tv Huckabee FOX News August 10, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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keep it right here for "huckabee" next. tonight on "huckabee," crisis in iraq as radicals take more ground, u.s. launches air strikes. while an unthinkable terror threat could cripple major cities. we go inside the war room with top military minds. then from christian persecutions in iraq to the israeli-hamas conflict, we have a huckabee exclusive. plus, a deadly epidemic. fear and panic spreading worldwide. but what's the real truth behind this deadly disease? answers on. and later, the little rockers with special guest james perten.
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ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much. and welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. harry reid has turned the u.s. senate into the roach motel. bills go in, but they never come out. while the president loves to demonize the house republicans, fact is, they've passed 357 bills that went to the senate and disappeared faster than incriminating e-mails from lois lerner, you know, the rogue irs official who abused her power and our civil rights by targeting people for harassment whose views she didn't personally like. americans are smart enough to see that electing republicans is critical to returning america to be a nation of law.
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we reject elected officials who funnel other people's tax money to their cronies, as well as to their donors. in what amounts to nothing less than a reverse robin hood. steal from the poor and give it to the rich and powerful in washington to line their packed pockets. there's only one thing standing in way of moving harry to the back of the room and ending his god father like domination over the nation's business, only one thing from keeping the republicans winning enough seats, and that's the republicans themselves. jesus said it, and lincoln repeated it. a house divided against itself cannot stand. and if the gop is determined to be a house divided, it will be a house destroyed. look, it's fine for those of us
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in the party to disagree, even have spirited debates on the issues and candidates. it's not fine for those of us and those who don't even belong to the party, or who fail to understand it to pretend that they are a purer form of it. i would like to suggest that we cease and desist with the use of the term rhino, which stands for republican in name only. it reveals an arrogance that i doubt the person using the term has ever stopped to realize. if i say someone who has been an active person in the gop is a rino, i place myself in an unelected position of singularly determining what is and what is not a legitimate republican. at that point, i declare that i'm personally more powerful than all the collective republicans in the country and that i have become the standard for party orthodoxy. fact, is we do have a process. the republican national
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committee is made up of the state committee man and woman and a state chair from each of the 50 states. they get elected at the state level from among those duly elected at the county levels. they're truly the grassroots of the party. they show up for the meetings, they work at the local level. and they ultimately give pow tore the party and the rnc through properly elected representatives is the only entity that has the legitimate power to determine when a person is in good standing. for an individual to bypass that entire process and elevate one's self to be lord and mast of the party's purity is the rankest of arrogance and pride. screaming rino doesn't describe the target but the use of it reveals the user to be someone who cheerily doesn't understand that he or she has not been elected to be the pope of the
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party. my advice, don't be a party pooper or a party pope. just be an unselfish servant for a better america. [ applause ] president obama says that u.s. air strikes have destroyed isis arms and equipment. this week the president authorized the strikes and also announced the delivery of humanitarian aid to christians and yazidis who are under thet of death. isis has taken control of several key regions of syria in iraq. presidenobama spoke just this weekend urging the people of iraq to take action. >> we continue to call on iraqis to come together and form the inclusive government that iraq needs right now. all iraqi communities are threatened by these barbaric terrorists and all iraqi
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communities need to unite to defend their country. ultimately, only iraqis can edge sure the security and stability of iraq. the united states can't do it for them. >> here to update us on the growing threat and the current u.s. strategy, major general robert scales and lieutenant colonel damp han hampton. general, you were here with us in june. a lot of people really don't understand, and just briefly what has happened sense you were here a few weeks ago and isis and how they've made changes to what we see in iraq? >> a lot of it has happened, governor, and none of it is bad. we now understand what their strategy is. they have the initiative and the momentum in the region, and their task is to turn a series of army engagements into essentially a terrorist country. and you remember back in early
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august, they made their first attack into lebanon. the lebanese army, thankfully, threw them back. but the isis army is actually still there. in addition, down here they've pushed their capture of iraqi territory up to the jordanian border and are now threatening the king of jordan. they've encircled baghdad. they've moved down through fallujah and the iraqi army in baghdad and slowly working their way around the city to ice hate the garrison there. but the greatest danger and what we've seen most of the last few years has been up here in the northeast up in nineveh province, where they've emptied mosul of all of the christian minorities. they've fled to kurdistan. they captured the mosul dam. think of this as owning the water supply for most of shia iraq.
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and then more recently, they've thrown the peshmerga, the army of the kurds, off of mt. sinjar and left some 40,000 innocents trapped up there with no food or water and moved all the way over to the outskirts of erbil. and they're only 22 miles from the center of erbil with artillery, tanks, mortars, weapons that the peshmerga couldn't dream of having. they're an army with only ak-47s. >> they're moving these people up to mt. sinjar. one of the things the air force has been tasked to do is get some humanitarian supplies, water and food. tell us operationally how dangerous is it to get the humanitarian aid up there to them? >> if you look at what they've really done, what they've done is pretty smart. because they're controlling the rivers. without water, that part of the world is nothing. in addition, because they have
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the dams, they have the hydroelectric. so they can put the squeeze on baghdad, maybe even force a revolt. as far as the humanitarian mission up here, it's being done with c-130s and c-17s. the air force is good at dropping supplies things like that. the problem is that isis has captured who knows what from the iraqi army that they had previously and we gave them. so those aircraft aren't safe. they could be hit with aaa, maybe surface-to-air missiles. >> if that happens, what happens? does that engage us in a way that hasn't been engaged? >> it would engage us in a way that we haven't been engaged with yet. this really isn't an air campaign. he's plinging away with one or
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two planes. if there's somebody that goes down, there's an immediate rescue operation. >> in the meantime, we have 40,000 stranded people up here who are holding on for dear life, waiting on the calvary, and the president made clear that other than dropping food down, nothing else is going to happen. so they'll stay with us. and we'll be talking about what could be the most effective way to deal with what is a true not just humanitarian, but a true global crisis happening right here on this map. we'll be right back. >> if you would like to comment on tonight's show, i welcome your response. go to my website. connect with me on facebook, sign up on twitter on leave
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we're back with general bob scales and colonel dan hampton. i want to set the stage for what we ought to be doing, because there's some real crisis going on. general, you've been to this region many times, as both of you have. if i brought you in to the oval office and said, general, what do we need to do over here? how do we protect these people being slaughtered, what do we do? >> i would say mr. president, in this region, you have two friends. you have israel, which has the best army in the region, and you have kurdistan, which has the second best army. they have never wavered for their support of the united states. they have fought for us since the first gulf war and they haven't gotten a bullet from the iraqis. they have ak-47s standing up to
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weapons we provided to isis. tanks, apcs, missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and mortars. let's send aid to the kurds now. >> we haven't even sent them bb guns and pea shooters. >> nothing. and what the iraqi government says, we'll take care of it for you. have the malaki government transfer the weapons. that would never happen. >> now these people are standing up there with their parents around their ankles and nothing to fire with. >> these guys can't fight. these guys are dying to fight. they want to take the offensive. it's no big deal to load a transport plane up with missiles and fly them into erbil airport around let them fight for us. >> they're not asking to put our troops in, just put some arms in their hands to do their own fighting. in the air, colonel, what do we need to do?
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how do we get the air force engaged in a way that neutralizes isis over here? >> the general's right, you secure erbil first and kurdistan. >> why do you do that? >> because it's safe right now and there's a big airport there and it's a good place to base out of. i think kurdistan should split off and be kurdistan. if that occurs, recapturing the mosul dam is a given. otherwise you don't have water and electricity. that's a ground operation. what the air force can do or the navy is they can mop up these fragments. once these guys are splintered, they can do hard hitting close air support and take them out and hopefully they'll melt back into the desert and the desert will kill them. >> we're not doing an air
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campaign, we're doing air strikes. define the difference. >> an air campaign would imply a plan, which i don't think we've seen out of the white house with much. [ applause ] that said, what they're doing now is i think they're doing what they can. believe me, they've probably got a book that thick of rules of engagement of things they can't do. so they're being very specific. i don't think the president is more interested in helping them than he is not having any americans get killed, because it's bad press at the moment. if that's going to last, i don't know. the air force again and naval air can take care of these things but it implies an escalation. an air campaign would have specific goals tied to a ground campaign for specific goals. that isn't something we're going oh see. the kurds, the peshmerga, very good fighters, i know some of them, but they're not good at
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large unit operations. they're not a big force at the moment. so i don't see any big ground movement, even if we supplied them with all the weapons, because they're mountain fighters. >> at least they could defend their own territory. general, it sounds like there's a clear way forward of what it requires would be someone in the white house, instead of taking a vacation, maybe listening to the military advisers. now, if you guys understand this, people in the pentagon understand it, why aren't they listening? >> my friends in the pentagon understand this, and it's driving them nuts. let's make a campaign out of this. remember, richard nixon saved israel in 1973 with an 18-hour airlift that turned the tide of battle. why don't we put an air bridge from germany into erbil airport and flood the zone with high tech weapons and let the
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peshmerga, the bra peshmerga soldiers kill these tanks and apcs. look, this is a 600 mile border. you can't protect that with rifles. you need first-rate, first-class equipment capable of standing up to these guys if you're going to hold your ground. >> i wish the president would listen to these guys, because i know he won't listen to me. but there is a plan. mr. president, five minutes, authorize your military people. let's do something right in america. [ applause ] christians and yazidis in iraq have been given a choice, leave the region, convert to islam or die. my next guest knows all too well my next guest knows all too well the brutality of female announcer: sunday's your last chance to save big
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hundreds of yazidi women have reportedly been captured by isis in iraq. this as the obama administration says the u.s.' humanitarian mission is to stop the threat of genocide. my next guest was born in somalia. she's now an american where she's free to speck out against the treatment of women in some islamic societies. you'll recall when bran dice university invited her to receive an honorary degree, then rescinded under pressure from critics who called her a islamicphobe. and she joins me now. [ applause ] i want to thank you so much for
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being here. you have been a heroic and clear voice of reality when it comes to the world of islam, and a lot of americans see groups like isis and hamas, the view people have of islam is not very positive because of this. how does that differ from the islam that you grew up with as a girl in somalia? >> the islam i grew up with in somalia i would say is the islam of the masses. if i take one individual to represent the masses of peace-loving muslims, it would be my grandmother. i grew up with her. she prayed, she was pious. but she minded her own business. in my grandmother's islam, there was no jihad. there was no sharia. there was a lot to comment on her beliefs, but what we are seeing now is very different from that. it's women like my grandmother, like my mother, the mothers of all these boys and men who are
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being sacrificed for jihad today who are ringing their hands in despair, saying we reject the islam of hamas and isis and al qaeda and all these other extremists. but unfortunately that islam of my grandmother is not organized. it has not produced a narrative. it is saying at this point, they're just the victims. they have nothing to say in return. >> it would be helpful if more people would speak out like you do. but unfortunately we don't hear a lot of voices from the world of islam that say the radicals are wrong and they're not representing us. why not? >> we hear two types of voices. we hear one group who say this is not me, it's not my islam. and therefore, it's not islam. so we look at the atrocities committed by boko haram, by
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isis, and we say it has nothing to do with us. but denial is not policy. denial is not strategy. it's not even tactics. it's nothing. it's just to say no, it's not us. the other group who have been our friends for a long time, saudi arabia, qatar. groups like hamas, isis, you know, we're diplomats and friends and it's us americans who are not standing up to these groups and saying we'll stop talking about these euphemisms like violent extremism. let's talk about radical islam. >> if you could have given that speech that they asked you not
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to give, and if you could speak to diplomats at the state temperature, what would you say we ought to be doing differently with dealing with the nation of islam and the radicals? >> i would say we are dealing with an idealogical -- we are engaged in an idealogical war that we do not want to fight. so today, please help out the yazidis, the christians. please, let's do what is right to do that is an emergency. on a second level, let's get together and instead of addressing all these various brands of radical islam, today it's boko haram, tomorrow it's isis. you could have a combination of all these brands, but it really boils down to is there is a movement that conflates politics with religion.
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then the players of jihad or holy war on everybody that doesn't believe in the way they do, and their victims are muslims, men and women, then christians and jews. if we don't believe the way they do from their perspective, then we need to die. >> that's what is so frightening. this is not just a threat to christians or jews, it's a threat to every person who doesn't accept their radical version of it. that's what is so frightening. when we come back, you'll hear her perspective on the israeli-hamas conflict and a9mh
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involved in the last several weeks. that seems to be quite unusual. i don't hear many people who are muslim speaking out on behalf of israel. why? >> i support israel primarily because it is not only a democratic and free government in that region where there is a lack of that, but israel's creed is life before death. they're facing enemies that want to annihilate not only israel but eliminate all jews. and the enemies of israel believe in a creed of death. for them, life is transitional. and so the life of their own children, the life of their own mothers, the life of their own wives and civilians, it doesn't matter, because they're looking forward to death because after death something wonderful is going to happen. people don't see this basic difference.
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it's so important to see this. if you don't see that, then you don't understand the conflict. i vote for life, so i vote for israel. >> it's so remarkable to hear you say that. but it also puts you in a dangerous place. do you ever fear for your life there could be some recrimination against you, being a muslim woman speaking out so clearly? >> i am speaking out because they appreciate life. they want to take my life and have wanted that for the past 12 or more years. i think that the answer to that kind of threat is not passivity. because it gives them what they want, they can silence us all by threatening us all. what we need to do is speak up for life and to take all the necessary actions for life before death. not after death. we need to support israel. otherwise, we're all in the position of israel from their
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perspective. >> there's such pressure on israel to negotiate with hamas. even former president carter said we ought to treat them like a state. they're a terrorist organization. is there any point in negotiating with hamas at all? is there any value in that? >> okay, let's do what president carter wants us to do and treat them like a state. states, you know, have conflicts. how do you resolve conflicts with states? you negotiate peace. so you believe there's a common ground. there is no common ground with an enemy that not only believes in death but only believes in your elimination. then you have a second option, which is we could have some kind of co-existence, what israel has been calling quiet for a long time. if the enemy is weak enough, we can keep them contained and lead our own lives. but that's not happening. so the sad option, the least
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attractive of option that israel is faced with is they have to pacify israel and who will ben fight for a full pacification of israel -- or hamas? people who live in gaza. the women and children now being used as human shields. women and men, children are driven into hospitals, into schools, into places and from that rockets are launched. >> you will suggested that there is a person deserving of a nobel peace price, kind of a surprise. who is that person this >> i said prime minister benjamin netanyahu. [ applause ] because he is doing what is right for the citizens of israel and as you all know, in a democracy, when you're running for election, you say you're
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going to do what is the best for those people who elect you. and we are seeing a leader who is under tremendous pressure from inside and from outside. and he is forced in a place where he has to take these options and are attractive. time after time, he does what he promised to do. >> you are a refreshing and wonderfully clear voice of reason and sense. and i thank you so much for being here. i hope that our audience will find out more about the foundation she heads and support that foundation. what a delight to have you here. up next, everything you need to know about ebola but were to know about ebola but were shopping online is as easy as it gets. to knowouldn't it be greatre if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is.
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almost a thousand people in african faces have died from ebola in recent weeks. two americans infected in africa are now being treated in atlanta's emery university hospital. you may have heard a lot of frightening scenarios about an outbreak. but i want you to sleep well tonight, so let's get the facts on ebola and for answers, we turn to the former u.s. surgeon general. doctor, welcome back. good to have you with us today. >> thanks, governor. always a pleasure to be with you. >> tell us about ebola and
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what's the nature of the infection, how do people get it, and should we be scared to death tonight? >> let me start with the last part of that question. we should not be. we should all rest, have a good night's sleep. but it's important that the nation is aware that there is a problem going on in western africa that's reaching epidemic proportions. this is a virus that's transmitted generally by body fluids, saliva, urine, blood. so that's primarily how it goes from person to person. >> when we think about ebola, we see these medical workers coming back into the united states. there's even been some criticism. oh, they shouldn't have been brought back here. but they're americans, and it seems to me that's the right thing to do for them. but is it a good idea, your
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perspective, medically, and from the standpoint of potential epidemic, to bring those medical workers back to the u.s. and in this case emery university? >> well, governor, because of the procedures, policies we have in place, there's virtually no risk to anybody as long as we continue to provide the care as the policies dictate. the centers that they are in, in emery, as well as a few other centers in the united states have specifically been stood up for this type of a contingency when we have these type of problems. as far as the moral, ethical and legal issues, clearly it was the right thing to do. we have two wonderful americans serving in a very remote area of the world, they get sick, and i think it's the best expression of our values, by bringing them home to get the best care in the world. sl >> they were given a drug that's somewhat experimental.
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it's seemed to have some effect, but that's really no cure for ebola. do people transmit it even before they're symptom tic? >> people in the united states should not worry. you could sit on a plane with somebody with ebola. as long as you're not exchanging body fluids, it's unlikely you can get this disease. it has low transmisability. so we're watching emerging infections and migration patterns to make sure the disease is not brought into the country. we've raised that awareness now with a lot of the work that you and the media are doing. bull we're not at any significant risk in the united states. >> that's comforting. i'm on airplanes a lot, and i'm pretty sure i rarely exchange
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call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. if you name a rock or country legend, chances are james burton played a song with them, way more than we can name. it's no wonder he's a member of the rock and roll hall of fame. welcome back, james burden. >> thank you. >> i think about all of the
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great guitar players i don't know of any that topped you. you played with everybody. i told someone you're the only person that i can pick up the phone, you can call paul mccartney, keith richards and merle haggard, i'm almost thinking living or dead and they'd return your call. it's an amazing thing did you ever envision it could take you where it's taken you? >> i had no idea. i just love playing guitar and being on stage. >> some of the most amazing years of his career. everybody talks about what a great person he was. was there something unique about elvis presley? >> he was just a natural born talent. a great entertainer, singer and a very good christian man.
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>> it's what i have heard he was the most generous, kind, gracious to people around him. you started a james burton foundation this year is your 75th birthday. part of the celebration, tell us about the james burton guitar festival happening in shreveport this month. >> well, we've got a great celebration august 23rd in shreveport, louisiana. we have great artists coming in. tracy atkins, we have priscilla presley. paul schaeffer is coming. >> i think what you do to encourage music among kids is fantastic the foundation is not only doing this event but getting ready to build a museum. we have an artist rendering we'll put on the screen to let
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people see. hopefully, in the very near future, people will be able not only to go to the festival but go year round to the music and car museum. >> we're going to have a stage built for young kids to come, to play and perform and practice. and it's going to be great >> well, it's great having you. i want to introduce folks playing with us today, meet the little rockers with us. audio technician bart coccio on guitar, and also, scott dwrieth, he happens to be james grandson. and christian maccio is on keys we've got a song, i love this one, old chuck berry tune "johnny be good".
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>> what a pleasure to have james burton with us. good night, god bless and stay tuned for justice with judge >> breaking news tonight, the united states continues to attack isis in iraq today. conducting humanitarian air strikes. multiple personnel carriers and trucks destroyed. all u.s. aircraft safely exited the area. more on this, but first to my open. >> so the united states is back in iraq, or at least over it, targeting the terror group isis in support of the delivery of humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of terrified religious refugees. isis now
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