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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 2, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" a woman who can write with both hands and feet at the same time. is she a total freak or have the rest of us been under achieving for the last 5,000 years? plus, how many times sips they took office has president obama said to joe biden, great job today, joe. >> none, zero. i'm serious. it's true. and finally, are goldfish the world's sexiest underwater creature? the debate you won't see anywhere else. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> and now let's welcome our guest. she puts the drawl in
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prescription painkiller withdrawal. rome wasn't built in a day and neither was her tolerance. she has been boozing since the 80s. it is joanne nosuchunsky and she writes the intros where she claims she is a drunk. it is not me. and he makes walt disney's body seem alive. it is tv's andy levy. and he is louder than elton john's linen close set. closet. the comedian -- what is it? sherrod small. >> guess who is bag. # red eye. >> are teens too ardent about being retardant? and what may be the dumbest trend since the last dumb trend young idiots are intentionally lighting themselves on fire and posting the videos on-line. dubbed the fire challenge is usually comes from pouring a
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small amount of liquid like alcohol or perfume on to the skin and then lighting it. naturally this leads to horrific results as seen here. >> light him. give him the light. >> what's up? >> water, get out of the water. burn hollywood burn e. >> stop it sherrod. that is one of the videos floating on-line. people are performing the stunt with very jug -- varying degrees. when asked what he thought would happen he replied, i don't know. i wasn't really thinking. it is like the time i tried to make a bowl of cereal in the bathroom.
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those were the days. >> sherrod, good to see you and welcome back. you were at the icp jug low fest. >> i was and it was amazing. >> are kids getting dumber or just filming the dumb things we used to do when we were younger? >> first of all i was sitting here hoping when you showed that video it would be a white dude. i can't explain how my heart was broken when i saw busta rhymes in the shower setting himself on fire. what an idiot. and then he ran from the water. it proves we can't swim. why are you running -- why would you --
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>> you have a good point. you are upset he is black, but who are the leaders in this kind of activity? evil knievel. all of the daredevils were white. >> but he did it with an evil knievel suit on. >> that was two cousins and his aunt trying to put him out, stop dropping and rolling him. >> run to the water. >> is youtube becoming a darwinian machine encouraging people to do things and then have smart people rule the world later? >> it has existed since the dawn of man. now people just film it. i love how the person keeps filming the guy as he is on fire jumping out of the bathtub. i grew up in the south and there was a lot of alcohol and few brain cells. i am strangely fascinated by i have historically dated and married men who this could
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benefit. it was an accident. >> are you a natural born actress, aren't you? >> i am always practicing. >> since you are already talking, joanna, that video was called fire challenge gone wrong. how could it go right? >> if one of his friends was watching, but a stop to it. i don't understand. it is not like one guy holding the camera and he's like i can't help you. i am holding the camera and i have to capture it. >> it is on him. he set himself on fire. let god is making choices. god is choosing who stays and who goes. >> when i was in school though -- maybe i didn't go to the cool school, but we didn't do this. we were like how many marshmellows can i stuff in my mouth at once? >> those weren't marshmellows. that was the boy's locker room.
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>> sherrod, that is terrible. that is terrible. >> go team. >> andy, you -- you weren't setting yourself on fire you said finally my dreams came true. you shouted that. >> i feel like interest in this trend is going to quickly burn out. and then it will be gone. you can't explain this by age. i have seen people say well this is just kids being stupid. the kid who had the second-degree burns 15 years old, that's old enough to know that fire burns, right? you don't have to be that old to know fire burns. animals know that fire burns. so there is just no way to explain it. there is video of one guy you were talking about one guy using using this method to shave his leg. >> you said leg. did he lose the other one? >> oh no he gave up. >> one point of defense on the
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same day we found this we found the guy, the terrorist on youtube going to syria to blow people up. this isn't as bad as becoming a jihadist. if you are 19 or 15 i would rather have you do this than drive a truck -- >> did the terrorist dude show him on the way to blow something up? >> yes, it was a go pro. >> kris jenner would have one of her kardashian daughters do this if she thought she could get a lighter fluid sponsor. >> it is the one that you never see that lives in the attic. clef -- klefus. you can just hear the foot dragging. >> it is the best thing you can say about something is it is not as bad as being a jihadist? it is probably pretty bad. before we move on, i maintain what i said in the beginning. we did really dumb things, but we didn't have a cell phone camera. did you do anything -- i mean i did stupid things like
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this. i used to set off firecrackers in my hand. you did that, right? >> i did that. i remember this one girl [bleep] bleep out the name and she put firecrackers in a stray cat's buttocks and it ran under the car and blew up. that was the most horrifying thing. there was no animal rights back then. >> maybe we should not blurt her name and she will probably end up getting killed. >> she was a good person though, a good mother. >> i don't doubt that for a minute. andy you must have done something awful. >> nope. >> never? >> nope. >> joanne? >> nothing. i am a marshmellow. except you were roasting them and they were on fire. >> does it mean no guns or mo guns? a new anti-gun psa from every town for gun safety may have missed the target. a little pun there, people. very little.
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the group created by fuss bucket and former new york mayor michael bloomburg produced an ad aimed at illustrating the domestic abusers with guns. some say as some always do that the ad does a better job showing that women should arm themselves. let's make up our own minds, shall we? >> 9-1-1. what is your emergency? >> my ex is trying to break in. >> do you have a restraining order? >> this is my house. open the door! >> you need to stay calm. >> he just broke in the door. get away from him! hey! put him down! get out of here! >> i am taking him! >> anyway, for a palace cleanser here is an adorable box of kittens.
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>> stay away from sherrod's friends. you are a woman or so you claim. what message did you think the commercial had? did it say oh gosh this guy wouldn't hurt me if he didn't have a gun? or wouldn't it be great if he had a gun. >> that's you [bleep] better go buy a gun because that [bleep] is showing up to break in. you could not sell more guns. the only thing you could do is maybe have chicks in bikinis with machine guns. remember in jackie brown, that would sell more. come on, man. >> sherrod, i was watching it. i am looking at it and i am going, when is she -- i am waiting for her gun. it seemed like a thing that was made by the nra and they forgot to add the part where she blows the guy away. and then it has the thing and it goes nra. we are armed with you. >> by own gun.
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>> byog. crimes on us, but when it is time to get the work for the crimes, we don't get the part. >> it is stealing jobs. >> when it is time to work for it, no, you don't fit the role. >> that's because they don't want to be perceived as racist. if that video was all black people they would be called bigots. >> make the baby black. the black babies want to work. they are in sag. anyhoo, bloomburg, why is he still around? isn't he done? ain't he the mayor of tel aviv now? >> he is like scrooge mcduck. jay he won't go away. >> he is really rich and looks like a duck. >> that's the annoying thing about billionaires. they have tons to spend. >> he is in his early 30s so he has plenty of time. joanne, i don't know if you own a gun or not, but you should. does this convince you to buy a gun? >> it convinces me to never have an ex or a baby.
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that's when problems happen. yeah, this is a pro-gumpsa -- pro-gun psa. the man looks powerful and the woman isn't and she gets hurt. avoid harm. be armed is what it should say jie. the baby was switzerland. the baby is like, this ain't between me. >> isn't that always the case. and then they grow up and they are awful. >> guns can't always solve your problems. >> but they solve a lot. >> they do solve a lot, but they shoot everybody at school. >> that is a problem. is this a bad ad or a bad message? >> the kid should have had the gun and not the wife. >> the baby should have had the gun. the reason why it happened is the bigger issue. for people like bloomburg and this silly group, in their minds only evil people use guns. in reality the guns are more neutral. they are a tool.
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in the right hands they are used for good and the wrong hands they are used for evil. good people should have guns especially since bad people might get them. they could have come up with a scenario where it wouldn't have mattered. they are so blinded by their ideology they can't see the difference between that and what they actually showed. in their minds it is guns are evil. it would never -- they would never think people are going to think she had a gun. that would never enter their minds. >> imagine how the coast, the east coast and the west coast felt about cars the way they feel about guns. most of the people that work in advertising and do this don't own guns. imagine they didn't have cars. it was like oh my god, there is those machines and they go so fast and they hit people. some bad person gets into one of the machines that is going to kill you. we can't have those. this guy didn't have a car he wouldn't have been able to get over there to attack her. that's an anti-car ad.
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that's the issue. >> if i had a gun right now i would have blown you away. i would have blown you to smither reins. >> that was really good. the other point is i think the nra should do a revise. take the ad and add an ending. i think it is brilliant. it is a remix. guns are better for feminists than actual feminism. it is an equalizer. if a woman has a gun -- a man can't afford but to take you seriously. if you buy a gun and you learn how to use it -- >> you don't even need to put it out. not that i have ever done anything like that before. >> my sister's corrections and you put it on the table on thanksgiving right in front of me. people have to be honest. yeah, you need them and there is only one reason to get guns
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and that's to shoot them. stop lying about security. you just want to shoot it. >> no, it is for defense. >> show it to the criminal? >> i used to drive across the country by myself and i had a nice little walter 25 on the seat. >> you shot it before. >> i had shot it before. i am not holding it out the window. >> otherwise you would get a fake gun to protect your family. >> the only reason i have a car is to drive it. >> so people act like i am getting it to protect my family. no you are not. you can get an adt alarm system to protect your family. >> but an alarm system will not stop a thief. >> it is not to show a thief. but it is to shoot it. >> you are not looking for thieves. >> all you get a gun for is to shoot it. >> you get a gun hoping you never have to shoot it. >> who is it going to -- who hopes they don't have to shoot their gun? >> me. >> you shot your gun before. >> i had a gun for four years
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-- >> wait -- >> i had a gun for four years in california and never shot it once other than the range and i was happy. >> and you ran to the range. >> i love how all of these men are debating shooting their guns which is, yes, that's what your whole life is about shooting off your guns. >> i love blasting off. i won't lie about that. the first time i had a gun in my hand i was like where can i shoot this? >> and then you went and robbed that house. >> your house and you are not getting your stuff back. >> i knew that was you. you kept yelling lightning round. >> no, no, it is not me gutfeld. >> all i got was $15 and a calico vision. >> coming up, i reveal to our guests that i poisoned their water. what is the perfect item to make any living room
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complete? if i said not kenny log begins i would be lie -- a kenny i would be lie -- a kenny loggins, i would be female announcer: you're on the right track to save big
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during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator.
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the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. you are still talking about it. will he bring the danger zone to your home? a washington, d.c. man has launched a kick-starter campaign. i hate that praise, launching a kick-starter campaign to have kenny loggins play in his living room. eric sanchez, if that's his real name, says for $30,000 loggins will play a 70-minute uh could acoustic and very desperate set for up to 50 board guests. the terms have already been negotiated. look at that beard. loggins is famous for his work on the soundtrack through hit 80s flicks.
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but for our younger audience let's look at recent kenny loggins concert footage. >> i think he has improved since the 80s. shaw hoed, this is why you should be scared. what is to stop one of your weird twitter followers to start a campaign to have you do stand up in their living room? >> i would do it if the money is right. >> you are definitely for the fans. >> i will do stand up at my grandmother's funeral. anyhoo -- she requested it. >> can you get somebody better somehow about niki minaj to come to my living room, but you need $80,000 to get him out of your house.
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>> you have to pay him to leave. >> kenny, have you been here three weeks. you ate all of my pop tarts. you have to go, ken me. >> isn't the real loser in this mecina. we hear about loggins, but what about mecina. >> "house on pooh corner." >> "house on pooh corner"? >> "house on pooh corner." kenny loggins was the soundtrack of my youth. i loved these hair. it looked like he had a wind machine on him. >> he was a rugged looking man. >> and he is playing at the winery on monday night. >> he is playing a slash bartender. >> and busing later. >> mecina will play in your living room for $30 and a coors light. >> no coors light. >> you don't have a living room. you live in a bed sit above a
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liquor store with a cat and a pan you your nate in. i -- urinate in. i didn't know where i was going. why would it be a pan? >> it is easier that you put it right on the stove. >> that's disgusting. >> you boil your urine. >> you know nothing about survival tactics. >> you are one of those people. kick-starter was a great thing and now it is becoming an ironic joke. is it becoming too ironic to be taken seriously? >> i think there is good stuff on kick-starter and there is weirdo stuff like this. if that's what you want to do go ahead and do it. i thought this was one of the
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ask the celebrities to the prom things and it makes them look bad. on the kick-starter page it says -- if you donate $300 it says, quote, this will guarantee you a seat at the private jam sesh. >> jamming is no rehersing. >> the point is it it takes them out of being good. >> what if it was just them playing in your living room, but with blocks? >> they are playing with a siberian tiger. he is looking for 30 grand. what would it take for you to perform, act in somebody's living room? >> oh no, no, no. if somebody asked me to act in their living room, we all know what that means. i fell for it once. i will never fall for it again. >> and daabs still feels bad about it. jay we have made up. >> i have free meisner classes.
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>> that's great. >> a diet dr. pepper and a cab ride home. >> here is the important point i was trying to make. this is why kick-starter is just an engine for novelties. the best example is spike lee. he can get any film made. he is a powerful film maker. "inside man" is a big budget film. he hears about "cake starter" and he gets fans to pay for the film which would have been nice for a poor film maker. a film maker who doesn't have a $12 million house or a film maker who could benefit from this. he doesn't need it. >> but it has been a longtime since lee had a new movie out. maybe the studios ain't giving him the money. >> he could fund his own movie. >> he could give all of his paychecks to lots of people who don't have money. >> finally you say something. you say something that matches that expression.
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>> they will have a party for nerd stuff. the public is paying for it and we have more money than people talk about. >> i don't know why you would want a it in your living room. i have to clean. how clean? i don't want to look like i am trying too hard. >> maybe having kenny loggins at his house he is $180. >> kenny loggins has somebody at home with a gun. >> guns battle guns all the time. >> see, i'm glad you came around to my point of view. >> always, greg. >> wow, that segment petered out. coming up, what is the best place for an affair? i said the mattress store, but the clerk disagreed so we broke up. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's c block is
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sponsored by ignorance. choose from any of our new lining including willful ignorance, charming ignorance or buy the complete and total box set for three easy payments for laziness. thanks, ignorance.
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can your pro -- profession
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get you obsession? a survey revealed certain occupations are more attractive than others. men claim they want journalism and the humanitarian lawyers. women say they are drawn to doctors and architects for their caring and creative sides. wait until you get over 40. both sexes say income potential is not as important as bettering humanity. in other words, both sexes are full of [bleep]. do you buy any of this? >> hell to the no because they are answering a survey. they want to look good and not seem like, well, trolls. which they are. then they want a stripper or somebody who models underwear or maybe even doesn't get paid for it. number two, a woman only wants a dude who is not driving his
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mama's car. and who doesn't smell like cheetoe's. actually i take that back. the smell of cheetoe's okay, but it is the orange hands. >> it is worse when the cheetoe dust is on their toes. >> and in other places. >> the cheetoe folds is what we call them. >> you have to hide it somewhere. don't men want to date models? i would love to date a journalist and then a model walks by. >> your occupationist who did this can't be on there. a journalist put this together? surprise, surprise, who knew some we made it. he is just trying to get laid. >> it was designed to benefit the person doing it. >> women like dudes who are gentle and kind and got a couple of coins in his pocket. men we don't care if you are
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frying french fried potato at mcdone willed thats. if you give us a little time and a little something, something. >> joanne, when you were a kid what did you see yourself merrily -- marry and closing in on 40 what do you say? >> who did i see myself? a handsome brother. >> a brotha or a brother. >> a hanson brother. zach hanson he played the drums. i guess it was the long hair and feminine looking. i am still attracted to gay guys. it is a pattern that has continued. as far as the careers go, i say do them all. if you are an actor you can be a lawyer. you can be a doctor. and you can be a stripper. >> you can be cheating on your -- >> but you will probably be a waitress. >> are you okay playing a waitress?
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>> andy, unfortunately the tv co cost did not make the -- tv co-host did not make the list. >> i agree this list is complete and utter -- [bleep]. >> somebody went british on us. we still have to bleep it. >> [bleep]. >> did it again. >> the guy will be up all night editing this. >> i love what the men are claiming the journalists and the human right attorney. you need to put hollywood in front of that. guys are thinking of a hot actress playing a human rights attorney or george clooney's fee yawn sai. kate mara in "house of cards" or amy adams as lois lane. they think journalists have a sexy lifestyle. unless you are rick leventhal, it is not true. >> he is the only one. he throws a party every night whether you are there or not. dudes want human rights activists? yeah that's what you want in the bedroom. you know how many unhuman things i want to do to you? i can't date you if you are a
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human rights activist. i will be the first one violating your rights. >> why? >> go to commercial. >> we can't. we still have like another three minutes to go in this segment. all vocations should be pref physicianed with hot. hot humanitarian. >> it is all based on movies and tv shows. >> wealthy doctor. >> rich. >> it should just be about love. and that's the transition for our next story. does mother really know best? a chicago sex survey, is there any other kind, sherrod? >> nope. >> where do they turn for long-term relationships and per miss skew us with hookups. they share your interest like school or church or my basement and being set up by a family member is a better way to meet your mate than through a friend or work. both of which lead to more flings and affairs. those looking for lust will be most successful at bars and
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clubs and on-line dating leads to short-term hookups and long-lasting vernarial diseases or so i assume. dagen, how did you meet your husband? >> on tv. i met him on fox. they cast us together. >> that's like a movie. >> and i was married at the time. >> oh scandalous. >> i was in san francisco and he was in los angeles. now i am boring. it sucked the fun out of that. >> tv ended your marriage and started a new one. >> before that i would hang out in the emergency room. you would catch them when they were vulnerable. you kind of have a sense of what their problems are, current girlfriends. >> how they do with pain. >> is your current husband and i stress current, is he worried you may be on another show and sparks might fly between you and a guy in
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alabama? >> no because i am old. i am barely put together right now. you should see me. >> it must make your husband feel really good. >> good luck with that. >> exactly. >> i think this study is pretty good. a lot of this stuff makes sense. >> flings happen where you avoid -- flings happen where you avoid people. >> here is my first point. your family will hook you up with your long-term relationship. you know why? they want you to go through the same thing they are going through. >> but they want you to be happy. >> do they? have you met your family? they don't want you to be too much more happy than them. >> they don't want you taking it from them. >> nobody wants into halle --
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halle berry and is like, you need to meet my cousin. your family ain't looking out for you. >> that's funny. that's happened to me many times on the road. you have to meet my daughter. it is like, fine. she is 16 years. i will be 80. i don't know what i just said. >> what state are you in? you don't have to wait in some states. >> would you let your family set you up with a guy? >> they wouldn't want to. my mom wants me to marry my career so i don't have a date to award shows and i take her. >> that is deeply selfish. >> the question is not where to find love, but are you ready to be found? if you are not ready it is just going to pass you by. >> can you pull off your mask now and show us you are dr. phil. >> we have to clean out our own emotional house. >> that's why i drink so much vodka. >> vodka is the ultimate
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romantic purify yes, sir. purifier. >> andy do you meet many people watching netflix? >> i meet as many people as i am interested in meeting. the survey is fine and people lied. oh church is a great place. that's where i met my -- no you didn't. you were at a bar hammered. >> the key here is you cannot be set up by women. women don't know what guys are interested in. women think their friend who they love is beautiful. no matter what she looks like. they will tell you, i have this friend and she is so pretty. she's not. >> we know they are ugly, we just hate you. >> i am not speaking for me here, da em en, other men. >> you have to look at the cup half full. you don't have to date this woman, but you can still hit. >> you never have to look a woman in the face while you are getting it on. >> she is so beautiful.
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>> what is happening to this world? i disagree with andy about the church thing. joyce, you said something today which was very interesting and smart which you chose not to voice today on the show. >> i don't remember. >> the reason people find lasting relationships with family is once you are in the family you can't avoid those people. you go to church and you see them. you can't have flings and short-term stuff with your sister's best friend. see my point? >> i didn't say that. sounds great. i will own it. >> you said that. you said you can't avoid -- >> was that when i came in first thing? it was a great night. >> you were still coming down. >> that was before the hangover kicked in. >> workplace is more convenient because you can huh void people at work. >> i walk through the hallways and you can smell it in the
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air. othat o'reilly. >> the magical potion that turns you into a sexy wear wolf. werewolf. >> you are back to ken nay loggins. >> it is a crime solving cologne. >> tonight's episode, imy-mini, miney, murder. i don't even know what is going on at this point. >> i am working in how to buy silver. >> time to take a break. don't leave now. there is man service on the way. not cool. order at am
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they will serve with verve. a san francisco start up is giving women a chance to wait
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on on men hand and foot. it includes a waiter, bodyguard orca ban gnaw bow. who needs words when there is a commercial. commence you drone. >> ladies, if you hate your friend or yourself get her a stripper. if you love your friend, get her a man service. >> sad unmarried women, apparently. and these are man servants and not sex slaves. the code of conduct states a man servant keeps his penis in
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his pants. clearly h is something that could take place -- as always to help us out in this discussion we brought in a studio audience. welcome, everyone and thank you for being here. how many of you will be staying staying in my rompa room tonight? i may need to buy extra tarps. it will be a fun one, sherrod. first time you h audience, haven't you? >> i just find it amusing. fan of this idea? >> i am a fan of this idea. the one thing men don't get is women don't care what the man servant looks like. you can look like chris christie instead of george clooney as long as you do what i tell you to. come on over here, big guy. towel me off and make sure you didn't miss a spot. >> i don't even know what that means.
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sherrod, is this sexist? >> that video is like 50 shades of desperate. all of the women who ain't getting it, they need it and they don't know how to go about it. >> there were men involved. there was a gay couple. >> that's because we living in the -- you know, the abc set come -- >> to your point, were there any black -- >> one of the gay dudes was black. >> one of the serve -- servants? jay was he black? was he black? >> that's my point. did they avoid that? >> another job a brother can't get because of white guilt. >> exactly. joan crawford, do you see this in your future? >> maybe. maybe if i get tired of walking i just want someone to carry me. >> it is nice to be carried. >> or maybe just a driver.
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this is disgusting. this is absolutely disgusting. >> not as much as strippers. i have seen a bunch of male strippers and they alts -- they always have butt acne. >> it is bacne. >> i wanted to follow-up. >> this is quite wonderful. >> why not? these guidos making minimum wage need something to do. >> not the guido part, but this part, andy, as the rich get richer and the hot poor stay, why not? that's how much people pay for a massage. a a massage is not about their tee, but somebody touching you because you are alone. i disagree, but i don't like this company and here is why. the co-founder said, quote, it is our dream to annihilate the male stripper industry. i think i speak for all "magic
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mike" fans when i say shame on you. that's not what we need. shame on you, america. >> shame on andy. shame on andy. shame on andy. >> shame
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did you know a ten-second test shame on andy. >> shame could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. independence friday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox
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business network. coming up tomorrow we have lou daabs and liz mcdonald. adults. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> is your father a bother or someone at work a jerk? now you can tell them without the annoyance of having them know it is coming from you. a new website called leak lets you send anonymous e-mails to who ever you wouldn't -- you want as a family, co-worker, friend of a friend or plain old someone. why? be kind and respectful which is pointless and everyone will follow. bad idea or horrible idea? >> i think 99% of anything anonymous is coward's work. >> that is true. >> haters will be on here and say co-worker, go to hell, i hate you. xerox machine, hate you. >> there is enough hate in
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this world. >> anonymous? top -- stop it. own it. >> i will look you dead in the eye and say you need to cut that hair around your nose. every time i see you you have stuff in your eye. i will tell you straight to your face. >> that's my coke brush. >> i don't know what that means. you used it. >> no, i was the victim of an e-mail today. >> oh you got one? >> by someone in the office. there aren't many people who were doing this story tonight. and when andy asked did you get my e-mail? >> i ruined it. >> i knew who it was. it just said i hate you. >> i had to test out the service. i was writing the story and had to make sure it worked. and it works, she got it 30 seconds later. >> what is the address on the e-mail?
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did said it came from levy. >> and why all caps? >> it would have been great if you said something really mean. >> i was going with you're smelly. >> women don't like that. well that was cute. andy, do you have any feelings? we have under a minute. >> i thought leak was a completely different website. i was disappointed when i went there. >> i have 30 seconds. >> i performed and it was an hour or so and 600 people in the tent. it was great. >> did you feel danger at all? >> listen, at the end of the day i am the black guy. fade it out. fade the cameras out. we we done. >> i don't know what that
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means. >> go giants. >> go san francisco giants. it is a baseball team. andy levy, joanne what's her face, sherrod small and greg gutfeld. see you tom
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saturday august 2nd. i can't believe we are in august. i will see you tomorrow night. >> tonight on "huckabee", the crisis on the border and the president taking executive action. >> i will have to make tough choices to meet the challenge. >> she wants to stop the president from doing so. marshala blackburn in a "huckabee" exclusive tonight. and hamas breaks another ceasefire and an american in israel shares his story from inside of the family bomb shelter. epa rules putting the squeeze on coal. the president acts like superman and ceos coal he thinks


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