tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 29, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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don't forget ainsley, then, brian, steve and elizabeth 6:00 to 9:00. thanks for joining us we'll see you back here tomorrow night. washington. >> voirl factor is on. tonight: >> whoa. >> fighting in the middle east threatens americans. a very serious situation that few understand. tonight, charles krauthammer and i will sort it out. >> we got 19 dead. got 100 more infected spreading like a brush fire. >> what are you talking about? >> if one of them have got it then 10 of them have got it now. >> very interesting upon. >> this time it's not a movie. deadly owe bowl la virus threatening africa and two americans apparently have it. will ebola come to the u.s.a.? we'll tell you this evening. >> smoke a lot? a little. >> a little bit, man. [ laughter ]
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also ahead the authorities in denver say the homeless exploding all because of legalized marijuana. we will have update. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the threats to america grow. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. in a provocation the white house has not seen since vietnam war. the russian dictator putin is trying to humiliate barack obama. the russians have violated the 1987 missile treaty by test agnew type of cruise missile. ukraine as military units inside russia are are firing rockets into that besieged country. want more? russian allies continue to block the investigation of the downed malaysian airliner. shot out of the sky two
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weeks ago by russian made missiles. 298 human beings died. putin directly responsible. but instead of pulling back, putin continues to spit in our eye. he now says he will restore relation with castro's cuba. provocation off the chart. so today president obama imposed new sanctions on russia. today and building on the measures we announced to two weeks ago. united states is imposing new sanctions on the russian economy. energy, arms, and finance. blocking exports of specific goods and technology to the russian energy sector. expanding our sanctions to more russian banks and defense companies and formally suspending credit that encourages exports to russia and financing for economic development projects in russia. >> the cold war here again. mr. obama saying europe will impose more sanctions but don't hold your breath on that. france continues to say it
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will send two warships to russia in return for a boat load of cash, pardon the pun. the europeans have acted cowardly, cowardly in the face of putin's aggression. now, i have no beef with what the president did today, other than to suggest that it should have been done months ago. and he should encourage american banks to stop taking credit card receipts from russia. that would scorch the villain, putin, who so far has laughed at the sanctions. president obama had to take the action today because all around him, things are going south in a hurry. in israel, the fighting between hamas and the israelis continues. hundreds are dead and the u.s.a. is powerless to stop the carnage. there is no question hamas is a terror group in business to wipe out israel. the palestinians are being held captive by hamas. and once again, america can't do anything about it. in iran, negotiations over nuclear weapons continue because the obama administration has given that country nearly $3 billion to stay at the
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table. it bribed them. it's hard to believe that any meaningful deal will be reached about the nukes, although it's not impossible. in iraq, intel reports say the isis army, a vicious off chute of al qaeda is poised to it attack baghdad. jihadists are murdering christians in the streets and terrorizing much of that nation. president obama has taken no action, none at all against the isis army. even though they have been in business and building power for years. in afghanistan, inspector general's report says the obama administration cannot account for three quarters of a million weapons given to afghan forces. america simply does not know where those weapons are. and reports say the taliban is making military gains throughout afghanistan, using some u.s. weaponry. in libya, the u.s.a. has now closed its embassy in tripoli and evacuated because security so terrible there. as the jihadists continue to terrorize that country. in colorado, defense intelligence agency director
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lt. general mike can flynn says that terrorist ideology behind al qaeda is growing fast. >> we use the term core al qaeda and i have been going against these guys for a long time the core can is the core belief. >> that's not on the run. >> that ideology is actually -- it's, you know, sadly, it's -- it feels like exponentially growing. >> and if that isn't frightening, nothing is. finally on the southern border, the chaos continues as u.s. authorities cannot stop, cannot stop the flow of illegal aliens into this country. president obama says he will take action after his summer vacation unilaterally without congressional approval. right now we don't know what that action might be. and so you can see that on just about every front, there is danger to we, the people. terrorism is growing. there is a mini war in the middle east. iran almost likely get a
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nuclear weapon and putin is causing an enormous amount of trouble, pretty much unchecked. president obama still has his supporters who spin the situation his way. but the facts prove mr. obama's foreign policy has failed dismally. there is no question that the jihadists want to attack america again and are growing in strength. so do the math. it is long past time for all americans liberals and conservatives, independents and democrats to demand that the federal government admit failure and devise effective strategies to protect us and other innocent people around the world. when a bully like putin can humiliate the united states of america something is terribly wrong. talking points is sounding the alarm and all of us should take this very seriously. and that's the memo. more on the big picture with charles krauthammer upcoming. but next on the rundown, we have reaction from democrat kirsten powers and republican monica crowley. the factor will be right back. each year, 95% of homeowners won't have a claim.
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continuing now with lead story bad things happen to people overseason the border. monica crowley and kirsten powers. any problems with the memo, kirsten? >> look, i will agree with you that there is definitely a lot of chaos around the world although i tend to feel that there generally is chaos in the world. i think that would be true even pick any president, i will pick ronald reagan ohio think you admired a lot there was plenty of horrible things happening and bad dictators behaving badly when reagan was in power, planes being shot down, for example. by, you know, a russian someone flying a russian jet. i think these bad things happen. i think it's a little unfair to lay all of this at obama's feet. >> since you brought it it up, that president obama is respected the way reagan was
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respected or you can use the word feared by his adversaries. you think that reagan and obama both ran foreign policy in the same way? >> no. i don't think they ran the same kind of foreign policy and no, i don't think that obama the same kind of. >> would you say obama is perceived to be weaker than reagan? >> i would say he would be perceived as probably being a little more disengaged. >> no disengaged not weaker? >> we talked about this before because you often forget how aggressive he has actually been in terms of with the drone campaign. i doubt if you ask people in pakistan, for example,. >> i don't forget about it i was one of the president's biggest supporters on that program. >> has been pretty aggressive. i don't think anyone in pakistan would say he is weekend who is being bombed by him. in some areas, is he not as respected as because i think is he not as engaged. i actually am somebody who thinks that some of the overengagedment of george bush, for example, has led to some these problems and i
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don't know that the united states is getting involved in a lot of these problems. >> i think that when you have a guy like putin who obviously is trying to humiliate barack obama and succeeding to certain extent if you are a citizen of the united states you have to be worried we are involved in another cold war. >> why didn't they feel that way when we went into georgia when george bush was president. this is the way they behave regardless hough is president. not being caused by barack obama. >> monica wants to jump in here. >> the difference is president reagan was all about restoring american. >> let's deal with her point about georgia and bush critical not drawing a line when. bush too. >> bush because because he was on his way out did not respond that was a huge mistake. that allowed putin free rain to do what he wanted as we see now in crimea and ukraine. >> do you think that the world feared bush cheney more than obama?
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reagan after jimmy carter was about restoring american power and prestige. what you have now is president obama presilgd over the collapse of american power and prestige powers says that's not true the same kind of problems that obama is dealing with has always been there and they are no worse. >> no central organizing principle beyond the raw exercise of power. only times you get any relative peace and the world is always chaotic any time you get any relative order in peace is when there is a denial nant power and preferably freedom based one like the united states and not a tyranny like the soviet union is when the united states is perceived as strong in real terms less inclined to act and to tempt. and if they do act, they know that holly hell will be brought down on them by the united states and by our allies. there is no nobody in the
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world now. >> we don't have any allies to stand up with us anymore. margaret thatcher is long gone. >> that's a collapse of american leadership, bill. >> we have weakness in europe and i think, powers, we have weakness in washington. do i believe that president obama is a weak leader across the board. >> i know you think that remembering a jet full of americans being shot down, you know, when reagan was president. so it's not true that they don't behave badly when. >> the question is what was the. >> strong president. >> five days later reagan came back from the ranch after he didn't want to. >> and made a very forceful statement and then followed through on policy. >> yes, of course. >> this president you don't get any of that. >> wait, wait, wait. powers, reagan strangled the soviet union so it collapsed.
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he browbeat them into a situation where they lost their entire empire. >> by point is i'm going to the point of when you guys are saying that these things happen because obama is weak and i'm saying very bad things happen and i think a bunch much americans being shot down by a russian fire pilot when reagan is president proves that they don't. >> what happens is administration -- what happened in the total toll tall tear. >> pay back. >> how many americans have been shot out of the sky? >> i mean, i think we are in recession. powers in recession every single front. give monday cat last front. go. >> when you look at the last six years, what you see generally speak something that this president has allowed the enemies to advance. he has abandoned our allies. i mean, all you have to do is talk to b. netanyahu about that and getted our. good guys are in retreat you know what the history of lesson of history the wheels
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come off the world and you get a much bigger cataclysm than you would if you had a strong american president. >> succeed in taking over iraq which they might. >> we shouldn't have made it iraq. they wouldn't have been there. if we never invaded iraq there would be no isis. >> it's true. >> for every problem there is a solution. when the isis army invaded raike, we should have bombed the hell out of them. that's what we should common my humble opinion i have got to go. ladies, thank you. directly ahead. denver seeing influx of homeless people and blaming it on legalized potted. later, as advertised, charles krauthammer and i will discuss the clear and present danger to america. also, a verdict in the jesse ventura defamation lawsuit. is it legal on that. those reports after these messages. ♪ [music]
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fact for follow up segment tonight, legalized marijuana in colorado having yet again another unintended consequence. according to a variety of reports flooding into denver to use marijuana. >> i knew a couple of people yeah i'm from texas. i'm just here to smoke. >> denver started noticing the surge in january shortly after colorado started allowing recreational marijuana. now the homeless shelter is seeing an extra auto 75 people a night. >> certainly, the increase of people has something to do with the passage of the marijuana laws. >> what brought me here is because i was able to just smoke pot freely. >> 19-year-old jacob janice moved from colorado from arizona five months ago. >> people here have a very open mentality. i are able to be who you want to be. >> in addition, new study by the university of colorado school of medicine says people who drive under the
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influence of pot are far more likely to be involved in fatal vehicle accidents. all of this on the heels of the "new york times" calling for the entire country to legalize marijuana. joining us howard kurtz from the program media buzz sundays at 11:00 on fnc. so in the face of the damning evidence we just presented and much more. is it responsible for the media to keep calling for pot legalization, howard? >> maybe the "times" editorial writers were sitting around smoking weed. i agree the editorial page underplayed the potential impact here as you just pointed out as we see in colorado. two states having legalized pot with medicinal marijuana used. 54% in polls saying they favor legalization. this isn't some wacky hallucination, bill. >> you must be high, howie. >> where does it say that public policy should be made about polling? if you look at the yale
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study at the university of colorado study, it's all bad there is nothing good about it go ahead. >> i was going to call howie high for thinking that he must be high. the problem here is this upper west side mentality in new york thinking that their opinion is right they are going to cherry pick the studies that they want to buttress their argument. the times should have taken the energy and the time to focus on issues like veterans affairs. that seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. how about the economy and jobs and issues that people care about? so they have ann an agenda the times. secular society a lot of that as we pointed out last night, howard, about race, not drugs. they feel that police departments are corrupt cross the nation. they target african-american youth. they try to track them down for having js on them. you know, and put them in jail because they hate blacks. that's what it is. in today's "new york times." they just came down.
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hear are all the things. and they totally avoid the reality of why arrests in urban america are are higher than suburb in america. you know what's going on, howard, why don't you just admit it. >> well, i think race clearly a factor in these times ed toward, but, you know, the statistics do show that african-americans almost four times as likely to possession than whites. >> why is that? >> i think it's because too many cops are fulfilling their quote as it by going into minority neighborhoods. that problem is not necessarily solved by legalization. if you decriminalize the use of marijuana as you favor, bill, you wipe out that problem. you are not that actually many miles away. >> but i'm tired of the dishonesty, it's not about quote as it, howard, it's about public protection. the crime rates in the black urban precincts are off the chart compared to suburbs in rural areas. okay? so the police, by necessity, to protect the poor people
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there, who are being murdered by the hundreds in chicago, for example have to flood the zone, in flooding the zone, they pull people over and ask them questions and if they are obviously high or openly using marijuana, they get arrested it's not let's hunt down the black people today. go ahead. >> i didn't see that. >> i want to go back to what you said about secular society, bill i happen to agree with you. i don't smoke pot. i don't want my kids to be smoking pot. by making legalizing marijuana, what we're saying is, hey, it's okay what about alcohol. have to be 21 or not going to be able to get pot. right? do you know how easy it is to get vodka on the street? >> it's easy to get pot, that's not the argument. society is never going to stop intoxicants at least 10 to 15% of the population will be addicted to something. we have an obligation as a country that is supposed to
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be responsible to send a message of what proper behavior in public is. it's a disgrace what's happening in colorado. they are going to pay an enormous price in a major way on a lot of different levels, howard. they are going to. and that is a fact. >> i think there are warning signs here. i think we definitely have to heed that i happen to think that alcohol is worse. of course it's legal seeing revenge of the baby boomers, grew up in the cheech and chong. >> now they want everybody to smoke it. awful. >> whatever feels good. what we are seeing is a narcissistic baby boomer generation who couldn't care less about anybody but themselves. if they like to smoke pot it should be legal. seeing fanatical antipolice thing from the "new york times" that just off the chart. all right, i have got to go. appreciate it good debate. thank you both. brand new bill o' poll for you. it's a simple one. we are asking do you favor
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the legalization of marijuana? yes or no? do you favor it? bill o' plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. frightening situation that could come to the u.s.a. the deadly disease ebola sweeping across africa. then charles krauthammer on how americans should handle danger in the world. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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interact segment tonight it, ebola virus breaks out. 33-year-old doctor kent bradley and a 9-year-old nancy have been diagnosed with the ebola virus in library i can't. there is no cure for ebola. it kills most people who contract it in a gruesome way. the state department has not issued any formal warnings which is very strange because the countries 6 guinea and leon have seen hundreds of people die from ebola. a doctor joins us. are you fearful that that could break out of africa to the united states. >> travel is made my infection potentially very contagious that can get across the world. actually i'm not fearful about this. ebola virus is extremely contagious but there are many reasons why this is a big problem in africa and why if the patient came here with a problem it wouldn't be. >> we will get into that in a moment. correct me if i am wrong the gestation period of the disease anywhere from 2 to
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21 days? >> correct. >> you can have somebody in africa travel to laying goes, nigeria, get on the plane and fly to london and have the disease. why wouldn't you be fearful that that might happen. >> first thing to say most people who are contagious actually do have symptoms at that time. >> after two days or one day? >> typical incubation period is somewhere between 8 and 10 days. can be as early as 2 and as late as 21. this is not like a flu virus. you are not going to get ebola virus from somebody coughing on you. the typical transfer of ebola virus is with direct contact so patients who have rea vomiting in particular. the problem why this disease is so fatal, bill is that the supportive care that patients need to it survive the disease, very simple care, iv fluids, being hydrated. >> not available in africa. >> not available. that's why the disease is so fails. no rocket science here.
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no airborne disease and that's what we see in most of these movies cob teenage john and other things if you sneeze the thing goes-i -- and everybody gets it you have to come into contact with the person who has the ebola virus in an intimate way almost like aids, right? >> or you have to come into contact with objects. >> objects that have been infected. >> typical transfer would be blood, urine, is a live have hae a live have a saliva. vomit. >> if someone gets it in a primitive village in after infantry canned and don't understand what it sand treat it like the flu it goes boom. >> the symptoms of ebola virus are very nonspecific. fever, chills. >> yeah. it could be the flu. >> absolutely. >> they don't know. shouldn't the state department ramp it up a little bit here? we are almost -- we are approaching a thousand deaths in africa on this thing. >> i think the main problem here is that true death in the patients who had them was due to poor medical care.
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most people that died from the disease are in remote areas, remote villages in africa. most people are not visiting those places and those people. >> nigeria stopped their traffic between the three countries and they are not going to take any -- they are not going to let my planes land. we do need to make the report that there are no reported cases in the u.s. one patient in the 1990s did go from africa to switzerland and they were immediately cured. just very simple supportive. >> do you believe these two americans are going to make it? they are in the hospital now getting the ivs. >> i don't know the full details. >> they have a chance to survive. >> do i think so. i think if they have been properly rehydrated and don't have multiorgan issues absolutely. >> thank you tore coming. >> in thank you for having me. >> is it legal on the ventura american sniper verdict just in. krauthammer on america in trouble. moments away. wondering what that is? that, my friends, is everything.
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>> you say you knocked jesse ventura to the floor with a punch. now, you don't mention his name but everybody knows who that is number one that happened, you knocked him out. >> well, i knocked him down. >> you knocked him down. why would you punch ventura? >> in 2006 is the year we lost our first two seals in iraq. we came home. we lost our last guy just before coming home. we had the wake in a seal bar there in core nada, and he was there. >> he was bad mouthing the war, right? >> bad mouthing the war. bad mouthing bush. bad mouthing america. >> and you took exception? >> i did find a problem with it. >> after that ventura sued and today he won. here now attorneys and fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. we talked about this and we said the finding in front of the jury was going to be the eyewitnesses to what happened. >> right, right. >> in that bar room confrontation.
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and apparently the jury believed ventura. >> unbelievable they believed him to the point of 1. million dollars. >> that's the judgment? >> that's the judgment. >> that will be appealed though. >> yes, of course that will be appealed and the publisher has insurance and all of that but, still. 8 out of 10 men and women found that, yes, that ventura was -- lied about essentially. that keil lied about that kyle lied about the whole witnesses. >> why wouldn't they take the eyewitnesses that testified for kyle. >> i wish had been in the courtroom i have no idea. >> like to get inside the head of the jurors. i will tell you something very striking as a trial lawyer a pivotal point is you didn't have the live testimony from kyle. >> tape. >> it doesn't matter. it's still not the same thing. ventura is a larger than life personality. very brafn and bold. >> was the people -- see, look, it hinges on whether ventura did say those things against the navy seals. >> here is what i think is
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unbelievable this verdict. you have both sides putting on their witnesses saying you have navy seals taking the stands for kyle saying i was there in the bar. i heard it i saw the punch. i saw ventura go down. >> wasn't that testimony though that wasn't consistent? >> but, bill, that's right. it wasn't consistent because both sides have. >> split verdict, right? >> 8 to 2. >> and yes, normally you have to have a unanimous verdict. >> they let this go. >> both sides agree. >> that tells me that the -- look, i think that anybody going into a trial like that is going to sympathize with the widow of kyle. >> of course. >> i certainly did. i wanted to believe that what chris kyle told me on the program was true. therefore as a juror i'm listening to the testimony but apparently the navy seals who were present with mr. kyle told whole different stories and it didn't come together. >> the standard is malice. >> malice, clear and convincing evidence that
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chris kyle acted, okay, with actual knowledge with the likelihood that what he was saying was untrue. i don't think they made that i think this terrible injustice. >> this was a botched thing. >> should be ashamed to take money out of that widow's pocket and from her children and he should should refuse this award. >> so it's going to be appealed though? >> yes. >> all right. now, adele is a very good singer from baby wins a huge judgment. >> babies have feelings and legal rights, bill. i wanted you you to know that. >> i don't know about america. maybe not here. this is a 19 month old who won this five figure settlement in the u.k. because the baby, whose name is anglo is not, anglo atkins is not a public figure. >> so what did the paparazzi do to the baby. >> the pandz agreed to settle this case because the paparazzi took pictures of this child during private
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sent mental moments. >> and put them in the paper, right? >> she has been very adamant that this child should not be photographed. was not held out to be a public figure. she goes i'm a public figure. take my photo. >> they put the pictures of the baby, which they do you will at time in the united states, and they put the pictures in the paper. >> all right. nothing bad happened to the baby though. it was just purely invasion of privacy. >> there is no specific right to privacy in the u.k. they do not have a defined. >> why did the baby win. >> many of these cases have a history of settling out of court where these agencies go ahead and do it. >> is that what happened? >> that's what happened. >> they won under reasonable expectation of privacy. >> >> got no privacy here. >> all right. real quick. in california, there is this ad thing where if you want to stay in somebody's house, they will link you up with somebody. >> so you are traveling somewhere. you don't want to stay in a
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hotel. you want to stay in a house. they will get you a house. you pay the people. people will go on a trip now nobody will go out. >> rents it for 44 days. >> where? >> in san francisco. a condo. rent for 44 days. >> palm springs villas. >> may 25th to july 8th. he pays the first 30 tase. after that doesn't pay it anymore. still in there can't get rid of this guy. >> paid for one month and then he won't get out but it's in palm springs. >> she lives in sphranget she decide because she couldn't afford a place. get one in palm springs. is he a big moocher. if you stay in a place in california. legal right. >> do what, not pay rent? >> what happens is you go through eviction process but it takes three to six months. >> to get the guy out. and they know that that's the woman. >> knowing this. i'm sure. >> all right. ladies, thanks very much.
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back of the book segment tonight, danger to we the people. we outlined it with facts and talking points memo this evening, which is posted on bill o' so now the question becomes how should we handle threats to our person and economic well being? joining us now from washington, fox news political analyst charles krauthammer. so, the threats right now, i think are two fold. economically, a will the of people are living paycheck to paycheck and wages are going down. and expenses are going up. and then there is the terror threat. i mean, putin is he a direct threat to us right now with the crew rainy?
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probably not, more annoying and embarrassing than anything else. isis army certainly a threat. taliban in afghanistan, certainly if they could they would hit us. what do you think is the greatest threat in the world? >> i would add to that iran going nuclear. that could be the greatest threat of all. we have a an administration that have just paid iran $11.8 billion to engage in six months of negotiations and ended with nothing. and now we are paying them 2.8 billion to give us another four months of useless negotiations and even if we end up with an agreement, i guarantee you it's going to leave iran as a nuclear threshold state, meaning it will be six months, 8 months away from a bomb. and that, i think, is the biggest of all threats because terror, at the conventional level will give us 9/11. terror at the nuclear level will give us unbelievable destruction that we cannot imagine and that would be coming. >> okay. now, kirsten powers top of the program, a liberal
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woman, but not crazy, she will criticize president obama which when she believes it's necessary. >> are there are non-crazy liberals. >> the tip of the day on that in a minute. >> she puts forth that, hey, it's always been this way in the world. and it's unfair to lay all this on president obama. and call him weak and anything else. that he is doing just as well as reagan did. >> look. it's true that it's always been this way. there has always been instability. there have always been bad actors and sometimes it's been worse when the bad actors were the heads of germany and japan. that was a lot worse. nonetheless, there is a difference now and that is that before, with reagan, with clinton, i would say, with bush, senior, particularly with the gulf war, the challenge of the fall of the berlin wall, we have had american leadership. the thing that's held the world together, the thing
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that has maintained the freedom of the free world since the second world war has been the united states standing for one john kennedy said was the defense of liberty. he said that in his inaugural address. we were the leaders. we protected europe. we protected small powers. we protected japan. we protected the pacific rim. and now the world is looking around and saying where is america? we have, as you say, isis, islamic state at the heart of the middle east. iran going nuclear. schlarb on the move. china claiming territory that it doesn't really have a right to. and everybody is on the move. china claiming territory it doesn't really have a right to, and everybody's saying, where's america? and we have a president who says russia's on the wrong side of history, as if history's going to work stuff out without the united states. and that's probably a belief of his, an ideological belief of his. what it means is, our allies are unsure if there's anybody to
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back them up. our enemies are thinking, we now have a free reign to do exactly what we want, because the sheriff has gone home. >> certainly putin feels that way. let's shift it back into the domestic arena, the people are sitting thereafter six months of the democratic administration, and the economy is still nowhere, it's a struggle for the folks to pay their bills, to get a good job. you see, the rise of entitlements going through the roof. not only in direct food stamps, but in disabilities, which is the biggest scam in the world and everybody knows it. how do americans caught in this, how -- what are the survival skills or the advice you can give them. >> it's six years, this is not people talking about it -- democrats will talk about it, some kind of problem. it is rather simple. you take the neck, the boot of the government off the american economy, let the vital spirits,
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the vital energies of the american economy which are enormous and unmatched in the world, the skill, the technology, the risk taking let that loose, if we get in a new administration -- unfortunately, we're going to have to wait two years. that's why we've had the slowest recovery since the second world war. have you less of the taxation, less of the epa trying to hold back the boone in energy. you allow all that to happen, the american economy is going to go gangbusters. >> you need the leadership in washingtons you said, you may not have that. >> we're going to have to survive two and a half more years. >> i'm not sure the folks who voted in barack obama twice are going to admit their mistake and see it your way. especially when the entitlements are flowing. the demographics are changing. the education is declining, the
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machines are addicting, we're a different country now. >> well, look, your theory is -- and it could be true, every once in a while you get it right, is that there are fundamental changes in the country that means it opts, it will choose dependency, i happen to believe that that tipping point is reachable, europe reached it decades ago, it hasn't been reached here, i do think the majority of the unemployed would love to have a job. they don't want to be on the dull. and they don't want food stamps. and if you have the right leadership, and you have a republican, a conservative who makes the case for a free society, where people's energy and enterprise will allow them to succeed, you win the political argument, the white house and you can have an economy that will actually work. that's what it will take. >> thank you, charles. check out his book, things that
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factor tip of the day, about fanaticism in a moment. for a low price, you can have replicas on parchment of america's greatest documents. we've sold tens of thousands of these. people love them. also on bill o' if you become a premium member, you get any one of my books free of charge. you get it free and first, also, a free cd of dennis miller's cable program. now the mail. bill, you said marijuana is a gateway drug. why then did you say it should be decriminalized? because private pot used by adults is not worth the time and
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cost to the criminal justice system. joshua klein. what you are failing to address is how americans would get pot if it is decriminalized. not my concern, josh. i've been using intoxicants is harmful, make it as hard as possible to get it. sergeant mike horn, you were spot on about marijuana after 35 years in law enforcement, i know it's not the party high that's described. if you control the commerce in pot, the drug lords are forced out. there's something to that, but the unintended consequences of children using drugs on a greater scale in this country overrides. school dropout rates in colorado are rising. open consumption on the streets of colorado is increasing and unchecked. what happened to george will's brain? 3,000 members of the salvadorian
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gang are now living in fairfax county, virginia, many of these kids walking across the border are not carrying teddy ruxpins. both you and megyn have valid points about the machines. i think the overarching fear is a real loss about the real world. many young americans now live virtually and have little interest in exploring the physical world and learning anything about it. they create their own dopey world. killing jesus now surpasses 7,000 reviews on amazon. may i ask how many copies your book has sold? in the u.s. and canada, we're closing in on 2 million copies, tim. overseas we don't know yet. we appreciate everybody supporting killing jesus. finally, tonight.
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f fanaticism. in the media, 73% of those who define themselves as consistently liberal, 73% dislike fox news. however among those americans who say they are mostly liberal. fnc rates more favorable than unfavorable. 33% to 32. that's why this network and the factor dominate the cable news landscape. we attract viewers across the board. and why not, we're interesting, creative and extremely cute. but fanatics don't care about that, they won't listen to anything that counters their core belief system. factor tip of the day, don't be a zealot kool-aid drinker or pinhead. that's it for us tonight. please check out the website different from
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o' name and town if you wish to owe poen. word of the day, do not be sophistic when writing to the breaking tonight the war in the middle east hitting close to home. watch this. that scene caught just a couple hundred feet from the place our fox news team is working in gaza city welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. with growing tensions between %pwhat may be the heaviest offensive yet against hamas 100 air strikes as israel tries to take out weapons being used to target its country. and as dramatic as that video was, tonight our crew says the
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