tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News August 9, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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>> what a pleasure to have james burton with us. good night, god bless and stay tuned for justice with judge jeanine. >> hello, and welcome to justice. thank you for being with us breaking news tonight, the united states continues to attack isis terrorists in iraq today, conducting four air strikes in a humanitarian effort. multiple armed carriers and trucks destroyed u.s. aircraft the area. first, to my open. so the united states is back in iraq. or at least over it. targeting the terror group isis in support of the delivery of humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of terrified religious refugees. isis now chasing those incents into the mountains where many
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are dieing of of thirst and starvation and worse the group al qaeda considers too extreme. they're coming for us they told us in 2009, the now leader of isis, released by the u.s. offered these famous parting words to his jailer. we'll see you in new york. in the interim, isis, starting as a rag tag team of 800 has grown to more than 10,000 today. it's without doubt the most well-funded extremist organization in the world. so why should you care? recently, baghdady stated his intentions quote, our haft message is to the americans we'll be in direct confrontation and sons of islam prepared for
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such a day. so watch for we are with you. watching. further proof of their hatred for americans. >> now i don't know about you folks when i hear things like that, it scares the hell out of me i'm not going to blame the problems of the world on barack obama. it won't take me much to get on point. but the problem is that president barack obama is too inexperienced, out of touch and too disengaged to protect us.
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earlier today, as he discussed the limited air strikes in iraq, the back drop was his helicopter on which his bags were packed for yet another vacation, this time, in martha's vineyard you shouldn't be concerned because the president has reassuringly told us... >> my team has been vigilant, even before isis went into mosul about foreign fighters and jihadists gathering in syria, now in, iraq. who might potentially launch attacks outside of the region against western targets and u.s. targets. >> against western targets and u.s. targets? so i should feel better? okay. baghdady says he's watching you, you say you're watching him. my take? if he's been watching you, he knows of your foreign policy
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you don't have a clear message and clear strategy. you watch them slaughter in syria and iraq, and now, you're going on vacation. now, i'm trying to not be too hard on you, mr. president. but your track record doesn't exactly put the fear of god in those terrorists. you're wrong when scoffed at the idea of a genocide or ethnic cleansing in iraq if u.s. troops were withdrawn. wrong when you pulled around troops out of iraq saying it was being irresponsible. today, you blame george bush. you were wrong when you said al qaeda was on is its heels. their black flag flying over fluja. with you were wrong when dismissing them as a jv squad. they're a well organized
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military operation. savvy on battlefield, experienced in weaponry and maneuvers and war tactics you were wrong when you dithered on that red line in syria as isis gained strength in that war. you were wrong leaving an inexperienced iraqi military with our weapons they drop at the first sign of isis. the same weapons now being used against their victims. and this week, mr. president, you announced a limited humanitarian engagement with supporting air strikes. effective? >> these are the pin prick strikes this is a 600 mile front. isis is an army on the move. very strong, armed now with our weapons, and bags of american weapons captured in mosul. this cannot be done if you're going to have an air campaign. you're not going to hit an artillery piece there and truck over there.
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either do it seriously or don't do it at all. >> so no one knows what your mission is. you've done nothing to prevent the rise of the nation destroying genocidal radical islamic armies and you say your team has been watching them? yes. i watch them too. on television you didn't try to help the shiates and christians. now, you send help because, quote, america cannot turn a blind eye? now? i guess you had your blinders on past few months as bombing asks killings and beheadings have taken place with grotesque acts of violence committed against women and children because they believe in jesus. whole towns are now devoid of their christian inhabitants. now, our enemies have become emboldened because of you.
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al qaeda believes they won the war with iraq and we lost it. problem? you make political decisions and mail fail to assess future danger and you're reactive. then, you're not effective. if ever there were a question, the world now sees the consequences of an america with an inexperienced, disengaged president. so what is our foreign policy? because no one knows. i have an idea. your limited air strikes are a joke. they've taken out a handful of weapons and terrorists. what you need to do is ramp it up. you need a strategy and a goal. no matter how long it takes a day, week, year or more you have to have stamina to see it through. i told what you to do two months
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ago. my resolutions? air strikes bomb them. bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again, and again. and i don't care how long it takes. just take out isis. take out their convoys and take out those troops. it is true americans are war weary. too many of us have loved ones killed or maimed in iraq. but we were in iraq then for the wrong reasons. there were no weapons of mass destruction. today, it's different. this is a reverse crusade. muslim extremists looking to kill christians and jews. yes. today is different. they are coming for us. and that is my open. with me now middle east expert
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bridgit gabriel and terrorism expert. bridgit are they coming for us? >> yes. they are, they're working hard to come for us, recruiting on the internet, utilizing google chat, twitter, you tube, everything they can to recruit. they're even using translation apps in order to communicate in different languages with westerners english, german, french. they're recruiting. we know according to u.s. intelligence, there are 12,000 westerners fighting with al qaeda. 3 to 4,000 are european. over 100 are americans with american pass ports. they're coming. >> well, eric why would a westerner want to be recruited into this organization? into this lunacy? >> well, these are very media-savvy this, is the most media-savvy terrorist team we've seen f you're a troubled young individual in the west, someone
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grown up playing violent video games, you're going to be attracted to this if you're a young muslim feels disaffected. what isis is doing, beheading people, putting heads on stakes, judge this is unprecedented. what they're doing is attractive to troubled young, disaffected muslims here in the west. and back in may, a young muslim in florida, a u.s. citizen went to syria, blew himself up. more and more are going to come back. they're going to return. they're not going to go back to college. they're battle hard geehoftists. >> what is your reaction to isis? saying they're going to raise their flag of allah over the white house. >> i say believe those that want to kill you because they usually follow through they have a goal. isis has a goal. they're going after their goal. and first they're going to kill
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jews and christians then come for america. we're the bulls eye. they have huge plans world wide i just saw a video. they're holding signs of isis around the world in different cities to show this movement is spreading world wide. and their goal is america. they said we're come together white house. >> and eric how is this that this organization is well funded so organized? it's just months ago there were 800 of them, now then, it was like a domino. >> yes. >> how is it they're so powerful? >> what they're doing they conquer mosur, look, they're seizing local banks they have got hundreds of millions of dollars, largest bank in mosul. they're worth $2 billion. what they're doing is when they conquer it down, they are taking all of the spoil. they're taking money, and most importantly, they're taking that u.s. military hardware that was
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left behind. judge to my earlier point where westerners are tracted to this group? it's called jihadi cool. these guys are on face book and twitter, it's a joke. they make it seem cool, go overseas become part of it. remember, think of benghazi. think of, it doesn't have to be on u.s. mainland. it could be u.s. embassy. it a u.s. conlit around the world make no mistake, they're coming for us. >> when the president said to past january, isis is like a jv team, you know, you can't put on a lakers uniform and make believe you're a big deal. he didn't understand what is going on. do you think he's in a situation to be able to protect us if he didn't know what the threat is? >> no. he is not. he is clueless about the threat. as you very eloquently stated in your opening statement. he just does not know what is going on. we have a community organizer right now running our
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government. and does not know where to start, and where to end he has underestimated our enemy. isis is nothing more than al qaeda than bokoharem. it's more dangerous. what brings their goal is islam reigning supreme above all religions. that is what they believe. believing islam is supreme and every other religion should submit to islam. that is why they've got their eyes on us. this president underestimated them over and over again. not only them, but al qaeda. all of the other radical groups. >> all right. thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you, nudjudge, >> coming up, more on the christian genocide will isis come to america? facebook or tweet me. ♪
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>> tonight, tens of thousands of minorities in iraq face torture and genocide at the hands of isis. all while isis militants say this is only the beginning. christians spearheading the fight to end genocide in iraq. good evening, mark. is this christian genocide? >> the brutality is unprecedented. this is a full blown christian genocide. men are being massacred. women are being raped. children are being beheaded. they're trying to wipe off christianity from the entire middle east. >> and when you say this, how are you familiar with what is going on there? you're actually speaking to people over there? >> sure, every day we're receiving hundreds of phone calls from americans that have
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family members in iraq. and they've woen up with the red death stamp of isis in their home. >> hold on, mark. let's talk about the red death stamp of isis. christians are given an option, either convert or die. and their homes are marked with this. it almost looks like a smiley face. what is that? >> it's reminiscent of the holocaust. the ultimatum is convert, pay a tax or death by the sword. >> all right, and what do they doo? go back to the home and how do they find out what the decision is? >> well, they fled their homes and their families are wanting just a chance to live and they're up north right now. they left with nothing but clothes on their back. they don't have typers, they don't have food, they don't have water. this is a global humanitarian crisis.
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and 400,000 christians are dying of thirst and hunger. >> are you concerned this will come to the united states? this crazy, insane isis will come to our country.? >> well, i can tell you, the leader of isis, when he was in u.s. custody, he said, like you opened up the show, i will see you in new york. that speaks for itself. >> mark, other than that, do you believe that they are here now? >> well, right now the intelligence that we're receiving in our talks for the white house and state department are basically let's contain them over there. and we want to make sure we do everything we can to make sure they're not here and they don't get here. but we can tell you, isis started as a regional problem. now it's the world's problem. so it is our problem. >> all right. and you say you've been in talks with the white house. my understanding is that you've discussed this as, you know, two
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months ago with people in the white house? >> right. last week i had a meeting at the white house. myself and delegates from michigan for the entire community. >> why hasn't the white house done anything until yesterday? or thursday night? >> well, we've been sounding the alarm two months ago. i'm happy to say they've finally moved but we've lost so many innocent lives. people are being wiped off the face of this earth just because they're christian. >> mark, thanks so much for being with us this evening. >> thank you. >> coming up, the president finally orders air strikes in iraq to fight isis. and actually calls them a success. but is it too little too late? that's. h. h
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more u.s. air strikes in iraq as the president says his operation does not have a timetable. what is his strategy, if you want to call it that? is it too little too late? with me now colonel sheaffer. are these u.s. air strikes enough to stop isis? >> so far, to be honest, it's a joke. look, there's three things you have to do here, judge. first off, you've got to make it clear that we're in this to win it. even without boots on the ground, you've got to be very definitive. there's huge issues at stake here. they took the mosul dam, a huge resource. if they destroy that, they destroy a lot of resources for the people of iraq. secondly, you have to make it very clear you're out to defeat their command and control. this is something that can be done rapidly and frankly may have to go into syria to do it. third, it has to be very, very overwhelming. if it were up to me, i would be
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using b-52s. i was talking to a general on the drive in who said in iran, i felt sorry for the enemy. we're not doing sfishlt work to put the fear of god into isis. >> i'm not sure that's what the president wants to do. i want to go something he said a few seconds ago. you said without boots on the ground. now, a few months ago, the president announced that he had 300 guys there, and i understand the number is now 600. so we do have boots on the ground in iraq, correct? >> we have a clear policy we put out two months ago. the president has to define what our objectives are. objectives should be clearly stated and the military resources should be focused on those. he's not done that yet. more importantly, the pieces of iraq which have been taken, we don't have boots on the ground. our best bet, judge, is the kurds. they're organized, they're christian for the most part,
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they're economically stable and they are our best allies. so we need to basically figure out a way to use boots on the ground, not ours, but theirs. and then combine that with very effective air strikes and a plan. >> but we are not giving them the weaponry that they need, correct? >> no. we're not, no. and that's part of the problem. it goes to your point. >> and the irony is that isis is using our weapons we gave to the iraqis that they dropped. >> we've been trying to convince congress to pass our get our stuff back act of 2014 which allows us to go back and kill any vehicle, tank weapon we isis has with impunity. again, we need to go in and clean this up. we helped create this. a little bit of history. general austin, the current command, central command. president obama overruled him. now general austin should be allowed to do what's militarily necessary to stop isis and begin walking it back. we could do this. we can do this.
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>> does america -- i mean, do americans have the appetite for this now. hey, wait a minute, that's their fight, it's over there. >> the iraqi people no doubt have to sort this for themselves. judge, that's different. we're talking about isis, a terrorist organization. as you point out in your opening it's more effectively trained than any other terrorist organization or planet. we are up against someone who will do what al qaeda tried to do in 2001, but probably do it better and more effective. they're talking about being in your city new york. they're out to do that. i would take them at their word. >> the president interestingly enough said today that his team has known about this. >> let me be very clear, the intelligence on this has been coming in since before january.
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we've seen this over the past year, basically go into the critical mess it is now. judge, as early as january, february, congress was being grieved on this, and yet the administration was friending that everything is just fine. and i do believe it's because there's an interest to not do anything against any muslim group, no matter how extreme they are. which is totally insane based on the intelligence coming in. >> all right, lieutenant colonel tony shafer. >> coming up, chaos around the globe and our commander-in-chief goes on vacation. geico's been helping people save money for over 75 years. they've really stood the test of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains. which must be named after the... that would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. gecko sir. obviously! ahh come on bullwinkle, they're named after... ...first president george rockington! that doesn't even make any
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some areas still getting rain as the next storm, julio continues to veer away from hawaii julio causing rough surf in some areas voters going to the polls on saturday in hawaii. democratic nominee for governor will be decided in hawaii. fire officials in oregon continue to make progress, fighting a wildfire in wind swept columbia river gorge. the fire is now about 55% contained evacuation orders for 740 homes being lifted. the fire burned five square miles. now back to justice with judge janine. >> yesterday we comes iraq. today our command er-in-chief i vacationing in martha's vineyard. is with me now, former u.s. ambassador contribute contributor john bolton, your
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reaction to the president's handling and response to isis up to this point? >> well, i think it's completely inadequa inadequate. and i think it's a further piece of evidence that the president isn't paying attention and hasn't been paying attention. in his remarks announcing u.s. returned to activity in iraq, the president said he had two objectives, one, protect the american personnel in the capital of the kurdish regional authority, and second, to deliver lou man therien assistance. these are very limgted objectives. and they're not being performed adequately, at least as of now. particularly the humanitarian assistance. there's still no evidence that there's people on the ground distributing it once it falls out of the sky. all it guarantees that women, children, elderly, ill people won't get it. but the real point is that it doesn't fit into any kind of
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coherent plan, at least not anything the president has announced to deal with the threat that isis poses, first in syria and iraq, but almost certainly in short order thereafter in western europe or the united states. so the reaction so far is certainly better than nothing, but it's completely inadequate. >> as you say, it's certainly better than nothing, but we've been speaking to sources who tell us they haven't seen anything come to them. it has to be haphazardhaphazard. these people are in the mountains. >> we went through this in 1991 after the first persian gulf war when saddam hussein still in power began to persecute the kurds who fled into the mountains in northern iraq and into turkey. tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, no food, no water, no
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that, as you say goes on vacation and stops paying attention to it. i believe the president doesn't govern anymore. this is all about politics that may be the explanation for why now. >> well, okay. so let's talk about isis coming to the united states. do you believe some are here? i mean we've just, you know talking about how they're recruiting online and saying hey, why not? i'll join them? >> around the world it's going on. we've got news reports elements of the al qaeda franchise, if you will be beginning to disaffiliate from al qaeda and take up with islamic state. this is another piece of evidence that the threat of terrorism continues to grow. just because it doesn't have a co herent organizational chart like the government or general motors doesn't mean it's not growing
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i think that does mean recruitment in the west. and a number observed alumni, veterans of isis can come back to the u.s. or western europe the real danger, i think we should be focusing on is not letting isis control territory for a sustained period of time. where it can set up a state, set up a base of operations and conduct terrorist operations not on a lone wolf basis but more co herrently and well planned. danger now is if they can get control of the a piece of territory, it's only going to get worse. >> ambassador, thanks for joining us this evening. >> thank you. >> and tonight growing outrage over the murder of a 36-year-old off duty border patrol agent, javier vega junior, guned down by two illegal immigrants who
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had come into the country illegally. his father was shot as well. with me now, sheriff, our border is in chaos. an off duty border agent murdered this week. illegals deported 2, 34 times how do you do your job? >> yes. our heart breaks for agent vega and family. it's not just 2, 35 times here in my county, try 12, 15 times. these illegals are readily admitting as our deputies are arresting them for state crimes, nobody should be scratching their head wondering why they're returning a 16th time. it appears that there is no law when it comes to immigration the president undermined the law. >> all right. you and i in law enforcement, all right. is when you identify someone as
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coming in, is there a detainer on that person? does ice come take them? >> there is. yes. >> what do they do? say don't come back? >> exactly. well, we had 123,000 was the last figure by border pat roll. so often times, the drug smugglers and human smugglers, they're connected state crimes we can arrest and have consequences but when there is a detainer and turn them back to border patrol, they're sent back. there are no consequences when it comes to immigration. that is where, it has become a resolving door for them. >> sheriff, you say they're sent back. let's assume they're from mexico. they're sent back to mexico then what? >> then, they're ready to try again the next day. and essentially if the not only 123,000. i'd like to connect it to
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important issue of isis. if 123,000 illegals are apprehended here, does it stand to reason others with military training and millions of dollars in resources, what is the likelihood of them sneaking in right here in the southwest? creating a very dangerous national security threat to our nation? >> well, you know, have you to wonder, as i sit here listening to you, i mean, how do you get through the day? you have to feel that you're almost just on a one of those things, guinea pigs run around on. >> yes. >> it is. this is like a hamster wheel. like it's a nightmare that doesn't end. this is where the states just like government perry did, christine jones wants to do it here. southwest border governors have to assert the 10th amendment the federal government and president has failed in his core responsibility to protect our
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country. forget worrying about everywhere else i get iraq and isis because i served there. but what about putting america in our interests first? protecting our country? securing our border? protecting us from this national security threat? >> well, you know, i am convinced, who knows but when we let in these young men, who are self admitted ms 13 gang members. >> yes. >> they say to us i kill to get into ms 13 i'm proud of my gang afillation, what makes us think we to take them in? they're coming in because they're afraid of gang violence, telling us they're gang members themselves why are we letting them in? >> you're right the 2008 law has to be corrected immediately we should take these juveniles and send them back to their country reunite them with their families
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if we don't do this, there is going to be another 90,000. anyone that thinks these kids goring anywhere, the inenter tent of the president, think again. we've got to act congress, this republican congress, the house has been doing a good job fighting and stopping bad legislation. so i, as one, is cheering them on to stop this president from curcumventing congress. >> sheriff, thanks for joining us this evening. >> thank you, judge. >> more on the brutal murder of an off duty border agent and the message national border patrol council has for the obama administration. stay with us for this one, next. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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>> more reaction tonight of the murder of an off duty border patrol agent by two illegals. take a look at the angry tweet sent out by the national border patrol council this week. quote, border patrol agent murdered by two illegal aliens. victim of lax border enforcement. blood on the hands of congress and the president. with me now, national border patrol council vp shawn moran. good evening, sean. do you agree with that statement? >> yes, ma'am, i do. i wrote it. so it would be kind of disingenuous if i disagreed. >> all right, so why do you
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think blood is on the hands of the president and congress? >> well, it's not just this president. it's not just this congress. we have not had solid border enforce. since president eisenhower. we do not take border enforcement seriously in this country. and until we do, we're going to unfortunately see incidents like this occur. >> but we've never seen it this bad. i mean, i don't remember hearing about, you know, gang bangers coming in and tens of thousands of people. i mean, this is something that we've never seen before. i don't care what president you want to focus on, correct? >> i think that's the problem, judge. i think we don't hear about it and people aren't aware that it's occurring. people know who brian terry is. he was killed because weapons from this country were sent down to mexico. >> fast and furious. >> but people have never heard or very few people have heard of
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agents who have been killed in the line of duty. if this was a border patrol agent killed on the border of israel or iraq, everybody would know about it because it's happening here in america. >> let me ask you this. it's got to be a source of tremendous frustration. i'm reading about this. and i'm a former da. we've got this one guy arrested four times for entering illegally. he gets a fine of $10, a fine of $50, a fine of $100. and then the other guy deported twice. i mean, do you guys feel that what you're doing -- i mean, how -- how do you even get people to be a part of the border patrol if they make arrests and it's just a fleeing door. >> that's a good question, judge. i don't know why anybody would want to be a border patrol agent right now. we're taking a pay cut. we do not have adequate manpower out in the field especially for backup units.
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and we have these handcuffs that have been put onboarder patrol agents in terms of enforcement. we're not allowed to do the job. neither party wants us to be effective. i can't remember the last administration that wanted us to be effective. in my opinion of immigration enforcement that we take has been curtailed by policy and my actions taken by both congress. the border patrol itself, customs border protection and the president. >> but right now, i mean, in terms of what's going on now, i think that would you agree that there is more reluctance to exercise more discretion that isis isn't doing what they were doing 30 years ago? >> judge, the problem is dhs, the border patrol, they have always had a history of backing down in the face of opposition, whether it be from the aclu
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hispanic kriegts groups. we were very effective of making arrests of illegal aliens, using our transportation system. people complained. the government of mexico complained. and what do you and what do you know? the next thing is we cannot go out and go after illegals using the transportation system unless we have actionable intelligence. >> you know that is frustrating, i'm sure. thank you for being with us, this evening. >> thank you, your honor. coming up, the pope finally decides to help the christians in iraq. your responses to last week's show coming up. and it's your last chance to vote. what do you think? will isis come to america? ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time
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two weeks ago i said pope francis needed to protect christians in the middle east. it is time for the papacy to get out in front of this christian massacre. you can put political pressure on nations. you can provide sanctuary. you have resources for humanitarian aid but it's most of all, you have the power of the pulpit. you have the power to change the world. yesterday, the pope appointed a cardinal as his personal envoy to iraq and called on world leaders to help end the crisis. a lot of you responded to my open on sunday night on israel. robin says the president can be worried about matters on the world stage there are too many golf games to be played so lighten up, judge. and rocco says, give him a
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break. he has to play gulf, fund raise and party with hollywood millionaires. and peggy says he gives more thought to which club to use on a golf shot. but marie says how about walking in his shoes before accusing constantly. we have a hard time governing our own lives. my response? someone with a strong moral core can generally make decisions without a great amount of difficulty. think washington, lincoln, reagan. i got to tell you, judge, i can't watch you any more. all this does is raise my blood pressure. you offer no solutions. my response? you don't listen with both ears. i always give my two cents. like mr. president, stop lying to us, stop legislating, stop
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welcoming gang members through the border. close the border and when you do those things, put on your big boy pants so everyone knows you're serious. and now for the results of tonight's poll, we ask will isis come to america? beth says everyone is coming to america, why not them to. holly says, isis is probably walzing over the they may not do as much damage y as in iraq but they'll certainlt try. and ed says, hopefully they wouldn't be allowed to and some people won't still be on vacation if they try to. sa barbara says, some are already here and more will come. denying this will not make it untrue but will certainly make us more vulnerable. and chosita says, what's to stop them? our borders are wide open and the world knows it. dawn says "i strongly suspect they are already here. sure is easy to slip in,
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apparently, just ask anyone in texas, arizona, or anywhere.yw all right, everyone. that's it forne us tonight. we are on tomorrow night, sunday night at 9:00. thanks for joining us. remember to friend me on sav facebook and follow me on twitter. a really? because esurance saved me money in half that time. can i...? oh you can be in it! no need to photo-bomb me. hashbrown. selfie. yeah... that's not how it works. 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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we are controversial from the start. >> if you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor. >> you can keep your insurance if you like it. >> obama care has fundamentally transformed our medical system. >> i really want to stay with the the doctors i have. >> tonight we go to new hampshire, one state that's a microcosm for the nation. >> one of us is going down and it ain't me. >> to find out what effect it's having on patients. >> i'm married to someone of the same sex. but yet i'm being made to purchase birth control coverage. >> on doctors. >> the health care act was the final nail in the coffin. >> on politics. >> we've actually had it confirmed, it's a disaster. >> your life may depend on it. >> if obama
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