tv Red Eye FOX News July 29, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> thank you for being with us. right now see you again tomorrow night right here at 7 p.m. eastern. and go to we have a question there do you think the united nations is effective or blah blah >> coming up on "red eye." a giant evil grandmother attacking the innocent people of england. our pam of military experts weighs in on what can be done to stop them. and how far did the president travel to purchase a pack of gum? a five-hour bus ride and a 7 hour bus ride and a 6 hour bus ride and a 5 hour bus ride and another 6 hour bus ride and another 7 hour bus ride. >> and finally is staying home thinking about karaoke more fun than doing care row key? our panel debates in a
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three-commercial segment. >> that would be a great story. first let's welcome our guest. she is like a box of cake mix, dehydrated, cheap and a party favorite. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. oh i thought that was something new. paint often says that's as interesting as watching tv's andy levy dry. it is tv's andy levy. he is a big fan of bush, the president that is. rick granell, spokesman to four u.s. ambassadors. he is a magician. it is penn gillette. pen and teller is on wednesday on on the cw. you can see the duo on wizard wars on august 16th on sci-fi and then penn hosts "camp stu" on thursday on the sportsman channel. that's excit. >> i am an outdoor guy. >> a block. the lede.
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that's the first story. >> do they bring. >> or just annoy? cops are cracking down on costumes characters in new york time square after spider-man punched a new york police department police officer. spidey turned fighty when the cop confronted him of ripping off other tourists. four others were arrested including jesse from "toy story" and another spider-man and lou daabs. law enforcement says they are like little terrorists preying on the tourists. time square that has always been a family friendly destination is becoming seedy and dangerous. that's the subject of tonight's -- >> the influx of aggressive mascots happened on president obama's watch. he refuses to even come to time square to see what is happening firsthand to discuss
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once again we have brought in a studio audience panel. thank you all for joining us. before we begin, how many here can raise their hands? all right, that is all right. okay, not bad. okay, great. that's great. i want to move on to my next question. how many here aren't aware that they are raising their hands? last question. show of hands. how many people won't be raising their hands at all? >> oh there it worked. let's talk to our panel about this, penn. i spent time with you in time square. is it weird -- >> spider-man is not a mascot. >> what would you call him? >> a super hero crimefighter and a movie star and not a mascot. he is not an indian. >> we replace hookers with heros.
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isn't that horrible for the culture of new york? >> i was for many years a street performer. >> yes. >> i was a street jugular and i worked out there. when you are a successful street jugular it feels like -- juggler it feels like anarchy people of their free will choose to give you money and you give it back and then spiedy man -- spider-man goes. >> you do a lot of street performing, but it is late at night in an alley. should the cops let them be? >> totally. we have enough people in new york city who put their hand out and want free money. if they were in a costumes, 95 degree mug dpee weather in a cos -- muggy weather in a costumes they need to be rewarded. taking pictures with kids i am for it. the cop probably enticed this guy. >> really?
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>> move along, move along. it is my street corner too. >> you know from the comic books that spider-man has a chip on his shoulder. >> i am confused. they said there are two spider-mans. there is only one. >> spider men and not mans. >> there were a couple of movies. >> one was wearing the simbiot costumes. >> thank you nerd king. >> i will say from a magic point of you there were many black hermans. he is an african-american magician who worked in the south for 130 years because different people would take over and use the same name. so maybe like spider-man it is being taken over by different names. maybe it is somebody different than peter parker. >> i am losing this panel. andy, i want to ask you, grenell says it is great because these guys are not just panel handling, but
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aren't they just adding a costumes to aggressive panhandling? >> you said we replaced hookers with heros as if hookers are not heros ? >> they are heros. >> greg, i look at this story and i see headlines like spider-man punches cop. it is so obvious that j jonas jamison is behind this. spider-man saved a family from farm. that family was trying to give him money. spider-man was like, no, i don't want your money. the cops noticed and came over and started hassling spidey and he tried to defend himself without hurting them and then somebody takes the video and the daily bugel publishes it. they say they found a little cocaine in spidey's pocket. it is obviously not cocaine, but it is what is left of o a -- of aka sandman. what was your question? >> i don't even know. i blame the tourists. you know why i blame the tourists? they look at this like an
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experience in new york. if they come -- if they come -- okay. tourists, if they come here -- what is with you? >> all of a sudden i have nothing to say. you. >> it is like -- >> it is like magic. >> tourists don't mind being felt up especially if you are male. but they are saying you won't believe -- they say you won't believe what happened to me in new york. a guy dressed like spider-man grabbed my butt. >> well when i was 12 my mother had me pose with a naked cowboy. and that was the first mascot there was in time square and of these other ones in costumes. but i had that story to tell. it was great. >> and exactly. you were with a naked man in time square and you were 12. >> they are allowed to be
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topless in new york city. and they are not even dressing up. they have a nebulous show dpirl thing. >> the character is topless. it is one of the most popular characters among married men in their 50s. >> billing tourists is time -- bilking tourists is a time honored tradition. it is what we do. you have to get scried by a cabbie or spider-man or ped -- pedi-cab or what other story do you have to tell that you were in the big bad city. >> if you are idiot enough to go to time square you deserve it. you eat in time square which i find hard to believe. >> i moved out of new york city. i lived in new york city until disney took over time square and then i left. i liked it dirty and funky. i'm liking it going back in that direction. >> i don't like a dirty, funky hot dog. >> you don't like the dirty water dog? >> no. >> i do once in awhile with
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kraw kraw -- kraut. do you like kraut? >> that's sour crawt. >> are you refer together german people? no. >> the thing about water dogs, it is free food. when you eat it it goes right out. >> why are you pushing the sour kraut. >> i follow victory cabbage. >> are you going to keep asking until you could get that out. it is high time for the "new york times." it is time for another forgetful stroll down -- i love that music. on sunday the board legalized weed for adults in a piece called repel prohibition citing high incarcerations and low health risks they argued that legalization will put decisions at the state level, but what of the downside?
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denver, colorado has seen a rise of homelessness that officials attribute to pot. a director said the new kids say they are here because of the weed. meanwhile the feds are researching impaired driving allowing people to light up and take the wheel in a driving simulator. the data will help officials determine how stoned is too stoned to drive? being high doesn't only impair driving. it impairs catches. catching. >> ready, one, two, three. catch. >> see, you know that dog is being treated well. he hasn't been trained to do anything. he is not being yelled at for a treat. >> that may be the only animal that can be taught with kindness. most of the time you can't teach them with kindness. >> no, you can't. rick, here is the thing -- i knew this was going to happen. i am for legalization. i believe you will get a lot of -- leak what is happening in colorado.
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all of these 18 to 25-year-olds are coming through for the drugs. they are not adding anything. they are only taking and i find that troubling. not that i would stop it. i just find it troubling. >> where do you want them to work? there are no jobs. >> they are not working. they are there to get high. >> they would like a job, but they are going to get high. at the end of the day this is like obama's fault, right? >> it is obama's america and no jobs. >> or are they unemployed because they are high? >> it is the opposite. >> it could also be unrelated. >> but i think it is related in the reverse way. it is not that weed is leading to homelessness. these are people coming from other states. they would be homeless there. they are going to denver because they can get weed. it is not that there are more homeless people. there are more homeless people in denver. if you legalize weed in every state they won't have to hear that. >> it is like the immigration problem. >> denver isn't a state. >> i know.
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>> but it is a homeless magnet. that's what it is. >> i believe i am the only person who has never tried marijuana who has been on the cover of high times magazine. i am for legalization because it is cheaper. that's the only reason to make it legal. it is cheaper. and we are not supposed to have proof that everything that is legal is safe and good. a lot of stuff that is stupid is completely legal. the argument that marijuana is stupid and laxidasical is not an argument for making it legal. it is an argument for doing it. illegal and doing it -- legal and doing it are not the same things. >> one of the pontes about the "new york times" coming out and saying i am for marijuana is that they are against actual smoking cigarettes. yet they somehow can say marijuana is going to be safe and legal because it is safe
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in your body. at the end of the day i think the "new york times" is catching up to where the rest of the world has come. >> i want to point out you said at the end of the day twice. the third one we have to shave your face. way have to take the -- we have to take the skin right off your face. >> regardless of -- you have to give kudos to the "new york times" editorial board for the brave stance in favor of 2014. >> you said kudos. >> what the [bleep] is going on here. >> at the end of the day and then co dos? >> -- kudos? >> there is no point for saying victory camp. >> we have kudos and going viral. >> let's reach out to them. >> joanne, they are legalizing weed, but they are not even addressing pcp which is your drug of choice. is this kind of i guess
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bigoted toward some drugs that they feel are too scary? >> it is a slippery slope. if you legalize one you will have to legalize all of them. that's the argument. what then makes one worse than another one? if you are going to legalize it, you have to legalize all of it. >> it is all optics, imreg. greg. >> the only place you can find anyone against legalization is on this network. >> basically one person. >> and it is a guy. he has enough muscle he can stand up to 350 million. >> exactly. >> everybody is like, no, it is fine. >> it happened on this show and i told him if he wanted people to stop smoking pot, he should come out in favor of it. you make it cool and then people -- if you demonize something you make it cool. >> are you talking about hammer? >> yeah, hammer. he thought they were indians because of their skin-dins.
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another edition of -- >> is this racist? >> i had to look for this. it is my little sign. we had an intern make it. kurt clawson has mastered the screw up. he was at a house foreign affairs subcommittee. the hearing on u.s. indian relations and apparently forgot the witnesses he was talking to were officials of our very own government. watch and cringe, watch and cringers. >> i love your country and i understand the complications of so many languages and so many cultures and so many histories all rolled up in one. so just as your capital is welcome here to produce good-paying jobs in the u.s., i like our capital to be welcome there and there to be freedom of capitol so both sides are on the same territory and i ask for commitment in so doing. can i have that?
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>> i think your question is to the indian government and we certainly share your sentiment and will advocate that on behalf of the u.s. >> of course. let's see some progress. >> he apologized on friday saying "i made a mistake before being fully briefed and i apologize. i am a quick study, but in this case i shot an air ball." i guess he is a hockey fan. i will go to rick first. are you the pr guy. not the best way to start off a career, a professional career. >> first of all you throw your staff under the bus. i wasn't briefed properly so it wasn't my fault. if you were going to come up with a bunch of reasons to be angry with the indian government i don't think the multiple lapping wedges is one of the issues. they are buying oil from iran. i don't understand why he didn't bring that out to these people and say we have
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sanctions on iran. why are you buying their oil? instead he goes to mixed languages? i think there are a lot of other problems in the indian government. >> is that racist what he did? >> you just feel bad. you watch that and go oh man. you know there is nobody watching that that a is laughing that hasn't done something that stupid. >> not on cspan though. >> it is bad luck happening to the guy. my heart goes out to him. >> i have done similar things, joanne, have you? >> of course. oh gosh, so many times. i actually kept count and i am up to 57.5. he is obviously racist and he should step down. >> i didn't even know conan o'brian is in the congress. they all look alike to me. >> this is the most humorous and exciting things that has happened in these subcommittee hearings before. he should be getting applause and thanks for it. >> he gave us a segment.
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andy, thoughts? should he be impeached? can he be impeached? >> no, if anything president obama should be impeached. president obama sent people of south asian dissent to a hearing on u.s. indian relationships and confused this poor congressman. shame on you, mr. president. as you know i have a new book coming out. can we put it up? it is called "problematic." have i a chapter called cultural miss identity. what to do when you find out she isn't the maid. i think there are applicable messages for the coming man and he should read that chapter and what to do in these situations. >> thank you for that. i have often mistaken you for -- i don't know. >> some other jew. >> somebody who has power in the media. and then i realize it is just andy levy. >> other people would have had the joke when they started. >> can we all agree?
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he is done. if you are running against him you run this whicher shall and talk a about how -- this commercial? >> i don't think so. i think the american people can understand. >> we are a forgiving group of people, right? >> but he didn't own it. he said "i wasn't briefed." >> well maybe one day he will be de briefed. coming up, my lunch. why did i order the egg salad? first the court ruled spanking is a reasonable force for discipline. good news for me and bad news for her -- for geraldo. vé
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spanking a child is great fun. but is it morally right? that's the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate, 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye" debate center in hayward, california. i am the host of tonight's "red eye" debate. i would like to thank the pta for supplying us with a beverage and a place to sleep tonight. the new york state appeals court ruled on a case where a father spanked his son at a party. the court ruled the slap on the behind was a, quote, reasonable use of force and under the circumstances presented here did not constitute excessive corporal punishment. for more let's go to "red eye"'s chief legal correspondent.
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>> what a beautiful thing. so should a slap on the ass get a slap on the wrist in -- wrist? we turn to our panel. are you a parent and a libertarian. you don't want people telling you what to do with your kid, but is it an exception -- can you do that as a parent or can somebody step in and tell you you can't? >> i am the same as i am on marijuana. i am against it. i think it should be -- i don't see any reason for using it. but i don't think the government should be that much of a nanny state to watch over it. obviously if there is damage to the child you have to step in there. i think a little short of that, i don't want the government involved and i also
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want it done. >> i see spanking as mutually assured destruction. you don't have to do it, but with the threat there it keeps kids in line. right? >> are we talking ukraine? well here is my thinking on this. if you read the story, it was done at a party. that's the most destructive. spanking your kid at a party? that is embarrassing. >> public shame. they will never do it again. >> i would never do that. you take them by the arm a and you pull them into -- the arm a and pull them into the bathroom and say something. spanking is fine, but public humiliation of your child at a party? they will never get over it. >> we talked about this before we went on. if you ever have a choice of hurting me physically or humiliating me, please go with humiliation. please. i don't want to get hit. >> you know that costs more. >> it does.
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it involves body fluids. joe app, where do you stand? joanne, where do you stand on this? >> there are people in the word who abuse their kids, but i don't think a parent who spanks their child is abusing them. i think that we often -- it is definitely that thin line that is hard -- >> are you trying to say it slow? >> i can see why people would be nervous to condone such behavior and such ways to discipline their kids. that said, kids aren't disciplined enough in my opinion. >> oh no. they are disciplined plenty. the kids are all right. the children are better now than they have ever been before. the whole idea of old people hating children, i do not like it. the kids are all right. >> but i don't like children in general. >> i know you don't. you shouldn't have them. >> are you saying old people should be spanked? >> i am all for that.
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>> i just find old -- i find children scary. they scare me. >> they are terrified. >> they are terrifying. they could ruin your light. >> look what they did on "the twilight zone." >> especially when they are singing. if children are singing something mad is going to happen. that's why they are in horror movies and if there are twins it is doubly bad. >> when you have to look up into their eyes. >> i saw a height joke coming. >> twins in movies, the scariness of the twin is log rythmic so it is scarier when it is double. >> and they find the creepy part of the voice when they are singing in certain place. >> the creepy part is them singing. >> that's right. >> andy, this is a victory against the nanny state. but nannies spank so maybe it is a victory for the nanny state. >> i did exhaustive research today, about five minutes and then i took a nap. from what i read a majority of parents spank their young kids. >> is that true?
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>> yes. but a majority of experts say spanking is bad and it is counterproductive and it increases the aggressive behavior in kids over time. regardless, i am with penn and i don't think it is legal. and i am with rick and you shouldn't do it at a party. what you should do is let the kid know you are doing it later. that's a worse punishment for that kid to sit there and know it is coming later. >> or wait until your dad gets home. >> don't do it publicly or privately or threat sten -- threaten it or do it. >> my mom used a fly swatter. >> that's because of your size. >> i would race around the house and crawl on the walls. >> my parents used an elephant gun on me. >> enough making fun of my size. coming up -- >> no, don't say that. there will never be enough. >> a chair that looks, feels and smells like a person, truly a chair that is bold.
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fleshy. an artist creates the look of leather that tastes, looks and feels like human flesh. it is harder than it looks. gg barker, if that's her real name, used silicone and fare mowns and after shave to create the after scent and the feeling of lounging in a fat man's belly. he is selling the piece for $2500, a bargain, used this fella for the model. there you go. i think he nailed it or she nailed it. what if you don't want to just sit on a stomach? that's what the musical festival is for. >> get your [bleep] together because we about to get high. >> that was a perfect clip. >> it will helicopter me until i die, penn? it is art, but it is art and
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beautiful. >> when the host of the show claims to be my friend after he hasn't seen me in a longtime. and sat down on a piece of the couch that was left and sat on part of my leg he said -- he said this is just like the sorry we have and sitting on you like the chairs made of human flesh. that's what my supposed friend says. that's why we may see a demo right when this show was over. >> that's what i was looking for. it was my only way to get through to you. wave of the future? >> it seems beautiful to me. >> maybe, but it is a little pricey. $2800, i know a guy in chelsea who does it for 1400. >> i am not sure if it is a showered scented man or just back from the gym scented man. >> it is a sweaty dude with after shave. >> is there an option to get
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like the real clean version? >> is it old spice? what is it? >> i want to know what is standard and what is special order and how long it takes. >> these are questions i can't answer, joanne. >> it doesn't look comfortable. >> i think you crawl in. >> i don't see where you -- >> you crawl in there -- >> where are you sitting? where are your legs going? >> you just crawl in. it doesn't look comfortable. >> it is now looking obscene to me. >> what do you make of this? >> the only thing i wish was there was the stomach hair. that is missing from that. if you want authenticity, you have to have it. >> spoken like you had game. >> i wish i knew what that was. >> it is what every psycho hannibal lecter, texas chain saw masacre. we had one serial killer in this country and we built our culture around him. he is the one. >> he collected the flesh for
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this chair. >> and certainlily wouldn't have this chair. it is a slippery slope from ed to the chair. >> this is good for people because scent is tied to human emotion. if someone is lonely or depressed and they want that human interactions or even babies. if they don't have a parent -- >> throw them in the chair. >> i don't think he should have thrown in. >> i don't know anymore. let's talk about the -- >> it is a longtime. >> i want to talk about the chair. >> first of all i think it needs to come with a trigger warning for somebody who was molested by a fat person. >> and there is an ottoman, but the artist didn't use a turkish model. that is problematic. and i think in general this is one step away from human centipede on the air -- artistic scale. >> i want to know what is over there. >> i will show you after the show.
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>> does anybody have any desire to go to the juggelo festival? >> no. >> i do. >> i know the juggelo and i know -- >> have you ever performed there? >> have you ever per 4thof julyed there at that little festival? >> i have not been invited. >> it seems like a lot of fun and adventure. that's all i'm saying. >> you would be miserable within 45 seconds. >> i know i would be. i still -- i want to like -- i want to have somebody go there with a camera while i direct the person. >> do you go to burning man? >> that to me is everybody who barrowed -- borrowed money from me. >> there are wealthy people. >> there are people who say i need money for rent and they went to burning man. that bothered me. there is only one person. next topic. i still remember it. when i hear burning man i think that person borrowed
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three grand from me. >> say their name. >> no, i can't. it is not like they are watching, but if rushes you still owe me the money. >> barak. >> barak obama. collegescolleges and universities are at risk for anxiety and stress. some of the professors face contingency meaning their employment is contingent on enrollment. this is a great story. for institution students and faculty. that was really boring. >> that was good reading. >> penn, what it is saying is if you are part of the real world where there is no tenure you are going to be depressed. >> yes, my tenure at the penn and teller theater in las vegas, nevada at the rio all swot hotel and -- all suite hotel and casino is based on on attendance. it is directly based on attendance just like that. and i tell you, it would take
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one night of no attendance for the rio to say it is easier to change the name penn and teller theater than to get more asses in here and it would be the greg gutfeld theater like that. >> that would be a great place. >> but we know what the chairs what wok like and they would have the hair. no really. >> wasn't this whole study designed as an argument for tenure? they are saying their feelings, their stress levels dictate they must have tenure. >> yes, but the opposite is true. we have a study funded by the government saying if you don't get promoted it is a bad thing and you are going to be depressed. the whole world knows that. and yet now we have -- i mean this is academia gone crazy. these guys actually think if i am not promoted, this is wrong and i am going to get depressed and you should feel bad and now i didn't get promoted. >> tenure -- that would make me depressed.
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i would have no more desire. >> but also stress and depressed are what life is. that's okay. that's wonderful. part of the. joy of success hass part of life. the idea we are supposed to avoid all a stress is insane. >> see, your entire life is okay. >> i know. i have been aware of that for a longtime. i am glad to see the world catching up. >> he is one big bottle of depression. any thoughts on this one? >> not really. i mean if the purpose of the study was to let the universities know this was a problem and they need to watch out for, then okay, fine. but beyond that, yeah. it is to keep an eye and make sure your faculty isn't sad. it is very important. >> it is a great job to have. you could be the sad police. >> only in obama's america.
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>> this is just like relationships. you don't know if it is going to happen or not. you put a ring on. it you are nervous and you are stressed. why is no one concerned about my well being or my depression? >> and just like the tenured people once you have the ring on it you don't have to do this anymore. >> i am not doing any work. come on. >> all of a sudden the figure goes. i like the fact that i use the word figured. that's a phrase from the 1970s ad campaign. >> 1970s? 1950s. >> she has a delightful figure, penn. >> cute little figure. >> she's got the curves. >> we were not talking about you, but some kind of fictitious character from the by gone era. >> it was drawn on a cocktail napkin. >> by a 12-year-old. time for a break. when we come back, the canadian festival of some sort bans native american headdresses. not cool, canada. oh look, not cool. order it,
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cries of cultural appropriation and racism from critics. organizers at base coast, the ffl wants to get -- the festival wants to get ahead of the issue. they say we understand why people are attracted to war bonnets. they have a magnetic aesthetic, but their aesthetic significance can't be separate. >> it takes place on indigenous land and we feel our policy aligns with ab ridge national people's -- ab -- aboriginal people's views. that was a long and painful quote. i need to take a rest. >> already with war bonnet, canada itself is america's hat. they have expertise. >> people are wearing this because it looks good. >> bring the voice down a little bit. >> people are wearing it because the -- because it
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looks good. are they not? >> then don't wear it. take it off, put it on, shut up. >> what do you think? >> pherrel apologized. can we call him out? he should not be apologizing for wearing a war bonnet which is one of my favorite phrases. >> war bonnet. it is a heavy metal band. >> when the war bonnet is taken off -- >> we had to remove the war bonnet. >> it is a very angry cyst. >> i do think this is the end of miss america, right? >> yes. >> yeah? >> because you come out in full headdresses. if you are from hawaii you are wearing a headdress. if you are from kansas you are wearing -- >> the kansas war bonnet. >> you are wearing corn. >> you are wearing some sort of bonnet. >> i aged out. >> that's right. you are a has been. you can't enter any -- what do you make of this?
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blame it on the kardashians? >> i blame everything on the kardashians. global warming, my extra bloat, everything. i eat as i watch. i don't like it. i don't like everyone wearing these things. i hate how celebrities do it. i do see how it is disrespectful. i have heard before the analogy these people are doing red face. black face isn't okays. isn't okay. i think a good solution for native people since the music festivals are on these grounds, why don't they sell pieces of actual, cultural accessories. >> they do. that's where they get them. it is purchased on reservations. where else do they get them? >> ebay. >> they are all over ebay. >> are there war bonnets all over ebay? >> yep. >> as i think you know, greg, an entire section of my new book "problematic" is about
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cultural appropriation or cul pure -- cultural miss appropriation. the right to wear it was earned and each feather represents an act of bravery. if i saw someone wearing military medals as a veteran that would tick me off. i do feel like this is the same thing. a military uniform is nose a costumes. i don't think people should bewaring something they didn't earn. >> so it should be banned? is that what you are saying. >> i am okay with the festival banning it. >> you didn't say that about the village people. >> you didn't mind that, did you. >> that's different. >> they really are adorable. coming up, zebra meat, speaking of tasty animals. do you have videos of animals you can send to us? as long as they are not doing anything weird. if they are weird send them to my private e-mail.
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did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. last story. that's the last story. >> beautiful. all right, british fitness food website, that's got to be an exciting place to visit. is now offering zebra steaks as part of its exotic meat
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menu it is sweeter with a subtle game flavor and a a 10th of the fat found in the same sized beefsteak if they are good enough for lions why not us too? that makes sense. >> that logic breaks down real fast. >> i can't even remember why reare doing this story. is it because we don't like to eat zebras or why we had this pitch. >> it is such a black and white issue. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> i wish i were dead. >> you might be. you don't know it. this could be hell. >> it probably is. >> they do say though that it appeals to people of all stripes. oh dear. >> joanne, do you have a pun? >> you already got your grill marks. does that work? >> that's a good one. that's true. it is easy to cook. or no? it is hard to cook. >> light meat, dark meat,
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light meat, dark meat. >> they say it is extremely low fat. >> but it isn't good. the thing that is so great about a steak and what makes it tasty is the marblization. >> yeah, marbling sure, marbling sure. >> the other problem is people don't want to eat it because it is cute. you can eat plain or unattractive animals, but you can't eat a zebra because it is stripey. >> but it is built into tourism. if you look at what he said. he said these zebra steaks offer a taste of the sarongetty. >> i have had hippopotamus meat. >> really? >> it was very tough. there was a little too much of the tundra. too much of the savannah. >> don't like game. i don't like taste. >> i don't know why you aren't eating horses and dogs too. i don't know why we don't just eat whatever we want to eat. >> it is a weird pho
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phenomenon. cows walk through india and stop in traffic. why is that a? why is that? >> it is part of the religion. >> what i am saying is we eat them. >> tell those two guys about india. >> we eat them here, and they don't eat them there. that's the answer to your question. >> it is cultural, greg. >> but you know the whole answer is insects. we should be eating insects. >> i heard incest. >> the answer is incest. >> i don't know how that answers it. >> have i 40 seconds, where will you be? >> the penn and teller theater in las vegas, nevada and we have a show on cw wednesday night at 8:00 where they try to trick penn and teller. >> you will be on "opie and anthony." >> i believe it is only "opie" and then it will be" op." special thanks to jeanne know saw sin chee and andyly --
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hello everyone i'm dan gentleman perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." secretary of state john kerry arrived back in washington yesterday after a week of negotiations that failed to result in a permanent cease-fire between israel and hamas. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu said brokering peace is impossible if hamas continues on its current path. >> do you want to close this with the state of israel? do you want to represent -- do you want to recognize israel as a jewish
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