tv Red Eye FOX News July 25, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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we have got israel. there is so much. also, set your dvv -- dvr so you don't miss "on the thank you. oh, look, on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." would grizzly bears make excellent garbage men? probably not. we will look at one daring town who had the guts to try it anyway. and what does the president think about americans who say they can believe it is not butter? >> now this question isn't new. at least as george washington served as commander-in-chief i think they are wrong. >> and who would win in a fight between a peacock and a chevy? it is a question the lame stream media didn't even bother to ask. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> and now let's welcome our guests. she was her school's value law duck --
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valedictorian. i am here with jedediah bila. well, she is waiting for a man to sweep her off her feet. silly. sweeping is a woman's jupe. it a woman's job. it is joanne nosuchunsky. and comedian remi. and his look traveled from the 1970s just to be here tonight. sitting next to me, nick gillespie, editor-in-chief of and reason tv. nice hair. >> a block. the lede. that's the stories story. that's the first, story. >> i keep waiting for the voice and it never comes. it is buss for tuss. the national science foundation will spend $10 million to make robot companions for children and study their reading habits. it is the subject of
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tonight's -- >> the five-year government project called robots helping kids dash cash well that took a whole day to figure out, will develop a whole breed of socially assistive robots designed to help brats learn to read and appreciate physical fitness. the nsf says it is necessary due to critical so -- societal problems. so robots will be touching your children. isn't that right? >> like a good personal trainer we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior we desire. >> and to touch the child. he went on. >> we want to help the children learn language. we want to help them learn better eating habits and learn new social or cognitive schools schools -- skills through their interactions with robots. >> this is disgusting.
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to discuss the project and robots in general we brought in a studio audience panel. i want to get your thoughts on the robots with a show of hands, how many people think robots are dangerous and should be killed? one, two, three -- all right. let's see a show of hands. how many people here #r* actual robots? that's about seven. finally how many people think i am a giant lizard? thank you studio audience. they are relieved. jedediah, you claimed you worked in education. will robots finally fix all of the problems you caused? >> these robots used to be called parents, interestingly. these are parents getting lazy and not doing their jobs. the only robots i am interested in are little terminators or ones that seem like rosy from the jetsons and that does not seem to be the case. if you look at all of the things they are doing, to read
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and teach english as a second language, parents you are saying we don't want to do our job so we will have robots do it. that's humiliating for america. >> i speak up for the parents. i welcome my robot -- >> are you a libertarian. you want a government-sponsored robot in your house. >> the private sector could spend twice as much money and half as much time. don't get me wrong. i think it is a critical societal problem that a robot will teach your child to eat. robots can't use knives and forks and what do they do with it? >> and if they are magnetic. gyro bots are an exciting -- robots are an exciting thing. it is the future. they are awesome. they can kill and crush things. government has managed to make it boring. we are going to have your robots come and teach you phys ed. this is unamerican. >> there are robots that help
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kids brush their teeth and read like teddy ruxpin. i technically didn't have one, by my dad was furry. so it was close. the only difference is these robots will become self-aware and they won't be influencing the kids. they will be telling them. >> that's coercion. >> what if these are obama bots and they will indoctrinate the whole country. >> come on. we need a little conspiracy theory on this show. gyro bots,d kids? they will squeeze them out immediately and then you come home and there is a big vase and the robot is like -- >> blame the kids. and then the kids go like -- >> joanne, you are pretty much an expert on robots and god knows you dated a few. where do you see this going? >> this is a really great
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idea. i personally feel for the robots. there aren't a lot of jobs for them. they have been suffering. they don't get paid a lot. this is a step in the right direction for robots everywhere. and too the interaction with kids is awesome. the more technology we are getting these days, these kids need to learn that technology is more available than humans. >> that's so true. >> so these jobs should not be going to humans. they should be going to robots. >> so basically what i just learned is you are already a traitor. you know somehow that robots will be watching this in five years and they say when they take over they will go kill, kill, kill, save. and then you are going to be like a harum for the robot. rut benedict arnold. >> she is looking for a rich robot and place a diamond on
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that. >> you have to get in good now and these kids will be able to get in good now. they will have these robots. >> will the robots get all of the jobs and will it come like the unaccompanied minors? robots will start massing on the border? >> they don't need used underwear, will they? >> the real story is i go back to sometimes the family is broken down. the family is broken down. >> this is like a really good grant writer. this is not a critical societal problem. most know how to read and if they don't, robots won't help. >> if this came from the private sector it won't be coming from the government. this is putting a stamp of approval on the fact and it is okay for parents not to do their job. >> it is part of a bigger conspiracy. >> thank you. >> the government broke the family down.
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they control the kids. >> you say it like it is a bad thing. >> where is that coming from? >> i know she will be taller than me. that's the problem. you can make them into anything you want. those are shapely little beasts. >> and those are self-aware. they will start to pick up. was his arrival more important than a baby's? a woman in labor in los angeles, a city, was unable to cross the street to the hospital because of president obama's motorcade. that's the subject of tonight's tonight's -- it is a story so shocking we almost debated not doing it. president obama was on his way to a fundraiser at the home of the creator of the show "scandal."
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how fitting is that? his trip delayed her delivery. with the street closed the pregnant lady had to wait 30 minutes to make it to ceder sinai hospital. she later died. no, not really. she is fine. but she could have. apparently she is okay. and the baby has yet to be born. i believe we have tape of the motorcade. >> we couldn't get the tape. it was too expensive. that was a dog on a skeeter for the blind people -- on a scooter for blind people at home. >> you stole my line! >> pregnant women. women with child. spawners. it is a war on spawners. >> it is a war on women. my favorite part is when you watch the video someone asked the cop, well is she going to be allowed to cross the street? he said we have to wait for this pass.
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i am not sure. i don't know. >> they actually made this woman wait. she could have delivered that baby. what would have happened if she would have delivered that baby and something terrible would have happened? you know whose fault that would have been? obama's. >> i thought you would say bush's. >> well there is a joke there. >> this story puts the truth to the lie that nobody walks in l.a. >> the only person who should be driving is walking. it is like everybody is in the car, but the pregnant lady. that's l.a. joanne, you are a woman. is this as bad as the time the thanksgiving parade kept frut liquor store? kept you from the liquor store? >> nothing keeps me from the liquor store. >> true. >> the real issue is this woman knew this woman was coming. the responsibility lies on her. she could have planned this better. she could have planned a c section and even going back
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farther she could have had birth control. nicely done. >> i think you got a job working for the administration. get to the woman to the hospital or get congress to impeach the president? >> nothing is off the table. i think we can do all of the above. i would like -- i like the idea of let's close all of the roads surrounding the hospital and what is the worst thing? i think if you will fly into a town specifically to have a fundraiser and you are the president of the united states get your friends -- i mean they are overpriced anyway. nobody is paying $30,000 because the food is great. >> a hanger party. >> are we allowed to eat sin -- to eat cinabon.
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>> the fundraisers exists not only for the democratic party, but for the person throwing it. she wants her neighbors to know that president obama is at her house. these fundraisers are more for the fundraiser than the fundraisey. >> one thing you have to give her credit for is the scandal shows politics at its most glorious. the most morally upright character is guilty of mass murder. and he is the good guy. >> you just ruined it for me. >> the thing about scan -- scandal is there is a new scandal. this is so unrealistic except the last six months. it is now getting crazy. that's what we do every day. i had a phone call and he actually said i should be impeached. i should have recorded it.
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i didn't get around to it. >> she said she should have decked him. the nanny wants a nanny state. good folks have answered the question nobody was asking what does mary poppins think about the minimum wage. in a video with the great dax shepherd's wife, the nanny informs the children she is quitting because she is only being paid the federal minimum wage. watch as another beautiful memory of your childhood is destroyed by politics. >> in every job that must be done, you must be paid in more than sum. you get your paycheck and snap. federal and state income tax, medicare and social security? you are living below the poverty lines. >> and every job you start to do can quickly go a sc ew. askew.
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>> ♪ just a $3 increase ♪ can make a living wage ♪ it makes a living wage a ♪ it makes a living wage >> at this point we might as well watch some more. >> ♪ the ceo is giving their own trumpets too ♪ ♪ forget how hard it is to work a shift smote. ♪ ♪ they don't like to break a sweat ♪ ♪ they prefer to just collect. >> they take ♪ ♪ they give ♪ it's really got to stop >> are you a republican? >> i do love a good tea party. >> now a debate over the minimum wage.
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>> i don't know whether to uh -- to applaud or vomit. i don't think this has completely changed your mind on minimum wage. >> it it has about mary poppins. >> but it is more anti-taxed than it is a minimum wage. >> when i first heard about this thing and i heard that 10 seconds in and, yeah, all of these payroll taxes, it was like, wow, this will be great. and i think it is still going on. it is 24 hours long and it is like an oral -- a-u-r-a-len -- emima. the beauty of this is always in the hipocritical cliche. like they are talking about the ceo's and the fancy suits. kristen bell makes more than most ceo's across the country. it is more like a statement. >> i don't think we are talking about why use mary
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poppins, but i don't think it is a mistake that they realize they would have to address the script toward children. anybody older and it would be like, wait a minute. i am capable of saying you are mistaken. >> the kids are not going question her. >> this speaks to the mill -- ma 11 y'alls. >> i love it. >> i love it. >> 23skadoo. >> that was a good joke at the end there. joanne, you are just mad because the job went to kristen bell. >> i have to say she is so good though. she was always on key. it is great. however i do think it is like you said a slap in the face of the people who are working for minimum wage and she is the one doing this. it is funny. if you can make them laugh you
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can make them do anything which makes me nervous. people aren't getting the facts. they are just laughing. that's about it. >> i wish that was true if you can make them laugh you can get them to do anything. >> only if you make them unconscious. >> that's a creepy thing to say for the man in black. >> i was channeling my bill cosby. >> we are all guilty of something. >> jedediah, the thing that kills me is that the only reason why they are doing this is because they love obama and it is cool to support obama. you always thought was a rebel and spoke truth against power, but now they are bending over for him. no matter what issue it is they will run and do the skit. >> they also think they are smart. these celebrities feel like they have advance knowledge on these issues. they don't engage a in debate with people like us. that would be painful for them. they create these ridiculous videos and they try to
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convince kids. do they think any child was going to walk away from that with a sound byte? most didn't know what they were saying. it doesn't work. it just boosts their egos. >> is it for us? >> it is for the celebrities to feel good about themselves. the paw lit tau swraition is one of the most bailful elements. if you are really going to say let's raise everybody's wages 40% regardless of anything else and that is not going to cause mass dislocation, let's have that debate. >> exactly. but it does make you wonder if president obama asked hollywood to help him out -- he did it with obamacare and climate change and now inequality and minimum wage. do they ever say no to
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anything? if he said something? >> i need a ham sandwich. >> if he supported as he once g g -- as he once did traditional marriage a they would have said no. >> i don't think they would. >> you know it is an interesting question because he is pushing the export, import tag. they are all going for this even though they are supposed to be the attackers of crony capitalism. >> interesting to 10% of the population. >> what was he talking about there? >> coming up, is nyc the most unhappy city in america? of course it is. it stinks of tramp urine.
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new research claims that new york, the big apple as i dubbed it is the unhappiest major city in america. i came up with it a couple years ago. hopeful youngsters with big dreams come to work as waiters and borrow money from their mothers. rounding out the top five most unhappy places were pittsburgh, louisville, kentucky, milwaukee and of course the tear tieing labyrinth. despite the study not everyone is miserable in new york. look at this guy.
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>> you were ms. new york. how could you let that happen? >> well, the thing is i look really happy in my photos, on instagram and on all of my tweets. you only ever see the good things. there is a lot of depression under all of this make up. >> what depresses you? >> it is the stress. that's really what it is. there is so much going on and there is so much stress. how can you be happy when you are stressed. could you pay for the drugs? you do it to get the money for the drugs ? >> no, i just steal. i think stress has a lot to do with these cities and why people are unhappy. they are always trying to get to the next thing.
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>> there is only one city that is goal oriented. i lived in three, new york, buffalo and philadelphia. but the other nine cities, the goal is to get to new york. and i think it is cat tau gore rickly different. categorically different. >> they are always unhappy because they are ambitious. there are dead zones. >> i will take back everything i just said. >> i didn't mean to lay more stress on you. >> people move to cities because they are not happy where they are? >> you know who i blame? i blame the tourists. i blame the people from the happy cities. and it makes us miserable. the meanness, the crowds and everything is so damn expensive that you can't afford anything.
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the weather in most of these stories is terrible. you go to los angeles and no matter what is going on the sun is shining and he is happy. >> i think l.a. is a more depressing city than new york. >> you have seen a lot. >> i hate new york. i hate it with a passion. mainly because of the movie characters who are constantly touching me. do you think this was a british columbia study? do they have any right to tell us what is unhappy? >> they must be polling people in all cities. i don't live in new york city, but i can see it. everybody is honking out there and in a hurry. >> i think that's a cliche. new york is the greatest city in the world. >> where do you live? >> in arlington, virginia. >> a lovely town. i lived in arlington for a
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year. >> less honking. expensive, but not this expensive. i just paid $6 for a red bull. my first instinct -- >> you got a good deal. >> it could be even more, i guess. when you pay that much for a canned beverage your first instinct is not to high five somebody. you are like, oh, okay. >> i lived on george mason drive. a delightful area. we won't get into that there. >> but you hate new york. you would not live anywhere else. >> i would move anywhere -- i want to live back where i grew up. i want to live in california. i always want to move home. >> but you don't want to live in -- in-- you are from sanand n francisco or l.a. >> i would get up every morning in san mateo and have a cup of coffee and walk downtown to therd avenue. >> what -- third avenue. >> is holding you back? this isn't working out for you, so come on. >> i guess i can write books out there. >> you could. >> happiness is roads that
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aren't populated, sidewalks not populated. having a car and go go go -- going somewhere and a patio where you can sit outside and drink. you can't have that. none of this can happen in new york. it doesn't occur to you that those things are possibilities in life. you get to a place and you park at it. people have rooms in their house. >> and personal space. >> and stairs that go to someplace else. >> it is all out there. there are 57 states or how many are there now? >> you can move how many times? >> i have lived in new york and if you don't like new york, get the hell out. the gates are hope. >> i will say the depressive energy makes us interesting. i feel like when i go to other
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we are still talking about how much we hate new york. 4-year-old justin oterro, an american hero has been outlawed from a connecticut donut shop after asking a female customer if she was pregnant. she was not. here is his mother. >> there was a customer that came in, and he ask -- asked her if she had a baby in her belly. she said no and he said i'm sorry. >> i asked her if she was pregnant. >> my response was oh my goodness i am so embarrassed and so sorry. she said not a problem. i get it all the time with kids in preschool.
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>> justin's mother says she and her son returned on wednesday morning and they were told to leave. >> she said he is not allowed in here. i looked around like him? she said yes and i said why and she said he is rude. >> i won dire -- i wonder what she eats [inaudible]. >> what? >> we may never get answers. gone are the days when kids can eat donuts without fear. >> it is a troubling story and once again we are joined by our studio audience panel. i know you have strong views on what happened to this boy. i want to get to each and every one of you. first, let's start a with our guests at the table. i promise i will be getting to you in a little while.
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jedediah, this kid was saying what everybody was thinking. >> he is probably speaking the truth. >> she will be pregnant. >> maybe she is. wouldn't that be amazing? >> i have a story at the end of the block. >> i did this. it was not a donut shop. it was in the mall. my mom was horrified. it was last year. but people -- this was back when people could laugh and say okay and not be so insulted. this is what is happening to us. >> what if a child came up to you -- >> i would not care at all. i am not hyper sensitive. this is what is happening to people now. a 4-year-old can't say what is on his mind without somebody throwing him out of a donut shop. >> it wasn't even the woman who was supposed to be offended. she was not offended. it was the store owner nervous about losing business. >> it is litigation that is causing people to act crazy, right? >> yes. >> i am yelling at you.
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>> why are you yelling? >> i apologize. >> i say imbued riddance. i say good riddance. i love donut shops. they should be a judgment free zone. no judgment at the donut shop. do you think this lady will ever eat another donut? >> maybe she would like to wash down the pain of being mistaken -- >> talking about cinnabon. when you are going to buy a cinnabon, no one should judge you. it is like being caught masterbating. >> you shouldn't say thing like carbs in a donut shop. >> trans fat. no. >> i think this story makes a strong case for those child raising robots. i don't know. >> who is to blame? is it the child? the mother? the high fructose corn syrup? president obama? >> i think it is president obama. normally i give him the benefit of the doubt, but his smudged fingerprints are all over this.
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>> i agree. >> i am curiously -- he is curiously silent on this. >> he is doing other things. probably fundraising and not talking about the donuts. joanne, was the kid curious or might he actually be evil? >> evil. i thought little kids were supposed to lie and not speak the truth and not be curious. i just have to say i disagree with bob on the panel saying that boston cream donuts are the best. actually sour cream donuts -- i know it sounds disgusting, but have you ever had a sour cream donut? >> what is a cower cream donut? -- sour cream donut? >> it is like a cake donut. have one and you will thank me later jie. when i go to a donut shop i am filled with confusion on what to get. i like glazed and i like chocolate old-fashioned. >> vanilla angel. do you like the bough vair yen
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cream. >> no, i don't like cream in my donut. i find it unnatural. jay a donut with -- >> a donut with frosting inside will change a your life. >> if i want that i will get a twinkie. >> this is better. >> twinkie invented something where you bite into something and go whoa. to your point i was at a restaurant 15 years ago and a friend of mine was a waitress. i said congratulations. she goes what. there was silence. i said -- i thought you were pregnant and she said what are you talking about? the next day she went to the -- they told hershey was -- her she was pregnant. i am like a bomb sniffer dog. >> can you use that on enemies ? >> so you can make people pregnant by looking at them? >> i can suggest pregnancy.
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just by asking the question i can knock you up. >> that's power. >> that is power. it is sad power. it is the only power i have. we can't go to the next story? poop. see we ended up talking about donuts. dough mutts is an amazing thing -- donuts is an amazing thing. >> that's why the cup cakes are going away. >> the cup cake lie has been exposed. >> it doesn't have its own identity. and the croissants are full communism. [bleep] you communism. time to take a break. don't leave now. it is about to get thick, robin thicke. "not cool" order it
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debate, live from the" red eye" debate center. the studio audience left early. i'm greg gutfeld and host of the "red eye" debate. is robin thicke the new adam levine? is he today's modern d-bag? a year before his song "blurred lines" and two years before releasing a terrible album dedicated to his ex-wife he made his feature film debut. the independent film called "making the rules" was released this year straight to on on demand. his acting is a thing to behold. put together highlights. it is amazing. >> what are you up to these days? >> actually i finally got my own hair salon. >> really?
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>> always good to see you again. >> twice in a week. what do you think that means? >> what are you doing here? >> laundry. >> yeah well i haven't been here in years. >> well if i remember correctly it seemed like you could use a dorrito. >> you know what is amazing about this? her character is supposed to act uncomfortable because it is an ex, but she is legitimately uncomfortable by his awful presence and his acting. jedediah, i'm going to go to the women first. congratulations on the surgery. is thicke a new adam levine? don't say you like them both.
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>> i don't like either of them. if this is what the performance looked like, imagine what the addition looked like. it is like bad soap opera acting. it is a sin that guy is in a movie and our joanne has not made it big yet. >> she has been in a few movies, but none we have seen. >> you didn't get the dvd i mailed you? >> it was amazing. joanne, you love adam levine so i'm guessing you won't put thicke in the same category. >> he will never be the amazing man that adam levine is. he is much mortal lented and much sexier and has many more endorsements. truly. and that's how you measure success. robin thicke should stick to what he knows. >> which is? >> keeping his mouth shut and standing there. his groveling isn't working. the acting isn't working. if he really wants his wife
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back, women want you as soon as you have moved on. stop with the take me back. we won't. >> that is so true. that's why i keep moving on. i'm like a tumble weed of love down the barren road of romance. what do you think his legendary father, allen thicke, the creator of the "facts of life." or "-- >> as a father you wrote these two amazing songs and your son is robin thicke. >> even the shrubs in that movie suck. it is like there is no relief on the screen. i recently watched the 60s classic swrt zabrisky-point." this has topped that. >> do you know michael vincent? >> no, that would have made it
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nice. >> remi, this is a guy who is coasting on his looks. >> what looks? >> he is not bad looking. >> where are all the men, greg? these are not men. these are boys. i have a man here. i have a man here that's for sure. >> kind of dreamy there. >> i like how they give somebody a cigarette and glasses. >> a pompadore. comment on this before i throw up r up. >> this is my area of expertise. robin thicke and i have sold over 10 albums. i personally could not look away from the clip. i was captivated by it. i don't know what it was. i liked it. >> we had the creator of "the room" on. it was one of the greatest of all time. he just redid the room.
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>> google "the room." i can't remember the dude's name. you have not seen "the room." >> do bad things happen in "the room"? >> you know what i am talking about. >> "room of terror." >> he had long hair. tommy wizo is his name. >> nobody cares. >> am i talking to myself? >> i want a donut. >> got videos of animals? send them to us at fox eye. i figured you would know "the room."
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did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award.
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close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. last story. that's the last story. >> could your malti-poo be jealous too? jedediah i will ask you to shut up. the study claims that dogs experience jealousy when their owners in ter act with other dogs -- interact with other dogs. researchers recorded how dogs acted when their owners ignored them. man's friend did not care
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about a jack-o'-lantern or bucket, but when they had a barking toy dog they showed jealous behavior. i do the same thing when i am jealous. some of the fights over jealousy can be fierce. this man witnessed one. >> the dogs were across the yard. they came bounding over. >> she is not even -- i have never seen that. >> he does that every time they talk. >> he loves telling that story, she says. don't ask him about it at church. get your nonsense out of the way. >> my dog gets very jealous. more jealous of men than other dogs. if i play with another dog she gets a little heated, but if she plays with a guy she hates it. except that one guy she liked better than me because he is a better person than me. >> i think we learned more
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about jedediah than we wish we would have. >> do we need an experiment to tell us this? >> no and i don't think i am only person in the world who doesn't give a flying [bleep] and they eat [bleep] and other dog's [bleep]. if this is a theory of evolution we need a new evolution or new scientist. >> you need a malti-poo. >> why is this important? i didn't read the study. >> i know it was a study. i am in nick's boated. i like dogs, but i doubt the emotional complexity is looking at one's self all day. >> that's the author of my erotic memoirs. >> that should be the republican motto. we can lick.
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joanne, i think you like animals, little animals. >> i like the idea of them. i have never had a pet. >> your parents didn't let you have a pet. >> i was depressed as a child. >> you like to squeeze the puppies a little too hard. >> i don't know how to pick them up. actually a baby. i have never held a baby or dog before. i do this weird simba thing. i don't know what to do with them. i am jealous of dogs. it is more than dogs are jealous of other dogs. they have the life. i want to be jedediah's puppy with the outfits and the treats and the back rub and the belly rub. >> she gets a lot of good stuff, my dog. i am not gonna lie. >> we can arrange this. go on craig's list and say you want to be somebody's dog. i think you might get some hits. >> i asked if i can be
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i'm dana. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." is america becoming too complacent in the midst of worldwide terror threats? this week the nim commission issued its first report in a decade. they say the complacency that led to 9/11 is happening again. daniel henninger warns all the world's chaos is going to get worse. people are going to die not necessarily in the places they are dying now. hope alone won't protect europe or us. take a look at the cover of the new issue of "time" magazine.
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