tv Stossel FOX News August 3, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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this is the human element at work. dow. good night. >> 3, 4, 5. >> what's going on here? he is experimenting on him giving him drugs that are supposed to make me happy. >> you are going to feel more row laxed. >> scientists say you get a similar effect getting a hug. we will try an experiment. corruption sells. this scientist is skeptical. >> people cheat for money. >> he does experiment. he is also my brother. there's an experiment tonight they put my family on the show. here is my son. >> you frighten me because you are living an experiment. >> i am. >> so is my nephew who kept his problem a secret. >> even from his uncle john stossel. now he jokes about his problem with steven colbert.
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>> and nae tea. >> we stossels have problems. stuttering. we get help through experiments. which experiments work? >> we have to try things. >> and now john stossel. >> this tv show is about ideas. i don't want to bother you with my personal problems. but actually, tonight i will. because i realized that my own life has taught me a lesson about the benefits of limited government when it doesn't have so many rules, one that doesn't prevent you from trying experiments. i can stand up right now because i have tried some ex sfperimene. i can speak to you only because i have tried ex per iments.
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i am a stutterer. sometimes when i speak i block on a word. are you a bit busy? busy. when i was a kid they became real stutterers. when i was a kid in school i would stay silent in class by avoiding parties when i was old enough to date sometimes i would call a girl and try to speak but nothing came out. i would just hining hang up. now with caller id stutterers can't do that. when i got a i don't know at a tv station i didn't expect to go on tv. when i did i stuttered so badly i wanted to quit. i tried all kinds of speech therapy. psychotherapy and hypnosis and acupuncture and meditation. all of these experts said they could cure me, but they couldn't until finally i got help from a clinic in roanoke, virginia, an intensive three-week program that reteacher stutterers how to
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speak. i came out of treatment fluent. not entirely fluent. as you just heard i still stutter sometimes. but my speech is much better than it used to be. i would play you my before and after takes from the clinic but they were lost in the row an oak valley blood. there's look at someone else's before tapes. >> one of the potential -- the potential -- one of the potential difficulties -- >> just a few years later she was a regular on a tv game show where they speak flew wently. >> this one guy invites me on this trip. it was supposed to be so romantic. then he brings along his mother. >> she joins us now. congratulations on improving your speech. you are a model and actress. >> i am. able to have speaking parts now. >> yes, i have done a lot of commercials and i shot a film and i do a lot of work which is awesome for hollywood. >> and you also tried a bunch of
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experiments trying to help>> i started speech class at 8 years old. i did all types of techniques. they wanted me to stretch every word together so everything sounded the same. i tried talking, speaking out loud, talking to my dad and finally -- >> speaking of your dad stuttering does tend to run in the family. he stuttered. >> my dad does. my grand sdad did. my cousins do and it's something that has always run in our family. >> about five percent of children go through some period of stuttering. most of them recover on their own by late childhood but about one percent don't grow out of it. four times as many men as women. you are unusual that way. >> i am one of very few.
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>> let's talk about this clinic we went to. it is really boring. they slow us down to two seconds per sillible to reteach us how to speak. this is about half a second per syllable. you can image how boring two seconds per syllable is. >> it takes a long time to have a conversation. they retaught us how to breathe and speak. that was one of the things that takes a while to understand. the normal conversation with another person, he wants to copy that. we are forcing words out rather than thinking of how are we saying the words and how everything works for us. so -- >> they put us in these little rooms with the computer and you have to try to keep the red light on.
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>> now there's an app. i actually before i go into every casting, i will hold my phone up and speak right into the phone to make sure i talk very fluently and clear. >> practice. >> practice before every audition. >> practice to remind us we do know how to speak correctly. it makes me less likely to stutter and you, too. here are some other stutterers who i didn't know are stutterering. tiger woods was afraid to answer questions in school. >> simple question, what's the most frightening thing you could possibly have happen if you can't speak it? >> shaquille o'neal. >> the teacher used to call on students in the class. i would say please don't call me. i am going to stutter and everybody is going to laugh at me. >> you probably know who this guy is. >> it is the most debilitating thing it is hard to ask to go to the prom they look at you and
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they go, this must be -- this guy must be an idiot. >> i have my political opinion about that. he became joe impedomenta. he claims it helped by standing in front of the mirror and quoting yates and emerson. tiger woods got therapy. shaquille o'neal, we don't know if he had therapy, but he says he now controls it. you have a samuel jackson story. >> he always talks about one of the main things he does he will say a swear word with the actual word he wants to say. that helps him speak clearly. but marilyn monroe also did it. so i read into a lot of her work she often would sit in the back of the class. she said everything very slowly with a lot of breathyness. that helped her get through
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hers. >> thank you. we have learned from our experimentation. it's a therapy that helped her help me has no government seal of approval. it was relatively new and relatively untested. if it had to get government approval she and i might never have been helped. it is illegal to offer treatment to people in other states. america has so many rules that limit innovation, licensing rules in that case. remember the movie "the king's speech" it told the story about the king of england got help for his stuttering by going to the unlicensed therapist. the king's licensed therapists said he would speak better if he smoked a cigarette. >> they are idiots. >> make it official agaithen. >> at fist he krit sideses his new speech therapist. >> no training, no diploma, a
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great deal of nerve. >> lock me in the tower. >> he decides to go ahead with the therapy anyway. he's the king. he can stretch the rules. the unlicensed therapist helped him. here's one other unlicensed therapy that is even stranger but as an experiment i tried it and what a difference it made in my life. for years i had crippling back pain. i spent years on my back doing phone interviews talking to barbara walters, whatever, because i thought lying down might be less of a strain on my back. there was a report on my back pain i did years ago. i took my x-rays to this doctor. >> on my x-ray i had real stuff some disc problems, a crack. >> yes, and they are normal. >> normal? that's what that doctor said. he claimed most of what oert peed itss and other experts say about back pain is wrong. i was skeptical.
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he got my attention when he said how come everyone started getting back pain after ulcers got cured. that's a strong muscle. you don't have a physical problem he told me, you have a psychological problem. i resisted that claim, but when i saw that howard stern of all people said my life was filled with excruciating back pain until i applied his principles in a matter of weeks my pain disappeared. i owe him my life. so i went to one of his lectures where he meets a group of people in pain and we all say how can this be true? my other doctor said i have this and that it has to be physical. some other people helped him speak out about how he got rid of their pain by mostly ignoring. attending one lecture and reading his book about this changed my life. i still get back spasms but i ignore them and they gradually go away. people walk up to me on the
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street and said i saw the youtube clip years ago and it changed my life. people used to be in wheelchairs and they ended up walking. i know it's hard to believe a lecture or a book could change so much. it did for me. here is another man once paralyzed back pain. >> july 2011 my back muscles ceased up and through me on the floor. it was tuesday, wednesday, day six, thursday this is day seven. i couldn't move on the floor of my office. i called doctor sarno. that was a filmmaker who made a documentary on his own pain. you were skeptical, too, but desperate. >> i was skeptical but i had a belief because my father read the book in the 880's and had gotten better after suffering from an ulcer.
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i saw my father and brother on the pages and myself. >> he says i do a lot of this. >> if you believe it is a physical problem and structural problem it is a distraction for the repressed emotions that might come up. if you stick on that idea it won't get better. but if you embrace the idea that it is not a structural problem you get rid of the fear. that is a real driving factor. >> the emotion could be anger or anxiety? >> with his patients he typically described someone who was a goodist, someone who is always trying to do for others. >> high achieving people. >> high achieving but also at the expense of their own need. also making sure they get up early to move their mother's car so she doesn't get a ticket. >> my brother is a stanton harvard doctor who i trust. he had similar back pain. he tried the treatments and even
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spent time hanging by his neck in this traction device. i told him, the doctor said he is an angry man his rage went straight back to his back. >> if anything told me this is all in my head my rage would not be repressed. >> what do you have to lose? try it. >> there are a lot of ridiculous things that i do that don't work that i am not doing. >> this works for me, muir brother. >> as a scientist i have to say anything is possible. but i am not convinced. >> it does sound ridiculous. >> it does. it sounds ridiculous. then when you read story after story after story you realize maybe it is not redick louse. >> we both had to experiment. he is now in his 90's no longer practicing. someone has taken over for him. >> there are about 50 people in the country that are treating with this methodology. there is no licensing structure for it. which is a good thing.
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people come and go by themselves. >> thank you, michael. would you try an experimental treatment? give us your opinion on twitter #iks pir imeexperiment. my back pain is mostly cured so is my stuttering mostly. i am still not especially happy. i worry a lot. i wish i were happier. some people say you just need a hug. here's a woman offering hugs in times square. >> you want a hug? i want a hug. >> who would actually want to hug a stranger? is does this create actual happiness. another small experiment when we return. ugh. heartburn.
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did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. that it's given me time toabout reflect on some of life'seen biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh. (vo) there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. ...and there's not-so-good more. you're a big guy... ...oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. get the lg g3 for $199.99.
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on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> who wants a hug? john: what i >> kwho wants a hug? hug therapy. come and get it. any one feeling bad? i have hugs for you. >> she is offering people hug therapy? you want a hug? i want a hug. >> people do take her up on it. >> can i get a hug? >> the woman is one of my producers. i asked her to do this because there's a theory that hugging
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someone may feel and them more trusting. more willing to cooperate with people and happier. you feel better? >> i feel better, too. >> i asked my producer to do that because i didn't want to do it. even though our show title is let us experiment, hugging strangers in times square is not the kind of experiment i want to do. zach is eeing czar to do -- eager to do something like this for the past 14 years. >> we were wondering why prosperity lives in some countries and not others. we began understanding the role of trust. to understand that we wanted a biological basis for why we trust strangers. >> we strus trainitrust strangef a certain hormone in our body. >> you are nice to me i am nice to you. it is the biological basis for the golden rule. >> by hugging people, people release more of this hormone.
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>> oxytocin. >> which also makes people happy. >> happier, healthier reduces stress and promoting cooperation without anybody telling us we have to. >> so you tried your scientific experiments with this in america. america says no. >> we did our first studies in europe and have gotten fda approval through a back door method to do oxytocin infusion studies in the u.s. >> why? what's the point? >> by a given environment why would you ever trust me? >> i wouldn't. you are some weird doe with drugs. >> crazy white coat. we do it all of the time. if we don't do it the economy crashes. unless we have someone telling us what to do we have to create opportunities to create wealth. in countries with high trust we see higher prosperity greater happiness greater healthyness. unless we use a drug in the u.s. we couldn't show the causation.
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>> now we are good on a thousand papers with oxytocin and the nih pub med site growing with your children concern. >> we have been involved in social anxiety disorder let's try to discover something new. >> some people in times square reasonably didn't want a full frontal hug of strangers so the producer tried an experiment of his own. >> here's the appropriate side hug. if you want your oxytocin to increase we have to go full frontal. >> no. >> okay. >> you are a stranger. >> stranger danger, guys. >> all kinds of people are happy to hug you? >> they are. i have refused antics for five-years. got full frontal hugs from dozens of strangers. very few turned her down. some people ran to her. >> she is running, she is running. we are doing this. >> i am in the middle of my hug
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experiment. i am probably about 40 hugs in. i have hugged men, i have hugged women, i have hugged children. the man i hugged they hugged me a little tightly. my dad is watching he's not going to appreciate it. this guy is coming in. he's going in, going in for the kill. >> i feel better. >> maybe doctor love is on to something. >> data shows this makes people happy to hug but to do it scientifically oxytocin how? >> so we infuse it into the nose and it gets into the brain after about an hour. we could so this causal violatisr relationship between behavior such as trust, empathy for others. want to try? >> sure. >> all right. you have a -- this is why you are wearing the white coat. >> osha requires it? >> i am required to wear a white
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coat. take a deep breath. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. big breath. again, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. >> big breath. >> one more round. >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. big breath. >> what's this supposed to do? >> melt the barrier between me and you or between you and anybody you see. >> here is one other experiment you gave people the oxytocin spray and showed them this video you call it the cancer kid video. >> it's a point where all of our known medicines stop working. >> this was a pitch the research center used to raise money. >> ben is dying. there are no words to describe how it feels to know that your time is limited.
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>> people got the spray gave more money? >> in fact the video itself causes about 50 percent increase in oxytocin. if we give you more oxytocin we increase the chances of childhood donations 50 percent. >> thank you, doctor. later at the end of the show we will see, it takes a while to take effect. we will see if i feel all happy and loving. next more experiments with other stossels. from ush flush [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ]
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nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. >> you get anxious often? i worry i will stutter on tv. i get nervous at noisy parties. i worry my tv ratings will go down and fox will fire me. whatever anxiety i have is nothing compared to what my nephew scott experiences and the anxiety i never knew about.
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>> our next guest kept his struggle a secret for years even from his uncle john stossel. >> scott and i appeared on "fox & friends" because he recently wrote this best seller my age of anxiety. scott, sorry you are anxious but congratulations on having a best seller whichic ti i am ticked o about because it behigher than ratings. >> you can write this book about it and most of us didn't know. certainly your parents knew, but i never knew. why not? >> people with panic disorder in particular you have this incredible pefear about having your anxiety exposed so you do everything you can to -- you build this what my dad called impression management and you try to project an outward van near of confidence and calm. it is a symptom but contributes
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to the anxiety because you are spending so much work to try to keep that house of cards in tact. they will see me for the weak, anxious, pathetic person that i am. >> if you look at your wophobia high spaces, germs, cheese, flying, vomiting, speaking in public. yet here you are on this show and not just this show to promote anxiety he did lots of radio and tv shows including big ones charlie roads here he is with steven colbert who makes jokes about his fear of cheese. >> i would rather be buried in sarcophagus full of rats and snakes, which i am not afraid of, than be dipped into gorgonzola. (laughter)
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>> no cheese. >> you are good with velvetta, though. >> you drug yourself up for a tv show. >> i am your uncle you have to take something today? >> less than i would to contend with co bare. >> what will you take? >> generally i will take like xanax or klonopin and if it is a high steaks one i don't recommend this sometimes combine that with small amounts of alcohol. >> you really titrate. not too much or i will be sleepy not enough i will run off the stage as you have done. >> why would you want to do this? you are torturing yourself. >> it has been therapeutic having to do public speaking on a regular basis. >> it is like you are trying different techniques. you have tried a million techniques. drugs prescribed, psychotherapy, more drugs, nothing worked. or some things work a >> some t
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little. nothing has fundamentally cured the underlying disorder or stamped out the anxiety. but for me certain medications can be incredibly effective shths thank god in treating the symptoms of anxiety. at different times different forms of talk therapy has been effective. >> for other people some get help by any of them. >> it is hard to predict. one never knows. in general and this is sort of a gross over statement but for any given treatment one-third of the people will get better some will get better over a period of time relapse and some won't get help at all. you can't tell in advance which one third will be affected by which particular treatment. >> go try stuff. try an experiment see what, would. >> it can feel a little bit like being a guinea pig. >> we have a picture of you that came out with the atlantic article you did and you look miserable. i didn't think you were a happy kid but i wasn't a happy kid
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either. it's a stossel trait. but this was you being anxious. >> yeah. i was on vacation in bermuda. i was grumpy and unhappy we had to go to dinner it was making me nervous. >> my brother made you dress that way in bermuda. >> your memory is faulty. i have this very touching recollection of being incredibly anxious thanksgiving dinner you were over i got nervous about a stomach ache you sat there while i was pacing back and forth you were consoling and kind to me i worried about the stomach ache. you forgot this but i remember it. so thank you. >> here's a picture of me and you at a wedding and your sister could say it runs into the family. >> this ere is a strong compone of anxiety disorders. aflikts me my sister and many of mayan success tors.
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>> thank you scott stossel. coming up, more stossels trying crazy experiments. what's wrong with us? maybe it's not wrong. if you want to make things that move, move better, just talk to one of our scientists. they'll show you a special glue we've developed that bonds metal to plastic. and that makes the things you're trying to move... lighter. it takes energy to move weight. the less weight... the less energy. here, the energy you save is used for speed. here, for efficiency. apply the laws of physics to things that move, and they move better, faster, safer.
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it's kind of like traveling at the speed of light. only a lot more fun. this is the human element at work. dow. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips
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linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. it helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include, gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. cshe is the greatest thing ever. one little smile. one little laugh. honey bunny... (laughter) we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. it was really easy to do. (baby noise...laughter)
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we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. go to today and complete your will in minutes. at we put the law on your side. >> this show is about the beauty of trying experiments in life. let us experiment? my immigrant parents did teach me that. they said these are the rules in america study hard in high school, get into a good college, go to grad school, join a company. that's the root to success. since then i have learned there are many other ways and maybe they are better. this group of young entrepreneurs has concluded that. he runs several businesses including this one that makes money by selling tickets to early morning dance parties.
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♪ >> alex left usc to try to get experiments. one was talking his way on to the price is right tv show where he won big money. since this is the stossel show and i am loading it up with stossels this is my son matt. you fright ten me because you are living an experiment. >> i am. i jumped head first into the start up world which has appealed to me because of what i have learned from my loving father which is that -- >> really? >> i will stand by loving. when people are responsible for their own money what they are building is when you really see good results. it has driven me to these passionate people and into his great ideas. >> you live with some of the people who you are doing start-ups with. you moved out. i paid big bucks to help send you to a fancy college.
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where have you learned more in two years since you graduated or two years since this? >> i think it has been four since graduation. in those without question i learned so much more from the work force than in school. i questioned whether or not i would send my own kids to college when the time comes. >> you quit a job to try these experiments. >> yeah. >> one is a company that will scan your body for moles and send them to a doctor. >> yes called constellation. tracks moles for a change for early detection of skin cancer. 2014 yet determine trmatologist asking you should draw mole maps of your body. if you know any one who does it i will be surprised. >> another turn -- every time a business interacts with a company that data walks out the door. sometimes it awards customers for doing so. >> ocho.
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absolute aan experiment in the way that instagram made everyone is better photographer it makes everyone a better videographer. >> i am skeptical but i certainly wish you luck, of course. you already had a bunch of successes this early morning dance thing. people actually get up at 6 in the morning and go to a 7:00 a.m. dance party. >> it was one of those things we started as an experiment. all of us are looking for exciting ways to continue that sort of night life mentality but do it in a hole some way. we said what if we started this experiment and launch this early morning party called daybreaker where people break the day for 7:00 a.m. dance their faces off before work starts and drink coffee, tea, green juice in lieu of alcohol and mingle with like minders. >> people pay 20 bucks a head. >> it is growing tremendously.
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we are getting calls from new delhi and tel aviv all over the world. >> if you think grata looks familiar her twin sister was once on this show. together they started a business called super sprouts that promote vegetables to kids. they get celebritys to play along. >> here is shaquille o'neal. >> my favorite vegetable is broccoli. it makes me super strong. what's your super power. >> no kids arie going to eat a vegetable because he does that. >> you wouldn't tell me that if you weren't playing with colby carrot over here you wouldn't think about eating a vegetable? kids actually learn the story through super powers why vegetables are good for you. we found that was a resounding success. >> i don't believe you. >> eating improved in cafeteria lunch rooms. we wrapped celery in bread gave the lunch ladies hand puppets to
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remind kids to eat their super powers. put lunch on the salad bar with tv next to it and they measured the before and after effects. it was a 250 percent increase in children eating vegetables because of our experiment. >> alex, he says one of the most experimental people on the plan et. you left college to go to work and you talked your way on to the price is right. >> i have never seen a full episode before i went on. i pulled an all nighter the night before final exams figure out how the show works realize there's a loophole in the statistics focused it on that. won the entire showcase show down won a sailboat sold the boat and that's how i funded my book. >> for your book you are interviewing famous people and you have gotten to lady gaga and bill gates? >> well, it wasn't easy. >> you keep writing e-mails? >> there's some ways you can
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experiment. i have done cold e-mails and it works. done cold and it doesn't work. warm introductions i chased people down on the sidewalks. >> what do you mean? >> for peter guber the former ceo of pictures she pin finished a speaking engagement. >> he is a stalker wasn't he made? >> you know what the difference is between a stalker and me? intention. >> one of the other things you do is burning in the desert. >> you have all of these people coming into this place if they build all of these remarkable art pieces. at the end it comes down it is burned down. it is about the process not the outcome which is different than the world we live in. it creates a very interesting and community friendly driven world. >> thank you. super sprout, go eat your vegetables. next the smartest stossel of the family. no, it's not me.
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in new york state, we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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you've been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters
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cells cross. here is video of white blood cells chasing after germs. the white blood cells crawl and chases until finally it eats the bacteria, grabs it, hooray your blood cell doing this is why you are not dead. the person who discovered how this process worked happens to be my brother, dr. tom stossel. how many lives have you lengthened through this discovery? >> not a single one. >> made no difference. >> so you kept experimenting. >> absolutely. >> doing this you sometimes work with drug p ks, pharmaceutical companies. >> by tick nolg companies that is the only way it can be done. there's owe another way. >> this is a horrible conflict of interest. you are a har varied researcher but you want to get the
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information but the drug company wants to make money. >> both are true. i want to get the information, drug company wants to make money? guess what? everybody benefits. >> you say there's a war against this now. >> i c conflict of interest mania. >> main you meaning what? >> it has no substance. it is just made up. it is taking what is normal competition, normal controversy and turning it into a witch hunt. >> aren't there all of these cases where researchers doctor their work in order to sell some drug, drug companies push drugs that aren't good for us? >> actually, there aren't. all of the cases of scientific fraud where researchers made things up they had nothing to do with the industry. >> this is people liking to advance their own careers. >> yeah, or for reasons you can't even fathom. success in science is when other people can reproduce your work.
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stuff you makeup people can't reproduce. >> but i am seeing all of these conflict of interest stories, you have a graph that shows how they have increased. the titles of the stories are hilarious, bad farm up, money driven medicine, the big fix, sex lies and pharmaceuticals. convincing. i want to make sure that you and your partnership with say viogen isn't going to tesell me a drug that's bad. it is biased, it is believable>> superficially plausible. people cheat for money. the fact is, it takes enormous amounts of resources to get those products to people. medicine is incredibly better today than when i started out. it is too bad that the medical products industry, the drug companies, the device companies have let themselves be blamed
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for bad things they didn't do and they have let doctors, hospitals, medical journals, medical schools take credit for the good things they have done. all of those things are important. >> yeah, i thought that's where the innovation came from from medical schools and government funded research. >> i have been panhandling off of your tax money. the vast predominance of what gets products comes from the private sector. they have the resources and skill sets to get the job done. >> the experiment is you ended up working with this company viogen you have a picture of them wearing their bean knee hats. they were nobel prize minutwinn and this turned your head around. >> they were world class scientists, nobel prize winners and one individual in particular who was in that picture just died last year, his name is ken murray.
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his work led to what is now the hepatitis vaccine. this is hugely important. >> the way this man uz was paid is now forbidden he got stock options it is illegal under the conflict of interest rules. >> the research he did to develop the hepatitis vaccine he could not have had the stock. arguably he wouldn't have done it. >> next, just what is this show about? why are there so many stossels here talking about back pain, medical research, fear of cheese. i will try to tie all of this together next.
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and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. peanuts! peanuts! crowd cheers! >> here i am hosting this tv show. i have had a 40 year career in journltism. yet how did i get here? never planned to be a reporter. i wasn't a good public speaker, i am kind of shy and i stutter. again, why am i here? because ch experiments. i plan to become a hospital manager. i was accepted by the graduate school of hospital management at the university of chicago. before i went to grad school because i was sick of school i took a year off. i went to lots of job interviews. seattle magazine offered me a job doing book keeping. i accepted. they went out of business.
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then someone offered me a job working at a tv newsroom. that too was an experiment. i never took a journalism course. tv news was inventing itself then and i was open to new ideas more willing than my professionally trained colleagues for an experiment. tonight i was surprised when my own son said this. >> i questioned whether or not i would send my own kids to college when the time comes. >> the world has changed. i think he's right. by the time in a time comes most four-year colleges will probably be history, there will be cheaper and better alternatives created people who tried experiments. i tried one experiment the happiness researcher injected the hormone oxytocin into a nasal spray and gave me 10 hits
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of the stuff. >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. big breath. extra amounts of the hormone can make people happier. did it work? well, it is 40 minutes later and i feel nothing, really no happier, no different. >> he did say it may take an hour for the oxytocin to take effect. i will wait and report what happens to me later tonight on my web page at john finally, let's remember america is a experiment. explorers heading west. the founders created in philadelphia was an experiment. it brought us the longest functioning democracy in the modern world but the founders didn't expect that. george washington didn't expect the constitution to last 20-years. yet here it is still going
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strong. so are we so far. let's keep experimenting. that's our show, see you next week. saturday august 2nd. i can't believe we are in august. i will see you tomorrow night. >> tonight on "huckabee", the crisis on the border and the president taking executive action. >> i will have to make tough choices to meet the challenge. >> she wants to stop the president from doing so. marshala blackburn in a "huckabee" exclusive tonight. and hamas breaks another ceasefire and an american in israel shares his story from inside of the family bomb shelter. epa rules putting the squeeze on coal. the president acts like superman and ceos coal he thinks
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