rest of his unit had been killed or injured. he was hit with shrapnel in both legs, but he did not give up. now sergeant pitts is the latest recipient of the highest honor for bravery. president obama presented him the medal of honor this week, making him the ninth living recipient of this award and we're honored to have him here today. good morning. >> good morning. >> take us back to july 13, 2008. >> day where valor was everywhere. estimated 200 guys attacked ame.
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we fought for each other. >> and the fight was fierce. slowly but surely, the taliban was making advances on you and they were getting closer and closer and you had fewer and fewer allies with you. >> yep, it's true. >> what happened? >> they had moved into the village and they had us completely surrounded, high ground and at the position i was at, the observation post, somewhat separated from our main base, they had moved within five to ten yards. >> 15, 20, 30 feet away? >> yep. >> and you got hit? >> yep, i did. as well as a lot of other guys. >> and you could not move? >> not very easily. >> then you decided to do something. i had never heard this phrase before, but it's cooking off a grenade. what does that mean? >> you pull the pin with the safety spoon release and hold it for a few seconds to let the fuse run and then throw it. >> because the guys were just like 15 feet away, 30 feet away.
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so you figured if you pulled the pin and threw it over, they'd throw it back and kill you. >> yeah, they could. >> so when you're holding the grenade, you're cooking it off, what are you getting to, thousand one? >> three or four seconds. >> thousand four. there's a graphic, reenactment of what happened that day. eventually you were to the point where every american was injured or dead. you were alone. >> yep. >> and you kept going and you were calling for support. at one point i understand somebody radioed back, we'd love to help you, but there is nobody we can send to you. >> that's correct. >> what happened then? >> just decided that i wasn't going to go down without a fight. had to keep impacting the battle. some of our guys had fought 'til their last breath and i owed it to them to do the same. >> so at one point -- and
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they're getting really, really close. you don't have any more grenades to cook offment you take grenade launcher and what did you do with that? >> i shot it almost straight up so it would land indirectly as close as i could get it. >> so in other words, because the bad guys are ten, 15, 20 feet away, you're pretty much shooting straight up? >> yep. >> was that effective? >> i guess so. i couldn't exactly see where they were landing. i kept working it in. >> unbelievable. eventually help came? >> it did. >> and in the end, as they took a look at your unit, the death toll, you were the last man standing. >> we fought together. >> you did. the day the president put that medal of honor around your neck, were you thinking about those guys? i can't imagine you did not. >> i think about them every day
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and it was especially that day. >> when you were there by yourself, were you saying to yourself, i got to do this for them. i got to do this for me. why me? why am i still here? >> it was for us. i was hurt and i was looking at all the other guys that were wounded and continuing to fight and it was just what needed to be done. it felt like i had to do my part. >> you did. with such bravery and heroism and presented the medal of honor this past week by the president of the united states. it's got to be humbling for you. >> it is. it is. >> and now you're doing television and just yesterday you were down at the new york stock exchange and you did something that i've never -- i've seen them with the gavel a million times. i've never seen this happen. what did that guy say to you?
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>> good job. i don't remember. i just watched it sail over the balcony in slow motion. >> that was cool. tell us about yourself today. what are you doing? i know you're married and you got a one-year-old at home. >> i do. my son's name is lucas. primarily what i'm doing is being a father and husband. but i work for oracle corporation in business development. that's what i'm doing. >> it is a great pleasure and an honor to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you for your service. >> my honor to serve. all right. >> coming up, another fox news alert. another airplane went missing from radar in algeria. what is going on over there? we've got breaking details as we know them. then a routine traffic stop goes awfully wrong. the suspect pulls the cop into the car and takes off. what happened next? stick around.
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he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. i'll keep asking. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! fox news alert. an update that we are following. just after 5:00 o'clock eastern time here in new york city about 2 1/2 hours ago, another passenger jet vanished from the radar. it had so many of us wondering what the heck is going on over there? >> that's right. flight carrying 110 passengers and six crew members. the airline says it has now
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launched an emergency plan. algeria news agency reporting the air bus a 320 was heading from the west african country to algiers. air navigation services lost track of the plane 50 minutes after takeoff. >> the plane's flight path passes over mali where al-qaeda linked fighters have grown in strength. >> we have known that those al-qaeda guys have those shoulder-fired missiles. they've got some of those things that do track heat. is that what it is? we don't know at this point. there is a lot of speculation on line and twitterverse t could be a terror strike. >> but we don't know. >> that's just one of the major stories that has been breaking during the show since we began an hour and 34 minutes ago. heather nauert has others. >> good morning. i have news from back here at home and the state of arizona. execution process is under the microscope this morning after a convicted killer reportedly gassed for nearly two hours
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after he was injected with a lethal cocktail of drugs. 55-year-old joseph wood was sentenced to death in 1991 after he walked into an auto body shop that was owned by his ex-girlfriend's family. he shot her and her father in cold blood. arizona's governor jan brewer ordered a full review of the execution process, but says by medical accounts, he did not suffer, especially in light of what he did to the victims' family. they say they have no sympathy for the guy. >> for everybody here, from what i heard, that it was excruciating. you don't know what excruciating is. what's excruciating is seeing your dad lying there in a pool of blood, seeing your sister lying there in a pool of blood. >> this is just the latest in a series of botched executions. and then a really wild arrest caught on camera. the driver was pulled over after he blew through a stop sign and just as the officer is about to put that driver in handcuffs,
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the suspect, 6' 4, 350 pounds puts autopsy fight. they struggle a few seconds until the suspect seems to pull the cop into his car. he steps on the gas and drags him several feet. that set off a really wild chase. officers eventually catching up with the guy and arresting him. turns out he had drugs in the car. that happening in michigan. and bad news for anyone waiting for u.s. passports and visas. the state department saying a computer glitch is to blame for major delays potentially leaving millions of people waiting. you know the terror group taking over iraq, isis? it's now taken over the country's fashion market with new rules. isis now ordering all shop keepers in mosul to cover the faces of mannequins that are on display. look at this right here. they say that their version of islam forbids artwork depicting the human form. call in the fashion police. those are your headlines. we'll see new a bit. >> thanks, heather.
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these days the administration is regularly asking for more money every day, whether the irs, tech upgrades or the border, someone has their hand out. it's having trouble managing the funds it has already. >> they wanted 4 billion for the border. new report out the government is overpaying on food stamps by about $2 billion. this as overall food stamp spending is up 115% under president obama. >> can the administration really be trusted with more money? here to weigh in, stuart varney. you look at those numbers, i'm going to imagine you're going to say no. >> no. since when has a $2 billion per year overpayment been considered good? the government does consider it good, that we're only overpaying by $2 billion on food stamps. they put out a statement and say fiscal year 2012 was excellent for reining in the overspending. look at that. another excellent performance in
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payment accuracy. the error rate, 3.42%. since when has that been good? can you imagine if it was a private enterprise company admit to go overspending to the tune of $2 billion each and every year? the ceo would be gone immediately. >> and excellent? to call it excellent is way over the top. doesn't this trap essentially people in these programs? >> in my opinion, yes. you have an extensive welfare system in the united states today, whether it's food, housing, clothing, education, health care, you name it, to some people that's a welfare trap. you're spending tens of billions, hundreds of billions of dollars a year. to some degree, that keeps those people in that welfare trap. food stamps is part of that program. $80 billion a year, 2 bill year per year in overpayment. 47 million people receive free food. since when has that been a success after five years of so-called recovery?
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>> we'll be watching ou on fox business today between 11 and 1:00 o'clock. >> i'll be happy to be there. >> we'll be watching. for now, if you don't mind, we go to maria. >> hello, everybody. good morning. i want to show you a our high temperatures for today. they're going to be below average across portions of the great lakes and the northeast. only going to make it into the 70s across parts of new england. you can see green bay, chicago and detroit in the 70s this afternoon. farther west, we still have very summerlike heat across parts of the plains, rapid city. you'll make it up to 97 degrees. that's your actual temperature forecast for this afternoon. then across the southwestern united states, also on the hot side. 113 for phoenix and 92 degrees for the city of atlanta. that's the temperature, what it will read across parts of downtown. across northern plains, we expect showers and storms and there is a potential for some isolated severe weather and farther west across the rockies, the elevated fire danger
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continues. red flag warnings are in effect. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. >> it's throwback thursday. one of the things we do on thursday, this week the theme is sports. yes. the days when you played games in uniform. >> we love it. lieutenant colonel rod currently stationed in kuwait, we see him here sporting two differentials. >> he looks the same. >> thank you for sending that in. >> steve from bakersfield, california writes, the game was played in october of 1941. number 53 and the dark jersey is my father, jack. it's safe to assume that every player in the picture fought in world war ii. >> they forgot to put on the face mask. they lett the leather on. i don't think there is any concussion test on the side line. johnny from san antonio writes, here is me. 1975, the st. louis university on the club hockey team called the fighting days. that's a lot of ice in my face. that is when they did not wear
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helmets then. >> that's right. >> i can't imagine a time without helmets. >> about an hour from now, more of your pictures, if you would like to send us one. send them by facebook, tweet or e-mail. 19 before the top of the hour. most vets begging to get inside the v.a. but this one can't seem to get out of the v.a. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off. >> oh, boy. a veteran locked in a waiting room and the staff went home, just left him. that vet joins us live to share his story coming up. you remember her as kelly from "beverly hills 90210". now jenny garth is back on tv solving mysteries. she joins us live on the curvy couch next. @@ñññññppóóp
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we've got quick headlines for you on this thursday. the head of the cdc, bioterrorism lab down in atlanta that potentially exposed workers to live anthrax has resigned. michael ferrell was the head of the lab since 2009. he now out of work. and montana democratic senator john walsh busted plagiarizing his master's thieves. the "new york times" outlining the democratic senator's remix of other people's work in his final paper at the u.s. army war college. walsh is a decorated iraqi war vet and he says he had ptsd when he wrote the thesis and it was a mistake. he took over max baucus senate seat and faces reelection in november. that's the news. 15 minutes before the top of the hour. we fell in love with her as kelly taylor in the show "beverly hills 90210". now she's reunited with her former co-star in a new series
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started in june "mystery girls." watch. >> excuse me if i long for the days of the mystery girls. >> excuse me. i don't. >> did you notice how amazing we were? we'd be mystery girls again. >> no, real mystery girls. >> real mystery girls? >> i'll be you in another 14 years. >> joining us is jenny garth who is joined in that scene by tory spelling. working back together again. >> we have so much fun making "mystery girls." we've made ten episodes÷kyux' f. >> so you were tv stars and then years later, something brings you together to actually solve a mystery. >> right. and then we think that we can do this by using our tv detective skills. >> i saw this. >> it's a great premise. >> first matlock. now me. >> who has changed the most
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since "beverly hills 90210"? have you both grown up? >> both. i think she has more. >> besides show content, you've been working with her. >> we have seven children between us. that's a big, big difference. >> that will do it. >> they take priority as well. you have a great campaign to really help kids. can you tell us about that? >> i've been working with al con for a couple years. this is a program that is so easy for people to get involved and help these kids get glasses that they need because one in four kids needs vision correction and out of that, two-thirds of those kids don't have access to it. so this is a program that we do through a great charity down in dallas. it's called kids vision for life. we are raising money to take glasses, take eye exams to the kids. it changes these kids' lives. the campaign is very toes get involved in.
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go to eye solution facebook and like it and they donate a dollar. >> that's it? >> yep. and then a dollar goes towards getting glasses. >> really opening up a kid's world, changing everything. it is a game changer for them. you have three children. two in glasses? >> two so far. the other one wants them. i'm in glasses, that i never thought i needed. >> how is your life now? going through a lot of changes, you drop in and out. how are things going now? >> it's so good. i'm settling finally. it's been a whirl wind for me for the past few years, but everything is really good. i'm happily independent. very much enjoying -- >> the divorce is final? >> yes. built a house. >> fantastic. that will be on hgtv, so we can see you pick out paint colors. >> it's called the jenny garth
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show. >> thank you. >> the show is called "mystery girls" that will air wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. eastern on abc family. thank you very much. give our best to tory spelling. >> i will. >> and the crew. >> okay. >> thanks. straight ahead, police officers now armed like the military and the nsa is spying on just about everybody right now. so how far is too far when it comes to policing america? john stossel has been worried about that. he's next where he draws the line between security and liberty. good morning, john. >> he's got more props than gallagher. first on this date in history in 1911, remember this guy? ma chew pee chew is discovered. >> "saving private ryan" opened. in 1998, "roll with it" by steve winwood was the number one song. what does it sound like? ♪
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♪ but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl.
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sssh, grandpa you don't want to be an intern forever. sorry dad, we have to get back to work, we have a deadline. we're going public! [cheering] the fastest in-home wifi for your entire family. the x-1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. have you noticed now a lot of police officers are armed just as heavily as the military? and the nsa is spying on just about everything we do. so how far is too far when it comes to policing the united states of america? >> that's the exact topic john stossel is explore not guilty -- explore not guilty a brands new special. >> government always grows and that applies to the police. we used to have a swat team raid maybe once a week when there was an emergency situation. now more than 100 a day. sometimes they get the wrong people. >> 50 to 80,000 raids per year,
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they say, since 1995, they botched 292 of them. >> think what a botch means. 5:00 o'clock in the morning, you're asleep. people are smashing in your door. you might pull out your gun and shoot at them or be shot yourself. that's happened. >> just because they might, as is the case, they sometimes get the wrong house. i hold in my hand a drone that costs about $60, i am told by john stossel. this is of concern to the president of the united states. he's going to start talking about it today. >> i'm learning how to control this. >> we bought this yesterday. when i started the story, it cost 1,000 bucks to buy a drone. now, 60 bucks for that thing, with a camera and so you can spy on your neighbors. it's also good because you can search for missing child or a
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farmer can survey his crops. >> you're worried about the spying on your neighbors part? >> what about if someone is droning me. can i take it down with a super soaker? >> yeah. or your shotgun. >> okay. >> you have peeping tom laws. you can look at your neighbor's house if -- if you stand on a ladder and look, you're violating the law. mostly it's a wonderful, new innovation, it will be mostly good. i'm curious what the president will say to that. >> that will be your focus, too tonight? >> it's actually one of my rare specials. it's on this weekend, saturday at 10. >> the new frontier, right? right to privacy? >> the new frontier. all kinds of things. >> you're remarkably open minded about this. usually you're closed minded. you're open to innovation. >> innovation is usually wonderful. and closed is the government is
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going to make it all better with more rules, 'cause it never does! >> what does the government ever make better? >> we're going to be watching john stossel's special "policing america, security versus liberty" saturday night. if you're just coming in at 10:00 p.m., turn on the tv and you'll see him right here on the fox news channel. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i think you just broke your 60-dollar drone. >> we can repair it. >> check the warranty. breaking right now, another plane just went missing from the radar. this one in algeria. what is going on? we got developing details in two minutes. then most veterans begging to get inside the v.a., but this veteran can't seem to get out. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> hi. i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. >> veteran locked in the waiting room while the staff went home. he joins us live to share his story next.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. good morning. today is thursday, july 24. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking news this morning, another plane just vanished from the sky with more than 110 passengers on board. we just got an update on exactly where it was. a live report on that straight ahead. you know what? that is just the latest in a series of crises. how do americans really feel about our leadership? brand-new dials are in and you will see them first right here on "fox & friends." >> see how liberals react and conservatives react to the same subject. and the v.a. story you have not heard. the vet who could not get out of the v.a. hospital. >> 911, where is your emergency? >> hi, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off.
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>> locked in the waiting room while the staff went home. that vet joins us with his first live interview. according to every study ever given, mornings are better with friends, us friends. breaking news and a fox news alert. just after 5:00 o'clock eastern this morning, another passenger jet filled with people vanished off radar. it was air algeria flight carrying 116 passengers and crew members on board. peter doocy is live in our bureau of dc with the latest. peter, where was it going? >> reporter: here is what we know. the airline launched its emergency plan in and this emergency plan comes as 116 people and a plane are nowhere to be found. the french transport minister a few minutes ago said that the
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flight disappeared over northern mali. there is a lot of fighting in mali. there are many al-qaeda-linked militants there. senior french officials are telling the a.p. now that the militants in mali, don't think have weapons that could blow an airplane out of the sky if it's at cruising altude. it's a swissair md-83, swift air is a spanish airline. swift air says they haven't been able to talk to the two pilots or four cabin crew or anyone else on board at this point. radar lost track of the flight about 50 minutes of a it took off from west africa. it was supposed to land at 1:10 a.m. eastern u.s. time in algiers. that never happened and as far as we can tell, authorities waited about four hours to alert the public about this plane disappearing. that's all that we know at this point. but we expect to get more details in the next few minutes. back to you. >> all right. peter doocy live in the bureau.
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i'm looking at usa today. they say the french agency afp is quoting an unidentified source with the airline, saying the plane was, quote, not far from the algerian frontier where the crew was asked to make a detour because of poor visibility and to prevent the risk of collision with another aircraft on that same particular route. so that just adds another wrinkle to this disturbing story. >> so we'll follow that and if you think about it, think about what's been happening. it the malaysian flight 17 last thursday, a week ago today shot out of the sky. taiwan yesterday. you saw what happened with that tail end of a typhoon. then we're still looking for that malaysian flight somewhere in the planet. we can't even find what happened to it. >> you got the russian rebels shooting down planes all over that particular area in ukraine. >> prior to ma 17, there were two planes that went down. >> traditionally, air travel, the safest kind of travel you can do. when you look at the numbers.
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but you look at all this stuff and people are going, what the heck is going on? >> a little earlier you did a great segment on what the american people feel about some of the hottest issues in this country. but they did it with the dot. it's a hot look at what is happening, take a major issue, you get conservatives and republicans and have them respond to it. >> when you see -- we hear from officials all the time. we hear from government agents all the time and politicians, what they think. when it comes to the american people thinking, this is startling. the first dial we looked at was actually netanyahu on exactly when or if israel will exit gaza. this is the reaction. >> we didn't seek this. hamas launched it on us. they started rocketing our cities, steadily increasing the fire. i called for the escalation -- deescalation, they refused. they refused a peace negotiation. i accepted humanitarian law proposed by the united nations.
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they refuseed. we'll stop operations when we can bring it back. >> americansamericans are more e of netanyahu, conservatives, than liberal. >> you were talking with lee carter, she's at the company that frank luntz started with the whole dials and stuff. she's talking about the divide in the country, how -- notice on the split screen here, the red line, those are people who are more to the political conservative side. the blue side, to the political left. the divide seems to be impacting every single topic that they did the dial testing on and they did it on tuesday in texas. watch the dials. keep in mind red is conservative and blue is liberal. here is the president as he delivers a warning to russia about the ukraine. how does america feel? let's go to the dial. >> if russia continues to violate ukraine's sovereignty and that's separatists become
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more and more dangerous and now are risks not simply to the people inside of ukraine, but the broader international community, russia will only further isolate itself from the international community and the costs for russia's behavior will only continue to increase. >> see the separation when the president talks about the ramifications? if you continue to do this, he'll only separate himself and conservatives don't -- that is the hell to pay. >> the divide grew increasingly so at that moment and as the big analysis went, they'd rather something be done. that's where the gap occurred. this is another reaction here. we want you to take a look at. red being more conservative leaning to the right and the blue being more liberal. john kerry on whether president obama will put more sanctions on russia. >> we think this is a wake-up call for countries in europe. president obama, however, took the lead and put additional sanctions in place on energy, on
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arms manufacturing, companies and on banking. those are the toughest sanctions that have been put in place to date. he did that the day before this incident took place. >> allow me to translate. the blue was flat lining. the liberals were going okay, kind of like a dial tone. then the conservative viewers of this particular clip, absolutely nose dives because yack, yack, yack, he's talking about sanctions. come on. do something! not saying start a war, but do something. there are many things in the president's quiver of things he can do, but just the talk, talk, talk, it ain't working. >> the starting point there for both red and blue is quite low. 59 on the dials. didn't start off that well with either. then sort of split and decreased as time went on. >> here is heather nauert. >> good morning. this next story is going to --
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while you were sleeping, the sudanese woman spared the death sentence for refuse to go renounce christianity? she's in italy. the italian prime minister gave her and her family a warm welcome in rome earlier today. this comes after that intense negotiation took place between the italian government, the vatican and sudan to get her out of that sedanese prison. that imprisonment sparked international outrage and forced sudan's supreme court to change its ruling. president obama is now encouraging immigration officers to slack off on the job? that is according to a new report in the national review. some ice officials say they believe that the administration is intentionally neglecting to give them orders to help resolve the crisis at the border. one former deputy chief says agents want to go out to do more work, but they aren't being given any more work to do. this comes as a new fox news
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poll shows that 56% of americans believe that the obama administration is not handling the border crisis competently. new details on that mystery white flag flying over the brooklyn bridge. police have now identified the five suspects by their nicknames, but they aren't releasing those names just yet. they'll use those to match them with their real names. security video shows the group walking across the bridge about 20 minutes before the lights went out on the tower. there is still no explanation about how they bypassed police, made that big climb up nearly 300 feet, and how the american flags were bleached. the cops on duty at the time apparently won't be punished. police say their principal job is to watch for suspicious vehicles and not watch the tower. listen to this outrage, there is a father in minnesota who is calling out a major airline after he was booted from a flight with his children because of a tweet he sent out. he says he and his two children
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were kicked off the southwest airlines plane after he complained about a rude employee on twitter. that employee saying that she felt threatened by that tweet. watson says he doesn't understand why. >> there was no use of profanity, no threats made. nothing other than, you know, a terse exchange between a customer service agent and a customer. i was very upset, very embarrassed, very humiliated. >> the airline then forced him to delete the tweet before he could get back on the plane. southwest airlines has apologized and said that incident is under investigation. here is apparently what happened. he had special status to board the flight early and so he brought his children with him. that makes sense. >> they didn't have it. >> ages six and nine. >> they didn't have it. the flight attendant got mad. >> they wanted them to separate. they said you can go ahead, the girls captain board right now. and they were quite scared. that dad will join us tomorrow.
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>> no assigned seats in southwest. so you're stuck out there in your region. >> it's all about getting on the plane. heather, thank you very much. your e-mail pouring in on this, both sides of the airline aisle. deborah says, southwest should discipline the rude agent instead of making a big deal over a tweet. what happened to customer service? we understand that apparently southwest has done some sort of disciplinary action, but because of privacy laws, they can't say what. >> jim in baton rouge says the southwest counter agent probably could have tweeted wow, most entitlement seeking customer i've ever encountered. >> jeff says southwest was out of line based on the circumstances. their boarding process created that situation. they swear their boarding process of not giving assigned seats gets planes boarded quicker. >> that's really what you want. a problem there. in the meantime, in the market to buy a new house? do you really need the extra insurance they'll try to sell you? bob massi here with his legal advice absolutely free.
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>> that's right. and remember the computer that competed on jeopardy? >> four letter word for the iron sitting on the hoof of a horse, or a card dealing boss in a casino. watson? >> what is two. >> you are right. >> watson is back. watson is helping our vets. pretty awesome. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't miss a step...
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welcome back. what about mortgage life insurance? it's supposed to cover payments in the event of your death. does the investment actually pay off? joining us to weigh in is fox news legal analyst, bob massi. good morning, bob. >> good morning. >> what is this mortgage life insurance and should all homeowners obtain it? >> let's distinguish between pmi, private mortgage insurance, that's insurance that you have so if your house is foreclosed on, that insurance pays that deficiency off. generally it's required if you only put a certain amount of money down on a home. mortgage life insurance, protection insurance is there so if somebody passes away, that then is used for purpose of
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paying the mortgage off completely so that the heirs don't have to worry about paying. the big difference between private mortgage insurance and mortgage life insurance protection. the protection issue means if you die, that money then is there to specifically pay off that mortgage that the family has. that's what it's there for. >> if you're approached by someone for mortgage life insurance, how do you know if it's a good thing, it's legitimate? this is happening to potential homeowners and current homeowners daily. >> mortgage life protection insurance, it's not that i'm not a proponent of it, but i want our viewers to understand that remember, it's a very specific item for a very specific thing. it only pays off the insurers as the loan that you had. i think what should happen, when you're doing estate planning, you should talk to your estate planning lawyer about just life insurance in general. so you could get, for example, a term life insurance policy
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specifically designated that upon your death, it goes to the heirs, but you want it necessarily to pay off the mortgage on your home. so when you get mortgage life protection service, it's only specific to the mortgage. if you have a general life insurance, the heirs could decide do we want to sell the home? do we want to keep the home? do we want to use that insurance policy to pay off the loan? it gives awe broader range. the other thing is mortgage life protection insurance, elisabeth, is what -- there is some call it what i call burning candle. what that means is as the mortgage gets paid down, that's all that it covers upon your death. so if you have a $400,000 mortgage, by the time you pass it's 200, a lot of the policies, it's a burning candiesle. it only pays that which is owed. >> what you're saying is the value which you're purchasing at, it may not be there at the end. you've already paid into it essentially. what should people be looking at? how far do you go spending on
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this kind of policy? >> mortgage life protection insurance could be more expensive than a term insurance policy. ment message i want to send is a lot of people are resistant to life insurance in general because a lot of people don't want to look at their own mortality. this is really an estate planning issue, i think, where you get good advice and say, look, here is how much my house is. here is my heirs. let me buy a term policy that's cost effective. house protection service, many after you home. so really get some advice and look to the details. the devil is in the details so you understand what you're buying if you're going to buy that type of policy. >> okay. bob massi, thank you so much. always, you can e-mail your questions to bob at our web site. click on rebuilding dreams and he'll answer them next time. up next, the v.a. story you haven't heard. the vet who couldn't get out of
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the v.a. hospital. >> 911, where is your emergency? >> hi, i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility and the alarm has been going off. >> there is a twist. locked in the waiting room while the staff went home. that veteran joins us live for his first interview up next. plus, a nascar legend trades in his wheels for national guard gear. the story behind this picture coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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time for quick headlines. simon cowell coming under fire by the twitter mob, slamming the former x factor and "american idol" judge for donating money to israel last year. cowell's twitter account inundated with pictures of dead palestinian pictures. the tweets have been deleted. he donated nearly $150,000 to the friends of the israeli defense force. dale earnhardt, junior gets a giant dose of patriotism spending the day with the indiana national guard. tweeting, one day with the indiana national guard. meant a lot. went home with an mre, #hooah. all right. brian. >> fox news alert. faa lifting its ban on flights to and from tel aviv. this as the violence rages on with israeli tanks and war planes pummeling the gaza strip. i believe we're up to day six. john huddy is live along the
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israel-gaza border where the death toll is now over 700. what's the latest today, john? >> reporter: brian, yeah. the fighting has raged on overnight and so far today along the border, in fact, i want to show you behind me in the distance where that smoke is. this is northeast gaza, the border of israel and northeast gaza. this area has seen fierce fighting really over the past 16 days since operation protective edge began. in particular the last six days since the ground offensive began. to the right of that smoke we see israeli military ground forces. we're talking about tanks, we're talking about infantry, posted up along the border and we've been hearing artillery fire, cannon fire in the distance. we've also seen and heard some air strikes as well in northeast gaza. so troops basically overnight have been moving in across the border, hitting hamas militant
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locations. rocket launch strikes, command centers not only here in the north, but also in the south as well, south gaza where there has been intense fighting overnight as well as ground troops are also rooting out hamas' extensive network of tunnels, many of which have stretched across the border into israel where hamas militants ambushed israeli soldiers. so far, according to the israeli defense forces, about 30 tunnels have been found, many have been destroyed. the death toll, 32 israeli soldiers have been killed. three civilians here in israel. as you mentioned, more than 700 people have been killed in gaza. more than 4500 have been injured. this as a cease fire talks continue. that remains elusive. but the fire certainly does not. >> give us some perspective on how much of gaza is left for israel to go through. it looks like a small area. how much more time do they need?
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>> reporter: well, israeli officials, military officials say at least a week or two weeks to really -- the focus right now has been rooting out those tunnels. we've seen in the 16 days immense amount of air strikes throughout gaza, but troops are really on the periphery of the border, going into the border and hitting with artillery fire, those hamas military locations. the prime objective has been rooting out those tunnels and israeli officials say that could take at least a week or two more weeks, at least. >> which means they delay the truce talks, they might be able to achieve their objective. if it happens now, it will be undone. thanks so much. stay safe. >> yeah. breaking right now, another plane packed with people missing from the radar. what we just learned about the search off the coast of algeria. the developing details ahead. then this week's medal of honor recipient doesn't know his own strength.
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we'll hear from that army staff sergeant, ryan pitts, next. ♪ ♪ aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™.
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thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. an update on the breaking news that we've been telling you about. just after 5:00 a.m eastern, we found out another passenger plane packed with people vanished. it's an air algeria flight carrying 110 passengers and six crew members. we just found out two french fighter jets are now enroute to try and locate it. >> the plane disappeared from radar over northern mali where al-qaeda-linked fighters have grown in strength. algeria news agency reporting
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the plane was heading from the west african country to algiers. >> doesn't stop there. air navigation services lost track of the plane 50 minutes after takeoff. the plane has been missing for four hours before they told anybody about it and before we knew about it here in america. so there you go. mali, the french put troops there a while ago because it was a huge terror influx. and that's why the french probably know that area best. >> there has been a spite of bad news with airplanes in the last week. >> it's wondering if you're going to make it at all. heather nauert is here with other headlines. >> i've got news from back here at home. arizona's execution process is under the microscope this morning. this after this convicted killer reportedly gasped for air for
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two hours after he was injected with a lethal cocktail of drugs. 55-year-old joseph wood was sentenced to death in 1991 after he walked into an auto body shop owned by his ex-girlfriend's family and shot his ex-girlfriend and her father in cold blood. the governor of arizona, jan brewer, has now ordered a full review of the execution process there. but she says by medical accounts, he did not suffer, especially in comparison to what he did to the victims' family. the victims' family says they have no sympathy for him. >> everybody here, from what i heard, said it was excruciating. you don't know what excruciating is. what's excruciating is seeing your dad lying there in a pool of blood. seeing your sister lying there in a pool of blood. >> this is just the late nest a series of botched executions. do you remember that new jersey teen-ager who moved out of her parents' house last year and then sued them for child support? she is now back in court and
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this time to get a restraining order against her boyfriend. rachel canning claims he choked her during a fight. her parents had previously asked her to break up with him and that's one of the reasons that she apparently left home. canning dropped the lawsuit against her parents in march and moved back in with them. it appears recent medal of honor recipient doesn't know his own strength. watch this. isn't that cute? that is ryan pitts, he helped ring the closing bell for the new york stock exchange yesterday. as he hit the gavel, the handle broke in half. he joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to explain what was going on. >> what did that guy say to you? >> good job. i don't remember. i just watched it sail over the balcony in slow motion. >> nice to see him smile like
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that. he received the medal of honor earlier this week for fending off a fierce taliban attack in afghanistan. do you remember watson, the ibm computer that went on jeopardy to show off its ability to think and answer questions? >> another word for the iron sitting on the hoof of a horse, or a card dealing boss in a casino. watson? >> what is two? >> you are right. >> okay. now the insurance company, usaa is using watson to help veterans transition to life outside the military. vets can ask it about resume writing and how to take advantage of the g.i. bill. so by next month, usaa says it will be rolled out on their mobile apps. those are your headlines. >> there is an app for that. >> thanks, heather. >> 25 minutes before the top of the hour. while thousands of veterans
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struggle to get inside a v.a. hospital, one can't seem to get out. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> i want to report that i apparently got left in a v.a. facility, medical facility, and the alarm has been going off. >> jeff duck was picking up a prescription at the v.a. hospital in florida and waiting patiently for three hours before realizing the staff went home. i can't believe this happened to you. we saw this and in a moment we'll see i couldn't your cell phone video of what it was like in the empty building. where were you exactly when you realized you were alone? >> hi, brian. first thanks for having me on. i was in the reception room, right up front just like you see in any other doctor's office. a room with ten or 15 chairs with all the lights on and windows. kind of the middle of everything. >> what exactly was the last thing someone said to you and about what time was that? >> it's kind of funny because
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the last thing that i remember -- i know the people who work at the front desk and as the last one of them left, she reminded me -- i forgot about this until the next day. reminded me that i made a joke as she was leaving about how i'll lock up for them. and at that point, there was still security there and some other people. i guess i thought nothing of it since i didn't even remember it. but that was the last statement that i remember making, the last conversation. as it turned out, i guess i really did, one of those things you don't -- you say it jokingly. you don't expect it to come true and it did. >> way to go. here is what the v.a. says. quote, we want to apologize. we are looking at our closing make changes. >> you think so? how about yelling out? anybody left? if not, i'm leaving? >> yeah. something like that would have been nice. maybe a flick of the lights,
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maybe somebody walking around in a circle. something. maybe they need a sign on the front door that they turn around from open to close. >> last vet in, please turn off the lights. >> yeah, yeah. >> jeff, here is some of the video of you walking around inside the v.a., pretty much all alone. i mean, basically you just said no one is going to believe is this, so i got my cell phone. >> yeah. >> everybody has gone home. >> the v.a. hospital essentially -- it's always been a lack of communication and always been a long wait for you? >> yeah. actually the wait really isn't too bad there. the v.a. that i go to, i know it's different all around the country and i know that there is some pretty bad places and long wait times and all that. i've had long wait times in a matter of years as far as getting things done. but typically going for an appointment, they do a pretty good job locally here in orlando
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getting you in and getting you out on time. in this case, i was a walk-in. i expected that it was going to take longer. i just didn't expect them to leave me there. i didn't expect longer to be just wait until the next day. >> look on the bright side, you would have been the first customer the next day. >> yep. >> when you walked in, you didn't know you wouldn't be able to walk out. >> on facebook, someone said that i did the right thing because as a marine, they told me to sit there and wait and i followed orders. >> you did indeed. thank you for joining us and telling us your story. we're glad you got the prescription refilled in florida. >> thank you. >> thanks for your service. maria molina is out there with the latest numbers with weather. >> good morning. hello, everybody. temperatures across parts of the great lakes and the northeast will be a little below what's average for this time of the year. take a look at chicago. you're going to be at 75.
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72 in cleveland. in the low 80s in new york city. it will be a beautiful day. we're expecting sunshine across the northeast and those very pleasant temperatures. across the plains, so hot out. 97 for your high in rapid city. 90s and 100s across texas and that's the story as well across parts of southern california and also in arizona. we expect stormy weather across portions of northern plains and that elevated fire danger still in place across parts of the west. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much, maria. it is #tbt. since a new study showed kids like sports for winning and losing, we thought we'd show some of our old sports pictures. here i am back in the reagan administration. >> that was yesterday. >> no, actually that is during the '80s. that guy in front of me is the secretary of agriculture. he beat me. >> look at that. >> short shorts. >> short shorts and running fast. >> there i am, all muscle.
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about tenth grade, the ball getting away from me. that's rob duffy, head cut off in the background. >> i love the action shot there. and this is where my hoop dreams began. point guard i was. playing basketball and always thought i would make it to the wnba. we asked you for your pictures. this is one from this fan's great grandmother's basketball team. look at that. >> fantastic. >> patrick ford writes, got to love the early '80s. winning does matter and it was great. evidently he's op the top. >> yeah. i had those shorts. and our friend, congressman jason chaffetz tweets, scored. i don't recall getting a hit, must have been hit by the pitch, #tbt. >> of course, jason chaffetz was a college kicker. a punter in college. he grew up also a soccer player, too. >> he rap into a mantle.
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>> that's him growing up. >> that's his official picture. >> we need official pictures of the flag behind us. >> we have enjoyed your pictures there. now we have a fox news alert for you. moments ago, brand-new jobless numbers are in. nicole petallides joins us live with the breaking news on the economy next. and imagine driving and seeing this. a giraffe running down the road. that's giraffe. it's crazy chaos you have to see to believe. we'll tell you the story as we roll on live. >> what's crazy about a giraffe running down the middle of the road? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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he eventually tries to steal another car from drivers while waving a rifle at them. a police officer finally tackles him and then arrests him. and new zealand surfer tackles his rival mid ride. look at this. he tux under the wave and attacks. why? he says the other guy kept cutting him off. that's just wrong. and you don't see this every day. a giraffe caught on camera escaping the circus. turns out animal rights activist freed it from its gate. frantic drivers pulling over as the animal runs in and out of traffic in mexico. the freedom didn't last long. crews quickly caught up to him and brought it back. fox news alert. labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. it happened moments ago. nicole petallides informs us of that. she promises to tell us. >> these are the numbers that i
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wait for. in this case, we got our weekly jobless claims. good news, 284,000 claims is what came in last week. that was better than expected. the analysts were expecting 304,000 claims that. is a true improvement. so much so that it is the lowest that we have seen in eight years. it goes back to february 2006. so that's great news there for jobless claims. >> fantastic. >> really good news. about an hour ago we had on the medal of honor recipient, staff sergeant sean pitts. he was there at the new york stock exchange yesterday. he had no idea how strong he was. here he does something to that gavel you've never seen before. he breaks it. >> oh, my goodness! it happens very rarely. i have to tell you. it's something that is is rare and as a matter of fact, i thought it would be neat since you were going to be talking about it to -- it's not every
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day you get up to the podium. i sort of even snuck up here. he got to take that gavel home. a very rare occurrence. he's a man of steel. we are so thankful for our medal of honor winner and recipient. here is a new one. this is the gavel. you go like this. i don't know if you can lift it up. it's pretty heavy. and so right here, this is the bell right here. these are the bells. >> don't push it. >> they are live. so i won't push out. i'll be in big trouble. they have a secondary bell in case the person who is supposed to be ringing it screws up and someone can hit the back up. it's the place to be, right? >> good job. >> i hope one day they ask nicole petallides to do that. >> she can do it right now. >> we did it once. when the top sell off, imagine if it really clocks somebody at the bottom. >> no kidding. that would be trouble. thank you very much. up next, in one of our final segments, they pulled off an elaborate stunt at one of the
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nation's most secure landmarks. but what if next time it's not flags. what if next time it was a bomb? peter johnson, jr. with that prospect. first we're going to check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> good morning. breaking news on the missing plane. where is this aircraft? what happened to it? we're on that story today. also once missing now found. what we now know about the irs and the e-mails. more dangerous than al-qaeda. what we know now about the growing threat out of iraq. it's a big morning of news. martha and i will see you on that shortly. nside, you hoped she wouldn't pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was... you just weren't ready. but she did pass. 'cause she's your baby girl. and now you're proud. a bundle of nerves proud. but proud.
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they took down the stars and stripes and replaced them with flags completely bleached out white. the suspects right now, there is one story in the paper about a teenage skateboarder and four of his friends. they don't sound like terrorists. but now police are trying to track them down by their nicknames. peter johnson, jr. says while they may be skaters and they may be kids, they pose a serious problem. >> serious problem that's a serious threat and symbolic threat and serious threat, we know al-qaeda operative is in jail based on his activities with khalid shaikh mohammed. he's in jail for cutting suspension cables of the brooklyn bridge. in federal prison as a result. >> it's a terror target. >> it's an iconic al-qaeda terror target. but the new york police department may not be taking it as seriously as they should be.
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listen to the deputy commissioner about how he describes the event. >> i think we just had a problem with the sound. peter. >> he said maybe this is an art exhibit. he said maybe it's an art exhibit. >> maybe. >> it's not a political statement and it's not terrorism. we had the flag behind us, steve. 18 by 20 feet. same size as the flag taken down both sides, i've been to the bridge. i was writing a movie about the emergency service. i saw how the police climb up the cable. there is something called a morris belt that they put around their waist and they hook on and go up almost 300 feet. it was a precarious climb. so the fact that a group of four or five people, whoever they are, can go up twice on the brooklyn bridge in the middle of the night, it causes a lot of
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problems to those who say could it be a bomb or bazooka planted up there in the middle of the night? and police departments all over it now. we were there last night. we saw the signs that they have up. we saw the added police presence. the police department in new york is the best police department in the world. at this point, this has become a huge, huge embarrassment to this city and for this country. this is supposed to be a solid, protected target. we know that it's a target for terrorism and to have people climb up there in the middle of the night and not have caught those perpetrators yet, that's a real, real problem. >> it is a problem. all right. peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. >> we're going to step aside. when we come back, breaking news about that missing plane (son) oh no...
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breaking news and a fox news alert. we have been telling you about a missing airplane. officials confirming that air algeria flight has crashed. it fell off the radar last night and the news was made public just before 5:00 eastern time here in the east. no word on what caused the crash. two french jet fighters are in route to try to locate it. the plane appeared on radar and then disappeared. >> so we don't know if is on land or the water. on land will be easier to investigate. but two french fighters going is significant and the french have a history in that area of running algeria and have been after the molly rebles.
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>> last contact was prior to a course change there. >> think about the two malaysian flights, the warning on the faa in tel aviv. it isn't a great time to travel through the air. >> we will have details on the fox news here is bill hemmer and martha maccallum now. thank you, guys. fox news alert on another mystery plane dropping off the radar and this time over northern africa. we begin there and welcome to "america's newsroom." i am bill hemmer. >> and i am martha maccallum. this passenger plane heading north to algers when the signal went dead. petey deucey is live when -- peter -- with what details we know. >> reporter: we know the plane was last seen on radar over northern molly and that is a country where u.s. carriers have been told not to fly at low altitude because of in
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