tv Bulls and Bears FOX News August 2, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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gou gou gordon, he is a 6-year-old. and next the bullion-based french stew. >> and tomorrow is national bouillon-based day, so we will be eating french stew. don't forget to log on for after the show show. good-bye, everybody. new jobs on a roll, coming in ahead six months in a row, but the nation is warning that the labor board may be slamming thing on it. and giving unions the okay to sue big business, and can that be a concern for the job market? i'm brenda butner. and joining us is josh mayfield, and gary tautbalm and jonah max
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ferris, and does that worry you, gary? >> well, it is not just mcdonald's, but it is the franchise franchiser and franchise laws are out there for 30 years, because it has worked well, and it is tough to start a small business so when you have a big company and great company like mcdonalds that you get in with, you can grow better that helps the economy a big way and this steps in front of it and not just this, but everything else that the administration does with the rules and regulations. >> john, jobs numbers yesterday and they are okay, and not great by any stretch, and the hourly wages are barely increasing, and we are not off to the races by any stretch, and does this hurt or help? >> well, i think that it hurts. look, it is one of those items that is not going to be happening for a couple of years, but we haven't seen wage growth for a couple of years, so we are not keeping up with that and with job growth, look, 200,000 is really good, but we need 300
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or 350,000 per month to start knocking down the labor participation rate. this is insane. you have franchises saying that they are going after mcdonald's, because the franchises are owned by mom and pop, and they can't go after them individually, so they are trying to go after a corporation which has nothing to do with the wages or hiring at a local level to all franchises. if this the works it is for auto dealers and every other corporation in the world that is located in the united states. this is insane an gross overreach and a way to get more union members. >> is this a smack on corporate america, because it is a backdoor way to get at them, isn't it? >> yes, it is going to cost the consumers and it is going to hit the dollar menu. and if the costs go up, you can't serve a burger for a dollar any more. say you went to mcdonald's,b and tainted and got sick or died by
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something from the cook, but you expect to sue mcdonald's, and not some mom and pop franchise to go bankrupt and you don't get any money, so how is this different from that? well, it is to go to corporate or the vail so to speak to settle it, and it is kind of like that, isn't it? >> well, gary, isn't it a reason that i, as a franchise owner to franchise out to give them entrepreneurial spirit and give them options. >> you summed it up perfectly, but in jonas' example maybe it was undercooked because that franchise did not hire enough people, and can you sue the franchise for it? no, it is the franchise owner who dictates the bottom line. mcdonald's normally gets a cut off of the top line and the top sales and not the profitability. and in case anyone thinks that the franchisee ises and the mcdonald's or a couple, but it is basically most of the small
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business that you walk into. and 90% of the restaurants that we go to are independent or frap chized owe owns. 6,0007-elev 6,0007-elevens and 15,000 panera breads and talking hotel tax, and if you take a swipe at small business and corporate america and hobble them both, this is the perfect way the go about it. >> jessica, we have been talking about the job market being okay and moving ahead, but this could derail it, right? >> well, no, on the contrary and i have to agree with jonas on h this. there is absolutely a real case to be made here for, let's say that you were at the 7-eleven like gary b. said and you end up slipping and falling,b and is there a case to be brought to the main 7-eleven if there is a code of liability there, and that is what it is about. and it is 43 unique cases, and it is not small business, but a fear of employees being able to express their rights by forming unions, and that is the basis of
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this argument is, and i think that going forward we have seen in the past that unionization does not cause job less. the president just said that yesterday we have had now six quarterers in a row of over 200,000 per quarter employment growth which has not happened since 1997, so i agree that we need to keep to see it, but it is not going to hurt it. >> and can you imagine that the i'm going to go to mcdonald's, and trip and fall and sue the corporation, because you can. >> look, this is all about the unions. this is about more challenges, more power, and as john said, it is not about going after the mom and pop, but it is going after the big mothership, and it is also about getting higher wages, and just taking over, and that is a huge, huge problem. everything that unions get their hands into, business does not do well. look at gm, and leave a 30-year law alone that has worked and worked so well. >> john, the unions though, they have, and we have been talking about it here on the show, taan
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the membership is falling, and they are struggling to get a stance and you think that they are trying to flex a muscle with this? >> yes, dying. and they are dying for decades and good reasons, because the corporations don't want to deal with it. public unions are growing, because you have inept politicians to promise things that they cannot deliver and somebody else down the line has to deal with it. this is the nlrb that the president tried to stack illegally and the supreme court ruled unanimously that the president violated the constitution to try to stack this. he wants to increase union membership in the country, and look, there are bipartisan deals on the table for energy and trade pacs and the president has not signed any of these and kill ing the clock for the next two years to go play golf and fundraisers and he is trying to increase the union membership so he can have better speaking gigs when he is done. >> and jonah, it does not ekuwait to more jobs with more union unions. >> you are right, and it mostly affects the consumer again,
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because there are low prices here at the mcdonald's, because of the low labor cost, but i don't understand how this is not going to help the local franchise if anything, and they are going to push the liability to a corporation with billions of dollars and that is liability and that is going to be passed on to the mama ship, and how is that not going to lower the cost of the employer who is the franchise owner? >> well, jonah, you have mcdonald's who makes an arbitrary decision to raise the wages mip ma s minimally for $1, and that works in seattle, but not biloxi, mississippi. so it means that you don't have control of your own spread sheet, and why would you go into the biz offense you have no control. >> that is true. because why am i going to go into the franchise if i am controlled by the mothership? >> well, you are, and that is why there are only 43 of 181
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cases brought to the nlrb that were singled out, and they said that mcdonald's has direct control and directing everything and they were given out specific corporate programs to allow the franchisees to track the number of people to the restaurant to employee ratio, and so mcdonalds has a lot more control than they are saying and timing everything from heating up a burger to -- >> a that is not true. >> that is the case. that is why it is only 43 cases. >> and i want to give gary b the last word. doesn't that break the entire franchisee model based on what jessica is saying? >> yes, on both ends. if you are a corporation, and not a mcdonald's, but a small corporation looking to get into the franchise game, the whole reason that you do it is to distribute out and build and let these franchisees have incentive to make money. and now you are responsible for everything out there and instead of 10,000 franchises, you are going to say, well, i will do
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500 corporate stores and the incentive is away from the corporation, and incentive away from the franchisee, because they are nothing more than the employee of the mothership, if you will, and it harms small business america. i think it is horrible. >> i will tell you that my children would not know where to eat if it weren't for a franchise restaurants all over town. thank you, guys. it was a good discussion. coming up. >> i felt ashamed. i asked my colleagues, are you talking about america? is this neshg? >> well, this democratic congresswoman says she is ashamed of america for how they are treating these kids and neil's gang says, you have to be kidding. that is at the bottom of the hour, but first, the scare in the air. two the american citizens are being airlifted fwook the states and now we are hearing that the commercial jets are not screening the passengers, because it is too expensive, but can we afford not to?
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headquarters, i'm kelly wright. the israeli military going all out to search for its missing soldier. apparently he was ambushed an dragged into a up the nell. the attack left two israeli soldiers dead and shatter ed a cease-fire. president obama has accused the terror group of violating the truce, and calling for the immediate release of the soldier. >> and aide workers will arrive in georgia when a work ler be brought to emory university hospital and kept in strict isolation. it is considered one of the most sophisticated in the country, and the second american is expected to arrive in a few day s days. officials say they can be treated without putting the public in any danger. i'm kelly wright and we take you back to bulls and bears for all of the day's head looinlines. make sure you logon to foxne
7:14 am ebola anxiety is mounting as two infected u.s. citizens are being flown back to the states. they are on a quarantine chartered planes, but the bigger worry is what is happening on other planes. the world health organization won't recommend screening passengers because some say it is too costly, but john, come on! you say there should be no cost spared here. >> yeah, there is a 21-day delay on the onset of symptoms, so it is tough to kind of screen, but this is one place where the government needs to spend the money. look, polio was supposed to be a trillion dollar disease and it has been virtually eradicated through prevention. we can do so much. there is a company in later stages of vaccine for ebow la and it needs to be expedited to make sure it is safe. if you want to eradicate the recidivism rates in prison, don't let a kid go there. prevention is harder to measure, but it is better spent to erad
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kate a problem. and so jonas, this replicates throughout the world, and so shouldn't we we be focusing on this? >> well, there are big budgets for the national institutes of health here, and tens of billions of dollars and the problem is that the emerging market diseases don't have a profit mode. there is better research for how to have somebody eat 20 hot dogs and not to get heartburn. so there has to be a profit motive for them to find a decision for this, and say, if you cure this, you will get $1 million per person or something in the billions so that the research company will put the dollars into the stuff that we benefit from here, and otherwise it will spread, because it is not cost effective to cure it or profitable, and so then all tof sthe sud en, a bigger crisis gos on. >> and gary k, the scare should
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be enough, right? >> well, it will probably not hit our so shores, but the cost of not doing something is humongous and imagine we woke up and the newspaper says three people in whatever city has contracted it. i was in europe and the middle east, and the airports are packed and packed and packed and i go by the words you never know. spend whatever you have to spend to make sure that nothing ever happens. it is up with thing they don't mind the government spending on. >> and jessica, for this or against it? >> well, i think that i'm somewhere sort of in the middle, and god forbid it does come can to the united states, and we do travel continuously, and not only within our borders, but without, and especially in the global economy, and it is a good thing for us to be spending money to make sure that we are leading in science and leading the way in preventing diseases, however, there are so many diseases that we have that are affecting a large number of americans currently everything from juvenile diabetes to cancers and whether sit is the
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breast or the uterus or the colon which is killing people now, and we should be focus canning on those diseases. i lost both my father and aunt to diseases if we had done the stem cell research and the necessary things that we need to do could have saved them or put their diseases in remission, and so americans are dealing with this everyday currently, and so that is where the focus should be. >> and gary, she has a point, because gary, we don't have a problem of spending money on the shovel-ready projects, and throw the money out of the window, and maybe we should refocus our effort efforts? >> well, i agree with jessica, we should be focusing in on the efforts of what is really important, and look, by most of the panelists' definitions we should have spent trillions of dollars on the hiv virus, because e essentially ebola and hiv are spread the same way with contact with the bodily flood fluids or the blood. so we have a same chance of curing both, and yet we didn't
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spend trillions of the hiv virus and it is still not cured. so jessica is right, more people will die of cancer or heart attack than by a zillion percent of the ebola virus, and the other problem is that when we give an unlimited amount of money to whatever research part of the government that is responsible for this, and they manage to exceed it. so it is, you know, we should spend money, and yes, this is a horrible and deadly disease and the worst outbreak of the disease ever, but we need to keep it in perspective of one, how it is spread, and two, how it compares to more deadly diseases that we have right now. >> and the government is supposed to do things like protect us, and this is one of the things they should be doing. thank you, guys. i appreciate it. as the tensions escalate between israel and gaza and the saudi king has saying something that we need to make the u.s. oil independent right now. so what's this?
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on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ well, tensions between israel and gaza not letting up, and now the saudi king abdullah is speaking up calling israel's actions quote war crimes against humanity, and gary b, you are saying that it is a crime to keep sending it, and it is a crime for oil. what do you think about this. >> he called it state-sponsored terrorism by israel, and it drives me insane. saudi arabia is supposed to be a friend of ours and we get about 4% of the oil from them, and i propose that, and i propose that they keep their oil and we can
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live without their oil, and they can live without the revenue and the profits that we send to them. and make a stand as to who our friends are and certainly in this case, it is not saudi arabia. >> and john mayfield, i am not going to steal your lead, because i know what you are going to say, go. >> we are the only developed country in the world with a national energy plan and there are no grown-ups at home in d.c. and what gary b is saying is correct. if you want to know where to get the oil, get it from canada and th are producing it and selling it on the asian market, and get it from mexico. and we don't have to be independent of everybody in north america, but be north america independent, and mexico and canada are our friends and will be, and the problem is no energy policy and no grown-ups at home in d.c., and nobody at home in d.c. at all on vacation. >> and john, we have no friends out there in the middle east, and they all hate us, so what are we doing? >> the only national policy that could stop saudi arabia from earning as much money is a
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massive high tax. and we don't have to buy the oil, because they could sell it to china and they can drive around in the bentleys, so maybe we don't have to radically change our lives, but merely drilling more here is not going to cut the profits first of all, and we don't want to use up all of the oil, and we had an oil embargo in the 1970s from similar stuff, and mad at israel and cut off the oil, and back then a huge percent of the oil supply so if we want the oil and back to the 90% of the oil of the opec then they call the shots. get out of israel, or we are going to cut off the oil. so we want a civilized plan or the alternative energy and oil production later down the road so we are not in the same situation in 20 years or back in thet the 1970s. >> and so what about you?
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>> well, it is amazing we are all on the same page here. >> yes. >> as it has been said, we only rely and consume about 4% of the saudi oil, but we have been working as a country, but the main concern here has to also be our european allies, because in europe, they are the allies and countries like france and germany rely on the middle eastern oil, a we need to help them to make a difference because china and russia are going to have huge, huge amounts of energy that they need to fuel the populations going forward and where is that coming from and how can we align ourselves to be secure in the future? >> well, i hope it does. and gary, k, you were in israel, and you said, let them keep it? >> yes, first off if thousands of rockets were landing in riyadh king abdullah would have something different to say. but right now, we are not relying on them, and we are still getting too much, but going to right way, and at a point in time, we have to know who the friends are, and enemies, take a flying leap.
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>> and maybe we should send that to thm and wake them up. and thank you, jessica for joining us. before we move on. eric, i hear that you have something coming up. what is going on? >> well, the mayor rahm is dropping a bomb in chicago. and now the mayor of chi-town is threatening the illegals and why all mayors of every city should listen up. and celebrities are in trouble for running their mouths over the israel and pal stastin war. and it should be fun. up here first, a stock shock. companies fail as america fails to make a debt payment, and time to run for the doors or time to buy more stocks? ♪ now's the time for big savings on the gear you need at the bass pro shops' fall hunting classic. and check out the full line of tracker boats -
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>> the cheesecake is healthy, u but the stock is not. up 10% by labor day. >> and go! >> the president loves it, but the etiba is up. >> and gary? >> the market is going up 10% in the next year for apple. neil is next. if they are cutting in line and we are cutting the tags, how about cutting it out and sending somebody else the bill. i'm neil cavuto and butler ko county, ohio, mayor is doing that. he is sending a bill to mexico for the cost of dealing with the surge of illegals in his communities and writing, and i quote, i think it is only fair that you provide me with some financial support for dealing with your criminals, and the sheriff is telling me that he is not alone. >> you know, i'm one county in ohio, and there is over 3,200 counties in the united states. i'm looking at $1 ml
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