tv FOX and Friends FOX News August 1, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> trace adkins live concert series. >> if you live in new york, come down. we'd love to see you. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. ebola is coming to the united states. two american victims being flown here for treatment, sparking fears. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? >> vacation delayed. no one goes home in the house until an immigration bill is passed. >> will the -- will the -- >> it's hammer time. but with lawmakers crying foul, can they get the votes? we'll know at 9:00 this morning. >> did bill clinton drop the ball on bin laden? listen to this shocking new recording that was released on september 10, 2001.
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>> i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him, i should have killed him. >> wow. why didn't he take him out? you'll be interested in his explanation. mornings are better with friends. >> this is trace adkins and you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ >> good morning everybody. happy friday. that means it's our all-american summer concert series day to kick off.
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and we have trace adkins singing on our plaza at 48th and 6th. >> today is the first day of august. as you can see, it smells like summer. we've got famous dave's doing the ribs. we started setting up the stage for trace adkins actually in july. we had him in yesterday. as you can see, started yesterday in the morning, went through the noon hour, went through the afternoon. the stage is modular so it's relatively quick to put up. there it is live on our plaza. you heard the girls, 48th and 6th avenue. come for free breakfast and a trace adkins kicks off at 11:00. >> it gets quicker every single year. >> credit to that great team who put that up. >> hats off to adrian. he's the guy who pulls it
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together. >> trace adkins and i always get along together so it should be fascinating to see how we do now. let's talk about what happened in the house. michael mccall, chairman of homeland security, was one of our last guests yesterday. he said we're going to vote for a house in the bill, about $650 million. the president wants $4 billion but we're going to look at the 2008 bill and reform it and the 2012 bill and reform it. that is the last time things went according to format. maybe it was because of ted cruz lobbying house members or because there is such a divide among the republican caucus they could not agree on a bill and had to cut it off. >> whether to wipe daca off the books completely or throw more money there was not a complete consensus. >> it sounds like they got up to 214 votes.
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they needed 218 votes. are they going to get it? we'll know today at 9:00 in the morning because that's when they're going to meet once again in the capitol to figure out what to do going forward. representative steve king made it very clear. republicans want to fix what's going on on our southern border. here he is. >> most republicans stayed because we want a shiewtion. we went into that -- we want a solution. we went into that room and hammered out something that got close. i wanted to fix the o.t.m. language, the asylum language, fix the loophole on expanding daca. the president is waving his ink pen at america saying i'm going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five million to six million people. >> that's what the dream act is. experts say they talked to a lot of these kids and parents. they believe in 2012 when the president decided on his own to tell those kids who came here, they were young children with their
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parents, and he told those kids there is no fear of deportation. the message got to central and south america that america will tell the children if you arrive here, you can stay here. they want to amend that and stop the president from doing these executive orders especially when it comes to immigration. that looms because the president has basically all but said that's what straight ahead in september. >> any extension on daca would be a very courteous invite for more illegals to cross over, so they have concern over that. you'd think the united states would be more united when it comes to our border being particularly invaded here in the south, but president obama seems to want to divide, mocking the lawsuit that republicans have put forward saying he is just outside of the loss in the constitution. >> you could say it is a harmless political stunt except it wastes america's time. you guys are all paying for it as taxpayers. it's not very productive.
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but it's not going to stop me from doing what i think needs to be done in order to help families all across this country. we're doing our job, trying to find ways in which we can help working families. think about how much further along we'd be if congress would do its job. >> you know, so that's got some people ranked, a little upset. because if you want to work with somebody, you don't call them names. you know, while he says he wants to work with the other side, there really is little evidence of that. and that's why he's got a phone and he's got a pen and he's got a putter when he's not doing executive actions, he's out on the golf course. the executive actions and what he's talking about, charles krauthammer says this is not what our framers had in mind. >> the constitution could not be more clear. the president's version to faithfully execute the laws, he's not allowed to make the laws, not allowed
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to change the laws, he isn't allowed to unilaterally suspend the laws which is exactly what they're saying he's going to do. this would be a gross violation of the constitution. >> today at 9:00 the republicans are going to get together, the whole house is going to be called together. will they be able to bring something to the floor? will they be able to pass it? don't know. however we know for sure the democratic-led senate yesterday could not come up with 60 votes and so harry reid could not pass the president's own bill in his own party. that's a problem for them politically. >> this is all symbolism because the president is not going to do anything with what the house passes. the house just wanted to pass it. they're 10 votes short, 20 republicans defected from this bill. i don't know who is going to reverse it. i don't know why they waited until the last day. >> it's going to be a busy breakfast to say the least, for them. heather nauert is here as well. a fox news alert regarding ebola which has america in sort of a startled state.
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>> it has killed about 700 people overseas and that deadly ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two infected men's who are aid workers helping people in africa who have this illness right now, these aid workers will be brought to the united states. one of them will be treated at emory hospital in atlanta. that patient is expected to arrive there sometime within the next few days. a medevac jet left yesterday afternoon to pick up the patient and in the plane there is some sort of isolation unit on it. take a look at this picture. these were built and designed by the department of defense and also the c.d.c. they apparently were told to ensure flight crew will remain safe from that disease. we'll keep watching the hours after the start of the cease-fire between israel and hamas, it is already falling apart. there is new violence to tell you about this morning. it broke out just moments ago. both sides are accusing each other of violating the truce. israel says rockets have
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been fired at them and hamas says israeli troops fired on palestinians leaving many of them dead. the israeli ambassador spoke out last night, and he said don't rush to judgment. >> we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks, one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed. obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel. an nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out that those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets that were fired by islamic jihad in gaza. >> at least four humanitarian cease-fires have been announced since that conflict started. while you were sleeping house majority leader eric cantor says he will leave congress early on august 18. originally he said he would serve out his entire term. he lost against a tea party challenger. last night california congressman kevin mccarthy taking over as majority
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leader. the c.i.a. saying i'm sorry for snooping on members of the u.s. senate. director john brennan confirms the c.i.a. employees improperly searched computers that were used by senators who were investigating the agency's interrogation program. that's a total about-face for brennan who said in march -- do you remember this? he said the accusations of spying couldn't be further from the truth. this all coming out in a c.i.a. audi. that is big news out of washington this morning. >> we kind of knew what was going on. and now, ladies and gentlemen, exhibit a. >> bill clinton was president of the united states up until january of 2001. george bush takes over in august. everyone talks about that memorandum he got that said bin laden determined to attack in our homeland. people were all over george bush saying why didn't you react more specifically and succinctly to that. he did have plans on hitting bin laden. remember the story.
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he's going to have a big hit on bin laden, tackle al qaeda. however, he didn't get the chance because on 9/11, 2001, 3,000 people lost their lives because they had their successful attack. >> the 9/11 report did indicate the testimonies that thought there were many opportunities that clinton had to get bin laden and didn't. also indicating that al qaeda was not taken seriously. but for the very first time we are hearing his voice from an australian businessman who released this audio just hours before the 9/11 attack of president bill clinton saying he almost had bin laden. >> he's a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about him, and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i should have got him -- i could have killed him but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children and then i would have been
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no better than him. and so i wouldn't do it. >> kandahar, by the way, a town of 400,000. it's not just a little town. but just the fact that bill clinton says on tape -- have we heard him say this since? i could have killed him. there are families of 3,000 americans who when they hear this are going you know what, mr. president? you should have done it. >> it sends chills down the spine of anyone who heard it. >> that was the day before september 11. september 10? australia, bill clinton reveals he could have killed him but he didn't it. >> ahead, a new basketball court, weight room and five tv's. i'm not talking about steve's house. i'm talking about the hotel rooms that a lot of illegal aliens are getting once they cross the border. we'll tell you about that new facility. >> caught red faced, this guy clearly guilty, caught on camera stealing stuff from somebody's porch. but he says that wasn't me. really?
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antiimmigration protesters out in full force against massachusetts governor patrick's plan to temporarily house immigrants in the state and suggest i'll take 1,000. it is not just republicans. joining us is democratic massachusetts state senator richard moran. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> it is frustrating because while the president has not stopped the flow of people across our southern border because he refuses to change the law that's been on the books for a number of years, you're frustrated because there are people in this country already who need help and yet we're taking more that we really don't have the money for. >> that's true. they're in our communities. they are able to, because of federal law, says a hospital has to take anyone who shows up at the emergency department. they are adding some burden to our health care system, to our school system, to our law enforcement. taking in others who will at some point be released into the community, one of
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the concerns that i have heard from immigration officials is that these young people that are coming over the border in texas seem to already have -- they look for a border patrol agent. they look for law enforcement to be pecked up because they already have contact information of someone who is already here. so it's a bit more organized than, at least in some aspects than it seems. the federal government, even if they pay, it is still taxpayers paying, for the new kids coming in. we've got a burden from those who have been coming here for the last 20 years. >> absolutely. one of the things that impacts people at the local level and the state level is deval patrick said we'll take a thousand of these illegal kids. i think you've had close to a thousand already. the government has revealed that are already scattered across your state. i don't know how much it costs per pupil in the state of massachusetts but where i live in new jersey we spend over $20,000 a kid. now who's going to pay for
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those at least 2,000 illegal kids in your state to go to school in the coming month or two? the taxpayers, the people who own property in the state of massachusetts. >> right. and the state as well because school aid is based on enrollment numbers. state aid is paid on that. state tax as well as the property tax. would he pay an average of about 55% to 60% of the local education costs are picked up by the states. it's a joint burden that we have here and across the country where these folks are allowed to come in because the federal government hasn't been able to secure the borders. >> there is a story out that apparently they have put together a fantastic facility for the illegals down in texas. 532 beds that's going to cost american taxpayers $140 per illegal per day. they're not going to call them detainees. they're going to call them
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residents. the guards are called resident advisors. the rooms are essentially suites, cable tv, libraries, internet access and an all-you-can-eat buffet. that is the sweet life? >> i know the reaction that i hear from constituents is, you know, we can't take care of our own kids and give them that kind of facility, or we do it certainly at a sacrifice. so two cities really being built here, one for folks that are coming in on their own or are being encouraged. and those that are already here, including our own children, our own citizens. >> richard moore, a democrat from the great state of massachusetts. sir, thank you very much for joining us live. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, joan rivers sounds off to defend israel. >> new jersey was firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out.
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making headlines, congress gets something accomplished -- did congress get something accomplished last night in they approved a veterans administration reform bill. it's $17 billion, a package that will help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses. it lets vets get care outside of the v.a. in a few hour one of the suspects in the murder of brian terry will be arraigned. he was extradited from mexico. terry died in a shootout in
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2010 in the botched gun operation, fast and furious. >> whether shooting straight from the hips or moving their hips, female leaders are under extra scrutiny for being too bold or too timid. this morning we're going to check the pulse of the people to see how their words were perceived. yoing us is leigh carter to evaluate. we'll start with a couple of clips. the first is hillary clinton and her remarks relating to putin. >> well, he's very tough. he's a very arrogant person to deal with, which i think is a combination of this vision of russia and some fundamental insecurity. because when you are dealing with him, he often act as though he could care less. >> in your estimation, what does that mean when you see those numbers change? >> she's having a steady climb but not hitting it out of the park. i think hillary has a tough
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road ahead of her but recently she's telling stories, demonstrating she's got experience. this is working. it is not hitting it out of the park, not making people run for votes but giving it some context that maybe she is okay and experienced enough to be president. >> what is the yoaf all grade? not perfect but not bad either. not bad. >> joan rivers not mincing words when it comes to the mideast. >> if new jersey were firing rockets into new york, we would wipe them out. i am -- we heard they were digging tunnels from new jersey to new york, we would get rid of jersey. >> strong statement from her. what do you think? >> it's joan rivers being joan rivers. she was claire where she stood -- she was clear where she stood but overly passionate so people wrote it off as crazy. a lot of times people
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women getting emotional and that is what happened with this statement. >> the delivery was too strong. overall grade? >> i'd give her a c. >> we'll move on to madeleine albright and hear what she has to say about vladimir putin. >> i think putin is living in his own world. he has made up an awful lot of lies in terms of who is responsible for the fact that the soviet union disintegrated. he actually called that the greatest disaster of the 20th century. hard to believe when there was two world wars that killed millions of people, among them russians. so that's the first lie. >> looks like a steady climb. >> a very steady climb and she kept getting higher and higher. what she did is demonstrated female leadership. she was calm, cool, collected. she was informed and she was informative. what we all took away from that is these little crumbs had a we could follow along and then at the end of the day we were like i'm going to follow her where she's going. that is what leadership is about. >> overall grade for her?
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>> i'd give her an a. >> i'll give you an a. lee carter, thank you for being with us. your evaluation is essential. the picture is horrifying. a teacher forces a child to sit on the floor in school is more than a month. the reason why is absurd and the punishment for the teacher even more so. jesse ventura may have won his lawsuit against chris kyle and his wife but this morning a victory for that wife. thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family,
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atlanta. >> anna kooiman knows all about it. she is here live with the details. >> good morning. good morning to everyone at home. emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia, has confirmed its gearing up to treat an infected american within the next several days. they built a special isolation unit with help from the c.d.c. and say it should protect staff and other patients from the deadly virus. >> we're quite confident that u.s. hospitals are well prepared to appropriately handle an infected person. >> the prepared unit is physically separate from other patient areas and officials say it provides an extraordinarily high level of clinical isolation. the two americans headed here contracted the disease in liberia. a medevac plane is rushing them there. it's going to be bringing them to the united states. these special isolation pods are going to be used to transport them back here one by one. they were designed and built by the united states defense department and the c.d.c. they will ensure the flight
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crew stays safe from the disease. there is no cure and no vaccination for ebola but despite that some doctors say there is no reason for panic. >> the risk of you getting the ebola virus is pretty much insignificant, pretty much down to zero. >> the ebola virus spedz through close contact -- spreads through close contact like blood. the risk of dying once you get it is 90%. while the virus is coming here, the united states issued a rare travel warning urging americans to avoid guinea, sierra leone and liberia. >> quite a story. they had one vial of the serum and the doctor could have taken it but said give it to the woman. the woman got the serum. what they have done with the doctor is they're essentially doing a blood transfusion from a little boy who had ebola whose
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life he saved. so that's what they're hoping, the antibodies in the little boy's blood will help the doctor. nonetheless, what an act to give the one dose of serum. >> so glad you pointed that out, such kindness beneath the scare. what is truly going on, this deadly virus but such kindheartedness beneath it. >> it is 34 after the hour. heather joins us with jesse ventura. >> possibly good news for the estate of his family. jesse ventura may have won that defamation case against chris kyle but there is a win here for the navy seal's wife. in the wake of a highly publicly -- publicized trial, kyle's autobiography is flying off the book shelves thanks to so many of you. a school girl forced to sit on the floor for months
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because she drew on the floor with a pencil. the mom is horrified by this. >> she said, daddy, i don't have a desk. he said what do you mean? she said i don't have a desk. i sit on the floor with a clip board. the teacher said, she didn't realize it had been a month and she was just so happy down there. >> that was the teacher's punishment. the mother says she wants to transfer her daughter to another school but says the school district won't let her enroll in the school of her choice. the district releasing this statement saying we've offered self-opportunities to the family and will continue to accommodate them. as for the teacher, the school said they reprimanded her. >> talk about caught in the act, h -- this guy arrested in indianapolis for stealing a $300 pair of earrings from someone's front porch. he looks directly into the security camera but denied he committed the crime. it wasn't until cops showed
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him the images that he then exercised his right to remain silent. watch the terrifying moment a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. >> oh no! >> yeah, that's a real ouch. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. amazingly she was stopped by that tree that ended up saving her life. she was later rescued and that trail is now closed to the public. and those are your headlines. >> every past her is skinned and she's lucky to be alive. thank you, heather. we've got a fox news alert. asian stock markets dipping this morning following our financial markets going into a tailspin yesterday. an entire year of gains erased in hours. we're back to where we started at the beginning of the year. >> how does that make sense, the dow down more than 300 points, the worse
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drop since february? >> what does it mean about the economy and your finances? thankfully stewart varney joins us. >> that one day's tumble wiped out six months worth of gains for the average 401(k). >> this second quarter and this great jobs report. >> that is the problem. we got good economic news which means the economy is expanding and we are earning more money. that implies that janet yellen will no longer be printing trillions and trillions of dollars. that is what made the market go up in the first place. so she quits, prints a lot less money. that implies that the market is going to go down, and it did go down. good economic news at this point in time means the stock market comes down. that's what happened. >> it came down yesterday with a thud. there were a lot of people feeling rich, looked at their 401(k)s, i'm doing
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great. don't look today. >> in your head, you book it at the price. since march, when the dow hit a low of 6,500, you're up $70,000 on your 401(k) on average. this year because of yesterday's selloff you're back to where you were in january. but in your head, you think i'm worth that much money. when the market comes down, you think i just lost a fortune. >> many people not comfortable with our printing money any way. is this taking the training wheels off necessary pain to stand up on our own? >> yes. at some point the freive had to stop -- the federal reserve had to stop printing money. now you've got good economic news and so it's definitely going to stop. watch out. at 8:30 eastern this morning we get a jobs report. if you get a strong job performance, for example the creation of 300,000 jobs in one month, it would be very good for the
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economy, for everybody. but for the market it would imply another selloff. >> is that what is being told. some are indicating there could be a 50% drop in stocks. >> henry blodgett said he would not be surprised at a 50% drop in coming years. he's seeing a one-day selloff and extrapolating out. he's got a good headline. i'm not going to say one way or the other what's going to happen. but watch out at 8:30 because that is the big moment. >> we'll have that number live from the new york stock exchange. stuart, we're going to be watching you live at 1 p.m. over on fox business. >> we say goodbye to our interns this week and maria molina is outside with kelsey who today is her last day. you know what that means, maria. >> that's right. she's been working hard all summer and now it's her
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time to shine. she's going to be giving us the weather report. tell america what the weather conditions are for today. here's the mic. >> topical storm bertha formed in the atlanta ocean and currently has winds of 45 miles per hour. forecast to move through the bahamas sunday into monday and the storm is expected to remain away from the u.s. coast. temperatures remain below average across north carolina and in the 80's across the plains. areas of rain are possible today in the mid-atlantic, central gulf coast and the rockies. >> peskt job. way to go -- pervet job. way to go, kelsey. you're going to be missed. let's head back inside. >> kelsey goes to syracuse, going to be studying abroad this year. >> good for her. she did an extraordinary job there. thanks, maria. >> by the way, we don't call them interns anymore. >> what do we call them? >> summer associates. >> we do?
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>> meanwhile, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. a day of fun taking an unexpected turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapses right out from underneath them. that is not supposed to go down this. >> sweeping changes coming to college football's concussion policies. it's all thanks to our next guest, former college football player adrian arrington joins us live. ♪ ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to.
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of the children. 15 people were on it at the time of the accident. that was probably too many. three people are hurt when a speeding s.u.v. slams into a building. it happened just outside of baltimore. co curb, went airborne, then crashed through a wall. left a huge hole in this baltimore county building. one person was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. the driver was charged for causing the crash. >> adrian arrington played football all his life but after a series of concussions in hospital that left him with constant migraines and frequent seizures, he had to quit playing. in 2011 he filed a lawsuit alleging they didn't do enough to protect players from brain injuries. this week the ncaa agrees to a $75 million settlement and sweeping changes to its
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concussion policy. joining us now is adrian arrington and his attorney. guys, congratulations on this win. i think what is important to point out adrian is you don't get $75 million. this goes to changing the game; correct? >> yes, sir. >> tell me why this is important to you. >> it is important to me because if these rules were in place when i was younger maybe i wouldn't be going through what i'm going through now. >> how do you feel now? >> i still have seizures most of the time. i'm still having migraine headaches on a daily and i'm just being allowed to try to go back to work the last two weeks and be alone with my kids on my own so i'm real happy about that. >> joseph, what changes with your victory? all this money i understand goes into the ncaa coffers to start setting up baseline tests and being able to have certain procedures before a player takes the field in a football uniform or other
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sports. >> that's right. there are two main components to the settlement. the first is the for the first time ever the implementation of return to play guidelines for concussions that are mandatory. all member schools will have them. they will be the same everywhere. that's really the predicate for our case. we've been saying for decades the ncaa screwed up by not doing that. finally for the first time in history as a result of this case the game will change. sports will never be the same and concussions will be managed in a whole different way. the second key part of the settlement is the medical monitoring. that's what the $75 million is for, $5 million for research and $70 million is to create this program that allows students to get screened and to be identified as at risk for having serious injuries, concussions, possible brain damage. the reason why that is incredibly important is because the real risk of long-term brain damage from concussions comes from concussion number two. if you get a second concussion before the first
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one is healed that is where the real risk of brain damage occurs. we want to nip that in the bud. >> is this just for football or everything? >> it is for all college sports. oftentimes when we have this conversation it tends to be about football only because football is the sport that i think the issue is most severe. and it's where the conversation is taking place. but our settlement includes all sports of all periods of time, going as far back as the ncaa exists. and it's unlimited. >> adrian, how does it feel for you? you're suffering through this but you're actually, you're getting the next generation of players healthier than ever. and also tell us what it was like when you left the game wooz yahoo and -- left the game woozy and your coach put you back in the game. >> for the most part i can't remember what went on for that part of the concussion but there was a lot of talk about my teammates and how my dad
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came to the sidelines and said please do not put my son back in the game. he's had too many concussions already and i'm going to take the step to take my son out the game myself. >> you never played again but changed it for everybody else. finally, ray rice, outstanding player for the baltimore ravens got a two game suspension for slapping then his fiancee, now his wife, he apologized yesterday. diddid he do the right thing with his apology? >> in terms of his apology, i feel he could only do what he could because it was a really bad situation. in terms of the nfl i feel there has to be a balance between their punishment with their athletes. i don't know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. i hope ray rice will learn what he needed to learn and hope he becomes a better man from it. >> it is a tough situation. there are no winners. i tell you what, you guys are certainly winners and so are college athletes.
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thanks to your lawsuit. adrian arrington, thank you for doing it. congratulations. straight ahead, she was pulled over and given a ticket for speeding. instead of getting ticked off, she sent the cop a thank you note. in case you missed it this week, we have the best of "fox & friends" next. ♪ ♪ ♪ nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach.
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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. good morning. it is friday, august 1, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so should we be worried? all right. a brand-new basketball court, weight room and flat screen tvs. nope, it's not a four star hotel or five star hotel. it's the newest home for illegals. ann coulter is here. she'll explain and give her opinion for a change. >> you don't call them illegals or detainees. you call them residents. meanwhile, president clinton drop the ball on osama bin laden? a shocking new recording from the day before the september 11 attacks in 2001. >> i nearly got him once.
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i nearly got him. and i could have killed him. >> really? why didn't you? we're going to talk about that with somebody who knows the inside story coming up this half hour because fridays are always better with friends, like you. >> hey, america. this is famous dave and you are watching "fox & friends". ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> how cool is that time lapsed photography? we started putting up the stage
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back in july, which was yesterday 'cause today is august 1. and on the stage today, our buddy, trace adkins, is going to be there with his band and we hope you stick around for as well. got a busy day and famous dave's grilling up the ribs. >> finger licking good. love the ribs going on on a friday, grill fired up. the fans are going to be, too, and we are thrilled that you can join us. >> and that we have wetnaps if you join us. >> i will say this, does trace know the tradition? the tradition of every act after they're done on stage right after the after the show show, it's up to them to take the stage. >> absolutely. >> does he know that? >> he used to work on an oil rig. elisabeth, over your shoulder, we've got a line of people around the block and down the street waiting for the famous dave's and the concert, which officially kicks off one hour from right now. >> they're lining up just to stare at our picture. >> actually that is our picture.
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>> that's where ann coulter was. she was running late. >> she's going to be -- there you go. that's a good shot of the line. free concert, free food. ann coulter will be with us in just a moment. we'll talk about what is going on regarding the immigration bill in the u.s. house and the u.s. senate as well coming up in about 90 seconds. >> that's right. heather nauert joins us with some headlines. good morning to you. >> good morning. x news alert, two hours after the start of a cease fire between israel and hamas, new violence is breaking out once again. moments ago the israeli army saying they had feared that one of their own had been captured. and then hamas is saying that israeli tanks fired on palestinians, leaving as many as 27 dead. the israeli ambassador speaking out and he said don't rush to judgment. >> we had a case two days ago, three days ago where we had two attacks. one on a hospital in gaza and one on a refugee camp where a number of children were killed
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and obviously everyone is moved by pictures of children being killed. but there was a rush to judgment on israel and nbc reporter said this was an israeli drone strike. turns out those people were killed, both of those attacks came from rockets fired by islamic jihad in gaza. >> four cease fires have been announced since the conflict started. new audio from president clinton just a at this before the terrorist attacks on 9-11. during a speech in australia on september 10, 2001, he recalled a missed opportunity to kill osama bin laden. listen to this. >> he's a very smart guy. i spent a lot of time thinking about this and i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed innocent women and children and then i
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would have been no better than him. so i didn't do it. >> boy, the timing of that is erie. according to the 9-11 official report, they avoided an attack on him, but intelligence revealed he had left the area. here at home, departing house majority leader eric cantor said he will leave august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger earlier this year and then overnight, kevin mccarthy taking over as majority leader. steve scalise takes over as house majority whip. instead of get angry with cops, she sent a thank you note. police ticketed a grandmother for speeding. she says that cop was so nice to her grandchildren in the back of the car, that she was thankful for it. the trooper says getting stopped is scary enough and he didn't want to frighten the kids.
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>> just talked to the kids. they're scared when the guy with the big hat walks up. sometimes they're a little nervous. >> that trooper gave the kids stickers and toy sheriff badges. the granny's gift? she got that $150 ticket. those are your headlines. but the kids were happy. >> there you go. if anyone know, traveling with kids for a long time, you got to keep them happy. >> stickers work every time. >> now it's time for a very special guest. she's written a book called "never trust a liberal, over three, especially a republican." >> ann coulter joins us every friday in the summer when we have brisket. how are you? >> fine. how are you? >> what do you make of what's going on in washington? harry reid's democrat controlled senate could not pass the president's bill yesterday. it looks like two hours from now, john boehner will try again to do something.
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>> we want nothing passed. >> why? >> this is on the border. this alleged emergency. it's a fake emergency. what is happening is obama is violating the law as written. none of these kids should be getting in. the law that was written by diane feinstein, who is not stupid, and knows about illegal immigration, she's from california, says combat sex trafficking. you get in and you get a hearing and get tovñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ tell us whr not you've been sex trafficked. you hear this so many times, people can't understand what i'm trying to say. there are two huge exceptions. one is no mexicans. second one is no one who has any family or guardian living in the united states. i assume, it seems obvious, the idea is the vast majority of illegal aliens are mexican. if you have family in the united states, it looks like you're not being sex trafficked, you're coming to join your family.
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so it's to exclude illegal aliens in case someone is being brought in to be sex trafficked, that's the only way you get a hearing. according to the white house and as reported in the "new york times," 90% of the kids who showed up at the border have been transferred to family in the united states. well, that's just obama violating the law. >> so what do we do about it? >> well, that's good question. legally, constitutionally, it is technically impeachment, but he's not going to be impeached. the media love obama and we don't have the united states senate and do not believe -- that's fundraising on both sides talk being impeachment. i like john boehner's lawsuit. he's doing it for the president refusing to enforce obamacare. i don't know if -- that's one option. the only other option is what ted cruz is doing is withdraw money. the real option is vote republican in november. >> the house -- the house is
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going to reform the 08 and 2012 dream act. and then the 760 million, i think, it was going to be towards getting these illegals who are set up in these huge dorms or five star hotels. >> we are totally against that. please pass no laws on immigration because what happens is even if the house were to pass a bill that does nothing other than say build a fence, which by the way, the vast majority of americans are in favor of. why can't we have a fence? >> you say we need a netanyahu. >> yes! >> you think we are being invaded. explain. >> yes! so much of the news these days is on israel's border and i keep thinking, wait, what about our border? the big news this week and the last ten days were all of the tunnels they found. well, we have had more than 100 tunnels from mexico into the u.s. with drug smugglers. not just drug smugglers bringing guns and gang members. in fact, the head of the d.e.a. said a few years ago that he
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thinks a lot of the violence in chicago is mexican drug cartels. we are being invaded. people are being raped, murdered, vast wild ones burned down. and what's happening? please, bring more. >> that's part of the frustration. wait until people get a look at this. we understand that there is a 29-acre facility that is being opened up in carn city, texas, 20 miles south of austin. will have 532 beds, cost $140 per person per day. the detainees are going to be called residents. the guards are going to be called resident advisors. they're going to have essentially have suites with cable tv, flat screen tv, recreational fields, library, internet access and a cafeteria that serves three all you can eat meals every day. that's going -- people are going to be frustrated. wait a minute. we've got people in this country who don't eat and yet these illegals are doing okay.
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>> that's right. first of all, i want to go there to keep writing my next book, which is what i'm working on now. that sounds great. but no, that is the one question that never gets asked when it comes to immigration. is this good for americans? >> the answer is? >> never gets asked. it's always oh, is it good for these people? >> what about george will coming out and saying, we're a big country. we can take 20 per county. it's not a big deal. >> it's not going to be in his county. schools and hospitals are going bankrupt, especially throughout southern california. it's always -- i used to notice this when i worked for the senate judiciary committee. this was a decade ago and it's always senators, although floor fewer states like this, senators from states that have 1% of all immigration getting up and telling us about their relatives arriving at ellis island. meanwhile, our phones are melting down from people from southern california because they're being overrun. hospitals are going bankrupt.
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>> border agents -- >> the tuberculosis case recently in southern california. it's always described as california. no. it's not california man. it's mexican man. >> diagnosed in california. >> right. they had a clinic at the hospitals out there. it's very secret. that's leprosy. >> you're right. i read about that as well. so we'll find out. will the republicans be able to pass something? we'll find out. >> please don't pass anything. >> she doesn't want it. >> if they pass a bill, it goes to conference. if it goes to conference, it could come out amnesty. that's why we want nothing until this congress is finished. >> we'll know more at 9:00 o'clock this morning. ann coulter, thanks for joining us live. the barbecue is right through that door. >> thank you. that's why i'm here. straight ahead, a fox news alert. ebola virus is coming to u.s. soil. two american victims being flown here for treatment. are we ready to handle an american outbreak? a live report minutes away.
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and jesse ventura may have won his lawsuit against chris kyle. but this morning a victory for his wife thanks to many of you. ♪ ♪ ir is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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we've got a fox news alert. the deadly ebola virus that so many of you are talking about is coming to american soil. two infected americans who are aid workers in africa will be transported to the united states and one is expected to receive treatment at emory university hospital in atlanta, georgia. greg palkot is live in london with the latest details as we know them. >> reporter: as the situation regarding the ebola disease worsens in western africa, there is that important new word about help for the two americans infected with the disease. dr. kent brantley and nancy rightbold. they're set to be in serious but stable condition. they were working with ebola patients with the samaritan's purse charity in liberia and yes, the emory hospital in atlanta says it is readying a special isolation unit separate from other wards for at least one of those affected. it will be the first time anyone
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ill with that disease has been treated in the united states. fox news also confirms a medevac plane with a biological containment system, an on board medical pod built in cooperation with centers for disease control. that has left from georgia for liberia last night. there are reports of both individuals will be brought back in the coming days. meanwhile, in the affected region itself, authorities are struggling to deal with this epidemic. it has no known cure and a very high mortality right. a state of emergency has been declared throughout that region. the death toll is said to be 729. over 1300 cases. airports across the continent, including big onces in places like south africa are using thermal devices to spot individuals with fevers. that's one of the symptoms of the disease. one more american evacuation note, 340 peace corps volunteers are being brought back to the states from the region. they are not showing any symptoms, but at least two of
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them had contact with an individual infected with ebola. steve, the center for disease control again yesterday reminded everybody that ebola poses little risk to the u.s. population right now. but a lot of care needs to be contain. back to you guys. >> a lot of people are talking about. thank you very much. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. still ahead, remember this? white flags replacing the american flags at the brooklyn bridge? this morning we're learning it may have been a joint operation. we'll explain. key word there, joint. plus, no more drama for allison sweeney. how she's traded in salacious soap opera stardom for family time. time to hug elisabeth and there it is right there. good morning. ♪ ♪
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time for news by the numbers. first, $1 million. that's how much senators spent on flights last year and you paid for it. the biggest spenders, senator chuck schumer and jill brand. next, four, that's how many lost dr. seuss stories from the 1950s are being published. it will come out in september. the tales feature horton. athletes heading to training camp in japan. that's the first time i've seen them with shirts on. >> that's a good thing. there is no more drama for allison sweeney. she traded in her soap opera job and stardom on the show for family time and she's loving it
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right now. >> that's right. joining us now from "days of our lives" and" the biggest loser" allison sweeney is here. i'm holding a people magazine. there you are. looking fantastic. >> thank you very much. >> really making a great statement. my family comes first. i love this. big trade here that you're making. what was behind the decision, 'cause i know it's a big one. >> yeah. it is a big one. i have been doing two jobs, "days of our lives" and "biggest loser" for seven years. there came a point at which i sort of thought about it and talked to my husband about it and realized, i don't know that i can keep continuing to make that same decision because it took me away from my family a lot. and i think it was more my stress level. >> you had to memorize at night, too. >> yeah, there was a lot of homework. >> when you see this picture, this is what's making the decision pretty easy. >> of course. >> it looks like you all have fallen off a table. it looks like something terrible has happened. >> no. we're playing. >> oh, okay.
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>> how old are ben and meghan? >> ben is nine and meghan is five. >> your husband, a regular guy. he's a cop. >> yeah. he's a police officer. >> that's terrific. and so you've decided even though i've got these high-powered jobs, more important to take care of my family. >> yeah. >> the kids are only small for a while. >> exactly. and enjoying it and i'm finding other jobs, other things. it's not that i'm giving up on my pursuits or dreams. i'm directing and i'm finding other projects that i want to be part of that maybe have less time commitments attached to them. >> you're directing another soap opera and written a book? >> yes. i got to direct an episode of "general hospital" had will air in august. i'm writing another book. my third novel, which is definitely something i love doing at home, even with the kids running around. and they sit and write books next to me. it's really cute. >> what is "scared scriptless" like? >> it's a behind the scenes story of a script supervisor and i absolutely love the idea of turning the tables on the people in the crew 'cause they hate being in the spotlight and
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focusing on that side of the story. maybe she needed to learn something. but i can also poke a little fun. there is some true stories in the book that -- like one time i was so frustrated because an actor i know was four hours late for work. >> which actor? >> that i won't tell you. four hours late for work. >> everybody waiting for the actor? >> yeah! we have a job. the actors have to be there. there is really no, like, someone can come in and do that job for you. >> we don't have to be on time. >> when i was pregnant, i was standing on the side of the set with a bucket just in case i need to do get sick. like you do your job no matter what. this person was four hours late for work. i was so angry about it that in my book, while i was writing it, i wrote this whole three-page thing about the script supervisor, pet peeve, hating people when they were late for work. i was like, maybe that's a little overkill.
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let's dial it back a little. >> one thing we don't get much of that we're always interested in talking to people who do get enough and that's sleep. >> yes. >> sleep i.q. technology. >> i am the same way, though. i spend all these years doing both shows and i know especially working with "the biggest loser" it's about health and wellness and taking care of your body. >> so you can take care of the kids. >> exactly. to be a better mom and be a good role model. it's nutrition. it's fitness and the other part of that equation is absolutely getting enough sleep. you regenerate your body. you need to sleep to you're ready -- >> you need the right bed. you get a sleep number. what's your number? what's your husband's number? >> my number is 35. >> your husband's? >> and dave is even more. he likes his stronger. >> he's a tough cop! >> but it's interesting because you can, like, test it. the sleep i.q. technology, you don't have to attach yourself to anything. it measures your sleep and how well you sleep. >> you look at your smart phone
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and figure out how much you slept? >> that's right. you can look at triggers. like if i had coffee too late in the afternoon. so you can really figure out what you need to do, how to set yourself up for the best sleep. >> i want one of those beds. >> you need one. >> i might give that technology a try. >> i have a hammock between two therese. what number was that? i think a nine. >> it's weird, 'cause it's in my backyard. >> i sleep over. >> allison sweeney, good luck to you. >> putting that in my next book. >> good luck on "the biggest loser," the show. we're not talk about one of those actors who doesn't show up. >> we're going to find out and tweet it out. coming up on this friday, a disturbing story, a woman saw a kid in a hot car, called the cops. but then that child's mother ran her over. so does she have any regrets? she will join us live next. plus i'm getting word that trace adkins of country music fame is now on our stage visually intimidating the
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we have got a fox news alert. all eyes on the overseas stock markets right now after the dow took a major nose dive yesterday, tumbled 317 points, erasing all of this year's gains in just one day. it was the worst stock market drop since february. >> in just one hour from now, we will get the new unemployment rate. it's expected to stay at 6.1%. we will bring you those numbers live with instant analysis. how many people filed for jobless claims was yesterday. today is the unemployment rate at the end of the month.
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>> thanks, brian. she saw something, so she said something. but this woman who tipped off police to a child trapped in a hot car is paying a terrible price for doing the right thing. shannon dominguez is confined to a wheelchair now after the mother she reported ran over her with the car. joining me now is that woman, shannon. thanks for being with us. >> you're welcome. >> it's awful to hear that in trying to save a life and do the right thing, you are now in this situation, in a wheelchair. can you describe for us what happened? >> sitting in the parking lot and a lady pulled up in front of us, got out of the her car, walked inside the car. when i looked back, i realized there was a little boy in the front seat. just out of instinct, i called 911. she came out and heard me on the phone with 911 and then there
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was a verbal altercation in which she was saying some pretty horrific things to me. then she told me she was going to kick my butt. at that point alan got out of the car and stood between us and said, you're not going to touch her. nobody is going to touch anybody. you're not touching her. so she slapped him so hard that it left a hand print mark on his face. then she jumped in her car. she backed up as fast as she could and hit the gas and it was like her tires were squealing. next thing i know, i was ran over. i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. then she hit alan and he went up and over her hood and she drug him for 20 feet. >> i'm sure that -- go ahead. >> the next thing i remember is hearing a bunch of people
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screaming, call 911! call 911! i don't know ou old she was, i turned my car off, locked my car doors and brought me my purse and sat with me holding my hand and my:ññ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ shoulder unt to me. i don't know her name to thank her. i thank her with all of my heart. >> she was sure there for you as you were trying to be there for this child. you saw this woman who drove that car and put you in this situation. you saw her in court. what happened? >> she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. next court date, she waived her rights to a preliminary hearing and she was just all smiles and bouncy like it was no big deal. like she hadn't done anything but ran over somebody's toe.
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>> shannon, you did a heroic thing and you're paying a terrible price for that. but we just want you to hear you have our support and so many parents thank you for taking action that you did and we wish you well. >> thank you. >> thanks for being with us this morning and sharing that story. >> thank you very much. you got it. tough story there. heather is here now. she joins us with more. >> what a hero that lady is. >> she really is. >> she saved that child's life, many would argue. the baltimore ravens ray rice apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time five months after he was charged with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator at a casino in atlantic city. >> one thing that i want to do today was, you know, apologize to my wife. i just replay over and over in my head, that's not me. it's inexcusable. >> the nfl suspended rice for two games, but some say that is
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not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on "fox & friends." >> then in terms of nfl, i feel there got to be a balance between their punishment within the athletes. so i don't know if the punishment was harsh enough or what they will do later. but i just hope ray rice learns what he need to do learn and hopefully become a better man from it. >> rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. jesse ventura may have won that defamation suit against the estate of chris kyle, but there is a win here for the navy seal's wife. in the wake of the trial, kyle's autobiography "american sniper" is now flying off book shelves. it is currently number 5 on amazon's best seller list thanks to you. an update for you on the american flag on top of new york city's brooklyn bridge switched out for a white one last week. police are questioning nine persons of interest who are believed to have all met on social media.
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police are also looking into whether or not a 49-year-old pot activist, bud green, is his name, okay, whether or not he orchestrated the entire thing. green claims to be the leader of an antigovernment group telling the "new york post" that it was his idea and he wanted to, quote, shake people up. police haven't commented just yet. i love this story. to serve, protect and to dance. a toronto police officer has all of the right moves. ♪ ♪ >> nice. that officer dancing at a jazz festival. he was moving like no one was watching. but now he's going viral with tens of thousands of views on facebook. you know who else likes to dance to reggae music? the mayor of toronto, rob ford. ♪ ♪ >> they have fun up there in that country. let's go outside to steve, brian and trace adkins. you guys will be dancing later.
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>> thank you very much, heather. yes, ladies and gentlemen, round of applause for reggae artist, trace adkins! [ cheers and applause ] >> that's right. >> this is your home away from home, isn't it? how comfortable are you on this "fox & friends" stage? >> i've been here enough times. new york city, i've been here. >> a couple times being on the apprentice, staying here for years to do that show, it seemed like. yeah. i know this town. i always enjoy coming here. >> absolutely. we enjoy having you. you've been here a number of times and given brian stuff, but that's okay. probably earned a little bit of it. >> somebody got to do it. >> listen, i don't know if people know, but you've had a really rough year so far. you lost your time i lost my dad. you've gone through a lot. >> sorry about that. it's been a tough year.
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put things in per pecktive. i -- perspective. i probably had tougher at some point. tough times don't last. tough people do. [ cheering ] >> a lot of times, a lot of country music songs come from tough times. you probably lived through a few songs this past year. >> i've written a lot of stuff, yeah. yeah. i've got some new songs on the next album coming out that have been written over the course of the last year. yeah. good for something. >> if you're having any trouble rhyming, brian and i are good at rhyming and we've got that program on our iphone. >> yeah. absolutely. >> you have a program? >> it's a rhymer. >> how good a shape is this guy in? look at this guy. is he going to be on the cowboys or giants? >> no, no. trust me, i'll fall to pieces. >> you are such a liar. >> by the way, so many us see you on tv with great regulate.
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you're one of the biggest supporters of the wounded warrior project to this day. >> any time i get asked about that, i'm very quick to respond that it's a privilege for me to be a part of that organization, get to hang out with those guys and rub shoulders with heros. any time you get a chance to do that, you should do it. >> you're going to be singing for us. "ladies love country boys." is that correct? >> that's correct, they do. >> tomorrow you can watch it at yankee-boston red sox game. >> watch jeter play. yeah. just a chance to see a first battle hall of famer play. i'll be at fenway singing the national anthem. >> but you are here today. 20 minutes from now he'll start his concert. you can watch it live on line. trace, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> trace adkins!
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>> elisabeth, back in to you. >> tough times don't last, but people do. like that line. the question asking, did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? >> i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. >> our next guest, the head of the bin laden unit at the time, says clinton is lying ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours.
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authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan! >> raccoons in space? >> finally. >> joining us now is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy, how are you? >> good morning. thank you for having me on. that clip you just saw, one of the funniest scenes in the film. "guardians of the galaxy." one of the biggest gamble for marvel. this takes place in the same universe as the avengers. this is the same world as ironman and captain america and thor. you basically have these five unlikely heros who assemble in prison and become the guardians of the galaxy. and the director found a brilliant balance. the action feels like it's a massive star wars movie, but then it's one of the funniest movies i've seen this year and also dramatic as well. all three of those combined into a great, fun, incredible action movie to see in theaters. the acting is amazing. chris pratt is great.
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dave batista is amazing. but the key here is the voice acting. that raccoon you just saw on screen, that's bradley cooper. >> of course. >> sounds nothing like him at all. but they did all those scenes separately from the main cast. it sounds so natural. also vin diesel plays groot. he has three words he says the entire movie throughout. i gave it 4 1/2 out of five. it's the best sound track i've heard since "pull be fiction." imax 3d, absolutely worth it. the imax expands and there is an extra scene at the end of the credit. >> i wish you would have talked to the crew and the cast about the movie. >> steve, that's really good transition. i did talk to the cast and crew. one of the things i mentioned to them was i love these five guardians and i want to see them taken down every villain in the history of movies. what other movies will they have the most fun in? shear what they had to say. >> probably put them in the most recent rambo so we can go into
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myanmar. >> the wild bunch? >> there you go. >> i would love guardians to show up in "star wars". j.j. turned me down. >> what part did you audition for? >> any part. >> the expendables. >> who would they fight? >> all of the old farts. >> yeah, i know. arnold, if you're watching, i apologize for that. yeah, the move we is 4 1/2 out of five. you got to see it. >> let's transition to "get on up," james brown story. >> yeah. this movie is incredibly great because of chad mcbozeman. he played jackie robinson in "342". he elevates this mediocre script. you never see him on screen, you always see james brown. it takes place over the decades of his life. it's phenomenal.
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four out of five. i am so jealous that trace adkins is in studio. can you tell him that he rocks it and i love him. i think his music is fantastic. >> you know what? you just told him. so he heard it live. >> we'll give him your five stars. >> i love you, trace. you're awesome, man. >> wow. >> we finally got a real love story. >> kevin, thank you. straight ahead on this friday. >> serious stuff now. did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? >> i nearly got him once. i nearly got him and i could have gotten him, i could have killed him. >> wow. our next guest head of the bin laden unit at the same time talking about the very incident bill clinton was talking about and he says bill clinton is lying. >> that coming up. first this day in history in 1966, "wild thing," by the
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i didn't kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. ♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! it's hard to keep track of all of the washington, d.c. scandals, but yesterday it really hit the fan because over the last number of months, there have been fingers pointing up on capitol hill where the c.i.a. has been accused of spying on the u.s. senate. in fact, the c.i.a. director himself said in march, john brennan, he said there is absolutely zero chance, no chance we spied on congress. yesterday mr. brennan had egg all over his face.
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in fact, not just egg, he had a whole omlette. >> we're supposed to have checks and balances, but not quite like this. checking on from the executive branch to the legislative branch, completely out of bounds as we find here. and the apology then follows. >> get this, the c.i.a. in an effort, it seems, to find out what the senate knew about the enhanced interrogation process managed to hack into senate computers. look at their personal e-mail under a pseudo name and look at their personal things to find out what they had. they originally denied it. then they admitted to it when they had an internal investigation and it revealed it. john brennan apologized. but according to senator udall, he lost confidence in brennan and thinks he should resign. >> that's big because he is a democrat. in the meantime, the c.i.a. says okay, we spied on the senate, but do you know what the senate did? the senate staff actually stole documents that they weren't supposed to steal from us.
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so apparently it's gone to the department of justice where the accusations from the senate, they're spying on us, and from the c.i.a., they're stealing our documents. apparently no criminal charges will be presented. however, the c.i.a. is spying on congress. that's scarey. >> shocking the d. o.j. would go forward to it. >> i think the doj would have very little problem going after the c.i.a. because it would be something that happened during the bush years. coming up, we still have a big show for you. for example, geraldo rivera in the middle of this huge crowd. trace adkins, could beat up geraldo in a fight but you won't. >> it would be good for sweeps. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't miss a step...
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good morning. it's friday, august 1, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, the deadly ebola virus headed to the united states. two american victims are being flown here for treatment. so just how worried should we be? meanwhile, vacation delayed, at least one day. nobody going home until they try one more time to pass an immigration bill. but with lawmakers on both sides in both chambers crying foul, will anything get accomplished? we're going to tell you what we know. brian. >> did president clinton drop the ball on bin laden? >> i nearly got him once. i nearly got him, and i could have gotten -- i could have killed him. >> wow. is that true? the head of the bin laden unit says clinton is lying about an important element of that story. he will join us live in a matter
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love country boys." you can watch the whole hour at >> you can join us at 48th and 6th right there on our plaza for that show. startling sound coming out indicating that osama bin laden could have been killed before the deadly 9-11 attack. >> listen to this. president clinton can be heard telling australian business leaders the day before september 11, 2001, that clinton had the chance to kill bin laden, but didn't do it. >> if i -- he's a very smart guy, i spent a lot of time thinking about him. i nearly got him once. i nearly got him. and i could have gotten him. i could have killed him, but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and killed 300 innocent women and children. and then i would have been no better than him. so i didn't do it.
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>> so is that the thing, was that the choice? 300 dead innocent people for bin laden? our next guest was head of the bin laden unit from 1995 to '99. michael joins us with his reaction. was that the choice bill clinton had, as you remember it is this. >> no, sir, it was not. he's talking about an occasion in december of 1998, i believe. the sunday before christmas, osama bin laden had gone from his residence in south of kandahar to kandahar city to talk to mullah omar and the rest of the taliban. he had stayed too late, did not want to go back to his compound, and the taliban gave him a suite of rooms in one of the wings of the governor's palace. we had an asset who put him in that room, escorted him there, and reported to us where he was. the attack would have occurred in the middle of the night and it would have killed no one but taliban people and osama bin
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laden and his crew. it is an extraordinarily -- what really disgusted me about it is not only is he a liar, in what papers do you think sandy burger stole out of the archive, but he was laughing about t. he thought it was very amusing. >> let's be clear. you're calling bill clinton a liar. he told that story the day before september 11, 2001, and he is lying, flat outlying? >> if you looked up the picture of the word lie, his face would be right next to it. what he's saying, sir, is that everybody else is more important than protecting americans. if you had killed osama bin laden in 1998, you would not have had 9-11. you probably would not have had iraq. but he is a monumental liar, sir. i told chris wallace that several years ago and as a result, i got fired from cbs because they didn't like me talking badly about their hero. >> they fired you because you were telling them candidly about
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bill clinton and what you knew? >> after i was on with mr. wallace and i told him that, they had me on the next morning and i told them he was a felonious liar and that was kind of the end of my contract with cbs. >> i want to move back just a moment. where were you that day? >> i was with -- once we had the information, we were sure where osama bin laden was, i drove in the car with the director of central intelligence, george tenet and his deputy, gordon. he's very good guy. we went to the white house. tenet went by himself into the room where they were going to have the discussion about shooting. general gordon and i remained in the operation center, kind of pacing back and forth and watching the football game. we came -- when he came out, tenet didn't say a word. but when we got back in the car, he told us that they had decided not to shoot because they were afraid some of the shrapnel from the cruise missiles would have hit a mosque nearby and that
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muslim world would rise up and attack americans. well, it was 3:00 o'clock in the morning. there would be no casualties, no one in the mosque, and if you think that would cause a billion muslims to rise up and attack you, then you are a racist of the deepest hue. >> when bill clinton said the day before 9-11 back in 2001 to those australian business leaders, he said, i could have gotten him, but i would have blown up this town of kandahar, that is -- first of all, it's town of 400,000 people, so he really couldn't have blow it up. but that's not true because the technology, even back then, was to the point where you couldkñ?ñ really limit collateral damage. >> you could. and the question is, who was he elected to protect? kandahar people or americans? we lost an enormous amount of people because he ignored ten chances, not one chance, sir. we've had several other chances where there would have been no collateral damage at all. >> in your opinion, why did he not take action? >> because he's a coward, morally and because he's also
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more concerned, like obama, with what the world thinks about him. if it's hard for a president to the united states to decide to act to defend americans, he ought not to be president. >> right. i also understand he had a shot at him right before he left and he decided not to take that shot in december. >> well, he certainly had an opportunity to respond, sir, after they almost sunk our naval vessel in yemen and he chose not to do that. he's a disgrace, sir. >> michael, i want to dial in somebody who, after 9-11, wound up in tora bora. geraldo rivera, you got a question for michael? >> i think my main beef with what michael is saying is that he is mixing and conflating intelligence and what he witnessed with his own ideological spin. so what you have here with this gentleman, who was dismissed from cbs by his own admission is number one, an analysis on the military action. and then number two, he is spinning it to his own purpose here.
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>> michael, is that what you're doing? >> bill clinton is a horrible man, a coward and all the rest of it. that's why, in my view -- >> listen, geraldo is -- one other thing. >> one at a time. michael, you first. >> i know the intelligence. i know the people who risked their lives to get the information. and i know that geraldo knows nothing except what he thinks. he doesn't know the facts at all. the fact is osama bin laden -- >> i was in sudan when bill clinton tried to take out osama bin laden and bombed his house. i stood on osama bin laden's property in khartoum in sudan. so to you -- >> you are being disrespectful and you are conflating your role as an analyst with experience with the ideological spinner. that is not your role. >> osama bin laden was in
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afghanistan. >> all right. >> i have an opinion about is dead americans. >> have you ever been to kandahar? >> i think we're drifting away from what we started to talk to. michael, who headed up the bin laden unit there for a number of years, we thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you. look, the new sound coming out stirs a lot of emotion from anyone who has any opinion or information on 9-11 and the attacks that as we're hearing now, seemed to have many opportunities to be prevented. >> there is no doubt, that the trauma we suffered on 9-11-2001, damaged and took so many american lives that it generates amazing and deep and profound emotions. no doubt about that. but the president, it's so easy in hindsight, it was such an incredible event that we are still traumatized by it.
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we look back and say, what could we have done to prevent it? i think in this particular case, finding the contemporaneous tape and bill clinton saying that he could have and chose not to, that is lamentable in so many different ways. we could have saved so many lives. but to monday morning quarterback is disrespectful. >> he's different than monday morning quarterbacks. he put the asset behind, he was head -- he put the asset in the house and he knew he had a shot at it and it just drives michael crazy, i imagine -- >> it drives us all crazy. >> let me finish. to see the president spin his way out of it when he said the guy was in the house. you could have just killed the people in that house. not 300 people. it was not a small town. it's a town of 400,000 people. so for a guy that spent ten-year his life hunting bin laden, to hear the president mischaracterize that incident. >> look at gaza now and how the collateral damage is horrifying everyone, babies and women, et
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cetera. that is the nightmare constantly that affects the decision makers when it comes to pulling the trigger in a military operation. so when you make the call, my goodness, do i do this at the risk of taking these collateral damages? the speaker says it was 3:00 o'clock in the morning and therefore, casualties would have been limited. maybe that is so. i don't know. but it is so easy from the perspective of 14 years to look back and say, well, if i was in charge, i would have done it differently. >> he was pointing out that bill clinton was not being accurate in 2001 about what happened in 1995 because he found -- 1998 and he was frustrated the president didn't take the shot. >> i grant you that. but don't you worry that the speaker has become a political activist, that he has a bone to pick here. this is not a military official who can give us a dispassionate approach. he's a politician, ex
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intelligence officer. >> when you listen to his comments, these are the comments of an ideologue, not the comments of an intelligence analyst. in my view. maybe he is correct. >> that is your view. >> it is my view. >> geraldo, never dull. thank you very much. >> i saw trace adkins outside. >> he's going to be with us in a little bit. heather nauert is with us with the latest on the cease fire. >> good morning. we've got a fox news alert. it's supposed to be a three-day cease fire. it lasted just two hours. new violence now breaking out this morning. an israeli army is now saying that one of their own is feared captured. also hamas claiming an israeli tank fired on palestinians leaving as many as 27 dead. four cease fires have been announced since that conflict started. the deadly ebola virus is now coming to u.s. soil. two infected americans were aid workers in africa will be brought to the united states and one of them will be treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. a medevac jet left yesterday to
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pick up the patients and look at this plane right here. it has these isolation pods on it. they were designed and built by the department of defense and also the cdc. they're supposed to ensure that the flight crew will remain safe from that disease. also political news. while you were sleeping, departing house majority leader eric cantor says he'll be leaving congress early, on august 18. he originally said he would serve out his entire term. he lost in a primary upset against tea party challenger. caught on camera, watch the terrifying moment that a hiker loses her footing and falls 40 feet down a cliff. that poor woman. this happened on a pretty dangerous trail in california. that woman, though, was later rescued. thank goodness for that tree. we got a busy news morning. back over to you. >> thank you very much. it's now 12 minutes after the
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top of the hour. >> coming up straight ahead, imagine this, six federal agents show up at your house to take your car. the reason? it violates the epa regulations. >> are you kidding? >> it happened. that story is next. then have you seen this video? >> i love -- he is little. >> she doesn't ever want him to grow up. that little girl, her brother, and the rest of the family join us live, smile. you're coming up on "fox & friends"! ♪ ♪ rfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. welcome back. quick headlines for you. the c.i.a. saying i'm sorry for snooping on members of the senate. director john brennan confirms cia employees improperly snooped on senate. he proofly said the accusations of spying, quote, couldn't be further from the truth. >> oops. then congress is hoping to get something accomplished today after last night they didn't. they approved a veterans affairs reform bill. the package will now help vets avoid long wait times for medical care by hiring more doctors and nurses.
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it also let's veterans get care outside of the v.a. so mission accomplished there. >> good. up on capitol hill, summer vacation on hold. cue the blue birds. >> the house will be in order! >> wow. congress sticking around one more day to battle over the border bill. this as the president mocks the gop over suing the executive -- suing over executive overreach. >> molly henneberg is live outside the white house. we understand at 9:00 o'clock this morning, the republicans are going to get together again and see if they can do a vote. >> reporter: good morning, steve, brian, and elisabeth. yes, that's right. in about 45 minutes, some house republican also meet to figure out if there is a way forward on a border bill to get enough votes to pass after gop leadership canceled a vote yesterday on a $659 million border bill. some republican lawmakers are concerned that if they can't get a bill, the president may act
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alone on immigration. >> the president is saying i'm going to violate the constitution and the law and legalize five to 6 million people, probably as soon as the house or as congress leaves town. we've got to send a message that we're not going to go silent on the president's unconstitutional actions. >> reporter: the president is said to be considering granting work permits to illegal immigrants, although the white house has not confirmed that. at this point the president's secretary says a team is reviewing the president's options. >> the president can't do as much as congress could do in terms of addressing some of these problems. but we're going to figure out what exactly the law will allow the president to do and we're going to do as much as possible within the confines of the law to address a problem whose solution republicans and congress continue to actively block. >> reporter: the house voted earlier this week to sue the president over his use of executive action, saying they can not, quote, turn a blind eye
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to the lawlessness of this president. president obama responded, saying the lawsuit wastes americans' time, cost taxpayers and, quote, is not very productive. back to you all in new york. >> never a dull moment. thank you very much. coming up straight ahead. >> coming up, a day of fun taking a horrifying turn when a water slide collapses right into the drink. the breaking details next. and have you seen this video? >> he's so cute. i love your little smile! oh, my god! >> he is little. little five-year-old sadie and her brother and the rest of the family live here to explain what's going on. >> that's right. 12 million people saw that video. first, more trace adkins. here is "songs about me" on our plaza. >> that's not about you. ♪
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24 after the top of the hour. a developing story now. a day of fun taking a horrifying turn. students sent flying after a water slide collapsed right underneath them. happened in fleming island, florida. 13 teen-agers were hurt. and three people were hurt when a speeding suv slammed into a building. cops say the driver hit a curb outside baltimore, went airborne, crashed through the wall. what wall? that up with. it left a huge hole in the building. one person inside was taken to the hospital, but is expected to be okay.
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that's the news. this little girl has one wish for her baby brother. >> i don't want him to grow up. you are so cute! i love you, cute little smile! >> poor sadie. that girl is right there right now. the video going viral. over 10 million hits on youtube right now. ryan and lindsey miller, with five-year-old sadie, three-year-old brookly and three-month-old carson join us live. >> welcome. sadie, 12 million people, do you know how many that is? >> no. >> a lot of people have seen you. they have a lot of questions. i have a question. why are you sad to see carson
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grow up and get older? >> because i'm worried that he's going to die, too. >> because why? when you get older, that's what happens? >> when you turn 100. >> long time, though, right? >> yeah. >> do you have fun with him? >> yeah. >> you love him so much? brooklyn, do you have a lot of fun with carson? >> uh-huh. >> are you okay with him getting older? >> uh-huh. >> you know who really has fun with carson, the little one, is dad, because he's shaking his leg. he's shaking the whole couch. >> how do you know -- has this happened before? is that why you fired up the camera? >> yeah. i saw the drama queen coming out and i thought this is funny. we got to show her what she was like in ten years. she's been so in love with her little brother. i could see that it was turning into something that might be kind of cute. so i decided to grab the little phone and capture the moment so that in ten years she can see
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what a drama queen she was. >> and fighting in the back of the car, you can show her the tape. >> remember when you liked each other? >> it was posted on the internet somewhere. but a family member, ryan, decided they were going to help you and put subtitles and stuff. >> yeah. my brother did that for us. my mom thought that was a good idea 'cause sometimes it's hard to understand what she's being so dramatic about. it worked out good. >> are you astounded at the number of people -- i mean, we ran the video a couple of times on the program because it's just so adorable. because as parents, we've all seen kids do that. >> i thought it was cute and i posted it on facebook for my friends to see and overnight -- i can't believe it. >> it was blowing up! >> yeah, it was. >> sadie, what do you love most about your brother and your sister? do you like his little outfit? >> yeah. >> you're going to have so much fun with him, right? >> i like his swimming suit. >> great swimming suits.
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carson does not want to talk today. but he's going to come back when he gets a little bit older and say nice things about you. >> i think you have a big heart. >> very nice. >> brooklyn, you like that microphone? >> i think she wants her own. i hope you enjoy new york city while you're here living it up. thank you very much for flying in. >> do you mind leaving carson with elisabeth? >> no, we don't mind. >> thank you. we love the miller family. all of you. >> thanks. >> i could see why. >> look at that. >> you just showed his belly on television. >> i'm so sorry. >> you're next, brian. >> i could see why you don't want him to grow up. he's so yummy right here. straight ahead on our friday show, a fox news alert. all eyes on wall street right now after the dow took a major dive yesterday, erasing all of the gains of the year in just a minute, we'll get the new unemployment number. it's pivotal.
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nicole petallides as you can see, down on wall street to analyze. then there is nothing more ridiculous than this. six federal agents show up at a home to seize the family car. the reason? it might pollute the planet. the owner of that land rover here next. first, more from trace adkins. the song "you're gonna miss me." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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it's a fox business news alert. >> joining us from the new york stock exchange, "fox business" network's nicole petallides. all right. we got some bad news on employment. we got kind of good news on the number of jobs created. >> right. so let's see what we're talking about here. what you want to see is lots of jobs added. that's what americans want. we want jobs for our americans who are looking for jobs. i know you had stuart varney on this morning and i know you put the correlation between the jobs numbers and the fed. i'm going to give you the number first. 198,000 jobs added. that was less than the analysts forecast of 227. i mean, we would have loved to see 300,000 jobs added. this is a monthly number. so important when it comes in. sort of like the unemployment rate. 6.2%. that's up from the prior month of 6.1%. the unemployment rate goes up, jobs were added, not as much as anticipated. with that, we're seeing the markets jumping a little bit.
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coming up off the lows. why is that? stuart varney and you guys were talking about this. because if you have a great economy booming, janet yellen and the feds, well, this is what happens. it's now that you had a weaker jobs number, it means that maybe, just maybe they won't raise those interest rates as quickly as people were thinking they might. we got a great gdp number in recently. people started to think maybe the fed would be more aggressive on raising those rates. when you start to see the labor market is still not as strong as anticipated, then that takes a breather. hey, we're going to see what happens with these markets after yesterday's 317-point drop. >> sometimes bad news could be good news. >> and the market opens one hour from right now. thank you very much with the news, the unemployment rate has risen to 6.2%. heather is going to bring headline. >> news about the baltimore ravens, ray rice. he's now apologizing to his wife publicly for the first time, five months after he was charged
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with assault. he was seen dragging her out of an elevator in a casino in atlantic city. >> one thing that i wanted to do today was apologize to my wife. i just replay that night over and over in my head. that's not me. my actions are inexcusable. >> okay. the nfl suspended rice for two games. but some are saying that's not enough. former eastern illinois football player adrian arrington weighed in earlier on "fox & friends." listen to this. >> in terms of nfl, i feel there's got to be a balance with the punishment and the athlete. i don't know if the punishment was harsh enough. but i hope ray rice will learn what he need to learn and heap he becomes a better man. >> rice says he plans to speak out against domestic violence with his wife when the time is right. she saw something so she said something. shannon dominguez tipped off police to a child that she saw who was trapped in a hot car and now she's confined to a heel
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chair. -- wheelchair. the mother she reported turned up in the parking lot and ran her over with her car. shannon joined us earlier on "fox & friends." >> i can still see her running over my foot and going up my leg. she laughed at me. her first court appearance, she was an hour and a half late. then she turned around and looked at me and laughed. >> that 27-year-old is now facing charges for hit and run, assault, and child abuse. talk about getting caught in the act, indiana guy tries to deny stealing a $300 pair of earrings off of someone's front porch and cops showed him the videotape. he looks directly into the security camera. how do you deny that? that's when he asked to exercise his right to remain silent. oh, boy. and one man learns the horrid way not everybody likes to take selfyies.
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>> look at that swan there at the kansas zoo. it bites him as he tries o take a selfy with it. that's the picture before he was bitten. despite the attack, they got that picture. those are your headlines. those swans could be mean. >> right. stay away from animals. this story sounds like a piece of fiction. six federal agents storm a woman's home to take her suv. the reason? it might pollute the earth? joining us right now is that woman, jennifer brinkly, who had the audacity to buy a land rover. jennifer, set the scene for us because i want people out there to understand that i'm telling a true story. >> i know. it's sad. i have a land rover defender. it's a 1985. it was parked in our carport and six law enforcement agencies vehicles and homeland security
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pulled up and asked me if i had a land rover and seized it. >> they took it from your house. what reason did they give you? >> they weren't sure, because the case was sealed at that point. but they told me they thought it might be over the clean air act. >> really? did it pass inspection? >> oh, yes. it passed inspection. i had a title for it. insurance. no, i shouldn't say passed inspection because old cars don't have to be inspected. but i had done enough work to take it up to the level where it would have passed an inspection. >> but just to show you how out of date their information was, i understand that they had the previous owner's name on the warrant because that car had to be seized. >> oh, we're going back four owners. >> so they went back four owners and finally caught up with the car four owners later! >> correct. >> where is the car today? >> your guess is as good as
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mine. >> they won't tell you? >> no. >> what are you going to do? >> i think it's been moved three times. we're fighting it. we're trying to get the cars back. there were 40 seized that day all over the united states. >> the people that showed up, they were dhs? >> yes. yes: and local law enforcement. >> what is your reaction to this, jennifer? you sound almost indisbelief as you explain it to me. >> my reaction is i'm sad because i own the car and it's just an iconic car. i don't know. i'm in disbelief because it's gone and i'm surprised that somebody can come in and take your property. >> surprised. it's outrageous and you were quoted as saying that you always felt so proud to be in this country. your dad is a veteran. what is your reaction now? what would he say?
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>> oh, my father, he would tell me to fight it and try to get my car back, that he fought in a war to protect our property so we could live in a free country. i think that was the saddest thing for me because i realized that everything my father fought for didn't exist anymore. it's scary. it's scary when it happens to you on a personal level. >> jennifer brinkly, thanks so much. and by the way, how ironic it's a land rover. nothing stops a lands rover. so some day that car is going to come right back to you. they're indestructible. >> yeah. >> it's true. jennifer, thanks so much. sorry this happened. we'll track it and hopefully you have a good ending to this. >> i hope so. thank you so much. >> 20 minutes before we're done. straight ahead, have you ever gotten a call like this, just as you were sitting down to dinner? >> if you refuse to answer the door to me, i guarantees you, i will wake up every neighbor in your entire [ bleep ] building!
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>> we'll tell you how you can fight back next. but first, trace adkins performs "hot mama." ♪ ♪ our cheese is going thin in a big way. with our ultra thin slices, you can now enjoy the same natural sargento cheese you love, at just 45 calories a slice. the same cheddar, swiss and provolone. just thinner and just 45 calories a slice. it's safe to say, thin has never been more in. sargent ultra thin slices.
5:44 am
welcome back. we are on our plaza, trace adkins is behind us. and right now, peter johnson, jr. is with me. good morning. this is part two of how to reconcile your debt. >> this is on the debt beat today. 35% of americans face debt of about $5,000. do we have debt out here? i do. do you? >> you bet. >> unfortunately we do. let's fight back in a few ways.
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>> we're going to go through some questions here. can i compromise or negotiate a debt? >> absolutely. the answer is yes. don't be afraid to compromise or settle the debt. some tips for successful settlement. number one, get everything in writing. get a credit counselor or even a lawyer to help you out. make sure you cross the t's and dot the i's. number two, time is money. know that they want to get the debt settled quickly and that they'll do better getting a lump sum. so if you can settle for a lump sum early, do that. number three, beware of settlement scams. don't pay 30 to 60% of a debt as a premium, as a fee to someone before they do something for you. it's really important not to get scammed yourself on the debt. and pay what you owe. always. >> what about this, do i contact the credit bureaus to explain my problem? >> absolutely essential. contact the three credit bureaus and let them know what's going on and we're going to show you the e-mails and the web sites
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and the phone numbers to call. do not be afraid to do that. you must do that to make sure that your credit score does not get slammed. >> important note there. can you improve your credit score? >> yes. you can absolutely improve your credit score. there are some important tips to do that. don't spend on several cards. consolidate to one or two cards. don't leave small balances on the cards. number two, old debt can be good. if you got a long-standing debt that you've been paying off well, that will actually help your credit rating. number three, leave accounts open, especially those with balances. so don't start closing accounts down. they sound kind of paradoxcal, but throws important tips. >> another question is can i sue the debt collector? >> you absolutely can sue the debt collector. they call you at work or at home when they're not supposed to, you can sue them. you can get statutory damages in the state court and compensatory damages for any harm they cause. you can go to small claims court and do it even quicker. so you don't have to be a victim
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of people doing bad things that are violating the federal law. if you owe the money, you want to pay it. you want to pay it on your own terms the best you can. but not killed in the process. >> you're saying you do have rights, even though you have debt, it doesn't mean you forfeit your rights. >> this segment will be up on the "fox & friends" web site all day and all weekend. you can take a look at it again. we're so happy to be with trace adkins because there is a girl in texas. >> peter johnson, jr., we thank you for that. we're going to have more from trace adkins with this fun crowd in just a moment. first we're going to check in with bill hemmer and martha mccallum. >> looking forward to that. everything is popping this morning. what will republicans do about immigration? we're watching that. what will the president do on executive action? in the middle east, will a cease fire hold or is it all just talk right now? stocks fell through the floor. what will happen this morning there? there is a lot of news on the ebola outbreak. ten minutes away here on a friday edition of "america's newsroom" vo: this is the summer.
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>> for the second week, i got the steve cam here. >> what is that? >> that's my iphone and i got a fish eye filter on it. >> which means you can write it off. >> i hadn't thought about that. but during the show, with trace adkins, we're going to actually take some close-ups and selfies. >> we are. i say why not? >> trace adkins is going to do "there is a girl in texas." have a story that goes with this ? >> you decide. >> there is a girl in texas and she's right here. >> ladies and gentlemen, trace adkins! ♪
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♪ ♪ >> celebrating 20 years of this song. i wrote this right after i moved to nashville. this song was written in '94. it's 20 years old. ♪ ♪ when i rode out of dallas ♪ i was chasing down a dream ♪ i thought i knew what i was looking ♪ ♪ but the neon nights have blinded me ♪ ♪ 'til i'm lost in tennessee
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♪ not sure i know who i am anymore ♪ ♪ but there is a girl in texas ♪ there is a girl in texas ♪ there's a girl in texas ♪ that does ♪ you're a truly lovely lady ♪ and you sure light up the night ♪ ♪ i'm a lonely man but i'm leaving here alone ♪ ♪ i won't try to lie to you ♪ about this heart of mine
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♪ that i can't give, that i don't really own ♪ ♪ there's a girl in texas ♪ there's a girl in texas ♪ there's a girl in texas ♪ she still does ♪ if this dream that i've been chasing ♪ ♪ if it ever sets me free ♪ and i wake up to find it don't need me ♪ ♪ there's a girl in texas ♪ there's a girl ♪ there is a girl in texas ♪ pretty little girl in texas ♪ she still loves me
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but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. ♪ keep feeling fascination you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy.
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energy for making new ocean friends. all right. what's coming up this weekend? >> we are on this weekend. "fox & friends" this weekend. what's coming up this weekend? >> we're going to tell you what cell phone providers might be putting into your bill that you don't know about. >> it's all the hidden stuff. plus you want to unplug for your last summer vacation? put those gadgets down, close the computer? we're going to teach you how to unplug for the rest of the summer. >> oh, boy. if we could do, we will give it a try for sure. looking forward to seeing you both this weekend. >> what do you got in the after the show show? >> i'm unplugging. >> when they say unplugged, i'm done, man. >> you did a great show today. you know how you can say thank you today? go download a trace adkins song
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right now! >> that is correct. >> i'll stay plugged. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> ladies and gentlemen, round of applause, trace adkins! bill: here we go on a friday. what a day this will be. fox news alert. 9:00 a.m. on the hill where house lawmakers are still at. republicans ready to try again to tackle this bothered crisis. that is just one of many headlines today. welcome here. i'm bill hemmer live in "america's newsroom." welcome, heather. >> nice to be here. i'm heather childers in for martha maccallum. they tried yesterday to get a trimmed down bill with outcries from both parties. >> doing something is better than nothing. the crisis on the border will continue until the president act the. he is clearly not going to act. that means congress has to act. >> that is prett
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