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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 9, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." what was alec baldwin doing sneaking around a new jersey neighborhood? was it a leisurely stroll or did he have a more sinister purpose. what are the vice president's thoughts on clouds? >> they are half of the sky. it took me awhile to figure that out. that's a big deal. >> and is inviting your extreme grandpa to join your beer pong game a good idea? it depends on if you like dudes who get radical. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> and now let's welcome our guest. she just got back from visiting relatives in whoville and sporting the latest in
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fall fashion i am here with dana perino and one of my co-hosts on something we like to call "the five." she is so drunk she walks straight during an earthquake. it is joanne nosuchunsky. that's a terrible waive. and he is a wooden boy hoping to be brought to life so he can finally have emotions. it is tv's andy levy. and he was not born. he was chiseled out of italian marble. actor dean cain, a man more striking than earl an thony into. he hosts "masters of illusions" in the vh1 series. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> for their latex we must pay text. the group that hosts the rubber fetish contest gets millions in taxpayer money.
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that's the subject of tonight's -- >> every year center on halsted hosts the mr. international rubber competition. it is the men's rubber fetish event. past winners is fox's own l ow ow -- lou daabs. here is tape of lou. >> you can't get them to bed after that. other events include an interactive pleasure workshop. should we finance their fetish? the illinois state minority named tim bivens told "the blaze" that lawmakers are aware of the funding because they are afraid of being
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labeled. to discuss this once again we brought in a studio audience. thank you for joining us. how many of you think i am made of cheese? oh wow. okay. slept. excellent. i just want to make it clear that i am not made of cheese. >> it is your favorite food. >> it is my favorite food. when rob emmanuel was mayor they got more than $2 million in taxpayer money. is it too much or not enough? >> there is no funding of any fetish ever. >> anti-at the time -- anti--fetishist. >> i had a joke about the rubber fetish and i said they were bouncing off the walls over there. i had a good joke, but it wasn't going to work.
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>> tell me the good joke. >> the lgbtq, have you ever had to put in your resvation code on a flight? that's the code now. that's the best way to remember the code. >> i was getting confused with gbtv. when you make those confusions it can be embarrassing. it will be lgbtq-tv. >> that would have been funnier. dean, welcome to the show. it is a pleasure to see my personal superman. >> thank you. >> is this really -- is this really because people are afraid to speak out about this? they don't want to be seen as homophobic or do they just not care because there is a couple million bucks? >> there may be a little of both. but when lou daabs and i go to this event i didn't realize he was getting funding from anybody else. lou and i will be boycotting. >> emphasis on boy. >> and coting.
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>> boycotting is one of the events. >> and i usually win. >> if it has that kind of funding i have no problem with people dhoog on their own time, but i don't want to pay for it. >> you don't have to pay for it unless you are actually paying for it, if you know what i mean. >> then it is okay. >> could there be any real reason why taxpayers can fund this? maybe for diversity and education and learning? >> the organization does do a lot of great stuff. i looked at the website and they have workshops that seem a little less fetishist. that said that is like a pageant. they are looking for mr. rubber. i love pageants so i say give them a few more million and let's see how far we can take
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this. >> televise it for sure. >> are you too old to be ms. new york. >> i am. i have aged out. >> why don't you get into this? this could be -- there is no age requirement. >> there isn't? >> no, there isn't. >> yeah, i guess there is no expiration date on rubber. >> actually there is. >> yeah it starts leaking. >> andy, only in obama's america, right? >> i am outraged. i have half a mind to put on a latex suit and go to the conference on october 31st to show how outraged. >> this will be the 18th glorious year. they are self-funded. they donate money to the center. the money is not funding the event. they are funding the place that is renting out the building.
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>> why are you telling us this mow? >> why are we dhog story? >> i don't know. i didn't pick it. >> i want to say they have free wi-fi. and by the way, if your title is whip, don't be making fun of fetish conventions. >> and don't make a joke about it. >> that's a joke about another issue we will talk about tomorrow. >> he is saying chow to moscow. edward snowden will not be coming back to face-to-face the trial he deserves. russia granted him a three-year resident permit meaning not only can he move freely, but he can also travel abroad. wouldn't he like to do that? >> in the future edward will have to decide whether to live in russia and become a citizen or to return to the united states gee i wonder which one
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he will pick. "red eye" has recent tape of snowden cooling down. >> i have a collection of movies just like that. all right, dean, now that he will be there for three years do you think snowden will start criticizing putin the way you criticized america? >> i would pay good money to see that. it would be a very short three years that he ended up. it is poetic justice. there is a guy screaming for transparency and he is in a nontransparent place. putin is transparent in what he is doing, if he would just
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say it. i think mr. snowden is getting some of his just reward, if you will. >> i think mr. snowden is snowed in. we will be right back. dana, he is never coming back to face trial. why doesn't he? >> i can't stand him. it is the only person that makes me say the f-word. i hate him. >> you are furious. >> the f-word is -- i will tell you after the show. >> funyuns? >> president obama's thing is putin is so weak right now. he is so weak that he flipped the president the bird one more time and says i'm keeping him. in fact, i am not only going to keep him, but he will walk out if he wants to, mr. president, but he doesn't love you anymore. he loves me and he will stay there. the only place snowden might go is to his big buddy's
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house. brazil is so mad at the united states over this whole episode that they will not extradite him either. snowden has ruined the world. >> shear a picture of snowden -- here is a picture of snowden taken at the opera. can you picture yourself next to him? >> oh i was. he flew me out and he treated to me to a nice dinner. >> we went and i was in the bathroom. >> i wonder if he is staying will he be looking for love? with all of these movies that will be made about his life, i wouldn't be surprised if directors are reaching out saying, listen, we need a little more. we need some romance. we need something to make this a top seller. let's get on that. >> he needs to hookup with
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anna chapman. i think i may have suggested that early on, but i can't remember. andy, much like you, snowden has no friends and lives in isolation. go ahead and defend him you snifflinged to faced troll. >> i can't believe he invited you and not me. >> he kept talking about you all nightlong. i was like, really? >> i guess that's okay then. this is good news. i don't have to update the house and wardrobe from my snowden action figure. if he goes to brazil i have to get summer clothing. >> a pina colada. >> i have the olive trench coat for him now, the russian thing. >> is he a spy? >> was he a spy? why would you need a trench coat? >> he is a streaker. >> i hope he goes to brazil and i want there to be a "big brother" and everything they could do would be transparent and shown on tv. that would be great.
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>> how do you feel the new evidence shows the terrorists have altered their actions based on the communications that were leaked? your hero did that. >> it is the one article that was written. >> yes, the one article that was heavily sourced. it was on infowars. it was outrageous. you know what i'm talking about. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> there is an article. >> this is what happens. if you were a supporter of snowden then you have to pretend that there are no consequence as far as actions. you are like, there is no problem. he just wanted to protect the constitution. >> you have to pretend the fourth amendment doesn't count. >> he didn't violate the fourth amendment, did he? >> you violate my fourth amendment every day.
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>> i don't even know if i want to keep talking. i am disgusted by you. superman hates you. he is worse than lex luther. >> yes, he is. >> lex luther is very misunderstood. >> there it is. >> and he invented a lot of good things for society. >> all right. they want you dead and women toed with. isis, the terror group and not one of the saturday morning shows, is attempting to woo western women to becoming their whiffs -- wives via the internet. by creating content targeting female jihady supporters they are able to assist western women in traveling to syria to marry the jihady fighters. blog posts urge others to join them. they gloss over the parts of
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radical islam saying things like women give birth to the mu huh jaw dean. did i say that right? and they are the ones who raise them and teach them. and women are so special that allah has given them entire chapter in the koran. the terror group has started a video dating service. here is one of the men talking about his hobbies. >> he probably has a good heart. it is not all about looks, dana. i will go to you first. you are not an old maid yet. are you branching out your husband prospects to include
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members of isis? >> i am all about being a trophy wife, but that dress code would not fly with me. >> it is easier though. you don't have to theng about what you are going to wear. >> but i can't show anything off. just the fact they are roman tau sizing this is disgusting. i would hope that western women have different goals and wouldn't submit to this. unfortunately there are and they are young girls, 15 and 16 leaving their homes to do this. that's what is so sad. >> way to bring it down to a serious level. >> i can bring it up. bravo, here is your new tv show! >> it is. is it upsetting you that they should be getting women that should be sleeping with you? >> that's part of the deal. you are not going to do it? >> no. >> i was just checking. it is scary they are 15 and
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16. that's an impressionable age. >> i didn't know it was that young. >> i read that part. >> i need to start reading these stories. i was so outraged that i stopped reading it. are they actually leaving the united states though? >> one was the united states. >> so they are impressionable teens. >> and they will run over there and they think it is romanticized and it is exciting and until you get there. then let's see that show. that's not a happy show. >> it is not. it is like -- maybe they are looking at it like they are following a rock band. like it is an adventure because where they are is so boring. this reminds me of cults in the 70s. people leave and they regret it. >> the scary thing, there is estimated to be 20,000 western passport holders fighting and radicalized in syria. they are free to travel in and out of that region.
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it is not just that girls could be lured over there those guys are coming back to the western world. if i were a parent i would be making sure like no -- he is not coming over. you are not going out with that boy. >> that is what will drive them into his arms. haven't you watched mi made for tv movies? >> i do think that is a serious thing. it is not just that they will be lured over. those people are coming our way. >> i guess you must be thrilled that snowden let this happen. >> they say women are not equal to men and they can never be. if they were a republican saying that, i would say obviously it is problematic. it is my understanding that we have to be respectful of other cultures. >> it doesn't work that way. >> we have a culture.
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>> beyond that i would say this is fine except for what dana brought up earlier. in general if women want to mary jihadists, let them marry jihadists. i would rather they breed more there than here in the west. >> can we then tap their phones? >> yes. it doesn't matter what you do in the other country. the 15 and 16-year-olds are too young to be making this decision. >> a lot is happening through twitter and social media. >> how do you stop it? >> take away everyone's phones. >> that is not draw cone yen at all. >> i love how people are calling it worse than al-qaeda. al-qaeda is still really bad. these guys are badder. >> and why is it president obama does not hold any responsibility in their minds for the evolution of al-qaeda which is isis? i don't understand how that
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happened. apparently the only thing he is held accountable for is -- >> nothing? >> nothing. >> coming up, is dana paw -- dana perino made of marzipan? could you get life in prison for selling pot brownies? yes and the weed will make it feel like three lifetimes.
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did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. twitter rage? he writes that social media arguments are no win propositions. he responded to a prole
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on-line and he saw firsthand how quickly things evolved into hate-filled money law logs. as one tech exec puts it, people are not respond together people who posted the message they are playing to the crowd. another pitfall is they can't detect tone and facial expression and most of all sarcasm. a conflict they suggest moving it to e-mail and may allow hotheads to cool down. that is from an expert. you are an idiot, expert. speaking of things you shouldn't get involved in. it never gets old. that's why balloons are
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invented. dean, do you ever engage in stuff like this? why? you are a movie star. are you not supposed to do these things. >> sometimes something comes along and i have to comment on it. and then boom, here they come. if i get name called -- if somebody wants to make an argument and say something i willisen and have a conversation. in 140 characters or less i will tell them how stupid they are. the name calling comes out and i hit the block button and my fingers get sore after half an hour. >> i block anybody who has a plea -- a predictable and boring boring -- like i disagree with you, but have i no facts. when do you block people? >> after "the five" and if they are in lock step. they may have one line and then they all send it to you. it is like, shut up.
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sometimes i ignore it. every once in awhile, every once in awhile especially if it is vial i will respond and say get them and then i have my twitter army get them. >> i apologize for that one. i didn't mean it. >> i did have one experience with a certain group on twitter. they were the meanest people i i had ever known. >> you are so scared you -- scarred you don't want to say anything. >> one came on the show and defended me. pen jaw -- penn gillette. >> i wouldn't put them on the same level as easy law america extremists. >> you cannot defend them. >> joanne, you get a lot of twitter hate and justifiably so. you are a rotten person. dowry spawned? >> i won't block anyone and i won't give anyone the
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satisfaction of that. >> if i think it is legitimately crazy i will block you. >> as soon as you respond it is like putting kerosene on a flame. it is not like they are just talking to you. they love having an audience. that's what twitter is. you don't get stage fright because it is not an actual stage. it is from your phone or computer. you can say whatever and feel like you are performing for people. >> what is your theory on how to deal with people you might term haters? >> the haters. they are opposite of fans. >> there is a woabs called blocked by me which i checked before the show. i blocked 1037 people. >> you go to blocked by me and
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you check to see and you put in your thing? >> i hate it when they change the -- when twitter changed recently how you block people it took the satisfaction out. >> they brought it back. >> a no, you have to hit submit. >> it will ask you are you blocking this person because you are annoying? >> i am blocking them. >> i don't use the twitter website. >> i would rather watch a pre-season soccer match than witness a twitter fight. >> or somebody puts your name in the fight. >> there were two things. one was when two people or three or four people are having a fight and they keep adding you and it goes on forever. if you only follow one of the people in the fight, but they put the dot in front of the name of the person they are responding to. and then you only get one half of the fight which is worse than getting both sides. you have to either unfollow those people or mute them.
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>> i like the muting. >> there are good twitter fights. i call them nerd fights. >> really smart people are having a debate. my friends are on opposite sides of the ch m -- the xm bank controversy. >> do you want to come over on saturday night? >> do you know if you have been blocked? >> yes, you do. it says like you can't see this stuff. >> that's right. i was blocked by alec baldwin. that's the only way i found out. >> a bunch of athletes. >> you are blocked by a bunch of athletes? wow, so sad. their wives made them do it, right? >> do you ever mute your colleagues? >> yes. i have. i actually get involved in twitter fights, but only when i come home and i'm drunk.
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you know a guy sits down on the couch when they are drunk and play a video game? it is a video game. you are gasking. you are jousting and you wake up in the morning and unlike a video game you go -- >> what's my score? you can't erase your score. >> i will swear. >> remember the time you were on a flight for seven hours and you tweeted the whole time? >> that was amazing. >> i had people telling me don't you think you should tell greg to stop? i said he was on a plane. >> that was one of the funner experiences of all time. coming up, gift registries for college students? what is next? gift registries for college students? wait, that's the same thing. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight sponsors are anti-grav food straps. strap in and forget about
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personal responsibility.
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should we frowny on a brownie. it is a teen story which means it is time for -- welcome to
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teen corner with greg, the only segment that tackles the hottest topics on the minds of today's teens. i am your hot host who is in your face. jacob could get five years in prison for selling edible marijuana. cops who busted him weighed the brown -- brownies, but the lab tests proved the weight of the thc and the treat is two and a half grams. the case could go to trial which makes the teen, quote, very scared. especially since he has big dreams. >> i want to live my life and i want to do what a 19-year-old would do. go to college and get my motorcycle mechanics degree. start working on bikes. >> i love that. the kid wants to work on bikes. now we have brought in an audience panel of teens. welcome teens.
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real quick, a show of hands how many can't wait to move out because your parents just don't get it, man? i here you. i'm with you, teens. it is tough being in that age-group. i have been there, and not long ago i might add. i am a youthful guy, dean. this is a ridiculous sentence. not the sentence i just said, but the jail sentence. it is insane. >> it is totally, completely insane. what 19-year-old hasn't -- wait. i shouldn't say that. when it comes to marijuana, i am all about legalizing and regulating and taxing and getting anybody involved in a nonviolent drug arrest out. let's clear the jails out on that. but it is the law of the land so i say you must enforce the laws. unlike some of our current executives who won't enforce laws. >> obama's america. >> oh! my father suffers from
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parkinson's and i will watch his handshake and i will watch him eat a brownie and do what he does and i will watch it stop. >> really? >> clear as day. >> i always thought it was overstated. i always felt the people with the cards are the young people that look like seth rogen. your father, that's a beautiful story. dana, i don't think you have a story as good as that. >> what is your drug story? >> i don't have a drug story. my story is that i don't have a drug story. nancy reagan, just say no campaign, worked for me. i was so scared of drugs and scared to end up in jail and scared i would lose my ambition and motivation. i thought i would just be in jail with like bad people. i don't have personal experience. i would say i think this jail
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sentence would be preposterous. we need a little common sense. can you do a follow-up on this story because i want to know how it turns out? >> i will. >> just check twitter feeds for facts. >> exactly. funny you bring that out. i was born in 64. in 1970, "dragnet", but there was the one episode in" dragnet" because it made me terrified of drugs, but more that you will go to jail because the disproportionat amount of people doing drugs in "dragnet" made you feel like you will go to jail. the stoners that were painting and licking the paint brush? somebody remembers that at home. the episode where the guy is licking the paint brush and i swear i cried and went in my parent's room and said i will never do drugs. >> that's a dream you had. >> no, i was there.
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>> he cradled me. look up the -- whatever, wikipedia, something. who am i talking to? i don't even know where i am. joanne, they offered him a deal. >> the deal could get him up you to 20 years in prison as opposed to life. that's a great deal. >> that would particularly be his life. >> really. it makes no sense that rapists and murderers will be out before then. it is absurd. i think we shouldn't criminalize this sort of use. i have to say i do love a good brownie, but no, no. a fudge brownie sunday. why would you want to mix drugs with a delicious dessert? >> why would it ruin it? >> i don't like chocolate with alcohol in it. oh chocolate with liquor.
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chocolate, booze. >> it is not like chocolate and mint. i wouldn't like chocolate and pot. >> you do drink red wine and chocolate. they do go together. it is like a resuccess peanut but -- resse's peanut butter cup for grown women. >> you don't put it in and mix it. >> you don't eat bon-bon's in your bathrobe? >> bathrobe? >> yen -- i don't know what a bathrobe is either. >> i get it imported. >> andy when you council teens what do you tell them about the affects of marijuana? >> i tell them the best thing to do is that it is different for everyone and they should find out for themselves. this case is obviously insane on many levels and the most obvious is that weighing the brownies is ludicrous.
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he says the police entered uninvited and without a warrant because they smelled pot. police can't do that. the supreme court said the only time they can do that is they smell pot and knock on the door or hear a toilet flushing or hear noises are you getting rid of it, they can come in without a warrant. otherwise they can't. if that's the case, the whole case should be thrown out. >> that's why i never flush the toilet. >> not when there is a knock on the door. >> to be safe i never flush the toilet. it is amazing. >> safety first. >> that's a lot of brownies. >> oh, ladies and gentlemen. i agree with the lady over here, i think her name is joanne. why are you -- the thing that trivial lieses recreational drugs is putting them in different things. the music started and then it went away. i think they are telling me to leave. anyway, you don't need
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brownies or lollipops. >> shut up, old man. >> no, i am for the legalization. people don't know how to measure it. they get so stoned. i was rapping with some teens on the corner because they trusted me and they said this is not dope and i said word. >> i it was dope though. it was dope in the brownies. >> well that's his nickname. >> and there it went. >> there's the music. >> thank god. >> i want to continue talking. the music is still going. coming up, are they driverless cars or cars without drivers? either way i am drunk. "not cool" order it or g
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should your car kill you to save a baby or two? it is the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> got a new sign here. there we go. see, you put it all in one. isn't that great? thank you. welcome to the "red eye" debate, under the bellagio fountain. your ticket stub from tonight's do beat is good for
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a free foot rub. donny had an accident. we are praying for you, donny. driverless cars are expected to hit the streets. should your robot driver kill you to save a driver's life? he imagines the saw scenario. your driverless vehicle approaches a tunnel and your driver goes in a tunnel. the car has to decide to run over the child or run into the side of the tunnel killing you. there is the third option stay home and die alone and let your pets eat you. it is called the andy levy option. who should program how a car would act? >> i am old and fine expru all dyeing in car crashes. >> you know what, we are not dying alone. >> that's enough. >> you said there are three options.
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there is a fourth. >> what? >> superman can save you. that's about as realistic as the rest of the story. >> you don't believe a story that a robot would make -- >> you don't believe superman is real? >> i believe superman is real, but robots would make these choices. it is like the jetson's. i don't know. >> i think the cars will make the choice and i am so happy because it removes all moral guilt from me about which option do i have to take. >> you know what option you would take. >> driverless cars result in fewer accidents. will people willingly let robots decide? >> i think this is actually -- this is like a good thought experiment. i never would have thought of this, but it makes sense. the only way it can make you work -- the car computer that is making the decision has to know what everything about the driver and the kid. so what will happen is when we are born we will have a moral
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chip planted into us. the computer will be able to read that and will be able to tell who is the better person. if the kid has a history of setting fires or torturing animals, you are in good shape unless you are a huge racist. the whole thing will have to come down to the computer determining who is a better person as it should be. >> the robot knows you will die in two weeks so they might as well kill you then. >> there you go. >> and if it can see the future it can tell if the kid is going to be another hitler. >> and then they can force you to run over. >> and they would if they were another hitler. >> should attraction play a roll? the car will go, oh he is hot. >> definitely play a roll. play a role. >> breed more beautiful people. >> whose kid is it? if it is my kid you will have to drive into the tunnel.
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cover the car in soft marshmellows. >> if you get hungry there is a snack. >> why don't they make the kid out of the black box? >> i hate tailgating. >> the coolest cities in the u.s. lou daabs says they all have penthouses.
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did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. story tuesday marked the 100th anniversary of the world's first electric traffic light. according to the history channel's website it was installed august 5th, 1914 in cleveland, ohio.
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let's look back at the history of stoplights over the years. ♪ >> that was beautiful. >> we could go to the next story, or we can talk about stoplights. >> it has bt aged -- it hasn't aged a bit. >> amazing, 100 years, dean. doesn't that blow your meaned? >> i don't remember when they put them in. i can't remember that far back, but i know i was a small shield. it does blow my mind. did they have cameras on them then too? >> no x they didn't. >> i can't remember. >> we were going to do another story, but now we have two minutes left and i don't know
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what to do. >> first, we will get angry letters from john stosell. he doesn't like traffic lights. he did a big thing about how traffic lights are bad. as a pure libertarian he doesn't think the state should tell you when to stop and when to go, greg. >> how do you control traffic? >> you don't control traffic. it controls you. >> there are the people who -- >> crossing guards. >> thank you. why are they needed? if people are following the light it should be fine, no? >> right. but i think those are for children and idiots which are children. >> they are the same thing. >> well they don't know any better. >> i have a teenager and they are not that smart.
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>> i got something about, you know where you hit the walk button? apparently it is all bogus. they never work. it is all psychological. >> it is ridiculous. but every time i press that button and i come home and there is stir fry ready for me. what? that is a bad joke? >> it is pretty funny. >> you didn't get it? >> i didn't get it either. >> how can you not -- >> i thought you had a food delivery. >> because it is made in a wok. >> there it is, there it is. >> they should start -- well never mind. we have to go before i ruin things.
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dana paw reno and andy levy and joanne nosuchunsky and the great dean cain. i'm greg gutfeld and i shall see you next time, i think, i hope.
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