tv Media Buzz FOX News August 3, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> doctors, thank you. >> thanks now watching. see you the fox report at 7:00. >> on the buzz beater the capitol is consumed by talk of impeachment. this is truly bizarre because no one, no one, believes that president obama is going to be impeached but each side accusing the other of fanning the maims for partisan gain. >> they want to impeach president obama. calls for the impeachment the president of the united states are nothing new. republicans have had impeachment on their mind since day one. >> recently, the left has become obsessed with impeachment. maybe it is because they are using it as a campaign tactic. >> are the media enabling this bogus drama? the rising debt toll in gaza, images of dead palestinian
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children changing the tone of the war coverage. >> i am sorry, this is crazy, continued killing of woke and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is assinine. >> is israel losing support? >> "new york times" launch as crusade to legalize marijuana? >> what about the warning sides in colorado. >> espn suspended smith for saying women abused by men have to be careful about provoking them and said he was annoyed at the criticism before saying this. aunfortunately, i did an incredibly poor job of asserting my point of view. i am truly, truly sorry. >> is that apology enough? was espn's punishment way too
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light? this is "media buzz." >> republican house voted to sue president obama this week for exceeding legal authority, the latest round of political shadow boxing between the two sides. and there was a surreal debate renewed when sarah palin called for his impeachment and the president joked about it. >> did you hear them? sue them? impeach him in really? really? you are going to sue me for doing my job? >> speaker boehner's reaction was "no way," but the whip didn't run away from the impeachment idea in an interview. >> will you consider impeaching
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the president? thank you is the first white house in history that is trying to start the narrative of impeaching their own president. >> it is off the table? >> if the white house wants to talk, they are trying to fund raise off of that, too. >> with more democrats warping about impeachment the house leadership is trying to shift the blame and they are finger-pointing. >> we have no plans to impeach the president. it is a scam started by democrats at the white house. >> republicans in the congress and those running for office have hyped impeachment and now the republican party wants president obama impeached. >> democrats want to blow it up because it is working up in their favor. and the democrat raised $2.2 million on a weekend because of this. >> are the media the ringmasters? we have lauren hosting social
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buzz and kelly goss, a special correspondent. >> are the media ratcheting this up? >> absolutely. president obama speculated with will, know, maybe i should be impeached. come on, when is the last time you saw the tea party and the white house agree on anything? these strange bedfellows. the media cannot get enough. >> it is a great story but it is not true. it is flatly not true. the media is falling down. i listened to a piece on npr quoting read read -- quoting harry reid saying all the republicans want to do is talk impeachment that is not true. even president obama allied the word impeachment with being sued
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and the point is to fend off an attempt to impeach the president this is nonsense and misinformation. >> are the media falling to disinformation? the republicans started the talk and the democrats are being loud are about it. disinformation? >> i hope you don't expect me to accuse the media of covering stories that are not important at the expense of those that are because i have never done that. what we discussed regularly here, which is we cover the kardashian stories opposed --. >> are you cause this part of the circus? >> the congress is going on vacation when we have bills. >> the former congressman west in a "washington post" op-ed, this is not about democrats and
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republicans watching to discuss but people like sarah palin who is the biggest winner because she was the person who got the biggest publicity hit from this. >> sarah palin doesn't matter except when she says something you can fund raise off of. the only two polices you mention are not in office, part of tea party fund-raising machine. i respect both of them personally, they do not republic the republican leadership and do not represent anyone moving any legislation or articles of impeachment in the house and the fact that the many stream media and msnbc which does not qualify anymore, they are sort of egging all of this on without any truth squadding is outrageous. >> what about msnbc? >> msnbc is using this as a tool as we have discussed to bash republicans and --. >> the crazy extremist republicans? >> the right wing future jobs.
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if you look at, there is a compiling of the words "impeachment." and msnbc has used the word "impeachment," 900 times. >> so far this year. >> fox? >> a couple hundred. it doesn't make any sense. that argument. >> you are acting as if, when the mainstream media report on this, that no one ever mentions that the democrats are encouraging this because it riles up the base, is that what you are saying? >> no. some people mention it but they are not exactly particularly critical of the effort. this effort is so unbelievably cynical particularly when it is being used to leverage an actual public policy agenda insofar as the president wants to take more draconian unilateral action on a hot of policy areas.
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he is trying to soft were the ground in advance by saying anyone who protests is just like the crazy impeachers. there was a great column of this on "new york times" where he is saying they are trying to lay the predicate down that any criticism of a wantonly lawless unit lateral action on immigration or criticism, will seem like another whack job impeachment call. >> i read the column but here is the problem. he dismissed sarah palin as someone who is creatively crying for attention, surprise, surprise, as though she has no major role but she was on a presidential ticket. >> it is not just figures on the spring. there have been a number of republican congressmen who talked impeachment and i showed theally of the number three republican in the house of representatives could have said to credit wallace, that is
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crazy, but he kept turning the question and pointing out the white house. >> abc got the headline right, that impeachment talks tea party introduced it and democrats co-opposited it. there is blame to go around. both parties are having a field day as the media. >> the house of representatives voted to authorize a lawsuit against president obama for exceeding his authority on on on obamacare. is this taking our focus off of this president and the congress who have done nothing? >> we love to cover a fight like this. it is a snow going back to the circus analogy. there has to an bill before they left. >> glad to see that. >> i thought, finally, they are doing something before summer break. that was covered on the inside of newspapers and barely was covered compared to impeachment
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and impeachment lite. >> when we talk about the focus on the president and you say, what will he do on immigration and whether this is a big distraction, on thursday and friday you had the swiss where speaker boehner couldn't get his own caucus to approve a bill just to deal with the border crisis and the undocumented tens of thousands of kids and they passed a more conservative version which has no chance of becoming law. is it fair for the media to portray the republicans on this issue as being in disarray? >> it is legitimate. say that in absence of pointing out the far county that harry reid's senate has been wantonly partisan and obstructionist and went on home without trying to pass any laws makes it seem as if the problem is only the republican house of representatives which is in disarray but, in fact, harry reid and the democrats have been in lock step for following the orders of the white house to do nothing.
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>> do you think the media give harry reid a pass and focusing --. >> focusing on the republicans without saying anything critical of harry reid. >> here is an example. huffington post "house puts half million at deportation risk," third paragraph "it has no chance of becoming law." back to your point, do we focus teach on the game playing in there are problems here. they are well beyond the border. they need to be addressed. they are not addressed because of dysfunction in problem. >> one word answer "yes." i read a column about tracking the numbers the last decade on how americans, not congress, americans view this, and you saw how it has shifted and people like my family members in texas
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who had strong feelings in the open direction about reform and are evolving on the issue as people like my friend who have been great contributors and they say, well, that is someone who is a dream are. you have the children and you have the political games played an the kids and people are saying we have problems in urban chicago, for instance. where is that help? >> so men issues we can work on but this is why people hate washington. this is increasingly why people don't trust the news, they science we are spending all the energy in having a fine time and nothing is beginning to happen. send me a tweet during this hour and well read some of the messages at the end of the practice. "new york times" is pushing to legalize potten we come back s that liberal fantasy? the espn commentator who said
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♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! the "new york times" editorial page mounted an unusual crusade this week. day after day, the paper argued, it was time to legalize marijuana. >> i guess the point is i'm not urging people to smoke pot any more than we are for them to drink alcohol or to smoke cigarettes. it's just that making it illegal is creating a social cost for the country that is absolutely unacceptable. >> but the media didn't just fall to light. cbs interviewed a prominent opponent while nbc's "today" show reported on homelessness in the first state to legalize weed, colorado.
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>> this summer in colorado, there's a different type of rocky mountain high, hier number of the homeless. >> i know a couple of people who were like, yeah, i'm from texas. >> here, i was able to smoke pot freely. >> but what the "new york times" is calling for is a radical move that counters all the major medical associations that have looked at this. and it wouldn't be good for america. do we really want to encourage a stoned society? >> jonah goldberg, is the "new york times" out of touch on this crusade? polls do show that 54% of americans in a couple of recent surveys favor legalization. >> yeah. look, i write for a magazine national review that called for ending the drug war 20 years ago. >> including decriminalizing pot? >> including decriminalizing pot. >> so you're saying the "new york times" is late to this? >> i'm saying the "new york times" is pulling a fery buehler where you jump out in front of the parade and act like you're leading it. this has been in elite circles for years now. when colorado, the district of
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columbia, washington state, beat the "new york times" position, you can't say the "new york times" was out in front of anything. more over, the hypocrisy of the "new york times" invoking state rights -- >> saying once we reveal the federal law each state can -- >> i am very much -- i would push almost all of these things down to the lowest level possible. but the "new york times" doesn't have that position on tobacco or anything else except on policies where it thinks it will advance the ball. >> kelly, we saw a little bit in those clips and the rest of the media not falling into those line about glowingly positive reports about let's legalize pot. >> gawker, which can be snarky sometimes, i thought they had an interesting column which was entitled endorsing legalized weed doesn't make you a thought leader. but when you read it, he essentially made the samt argument. when you have the "new york times" doing article after article for years on the article
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in terms of arrestes and who was facing larger penalties for marijuana arrests in new york and to weigh all of this once it becomes palm lar in polls nationally to say here we are being thought leaders on the issue, you can't really claim that mantle. >> this is a serious effort, multiple editorials, tv appearances, a facebook chat. is this issue worth it? >> i think that they could have spent a lot of that ink on something that is more important to the american public. how about the economy and creating jobs? how about the va scandal? where did that go? that's falling off the face of the print media. it just seems to me that this social issue does advance the cause of the upper west side editors who happen to run the paper and not the piece across america. >> i've described it as the revenge of the baby boomers. >> if it fooems feels good, do it, right? >> yeah. but the "new york times" getting
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behind this issue, is that having an impact? >> i think it's stirring the pot. no pun intended. but it is getting people to talk about it. we're talking about it here. you and i talked about it on bill o'reiley's show. people are concerned about it in the sort of media circles. but my point still is -- >> media circles means that it's -- even if it's -- if the paper is late and it's not a thought leader, it is now driving this conversation and that's part of what an editorial page is supposed to do as far as debate. >> i think they're surprised at how little it's driven the conversation. i think ten years ago, this would have been a major news story. we've all discussed it's not. i mean, what happens is i think the "new york times" has been caught off guard by how much social media drives conversations in the way editorial pages no longer do. >> i think that's exactly right. there's another issue. the "new york times" editorial page, not the op-ed page, but
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the editorial page is awful. they write terrible editorials. >> what does that have to do with -- that's my point. they lost their credible. "the washington post" has editorials. the "new york times" is the most boring, uninteresting go with the fad liberal elitist publication. >> let me guess. you don't write for the "new york times," do you? >> nor do i have any -- so i can be honest. >> i thought you were going to say they were drinking too much alcohol. >> no, they're just bad. >> i'll looet leave that to your opinion. but i think the times has influenced the debate here. jonah goldberg, keli goff, thank you for joining us. after the break, up next is the american press start to go blame israel for the rising number of civilian casualties in gaza?
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as the war between israel and hamas continues to rage, as the death toll in gaza continues to climb, the tone of the american media is changing. some journalists are more skeptic kral, more challenging of the magnitude of the israeli assault. >> what do you say to americans and other people around the world who admire and cherish israel as the only democracy in the region, yet see the images uncontested images of palestinian -- and what do you say to them that israel may be losing its -- >> if my calculations are right, israel has in the last three weeks killed more palestinian children, more than 200, than the total number of israeli soldiers killed in military operations since 2006. at what point does the israeli government say, enough, we're
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killing too much innocent children? >> we don't want to see innocent civilians caught up in the crossfire between us and hamas. >> joining me now from pal alto, california, is jenean, former bureau chief for the washington post and now teaches at stanford. is this rising death toll in gaza 1600, 1700, turning some american journalists and xhem ta taters more skeptical? >> andrea mitch sl a smart journalist. there's no way to not at least acknowledge the rising death toll and ask the israeli military what they think about this, why is this necessary. i don't know how many times ron, the israeli ambassador to the u.s. or the prime minister spokesman have been on tv making their case. whether or not the american media is turning quote/unquote against israel, i don't know if that's the way to frame it. when you had a cnn reporter
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tweet israeli scum because she saw them cheers as israeli missiles were landing in gaza, she was immediately removed from israel. when you have -- >> and she said she felt threatened by that particular group of israelis. let me move to my next question which is what reaction do you and other reporters get when you question israel's military strategy or whether the casualties are disproportionate to this goal of closing down those secret hamas tunnels? what's the reaction? >> well, look, there's two narratives on what's happening here. for years of reporting on this conflict, you have the israeli narrative. you have the hamas terrorist organization that is responsible for what's happening here, right? the way they carried out suicide bombings in the 90s and they are the ones who should be blamed. then you have the other narrative which the palestinian res locked in an open air prison in the gaza strip and they're in a way held host aem. they can't move, they can't do anything and how can you blame
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them or their leadership for israeli military strikes that kill people. so you try your best as reporters to capture what's is go on here. with the advent of social media, a lot of people in the field feel licensed to sweet out personal opinions that frankly they should be scaling back and they shouldn't be doing, right sfrp i remember when i was based in jerusalem and when i was in gaza, in 2010 when the israelis seized a turkish aid ship, i got hammered on the phone by a senior israeli official for the way i handled that. i just don't believe that the american media is suddenly anti-israel. >> what about the israeli media? you wrote the following, you said in times of war, many if not most israeli journalists with some admirable exceptions hunker down with the rest of the country and are afraid to ask
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tough questions. have you still got me? okay. sorry to have to cut short our interview with gentleman neep. i guess our satellite went down. i think that she was making the point that when journalists try to steer a middle ground, to ask tough but skeptical questions, they get hammered by both sides. my apologies for losing our contact. thank you, jenean. in our press picks, david used twitter to accuse the "new york times" of publishing bogus stage photos of two blood-soaked men at a gaza hospital whose father had been killed in an israeli air strike. that's a very serious charges. and similar photos from ap and reuters show the times pictures are, in fact, authentic. now it says i was wrong. i retract and i apologize. coming up, espn's stephen a.
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>> hello, everyone, we are hearing tonight that israel is redeploying most of the military forces now moving thousands of troops outside of gaza. israel officials saying that most of the tunnels have been found and destroyed. israel says they will continue to target hamas rocket sites. the u.n. and the united states condemning a reported israeli strike that left tended at a shelter. a second american sick with ebola brought to the united states after contacting the deadly virus in west africa.
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the missionary nurse who was treating ebola patients in a liberian hospital will leave not united states on tuesday. american dr. brantly is undergoing treatment at an atlanta medical center. >> i made the biggest mistake of my life and i want to own it. >> ravens star apologizing after the nfl suspended him for two games following allegations that he knocked out his fiance and captured dragging her unconscious body as we can see out of an elevator. >> this prompted this rant by espn commentator. >> what i have tried to employ the female members of my family, some of whom you met and talked to, is that, again, and this is what i have done all my life, make sure we don't do anything
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to provoke wrong actions. try to make sure we can do our part in making sure that doesn't happen. >> ray race said he was annoyed by the criticism and "enough is enough," before saying this is "the most egg growingous error of my career." >> i alluded to a woman's role in such heinous matters going so for as to use the word "provoke ," in my speech and this came across that it is a woman's fault. this was not my intent. i say i am sorry, that doesn't do the matter the proper justice but i do sincerely apologize. >> >> espn has suspended smith for a week. does that punishment fit the crime? i sat down with a sports columnist for "usa today". >> were you offended by what he
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said about women provoking violence? >> i was. i did not see it live but saw the firestorm on twitter which is how we see everything. i tarted to read up on it, and i thought it was just a terrible thing to say, it was clearly ill adviseed and smith is a veteran reporter but this was absolutely inappropriate and wrong. >> was the apology enough? did episcopal do enough by take him off the air? >> i wish they did more. myth is a colleague and a friend. we have worked together on radio shows over the years, probably known him for 20 or 25 years. he is lucky to have his quaterback. he could have been fired anyway for what he said. if he said something about other groups of people, obviously,
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talking about women this way, if you say it racially, he is african-american man so you take that out of the equation but if he said things about other people would he lose the job? >> two years ago when the nfl player was arrested in a domestic incident, smith said this "there are plenty of instances where provocation comes into consideration and instigation comes interest consideration and i am on the record here on national television saying i am sick and tired of men being vilified." is there a pattern? >> yes, and espn should have taken that into account and given a strong you are suspension. it is not my job to say what it should be. however, a week? a week? a dull suspension where we did not know but he is just off the air. he is lucky to be working. i wish he never opened this can of worms to begin with.
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really? a few years ago, that statement, and now, this statement? the suspension of several months...just throwing it out there who seem more appropriate considering the severity of the issue in this country at this time. a week and you are back? that seems wrong. >> slap on the wrist territory. >> some say, look, the sports pundits are hired to be provocative and they get too provokive they are whacked. is this something to that? >> it is making people think. over the years in our business, we have wanted to say, and we believe it, you saw it and you know this will be a reaction but there is right and there is wrong. at the end of the day there are things can you and cannot say. but it took several days to
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recant this statement. >> is sports commentator becoming a game of gotcha? >> when tony it was talking around an through and he said he would not want to deal with "all of that." dungy was criticized but he came back and blamed the reporter for not asking more questions and not leading him to a point where he could have explained himself better. >> interesting defense. >> for a man interviewed thousands of times, dungy is a talking head on television and that he needs to be led to this place by a journalist in that is laughable. dungy is looking for an excuse to explain what i believe were words that did sound inappropriate and anti-gay.
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he is a man who has the history working for anti-gay marriage law in indiana a few years ago. on that side. that is his right, of course. back it up. if you say that and you don't want to have "all that," whatever "all that" means, the reality is not to policemen it on the reporter. stand by your words or say what you mean and make it clear. >> television canerous. standing by your word is important and explaining your wore is important. a tweet on the subject from mike who says smith was hired for his opinion and the espn suspension was gutless. >> a former governor says his marriage was broken and his wife had a crush on a businessman. >> the dating site that deliberately set up lousy matches for its customers.
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the corruption charges against former virginia governor bob mcdonald never caused much of a national sxlash when washington disclosed the relationship between if former governor, his wife and businessman johnny williams who got their help promoting a business supplement and who gave the couple $165,000 in cash,
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loans and lavish gifts like designer dresses and a row lex watch. then came the indictment. >> i have apologized for my poor judgment and i accept full responsibility for accepting these legal gifts and loanes. >> but the mcdonald -- remained largely a local story until this couple's story hit the tabloids. oh, maureen mcdonnell had a crush on johnny williams who was can'tly calling and texting the poor wife. nbc's rachel mad yao has an objection. >> what does not make sense is the media helping them with it. to the extent that this trial is being covered nationally so far, it is being covered purely in a tabloid way, right? purely through the lens of catty frankly sexist gossip about the first lady and how she liked expensive shoes and fancy shopping sprees, while bob
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mcdonnell is clearly -- >> bending over backwards, how is that, rachel? >> that makes sense of the legal strategy. attention, news media. this is an overt strategy and you are helping one side of this legal case by advancing this story line for them because you can't resist a tabloid soap opera tail. you're being played. >> hold on. how did this become our fault when the gormer governor of virginia try toes save his neck with a weird love trial defense? that's the story. it's news we have to report it. and the media should be openly skeptical, of course. but it's not our job to prosecute bob mcdonnell. ahead in our media verdict, did david gregory blunder by an unverified israeli video? and rand paul accuses msnbc of not telling the truth. did the network sandbag the senator? unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second.
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a. time for our video verdict. on last week's "meet the press," david gregory played some video from the war between israel and hamas for u.n. spokesman. >> nbc news has not independently verified. the israelis say, you cannot see this video, that purports to show rockets being fired from a u.n. school. is this accurate?
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>> in defense of me, to bring me on a live -- i think anyone looking at this program would agree that that's really unfair. >> but by the end of the program, gregory came back and offered viewers this postscript about the israeli claim that the video showed hamas opening fire. >> in their view the video does not show rockets being fired from a school in gaza, so this is a back and forth we are not able to settle at this point. >> for david gregory to show an unverified video that has not been released on elive television. >> this is a venerable news program and i happen to think that playing into this are the attacks he had received earlier about losing his job, also it's a news program that's acting
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like cable, something was coming in at the last minute and that is not what this is about. i'm giving this a one. >> i also think this is a producing error on the part of the staff and i'm also giving it a one. >> when the host began asking paul about a fourfour-year-old interview, the senator wasn't exactly pleadsed. >> what you had said at the time was that you were concerned about the rules for private business. why did you evolve on rules for private business? >> what i would say is that, to be fair to myself, because i like to be fair to myself is that i have always been in favor of the civil rights act, so people need to get over themselves, writing all this stuff that i have changed my mind on the civil rights act. >> some said that title 2 and title 7 relate to businesses. >> i never was opposed to the
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civil rights act. and when your network does 24 hours news telling the truth, maybe we can get somewhere with the discussion. >> we talk about rating these video clips on good journalism and good television. this i think was good journalism. he asked respectful questions instead of shouting over him. >> he has the two senators on to talk about something else and then by the way, let's now spend three minutes on something you said four years ago, it looked like msnbc was out to get the senator. >> i can't say that part of that isn't true because in that interview, one of the things they did was they put a full screen of his words from 2010 over what he was saying right there. you couldn't really understand it or pay attention to him. so i'm giving it a six. >> that is generous, i am giving it a three. it a three. still to come, ♪
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here are a few of your top tweets. i asked, should the media take impeachment seriously. robert says only in the context of a self-inflikted head wound. charlie says until not the house of representatives starts discussing the subject. keith says yes, but the focus should be on who's doing the talking. and kurt, only from the angle of inside washington and the destructive politics as usually our elected elite. >> charlie's right. after the election in 2014, then the media can talk about it seriously. in our press picks, this is over the line. cnn anchor bill weir seems like a smart guy but boy did he do something stupid. he didn't like the post about climate change, so he tweeted,
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weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant f. he's calling people deliberately idiotic and cursing. dumb move, my bad. very bad, indeed. first, facebook secretly manipulated the mood of its users by feeding them either positive or negative information. now that dating site okcupid, men and women who were deemed bad matches were told that they would be good matches. and okcupid ran some profiles with and no text and found shockingly that people looking for mates care more about pictures. did the website apologize for lying to -- hundreds of experiments at any given time, on any given site, that's how websites work.
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>> facebook messed with feels, they're doing this on okcupid without users knowing it. and this company is treating people like they're customers not clients, and without their information they would not have anything. >> i have a problem with being september on a really bad date with somebody you're told is a 90% match and it's only a 30%. >> we all live on the internet, we all know that things like this are going on, you click that, do you agree with all of the terms from this website and you don't even look at the terms from the website. i'm being a realist, because this does happen, i don't like it, but of course this is going to happen. >> i would vote with my mouse and go to something else. i'm not dating so i don't know what would be. but i would go someplace. >> that's it for this edition of media buzz, i'm howard kurtz. give us a like, go to media
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buzz, and we'll respond to your questions. and you can e-mail us. we're back here next sunday, i'm chris wallace. africa's biggest ebola outbreak ever has health officials scrambling as one american infected with the virus arrives in the u.s. for treatment. >> it will take at least three to six months to get this outbreak under control, even in the best of circumstances. >> with no cure, could the disease spread here? we'll ask dr. tom frieden head for the centers for disease control. then house leaders delay their recess and pass a bill to address the flood of children across our borders. >> doing something is better than doing nothing. >> they are not trying to solve the problem. is that message bill.
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