tv The Five FOX News July 30, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. foolish. 8:00 p.m., fbn. you don't get it? hello, everybody i'm andrea tantaros along with bob beck else, eric bolling, dan perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." sorry, bob. i'm going start the show. a short while ago the president delivered a new statement from the white house on russia and the crisis in ukraine and addressed whether america is in the middle avenue cold war. israel intensified its campaign against hamas today with the heaviest air strikes since the start of its operation three weeks ago. the air raids could stop but the hamas has rejected the call for
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a cease-fire. some prominent liberals have been weighing into the crisis. listen to our former secretary of state for defending hamas for hiding roberts in schools. the problem is i'm not a military planner is but hamas puts its missiles, its rockets in civilian areas. gaza is small and densely populated. they put their command and control hamas military leaders in those civilian areas. >> and in case you didn't hear hamas is a humanitarian organization according to nancy pelosi. >> we have to support the palestinians. we have to confer with the qataris who have told me over and over again that hamas is a humanitarian organization maybe they could use their influence to -- >> a humanitarian organization? eric, what humanitarian organization do you know that has missiles? >> i have no idea what either
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one of them are talking about. fwaz is too small so they have to put their missiles in schools. here's the question. how to you negotiate with someone whose only mission is to wipe israel off the map. you don't. that's the point. we should be behind israel to destroy hamas. completely wipe out hamas. dismantle them so they don't come back and do this again and again and again. hamas doesn't care about human life. they don't care about israelis lives. they don't care about palestinians lives. they don't care about american lives. they don't even care about their own life. let's stop listening to nancy pelosi, hillary clinton and john kerry who put them on the same level as the palestinians and back israel and wipe hamas out once and for all. >> bob, you're shaking your head. >> first of all, the kerry thing got a bad rap. that was something leaked out of israel and not fair to kerry. his proposal had nothing to do -- one other points.
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whoever wrote that thing that said hillary clinton said schools, she never ever said schools. that is a bad use of words. and whoever wrote it should be hung. now, i think that now -- >> said like schools. >> said schools. now, the fact of the matter is we're now into this, over 1,000 palestinians have been killed. israel has lost about 70 people. almost all soldiers. i think they have now committed themselves to this. netanyahu said they are going to get rid of these tunnels and i think they have to finish it. i think if the world would just at least have an impartial view about this and the media have an impartial view. i have yet to see, yet to see a european leader come to the defense of israel strongly and beat on hamas. i can't understand. >> what's so troubling is that hillary clinton was trying to make excuses for hamas a terrorist organization and what's implicit in what she said
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and what's implicit in what nancy pelosi said is that they are legitimatizing the fact that hamas has a right to exist. they are not calling them a terrorist organization. in fact, just the opposite. they are basically saying they have right to exist and the right to achieve their goals. nancy pelosi said we should help them. won't this encourage hamas and even further than this to me this is a huge departure from u.s. policy in the past. president bush was very clear when it came to terrorist organizations. we've gotten so far away how we describe them with the obama administration, it's just mind blowing. >> i think it's a little bit of fog from foggy bottom because that's where the state department is based. i don't know if hillary clinton -- i wasn't making an excuse for them. i was explaining to everybody how difficult and complex the situation is over there. let me put myself in the shoes of the palestinians so that i can explain to you and it's just not as forceful as a candidate
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you would hope for somebody to say i'm very clear cut on this. you would hope she would say is hamas a terrorist organization. yes. should they not be putting gaza civilians in harm's way. absolutely. something that clear would be better for her as a candidate than explaining all the briefings she got at foggy bottom. >> that's a good idea. hillary said repeatedly over and over again shams a terrorist organization. pelosi is a different story. she doesn't know anything more about foreign policy than a sixth grader. >> greg, it sounded like a justification for why hamas is using these kids as human shields. hillary clinton has a sketchy past. she caught heat when she put her arm around arafat. it sounded to me like even though she knows they use these pr tactics of putting missiles in schools and hospitals she was trying to justify it.
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>> if you look at kerry's recent failures and you look at pelosi and some of the explaining that hillary does you get the sense that israel lost the democratic party. when pelosi uses the word humanitarian does that mean hamas' missiles are care packages. you call hamas is a humanitarian that means ted bundy is a candy striper. why are the media doing pro bono pr work for hamas. they come from the same place. they come from a far left campus that views israel the same way that they view america from an anti-western perspective. anti-zionism is major. you score very well if you agree with your professors. if you are coming from an environment where somebody like bill ayers can get tenure there's no surprise hamas is
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seen sympathetically. if bin laden were alive today he would be doing commencement speeches on these campuses. >> the idea that hillary clinton feels hamas has some right to exist over there is -- >> she just said the reason hamas was putting rockets in civilian areas is because it's such a small country. >> that's true. >> the u.n. found missiles in schools not the united states. >> she didn't say it. just because our producers want to make they are sound like that. >> john kerry didn't put hamas on an equal playing field. de. here's billions in foreign aid. we'll lift the blockade around your country. then move forward from there. that's exactly what hamas wants. they are wrong. they need to -- no cease-fire. forget the cease-fire. he shouldn't be calling for a cease-fire. we should be calling for escalation in israeli's defense of themselves in the region.
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>> that's never been written as a policy statement. >> you have in the past called qatar a terrorist organization. >> yes. >> john kerry rather than go to jordan or saudis is taking heat today for bungling this further by going to countries like qatar and turkey and as eric points out legitimatizing hamas because he wants to negotiate with them. >> the saudis are underwriting most of the terrorism in the region, number one. so they can keep their kingdom in place. the jordanians are in no position to deal with anything. where are you going to go. who will you deal with? >> why do we have to deal with anybody. just back israel. >> i see. >> yes. whatever you need. >> do away -- any relations with any countries. >> gaza and israel. all the other countries. by the way i would beg to differ with the saudis being the major
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finance of terror. i would say iranians are. >> that's where hamas is getting their missiles. it's o hear people like nancy pelosi and hillary clinton be apologist for a terrorist organization. >> that's such an unfair statement. >> not my words theirs. >> the issue with kerry when you're engineering a truce it only offers an opportunity for losers to reload. the perfect truce is when the bad guy can't get up. >> the united states should go and support israel and not try to find some way to gate cease-fire. >> a cease-fire is the equivalent of faking an injury on the field so your team can regroup and change momentum. that's all it is. falling down and faking an injury. once do you that you allow your team to change the momentum. israel had the momentum. if you end this thing soon it's like pulling a band aid off. pull it off quickly the pain is gone. keep doing this truce thing it lasts forever. >> recognize israel in the
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region. egypt and jordan. if that were to happen -- >> don't egypt and jordan get together -- >> egypt was the first one to propose a cease-fire. >> let them come back and do it again. >> hamas said no. hamas said no. >> i do think that if you read across the elites that write about this that egypt and israel were on the same page. qatar and turkey are on the same page with hamas. that undercut abbas in qatar because abbas has a relationship with qatar which the administration allowed to happen and didn't try to prevent. hillary clinton is realistic rather than apologetic. >> you mentioned knocking down the bad guy, president obama took to the rose garden earlier today to talk about sanctions against russia possibly even knocking down the other bad guy based in moscow. take a listen. >> united states is imposing new sanctions in key sectors of the russian economy.
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energy, arms and finance. we're blocking the exports of specific goods and technologies to the russian energy sector. we're expanding our sanctions to more russian banks and defense companies. and we're suspending credit that encourages exports to russia. >> are we in a new cold war. >> no. it's a specific issue related to russia's unwillingness to recognize that ukraine can chart its own path. >> eric, what do you think about the sanctions some of them involve the energy sector historically russia has a pretty high threshold for pain than is not about money for putin. some rich men in russia will squeal. he's about power. will this work? >> i outlined this yesterday. >> yes, you did. >> the energy sector number one and he did exactly what i recommended. the defense sector and finance sector. block some capital to international banks, some
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russian international banks. i think, honestly i think this will work. these are exactly where he needs to go. if president obama and european union who is on board with these and will play and participate as he said they will including germany and the netherlands, if they play with obama sanctions spot on mr. president you nailed it. but i guess you're watching. >> you all were calling for him -- that was a very strong statement. a very strong statement. >> you western even watching it snicit. >> i was listening. he offered up sanctions. >> i told you. i was complimenting the president. >> thank you very much. >> here's a sector that president obama didn't include that i think the next round should and that is propaganda firms in the united states or you call them pr firms have
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pocketed millions of dollars from putin and russia over the years and i think sanctions should be placed on them and not be allowed to do pr and make putin look good in america and especially in their country and close down russia today in new york as well. >> what do you think about his response when the reporter said is this a new cold war and he said no it's not a new cold war. >> i guess it's not more like a cool conflict. i think it's the 12 days and a ruble short. it won't undo the damage done the crash site. that's still been irreparably compromised. what the hell did he do about france? did he stop those, stop the sale of the assault ships. those are not carnival crews ships they are assault ships. >> you should ask dana. >> i don't know. i've been trying to find out. >> what are they going to get out of this. what is the end game? what do they expect russia to do. does it have something to do
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with the crash site. will they allow people to get full entry into this and figure out what happened. >> the question is will this keep the russians from invading ukraine. >> our own steve harrigan was on the air. they are in the middle of a war right now and president obama didn't list off if they don't stop doing x, y and z -- to me it was very vague. what do they need to stop doing in order to stop these sanction. if they don't then what. there was a blank not filled in. >> the sanctions will hurt them. >> the sanctions will hurt. the european union has been reluctant to use sanctions because they are worried about their energy. if they think the u.s. will help them with their energy needs they may adhere to the sanctions. >> the thing i did say last week, by the way this shooting down the plane was the worst thing that could happen to putin and it is. >> let's pat ourselves on the
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back more for our in depth policy analysis. i think obama will help president putin find a way out of this. one of the statements he made it doesn't have to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way. the best leadership is something we might not ever see for putin to keep the popularity at home but to find a way out of the corner. a verdict has been reached in jesse ventura's defamation case against chris kyle. plus some surprising remarks from whoopi goldberg by domestic violence. you'll hear that and more coming up on "the five." unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one.
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how do you know when you got a bad zbld when your political opponent uses it to make money. hence the democrats mentioning impeachment to get their base to write fat checks. despite a few loud voices on cable and talk radio, the gop doesn't take this stuff seriously and haven't taken the bait. the white house wants the loudest crankiest voices to become the gop base because that
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raises cash. i get the frustration over obama's gross incompetence. impeachment is a stunt and like all stunts it's talked about people addicted to splash. sometimes these people find a platform here. however it's a losing proposition for it offers no foresight only fireworks. the white house was cynical to use such noise to frighten its constituents and shows their desparation. it's almost a tacit acknowledgement how poor of a job obama is doing. they are not saying are you kidding when impeachment is brought up. instead they threaten their base. it's very close to saying yeah we get it it's awful but let's save him from himself. why help them? if somebody is using your tune to raise funds change your tune. after all jon stewart has enough writers. do we really have to write his scripts for him too.
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so dana the strategy is you have bloggers and talking heads, a few saying this stuff. so what happens to take this mon party opinion and make it a threat to raise funds which is clever. >> one of the things that's a problem for any party out of power there's no head. even if the republicans have been in the wilderness for eight yearser and until we have the election in 2016, still won't have anybody because it wasn't mccain, it wasn't romney. president obama on the other hand has been the head of the democrats for a little bit longer than eight years now. so he can set the agenda. because they decided that this was a great way for them to make money we have spent a week arguing about whether we are going to talk about impeachment. we're not talking about the economy or health care or opportunity and we do this to ourselves. >> yes. in fact, i want to roll to boehner talking about it being a scam now. >> this whole talk about impeachment it's coming from the
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president's own staff. and coming from democrats on capitol hill. why? because they are trying to rally their people to give money and to shore up this year's elections. we have no plans time peach the president. we have no future plans. listen, it's all a scam started by democrats at the white house. >> andrea, fat check. was this really a scam started by democrats? >> i think they would love it to be true. they would love nothing for it to be true. republicans should just ignore it. look, boehner came out, he needed to say it. if you're a republican you should not even address the question because it continues to fuel the story. so pretend like it doesn't exist. you know, impeachment is for high crimes and misdeamnors. gross incompetence is not a high crime or a misdeamnor, unfortunately. but here's my concern, greg and i suppose i'm a little bit
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sinister but being in political consulting made me that way. i wonder if president obama doesn't do something in the next two years worthy impeachment to bait republicans into it. i wouldn't put it past him. that's my fear. >> eric, you know, fundraising on both sides are pretty indicated on sensationalism. everybody does it. but why do we have to give them as a conservative or libertarian give them this. >> democrats saw how volatile it was. it swang in their direction and ran with it. when they realized that it sounded crazy -- i could be wrong. i don't know anybody still on the right who are saying we got to impeach the guy. whatever. >> it rhymes with sarah palin. >> whatever. my point is the democrats said this is working in our favor
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let's blow it up. they blew it up at the white house. the dnc raised $2.1 million in one weekend on impeachment. one congressman raised a million himself. but is that fair? if we took everything president obama said that was wrong and kept playing it and playing it over and over -- >> you say this is a bunch of bloggers. this started from right-wing yahoo! tea party people. let me go through the list. steve stockman. ted yoho. then that crazy man from iowa. this started on the tea party again which is an example why you guys have got to get control of these people because they are going to kill you. they are a bunch of yahoo! idiots. >> i don't think that was an accurate portrayal of what those people said. >> it's right here. you want to read it. >> you're reading the earnest
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quote. >> bob, the thing is the left would like to try to make the right the center of the right be far more right than it actually is. you can't deny on the republican side you do have people that have a huge platform. i mean big platforms to spread this thing. then we're like oh, wait, we can't say that. >> look what they did to todd aiken. it only takes one maniac. they elevate that person to be face of the party. republicans have to be extra careful. i'll say this. there's a movement in talk radio and on the right to profiteer from these ideas. that's the formula, staking out their territory on the right. >> i still think it's a cool way to raise money for the democrats. >> the point is the same thing goes with hobby lobby where they took something which had nothing
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welcome back to the fastest seven minutes in cable. three fiery stories, seven fierce minutes. jesse ventura is known for his antics in and on wrestling programs. somehow this clown was elected governor of minnesota. he'll be forever known as the fool, jesse ventura sued the widow of an american hero chris kyle. he wanted $15 million from the family. the jury came back and awarded
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him $1.8 million. i cannot understand this ruling. anyone outraged by this? bob. >> i don't know about the details of what happened. >> he sudden chris kyle's family because he defamed. >> did he say he defamed because chris kyle said something about him. >> if you have made a complete fool of yourself can you then sue for defaming of your character? he has defamed his own character. >> but wait. i guess kyle, the sniper had said that this guy had made some words about not enough s.e.a.l.s had died and that is defamatory especially since ventura is a navy s.e.a.l. and his family is in the military. ventura is an annoying jerk but sometimes annoying jerks can be
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right and we will never know if this was real or not. we don't know. >> but they sued the wife, the widow. >> i think he wanted that stuff out of the book. >> that's where the former members of the military or the veterans have spoken out about this. they say really? bus chris kyle passed away. they say you have to go after the estate of his widow. i can understand wanting to clear your name. i would imagine if the jury ruled that way there was enough evidence that ventura did not say it. >> how about ruling in favor ever jesse ventura and awarding him a big fat zero. >> or not take the money. >> or donate it to the wounded warriors. >> let's see what kind of integrity jesse ventura has. we told you about ray rice seen her dragging his unconscious girlfriend out of the elevator where he just knocked her out. espn steven smith first
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suggested it may have been her life. whoopi goldberg was sympathetic to his arguments. >> if you hit somebody you can't be sure you won't get hit. you have to teach women, do not live with this idea that men have the chivalry thing with them. don't assume that's still in place. don't be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back. if you make the choice as a woman who is 4'3" and you decide to hit a guy who is six foot tall and you're the last thing he wants to deal with you can't be surprised. >> whoopi, a fool. steven a. smith was suspended for a week by espn. i don't know. whoopi is making the argument that he made. >> no. i disagree completely. i don't think so. whoopi is the only person on noncable television who fearlessly speaks her mind. her opinion may not reflect
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every white female liberal but she doesn't give a damn. we don't cho what happened in that elevate swror. i have no idea. it looks terrible. whoopi doesn't give a damn. i respect that about her. >> how about the stance she's taking? it may actually be this 100 pound young lady's fault as she's dragged out -- >> she's saying we have no idea. i don't know what happened in that elevator. it's horrible. you don't hit girls. in get it. but i have to respect whoopi because she doesn't care. >> somebody said -- having been hit by a couple of women in my life. >> just a couple. >> more than a few. >> and missing them completely because i was drunk and i hit the side of wall. you got to be careful about hitting men. >> he's bringing sanity to this table. >> i don't think what whoopi was saying was exactly what strength a. smith was saying. i think whoopi is make acvery
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realistic point. she's saying chivalry and civility is gone. era of men -- bob, you're from a different generation. she was trying to say that these days if you hate man don't expect that kind of clark gable i'm just going to back off this. they might hit you back. that's reality. i think she's right. >> i think whoopi was trying to empower women by having more smarts and thinking about it. now we did a story about this. i said something similar to whoopi goldberg and i got creamed for weeks by the domestic violence people. i was trying to make her point. she can make that point and make a big difference because people will listen to her and not attack her. >> i'm going to throw this in here. there's never a reason for a man to hit a woman ever. >> that's not what she was saying. >> we all agree.
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>> finally what happens in the fantasy suite didn't stay in the fantasy suite. note to self. google fantasy suite. last night was the finale and amy had to face her -- help me out. i don't watch the show. >> i am the official ed henry of reality tv. last night on the season finale of the bachelorette amy got a proposal from former ball player josh. but the man she jebted nick very jilted decide to drop this bomb that something dirty happened in the fantasy suite. >> if you weren't in love with me -- not sure why, like why you made love to me. >> first of all, i think that's below the belt. that's something that should be
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private and kept private. >> i'm not trying to put you below the belt. >> you already have. >> that's how you made me feel. to me, that night like, that was like fiancee type of stuff. >> i love this. wait a second. that was supposed to be private. you're on a reality show. you're on a reality show where you're making out with guys every day and now all of a sudden he says something honest and you go oh, wow you stepped over. nothing is private when you do a reality show. >> that's exactly right and she's a slut. >> are you kidding me right now? when she sleeps with somebody else and doesn't -- >> excuse me, bob you sleep with a different woman every night. >> i'm not on bachelorette. >> are you on the five. >> who cares? >> those in glass booth bars. >> i have never tried to hide
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any of my own piccadillos. >> that's so true. never a truer statement than that. >> i was going to say that that whole episode really lowered the bar on the bachelorette which is hard to do. but we lowered it further. congratulations to us. >> great show. >> next up, if you're a bachelor or bachelorette and wondering why your last date was so bad after meeting them online dana will have the answer comin
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sites is making it more difficult. they are purposely mismatching their users to see how they behave. the owner said he was unapologetic. you may remember facebook also came under fire last month for manipulating users news feeds. should these sites be playing games with people's personal lives? greg, you are our dating expert. >> that is true. >> meeting people, there's a whole new way of meeting people. eric was showing me it's a big business. >> a huge business. here's the thing. this is genius. everybody lies on their forms when they are on these dating websites. the fact that mismatch actually matched them because if people are lying it doesn't matter. if you try to put them together it doesn't matter. take this person, take this person. it doesn't matter.
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the fact is -- this is why we need more jobs. the best way to meet people is at work. that's how you find people with shared interests. people say you shouldn't date at work it's better than the bar scene, better than online because you get to know people. young people today they need to get jobs, get the money and a honey. >> i lied on mine. i said my body was athletic. >> that's true. >> i'm 48 years old and rich. >> you have a 48-year-old athletic body and you're drunk. >> would it bother you to find out you were purposely mismatched with somebody. >> it's happened to me so many times. i don't need an algorithm from somebody. these people get on and try to find legitimate dates. most of the sites some of them are for one night stands. but the fact is a lot of these people want to have a relationship and they get mixed up like this. >> part of the reason to have an
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algorithm there's so many people to meet and this site does hope to narrow it down, right? >> it does if it's doing what it promises to do. this is a bait and switch. the co-founder you read her quote. she said people better brace themselves for this. not if you go to a dating site. they promise to match you with the best possible candidate. not manipulate you. if they want to do this they should ask people's sign off for this or pay them or both. but i think this is prettyptive doing. >> one of the things i found, eric, sometimes they hid the picture and they found people actually ended up talking to each other more without the pictures and they kind of got along. >> that's the point. >> is the picture really the picture. that's the other point? >> in that case -- >> you know what's odd. these dating sites people really
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depend on these. there's so many people look i was on ok cupid. >> did you know anybody meet online. >> it's sad. people depend on it. they tell about the date they met. when you are playing around with people's lives and experimenting, hooking them up with people that's kind of mean. >> not online in line. go to a grocery store at 10:00 at night. >> i can't believe you're fishing off the company pier. >> my wife and i worked at maxim. every woman i dated i met at work. >> if you can't pay bills you're not alone. more than a third of americans are drowning in debt. how do you climb out of it?
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i voted for culture... ...with a 'k.' how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn't kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. ♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! female announcer: you'reduring sleep train's triple choice sale.
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35% of americans are under debt collectors. stagnant wages is one of the leading contributors. so the debt -- i shouldn't even have come to this show today. i get slammed from my good friends. look. i'll say this. i get hit up -- i co-signed a loan for a girl to go to college. she got killed tragically in a car accidents and sally mae keeps calling me. leaf me alone. she's dead. >> i didn't see that coming. >> can you explain sally mae being the loan company that loaned you the money not some lady sally mae calling you. >> sally mae administers the loan. >> you still busted my chops. >> here's the thing. i think there's a lot of freedom in being debt free. you should consider being debt free apart of your net worth
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because it gives you a ton of freedom. the other day in the car we got a phone call and it was a debt collector, it was the wrong number and the way they talk is so aggressive and mean they should really be put out of business but the only way to do that is if people take more control of their own finances. >> i get you don't have any debt problems. >> do i. the medical billing system is so screwed up. if something goes to a debt collector even if you pay the debt they are relentless. >> don't answer their calls. >> because it goes on your credit record. actually then you have to hire a lawyer. >> debt collectors are lower than life than other people. >> one great anecdote to family. immigrant families forge ahead by sticking together they help
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each other there's less debt among new immigrants because they don't split up. they stick around and help each other. >> that's a good point. andrea, sorry. you don't have any debt problems sfo . >> this was a compelling segment. >> this has been a lousy show from the beginning. go ahead. you want to say something? >> you're not talking to andrea, are you? >> no. >> he's talking to me. get a free credit report and figure out if you owe any money. >> you have a good credit rating. >> i got a letter once when i was 23 for some remote -- i didn't even know it
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came today, the top 50 most beautiful people in washington, d.c., couple notables tonalist. number 20 and 21 are sons of our good friend juan williams. another notable senator rand paul came in at number nine. and number one -- >> you guys going to celebrate. >> danielle sykes. wait a minute. another one on here. number 23, our own bret baier. fair, balanced, unafraid and dare i say beautiful. >> his hairline has a hairline. >> both william brothers are republican. >> scandal. >> robert? >> i want to apologize for a word i used in that bachelorette segment the woman who slept with two guys. okay. 9/11 steel cross display, the a
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atheist tried to get it out. >> jesus jimenez told his story how his house was destroyed while he was deployed. they appealed to miami-dade county not to tear down the house. they did it anyway. he won a big lawsuit but miami-dade will not release the fines and the liens. >> i want this to be over. it's hard for our family. you know some people might think the money will make up for it. there's nothing that makes up for a lost home and all the memories that came with it. >> drop the liens and fines mime dade. greg. >> if you have ever on tv and your phone starts ringing try this maneuver. it's really subtle.
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>> i wouldn't do that. >> next time. >> the commonwealth games are going on in glasgow. they have pink pong. nigeria and singapore down the wire. they went to the finals. >> watching soccer. >> look at that. that's skill and decks territory right there, bob. >> certainly is. >> can you beat that >> don't forget to set your dvr writebol. >> it is wednesday july 30th. a controversial victory for jessie ventura. ordered to pay millions. that ruling outraging other navy
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seals. >> water shooting straight from the street into the sky. the incredible new images just coming in of an enormous crippling water main break that couldn't have happened in a worse place. >> a 7-year-old boy walking to the park alone. now his mom is facing charges. does this arrest go too far? we report, you decide. "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning to you. you are watching "fox and friends first" on this wednesday morning. thank you for joining us. i am heather childers. >> i am answer lay air heart. thank you for starting your day
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with us. a shocking verdict in the case of chris kyle. the jury awarding ex pro wrestler jessie ventura nearly $1 million. >> how did the jury go from deadlocked to this? >> the judge wanted them to keep deliberating. some are asking is justice being served or a case of disgrace. in an 8-2 decision they award jessie ventura $1.8 million in this case against the hero navy seal chris kyle who was murdered last year. because of the death ventura filed suit. it claims kyle the most decorated sniper in america lied when he wrote in his book, american sniper, that he punched ventura at a bar in california in 2006. kyle told fox news why i hit
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